The Keith Barnet Story

Part 1

I got up one morning and I ran down the hall to my mom’s room and 
opened the door and scream. “I didn’t wet my bed!” I exclaimed, but she 
wasn’t in there. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could. I tripped 
and fell to the bottom and hit my head. I felt kind of dizzy but I 
wasn’t going to tell my mom about it, so I got up and went to the 
bathroom. As I came back down the stairs with a baseball cap to cover 
the bump she jumped out and said, “Happy Birthday!” to me really loud 
and I jumped.

“Keith, you got a big game today and you’re turning five. How does that 
make you feel?” I thought I was king of the world to myself. Then she 
reached down and felt my Pull-Up, which was now wet because she scared 

“Keith, did you pee your bed?” she asked me.

“No, mom, you scared me, I promise.”

She looked at me kind of like she wasn’t believing it with a sarcastic 
eye. She said, “We’ll get you cleaned up after we eat.” I said, “Okay,” 
and ran to the table.

“Hey, Keith, can you get me the jelly and the eggs?” my Mom asked me. I 
got the eggs for her from the refrigerator, but I couldn’t find the 
jelly. I asked mom where it was.

“It’s in the pantry”, she said. I went to the pantry and opened the 
door. I didn’t know it at this time, but my dad had flown in the night 
before from across seas. I opened the door and he jumped out. “Boo!” I 
fell backwards and ht my head.

“Keith, are you okay? Keith? Get up! Oh my God, baby! Keith, wake up!”

I seemed to not be able to move or open my eyes as I lay there trying 
to show my mom that I was okay. My head hurt even worse now than it did 
before. I couldn’t move yet, so I fell back asleep, which I really 
shouldn’t have done. I woke up about five hours later by the look on my 
clock. My room smelled bad.  It smelled like poop again. I decided I 
would go get my mom and tell her that I was okay, but then I realized I 
was in a playpen. I started to scream because I couldn’t get out, and 
then it fell over. I ran for my life as the playpen got up and chased 
me. I ran over to the door but it was locked! *Click!* *Click!* I 
jerked and pulled, no budge.  I ran to the window but it would not 
open, either. I felt scared as the playpen was about to eat me!

Then I woke up sweating in my bed, realizing what a horrible nightmare 
I just had. I looked around making sure I was not in a crib. I got up 
and felt a massive bunch between my legs and I heard a crinkle. I 
looked down and saw that I was wearing a diaper! I hid my face in the 
pillow and cried so that my mom wouldn’t hear me, but she did and she 
came up. She looked at me feeling all miserable and asked me if I 
needed to be changed.

“No, I’m not a baby! Leave me alone!” I yelled and I put my head back 
down on the pillow. I felt something touch my rear end. Then it was 
slightly pulled up towards my back part of my body and then I felt the 
diaper touch my skin again. My mom left and came back with a diaper and 
baby wipes.

“No!” I screamed. “I don’t need diapers! I’m five!”

She looked at me and said, “Honey, I know you don’t need them, but just 
in case of another accident...”

“I’m not going to!” I pleaded. I put my face back in the pillow and 
rolled over. She told me something but I wasn’t listening.

“Roll over, unless you want to stay in a pooped diaper all day.” It 
didn’t bother me, though. She faintly got up and left me there alone. I 
cried myself to sleep.

I was soon awakened by an uncomfortable feeling of wetness around me. 
My diaper had leaked and I tried to get up. I realized that I couldn’t 
because the leakage would get on everything. I sat there crying some 
more and my mom came back in.

“Oh honey, it’s okay. I know you didn’t mean to, but your diaper is 
leaking and I think we should get it changed.” I sobbed even more 
loudly trying to ignore her, but it did no good. She rolled me over on 
my back and she picked me up and saw me on the floor. I tried to get 
away but she wouldn’t let go of me.

“No kid of mine is going to go running throughout the house leaking 
poop everywhere!” she said in an angry voice. I wanted to get away, but 
I knew I couldn’t, no matter how hard I had tried. She said she 
couldn’t change me moving like that, so she put me down on my old 
diaper bed. I tried to move but she had me strapped down and I felt my 
butt lift up as she took the diaper off and walked downstairs to put it 
in the trashcan. I tried to get loose but she had me tight. I couldn’t 
budge, so I gave up and waited. Then I noticed that I was peeing. I 
freaked out trying to stop it, but I couldn’t. My mom got up there 
looking at me and sighed very loudly and asked me what happened. My mom 
got up there looking at me and sighed very loudly and asked me what 

“I don’t know. I was just laying here and I started to pee. I tried to 
stop it but I couldn’t. I swear, mommy!”

“Never swear, Keith Junior Barnet, or I’ll wash your mouth out with a 
whole bar of soap.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said.

She said, “I’m sorry, honey, but I know you didn’t mean to. I’m just 
asking you to wear this for me, please? If you don’t wet it all day you 
don’t have to wear it tomorrow or to the game tonight.”

She put the diaper on me after cleaning me up and she said, “behave.” I 
ran downstairs where I found my father.

“Look, the baby’s up,” he said.

“I’m not a baby,” I said. He laughed and said, “okay” in a sarcastic 
voice and picked me up. He had me do a helicopter over him. He asked me 
if I wanted to go play football. I said yes and I ran into my room and 
got my pads. He sighed and said “no, just the ball, we’re going to play 

“Oh,” I sighed, because now I had to carry the pads back up the stairs. 
When I finally got back down I was exhausted and we went outside with 
my orange and blue Nerf football. We tossed it back and forth almost 
all day and then I ran in, My mom asked me if I peed myself. I didn’t 
really know. I said no, but she checked and I did more than pee; I also 
pooped. She sighed.

“I thought we potty trained you,” sighed my dad. I was now trying to 
keep from crying and I was very embarrassed. Mom took me upstairs and 
put me on the changing table.

“I don’t have to strap you down this time, do I?” Mom asked me.

I said “no” very weirdly and shyly and she smiled and said, “right when 
you thought you had it all.” I began to cry again. My mom looked at me 
and asked me what was wrong. I said, “this is my worst birthday ever!” 
She tried to comfort me, but she just changed me and said it would be 

“I promise, you still get a sleepover tonight.”

“What if I poop myself when everyone is here? They won’t think I’m cool 

Part 2

“You’re cool to me,” my dad said as he walked in the door. “And I bet 
none of your friends have a 7’2” dad that has really cool clothes and 

“You got guns?” I asked my dad.

“Yes, but they’re not for kids.”

My dad picked me up and looked at me and smiled.

“You’ve gotten lots heavier in the six months I’ve been gone.”

“Mommy told me you got shot and might die.”

“Oh, that,” he said as he picked up his pant leg revealing little red 
scars and this big, round pink spot. I looked at it with amazement and 
asked, “Did it hurt?”

“Yes, a lot, and I lived through it, so if they tease you, even if it 
hurts you’ll live. Plus, you still got the coolest daddy.”

I smiled and he went to his room and came back out with a shell (4 
guns) and showed it to me. He said it was the one that went into his 
leg. I hugged my dad and ran downstairs and back up them because I 
forgot why I went down there, somehow.

I was in a room getting dressed for the game when I noticed my diaper 
was yellow at the front. I didn’t want to show mom, but as soon as I 
got down there in my black baseball pants and my red socks and cleats 
she knew I had used my diaper and pulled my pants back up in front of 
dad. I felt so embarrassed. My dad smiled and said. “You know what, 
Keith? I was once in diapers.”

I said, “Really?”. He said, “Yes, but I was like three. Other than the 
fact I wet my bed until the age of six.”

“So you mean I might grow to be 7’2”?” He said, “Maybe. Let’s hope not 
any time soon.”

My mom said, “you used it again,” and she lay me down on the floor and 
changed me right in front of my dad.

“Keith, what’s wrong? I changed you more than your mom has. She used to 
work while I stayed home on my laptop taking care of you and doing CPU 
work for the military.” I didn’t know what he meant, but it sounded 

My mom said, “Keith, will you at least try to get to the restroom?” I 
looked at the floor and said, “I *do* try! I don’t want to wear 
diapers; they’re for babies.”

“Well, let’s get you to the game. I don’t want you to be late, and 
plus, your team needs you. You’re the only one that can run fast enough 
to beat your own hit to first base.”

I ran up to the team after mom changed me in the car and said, “What 
time is it?”

“Game time!” they chanted. I said, “What time is it?”

“Game time!”



We all started jumping up and down and I put my hands in the middle.

“One! Two! Three! Go Wasps!”

We ran out onto the field and since I have Barnet for a last name I got 
to bat after Abeyta, who is somewhat good. He hit one to the pitcher 
who was playing in the dirt. He picked it up and threw  it. It rolled 
half the way by the time the first baseman got it. Abeyta was on third 
base running home. “Safe!” the umpire cried. It was my turn. I had to 
make this one look good. I pulled the bat back and swung it hard.

“Strike one!”

I pulled the bat back again and eyed the ball and I swung it even 
harder. I hit it up really high. I ran and I thought I was the fastest 
thing in the world. As I ran around the bases the ball vcame down right 
as I hit second base and I was almost caught by Number Three for the 
Mighty Dogs. I stopped because the coach told me to and waited for the 
next batter. Finally the game ended 3-2 and we had 3. I didn’t score 
the first hits because he only got strikes and someone got out at 

Something smelled bad in the dugout. I knew it was me, but noone else 
did. They knew I was too cool for thst stuff, so that just passed on it 
and left the dugout as soon as possible. I said, “See you at seven” as 
I ran to my mom. It was 5:43 and we had to get home and set up the 
party. My mom said I stunk.

“Did you know you had to poop?”

“If I did I don’t think I would have pooped in front of everyone.” My 
mom sighed and went to grab the diapers. Just as Michael walked in I 
tried to hide the lingering smell, but he smelled it. He smiled because 
he knew he was right and I was embarrassed.

“Mom, please don’t change me here.”

“Honey, you’re about to leak and if you get in the car it may get on 
the seats,” so she laid me down on the seat on the towel she had 
brought and changed. After everyone left we got in the car and went 
home. We got there at 6:02 and started to get everything ready. Mom 
gave me a pill for my headache and it made me sleepy. She said, “the 
party doesn’t start until 7:30. We will wake you up if someone comes 
and your dad will change you if you need it while I talk to their 

I said, “okay,” but before I got to my bed I hit the floor. My dad 
found me, I think, and put me in my bed.

Part 3

I woke and I was in nothing but a diaper. I tried to move but I 
couldn’t because I was on the top bunk and the rails were in the way. 
The ladder was on the other side. My dad was under me on a laptop and 
said, “It’s 7:21 and you have two people here.” I jumped up.

“Did they see me?” I asked.

“Not yet, why? Embarrassed or something?”

I said, “Yeah, I don’t wanna be seen.”

“Well, let me shut the door.” He shut it and put me on the tabled and 
pulled my diaper off and did rolled it up. He wiped me off and told me 
to go play. I ran downstairs as fast as I could, forgetting to put 
clothes on to see who was here. But just about the time I noticed I had 
no clothes on Jerry saw me and laughed. I could have died. His mom 
said, “it’s not nice to laugh. It’s not like you don’t wet your bed and 
you got a Pull-Up on, too.” He tried to hide it, but it was obvious. My 
mom told me to get some clothes on and I did. I came back down and 
waited for some people to get here in the next five minutes. Jerry 
Thomas (we called him Tom), Jack, Ray (we called him J.R.) and Michael 
were here.

“Hey Mike,” I said as we walked in. The four of us ran to my room to 
play video games. Jerry said, “Hey Keith, did you pee your pants or 
something or do you just wear diapers for underwear?” O looked at him 
and he knew I could beat him up, though he didn’t show his fear. “Well, 
I wouldn’t be talking unless you want a pounding.” Jerry laughed.

Tom said, “I bet Keith can kick your butt.” Jerry and J.R. nodded.

“Hey Keith, you wearing diapers right now?”

“Yeah,” I said to J.R.

“Why?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I said. “It started this morning. I hit my head a 
couple million times and it’s kind of a blurry memory from this 

Tom said, “You look like you have no clue when you use it.”

“I don’t,” I said. “I may be sitting in poop or pee right now.” Tom, 
Jerry and J.R. scooted away laughing. I sighed.

“It would help if you all were better friends,” I said.

J.R. said, “We were your friend while you were cool.”

I said, “So I’m not cool now?”

“Well,” Jerry said. “It doesn’t mean you’re not cool, but...”

Tom interrupted. “Just forget about the whole thing.” He lifted my 
night shirt up and said, “you peed yourself.” I said, “Oops, be right 

I ran to my mom downstairs and told her, “Mom, can’t I wear Pull-Ups 

She sighed and said, “Sorry, honey. You can’t because they leak faster 
and you wouldn’t ever know you peed if it weren’t for Tom.”

I knew what my mom was saying was just about the truth and dropped my 
night shirt back down and I ran back upstairs. I stopped at the door to 
hear Jerry say, “He’s such a baby! Don’t even know when he’s peed 

J.R. said, “I don’t know about him being a baby. I mean, hitting his 

“J.R., he lied,” said Jerry. Tom was staying out of it. I then busted 
into my room and kicked Jerry across the face and jumped on him and 
started to beat the living hell out of him, punch after punch, nonstop, 
aiming for the gut and not in the face because I didn’t want to leave 
visible marks. I kicked him in his side and he passed out...not dead, 
just not awake.

Tom gasped and said, “Why did you do that?”

“He was talking about me and I got mad and then they smelled pee.”

Tom lifted my night shirt to see no urine marks yet. He said, “It’s not 
you” and lokoed at Jerry. Pee was all over his night shirt. We kind of 
laughed to ourselves about it and he soon awoke to find ice down the 
back of his shirt.

Hi,” I said. “Have a good nap?” He felt his night shirt and then he 
wanted to curl up in a corner and disappear into a black hole. He 
frowned and said, “What was that for?”

“You were talking about me, what did you think I was going to do?”

Finally, we all got back to playing games. After Jerry called his mom 
and said he fell asleep while waiting she brought him a chance of 
clothes. He took them and put them on. We then played Digimon and Pac-
Man for about 30 minutes when Tom lifted my shirt up again and looked 
down it and said I pooped. I was very embarrassed now and said, 
“thanks, Tom. I think it’ll be okay for awhile. I don’t want to bother 
my mom.”

:Maybe you should because we don’t want it smelling like poop all 
night.” I got up and left. As I was done they raided my room for stuff 
that they might want and other personal stuff. When I got back there 
were all sitting, still waiting for me to get back. I sat down and 
started to play.

To be continued...