Haydon's Life

Summary: Haydon becomes surprised when he start's to have accidents. 
His family and he learn to deal with him becoming incontinent.


When I was a toddler my parents told me I was hard to toilet train. 
Then when I was fully trained at the age of five I still had bedtime 
accidents that lasted until I was eight. Since then there have been no 
accidents and I’ve been able to lead a normal life. I am fourteen and I 
live with my parents, my older brother Benson, and my younger brother 
Callum. My name is Haydon.

It was the last day of summer and we were all told to go to bed early 
because we’d be starting school the very next day. I had my own room, 
thankfully. I was really nervous about starting high school since I was 
a really shy kid. That night I tossed and turned and when I finally got 
into a deep sleep I woke up and found that I had wet my bed. I hadn’t 
done this in six years and was a little freaked out about it.

I woke up and changed out of my pyjamas. I went to tell my mom but she 
had already left to drive my younger brother to school My dad worked 
the graveyard shift as a cop so he was home now, but I was embarrassed 
to tell my dad that I had just wet my bed. I decided on telling my mom 
after school. I hurried and got ready for school with my older brother 
who drove me to school.

School wasn’t that bad, I had a lot of friends from elementary school 
and I was beginning to meet new friends at high school. On my way home 
in my brother’s car, I felt the urge to go pee. When we got in the 
driveway I rushed inside to use the washroom, however I didn’t make it 
in time and I had wet my pants. My mom and Benson looked at me weird.

“Honey, what’s wrong? You wet your bed, too, last night. Are you 
feeling alright?” My mom asked.

I was red all over with embarrassment; I replied “I don’t know what’s 
wrong. I woke up and I had wet the bed and then when I was in Benson’s 
car I just had this sudden urge to go pee.” I began to cry.

“Oh sweetie, don’t worry. I washed your sheets, now go and change out 
of your pants and hop in the shower. We’ll discuss it at dinner with 
your father,” My mom said.

I went upstairs slowly and changed out of my pants and went into the 
shower. I was not up for talking about my problem with my dad in front 
of the whole family. No one else in my family had trouble when they 
were younger with wetting their bed so I don’t think anyone would 
understand what it was like when they were older. My mom was always 
supportive and reassuring, but my dad on the other hand, he was easily 
disappointed. With three sons he wanted perfection from all of us. I 
was the only one that had a hard time living up to that.

You see, I loved acting, singing and dancing, but my father on the 
other hand wanted me to play soccer and lacrosse like Benson did. He 
thought that singing, dancing, and acting were things that girls did, 
but I enjoyed them a lot. But I didn’t want to disappoint my father so 
I stuck with soccer and lacrosse. I wasn’t bad at them, but I wasn’t 
like Benson or even Callum. They bother managed a ton of trophies and I 
only had a few. So I bet you could imagine what it would be like to 
discuss my problem with wetting the bed.

After my shower I was tired and just went to bed. I wasn’t even 
thinking of wetting my bed…I was just tired and because it was the 
summer, it was really hot and I wanted to get out of the heat.

When I awoke my mom was shaking me slowly trying to wake me up. “Honey 
wake up. You wet the bed again honey.”

I slowly began to open my eyes. My mom looked at me and said again 
“Haydon, you wet your bed. Dinner’s ready, go and change again. I’m 
going to make an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow.” My mom 

I felt down near my groin and sure enough it was completely soaked. I 
got up and changed my pants and went downstairs. My mom was cleaning my 
bed again for me.

When my mom was done we all sat around the dinner table. My mom brought 
up the subject of my wetting my pants. “Now Haydon, I don’t know why it 
has been happening but it can’t keep up like this. I made an 
appointment with the doctor for tomorrow. You’ll have to miss school.”

“You mean Haydon has been wetting his bed and pants again?” Callum 

“Yes sweetie, but he can’t help it. We are all going to have to make 
him feel as comfortable as possible during this time,” My mom replied.

I was mortified at what they were talking about. I couldn’t even look 
up at my family.

“Buddy, I’m sure you’ll be better soon,” My dad said.

When dinner was over I went to watch some television and when I got up 
I had noticed that my pants were soaked. Benson looked at me and said, 
“Buddy. I think you peed your pants again.”

I went upstairs and changed my pants into pyjamas and went to bed. I 
woke up again to a soaked bed. This time my mom was there. “It’s time 
to get up. Get in the shower. Your doctor’s appointment is in an hour.”

When I was showered and changed into clean clothes I went downstairs 
for breakfast. After breakfast we left for my doctor’s office.

When we got there my doctor came in.

“Ahh, Haydon, I see you’re having wetting problems again. Is there 
anything going on that I should know about? Have you been tired lately, 
any high fevers?”

“Yes, I’m always tired and I’ve had a few high fevers,” I answered.

“Well, we should take some tests to figure out what’s wrong,” he said. 
So I peed in a cup, I had blood drawn and an ultrasound. When the tests 
came back the doctor came back in and said, “Well, Haydon, you seem to 
have suffered from a severe bladder infection. It has done permanent 
damage to your bladder. That means that there is really nothing I can 
do about your wetting problems. You’ll be incontinent forever.”

“Wh-what does that mean?” I asked.

“Well, you see, the damage on your bladder will make you not feel the 
compulsion to pee. It’s a hard side effect, but considering the damage, 
you’re lucky that’s your only problem. I suggest wearing incontinence 
briefs. I can give you a prescription,” He said. He wrote my mom out a 
prescription and we left.

I was very upset. When we got in the car my mom said, “Well, honey it 
looks like you’ll be wearing diapers. This is going to change a lot in 
our house. I think it’ll be good for you to take a few weeks off of 
school to adjust. I know it is hard, but you’ll get used to it. I think 
we should go to the health care store now.”

My mom drove us to the health care store and got a worker to help us. 
“You see, my son just got news that he’ll have to wear diapers and 
well, I haven’t bought them in a long time and I don’t know where to 
start,” My mom said.

The worker led us over the area of diapers. There were aisles full of 
diapers. “Well he’ll be wearing them all day, won’t he?” The worker 

“Yes, and at night.”

“Well, for the night, the cloth diapers will be best. They hold more 
for more hours. And for the daytime we have these diapers, she led us 
over to the disposable diapers, she pointed to a packaged that said 
DIAPERS SIZE 32”. They had Sesame Street characters and Barney and 
Friends on the front of the diapers. “They will hold the most and they 
come in designs.”

“Okay, well, we will take a dozen cloth diapers. So I’m guessing we’ll 
need plastic pants and pins,” My mom asked.

“Yes, they are over here.” The worker led them back the cloth diaper 
isle. There were plastic pants with prints and in different colours. 
“He’ll probably want the pull-on ones,” The worker said.

My mom told me to pick ones out that I would want. I didn’t want any of 
them but I knew that I needed them and there was no point in arguing 
with my mom. So I picked out ones with Golden snitches and broom sticks 
from Harry Potter, and a soccer pattern. My mom got me some baby wipes, 
oil, and powder. Then she picked out pins with soccer balls on them.

Once done she went back the disposable isle and bought three packages 
of the DIAPERS SIZE 32”. When she had paid for everything we left. When 
we got home I rushed to the washroom but again didn’t make it. My pants 
had a stream of wetness on them. My mom told me to go upstairs and wait 
for her.

She brought up my diapers and other supplies. Then she brought in the 
garbage can and told me to lie on the floor. I began to cry, I didn’t 
want to be diapered at all. I felt so miserable. My mom got up and put 
her arm around me and told me that everything would be just fine. I got 
down and she began to undo my jeans and took off my boxers. She began 
to wipe me up with some baby wipes. Then she began to slide a 
disposable diaper underneath me. She then began to rub baby oil on me 
and powder. She then taped the diaper up. “There, all done,” My mom 

She put my pants in the laundry. I got up and looked in the mirror. The 
diaper, which was white and had Sesame Street characters on it, made me 
look like a toddler. My mom then got a bag and began throwing out my 
underwear and boxers. She then emptied the disposable diapers into that 
drawer. She then moved a few things out of my closet and put the cloth 
diapers in there.

She then looked in one of my drawers and brought me out a pair of 
shorts. I put them on. They were way too tight with the diaper on me. 
The diaper showed at the top of my pants and I looked like a little 

My mom looked at them and said, “Wear those for now, I’ll go on the 
internet and order you some clothes that fit. Why don’t you go 
downstairs and watch some television?”

I went to our rec room which had a big-screen television. Since it was 
the daytime on a weekday there wasn’t much on but kid shows. I flipped 
through the channels and put on Sesame Street. I knew that no one was 
watching so I could watch it. I felt like such a toddler, wearing 
diapers and watching baby shows. However, I was still very tired and 
fell asleep.

My mom was waking me up. She said, “Haydon honey, why are you watching 
children’s shows?”

“I-I don’t know.” I said.

“Well Haydon, I’m not sure if I get this. You’ve been very okay about 
this diaper situation and now I catch you watching children’s shows. 
You know, it makes me wonder if you like this treatment,” My mom said.

“No, mom, well... I don’t know. I’m guessing that all of this diaper 
stuff has been hard on me, but I know that I can’t change it. I just 
thought that maybe watching my favourite old shows that it would make 
me feel better.”

“Well, honey, I’m proud at how well you have handled it all and I don’t 
mind this behaviour. I think you look cute in your diapers and watching 
children’s shows. It’ll be our little secret okay?” My mom said.

I agreed and began to watch the next show which was Arthur. But my mom 
began to put her fingers down the back of my diapers and said that she 
felt that they were wet and I could use a change. I didn’t know that I 
had wet my diapers but felt much better than wetting my shorts. My mom 
brought me upstairs and changed my diapers.

“Why can’t I change myself, mom?” I asked.

“Well, for one thing no one can change a diaper properly by themselves, 
and for another, I don’t mind. I also like to check for diaper rash and 
other things that are important to look out for. I won’t be the only 
one changing you. When your dad wakes up he can help.”

I hadn’t tried to think about what my dad would say now that I’m in 
diapers. I couldn’t imagine how much I would disappoint him.

I went back downstairs to watch television.

While I was watching television my brothers came home. My mom woke my 
dad up and they were all in the family room discussing me.

“Now guy’s, Haydon suffered from a very big bladder infection that 
caused permanent damage. He’ll be in diapers forever. I’m thinking 
about home-schooling him for the first semester so he gets used to it. 
I think that for now we should treat him all the same. However, I think 
that all of this has been hard on him and that he has resorted to 
watching children’s shows. I think it’s rather cute. There are a lot of 
things I ordered over the internet but they won’t be coming here, they 
will be coming to the new house. I don’t want Haydon to know that we 
are moving until it comes time to pack, because I don’t want him to 
stress over anything more right now.”

My dad came downstairs and saw me watching cartoons. He told me to turn 
off the television and that we should have a talk. I turn the 
television off and sat down with my dad.

My dad looked at me and said, “Bud, I know you are going through a lot 
and I don’t mean to put you down. You’re a good person and I know that 
you will get through wearing diapers. Your mother and I don’t mind 
changing you and everything. I know you’ll be back to your normal self 

“Dad, I don’t want to be in diapers. I don’t deserve this,” I said.

“Listen bud, no one is saying you deserve it but you have to deal with 
it. We think you are dealing with it well and I’m proud of you for 
that. Now it’s time for dinner.”

“Uhh dad, I sorta need a change,” I said.

“Okay, let’s go up to your room and I’ll change you.”

We went upstairs to my room and he told me to lye down. He got one of 
the disposable diapers from the drawer and put it beside me. He took 
off my shorts and undid the tapes on the diaper. He slid it off and 
started wiping my genitals with baby wipes. Then he slid the new clean 
diaper under me and put baby powder and oil on me and taped the diaper 
on. He slid the shorts back on and led me to the kitchen.

When we were eating dinner Benson kept giving me odd looks and I was 
worried if he was going to make fun of me. After dinner we watched a 
movie as a family and my dad went to work. My mom brought me upstairs 
and told me she was putting on my night diapers. She took off my shorts 
and undid my wet diaper. She cleaned me up with baby wipes when I 
asked, “Uhh, mom I’ve had to go poo all day and I don’t know if I 
should use the toilet or not.”

“Well honey, since the diapers can’t slide on and off I think that if 
you have to poop, to poop in your diapers. That would be the best way,” 
My mom answered.

She then slid three thick white cloth diapers underneath me. She put 
baby oil and powder on me and then pinned the diapers tight around me. 
She then slid the plastic pants with Harry Potter prints around them on 

“Now Haydon, I ordered you clothes to fit over your diapers but they 
won’t come in for awhile, so you’re just going to have to wear those to 
bed for now.”

I went to bed feeling very comfortable knew that when I woke up my bed 
would be dry.