Growing Up Again

Summary: What happens when you have been a terror on you mom and 
annoying your sister to no end. What happens when you mom finds a 
medallion that can alter you age. What if she turns you into a baby 
again? Well, it's your story, so you can tell it.

Okay, here's your info: your name is Bill Keagan and you’re 18. You 
live with you Mom Denise, and 15-year-old sister Melissa. You have been 
out late with your friends and have been caught drinking by your mom. 
She went to a magic shop and bought an age-altering medallion. You 
thought you mom was nuts! She used it on you. You shrank to the size of 
an 18-month-old baby. You family has to move because you neighbors know 
that you’re 18, not 18-months. Here is the story, my way.

"Okay, Honey," Mom said, lifting you out of your crib.

"You’re gonna be good for Melissa, okay?" She said.

"Mkay' Mommy," I say half-sleeping. She changes you out of your diaper 
and sleeper. She dresses you in a t-shirt and a diaper only. She brings 
me downstairs and puts you in you high-chair. Melissa is sitting at the 
table watching the TV on the kitchen counter.

"Hey Billy!" she says, taking the food from mom. "How’s my baby 
brother?" she asks in a babyish tone, feeding you oatmeal.

"Okay, Melissa. The numbers are on the table and you can go anywhere as 
long as you call me before you leave," Mom said, picking up her 
pocketbook and leaving.

"Okay, I'm gonna call Stephanie and Alexis!" She says, handing me a 
bottle of apple juice and putting me in the playpen and turning on the 
TV in the living room.

'I think that medallion has altered my brain. I'm thinking like an 18-
month-old now!' I thought. Melissa had already made friends because we 
came halfway through the school year, so it was easy to transfer. Then 
we finished out school in the new house. Then two girls came in and one 
of them had a 10-year-old girl with them.

"Oh, hey Stephanie and Alexis! Who's your sister?" Melissa asked.

"That’s Rebecca! She's 11 and heard you have a baby brother." Alexis 

"When are we gonna go to the mall?" Stephanie asked.

"Ya, Nick is gonna meet us there!" Alexis said.

"Well we better start going," Melissa said, getting a diaper bag 
together. Then we were off.


Chapter 2- The Mall with Melissa

When we got to the mall two boys and a girl came up to us.

"Hey Melissa. What's up?" Asked the boy.

"If your gonna hit on me, do it later," Melissa said, giving him a 
playful shove.

"Who are the little people?" the other boy asked.

"Can you be intelligent for once, Steve?”

“The girl is mine and the baby is Melissa's," Alexis said. During this 
I just sat there staring at the other girl.

"Well, let’s go do something," the girl said. The girls went into a 
clothes store with me and the idiot and Steve went into Pacsun. We met 
at the food court. Melissa bought me a happy meal and milk. That damn 
medallion must have done something to my brain because now I’m eating 

"He’s so cute," the girl said whom I later I found out was Millie. The 
other boy with Steve was Brent they were both idiots. Before we left 
the mall we stopped in the baby store. The girls picked up baby 
clothes, baby toys, and somebody bought a 10x10 playpen for me (I’m so 
popular!) We met our mom at the entrance. Apparently when I wasn't 
looking Melissa called mom to help us with the stuff. Melissa put the 
stroller back while Stephanie and Rebecca kept me occupied.

I saw the boys walk by. They said bye and jumped on their skateboards. 
I remember when I used to do that. This made me cry and Rebecca cheered 
me with faces that made Melissa's look pretty (as brothers do we always 
make fun of our sisters.) We dove home dropping off Alexis and Rebecca. 
The said later they would be on IM later.

"Can Steph sleep over?" Melissa asked.

"If she asks her mom and she's okay."

Steph called her mom. She said she would drop off her stuff at the 
house. We got home 20 minutes after dropping off Alexis and Rebecca.

"Jeez, traffic was bad," Mom said walking in. I was dead tired. 
Apparently, little bodies get tired easier.

"Put Billy to bed," Mom said to Melissa.

"Fine! You know what? I think I'll clean my room, too!" Melissa said, 
picking me up.

"Don't give me that, young lady!" Mom said, smiling. I was out by the 
time we got to the top step.

"Hey Steph, wanna ask my mom if we can go to the beach tomorrow?" 
Melissa asked while changing me.

"Fine! It would be really fun!" She said, going into Melissa's room to 
change. Melissa wiped my bum and penis with a wipe. She taped the 
diaper and put me in the crib. She shut off the light and closed the 
door. Who knew life as a baby was so boring?

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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