In the Summertime...

This is my first story.. so please be gentle with me. I 
welcome all correspondence regarding this story, and would 
love to hear any criticism that you may wish to share! I 
think I have some interesting twists ahead for and it may 
not always be all that intense regarding diapers (rest 
assured though this is a diaper story. This just also has a 
really really deep plot too.)

BTW I own this. It's my story. You may not distribute it 
with out my permission. You may do nothing but read it. You 
are also granted license to enjoy it. but that's up to you.

Prolog: Pieces

	I kinda slowly faded into consciousness, as odd 
mechanical sounds grew more distinct and separated 
themselves from the sound *blip* of my own blood rushing 
through my head. My vision blurred into a smeary quasi focus 
that suddenly seemed to snap back in synch with the sounds 
around me. I suppose I tried to stir, but a firm hand pushed 
my back down to the surface I was laying on. *blip* I knew I 
was disoriented, but there was little I could do to sort 
things out amidst the haze that occupied my mind. "Easy 
fella, easy. Lie back and let us help" a voice floated down 
to me. My eyes searched the immediate surroundings looking 
for the owner of the voice. Perhaps it was the owner of the 
hand? *blip* Perhaps not. As my head cleared I noticed in an 
offhand sort of way that I was in no small amount of pain. I 
remembered to moan or groan or make some verbal 
communication that I was hurt as it was suddenly very 
important that I communicate my distress. *blip* "cut his 
trousers" a much different (and most defiantly feminine) 
voice rang out. *blip* and then nothing.
	Light! And voices again. This time the voices were 
gentle, without the tinges of stress I noticed in my 
previous sojourn into consciousness. The woods and the lake! 
The memory flitted by as if to tease me with its vagueness. 
I tried to pull that string that would weave the impression 
into memory, but found myself clutching nothing but empty 
air. And the voices again. Near, distinct, comforting. I 
managed to regain enough motor control to turn my head a bit 
and focused a few feet away at the bed next to mine. Greg! 
The flood gate of memory rocked at the assault, but yielded 
no more than before. I knew than that Greg and I had been in 
the woods near the lake. Happy for this small accomplishment 
of mental calisthenics I called out "you look like shit man" 
it came out dry and throaty and without my normal inflection 
.. Greg half heatedly called back to me that I fared no 
better. Rapidly I was feeling more awake and less hazy. I 
noticed a nurse bent over Greg tending to his legs. "you wa 
hurd, bit by dem bad bug.." The nurse informed me in a light 
island accent. "da doctors localized most of da poisons 
bafore it did ya too much bads."
	The floodgates broke then, and I only wish to 
unremember now. HA! If only that were possible. An odd sound 
got my attention as I ran by a fallen log. Leaves and dirt 
flew around my feet as I hastily scrambled to stop. We were 
on our way fishing, running full out with the unrestrained 
exuberance that is inspired by the combination of youth and 
the great outdoors. What was at the fallen log? My curiosity 
piqued as I bounded for the log. There was a opossum (dead-
like almost any opossums one sees in the daytime.) Dead 
opossums are not at all unusual in the south.but this 
particular dead marsupial had the oddest sound emanating 
from it. I tentatively prodded the corpse with the end of my 
fishing pole. The husk exploded into a black mass of buzzing 
things straight out of a Lovecraftian nightmare. Greg had 
apparently noticed that I had stopped and came to see what 
had caught my eye. The swarming things enveloped us both as 
I felt simultaneous stings all about me at. Even as sudden 
burning pain tried to take my strength and force me to my 
knees, a calculating part of me shuddered at the 
unnaturalness of the insect like beings.
	".know the nature of the toxins. The lab results will 
be back in the morning. We're just so glad your both okay" 
Greg's mom said, drawing my attention back to the present 
and to the end of the room, where the visitor chairs were 
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Gregerson.
	"all done champ" The nurse said as she covered Greg up. 
"And now don't you fret none cause it surely be your turn" 
said our nurse as she turned to face me (Rosala I read on 
her name badge). I tried to scoot up a bit in the bed to a 
more comfortable position. "don you be pullin out dat IV I 
worked so hard to get into ya" (I have always had trouble 
with IV's and most related procedures, I don't make the 
easiest blood donor.) She took my temperature and vitals 
quickly and with well-practiced efficiency. "all dat jus 
fine. Jus fine indeed. Can you do me some exercise? Can you 
make a fis for me?" "good.. good. Can you make dat fis 
tighter like you gonna punch someone's ear?" I squeezed, 
doing my best to make a tight fist with my left hand. "Now 
wiggle you finger about: "good good" " She pulled down the 
sheet and I felt cool air my lower body. "now wiggle you toe 
too" She observed my toes. "all right. That's very good" Her 
hands worked their way to the bottom of the gown I was 
wearing and pushed it up to the middle of my chest. My ears 
were treated to the sound of ripping tapes. That's an odd 
sound I puzzled.. the feeling of cold air brought my 
attention to full bear on my genitals. Rosala's strong hands 
rolled me slightly to on side as she slid the sodden diaper 
out from under me. Diaper?!? Was that what she had been 
doing to Greg too? I started to freak a bit in my own mind. 
But before I could muster any retort Rosalie was wiping me 
down. I found it comforting and was so engrossed in the 
process that I was hardly bothered when she slipped a new 
diaper under me and liberally applied talc to my groin. Her 
hands worked quickly as she pulled the diaper up into my 
crotch. One hand spread the side down flat on my thigh while 
the other hand worked the tapes. Right side then left and 
she was done. "der now yall changed and dry.. now I wan you 
to get some rest sport, Dr. Anaerdas will be down here in da 
mornin to talk with you: so you jus rest and take it slow 
until then. You boys call me if der is anything you need"
	Greg's folks thanked the kindly woman as she left 
pushing a cart with her instruments and diaper changing 
supplies. The last thing I remember that day is the sound of 
the door shutting behind her.

In the Morning:

	My next memories, at least the ones that were more 
coherent than fleeting impressions was of waking up the next 
morning as a duty nurse pulled the IV out of my arm. I felt 
dazed and odd, but almost at full mental capacity. The nurse 
smiled and greeted me with a good morning that I 
reciprocated with as much enthusiasm as I could muster. I've 
never been much of a morning person, and today was no 
exception. "How are you feeling, any numbness or 
tenderness?" She asked as she gently moved my arms, my 
exposed leg, and pressed lightly on my chest.
	"None. I feel a bit trashed, though."
	"You've been pretty sick so I think some `trashiness' 
is to be expected" She said trashy in such a solemn way that 
I couldn't help but smile despite myself. "Well Dr. Anaerdas 
is making rounds now, he should be in to see you very soon."
	I was busy looking around the room catching my bearings 
and I noticed that Greg still seemed to be out like a light. 
Greg's parents didn't appear to be around, perhaps they had 
been shooed away by the nurse, or maybe they were eating 
breakfast? Nurse Frankie pulled the sheet down to below my 
feet. "I need to see what your mobility is like, but I don't 
want you hurting yourself either. Don't over exert.. Can you 
lift your left leg? Good. Now your right. Great. Can you sit 
up for me? That's good, okay lie back down." She pulled the 
tapes at either side of my apparently soggy diaper, the 
cracking sound they made as they came free from the plastic 
front of my diaper being alien and familiar at the same 
time. Frankie rolled up the diaper and tossed it away. She 
used a large wipe to clean me up and the air felt kind of 
nice as I lay naked on the bed. "Okay I want you to try and 
lift up both your legs real high for me." I complied, 
allowing her to slip a fresh diaper underneath me. Four 
tapes later and I felt like a toddler. Perhaps she sensed my 
embarrassment, or maybe she just some how knew. "It's okay, 
it's a hospital, and you're not the first person I've 
	"And hopefully not the last!" Greg who must have woken 
up in the last ten minutes joked at the nurse. Greg had a 
way of making the best of just about any situation no matter 
how bad. "Just hold your horses there. I'll be with you in a 
minute" She retorted with mock sternness. Greg, Frankie, and 
myself all laughed a little at this exchange. Frankie really 
put me at ease; she was professional with out being distant 
or stuffy. She even managed to evade my 15-year-old dislike 
of authority figures. Even considering the fact that I like 
her, I felt reluctant to ask her exactly what it was that 
brought us here, my memories of hideous insects seemed like 
a nightmare. Was I perhaps afraid to know?
	A quick repeat of exercises and a diaper change for 
Greg and Frankie left us to ourselves. "What's goin on man? 
Why are we here?" I asked of my friend.
	"Don't know. Last thing I remember we were headed out 
to do some fishing. And um. then "
	"..And then the bugs came?" I finished up for him.
	"Yeah. Weird bugs, I remember being stung and trying to 
slap them away, but there were too many. Their stings didn't 
hurt. At least I don't think they did at first. But 
something hurt, hurt bad. But I don't remember"
	"Same here. But I do remember pain. Lots and lots of 
pain. Quick and then gone and then nothing more.. I thought 
maybe it was a dream, but I guess not"
	I looked at my arms, where I remember being stung. 
Oddly though I could find no welts or evidence of being bit 
or stung or whatever the insects did. "Greg, how long have 
we been here?"
	"Mom and Dad brought us here last night.. I think."
	"Do you have any marks on you? I don't even see any 
welts on your arms" (not that my eyesight was all that good) 
"now that you mention it. No. That's weird, and I don't itch 
anywhere either."
	The door opened and in walked a short, bald, Indian 
looking man. Either a doctor or a 7-11 employee. I thought 
even as I chided myself for the slight prejudice.
	"I'm Dr. Anaerdas" he said in a flawless if not 
somewhat southerly accentuated English. Obviously American 
by birth or immigrated as a very small child. After shaking 
our hands and asking how we felt we both went through the 
arm and leg bending Olympics that every one seemed so intent 
on having us perform. "Do you boys feel up to some tests?"
	"I feel fine, a little weak and woozy, but fine all the 
same," I replied.
	"Well I know you boys have many questions, but I am 
afraid I am at a loss for answers. You were both admitted 
two afternoons ago after being found by.. Greg's brother. 
Freddie. You were both found in a semi comatose state in the 
woods, brought by ambulance to the hospital. When we removed 
your clothing we found several dead insects. I'm no 
etymologist, but these were unlike anything I have ever 
seen. A colleague collected some of the insects to send away 
for further study. Both of you were covered in sting like 
contusions. We administered several general antitoxins. The 
antitoxins did not appear to go to work, and your conditions 
worsened. When we thought things had taken a dire turn, your 
respiration was shallow, heart rate weak, and a rising 
fevers. Then both of you got better almost immediately. The 
welts went away within minutes, had we not had videotape of 
the incident it would be difficult to believe. Initial blood 
tests revealed unknown insect venom, but within hours even 
your prior blood samples showed no signs of toxins. Blood 
removed from the body does not metabolize toxins under what 
we understand to be `normal' circumstances. The antitoxins 
had no discernable effect either, later blood samples did 
not reveal any side effects that would indicate the anti 
toxin had interacted with anything. Normally they would 
react with the natural impurities in your blood. But your 
blood is the healthiest we've ever seen. Physically you show 
almost no signs that anything had happened. Some muscle 
capacity appears to be diminished. Both of you had 
convulsions and muscle spasms approximately 6 hours after 
admission and roughly eight hours after we believe the 
incident occurred. The seizure was over in less than two 
minutes. Both of you slept for about 24 hours with sporadic 
bouts of consciousness. During those 24 hours every test we 
have run has indicated nothing out of the ordinary."
	Pausing to gauge our reactions and to see if we had 
questions he soon continued. "What we did learn of the toxin 
from or brief glimpse at it seemed to point toward a 
muscular inhibitor of some kind. This could explain the 
convulsions, seizure and weakness in the muscles. We want to 
run some tests to see what more we can find, and if nothing 
worsens in your condition in the next two days we will see 
about letting you boys go home."
	"Gregg, your parents will be back shortly, they have 
already been filled in, we sent them to the cafeteria for 
some breakfast. We will be taking you boys for some 
neurological testing in about an hour. You'll be busy for 
much of the day, so I would take this opportunity to get 
some rest."

In the Evening

	A dark green sedan pulled up close to the curb, paused 
for a moment to allow a man to exit from the rear passenger 
door, and then with no delay the car quickly sped away. The 
man paid no attention to the vehicle as it left, and really 
no attention to the hospital either. This man had seen a 
hundred places like this before, just another facility he 
might have thought to himself. Even as he approached the 
doors he was studying his own reflection, his hand moving 
unconsciously to straighten his tie. Visitors, patients, and 
even staff members took no notice this man. He knew he was 
what many considered to be handsome, but that was the trick 
of it all, he looked `handsome' not striking, not 
noticeable, just normal.
	The man went over the information in his head one last 
time as he navigated the corridors of the hospital. Ticking 
off his mental checklist as he walked. His sources indicated 
when the staff made their rounds, he even knew when the 
parents would be away, having gone home to freshen up and 
take care of their domestic duties before returning to `the 
facility'. His sources were indeed the best, better than 
even money could buy. He neared his destination and without 
slowing, and with no hesitation, he entered the room as if 
he had every right to do so. The man knows how to do things, 
and among what he likes to think of as his `tools' his most 
prized is confidence. He was intimate with the idea that 
most people when faced with confidence will back down rather 
question authoritative action, hell they often times won't 
notice a confident person, some one who may have a stronger 
	"Good Evening gentlemen, My name is Blane Will, Dr. 
Blane Will." The man said in even and cultured tones.
	 I looked up as a man walked into the room, the sound 
of the door opening bringing my attention to the figure in 
the doorway. The man introduced himself as a doctor, and I 
knew that I probably hadn't yet met this man, but oddly he 
did seem vaguely familiar. The Sherlock Holmes part of my 
personality lashed out with sarcasm that no we hadn't met 
yet or why else would he introduce himself? Faces tend to 
run together I countered to myself, after all, being poked, 
probed, and generally examined in every way possible by as 
many people as we had that day would make all those people 
	The doctor looked over our respective charts, making 
little ahem noises as he did so. After looking the charts 
over he pulled a chair down between our beds and sat down 
and leaned slightly forward as if he were a conversant guest 
on a talk show. "You two boys have been through a lot today 
I gather?"
	We both nodded our agreement.
	"I bet you fellas are ready to get back home?"
	Again we both agreed.
	"Great, then you will both be happy to know that you 
should be leaving here tomorrow afternoon!" He said with a 
great deal of enthusiasm in his voice. Then rather abruptly 
he stood, moved the chair back to its position in the 
corner, waved goodbye and exited the room.
	No sooner had the door closed than it reopened and a 
heavyset orderly entered the room. He busied himself with 
emptying the wastebasket and made a quick sweep of the floor 
to ensure it was debris free. Silently he finished, saluted 
us with a smile and he too left the room. I started to say 
something to Greg, but instead got lost in thought, 
something was out of place about the last few minutes and 
even as I tried to enlist the help of my own private 
Sherlock I lost the battle to exhaustion and drifted off to 
	 The man avoided eye contact with the approaching 
orderly; it would look out of place, and probably draw 
unneeded attention to himself. The man was confident that 
the orderly would do his job just as he had done his. 
Walking unhurriedly, he moved to the back of the hospital 
and exited to the covered parking deck. He smiled a bit to 
himself, as he fished the car keys from his pocket. The car 
was waiting where it had been arranged, deck 3 space 17. The 
man slipped behind the wheel, started the car and drove off 
into the night, humming along with the radio as they played 
Jefferson Airplanes "Ask Alice." The man even let his lip 
curl in just a touch of a smile.. Yes he thought to himself, 
"one pill makes you taller, and one pill makes you small" 
"but the pills that your mother gives you don't do anything 
at all" His grin widened as he reflected that usually that's 
the case, but not always. No, defiantly not this time.

In the morning.

	Dr. Anaerdas wasn't happy at all with the situation. 
But what could he do against politics? The MCTS was pre-
filled out and laying on his desk along with a note from Dan 
Ferran, the hospital administrator, that he would consider 
it a personal favor if Dr. Anaerdas signed the Medical Care 
Transition Sheet. The case was to be turned over to some 
state doctor. Jim Collins, state senator had made the 
request to Dan, and in no uncertain terms implied that the 
upcoming federal hospital certification would be a lot 
smoother if he could have this one favor. Why cant those 
executive bureaucrats bastards have any spine, Gary Anaerdas 
thoughtbitterly as he signed the paper.
	Feeling guilty, Anaerdas got up to go find the boys' 
parents and inform them that the case was being turned over 
to a specialist. Anaerdas also felt some jealousy, knowing 
that what was one of the most interesting cases of his 
career had just slipped through his fingers. They hadn't 
even got any of yesterday's test results back! He was sure 
that this Dr. Will was going to provide adequate care for 
the two youths. but to have the rights to publishing his 
findings, the journals, the lectures, and all those things 
that come along with such a rare set of symptomology was 
just more than his pride could handle.
	In the Afternoon. Greg and I had both changed into our 
normal cloths, sweatpants and tee-shirts. I don't think 
either of us bothered with shoes. Frankie wheeled us down to 
the car and although I could tell something was bothering 
her, she was careful to not let it really show. "Now you 
boys be good, I don't want to have to take care of you guys 
again, you hear?" She said with a stern lilt to her voice.
	"Yes Ma'am" Gregg and I both replied as Gregg's father 
helped us into the minivan.. Freddie shared the back with 
us, and in moments was waving his hand in front of his nose 
and complaining of the smell that was emanating from one or 
both of us.
	"Now Freddie, you can't give them a hard time about 
that okay? I thought we discussed that? Didn't we?" Greg's 
mom chided from the front seat. "Although you're right, it 
does smell as if those two are in need of a change."
	"Bill hon, why don't you drop us all off at Sherry's 
house? You can run to the store and get some diapers and 
supplies and pick us up when you're done." She suggested, 
The Greggersons lived a fair pace from any shopping and 
Greg's aunt Sherry's house was nearer to town.
	"You sure you wouldn't rather go? I mean I wouldn't 
even know the right kind to buy. " Asked Bill
	"You can buy diapers just as well as I can, Bill 
Greggerson! And besides I thought Sherry is not your 
favorite person, and I'd hate for you to be burdened with 
spending time with her with out me to act as a buffer. And 
your always saying that I take FOREVER when I shop.Well 
maybe I could use a few things.. and I do need to have my 
nails done."
	"No. I'll buy `em myself."
	"Whatever you think is best, dear," Phyllis said in her 
best `I've won and you know it' voice I always admired 
Greg's parents for their banter, it was easy to mistake for 
real jabs at first but once I realized that they just fenced 
with words and underneath it all they were just playing with 
each other. My own parents were much too solemn to engage 
with wordplay with each other, so I guess I really looked 
forward to my sometimes family's verbal sparring matches.
	In no time we were in Sherry's driveway and getting out 
of the van. Bill and Phyllis both offered arms to us to 
steady ourselves as we got out. Remarkably though, none were 
needed, and I felt a bit stiff having not walked much in the 
last four days, but as I moved I realized I felt great, I 
wanted to break into a run. A glance at Greg and he, too, 
was moving unassisted.
	Phyllis handed Bill a shopping list she had wrote on 
the last leg of the drive, and with a hug sent him on his 
way. Sherry had opened the door and admitted us to the 
living room. Greg's cousin Rob, who was our age, was sitting 
in front of the TV doing his best against the computer in 
one of my favorite games `Puzzle fighter'. Sherry's youngest 
Jarred, who at four and half years old was a continual hand 
full, ran into the room calling `Aunt Fillus, Aunt Fillus!'
	"Hey kiddo" Greg called to his younger cousin, who 
barley noticed us as he was tying to relate a story 
involving one of his play time adventures. Sherry waited a 
moment and then reminded the youngster that he had friends 
over to play in the back yard. Releasing his grip on 
Phyllis's leg he ran from the room at the same speed he 
	"Thanks for taking us in at the last moment. We didn't 
want to make the boys wait outside a store in case they felt 
bad, and we didn't want to test their stamina in a store 
just yet."
	"Oh don't think of it. Are you boys feeling okay? 
Neither of you two look bad. Well.. `cept Greg he's always 
looked bad, but you boys don't look sick."
	"I love you too, Aunt Sherry," Greg quipped. That's the 
thing I love so much about my sometimes extended surrogate 
family! My real family's far too traditional to engage in 
such verbal exchanges.
	"He doesn't smell good either!" Chimed in Freddie. 
Phyllis shot him a `don't push your luck' look at him, 
causing the annoying thirteen year old to wince.
	"Oh yes, I see what you mean." Sherry said perhaps 
noticing for the first time our bulging sweatpants. "Phyllis 
that isn't what you sent Bill out for is it?"
	"As a matter of fact."
	"Say no more," Sherry turned toward Greg and myself 
"Aunt Sherry to the rescue!"
	Sherry called out the back door for Jared to come in a 
moment. Looking somewhat confused he asked, "whud I do?"
	"Nothing honey, mommy just wants a favor, would you go 
get your night bag?"
	Panic set in over the Four year old's features "But its 
not bedtime.. and my. my friends."
	"Shhhh. Mommy just needs some things from it, that's 
	Looking wary as if to be caught in some trap, Jared 
went upstairs. Sherry had gone into the kitchen and returned 
with two large disposables. "You remember Ellen Mctide?" 
Phyliss nodded "Well she moved to Phoenix about six months 
ago, and well her mom still lives up the street and she's 
not getting around these days like she used to. I try and 
help her out by doing some of her shopping when I get a 
chance. I was fixin' to drop off some groceries at her place 
when you called."
	Jared returned with a navy duffel bag which he handed 
off to his mom and immediately ran from the room back 
outside before she might decide to use the bags contents on 
	Sherry opened the bag and produced from its depths 
diaper wipes, oil, powder and a vinyl changing mat. She laid 
the mat out on the floor and looked at Greg. "Well, boy, 
soggy diapers don't change themselves you know, so come on 
and get them pants off." Greg looked at his mom for help.
	"Now Greg your Aunt Sherry has probably changed your 
diapers almost as many times as I have. So go on and do as 
she says."
	Greg complied, partially, but Sherry, undaunted, 
pressed on. "I can't get your ankles apart with 'em around 
you calves like that, go ahead and take them off, you can 
put em back on when we're done," She said enjoying the beet 
red color Greg's face became.
	Greg laid down, pantless, on the mat. Sherry pulled off 
his diaper, rolled it up, and set it aside. Wipes, Powder 
and oil were followed by a new diaper. Meanwhile Phyllis had 
handed me my diaper to hold. Its was thicker than those from 
the hospital, it had elastic at the waist and a second set 
of elastic running down the inside of the diaper like a 
	"Todd, son, it doesn't do you any good if you just 
stand there and gawk at it," Sherry said to me, bringing me 
back from my wool gathering. I handed her the diaper and 
started to remove my sweats. As I pulled them off I noticed 
that I had some signs of leakage, which Sherry apparently 
noticed too. "Looks like you're really a wetter."
	I lay down, aware that I was a red as Greg had been a 
few moments ago. My diaper was pulled off, rolled up, and 
set beside the other dirty one. I was wiped, powdered and 
oiled. Sherry pushed on my butt indicating I should lift up, 
which I did allowing her to slide the diaper up under me. 
Instead of taping it up, she reached into Jared's `night 
bag' and pulled out a rectangular thing that looked like a 
diaper without wings. "It's a doubler, for added 
absorbency." She slipped put into my diaper, pulled it all 
up and taped it securely. While she was finishing up I 
noticed that Rob's interest in his game had subsided and he 
had watched us, or at the very least me, get diapered. I 
think I turned a shade redder.
	"What, you want one, too, boy? It hasn't been all that 
many years since you were having your little problem" She 
said to Rob who had suddenly rediscovered the Playstation.
	"Aw, come on," said Sherry to Greg and me. "It wasn't 
that bad, got to be better than wearing a wet saggy one. And 
besides.. I can say with confidence that both you boys will 
make some nice girl very happy someday."
	"Oh relax, Phyliss. They are boys, and that kind of 
thing makes does make them fell better. You know.. just 
trying to help," to which both women laughed a bit.
	Sherry ordered a Pizza while Greg, Rob, and I played 
with the Playstation. Freddie was in the family room 
watching TV, he not being the video game type.
	The pizza arrived, and it wasn't until later that I 
realized that I had been sitting in the floor with no pants 
on when the driver came to the door. I still wonder what he 
must have thought. Jared's friends had gone home, and since 
it was a late dinner Sherry got Jared ready for bed almost 
immediately after eating.
	Bill got back in short order, proclaiming that the 
shopping was completed. So we piled in the van and headed 
for home.

In the evening

	We got back to the Greggerson's home and helped bring 
in the shopping, the majority of which went up to the room 
Greg and I were sharing. Bill had bought two packages of 
diapers (one bag Attends, and one Tranquility ATN), two 
packages of diaper wipes, powder and oil. I wondered at why 
he bought two of each, and then realized the second set was 
for a `diaper bag' that thankfully turned out to be a fairly 
innocent looking book bag. He produced a waterproof sheet 
for each of two twin beds in Greg's room. The last bag held 
10 pair of plastic pants (5 of which were snap ons) which he 
said the lady at the medical supply store recommended as 
they would help cut down on the diaper crinkle.
	Mrs. Greggerson put a waterproof sheet on each of the 
beds. It was getting a little late so neither Greg nor 
myself offered any resistance to the idea of going to bed a 
bit earlier than we would normally be accustomed to during 
the summer. Phyllis changed each of us once again; only this 
time we were each had pair of plastic pants added to the 
mix. After seeing us each in our beds, Phyllis paused a 
moment to wish us a good night before turning out the lights 
and shutting the door.
	As I lay awake pondering the many things that flitted 
through my mind, I noticed how odd the sensation of the 
plastic pants rubbing against the waterproof sheet was. I 
almost instinctively pushed my hips down into the bed 
enjoying the feeling as I pulled the blanket closer around 
me. It was odd, I didn't really like the idea of wearing 
diapers, but at the same time I didn't mind them too much 
either. I rolled onto my stomach and got an instant 
erection. The feeling was wonderful! The whole of my diaper 
shifting with the slightest movement against the cloth 
covered rubber sheet. Within moments I had orgasmed and 
spent I drifted off to sleep.

In the morning.

	Morning arrived and I awoke to the sounds of Greg 
stirring, he was in process of putting on a t-shirt and 
looking for some shorts. Gravity was tugging his diaper down 
and I laughed a little at the way it sagged, he looked like 
a toddler in a diaper commercial. I rolled out of bed myself 
noting the lack of morning wood, I guess when your bladder 
just empties on its own accord there is no need to get an 
erection to keep from wetting the bed. Just thinking about 
it though brought nature to work and I popped a boner, 
causing me to franticly look for shorts and a t-shirt as 
	Greg and I both descend the grand curving staircase to 
the main floor of his large house. Breakfast was being set 
on the table and I was famished! Phyllis offered us a diaper 
change before eating but we were both more focused on food 
than anything. Bacon, Eggs, Grits and Biscuits a staple 
breakfast in the south and it never tasted better. I think 
we both ate twice as much as we usually did and by the time 
we both finished eating Phyllis had the dishes done and the 
kitchen put back in order,
	"You boys go up and get your showers, we don't want to 
be late to see your new doctor," Phyllis told us.
	Upstairs I showered in the guest bathroom, and Greg 
used his parent's bathroom. Thankfully their plumbing was 
engineered to allow for plenty of hot water for two showers 
simultaneously. We met back in his room each clad in a 
towel. Mrs. Gregerson astutely arrived and proceeded to get 
us both diapered. She put us both into the overnight diapers 
to afford us some better protection should we be long 
between diaper changes. She produced plastic pants and 
snapped them onto us, which now in the daylight I could see 
were of differing pastel colors. Mine were an orangey yellow 
and Greg's were a light purple. I stood up and Phyllis 
handed me a pair of Jeans and a shirt to wear. As I pulled 
the jeans over my diapers I realized exactly how high the 
diapers rode up on my body. Although my pants weren't too 
puffed out, I was a bit concerned by the fact that if I even 
stretched a little there was a good chance that my shirt 
would rise up far enough to expose my diapers and plastic 
pants to the world.
	Phyllis looked into our diaper bag and made sure it was 
stocked with all the necessities. Satisfied with its 
contents she shooed us from the room. She called to Freddie 
that it was time to go and we all headed to the garage.
	We dropped Freddie off at Greg's Aunt Sherry's house, 
and continued on to our appointment. We almost drove past 
the clinic but Greg spotted the sign that read `Deerlick 
Medical' with enough time to point it out to his mom. The 
sign was small and nondescript, almost covered completely by 
hedges, and if I didn't know any better I would have assumed 
that they didn't want people to see it. We pulled into the 
parking lot of a small nondescript building. It was a 
rectangular squat structure comprised mainly of dark gray 
brick. The windows were tinted dark and had an almost 
mirror-like gleam to them. We parked the van near the door 
and walked to the entrance which glided open as we 
	We stepped into the lobby and the doors closed behind 
us with a slight hiss. I almost walked into the second set 
of sliding doors, but just barley was able to stop myself 
when I realized they had yet to open. Something went whirr 
in the background and the fluorescent panels on either side 
of second entrance popped to life. A small ding sounding 
much like an elevator arrival tone sounded as the main doors 
finally released us into the clinic proper. A young woman 
wearing a pleasant looking tweed suit and carrying what 
appeared to be a PDA of some kind smiled to us as we crossed 
the threshold.
	"My name is Amy, you must be Phyllis Gregerson," The 
woman said extending her arm toward Greg's mom who shook the 
offered hand. Amy turned to us and shook our hands saying 
"And you two young men must be Greg and Todd." We agreed 
that we were indeed ourselves. Amy led us to a small room 
that looked very much like the `ideal' American family room. 
It boasted two large couches, some wing back chairs, and a 
large screen television. The walls were papered tastefully 
in a blue floral print, the carpet real plush and not office 
carpet matched the color scheme of the room perfectly. Amy 
invited us to make ourselves comfortable. I sat in a chair 
that afforded me a view of the door (I've also felt funny 
sitting with my back to an open door...just a touch of 
personal paranoia to brighten your day!) Greg sat on the 
sofa next to his mom and Amy took a seat perpendicular to 
	She produced two large manila folders seemingly out of 
nowhere and handed them to Greg's mom and asked her to 
review them for correctness. She opened the one folder and 
scanned the pages and handed it to me asking me to double 
check and see if I saw any mistakes. The first few pages 
were standard medical documents detailing previous major 
illnesses and surgeries (I had to have my tonsils removed 
when I was nine,) Allergies, Height, Weight, and Blood type 
(which I didn't know for sure.. but it sounded right). The 
next few pages were documents that allowed for my temporary 
guardianship by the Gregersons'. A legal detail that I'm 
sure must be taken care of before non-emergency treatment 
can take place. My father's signature was on the last page, 
the clinic must have faxed it to him I thought,, boy do they 
cover their ass. I handed the packet back to Phyllis who 
signed her acceptance of guardianship. Phyllis finished the 
double-checking the information on Greg. Satisfied, she 
handed both packets back to Amy.
	Amy smiled as she explained that Greg and I should 
follow her then, and that Dr. Will will see us now. She 
chuckled good-naturedly at her pun and then invited Mrs. 
Gregerson to make herself at home pointing out a small 
refrigerator in the corner and a coffee pot on a nearby 
	We were taken down a hallway and through a couple of 
doors to a large examining room. There were two examining 
tables opposite each other along with a set of scales, blood 
pressure meter and a lot of things I didn't recognize. Amy 
took two clipboards off a hook near the door and set one at 
the end of each table. "Okay lets see here, Greg why don't 
you go ahead and step onto the scales for me," Amy asked.
	"Lets see here... 6 foot, 160 lbs." Amy said as she 
wrote the figures down. "All right Todd, if you would please 
step onto the scales."
	I complied. Amy looked at the reading on its small 
digital display and read it aloud as she wrote "6 foot half 
an inch, 174 pounds. Great."
	"Now if you'll both remove your shirts and have a seat 
on the tables for me," she asked as she pulled over a small 
machine on casters.
	Like before she did Greg first, Attaching a small cuff 
to Greg's wrist and a small pad to his chest. "Breath deeply 
for me a couple of times. Okay.. great." She then pulled out 
small object that reminded me of a hot glue gun. She put an 
empty tube on the back end. "I need to draw a little blood, 
quick sting and then its over." She held the gun up to 
Greg's arm and silently the tube filled with crimson liquid. 
She popped the cylinder off, labeled it and set it in a 
pouch attached to Greg's paperwork. She removed the tip from 
the gun and produced a new one, freeing it from its sterile 
wrappings before attaching to with a snap to the gun front.
	Turning to me she repeated the process, I appreciated 
the fact that she didn't even seem to notice my diaper 
showing and she had not commented on Greg's either. Perhaps 
she was used to seeing it professionally, or maybe she had 
been briefed beforehand?
	We were asked to put our shirts back on, and we were 
led to another room with two cubicles. Each cubicle had a 
computer in it, and we were asked to sit at a terminal. Amy 
explained that we would each receive instructions through a 
pair of headphones and just to follow them. She said that 
she would be just outside in the antechamber and that she 
would return when we had completed the tests or earlier if 
either of us needed assistance. As she was walking out she 
showed us in each cube a small call button to alert her if 
she was needed.
	I placed the headphones on and as soon as I touched the 
mouse the computer sprang to life. A rich deep voice 
explained that I was going to be taking a couple of tests, 
mainly puzzles and number games. I'd taken an IQ test in 
school once, and this was pretty damn close. I finished up 
the first test and thought I was done, when the voice 
returned in the headset asking me to leave my hand on the 
mouse and click when ever I saw a red dot appear on the 
screen. It displayed a red dot and I clicked. The voice said 
that was good, that I should do just like that for the 
remainder of this test. Dots appeared on the screen, some 
blue, some green, some yellow, and some red. I clicked each 
time a red one showed up, and it seemed that the longer this 
went on the faster the dots appeared and disappeared.
	Suddenly the screen went still and the voice said I was 
now on the last test. My instructions for this round were to 
mimic the announcers' words. The announcer would read a 
passage from a book and I was to repeat it. The instructions 
stated that they would begin introducing background noise as 
the test progressed and I was to see how long I was able to 
separate the voice from the other noises.
	Like the test before this one went smoothly and wasn't 
all that difficult. I had a little trouble at the end when 
they had traffic sounds and two other voices reading 
dissimilar passages. When instructed I removed the 
headphones and set them on the desk. True to her word, no 
sooner had I done this Amy came into the room, smiled and 
thanked me for my cooperation. I looked at the cube Greg had 
been in, but he must have finished before me as he was no 
longer there. Amy saw my glance and she explained that he 
did finish about ten minutes ago and that she had taken him 
to see Dr. Will. We returned to the examining room, where 
Amy asked if I was in need of changing after sitting for 
nearly two hours.
	Two hours?! I thought to myself it felt more like 
twenty minutes. But sure enough I was wet, I'm surprised I 
didn't notice, I must have been really wrapped up in those 
tests. "I am a bit wet" I think I blushed a bit as I told 
her because she said, "don't worry about it, drop your pants 
and jump up on the table and I'll take care of you right 
away." I kicked my shoes off and unbuttoned my jeans and 
pulled them off. Amy took my pants and set them aside for a 
	I lay back on the table and Amy's hands pushed my shirt 
up to my armpits. She unsnapped my plastic pants and then 
pulled the tapes on my diaper, they made an angry ripping 
sound of protest as they came away from the plastic backing. 
Cool air poured over my genitals as she wiped me clean. She 
placed a new diaper up under me and taped it on, as she was 
fixing the last tape she explained that she went and got the 
diapers from Mrs. Gregerson figuring we would need them by 
now. She replaced my plastic pants and handed me my blue 
	We went to yet another room and I was instructed to sit 
for a few minutes while the doctor finished up with Greg. I 
waited all of maybe five minutes when Greg came out of the 
adjoining room and took my place in the chair while I went 
in to see the doc. "Todd, nice to see you again." Dr. Blain 
Will said as I stepped into his office. He asked how I felt, 
if I was feeling stiff or sore, how my appetite was. He 
thanked me for having patience with all the tests today and 
assured me that they were to help make sure that we were 
indeed fine now." Yeah fine, I'm wearing a diaper and he 
says I'm fine I thought acidly to myself. "I know you must 
have a lot of questions, and I will do my best to answer 
them, but I'd like us to do that together with Greg and his 
mother so I can cover the same ground with all of you at 
once" And with that he showed me the door, he asked Greg to 
follow us and he led us back toward the waiting room. As we 
walked the sounds of our footsteps were mingled with the 
soft rustle of our diapers, if Dr. Will noticed he chose not 
to comment. We turned the corner and came upon the waiting 
room where Mrs. Gregerson was patiently reading a magazine.
	"Mrs. Gregerson, I'm Blain Will, I'm a 
neurotoxicologist and I was asked by the people at City to 
assume the care of your son and Todd.. Today we ran a series 
of tests both physical and mental to determine if there are 
any side effects from the venoms the boys were exposed to. 
I'm pleased to report each has a clean bill of health. Our 
own blood tests concur with those from City that indeed 
there is no residual toxin left in the boys systems. We are 
still trying to figure out the extent and cause of the 
bladder dysfunctions, and we won't know anything until the 
tissue samples from City are fully analyzed and the results 
disclosed to us. We can expect those results back by the end 
of the week. I would like to see these gentlemen again next 
week for a follow-up check and we will discuss our findings 
then. I can tell you in a best case scenario the 
incontinence will continue for at least six months, 
providing the damage was merely muscular, if however there 
was damage to the nerves controlling the bladder it could 
very well be a permanent condition."
	"Is there anything that the boys should or shouldn't 
do?" Phyllis asked
	"They probably shouldn't overexert themselves for a few 
days, but we feel they should be able to conduct themselves 
normally. Young people are very resilient, and had an adult 
been through what these two have they may feel it for a week 
or two, but kids bounce back. But if either of you two 
starts to feel tired or out of sorts slow down and take it 
easy, Okay?"
	"Sure thing," Greg and I answered back.

In the afternoon.

	We piled back in the van and drove away, Phyllis called 
Sherry on the phone to let her know we were on our way back. 
Phyllis offered to pick up lunch for all of us. We pulled 
through Zaxbys and got chicken sandwiches.
	We sat around Sherry's table eating and talking. Jared 
had returned outside, and Freddie had retired to the living 
room to play with Rob's Playstation. Rob was away at 
baseball practice, but Sherry said she was expecting him 
home soon.
	Sherry and Phyllis chatted about the fact that we were 
looking down the barrel of a six-month minimum in diapers. 
"That's an awful lot of diapers isn't it?" Sherry asked.
	"Yes, thank god for disposables too. I'd hate to have 
to wash cloth."
	"Tell me about it. Since it's going to be at least 
until Christmas before they're out of diapers you should 
consider letting me modify their clothes a bit to make 
diapering a bit easier, after all I don't have any projects 
going right now."
	"That's a great idea! I'll get them some clothes this 
afternoon, if you don't mind watching them while I go 
shopping? What all will I need to buy?"
	The two mothers started compiling a shopping list. Greg 
and I had decided to go watch some TV, and were told to go 
watch in Robs room so Freddie could play games on the big 
screen. We were watching the Sci-Fi Channel when Rob came 
home. Without looking up Sherry yelled towards the door 
"Rob, go upstairs right now and change out of those filthy 
clothes." Rob entered his room and said hi to us. 
Apologizing as he stepped in front of the TV to get some 
clothes from his dresser. Without modesty Rob stripped off 
his baseball uniform which he kicked to the corner of his 
room. He said he was going grab a shower and started to 
offer us the bathroom before doing so when he realized that 
we probably wouldn't be needing it urgently anyway.
	Rob returned wearing nothing but boxers. I was a little 
envious of that and thought for a moment that maybe he was 
rubbing it in, but still he didn't seem like the type. He 
retrieved a pair of shorts off of the floor, which he 
slipped on, the cuffs of his boxers hanging below the 
legline of the shorts. He grabbed a tank top that was laying 
across the back of his chair and put it on. Rob asked "How'd 
it go at the doctors?"
	Greg told him that we were both okay, but would 
probably be in diapers at least six months if not forever.
	"That's sucks major big time! I feel for you guys."
	"My mom got us all lunch, you have a sandwich 
downstairs if you're hungry."
	"Cool, whad'ya get?"
	"Zaxbys," Greg said, and Rob quickly exited in search 
of the proffered food (I think he must have like Zax's spicy 
chicken as much as I do).
	Rob returned with Spicy Chicken in hand and in between 
mouthfuls asked, "where's your mom headed?"
	"Don't really know, your mom volunteered to do some 
sewing. I have no idea what were in for but mom needed to do 
some shopping anyways, so she went to pick up some stuff."
	Rob stifled a chuckle. "You gonna be over for the next 
few days?"
	"Cool, Tomorrow we can all go over the shack. I've got 
some bottle rockets and stuff stashed back there."
	We passed the afternoon watching TV and we played a 
little poker. We had been on a real big poker kick so far 
this summer, raiding Rob's change jar for playing pieces. I 
ended up just ahead by about 35 cents, but then everyone 
else ended up with more than they started with, too.
	Greg's mom returned and dropped off a couple of bags 
for Sherry. Promising to drop us off by 9 the next morning 
she herded us boys back into the van and took us home. I had 
ended up in the front seat this time instead of Greg. The 
sun felt great coming in through the windshield, contrasting 
with the cool air of the AC. The thrum of the engine lulled 
me into wool gathering and maybe I dozed off. The next thing 
I was aware of was the deceleration of the van as it pulled 
in the Gregerson's driveway.
	Phyllis had us each grab a bag or two from the back of 
the van to carry inside. I had two grocery bags that I 
delivered to the kitchen. The doorbell rang, disturbing the 
placid sounds of the just arrived in house. It startled me 
but somehow I managed not to drop the groceries.
	"I'll get it!" Freddie called out as he tossed his 
burden (which consisted of only a gallon of milk) onto the 
kitchen table.
	"Todd, would you mind putting those in the pantry for 
me please?" Phyllis asked as she passed by carrying our 
diaper bag and one of those super jumbo boxes of Tide.
	"Sure thing, Mrs. G," I replied.
	"Thank you Todd, I wish my own kids listened as well as 
you do," she said as she put the diaper bag down and headed 
towards the laundry room.
	I turned my attention back to the pantry and started to 
put the items away. I only had to look a couple of times for 
the correct place to put things. I knew the Gregerson's 
kitchen almost as well as my own. I smiled at the box of 
Jasmine rice, which probably meant we were going to get red 
beans and rice for dinner soon. Phyllis made the best red 
beans and rice in the whole world, or so I was convinced. I 
was putting the last of the dry goods up when Freddie and 
his friend Derek came into the kitchen.
	"Mom! Mom!" Freddie yelled until he realized she wasn't 
	"Where's my mom?" Freddie asked.
	"She went to the laundry room," I told him.
	I noticed Derek was looking at me funny, all wide-eyed 
and gawky. It took me a second to realize my fear from this 
morning had come to pass. It must have happened when I was 
putting some stuff on the top shelf. My shirt had ridden up 
and instead of settling back down like a good shirt it had 
came to rest on the top of my plastic pants.
	"Don't shout like that Freddie, I'm right here," 
Phyllis interjected as she entered the room.
	I adjusted my shirt and made a quick exit, heading off 
to find Greg. I never much cared for Derek, I've always 
thought he was a bit of a brat, and I damn sure hated him 
seeing my diapers.
	"Mom can Derek spend the night tonight?" Freddie asked 
	Just say no. I pleaded with Phyllis silently in my mind 
as I hurried down the hall. My luck was poor because Phyllis 
agreed that Derek could stay as long as it was okay with his 
folks. Shit! That little prick will be here all night and 
Greg and I will have to tolerate him. Oh well, life sucks 
	I caught up with Greg as he was coming back down stairs 
carrying two laundry baskets stacked precariously on top of 
each other.
	"Grab one of these, man, it feels like the top one's 
gonna fall," he asked me as he tried not to drop the loads 
of clothes.
	I grabbed the top woven plastic basket and did a 180 
and followed Greg back through the kitchen to the laundry 
room. Immediately upon entering, Freddie and Derek, whom had 
both sat down at the kitchen table, shut up in mid-sentence. 
They had been talking too low to overhear, but gauging from 
their sudden silence they had probably been talking about me 
or more to the point my diapers. We took the baskets to the 
laundry room and went back into the kitchen. Maybe it was 
just my paranoia, but the diaper rustle coming from Greg and 
myself had increased to about the rumble of thunder. Greg 
sat down, and when I sat down I noticed how wet my diaper 
had become, my weight forcing some of the fluid out of the 
	Mrs. Gregerson came into the kitchen, almost as if on 
cue. Maybe it's just a `mom' thing, but she seems like she 
has some kind of diaper radar. "Todd, Gregg, you boys doing 
okay? If you need anything I'll be in the den," she said, 
trying her best at discretion.
	"I do, I'm soaked!" Greg fired out without the 
slightest bit of hesitation.
	"Well okay then, grab the diaper bag and come on." She 
apparently felt that discretion was a wasted effort in light 
of her son's coarseness.
	"Where's it at?"
	"I set it near the table earlier on my way to the 
laundry room," She said scanning the area, which prompted us 
all to look around.
	"Is this it, Mrs. Gregerson?" Derek said innocently as 
he retrieved the bag from the floor near his chair. The 
little brat knew it was. The bag wasn't even zipped up and 
there were several perfectly folded white disposables near 
the top. Derek's eyes were alive with evil glee; you could 
tell it was taking all his thirteen years worth of self-
control to not out-and-out smirk. I didn't know which would 
be worse, admitting I needed a diaper change by trudging 
downstairs to the den or sitting there in the company of a 
self-satisfied little fink. What the hell, he knows anyway, 
I thought as I reluctantly followed Greg and Phyllis
	Phyllis laid out the changing mat while Greg fumbled 
with his belt. His pants got to his ankles when he realized 
his shoes needed to come off, too. He spent an awkward 
moment bent over trying to get his shoes untied. Finally his 
shoes and jeans were off, and he was being changed. Being 
the smart one of the group I took the time to get my shoes 
off first and by the time she was done with Greg my pants 
were off, too.
	She finished me up quickly, and like Greg, she did not 
replace my plastic pants, instead declaring that they had 
probably seen enough action for one day. She took our jeans 
from the floor and handed them to me, giving me instructions 
to add them to the washer as she had just started a load of 

In the evening

	Dinner came and went, fish sticks. Yippie! Who wanted 
dumb old red beans and rice when you could have compressed 
`almost fish'? I know I shouldn't complain, the hospitality 
of the Gregersons was extremely generous and all, but I had 
hoped something would go my way. The box of rice must have 
been bought for the soul purpose of taunting me. Well, maybe 
not, but you never know.
	After dinner we found ourselves watching TV in Greg's 
room as Phyllis had commandeered the big screen for the 
purpose of watching some tearjerker `Drama.' Us four boys 
watched `I Still Know What You Did Last Summer', which 
surprised me as being better than the first one. I did get 
some small satisfaction in knowing that Freddie and Derek 
were both scared at several points. That fact, along with my 
natural leanings towards mischief, got my devious mind 
rolling over a way to get back at Derek for being, well 
	After the movie we decided we were going to play Clue. 
While I was setting up the board Greg went downstairs to get 
us a bag of chips and some Cokes. He returned few moments 
later, still pantless (I had at least fetched a pair of 
shorts.) I had dibs on Plum, Greg played Col. Mustard, and 
Freddie quickly laid claim to Mr. Green. Poor Derek was left 
having to choose from Miss White or Mrs. Peacock (Miss 
Scarlet was missing from the set.) I won twice in a row, 
making me feel somewhat better about the day. Phyllis came 
upstairs and told us all to get ready for bed, adding that 
she would change Greg and I while Freddie and Derek brushed 
their teeth. Phyllis took some extra time making sure to 
apply baby oil thoroughly to our diaper areas. She also 
applied a diaper rash cream to both of us explaining that it 
was just preventative at this point. We were freshly changed 
into overnight diapers and pull-on style plastic pants when 
we were ourselves sent to brush our teeth. As the guest 
bathroom upstairs was usually shared by Greg and Freddie it 
had a double vanity, allowing us to both brush at once. It 
looked odd seeing both of us in the mirror and realizing we 
were both standing around in nothing but diapers. Rinse and 
spit. I turned around and started to leave when I saw it. I 
was mortified to see our plastic pants had been hung up on 
the shower rod to dry. Talk about feeling like a toddler. 
Greg noticed I had stopped.
	"What's up?" he asked.
	I just pointed.
	"Isn't that what your supposed to do with them?" He 
asked as if having plastic pants drying in the bathroom were 
the most natural thing in the world.
	I couldn't think of anything to say so I just headed 
off to our room. Freddie and Derek were there too, watching 
Leno, they were both there in just their underwear. Fate 
would have it that Derek was wearing blue boxer briefs and 
the plastic pants I had put earlier were also blue. I, of 
course chose not to comment on yet another example of life 
rubbing my nose in the irony that exists in all things Todd. 
Greg came in right behind me and told them, "get out, guys, 
Mom said we had to crash."
	"Like your going to sleep anytime soon," Freddie said.
	"Not so loud, numb nuts, if she hears you she'll yell 
at all of us."
	"Ah, come on, man, just let us stay for a while. I 
don't have a TV in my room."
	"Okay, just don't get us busted."
	We turned the volume down low and turned the lights 
out. Soon enough, Freddie went back to his room and brought 
back a big quilt and two pillows. I silently smiled at the 
fact that he and Derek must still be spooked from the movie. 
Maybe there is justice after all, and maybe I could help it 
along. I thought. My mind returned to my plans of a prank, 
but try as I might I just couldn't come up with anything 
worth doing and I myself drifted off to sleep.

	In the wee hours

	I woke up in a cold sweat and I was sure something was 
wrong. I felt really creepy and I knew I was being watched. 
I scanned the room, surprised at how easy it was to see in 
the pale illumination provided by the moonlight coming in 
through the window. Greg was not in his bed, and I saw no 
sign of Freddie or Derek. I slid off the bed and flinched at 
the sound of my diaper crinkling, I made a mental note to 
remember it's hard to be stealthy while wearing a diaper. 
Movement caught my eye and I spun to see the door to room 
move just a hair and stop, it was almost but not quite 
	I crossed the room to the door and reached for the knob 
to pull it open. I hesitated to grasp it because I knew 
there was something bad on the other side; it wasn't just 
fear but rather awareness. It took all my will power to tug 
at the knob. The door tried to will itself shut, yet I 
pulled enough to bring it open in a slow motion arc. I don't 
know weather I smelt it first or saw it, but I was assaulted 
by the sudden urge to vomit. Blood covered the walls and the 
floor even making small puddles in the carpet where the 
concentration was high.
	I heard a whisper of sound coming from the downstairs,. 
TSK TSK. I was drawn toward the curving staircase. Grabbing 
abjectly on to the banister I recoiled as I realized it had 
little bits of gristle and flesh clinging to its surface. I 
slowly descended unable to stop myself, my fear was mounting 
with each step. The hair on my body was standing on end and 
with each step I felt the thick air moving around me. TSK 
TSK.. The rhythmic sound drawing me forward. I sensed that 
he was down, down there waiting, watching, listening and 
	I saw him silhouetted in the foyer, the gray man. I 
could make out no feature, no hint of definition, just his 
shape. He waited patiently for me to approach and I heard 
him chuckle as I reached the landing.
	"Hello child," I heard, but I don't think he spoke out 
	I was frozen in spot and couldn't move. In an abstract 
way I wanted to. I just couldn't get my muscles to work.
	"Don't be frightened young one, I'm here to help. Just 
think of me as Mr. Friendly. That's right, Mr. Friendly, 
friend. As your friend, I think you should go to the 
	My legs moved before I thought about it and I moved 
down the hall going to the kitchen. TSK TSK. the rhythmic 
sounds were louder now. I neared the kitchen and fumbled for 
the light switch, I could see fine but it was just habit. 
The switch clicked up and nothing happened. TSK TSK..
	I peered into the room; Phyllis was there, broom in 
hand trying in vain to sweep a pile of entrails into a 
dustpan. She passed the broom across them pulling them into 
a neat pile then she stooped over grabbed at the dustpan, 
but of course by the time she was ready to scoop them up 
they had spread back out.
	"OH DARN!" She said as she set the dustpan down and 
reached again for the broom. She repeated this process a few 
times never seeming to understand the futility of her task. 
I laughed at this, the laugh sounding alien and hollow. I 
felt like I had laughed at a funeral.
	"Now Todd, this is not a laughing manner. He'll be here 
soon, and we want the house tidy for our guest," Phyllis 
admonished me.
	"Enough of that, child," Mr. Friendly called from the 
doorway. I had no idea he had followed me to the kitchen.
	"You have much to learn and little time do so. 
Unfortunately I don't have time to waste coddling you and 
making your education easy."
	He turned and walked down the flight of steps leading 
to the den. His shuffling footsteps stopped at the bottom of 
the stairs. "Come along, child, don't delay me any longer 
than necessary."
	The den was cold and ankle deep in water. Mr. Friendly 
had sat down on the couch and with a gesture invited me to 
sit across from him. He was idly playing with some small 
object that caught the light and flashed silver.
	"Lesson one; all is the mind, it is more `you' than the 
flesh prison you move about in. Lesson two; the body serves 
the mind. When the mind knows truth it is made manifest in 
the realm of flesh. For example, please observe the coin I 
am toying with."
	He held out the quarter to me in his featureless hands. 
Even up close I could see no lines on his skin, no wrinkles, 
no hair, no fingernails. The quarter sitting idly in his 
smooth palm blurred and melted taking on the shape of a. 
small molten gold colored ball. The ball flattened out and 
became hollow on two ends forming a ring. Mr. Friendly 
leaned forward holding out the object to me.
	I took the offered ring and became enraptured in its 
details, there was delicate scrollwork covering the inner 
and outer band. The detail was fine and intricate, almost 
animated. It was perhaps the most beautiful thing I had ever 
seen. "As your friend, I'll give you this gift. It's yours 
now, put it on," he urged me with the smallest hint of 
desperation in his voice.
	I looked at the ring and hesitated. Something felt 
wrong about this whole thing. Shouldn't I be upset about 
something? I pondered. I looked deeper at the ring, seeing 
the scrollwork was in fact a depiction of some sort of vine 
with little thorny outcroppings along its trunk.
	"It is beautiful, is it not? Very few are ever offered 
the retvelion, and the numbers of your kind have been even 
fewer. It is an honor to even see it, much less be allowed 
the opportunity to command it."
	With out thinking I slipped the ring over my finger. 
When the ring cleared the second knuckle the etched vines 
started to pulse and writhe across the ring's surface. I 
could feel the thorns digging across my finger as the 
pattern shifted about. The pain was terrible, but I only 
knew that in a detached manner, I couldn't actually feel it.
	Mr. Friendly nodded and stood up, pausing to brush 
himself off "Very good child, very good. We will talk 
further, yes, you and I will."
	Mr. Friendly was gone, but he didn't leave or disappear 
or go poof or walk away, he was just not there anymore. I 
stood up and noticed most of the water had gone away and 
only some residual dampness was left on the carpet making it 
squish as stepped. I made my way back upstairs, and I 
thought Phyllis was no longer in the kitchen until I 
stumbled upon half of her. It looked like she had been 
neatly torn in half, her torso partially hidden under the 
table. Odd I thought, I wonder where they put the other half 
of her? She'll be pretty angry if someone has hidden her 
legs. Nothing I can do about it now, I gotta get some sleep!
	I mounted the stairs and puzzled over how we were going 
to get the bloody footprints out of the carpet. I stifled a 
yawn as I got to the bedroom door. Didn't I leave it open? I 
tried the knob and it refused to turn. Somehow I had gotten 
locked out of the room, probably Derek. I knew he had to be 
jealous of my ring, and thought he would lock me out as 
punishment. Fine be that way. I'll just sleep in Freddie's 
room. His door is locked too? What the hell is going on 
here, don't these people know I'm special? I'll show them. 
I'll just.
	"Remember what we talked about?" Mr. Friendly asked 
although I couldn't see him. "Remember that the mind need 
only know something is true for it to be so?"
	"So all I have to do is know that the door is 
unlocked?" I said back to the empty hallway.
	"As your friend, I think it would be a good thing to 
	I gripped the knob and turned. The door opened easily 
and I steeped across the room to my bed. I think that as 
soon as my head hit the pillow I was lost in sleep.

In the morning

	"Wake up boys, rise and shine" Phyllis called into our 
room. I woke up with a jolt feeling very awake and not at 
all sleepy. I was a little confused and half expecting 
Phyllis to be a zombie as the details of my nightmare 
flittered about my mind, fading as I tried to get a grasp on 
any particular disjointed memory. I've always had terribly 
violent nightmares ever since I was little, and maybe last 
night's horror movie had gotten to me too?
	"Freddie, what are you and Derek doing sleeping in 
here? Why didn't you boys sleep in your room, wouldn't it 
have been more comfortable than sleeping on the floor?" 
Phyllis continued.
	"We watched a scary movie on TV last night and we 
didn't want to sleep alone," Freddie admitted.
	"Okay, well you boys get your showers, and I mean 
quickly, too! We overslept and I don't want to be late for 
	"I can wait until I get home, Mrs. Gregerson, if that 
will help," offered Derek.
	"That would be great, Derek, thank you," Phyllis said.
	Score another point for ass-kissers the world over, I 
thought. Freddie had left to take his shower, and I elected 
to go before Greg did as he didn't seem fully awake yet. 
Derek had yet to actually get out his makeshift bed on the 
floor, perhaps not wanting to be seen in his underwear by 
Phyllis, so he was still in the room after she had left to 
attend to breakfast. I was a bit embarrassed about removing 
my plastic pants in front of him, especially when I saw how 
far my diaper was sagging without them. I undid the four 
tapes and rolled the diaper up taping it back up securely 
before tossing it in the trash.
	After my shower I returned to my room towel wrapped 
about me. Greg had apparently gotten the shower after 
Freddie was done, and I assume Derek had gotten dressed and 
gone home or was eating breakfast with Freddie. I grabbed a 
diaper from the bag and made an effort to get it on 
correctly, but when I sat up I saw I had done a lousy job 
and the diaper wasn't going to stay on well. Damn it! I 
thought, as I tried to redo the `refastenable tapes'. I only 
managed to rip the front of the diaper up in the process. 
Discarding the ruined diaper I sighed knowing what I had to 
	I wrapped the towel back around me and went in search 
of Phyllis. She was downstairs at the table getting her 
papers organized for the day. "Um. Mrs. G? Could I get you 
to... ah. help me?" I asked trying not make eye contact with 
Derek or Freddie.
	Phyllis was dressed for work in a dark blue pinstriped 
suit, and I thought that despite her being about my mom's 
age she was still very pretty. She looked up from her 
papers, smiled knowingly and said, "sure thing. I'll be up 
in a jiffy."
	True to her word, she entered the room right behind me. 
"Okay champ, let's get you taken care of."
	As she was diapering me I thought about how it was that 
someone else could do so much of a better job with the 
diaper. Maybe I just needed more practice, or maybe you just 
couldn't diaper yourself with any great success. I lifted up 
so she could slide some plastic pants up under me, she was 
finishing snapping them up when Greg came in.
	"You're just in time," she told him as he took the 
place on the changing pad that I had just vacated. In mere 
minutes he was likewise diapered. Phyllis left us to return 
to her paperwork. I rummaged about in one of the drawers 
Greg had given up to me when I had come to stay for the 
summer (thankfully he had a large dresser.). I found a pair 
of jersey shorts and a tee shirt to wear, while Greg opted 
for some denim shorts and a tank top. It seemed to me that 
the denim was much more effective at reducing the diaper 
bulge than the cotton jersey of my shorts, but ultimately I 
didn't care enough to change.
	 We went downstairs and ate a quick breakfast of cold 
cereal. Even running late, Phyllis maintained that you 
shouldn't skip `the most important meal of the day.' I 
finished up about the same time as Greg who took our bowls 
and deposited them in the dishwasher.
	"You guys ready?" Phyllis asked. We nodded our 
agreement. "All right then, Greg you go get your diaper bag, 
and Freddie, turn out the lights and check the back door and 
let's go."
	We were in the van and on our way when Greg thought to 
ask, "Why'd we have to bring the diaper bag? Didn't you get 
us some diapers for when we are at Aunt Sherry's?"
	"Yes, you have diapers at Aunt Sherry's, but what if 
she takes you guys somewhere?"
	"Ohhhh okay," he said as if she had explained a great 
mystery to him. Takes us somewhere? Great I thought, just 
what I want is to go into public wearing a diaper. Greg 
didn't seem to be bothered about it, but he doesn't ever get 
bothered about much. Maybe that's why we were such good 
friends he was so mellow, and I was so high strung.
	We were dropped off at Sherry's and ushered inside by 
Jarred who ran out side when the van pulled up. He was 
obviously excited that his older cousins would be spending 
the day at his house. Jared was still in his PJ's and it was 
clear from the bulge that he, too, was wearing a diaper. 
"Jarred Joseph Matthews, get yourself in here right this 
instant, you don't go out side in your pajamas," Sherry 
scolded him.
	"I'm sorwy. Gweg and Fweddie are hewe all day?" He 
asked his mother.
	"Yes, and Todd, too." She said looking at us. "Sorry, 
ya'll he just got up and ran downstairs. He's a handful 
sometimes." She stuck a finger down the front of his PJ 
bottoms and asked him "Did you have a dry night?"
	He looked down at his feet as she retracted her finger 
and just shook his head.
	"It's okay honey, momma was just curious, go get your 
clothes I laid out for you and we'll get you cleaned up."
	Jarred ran upstairs, probably used to the routine, and 
returned with some clean clothes. Sherry stripped of his 
bottoms and his diaper. She then cleaned him up with a 
diaper wipe and then handed him a pair of training pants to 
put on along with the rest of his clothes.
	"Greg, Todd, you guys okay or you need anything while I 
got this stuff out?"
	"I'm fine, thanks," I said, I was a bit embarrassed at 
being asked this in front of a small child. Greg, with his 
usual lack of well-chosen wording, just said, "nope, I think 
I'm still dry." This elicited a giggle from Jarred.
	"Gweg, you don't wear diapers, you're too old!" Jarred 
looked at his mom as if to say I know Greg is just trying to 
fool me.
	"Do too!" Greg said back.
	"Do not!" Jarred was quick enough to reply.
	"Do too!" It was like the `duck season' skit from Bugs 
	"Don't," Jared said back, but this time with a little 
doubt showing in his voice. Maybe he sensed Greg's 
	"Do too...and I'll show you!" Greg stood up and dropped 
his trousers right there.
	Jared's eyes went wide and for a moment he was 
speechless. "Todd does too, don't ya?" Greg said poking me 
in the ribs.
	Sherry was astute enough to come to my rescue "Jarred, 
go eat your breakfast before your cereal gets soggy." Which 
was enough to send the four year old dashing to the kitchen.
	Rob came downstairs with his bathrobe wrapped around 
him and saw Greg standing by the couch with his shorts 
around his ankles. This caused him to raise his eyebrows but 
all he said was something that might have been a growl or 
good morning I couldn't tell. I guess Rob isn't a morning 
person either, more power to him I thought.
	Sherry told Greg to go ahead and get his shirt off, 
too, indicating that I too should lose my clothes. She 
explained that she had some things for us to try on. Sherry 
left the room and returned a few minutes later with an 
armload of clothes. "I made some alterations to some stuff 
your mom bought, I thought that it might help you guys out a 
bit with your diaper situation"
	Sherry gave us each a tee shirt that was really long 
and had a flap with snaps in the crotch. I pulled it over my 
head and snapped it up. "See, that will keep your shirt from 
coming untucked and exposing your diapers."
	I hated to admit it, but it was a good idea, I also had 
to admit it was a onesie, but I could live with it if it 
spared me from showing my diapers off. Sherry handed me a 
pair of overall shorts, which I stepped into. I've always 
thought overalls were a bit redneckish but these were nice 
enough. Greg was handed a regular pair of jeans. Sherry 
explained "Those jeans have an elastic waist, that will help 
keep `em over your diapers and I put snaps on the inseam so 
you don't have to take them off to get changed. I did the 
same on those shortalls you've got on, Todd."
	Sherry did a great job keeping the snaps hard to see, I 
thought, and it does make sense functionality-wise. I sat 
down and looked at my crotch to make sure the inseam wasn't 
gapping and that the diaper wasn't showing through. 
Everything looked good. I thanked Sherry and gave her a big 
hug, not normally my style, but it seemed like the thing to 
	"Thanks. I'm just glad ya'll like them, I'll get some 
more done over the next week or two."
	Sherry returned our normal attire to us so she could 
put the finishing touches on our new clothes. Rob had joined 
us in the living room and asked if we had any interest in 
going with him to the shack. The shack was an abandoned 
house in the woods where we would hang out and shoot off 
	Rob told Sherry we were going to the woods for a while.
	"You boys be back by lunch time, and don't you go 
getting into any trouble. Greg, Todd if you guys don't feel 
well or get tired you come on back okay?"
	"Yes ma'am" Greg told her as we headed out the door.
	The trail back to the shack was wide open and inviting. 
We made our way fairly quickly, my mind spinning ahead of my 
legs, eager to become occupied with bottle rockets and 
firecrackers. A glance over my shoulder showed a darkening 
sky as huge weighty clouds seemed to seethe and roll over 
each other like snakes. A storm was coming, but we had an 
hour or two before the squall got to us.
	 The man sat in his chair tapping an ink pen 
absentmindedly against his forehead, not really looking at 
the output on his computer screen. The reports would 
collaborate with all the others, that much he was sure of, 
but without having any pre-exposure data on the two boys it 
would be a hard case to prove. This was such a great 
opportunity for the study, but the frustration level was 
high, working with kids and their parents was not the same 
as dealing with his own people and the study volunteers. His 
volunteers wouldn't ask questions the way these people 
might. And the short sighted powers that be have not yet 
given him permission to acquire the children.
	He fished at his cup of coffee and found it to be 
almost empty with only the cold bitter dregs left. Grimacing 
he swallowed anyway and reached for the phone. He had to 
report into the people who were in charge.
	He picked up the phone and dialed the number he was to 
use that week. Although the phone lines were electronically 
scrambled, one could never be too sure in this day and age. 
Considering who his employer was precautions were in order 
and the phone number changed each week.
	"Thank you for calling Autoshine, how may I direct your 
call?" A pretty sounding voice said at the other end.
	"I need a manager, please."
	"One moment, sir."
	The phone clicked as the line was transferred and voice 
checks were performed.
	"This is Ray, what can I do ya for?"
	"Hello Ray, I just brought my van in last week for 
	"I take it something is not to your satisfaction?"
	"No. Everything was just as I expected it to be and the 
price was in line with my expectations."
	"I just wanted to thank you for your service and was 
wanting to make arrangements to have my Mercedes cleaned."
	"Very good sir, where can we pick up your Mercedes?"
	"At the office, could you take a look at the carpet on 
the driver's side? Its particularly dirty."
	"We'll pick it up tomorrow morning and have it back by 
tomorrow night"
	"Thank you. Ray."
	The man hung the phone up, `what a stupid cloak and 
dagger way to communicate'. He felt like he was in a bad spy 
novel. Although the man was high up in his organization he 
knew that only meant he had a long way to fall if he ever 
made a mistake. Not following procedure was a very grave 
mistake in the eyes of his employer and the man had spent 
many years learning to avoid such mistakes.
	Amy popped her head in the office.
	"I'll be leaving for the day sir, is there anything 
further you require?"
	"No Amy I'll be fine, have a good day."
	Amy started to pull away from the door, but then 
thought better of it. "Did the tests conform to your 
	"Yes, and then some. But we really need to observe them 
overnight, see if you can arrange that after their next 
	"Yes sir." Amy said, unconsciously spinning on her heel 
as she left the office.
	The man known to the boys as Dr. Will looked back to 
his computer and started typing notes for inclusion in his 
next proper report. "Physical output is positive five to 
fifteen percent above nominal expectations for pserafine 
levels present in blood. Organ growth occurring as expected, 
however adolescent physiology may complicate. Further 
research needed to determine effects of puberty on pserafine 
production levels. To early to speculation on host organ 
tissue regenerative abilities. Unable to gauge psychological 
effects with out controlled lab environment."
	A double beep indicated to the man that there was 
incoming email. He saved his work, flipped to his email 
program and read with interest the two memos to make their 
way into his inbox. The first was a report from one of his 
colleagues on the study indicating that the black flag had 
been lifted and that all environmental hazards had been 
contained or destroyed. Dr. Will smiled knowing that black 
flag was referencing the escaped insects from the production 
control facility a few miles away.
	The other memo was also good news as far as Dr. Will 
was concerned. This one was from his newshound program that 
provided him with local news. A man was found dead in his 
upscale home, shot apparently in a drug deal gone sour. The 
article explained that the man was a doctor who had 
apparently been using his access to certain substances as a 
way to make a little extra cash. Preliminary inquiries 
revealed a sketchy past with huge amounts of debt to less 
than reputable sources.
	 "We should get back," Rob said looking out of the 
broken window at the darkening sky.
	Not really wanting to go back I peered out the window 
myself in hopes of spotting a blue sky where Rob was seeing 
dark thunderheads. I was enjoying some of the first 
unmitigated freedom offered us since the accident and this 
newfound emancipation from authority was sweet even if it 
was short-lived. Turning around I surveyed the insides of 
the shack, the shadows deepening as sunlight faded outside. 
Gregg was crouched down beside a partially broken interior 
wall taping a group of bottle rockets together. The bottle 
rockets joined in such a fashion were a little device we 
called a cluster bomb. While in retrospect not total 
original our version of the age old classic involved using 
vinyl electrical tape to add some extra compression.
	"Okay we'll blow this one and then go," Gregg said 
placing the package on the ground near what might have one 
time been the porch. He placed a length of PVC pipe into the 
ground into a circular depression around the `DMZ'. The pipe 
sported a small cut away area at the bottom to allow 
lighting the fuse. The pipe thus positioned into the ground 
Gregg stretched a plastic bag over the top of the pipe and 
secured it with a rubber band. It was all routine for us, 
but it was the highlight of many a day when I was lucky 
enough to spend it with Gregg and his cousin.
	Lighting the fuse Gregg called out "fire in the hole."
	A moment later, there was a muffled thud as the bag 
billowed out at the top and then ripped letting out the 
acrid smoke in a small puff. We retrieved the pipe and 
secured it back in the shack with our meager supply of bags, 
rubber bands, vinyl tape and other sundry firework 
modifiers. Rob did, however, make sure to take our stash of 
`Class C's' on the off chance that some one else might find 
and pilfer our entertainment.
	We started the � mile trek to Sherry's in relative 
silence, each of us being thankful for the moment but 
already plotting ahead to what we might do to top today's 
fun. My stomach reminded me that we had been away all 
morning and that lunchtime was rapidly approaching.
	Just at the edge of the woods with the house in sight, 
the sky opened up and poured forth its contents in a warm 
but driving summer shower. The dark clouds dissipating as 
they delivered their moist payload to the dry ground below, 
creating one of those oddities of summer where it gets 
lighter the more it rains. In the time it took to cross the 
150 feet to the yard proper we were soaked and our shoes 
were caked with mud.
	Stopping just long enough for Rob to deposit our 
fireworks in an old bin beside the lawn shed we trudged to 
the backdoor.
	"Don't ya'll get mud on my clean floor," Sherry cried 
impulsively at the first creek of the screen door. 
Thankfully the eve provided shelter from the diminishing 
down pour as we shed out shoes and stepped into the kitchen.
	Lunch was being put down on the table and looked to 
consist of some type of sandwich and soup. I noticed the 
absence of a place setting and decided not to comment and 
just be thankful that the table wouldn't be that crowded.
	"I know you weren't thinking of setting at my table 
wearing those muddy clothes were you?" Sherry admonished, 
stopping the three of us in our tracks.
	"You boys git out of them clothes and come downstairs 
presentable, and don't forget to wash your hands."

In the afternoon.

	Upstairs Rob was kind enough to provide both Gregg and 
myself with a pair of shorts and t-shirt. I'm a little 
stocky by nature and the baggies were a bit tight around my 
diaper drawing my full attention to the fact that they were 
almost as wet as the clothes I had just removed. Still I had 
priorities and being fed was at the top of the list so my 
diaper could wait.
	We reassembled at the table, where Jarred was busy 
eating his sandwich sans crust and occasionally casting a 
disparaging glance at his soup bowl. The sandwiches were ham 
salad (made with a hint of coca cola to offer sweetness) and 
the soup was a roasted pepper puree served cold, a popular 
summer dish in these parts and one to which I am very 
partial to.
	Jarred, predictably, didn't want anything to do with 
the pepper soup and after finishing his sandwich raced off 
to the living room to continue playing in front of the TV 
until the outside had sufficiently dried out to allow him 
access to his playmates. I elected to eat Jared's soup not 
wanting the mellow soup to waste. Satiated I picked up on 
the conversation that I had unintentionally tuned out while 
	"Tomorrow since the tickets were free," Sherry 
	Greg and Rob both seemed delighted at the prospect, 
whatever it was. I puzzled for a moment trying to pick the 
pieces to the conversation I had not paid attention to.
	"What's that? I wasn't paying attention," I admitted.
	"You never pay attention when foods around," Greg shot 
	"We'll the soup was SO good" I said hoping 
halfheartedly to have scored brownie points.
	"Thank you, Todd," Sherry said beaming at the earnest 
praise, "I got tickets to Splashers tomorrow. Lucy next door 
came to visit and when she heard what you boys had been 
through she called her husband and he's bringing tickets 
home for all of us."
	Splashers is a water park and a place I genuinely 
enjoyed both for the water slides and for the scenic view of 
scantily clad members of the fairer sex. I was too busy 
thinking of past experiences to concentrate on what will 
surely be a new a very different one considering this time I 
would be diapered.
	Freshly diapered Gregg and I sat around the table 
playing cards with Rob. We were playing Skip-Bo and I was 
having to fight the good fight trying to prevent Rob from 
	Sherry called Splashers and asked for guest services.
	"Yes, I have tickets for tomorrow and I will have two 
boys in diapers with me."-- pause-- "No ma'am, I'm sorry I 
didn't make myself clear, they're not toddlers they're 
teenagers"-- pause-- "Ahheem, yes I see,..."-- pause-- 
"disposables.. yes"-- pause-- "Okay. At the information 
booth.. Yes I see. Thank you."
	My mind picked up enough of the conversation to wonder 
just how was it that I going to attract the attention of 
anything in a two-piece bikini when I was diapered? Scratch 
that, I thought.. Attract the favor of anything in a two-
piece bikini. Attention would be the easy part. Knowing 
there was no way of getting out of going short of dying, 
which may be a bit too extreme for my tastes I figured it 
was but another step toward the ultimate of ironies that 
life seemed to dish out to me, each one more extreme than 
the last. Though even as I write these events a full twenty 
years later I am now grateful that life has never failed to 
disappoint or surprise me, it's just at that time in my life 
I was a bit melodramatic, but then again at that age aren't 
we all?

In the Evening

	Phyllis made an appearance long enough to check up on 
us and to bring along a fresh bag of diapers in case we were 
running low as the original game plan only provided us to be 
at Sherry's until supper time and Phyllis did not want us to 
expend our backup supply of diapers. Phyllis admonished us 
to `be good' and was out the door after pausing a moment to 
hug Gregg and Freddie and to tussle my hair, Bill was 
returning tonight and they were going to make the most of 
their time without us kids around.
	Freddie and Rob sat themselves in front of the TV and 
contented themselves with a movie and Greg and I broke out a 
deck of cards for some more of our impromptu poker playing. 
Sherry was upstairs making sure that Jared washed behind his 
ears. The domestic tranquility of the evening was in such 
contrast to my own home life that despite my best efforts to 
just `be happy' I was forcing myself to examine my somewhat 
starched and sterile home life. In turn, I thought of my 
parents and their own troubles a half world away and could 
not do much to bite down the resentment I felt at them not 
putting me first. They could, if they wanted to, decry 
immunity and return home. My father's pride and my mother's 
vanity being enough to keep them on foreign soil fighting 
trumped up charges. Knowing that if the situation ever 
occurred with Sherry or Bill and Phyllis they would put 
their kids first and return to the US with all haste to be 
by their sides. Sometimes the realization that you never had 
something to begin with can be worse than losing what you 
already have.
	Gregg informing me that `I think too much' and I should 
just play the cards I was dealt because they were not going 
to change because I was staring at them. My gloomy 
introspection broken I played my hand and silently marveled 
at the wisdom of his words, however unintentional, as they 
related to my situation. Maybe that was his secret to 
getting the best out of life, maybe he just played what he 
was dealt and waited for the next hand. Nah, optimism sucks 
I reminded myself, cheered immeasurably despite my best 
efforts to remain morose.
	Sherry came downstairs, tote bag in hand with Jarred 
trailing behind, a towel wrapped around his waist. She 
fished a vinyl mat from under the couch and Jarred was 
powdered and diapered. Jarred stood and stepped into a pair 
of plastic pants, which he pulled up, and then Sherry 
inspected tucking the diaper in to the overpants in places. 
He stepped into a pair of PJ bottoms and pulled a matching 
shirt on over his head. Finished he climbed onto the couch 
and began to ask everyone in the room if they were going to 
Splashers tomorrow.
	Sherry told me to come over to the mat and my shorts 
were removed, as were my plastic pants. Sherry deftly ripped 
the tapes away from the front of my diaper and pulled it out 
from under me, rolling it up into a ball and taping it back 
closed. She grabbed a diaper wipe and went to work making 
sure I was clean. From our diaper bag she produced a bottle 
of baby oil and a tube of diaper rash ointment which she 
applied liberally. From my vantage point on the floor the 
unopened bag of diapers looked huge as Sherry ripped it open 
along a seam at the top. She pulled out a diaper and brought 
its wings open as she unfolded it, her fingers working down 
its length fluffing the leak cuff.
	"Lift up," she requested, I complied, feeling the air 
move as the diaper slipped under me. Her hands gently pushed 
my knees toward the carpet exposing more of my crotch as she 
brought the diaper up and wrapped the back wings forward, 
taping them to the front panel securely. She reached for my 
plastic pants and gave it a second thought as she noticed 
they had been worn all day. She rummaged through our diaper 
bag, finding no plastic pants she told me to sit tight, and 
she went upstairs. She returned with a handful of items 
including a few pair of plastic pants. She offered no 
explanation as to why she had vinyl pants large enough to 
fit a fifteen-year-old boy, but my mind settled on her 
comments from the other day reminding Rob about his little 
problem. The pants were of the snap-on variety and were 
adorned with farm animals, tractors and cartoon-like bails 
of hay. Thusly diapered she handed me a pair of striped 
pajama bottoms that appeared to be about knee length. I 
looked at them dubiously and Sherry said they were too big 
for Rob when they bought them and she was sure they would 
fit me. I removed my shirt and replaced it with the 
identically striped pajama top. I then pulled the bottoms up 
and over my diaper, the elastic waist of pj's disappearing 
under the shirt. I took my place on the couch making room 
for Gregg who had anticipated his turn and had already 
removed his shorts.
	The routine repeated and Gregg was given a pair of pair 
of overpants covered in red fire trucks. Gregg's Pj's were 
of the same style as mine only a size smaller. I noticed the 
fire truck print was showing through the seat of his pants 
and self-consciously looked down at my crotch to see if I 
could make out any farm animals, I could. Rob remained 
silent through the whole ordeal, only a touch of color rose 
to his cheeks at having his old problem paraded around the 
room. Gregg was surprisingly silent; I figured he would have 
complemented Rob on the cool fire trucks or some such, but I 
think he was being more careful of his cousin's dignity than 
he would be if it were only his own on the line.
	Sherry handed me the two spent diapers and asked me to 
thrown them out for here while she put away the diapering 
supplies. I padded into the kitchen cringing at the rustling 
crinkle sounds coming from my pants. The PJs were too thin 
to muffle the diaper sound and the vinyl pants that Sherry 
provided seemed only to add their own sound to the rhythmic 
crinkle that accompanied my walking. Seeing the diapers in 
the trash, I tried to bow my legs a bit as I walked back to 
the living room. The sound wasn't any less, just different 
so I reverted to my normal gait.
	Jarred was dispatched to bed, and Freddie who was 
sharing the room with him decided to turn in himself. Sherry 
told us three remaining boys to hit the hay as we had to be 
up early in the morning.
	We went to Rob's room and I noted the futon where Greg 
and I were to sleep had been folded down and made into a 
bed. The futon was perpendicular to Rob's bed and came close 
to blocking access to his closet. Rob undressed and to my 
surprise removed his boxers and threw them into his hamper. 
He opened his chest of drawer and pulled out what looked to 
be jockey shorts until I realized they were way too thick to 
be normal briefs. Rob pulled them up and told us sheepishly 
that he didn't normally wear them anymore, but his 
waterproof sheet had been removed to be used on the futon 
for us and his mom had insisted that he wear them `just in 
case.' I immediately felt bad for him and would have tried 
to offer an awkward apology for putting him out had Gregg 
not piped in that Rob should have just worn a diaper like 
real men do. "Real men wear diapers don't they Todd?" Greg 
	I tried frantically to think of the right thing to say, 
not wanting to piss off Rob while I am a guest of his, nor 
wanting to admit to anything as heinous as not being a `real 
man'. I noticed Rob was smiling, probably already thinking 
of a comeback, which put me at ease knowing he wasn't 
offended at Gregg's suggestion.
	"Sure do, I'm a real man and I'm wearing a diaper so it 
must be true. I can't fault your logic there," I said.
	"See Rob, it's true, real men wear diapers, Todd said 
so. Not that he's a real man either."
	"Hey! I'm wearing a diaper, so by your own logic I'm a 
real man," I retorted lamely wishing my wit were a bit 
sharper this late into the evening.
	"Girls can wear diapers, too, and they're not real 
men." Greg countered "See Todd, real men don't wear barn 
yard animals on their plastic pants. They wear fire trucks 
	"Fuck you, dipshit" Rob and I both said to him in 
	At that moment, I was truly okay with my plight, even a 
bit proud in a humorous sort of way. I resolved then to try 
not to be bothered by my condition when around Sherry, Rob 
and Jarred. Maybe I needed to be a little more like Gregg 
and just play the best I could with what I had. That was the 
first in a long series of lessons that would impart to me 
that the fellowship of ones peers as being a more effective 
weapon to deal with the obstacles of life than the contents 
of ones bank accounts (my parents favored tactic to solve 
all problems was to steady ones self and throw money at it.) 
I was happy for myself and sad for my folks who had never 
learned the value of friendships. As I drifted off to sleep, 
I was truly right with the world, if only for a few hours 
	Morning came and I was the first to wake as Sherry 
knocked on the door calling for us to get up. I threw the 
covers aside and rolled out of bed catching a glance of 
myself reflected from Robs dresser mirror. I looked just 
like Jarred had the previous morning on our arrival; only I 
was bigger by about eleven years. I pushed Gregg's shoulder 
telling him to get up. Groggily he came awake and sat up in 
	"Morning." He told me.
	"Morning" I replied.
	"What time is it?"
	"A few minutes till eight."
	"Breakfast will get cold if you boys don't hurry," 
Sherry called from downstairs.
	Rob, having been woken by the commotion got out of bed, 
slipped a pair of shorts over his training pants, and padded 
out of the room.
	I headed downstairs where Jarred and Freddie were 
already seated at the table.
	"Morning all" I said to the room as I sat down.
	"Good Morning, Todd," Sherry said as she sat a plate of 
bacon and eggs in front of me.
	Gregg and Rob came into the room and soon we were all 
discussing our plans for the day.
	Freddie even seemed to be excited about the outing, his 
normal aloofness having been discarded at the prospect of a 
day at Splashers.
	During breakfast I felt my diaper flooding and knew it 
had to be close to its saturation point as the liquid was 
real slow to be absorbed. I shivered a bit as the warmth 
spread; Sherry noticed this and told me to get the first 
shower after breakfast. She similarly dispatched Gregg to 
the shower in the master bedroom.
	I got up from the table and put my dishes in the sink, 
rinsing them off despite the fact that the plate was free 
from debris. Sherry followed me into the living room and 
said she would go ahead and get me out my wet diaper. I 
discarded my shirt as Sherry pulled down my PJ bottoms and 
plastic pants. My diaper was sagging a Sherry had to hold it 
up to keep it from coming down as well. She undid the tapes 
and pulled the diaper free, she quickly rolled it into a 
ball and taped it close. I finished stepping out of my pants 
and headed off naked to find the shower.
	I stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain 
closed. The hot water felt great and by the time I was 
through I felt clean and refreshed. I toweled off a stepped 
over to the vanity to brush my teeth all the while I was 
busily peering in mirror trying to detect the growth of 
facial hair. My parents had gotten me an electric shaver 
that I sometimes used despite not needing it, I think they 
had purchased the razor for me not out of immediate need but 
because I was at the age where I would soon need one. I saw 
something that might be a bit of fuzz on my lip but I wasn't 
sure, the steam on the mirror grew back too quickly for me 
to tell.
	Wrapped only in the towel I turned over the bathroom to 
Freddie who was next in line and headed back downstairs. 
Sherry was finishing Gregg's diaper as Jarred sat transfixed 
by morning cartoons. I was next for the pad but rather than 
lay down Sherry took my towel and had me turn away from her 
so she could apply some Desitin to my rear. I was soon 
diapered in a standard enough fashion this time without 
plastic pants.
	"I laid your clothes out on your bed so you boys finish 
getting ready, we need to leave soon."
	We marched upstairs as she told Jarred to turn the TV 
off, as he too had to attend to getting dressed. I donned 
the shorts she had set out and appreciated the fact that 
they were a little loose which might help conceal my diaper 
a bit. I pulled on my t-shirt, looked in the mirror and 
determined that I could not tell I had a diaper on. In the 
meantime, Rob had returned from his shower and hastily got 
dressed. The three of us were walking out of the room when 
Rob stopped and ran back to his dresser and hastily 
extracted a pair of swim trunks. At that moment, the 
realization hit me that neither Gregg nor I had a bathing 
	We got downstairs to see Sherry tiding up before our 
	"Sherry, what are we gonna swim in?" I asked
	"We'll get you guys a suit at the park," She explained.
	Sherry grabbed our diaper bag and we made our way to 
her Taurus station wagon. Rob rode shotgun, with Greg, 
Jarred and me in the back seat. Freddie rode in the wagon 
portion of the car with instructions to sit with his back to 
the front of the car,
	The half hour car trip was over pretty quickly and with 
the passes provided by Sherry's neighbor we even got VIP 
parking near the entrance of the park. We still had about 
fifteen minutes until the park opened for the day and we 
joined the line of people waiting for admittance. We did not 
wait long before the line started moving to pre-admit people 
to the park. We got to the ticket booth and Sherry handed 
the ticket girl our tickets, the young woman handed us some 
food passes and explained that they were part of our VIP 
package. The ticket girl noticed the diaper bag and told 
Sherry that if she had diaper-aged children she would need 
to go to the information booth straight ahead for park 
policy information. The ticket girl looked a bit quizzically 
at Jarred but very quickly looked away not wanting to seem 
unprofessional. As we approached the information booth, I 
saw a bit of the plastic wing material of Gregg's diaper 
sticking out the waistband of his shorts and I had to wonder 
if the ticket girl could have remained professional if she 
would have noticed that.
	We got to the information center and Sherry placed the 
diaper bag on the counter. The lady who stood behind the 
counter was gorgeous! Her park uniform was a one piece 
swimsuit that was cut to not be overly sexy, but it failed 
miserably in its job. Gina, as her name badge pointed out 
worked for guest services. "I can think of a service or 
two," I thought wryly to myself as I felt a stirring in my 
	Gina, seeing the diaper bag and apparently used to 
giving the diaper spiel many times a day stated "We have the 
following policy in place regarding children in diapers for 
the protection of all our swimmers. Plastic swim diapers are 
required for all diaper-aged children. If you need an extra 
pair or forget to bring them for your children, Splashers 
has plastic swim diapers available, at cost, at the 
merchandise shop or information center. Diapers may be 
changed only at designated, sanitized changing areas. If you 
intend to use your own swim diaper it must be approved to 
comply with park policy."
	Pausing long enough to breath, she continued, "Will you 
be providing a swim diaper?"
	"No I'll purchase, thank you," Sherry said.
	"Our Swim Diapers consist of a nylon swim trunk with 
plastic waterproof pant built in. The swim diaper is 
designed to be worn over either cloth or disposable diapers. 
The stripe going down the front of the diaper detects PH 
changes and will change color when in need of changing. Your 
child will not be allowed to ride any ride until the diaper 
has been changed."
	Gina held up a small pair of trunks and suggested that 
she felt these would be of the proper size. I knew what was 
coming and I wished to be anywhere else in the world, my 
resolve from the previous night melted away in the presence 
of Gina.
	Sherry leaned forward to speak to Gina in a somewhat 
softer tone. Jarred had apparently made the connection and 
started insisting vocally that he was a big boy and did not 
need to wear a diaper during the day. Gina having gotten the 
message one way or the other looked slightly embarrassed as 
she quickly made her way to the small stock room on the back 
of the information desk. She returned with two identically 
styled but larger garments, apparently having been given our 
sizes by Sherry. She handed the diapers over and managed to 
tell us "You'll find changing stations located conveniently 
throughout the park, the nearest is located at the main 
locker and shower area. Have a great day at the park," 
before helping the next customer behind us.
	We arrived at the locker rooms where Rob and Freddie 
with Jarred in tow went into the men's changing area. "Rob, 
if you guys get done before we do I want you to wait right 
here for us, okay?" Sherry called after him.
	Sherry led us into the changing area, which could 
accommodate two sets of parents simultaneously. The changing 
area had fold down changing tables on opposite walls and a 
bench seat running in front of each. The room was completed 
with a sink and a disposal unit. Sherry took Gregg's shoes 
and socks from him and lifted his shirt off. Greg dropped 
his shorts and handed them to Sherry. Sherry dropped a 
finger into the front of Gregg's diaper and pulled it out. 
"Geez, Aunt Sherry you could have just asked," he told her. 
"Sorry, hon, it's habit." She gave him the swim diaper and 
had him pull it up. She spun him around and checked to make 
sure the diaper was fully covered and that the internal 
plastic pant was covering all the diaper.
	During this I had seen fit to remove my shirt, shorts, 
shoes and socks. Sherry asked if I was wet, which of course 
I was. I nodded to her and she had me lay back on a changing 
mat she had placed on the bench.. She folded down the table 
from the wall and put our diaper bag onto it. She pulled out 
a fresh diaper, powder and a pop up tube of wipes.
	She was undoing the tapes on my diaper when the door 
opened and a woman with a toddler walked in.
	The woman did a double take and then somewhat awkwardly 
said, "I'm sorry, I'll come back in a minute."
	"Don't mind us, were almost done anyhow" Sherry 
reassured her.
	The woman folded down the table and placed her son on 
it, I couldn't help but notice the blue stripe on the front 
of his swim trunks was an angry orange in the crotch. Great 
I thought, bad enough to be in diapers, even worse to draw 
attention to the fact.
	Sherry had disposed of my diaper and popped the top on 
the diaper wipes. She pulled one free and shook the 
container. "Shoot I'm out of wipes," Sherry said.
	The other woman handed Sherry her flat pack and told 
her "You can use these if you like" I looked over and for 
once Gregg appeared to be a bit embarrassed too. Sherry set 
the Huggies natural care wipes on the table and proceeded to 
clean and powder my groin. She handed the wipes back to 
woman and thanked her.
	Sherry unfolded a new diaper and I noticed this one was 
a different kind than we had been wearing. These had a big 
blue center panel with internal leak guards running from 
front to back, the wings of the diaper were fuller as well. 
She slid the diaper under me and I noticed it was slightly 
thicker than the others, the crotch of the diaper really 
bunching between my legs. She handed me my swim trunks and I 
pulled them up and did my best to make sure they were right. 
Sherry still adjusted them slightly to account for the 
higher back of my new disposable.
	"Thanks again for the wipes," Sherry said out as we 
walked toward the door.
	"Don't worry about it," the woman said back as she 
finished her son's diaper and pulled on his trunks. I 
noticed the stripe in the front had reverted to its original 
blue coloration. A moment later two women and three boys in 
diapers walked out from the changing station.