Sandra is a single parent who is at her wit's end with her unruly 
11-year-old son, Matthew. One day while surfing the Internet for 
ideas on what to do with her son, she comes across a web page 
dealing with diaper punishment. At first she dismisses the idea, 
but the more she thinks about it, she realizes that a diaper might 
just be the ticket to regain control over her ill-mannered son. 
She hatches a plan to get her son back into a diaper without him 
ever realizing that his mother is behind his gradual loss of 
control of his bodily functions.


This story has been slightly modified since it was first published 
on the Web. For those who have seen the first revision, Jenny is 
now a year older (and bigger) than Matthew and the relationship 
between Jenny and Matthew has changed. She can't stand her 
arrogant and cocky "little" brother and assists her mother in 
their grand scheme to bring Matthew back into line.


This is my first ever AB/DL story and the first time I have done 
any type of creative writing in over 20 years. I would very much 
like to hear feedback from others on how they feel about the 
story. Please email me at [email protected] and let me know 
what you think. Both positive and negative comments are desired.


	As Sandra sat at her computer keyboard she paused and thought 
to herself: "Hummm, let's try ... disciplining a difficult child." 
She had been trying all afternoon to get ideas using a variety of 
Internet Search Engines on what to do with her 11-year-old son 
Matthew. Her middle child was having a hard time adjusting to his 
parents' divorce. What was most difficult for Matthew was his 
father's lack of interest and involvement with his own children. 
His father, Jack, had recently began dating a young 22 year old 
college graduate and this relationship completely monopolized all 
of his time and energy. One would think that seeing the contrast 
between his two parents that Matthew would appreciate his mother 
for "hanging in there" and trying to do everything she possibly 
could to work and support her children. On top of everything else, 
her ex-husband Jack quit his job and began working for someone who 
paid him "under the table" so that he could get out of paying 
child support. This meant that Sandra had to work long hours, 
taking any and all overtime that she could possibly get just to 
provide food and shelter for her family. But instead of 
appreciating his mother and what she was going through, Matthew 
took out his frustration and anger on her. On one occasion he told 
her: "Dad left us because you're fat and ugly". How these words 
cut her to the heart. How could she compete with a 22 year old? 
But Matthew's anger towards his mother made disciplining him all 
the more difficult. He would challenge and disobey his mother on 
every occasion he could. Sandra knew that her time was quickly 
running out. In another year or two Matthew would be completely 
out of control and there would be nothing she could do to control 
him. Also, Matthew's new friends were making matters much worse. 
"A pack of mall rats" she would say to herself about this group of 
disrespectful and arrogant young men wearing baggy pants and 
riding their skateboards wherever they pleased and defying any who 
would question them. How she wished she could forbid Matthew to 
associate with this group of young ones, but she knew that Matthew 
would completely defy her and hang out with them anyway and their 
home life would be miserable for herself and her other 2 children. 
This is what led her to turning to the Internet to try to find an 
answer on what to do with her difficult 11 year old son.
	As she went through the list of results from the search 
engine she received more of the same advise she had been seeing 
all afternoon. Things like love, acceptance, patience, 
communicating etc. etc. etc. "I've already tried all of this," she 
thought to herself. However, when she re-worded her search to 
"punishing a difficult child" something interesting happened. In 
the list of results there was one result that mentioned "diaper 
punishment". She laughed out loud when she read that and thought 
to herself how ridiculous Matthew would look wearing a diaper. She 
quickly dismissed this idea and did not even follow the hyperlink 
to that web page. After a couple more hours of searching, Sandra 
finally gave up feeling she had wasted an entire afternoon and had 
not found any ideas or advise that would help her out in her 
situation. However, she could not get the idea of her "almost a 
teenager" son wearing a diaper out of her mind. As she thought 
about it she would reason to herself, "If his so-called friends 
found out that Matthew wore a diaper they would drop him like a 
hot potato." Sandra also thought to herself how having to wear a 
diaper would completely change and humble the haughty arrogant 11 
year old child. "That would certainly take the wind out of his 
sails", she said to herself. She also thought about the power this 
would give her over her son; "He would do anything to keep people 
from finding out that he wore a diaper." She even reasoned to 
herself that this would actually be for Matthew's own good, that 
she could keep him out of trouble this way.
	So a few days later Sandra was back online again but this 
time she was searching for things like "diaper punishment" and 
"teenagers in diapers". She was amazed how many web sites were 
dedicated to diapers, that people actually enjoyed wearing 
diapers. She was also surprised to find many web sites of "teen 
babies" where teenagers wanted to wear diapers and be treated like 
a baby. Sandra got many ideas of how she could embarrass her son. 
She began making up a "wish list" of items she could use to humble 
her cocky son. First of all though, she had to get Matthew back 
into a diaper. How could she accomplish this? She began 
researching incontinence and found information on different things 
that can contribute towards someone becoming incontinent. Armed 
with this abundance of information, Sandra began to devise a game 
plan to get Matthew back into wearing a diaper. She knew that she 
would have to be very subtle and make Matthew think that it was 
his own body that was betraying him.
	That evening Sandra put off preparing dinner until around 9 
o'clock , and she made one of Matthew's favorite dishes, mashed 
potatoes and gravy. As she finished cooking everything she got 
everybody's plates ready for them and poured everybody's gravy 
over their potatoes except for Matthew's. She left some gravy in 
the pot for Matthew and then she added a ground up sleeping pill 
and some ex-lax to the gravy for Matthew. She also had a few 
muscle relaxers left over from when she hurt her back about 6 
months ago, so she ground up a little bit of one of these and 
added it to the mix. Sandra figured that this might cause 
Matthew's bladder to relax and make it more likely that he would 
have an "accident." She had intentionally burned the gravy a 
little bit to disguise the taste of her special ingredients.
	"Dinner's ready," Sandra announced to her children. As 
everyone came to the dining room table Sandra explained that she 
"accidentally" burned the gravy a little bit and apologized. "You 
stupid bitch," Matthew replied. "Watch your mouth, young man!" his 
mother fired back at him. Normally this type of an outburst would 
have greatly upset her, but she knew what lay in store for the 
young man so she was content to let the matter go at that. "We're 
out of milk, I suppose you can have a soda with dinner if you 
wish," Sandra told her children. She didn't usually allow the 
children to have soda before bed for fear that it would keep them 
up, but she had read on the Internet that caffeine can actually be 
a diuretic. She just hoped that the soda would not counteract the 
sleeping pill she put into Matthew's gravy. By the time dinner was 
over she could see Matthew beginning to yawn and knew that the 
sleeping pill was taking effect. "It's late, time for everybody to 
get ready for bed," Sandra told her family. Actually this is how 
she planned everything all along, she wanted Matthew to go to bed 
right after dinner so that the sleeping pill would not wear off.
	After she tucked her children in and made sure everybody was 
in bed Sandra lay down and tried to go to sleep. But she could not 
stop thinking about Matthew. Would her plan work? How would 
Matthew react if he woke up in a wet bed? The thought of an 11 
year old wetting the bed kept her awake most of the night. She 
also wondered to herself: "Did I do the right thing?"
	The next morning Sandra awoke and began to wake up the 
children. When she went into the boys' room she paused and took a 
whiff of air and smelt the distinctive odor of urine. Her 
concoction worked! Matthew was still fast asleep, the sleeping 
pill had done it's job as well. "Time to get up and get ready for 
school," she told Matthew and Paul (Matthew's 7 year old brother). 
She pretended to ignore the aroma of urine and left the room.
	As Matthew began to wake up, he sensed that something was 
wrong. It took him a couple of minutes for him to realize that he 
had wet the bed. He was shocked and couldn't believe it! He had 
not had a nighttime accident since he was three years old. He sat 
there for a few minutes in a stupor not knowing what to do. The 
sleeping pill had not finished wearing off so he was still groggy 
from that. He wanted to call his mom to come help him, but on the 
other hand he did not want anyone knowing that he had wet the bed.
	"What's wrong, Matt?" his younger brother asked him from the 
lower bunk.
	"Nothing!" Matthew shot back. Sensing that something was 
wrong, Paul stood up and looked up at his older brother in the top 
bunk. Matthew turned red with embarrassment as his younger brother 
carefully studied him. It took a few moments before Paul realized 
what had happened.
	"You wet the bed?" he asked in a loud whisper of disbelief 
and astonishment.
	"Shut Up!" Matthew yelled at his brother. At this Paul knew 
that he was right and ran out of the room to go tell his mother. 
As his brother left the room, Matthew hung his head and began to 
whimper and cry silently to himself.
	"Matthew wet the bed!" Paul excitedly told his mom.
	"WHAT???" Sandra asked, pretending to be surprised. Paul 
repeated himself: "Matthew wet the bed!" Sandra and Paul went back 
to the boys' bedroom to investigate further. As they entered the 
room, Matthew wiped the tears out of his eyes. His mother asked 
very sincerely and with an air of disbelief: "What happened?"
	"I wet the bed," Matthew said very quietly and sheepishly.
	"Come on and get out of those wet pajamas," Sandra told her 
son. "Grab some clean clothes and go take a shower to clean 
yourself up," she further instructed him. As he left the room, 
Sandra began removing the blankets and the sheets from Matthew's 
bed and took them downstairs to the laundry room to wash them.
	At the breakfast table Paul informed his 12 year old sister 
Jenny what happened the night before.
	"Matthew wet the bed last night!" he announced to her with an 
obvious glee in his voice.
	"What?" Jenny asked as she started to giggle.
	"SHUT UP!!" Matthew screamed.
	"Paul ... Jenny ... You two leave your brother alone," she 
told the two siblings very firmly. "This is very embarrassing for 
your brother. If this had happened to either one of you, you would 
not want anyone else making fun of you." She continued on: "If I 
catch either one of you making fun of your brother or telling 
anyone else what happened then you will be severely punished." She 
concluded by asking Paul and Jenny very sternly: "Do you 
understand?" "Yes Mother" they both answered back.
	Matthew couldn't believe how his mother had stood up for him. 
This was especially hard for him to believe because of the way he 
had been treating her lately. He began to think that he should be 
nicer to her from now on. Matthew's demeanor at the breakfast 
table was completely different from what it had been. He was very 
quiet and respectful to both his mother and his brother and 
sister. His "accident" had taken it's toll on him and began to 
humble him. His mother too noticed this change in Matthew's 
behavior and as the children left for school she thought to 
herself how she was now sure that she had done the right thing.

A Difficult 11 year old - Chapter 2

	After his first nighttime accident since he was 3 years old, 
Matthew was a changed young man. The incident greatly shook his 
confidence and self-esteem. After this he was very humble and 
respectful of others. Unfortunately this transformation did not 
last long. After a few days Matthew was able to convince himself 
that his "accident" was just a fluke, a once-in-a-lifetime event 
and began to revert back to his old personality which included 
becoming an obnoxious and rude pre-adolescent male.
	Matthew's mother Sandra took careful note of how her son's 
"accident" affected his behavior and was convinced that she was on 
the right track in trying to bring the unruly 11 year old under 
control. Sandra began making plans to arrange for another 
"accident" for the young unsuspecting child. She knew that she 
would have to be patient and space out these "accidents" so that 
her son would not become suspicious. She waited nearly two weeks 
and then brewed another batch of her special concoction of a 
sleeping pill and ex-lax with a "twist" of a muscle relaxant 
thrown in for good measure. This time she decided to camouflage 
the mixture in spaghetti sauce. Once again she slightly burned the 
sauce to cover up the taste of the special "home brew" in 
Matthew's sauce. She thought to herself that she was going to have 
to either find another way of slipping Matthew this very special 
"mickey" or she was going to have to start ruining more meals so 
that Matthew would not begin to associate his accidents with Mom 
burning dinner. Sandra put off fixing dinner as long as she could 
so that as soon as the children had finished eating she could send 
them to bed. As she fell asleep that night she wondered to herself 
if she was going to be two for two in the causing an accident 
	About 4 o'clock in the morning Matthew awoke in a cold wet 
bed. This time it did not take him long to figure out what had 
happened. But he was still shocked and couldn't believe that he 
had now had 2 accidents in about a 2 week period. By now he knew 
the drill, he gathered up some clean pajamas and went to the 
bathroom to shower and get cleaned up. The sound of the shower 
woke up Sandra and she went to investigate (of course she already 
knew exactly what just happened). She waited until the shower 
stopped and then she gently knocked on the door and quietly asked: 
"Matthew, are you all right?" Matthew froze when he heard his 
mother's voice. His heart raced as he tried to think of something 
to say without telling his mother that he just wet the bed again. 
He couldn't think of anything to say so his mother asked again: 
"Are you all right? Did you get sick?" Matthew had to say 
something ... "N-N-No Ah Ah Ah I'm OK," he replied. "Why are you 
taking a shower at 4 in the morning?" his mother asked. Matthew 
responded: "Ah I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep..... I-I 
thought a warm shower might help." Matthew prayed that his mother 
would accept his explanation and go back to bed. "OK," Sandra said 
very hesitantly. "She bought it" Matthew thought to himself and 
breathed a sigh of relief.
	Instead of going back to bed, Sandra went into the living 
room to wait for her son to come out of the bathroom. As Matthew 
left the bathroom and started walking down the hallway to his 
bedroom he was startled to hear his mother's voice from behind him 
ask: "Are you sure you're all right?" Again he froze and his heart 
began racing. He slowly turned and said: "Ya-Ya-Yeah, I'm OK." 
"Are you su..." his mother began to ask and then she noticed he 
was wearing a different pair of pajamas. "Why are you wearing 
different pajamas?" she asked. Matthew was caught off guard and 
couldn't think of a thing to say. "Did you have another accident?" 
Sandra asked. "No," Matthew quickly said, but then he realized 
there was too much evidence against him. His wet pajamas were in 
the bathroom and the wet sheets and blankets were still on his 
bed. But Matthew could not bring himself to admit to his mother 
that he wet the bed again. As the reality that his mother had 
found out about his second accident began to set in, Matthew began 
to weep out of shame and embarrassment. He thought too, how his 
brother and sister would also find out about his accident and 
began to cry more. His mother came up to him and put her arms 
around him and assured him that everything was going to be OK. As 
his mother consoled him, Matthew began to pull himself back 
together and wiped the tears out of his eyes. As he regained his 
composure he thought to himself: "What's happening to me? I'm 
becoming a great big cry-baby who wets his bed."
	The two of them returned to Matthew's room together to change 
the sheets and blankets on his bed. As they entered the bed room, 
Sandra flipped on the light switch and began to change the bed. 
Paul woke up and asked what was going on. "Your brother had a 
little accident" was Sandra's reply.
	"Again?" Paul asked. Matthew fired back with a "Shut up!" 
Sandra assured Matthew that everything was all right and that he 
should just calm down. Paul was still half asleep and too groggy 
to make a big deal out of the incident.
	The next morning at the breakfast table Paul whispered to 
Jenny: "Matthew wet the bed again last night." Matthew turned red 
as Jenny started to giggle. His older sister had no use for her 
younger obnoxious and disrespectful brother. The oldest of the 
three children was very studious and did well in school, she 
always made honor roll. This put pressure on Matthew to match his 
sister's lead, which he never did and this made him feel stupid 
and he resented his sister for this. Jenny was also very athletic 
and loved participating in sports and even though she was only a 
year older then Matthew she towered over her younger brother by 
nearly a foot since she had already began her journey into 
puberty. This further added to Matthew's dislike for his sister 
and so was always very rude to his sister and her friends, none of 
which could stand to be around Matthew.
	"PAUL!!! What did I tell you about making fun of your 
brother?" Sandra asked the younger boy. Paul froze and started to 
answer "B-B-But .."
	"There's no buts about it! Come over here," Paul's mother 
instructed him. As the young child approached his mother he was 
greeted with 3 quick swats on his rear.
	"B-B-But ..." Paul tried to explain that he was not making 
fun of his older brother.
	"Now hush," Sandra demanded, "I don't want hear another word 
out of your mouth! Otherwise you'll get another spanking. Do you 
	"Yes, mother," came the muffled reply through Paul's 
whimpering. Sandra again repeated her threat to the other two 
children: "I don't want either one of you making fun of your 
brother. He obviously cannot help it. I will punish either one of 
you if I catch you making fun of him. And don't tell anybody else 
about your brother's accidents. Do you understand?" "Yes, Mother," 
both Paul and Jenny answered in unison.
	 As he returned to his seat, Paul began to cry, not because 
of the pain of the spanking but because he didn't get to explain 
that he was not making fun of his brother. Matthew was glad that 
his mother stood up for him, but he felt bad that Paul got spanked 
because of him. Matthew turned to his younger brother and 
whispered: "I'm sorry, Paul."
	"That's OK," was the reply from Paul.
	"What was that?" Sandra thought to herself, did Matthew just 
apologize to his younger brother? She couldn't remember that ever 
happening before. Surely she was on the right track in helping her 
oldest son to become a kinder and more respectful individual.
	Before the children left for school that day, Sandra called 
her daughter aside to talk to her privately. She knew that Jenny 
had no use for Paul and probably couldn't wait to tell her friends 
about her bed-wetting brother. She began her conversation by 
acknowledging that she knew Jenny didn't like her younger brother, 
but called upon her compassion again asking her to put herself in 
Matthew's shoes and how she would want to be treated. Them seemed 
to make sense to Jenny, however she still had hard feelings for 
Matthew and began reasoning to herself how after all of the mean 
awful things that her brother had done to her that finally she had 
a way to get back at him. Sandra could see that her words were 
falling upon deaf ears. She then took a long pause and changed her 
approach. "You know," she said slowly and deliberately "this could 
actually work in our favor".
	"What do you mean?" Jenny asked.
	Without admitting any guilt into Matthew's recent nighttime 
accidents, Sandra continued: "If your brother continues to have 
accidents and wet the bed, we could use this against him to bring 
him under control." Jenny was listening very carefully.
	Sandra went on: "Think about it, if you started wetting the 
bed, wouldn't you do ANYTHING to keep it quiet and to keep other 
people from finding out about it?" Jenny saw her mothers point.
	"It's that 'not wanting others to find out' that can give us 
power and control over him. But, if you start telling others about 
his accidents, then we lose that power over him."
	Jenny could now see exactly where her mother was going. Her 
mind even began to race as to how she could use her brothers "loss 
of control" against him to get some long deserved pay-backs from 
	Sandra concluded her conversation with Jenny by assuring her 
that if Matthew continues to wet the bed then eventually the time 
will come where they can begin to share with others his baby-like 
loss of control. Sandra then again asked Jenny to keep this matter 
quiet so that they could get as much mileage as possible out of 
Matthew's intense desire to keep his bed-wetting private and 
	Jenny could now see many different possibilities and 
advantages of keeping this matter "zipped-up", and agreed with her 
mothers request not to say anything to any of her friends about 
her "baby" brothers accidents.
	Once again Matthew's second accident had a profound affect on 
him. He was much more humble and respectful of his mother and 
siblings. This change lasted much longer then before, but after 
about a week the old Matthew started returning again. Time for 
another dose of "medicine" his mother thought to herself.

A Difficult 11 year old - Chapter 3

	As the effects of his second bedwetting accident began to 
wear off, 11 year old Matthew began to return to his old rude and 
disrespectful ways. "Time for another dose of medicine," his 
mother thought to herself. She prepared another batch of her own 
special home brew and disguised it once again in some mashed 
potatoes and gravy. Once again the concoction worked like magic 
and Matthew woke up in a wet bed for the third time in just a 
little over a three-week period. He simply could not believe what 
was happening to him. The young man became very withdrawn and 
spent most of his time alone watching TV, he rarely would go 
outside to play with other children.
	Before he could revert back to his old obnoxious ways, his 
mother was poised for another attack. Just four days later she 
"spiked" a bowl of Matthew's clam chowder. His fourth accident in 
less then a month just about pushed him over the edge. He became 
extremely withdrawn and would not speak with anyone.
	"You're Grandfather and Uncle Jim are coming over today to 
separate your bunk bed," Sandra told her two sons on Saturday 
morning. The boys' bunk bed was actually two twin size beds that 
could either be put together to make a bunk bed or taken apart and 
serve as two regular beds.
	"How come they're taking apart our bunk bed?" Paul asked.
	"With your brother wetting the bed so much lately, I don't 
want you to get caught in an accidental downpour," his mother 
explained. Matthew turned red with embarrassment but didn't say 
anything. "Besides," Sandra continued, "you two are getting too 
old to share a bunk bed anymore. And that is what I told your 
Grandfather and Uncle."
	"At least they won't find out about my nighttime accidents," 
Matthew thought to himself.
	When the two men arrived, Sandra made sure that they put 
Matthew's bed up against the wall that was shared between the 
boys' room and her own room. As they were leaving Sandra asked her 
father if she could borrow a drill. Her father owned his own 
construction firm and she knew that he would have a drill in his 
	"What do you need it for, Honey?" her father asked.
	"Oh, I have some pictures to hang up," she responded. Her 
father wasn't quite sure why you would need a drill to hang a 
picture with, but he offered to help.
	"Do you want me to do it for you?" he asked.
	"No thanks, Dad, I'm not sure where I want them at right now 
	Her father said all right and went and got the drill out of 
his truck. He didn't hesitate in letting her borrow it since she 
use to work with him during her summer vacations and he knew that 
Sandra knew how to handle power tools.
	After her father and brother left Sandra asked her children 
if they wanted to go to the movies that afternoon. They responded 
with a loud "Yes." She dropped the children off at the theater and 
returned home to begin the next phase of her plan. She did not 
want to continue "doping" Matthew up every time she wanted him to 
have an accident, she knew that this could cause permanent damage 
to his still developing body. Several weeks earlier while 
searching the Internet she came across cassette tapes that used 
various means of hypnosis to cause people to loose control of 
their bladder. She immediately ordered a couple of these tapes and 
was eager to try them out.
	Back at home Sandra carefully measured the wall next to 
Matthew's bed and in her bedroom she moved her dresser out of the 
way and measured off the same distance and then cut a hole largest 
enough to hold a portable cassette player in the sheet rock 
slightly under where Matthews pillow was. She removed all of the 
insulation in this hole and then measured the thickness of the 
sheet rock she had removed and using a piece of masking tape 
marked a drill bit slightly less then the thickness of the sheet 
rock. Sandra then carefully drilled several "speaker holes" in the 
sheet rock right under Matthew's bed being very careful not to 
drill all the way through the sheet rock. When she was done 
drilling she inspected her handy work in Matthew's room and 
noticed a couple of places where she drilled too far and started 
to make a hole. She covered up her mistakes with a couple of coats 
of paint she had kept from when she had painted the boys' room a 
couple of year earlier. Sandra then pushed Matthew's bed back up 
against the wall, and with the house empty and quiet carefully 
adjusted the volume on the cassette player so that it would be 
loud enough for Matthew to hear it but not so loud that it might 
wake him up. She then pushed her dresser up against the wall in 
her bedroom to hide her handiwork.
	Sandra decided to wait a couple of days before she tried out 
the hypnosis therapy on her unsuspecting son. In the meantime she 
purchased an inexpensive timer at a local hardware store for 
around ten dollars. Since her cassette player had an "auto 
reverse" feature she could set a timer up to run for an hour and 
would not have to worry about flipping the tape over or of the 
player making a loud click when it finished playing and waking up 
Matthew. The night she decided to try out phase two of her master 
plan, Sandra ground up about half of a sleeping pill and mixed it 
in with the rest of his meal. She wanted to make sure that he was 
fast asleep when the cassette tape began and that the sound of the 
tape would not wake him up. That evening she set the timer to play 
between three and four AM in the morning since she read on the 
internet that this is the time most people are in their deepest 
REM sleep. She set her alarm to wake up slightly before this to 
make sure everything worked properly and to shut off the tape if 
it was too loud or if Matthew happened to wake up during this 
time. Everything worked as planned! But would this new approach 
created the desired effect? Sandra had a very difficult time 
getting back to sleep wondering if all of her construction work 
would pay off.
	Matthew awoke the next morning and immediately realized that 
he that he had wet the bed again. He paused for a moment and then 
began to sob quietly to himself as the realization that he was 
becoming a regular bed wetter sank in.
	"What's wrong, Matt?", his younger brother Paul asked from 
across the room as he heard his brother crying. Matthew wiped the 
tears out of his eyes and tried to regain his composure.
	"Nothing," he replied. Paul paused and then sincerely asked 
if he had wet the bed again. Matthew did not know what to say so 
he ignored the question and got up and removed the sheets and 
blankets off of his bed before he went and took a shower to clean 
up and get ready for school.
	Sandra kept up the hypnosis therapies every 3 or 4 days for 
the next couple of weeks. She was able to cut back on the amount 
of the sleeping pill she mixed into Matthew's food until she did 
not have to mix in any at all. She assumed that he was getting 
used to hearing the cassette tape playing at night. She also 
gradually increased the playing time to an hour and fifteen 
minutes and then to an hour and a half. She even experimented with 
other tapes including tapes that had water sounds such as rivers 
and streams and the quiet gurgling of a small creek. Each time the 
therapy did the job and Matthew would wake up in a wet bed.
	Sandra began to get a power rush as she realized that she 
could cause her once cocky son to have an "accident" anytime she 
wanted to her. "Time to move on to the next phase of my plan," she 
thought to herself ....

A Difficult 11 year old - Chapter 4

	In a matter of just a couple of months Sandra had 
successfully "conditioned" her 11 year old son Matthew to wet the 
bed every two or three nights. She was now ready to begin the 
process of getting him back into wearing a diaper.
	Sandra called her parents and explained how her middle child 
was having a very difficult time and that she wanted to spend some 
time with him alone and asked if they would take the two other 
children, Jenny and Paul, for the weekend. Her parents were 
anxious to help out their recently divorced daughter and were 
eager to spend time with their grandchildren. When Grandpa and 
Grandma asked Jenny and Paul to spend the weekend with them, the 
two siblings readily agreed. In the meantime Matthew felt left out 
and this was a further blow to his dwindling self-esteem. Sandra 
assured her oldest son that they would do something special, just 
the two of them.
	Before they left with their grandparents, Sandra was able to 
talk to Jenny alone in private about her plans that weekend to get 
Matthew back into a diaper. The young girl giggled in delight at 
the idea of her younger cocky brother being back in a diaper.
	Grandma and Grandpa arrived late Friday afternoon to pick up 
Jenny and Paul. After they left Sandra and Matthew want to the 
video store and Sandra let Matthew pick out some movies to watch 
that evening. They also went by the store to pick up some candy 
and popcorn to enjoy while they watched the movies. They watched 
movies together until nearly midnight (way past Matthew's normal 
bed time). After the last movie was over Sandra explained to 
Matthew that she had specifically asked Grandma and Grandpa to 
take Jenny and Paul so that the two of them could spend some time 
together. This made Matthew feel a little better, he didn't feel 
quite so rejected by his grandparents. Sandra went on to explain 
that she wanted some private time alone with Matthew to discuss 
what they were going to do about his recent rash of night time 
"accidents". The young man responded with an exasperated "MOM!!". 
He definitely did not want to discuss this matter.
	His mother started the discussion by sharing with Matthew 
that what he was going through was not unusual for pre-adolescent 
boys. She had even printed out some articles off of the Internet 
that showed that pre-adolescent bed wetting affects millions of 
children worldwide. This information was comforting to Matthew, he 
no longer felt all alone; although he was upset as to why he had 
to be one of the millions that was affected.
	"We have to do something," his mother continued firmly. 
"You're ruining your pajamas and the blankets and sheets on your 
bed; you're going to ruin the mattress," she pointed out and then 
went on to show that his "accidents" were affecting others besides 
	"I don't have the time and energy to wash your sheets 
everyday, besides, it's a big expense running the washer and dryer 
that much. And what about your brother Paul? Do you think he likes 
to be a room that smells like a bathroom? It's even making the 
entire house smell like urine."
	His mother's pursuing this subject angered Matthew but he 
could also see her point. A couple months earlier he would have 
cussed his mother out and left the room, but his self-confidence 
had been shattered by his recent loss of control of his bodily 
functions, so he sat there and listened to her and hung his head 
in shame.
	Sandra softened the tone and continued: "I know this is very 
difficult for you. It must be awful to wake up in a cold wet bed." 
He certainly agreed with that. "We have to do something," his 
mother emphasized. She then laid some options out for Matthew.
	"I cannot afford for you to ruin your mattress. I cannot 
afford to buy a new mattress. If your accidents continue I will 
have no choice but to get a plastic mattress cover to put on your 
	A PLASTIC MATTRESS COVER ON HIS BED!!! The very thought of 
such a thing horrified the young man. His mother continued on that 
while a plastic mattress cover would protect the bed it still 
would not protect his pajamas or the sheets or the blankets. It 
would not keep their room and the entire house from smelling like 
urine and he would still wake up in a cold wet bed.
	Sandra then explained that she had done some extensive 
research on the internet and that she found a product that many 
young ones have used for their own protection, a product called 
.... GoodNites. She explained that GoodNites were a disposable 
underwear and then she proceeded to show Matthew what they looked 
	"Did anybody see you buy these?!" was his first response. His 
mother explained that she had ordered these off of the Internet 
and nobody even knew she bought them. This comforted the horrified 
child. Sandra explained that these look just like regular 
underwear and that nobody can tell that you are wearing anything 
different under your regular clothes or pajamas. She handed the 
GoodNite to Matthew. He reluctantly took the garment and acted as 
though he was afraid to touch it. He certainly didn't like the 
idea of wearing "disposable" underwear. Sandra then showed him 
page after page of comments she found on the Internet of young 
ones like himself who were singing the praises of GoodNites and 
how great and wonderful they were.
	As his mother read the many comments of other young ones, he 
began to soften up. Maybe this isn't such a bad idea. Sandra then 
returned to how wearing some kind of "protection" would have to be 
better then waking up in a cold and wet bed. This was something he 
certainly agreed with and his mother could tell this by his facial 
expression. She continued on how using a "protective" garment was 
a better solution because it would protect his pajamas and the 
sheets and blankets and save work for her and help prevent his 
room from smelling like a restroom. She also pointed out that with 
a GoodNite nobody else including his younger brother Paul, who 
shared his room, would even know that he had had an accident. This 
was an idea that appealed to the now self-conscious young man.
	Sandra concluded the discussion by emphasizing that she was 
going to have to do something to deal with Matthew's bed wetting 
and that if he didn't want to wear a protective garment then she 
would have no choice but to put a plastic sheet on his bed. Of the 
two options, wearing the GoodNite was the lesser of two evils. But 
he still could not bring himself to wearing a "glorified diaper". 
His mother asked that the young boy take the GoodNite into his 
room with him and think about at least trying in on.
	"Nobody's home to see you, I won't even know if you try it on 
or not," his mother reassured him. "At least try it on" she 
petitioned her son. "If you don't like how it feels, you can take 
it off". She continued how it wouldn't hurt to just to put it on. 
"It's got to be better then waking up in a cold, wet bed" she 
concluded with.
	Matthew begrudgingly took the garment with him into his 
bedroom. His mother also gave him all of the articles she had 
printed out on bed wetting she had found on the internet. She also 
printed out several GoodNites endorsements from satisfied wearers 
who thought that GoodNites were the greatest product ever made. 
Matthew got ready for bed and then examined the GoodNite for a 
solid 15 minutes. He also spent close to half an hour reading the 
articles his mother had printed out. In the meantime, Sandra kept 
glancing out her door and she could tell by the light being on in 
Matthew's room that he was thinking very seriously about wearing 
the protective garment.
	Finally, Matthew worked up the nerve to give it a try. "What 
the heck" he thought to himself, "What have I got to lose." He 
removed his pajama bottoms and his underwear and then held the 
GoodNite out in front of him to put it on. He held it in front of 
himself for a solid 2 minutes but it seemed like an eternity to 
him. His hands were shaking out of fear and anxiety.
	"Come on!" he said to himself, "let's get this over with". At 
that he closed his eyes and quickly stepped into the garment and 
pulled into place. He then grabbed his pajama bottoms and put 
those on to cover up the hideous underwear. Matthew stood there 
shaking with his heart racing for several minutes. What had he 
just done? he wondered to himself. Had he just "given up" his 
fight to stop wetting the bed? After several minutes Matthew began 
to regain his composure and started assessing his situation. The 
garment felt different to him, it was definitely "bulkier" then 
his regular underwear. But at the same time it was incredibly soft 
and somehow the bulkiness felt good to him, he even found it 
slightly arousing. Matthew began to walk around the room to take 
his new underwear for a "test drive". Again he could feel the 
extra bulkiness but other then that they seemed fine, they didn't 
make any noise so nobody would know that he was wearing anything 
unusual. Finally he went over to the mirror. At first he just 
stared at his reflection in disbelief. Who was he? and What had he 
just done? After several minutes of this type of self-examination, 
Matthew then looked at his well covered loins. He could tell a 
slight difference from his regular underwear but other people 
would have to look awfully hard to see if he was wearing anything 
other then regular underwear. Matthew stood in front of the mirror 
for several more minutes modeling his new underwear, turning back 
and forth to see how it looked from the front and the back, and 
from each side. The young man had a rush of mixed emotions, on one 
hand he felt ashamed and embarrassed over having to wear something 
to protect him from wetting the bed, and at the very same time he 
found himself being aroused and excited by this new experience. 
These feelings of arousal and excitement were new to the young man 
and greatly confused him. "Why am I being turned on by wearing a 
diaper?" he thought to himself. "Am I some kind of pervert? he 
kept wondering.
	Matthew's adrenaline was running at an all-time high that 
evening and needless to say he was not ready to go to sleep. He 
stayed up for nearly two hours reading and re-reading the articles 
his mother had printed out off of the internet. Finally about 
three in the morning the exhausted young man turned off the light 
and went to sleep.

A Difficult 11 year old - Chapter 5

	Sandra kept checking Matthew's door that evening and could 
tell that he was really thinking seriously about wearing the 
GoodNites garment she had given him. After she noticed the light 
go off in her son's room, Sandra set her alarm clock for around 
4:30 AM to make sure Matthew would be fast asleep before she would 
begin playing one of the bedwetting hypnosis tapes she had gotten 
off of the Internet.
	After all of the excitement of the night before, Matthew did 
not wake up until after 11 o'clock the next day. He awoke in a 
nice warm dry bed and breathed a sigh of relief. "I didn't have an 
accident last night" he thought to himself. It wasn't until he got 
out of bed and began to undress that he realized that he did have 
an accident during the night. At first he couldn't believe it. "At 
least these dumb things work," he said, and then he thought about 
all of the diaper commercials he had seen on TV that advertise 
"pulls wetness away from baby so that baby stays dryer." Matthew 
even chuckled to himself as he said "pulls wetness away from 
Matthew so that Matthew stays dryer." He removed the soaked 
garment and threw it in the trash can and proceeded to get 
dressed. "That was certainly a lot easier then taking a shower and 
then removing all of the sheets and blankets from the bed and 
changing the bed," he had to admit to himself.
	Later that day Sandra went into Matthew's room and found the 
soaked GoodNites in the trash can. "He did it! He wore the 
GoodNites!" she said to herself. She then went and got more 
GoodNites and put them in Matthew's underwear drawer underneath 
his regular underwear and then took Matthew's trash out and threw 
it in the trash can outside.
	Once again that evening Sandra and her son watched movies 
until nearly midnight. As they were getting ready to go to bed, 
Sandra told Matthew that she had put some GoodNites in his 
underwear drawer. Matthew turned beet red when he realized his 
mother knew that he had worn the "glorified diaper."
	"Ahh, OK Mom," was all that the embarrassed child could say. 
His mother continued: "If you have an accident please take it 
outside and throw it away in the outside trash can so that it 
doesn't stink up your room as well as the rest of the house." 
Again all her son could manage was a muffled "OK." She finished 
off by telling Matthew that if he didn't have an accident to just 
fold up the GoodNites and put it back in his drawer for the next 
night. Matthew just nodded his head in agreement as he went into 
his room.
	Once again Matthew held the GoodNites out in front of himself 
before putting it on. A wave of conflicting thoughts and feelings 
swept over the boy. On one hand he felt that putting on this 
garment was "giving up" his fight against bed wetting. That he was 
admitting defeat, that his bed wetting had gotten the best of him. 
On the other hand the thought of wearing the garment was arousing 
him. He liked the way it felt against his skin. He even liked the 
extra bulkiness of the garment. He actually wanted to put it on 
and was looking forward to it. "What's wrong with me," he thought, 
"Nobody wants to wear a diaper." As he put on his new underwear he 
was overcome with feelings of pleasure and guilt and confusion.
	That night Sandra showed pity for her son and did not give 
him his regular hypnotic "treatment". Matthew awoke the next 
morning in a dry bed and obeyed his mothers instructions and 
folded up the "unused" GoodNites and returned it to the underwear 
drawer. Later that day the two of them drove over to Grandma's and 
Grandpa's to pick up Paul and Jenny. Matthew's mind raced as to 
what would happen if and when his brother and sister found out 
that he was wearing a "diaper" to bed. Sandra could see the worry 
on her son's face and assured him that she would handle Jenny and 
Paul and that they would not make fun of him. This consoled him a 
little bit but he was still nervous and ashamed.
	That evening as everyone was getting ready for bed Sandra was 
able to be alone with Paul in his room. She began by explaining to 
him how that over the weekend her and Matthew had come across a 
method that would help Matthew be able to handle his bedwetting. 
She told Paul how that bed wetting affected millions of children 
worldwide and how many of them use a product called GoodNites and 
that this is what Matthew was going to be wearing to bed until he 
was able to get his bed wetting under control. She reminded Paul 
how this was very embarrassing for Matthew and that she did not 
want Paul making fun or teasing Matthew in any way about his bed 
wetting. She also asked Paul not to say anything about this to 
Jenny so that she wouldn't even know anything was different with 
Matthew. She concluded her talk with a very stern warning that if 
she ever caught Paul making fun of Matthew in any way that she 
would go out and buy a full fledged diaper for Paul and make him 
wear it to bed so that he would know what it was like to be a bed 
wetter. This caught Paul by surprise and he assured his mother 
that he would not say anything to his older brother about his new 
nighttime underwear.
	Sandra told Matthew about her talk with Paul and how that 
everything was going to be OK. That evening Matthew could not 
bring himself to getting dressed in front of his younger brother, 
instead Matthew changed into his pajamas in the bathroom. When 
Matthew returned to the bedroom Paul did not say a word to him but 
Paul couldn't help noticing the extra bulkiness under his 
brother's pajamas.
	Later on Sandra brought Jenny up to date on Matthew's 
condition, that he was now wearing a glorified diaper to bed every 
night. Again she asked Jenny to be patient and keep quiet about 
Matthew's bed-wetting, that the time would come soon when the both 
of them could begin to use his loss of bodily functions against 
the helpless and unsuspecting young man.
	It had taken several months but Sandra was finally able to 
get her unruly son back into a diaper of sorts. For the next 
couple of weeks Sandra would give her unsuspecting son random 
"treatments" with the hypnotic tapes and the next morning he would 
wake up with a wet GoodNites. Matthew even began having night time 
accidents on his own on nights that his mother did not even play 
the tapes. At first these accidents greatly humbled the cocky 
adolescent and he was much easier for his mother to handle. 
However over time Matthew began to get use to having accidents and 
since the GoodNites made it so easy to handle these accidents 
Matthew didn't feel it was a big deal any more when he woke up 
with a wet GoodNites. Hence, his old personality began to return. 
In some ways he was even more belligerent towards his mother and 
others. This was due to the fact that now he had even more pent up 
anger over not being able to control his own body. Besides feeling 
betrayed by his parents for getting a divorce, now his very own 
body was betraying him as well.
	The distraught mother was going to have to do something to 
bring her unruly son under control.....

A Difficult 11 year old - Chapter 6

	Sandra's grand scheme to regain control over her unruly 11- 
year-old son, Matthew, by getting him back into a diaper suffered 
a set back when the GoodNites underpants gave her son a sense of 
security and his old belligerent personality returned. At first 
Sandra wondered if she had done the right thing in "tricking" her 
unsuspecting son into having nighttime accidents. However as she 
thought back over the events of the past several months she 
realized that each time Matthew had an accident she could see a 
marked change in his attitude. This convinced her that she was on 
the right track and just needed to change her strategy to get her 
son out of the GoodNites and into a regular diaper.
	She began her new plan by trying to get Matthew to see a 
doctor about his recent lack of bladder control at night. At first 
Matthew flat out refused to talk to anybody about his bedwetting 
problem. But Sandra kept working on him and did research on the 
Internet and found personal testimonials from people who had 
bladder infections and other treatable problems but who refused to 
see a doctor and as a result suffered serious bladder problems 
leading to permanent and total incontinence. Sandra kept begging 
her son to talk to a doctor in case there was something treatable 
that could be cured. Of course she knew that there was nothing 
physically wrong with her son, that his nighttime accidents were 
really the result of her self-applied hypnosis program.
	Finally Matthew agreed to see a doctor. Sandra made the 
appointment and Doctor Johnson ran a whole series of tests on the 
greatly embarrassed adolescent. Doctor Johnson explained that it 
would take 2-3 weeks to get the results back from all of the tests 
and scheduled a follow-up appointment to discuss the test results 
with Sandra and Matthew.
	When Mother and son met with the Doctor, Matthew was shocked 
to find out that there was nothing physically wrong with him.
	Sandra played dumb and asked: "What do you mean there's 
nothing wrong with him? Then why is wetting the bed almost every 
	Doctor Johnson was also a bit confused but concluded that it 
must be an emotional problem maybe stemming from Sandra and Jack's 
(Matthew's father) recent divorce. When the doctor recommended 
seeking psychiatric help for Matthew, Sandra stated that there was 
no way she could afford for her son to see a psychiatrist. Doctor 
Johnson admitted that psychiatrists were very expensive and then 
apologized to both Sandra and Matthew over not being able to find 
anything wrong with Matthew that he could treat. He concluded by 
trying to console the distraught youth that bedwetting is 
something that affects many young ones and that it would be 
something he would eventually grow out of.
	Matthew just sat there in stone silence. His mind could not 
digest what the doctor was telling him. "I must be losing my 
mind," he thought to himself. And then he kept telling himself 
"I'm freakin' crazy". This news from the doctor greatly shook up 
the cocky child, and once again Matthew was humbled and acted in a 
very modest unassuming way for the next several weeks. But 
gradually his old personality once again began to re-emerge.
	Of course the doctor's news came as no surprise to Sandra. 
But now she had additional ammunition that she could use to start 
"lowering the boom" on her unsuspecting son. But first she had to 
get him out of the GoodNites and into a regular diaper.
	She began by going through the GoodNites in Matthew's drawer 
and using a small straight pin began poking small holes in the 
crotch area of the GoodNites. With each pair of GoodNites she 
would poke more holes and bigger holes. She wanted it to appear 
that Matthew's bed-wetting was getting worse every night and that 
the GoodNites were not absorbent enough to handle his nighttime 
bed-wetting accidents. She even spread her hole poking out over a 
couple of different packages of GoodNites. This was so that 
Matthew wouldn't think that maybe they just got a defective 
	At first Sandra had no way of being able to tell if all of 
her tedious hole poking had achieved it's desired results. The 
first few nights that the GoodNites leaked were hardly noticeable 
even to Matthew. After a while though Matthew began noticing his 
pajamas having a small wet spot on them, but he would just fold 
them up and put them back in his drawer. By the time his mother 
could inspect his pajamas they would be dry. However after a 
couple of weeks the wetness became too great for Matthew to just 
put his pajamas back in his drawer. Finally Sandra came across a 
wet pair of pajamas in the dirty clothes hamper and she knew that 
all of her hole punching had paid off. Since Matthew only had 2 
pairs of pajamas she knew it wouldn't take long for him to run out 
of clean pajamas.
	Two days later Matthew asked his mom if she could do a load 
of laundry since he was out of clean clothes. Sandra agreed and 
did the washing without saying a word. Four days later Matthew 
again asked his mom to do a load of laundry and this time Sandra 
began to ask questions.
	"What do you mean you're out of clothes?" she asked. "I just 
did the laundry 3 or 4 days ago. You can't possibly be out of 
clean clothes in just 3 or 4 days!"
	The embarrassed young man didn't know what to say. Finally he 
sheepishly asked his mother to at least wash his pajamas for him.
	"How can you possibly get 2 pairs of pajamas dirty in just 3 
or 4 days?" she asked her son.
	Matthew did not say a word in reply, he just hung his head in 
	Sandra paused for a long time waiting for a response. When it 
was clear that Matthew was not going to say anything she asked: 
"Are the GoodNites not working any more?"
	Again Matthew was stone silent.
	His mother continued, much to her son's chagrin: "It appears 
that your bed-wetting is getting worse and that the GoodNites are 
not able to absorb all of your urine."
	Sandra agreed to wash her son's pajamas and then suggested 
that Matthew begin wearing 2 pairs of GoodNites to bed to protect 
his bed and his pajamas.
	Matthew heeded his mothers' suggestion to wear an extra 
GoodNite from then on. However the extra bulk of the second 
GoodNite made Matthew more aware of his lack of bodily control. It 
also made him feel more like he was wearing a diaper, however, for 
some unexplained reason he liked the feel of the extra bulkiness 
and again could not understand why this bulkiness caused him to 
get excited. Paul couldn't help but giggle to himself as he 
observed his older brother's obvious well-padded loins under his 
	Wearing 2 GoodNites at a time caused Matthew to go through 
his protective underwear twice as fast. As he got near the bottom 
of the bag, Sandra began preparing for D-Day (in this case D-Day 
could stand for either Diaper Day or Depends Day). First of all 
Sandra marked the calendar for the following Friday and then 
counted out Matthews GoodNites and threw away about a half dozen 
of the undergarments to make sure that Matthew would use his last 
GoodNites on Thursday evening. While all of her children were at 
the movies, she then made her own "hypnotic" tape. She took her 
own Kenny G CD and dubbed her own voice in with the music, and 
using her softest, kindest voice would repeat things like: 
"Diapers are Goooood", "I like wearing a diaper", "Diapers are 
soft", "Diapers are warm" and so forth. She then played her own 
special tape the rest of the week for Matthew while he slept. As 
Matthew used the last of his GoodNites he noticed that his mother 
had not bought an extra package like she had done in the past. 
Usually she bought a new package at least a week before he ran 
out. The next morning, Friday (D-Day), Matthew awoke with 2 wet 
GoodNites and as he threw them away he wondered how he could 
tactfully remind his mom that he need another package. After 
breakfast that morning, before leaving for school, he finally 
worked up the nerve to tell his mom that he had ran out of 
GoodNites and need some more. His mother simply responded that she 
would take care of the matter.
	Little did the unsuspecting young boy know what lay in store 
for him that evening ...

A Difficult 11 year old - Chapter 7

	That afternoon when Matthew got home from school he checked 
his underwear drawer to see if his mother had bought him another 
package of GoodNites. When he didn't see any he assumed that he 
would go to bed that evening without any "protection" and then 
remind his mother again the next day, Saturday. He assumed that 
she was too busy on Friday with working to remember to buy his 
special underwear, but with a day off, she would have all day to 
catch up on her shopping. In the meantime, Jenny came home from 
school and quickly gathered up some of her clothes and other 
things and left to go spend the weekend with her friend Tiffany. 
(This had actually been planned out ahead of time by mother and 
daughter so that Sandra could be alone with Matthew.)
	That evening as Sandra was cooking dinner; she took out a 
couple of sedatives (she had gotten a prescription for sedatives 
while she was going through her divorce and had a few left over) 
and crushed them up and put it into Matthew's mashed potatoes and 
gravy like she had done before with her other concoctions. During 
dinner Sandra played her Kenny G album for the two boys and 
giggled to herself when Matthew began humming along to the music. 
Even Matthew caught himself and wondered why he was humming along 
to this music that he hated. He also could not figure out why he 
was suddenly thinking about wearing a diaper, maybe Doctor Johnson 
was right, maybe he did secretly deep down inside want to wear 
diapers. These thoughts greatly confused the young man.
	After dinner Sandra's brother Jim and his son Tommy (who was 
just a year older then Paul) came by and picked up Paul. They were 
going to the zoo the next day and had invited Paul to go with them 
and for Paul to spend the night with Tommy so they could get an 
early start on Saturday morning. Matthew could care less about 
going to any old stupid zoo, but still felt a bit "left out" that 
everybody else had something to do this weekend except for him, he 
was the only one left at home with his mother.
	That evening Sandra and Matthew watched TV together, she went 
ahead and made some popcorn for the two of them to snack on 
together. After a little over an hour, the sedatives began taking 
effect and Matthew began feeling very sleepy. Sandra noticed him 
yawning a lot and knew it was time for the second phase of her 
plot to begin. Sandra began talking to Matthew how she had done 
been doing a lot of research on the Internet about incontinence 
and had found out that there was actually two different types of 
incontinence, stress incontinence and urge incontinence. She 
explained that stress incontinence is where the bladder fills up 
and the pressure is greater then the muscles ability to hold back 
the urine and so the bladder "leaks" urine until the pressure is 
less then the muscles ability to again control the bladder. The 
other type of incontinence, urge incontinence, is when the bladder 
completely empties itself. The conversation was making Matthew 
feel very self-conscious and uncomfortable and he couldn't see 
what any of this had to do with him. His mother continued that the 
type of incontinence Matthew was experiencing was urge 
incontinence. And then she dropped the bomb. She told her son that 
the GoodNites products that he had been using were designed for 
the stress incontinence and they were never intended to be used 
for urge incontinence. She went on that she had done some research 
and had found a product that was specifically designed for urge 
incontinence. Matthew just thought to himself, OK she found 
another product and didn't think that much about it. With that 
Sandra went to the closet that was in the entryway near the front 
door and brought out a package of Depends fitted briefs and handed 
the package to Matthew.
	Matthew examined the package for less then 2 seconds and then 
yelled out: "THESE ARE DIAPERS!!" He was suddenly wide-awake. His 
adrenaline was over riding the sedatives that were in his system.
	His mother assured him that these were just another type 
incontinent product just like GoodNites were an incontinent 
	Again Matthew protested and told his mother that there was no 
way no how that he was going to wear a diaper. His mother 
responded that he had indeed been wearing a "diaper" for the last 
3 months, so what was the big deal over wearing a "different" type 
of diaper now. Deep down Matthew knew that the GoodNites were 
really a diaper but he hated to admit it
	"Why don't you at least think about it for a while," Sandra 
responded. "This is a perfect opportunity to try them out. Nobody 
else is at home right now, so nobody will know if you wear them or 
not. Besides, they look very comfortable, very soft and warm like 
the GoodNites." With that, Sandra dropped the subject and the two 
of them went back to watching television and eating popcorn.
	As Matthew calmed down, the sedatives began taking effect 
again and somehow the thought of wearing a diaper didn't seem that 
bad. He even began wondering to himself: "How would it feel to 
wear a diaper?" As he continued to look at the package of Depends, 
it became more and more inviting.
	After a little while, Sandra announced that it was time for 
bed. As her and Matthew got up, she walked over to her son and 
asked him what he thought about trying out the new incontinent 
product she bought him.
	"I dunno," was all that Matthew could say.
	Sandra began running her fingers through the young man's hair 
and asking him to at least try them out, that he didn't have 
anything to lose, that nobody would ever know if he wore them or 
	Matthew liked the physical contact of his mother, it had been 
years since there had been any tenderness between the two of them.
	Sandra then said to her son: "Come on, let's at least give 
them a try." And picked up the package of Depends and began 
walking to his room. Matthew just shrugged his shoulders and 
followed his mother into the bedroom.
	As the two of them entered the room, Sandra began telling 
Matthew how the Depends were different then the GoodNites. She 
explained how the GoodNites didn't have any type of adjustments on 
them, and that is why they leaked so much. She continued how the 
Depends were better designed to handle leaks, with the elastic leg 
bands and the elastic waist, and how he could adjust the 
"undergarment" to make it as tight as he needed it, to prevent it 
from leaking. She concluded that while it was better designed to 
handle leaks, it was much more difficult to put on and that he 
would have to put them on a certain way or they would leak. She 
then asked Matthew if he wanted her to help him out "the first 
	WHAT??? The thought of his mother putting a diaper on him, 
horrified the young man. "NO!!" Matthew quickly responded.
	Sandra moved toward the startled young boy and began saying 
in a very soft voice: "Come on sweetheart, no one will ever know. 
This will give us a chance to start all over, just like I use to 
care for you when you were little."
	His mother's tenderness caught him off guard. Deep down 
inside he did long for her warmth and affection. This coupled with 
the sedatives doing their job kept Matthew calm, and he just stood 
there speechless with a rush of conflicting emotions raging inside 
of him. On one hand, he did not want to be treated like a baby, 
but on the other hand the thought of his mother tenderly caring 
for him made him feel warm and special inside.
	Sandra gently guided Matthew over to his bed and sat him 
down. "I'll go very slowly so as not to make you feel 
uncomfortable" she assured her son. She again began running her 
fingers through his hair and gently rubbing his back. Matthew 
greatly enjoyed his mother's gentle touches, but at the same time 
felt himself slipping deeper into being a big baby. These 
conflicting emotions were more then he could handle and began to 
cry quietly to himself. His mother held the sobbing child in a 
warm firm embrace and began rocking with him on the bed and 
telling him that everything was going to be OK. She even began 
singing to him just like she use to when he was a baby.
	After a several minutes of this, she wrapped her arms around 
his waist and un-buttoned his pants and slowly unzipped them. She 
continued to rock with Matthew and to sing to him for several more 
minutes. Sandra then slowly stood up and gently laid Matthew down 
on the bed. The confused child co-operated with his mother and 
laid down on the bed. Sandra then sat back down on the bed and 
continued to sing to Matthew and gently rubbed his stomach and 
chest. After a few more minutes of this, Sandra stood up and 
gently grabbed the waist of Matthews pants and tugged at them. 
Matthew reluctantly complied by raising up his rear end so his 
mother could remove his pants.
	Again Matthew was overcome with conflicting emotions. He was 
enjoying his mothers' softness and gentleness but at the same time 
felt very uncomfortable and vulnerable lying on the bed with just 
his underwear on in front of his mother. He closed his eyes and 
fought to hold back the tears while he tried to make sense all of 
the different emotions he was going through that evening.
	Sandra continued to sing to her son and rub his chest and 
arms until he seemed to calm down a bit. She then removed his 
underwear and grabbed one of the fitted briefs. As she got near 
Matthew, she had to give him a slight nudge for him to lift up his 
butt so she could slid the diaper underneath him. Matthew quickly 
complied; at this point in time he just wanted to get this over 
with as soon as possible. Sandra maneuvered the diaper under 
Matthew and after making a few adjustments quickly taped the 
garment in place.
	At this Matthew broke into tears. What had he just done??? He 
just laid there and let his mother put a diaper on him!!! He 
couldn't believe that he didn't put up any resistance. He felt 
like a great big sissy baby. What was wrong with him!!!
	Sandra sat Matthew up straight and wrapped her arms around 
him and held him tight. She kept telling him over and over again, 
in a very soft voice, that nobody would ever know about what just 
happened. She resumed rubbing her hand through his hair and 
assuring him that she loved him very much and that this was an 
opportunity for them to start all over again.
	When Matthew finally calmed down and stopped crying, Sandra 
went to his dresser and got out his pajamas and helped her son to 
get dressed for bed. She then tucked him into bed and told him 
that she was going to go get changed and that she would come back 
and sleep in Paul's bed that night so that he wouldn't be alone.
	It took quite a while for Matthew to fall asleep that night. 
Every time he moved, his new undergarments crackled and rustled 
reminding him of their presence. He still couldn't believe how he 
had just laid there and let his mother put a diaper on him. But 
what confused him more then that, was that he had actually kind of 
enjoyed his mother diapering him. He wondered to himself: "Who 
would "enjoy" their mother putting a diaper on them?" As he calmed 
down he found that he liked the feel of his "diaper"; the softness 
and the warmth of it, he even found himself getting excited. Of 
course this greatly confused the young man and made him feel all 
the more like he was some sort of freak or pervert. Finally the 
sedatives kicked in and Matthew was able to go to sleep.

A Difficult 11 Year Old - Chapter 8

	The next morning Matthew awoke to a soaked diaper. He quickly 
removed the wet diaper and put on his regular underwear and got 
dressed. As he took the diaper outside to throw away (just like he 
used to do with his GoodNites) he wondered to himself what really 
happened to him last night. Did he really lie there and let his 
mother put a diaper on him? It seemed like some sort of bad dream.
	At breakfast that morning Matthew was very quiet, he did not 
know what to say to his mother. When Sandra asked her son if he 
wanted to go with her to a matinee that afternoon all he could say 
was: "Yeah, I guess so". Six months earlier he would have told his 
mother to take a flying leap off of a cliff, and he would not have 
been caught dead being seen doing anything with his mother. But 
now he felt very vulnerable around her (after all she had seen him 
naked and in a diaper) and even somewhat submissive. He also was 
somehow afraid of hurting her feelings.
	At the show that afternoon Matthew prayed that none of his 
friends would "catch him" going to a movie with his MOTHER. After 
the movie the two of them stopped off at a McDonalds to get 
something to eat. Again Matthew was afraid that someone would see 
him out in public with his mother.
	When they got home, Sandra called her brother Jim to see how 
their day at the zoo had gone. She then asked if it would be OK if 
they kept Paul one more night so that she could spend some time 
alone with Matthew. Jim was glad to help out and Paul was happy to 
spend some more time with his cousin.
	That evening Matthew was dreading bed time, he did not know 
what to expect from his mother. Sandra explained that she could 
not put his diaper on every night, that he would have to learn how 
to diaper himself. This came as a partial relief to the terrified 
juvenile. But then Sandra suggested that he practice putting on a 
diaper while they were alone together and nobody else was around. 
Inside he wanted to tell his mother to f* off, but all that came 
out was a small shrug of his shoulders. Sandra went and got the 
package of Depends and began by showing Matthew the correct way to 
put them on. She had Matthew get undressed again and she put the 
diaper on him, but this time she went much slower explaining every 
step of the way how important it was to line up the front of the 
diaper with the back of the diaper and how to pull the diaper 
tight (especially around the leg openings) before taping it in 
place. She then took off the undergarment and had Matthew put it 
on in front of her. After the third try Sandra was confident that 
Matthew knew how to tape it on nice and tight so that it would not 
leak. She then told Matthew that in the future he should go to bed 
before Paul so that he could put on his diaper and pajamas and be 
in bed before Paul got into the room so that Paul would not see 
his older brother wearing a diaper. Matthew reluctantly agreed, 
but felt that it was very unfair that he had to go to bed before 
his 7-year-old brother, he felt that he should have a much later 
bed time since he was 4 years older then Paul.
	For the next several weeks Sandra would announce that is was 
time for bed and Matthew would go to bed first and put on his 
diaper, after about 5 or 10 minutes Sandra would check in on 
Matthew to make sure he was finished getting dressed, then she 
would tell Paul it was time for him to go to bed. Sandra continued 
to play her tapes for Matthew every night, especially the "I like 
my diaper" tape she had made herself. After about a week she could 
tell that Matthew was getting comfortable with wearing a diaper 
every night.
	Since Matthew's twelfth birthday was coming up in just a 
couple of weeks, Sandra showed mercy on her unsuspecting son and 
did not do anything else to him (other then playing the cassette 
tapes every night). Sandra knew that her ex-husband Jack would be 
there for Matthew's birthday party and that he would probably 
bring gifts for all of the children. This irritated her because 
months would go by without a word (or a penny) from him and then 
he would show up with gifts for the children and the children 
would think he was the greatest person alive. But this time she 
figured she would use his phony generosity to her advantage. 
Sandra talked to Jenny about the next phase of her plan for 
Matthew and talked Jenny into dropping hints around her father 
about how much she wanted a "web camera" so that she could add 
more pictures to her web site and so that she could do video 
conferencing with her friends. She also made sure that Jenny would 
mention how much better the USB cameras were.
	Sandra also began complaining how messy the boys' room was, 
how there was always too much junk lying around. After she had 
separated the boys' bunk beds this left less room for their toys 
and other stuff. Sandra was concerned how the room would appear 
when everyone came over for Matthews' birthday party. She began 
talking about putting up some shelves in their room to help 
organize things, she talked to her father and brother and the 
weekend before Matthews' birthday they came over and hung up 
shelves in the boys room. Sandra also talked to her father about 
putting some of the boys' things along with hers and Jenny's 
summer clothes and other things into storage, but that she 
couldn't afford it. She then asked her father if he still had his 
mini-storage building where he kept some of his extra tools and 
equipment. He told her that he did and that she was welcomed to 
use it. He gave her the address and the combination to the padlock 
that was on it. After the shelves were hung up, Sandra went to the 
grocery store and picked up some boxes to put the boys' stuff in 
on the new shelves. She carefully picked boxes that were a little 
bit ragged with small holes and tears in them. (Can you see where 
we are going with this?)
	Matthew's birthday party came and went without much ado. Jack 
did show up with gifts for all of the children including Jenny's 
web cam. Sandra immediately went out and bought the longest USB 
cable she could find, she even looked at the USB hubs in case the 
cable was still not long enough. The weekend after the birthday 
party Sandra dropped Matthew and Paul off at the movies to watch a 
double feature. When she got home, her and Jenny immediately began 
working on "bugging" Matthew's room. They drilled a hole in the 
wall behind one of the boxes on the shelf at the foot of Matthew's 
bed. Then using her construction experience, Sandra went up into 
the attic and "snaked" the USB cable down inside the wall to Jenny 
who pulled it through the hole. The other end of the cable she ran 
into her room (which was on the other side of the wall where 
Matthew slept). Sandra had been keeping the computer in her room, 
since she used it for work and she also wanted to monitor the 
children when they surfed the Internet. She had to move the 
computer over to the wall that she shared with Matthew's room so 
that the USB cable would reach the computer. Then they set up the 
camera. They took out some of the books in one of the boxes and 
placed the camera behind one of the tears in box. They actually 
had to tear it a little bit more to make the hole bigger for the 
camera to "see" through. Then they carefully positioned the camera 
so that it looked right at Matthew's bed. After they had 
positioned the camera they taped it in place with duct tape to 
hold it secure so that it would not move and then carefully put 
everything back in the box. They did one final check and made a 
minor adjustment to the camera angle.
	 Over the next several nights Sandra and Jenny got several 
good pictures of Matthew in his diaper and they also got a couple 
of good videos of Matthew diapering himself. All the while Matthew 
had no idea that he was under surveillance.

A Difficult 11 Year Old - Chapter 9 (New Pajamas)

Note from Author: When I first got the idea for this story, this 
was the incident I thought of first and then I back-tracked and 
thought about how you could possibly get a rebellious pre-teenager 
to wear a blanket sleeper and that's where the rest of the story 
came from.
	A couple of weeks after his twelfth birthday, (again on a 
Friday Night) Matthew's mother Sandra was preparing dinner for her 
family, and again she pulled out a couple of sedatives and mixed 
them into Matthew's food to help keep him calm for what lay ahead 
of him that evening. After dinner was over, she presented her 3 
children with wrapped presents. She also got out the camcorder so 
she could tape their facial reactions to their gifts.
	"Ladies first", Sandra announced and with that Jenny 
unwrapped her present and pulled out an N'Sync nightgown.
	"Thank-you Mom" the excited young girl replied. (She was a 
BIG N'Sync fan)
	"Why don't you go try it on", her mother responded.
	Jenny went to her room and quickly reappeared wearing her new 
nightgown, which she graciously "modeled" for her mother who was 
still taping with the camcorder.
	"OK Paul, you're next," Sandra said.
	Once again Paul quickly tore into his package and pulled out 
a pair of Pokemon pajamas. The process was repeated with Paul 
going into his room and coming out in his new pajamas and modeling 
them in front of the video camera.
	Matthew thought to himself: "OK, so we have a pajama theme 
going here, that's cool". Although he could care less about new 
pajamas. When his turn came he calmly opened his package and was a 
bit puzzled when he saw red fleece. (Sandra had carefully folded 
the pajamas so that the first thing Matthew would see would be the 
back of the garment) Matthew lifted up what he thought was the 
shirt part of a two piece pair of pajamas, like all of his other 
pajamas were and like the pair of pajamas Paul had just received. 
As he lifted up he was surprised when the pajama did not stop at 
the waist. Instead he saw that this was some sort of "one-piece" 
garment. "Must be some sort of union suit", he thought to himself. 
After he pulled up as high as he could reach, there were still the 
legs of the garment folded inside the box. He reached down with 
one hand and pushed the box off of his lap. With that, the pajamas 
finished unfolding revealing a pair of very cute attached "feet" 
with non-skid soles. Matthew stared at the feet for a second in 
complete disbelief and then quickly threw the blanket sleeper away 
from him as if it was some sort of serpent that was about to bite 
	When Jenny saw that it was a one-piece footed sleeper, she 
screamed with delight and began laughing hysterically. Paul too 
joined in with the laughter.
	Matthew was not amused. "What the hell is this?" he asked. 
"Is this some sort of joke?" And then he most assuredly stated 
that there was no way he would ever wear those pajamas.
	Jenny stood up and went over and picked up the fallen sleeper 
and began examining it more closely as her mother began explaining 
to Matthew that this was not a joke. "Since you wet the bed every 
night just like a baby does, and since you have to wear a diaper 
every night just like a baby does, I thought it would only be 
appropriate that you should have the same type of pajamas that 
babies have so that you can look the part. If you're going to act 
like a baby it's only makes sense that you should also look like a 
	"I'm NOT a baby!" Matthew screamed back at his mother.
	"But you act like a baby", his mother replied and then she 
continued: "And nobody knows why you wet the bed every night. 
Doctor Johnson said there was nothing physically wrong with you to 
cause you to wet the bed. The only thing we can figure out is that 
you must enjoy wetting yourself and maybe somehow you want to go 
back to being a baby. So this sleeper will be perfect for you."
	"I don't enjoy wetting the bed and I don't want to be a 
baby." the angry youngster said as tears began to well up in his 
	"Well then this is your perfect opportunity to prove that. As 
soon as you stop wetting the bed then you can go back to your 
regular pajamas. Think of this as my way of helping you to 
overcome your bed-wetting. I'm giving you an extra incentive to 
	"I don't need any extra incentive." Matthew sobbed.
	Interrupting the conversation, Jenny asked her mother where 
in the world did she find a footed blanket sleeper in Matthew's 
size. She had never seen footed sleepers any larger then toddler 
	"You can find ANYTHING on the Internet," Sandra said. And 
then explained how she got this pair from a web site for a company 
called Lands End ( She told Jenny that they have 
one-piece footed sleepers all the way up to size 16, (they really 
do, check it out) so Matthew will be set for footed sleepers for 
years to come. Sandra told Jenny that they also have two-piece 
footed pajamas that may work out better for Matthew during the 
warmer months.
	The conversation about footed pajamas made Matthew start 
crying more. The thought of wearing footed pajamas was more then 
he could bear. "I'm not going to wear ANY footed pajamas!!!" The 
frightened young man screamed and sobbed.
	"GO TO YOUR ROOM" his mother commanded him. "And you think 
about what you are going to do. And don't you come out until you 
have settled down."
	Matthew complied with his mother's wishes, he was eager to 
get out of the living room and the whole conversation about footed 
pajamas. As soon as Matthew entered his room he checked his 
dresser drawer for his old pajamas, and sure enough they were 
gone. He figured his mother must have hidden them from him (she 
had actually thrown them away in a dumpster behind where she 
worked). He didn't care though, there was no way he would ever 
wear the blanket sleeper his mother had bought him.
	After about a half hour, Matthew quit crying and calmed down. 
The sedatives helped to speed up the calming down process. In the 
meantime, Sandra and Jenny began preparing to "drop the bomb" on 
	After Matthew had calmed down, Sandra went into his room and 
asked him to come into her bedroom.
	"I'm NOT going to wear those pajamas", Matthew firmly stated.
	Sandra ignored his comment and insisted that he come with her 
to her bedroom.
	When he got into his mothers' bedroom he saw Jenny sitting in 
front of the computer. His mother had him stand in front of the 
	"Are you ready for the show?" Jenny asked.
	Matthew didn't know what she was talking about and just stood 
there silent and dumbfounded. With that Jenny clicked on a window 
on the task bar that she had minimized and up came a web site.
	"Welcome to Baby Matthew's Web Site", the screen said. 
Matthew continued reading in disbelief. "Hewwo and welcome to my 
Web site. My name is Matthew Caldwell and I'm a pre-teen baby and 
diaper lover. I love wearing diapers and wetting and messing in 
them. I wear a diaper every night."
	"What the hell is this!?!?" Matthew asked.
	"I took the liberty of making up a web site for you," Jenny 
answered. Her and all of her friends had their own web sites, so 
she was quite proficient at creating web sites. She also had 
surfed the Internet looking at other teen baby and pre-teen baby 
web sites for ideas for Matthew's web site. "Don't worry", she 
told her brother "I haven't uploaded it to the Internet YET. I 
just created it here on Mom's computer. Let me show you the best 
parts of your web site."
	With that she clicked on the "Pictures" Link and up came a 
dozen pictures of Matthew wearing his diaper. They had taken the 
pictures with Jenny's new web cam that they had hidden in 
Matthew's room.
	Matthew couldn't believe his eyes. How did she get those 
pictures of him?
	"And now, the absolute best part of your web site...." And 
with an imitation drum roll she began saying: "And now ladies and 
gentlemen I give you .... The VIDEOS." And then she clicked on the 
"Videos" link. Up came 3 different videos, which Jenny showed to 
Matthew one at time. Each video showed Matthew calmly walking into 
his room and going over to his dresser and taking out a diaper and 
then undressing and lying down on his bed and putting the diaper 
on himself quickly and quite proficiently. Each video showed 
Matthew wearing different clothes and had a date and time "stamp" 
on them to show that each video occurred on a different night.
	"Anybody seeing this would have to conclude that you were 
indeed a very big baby and a diaper lover and that you really do 
enjoy wearing a diaper."
	Matthew just stood there in complete shock. He knew that his 
older sister was right. There was no way he could ever explain to 
anyone that saw those videos that he did not somehow enjoy wearing 
a diaper.
	His sister continued on, "I went ahead and signed you up with 
Yahoo and Xoom and Homestead for free web space, so your web space 
is just sitting there waiting for your own very special web site." 
She explained that she signed him up with multiple web sites just 
in case one of the servers went down or was unavailable that at 
least one of "his" web sites would still be available 24 hours a 
day. Then she concluded with: "All I have to do is click the 
Publish button and then the whole world will know all about what a 
big baby you really are."
	Sandra then took over the conversation and assured him that 
Jenny had not YET uploaded the Web Site onto the Internet, but 
that if Matthew continued to act like a big baby and refuse to 
wear his new pajamas, that she would have no choice but to allow 
Jenny to send "his" web site onto the Internet. Sandra then asked 
if Matthew had reconsidered his decision and if he was now ready 
to put on his new blanket sleeper.
	Matthew replied that he was still not going to wear the new 
sleeper, but there was a quiver in his voice. He did not know what 
was going to happen next.
	"I was afraid you were going to say that," His mother replied 
and then she continued: "I'm going to give you 60 seconds to 
change your mind."
	With that Jenny double clicked on the clock on the task bar. 
When the Date/Time properties came up, Jenny clicked into the 
seconds box and reset the seconds to zero. Then she clicked on the 
apply button that started the clock ticking. She had practiced 
this maneuver several times to get it perfect.
	"I don't see what the big deal is about wearing a blanket 
sleeper", Jenny said. "Me, Mom and Paul already know what a big 
baby you are. We're the only ones who are ever going to see you in 
your pajamas. I don't see how wearing a pair of footed pajamas in 
the privacy of your own home could be worse then the whole world 
finding out that you're a big baby who wets his bed every night 
and wears a diaper every day."
	Matthew knew that she was right, but he also knew that if put 
on the sleeper that Jenny and his mother would be sure to get a 
picture of him in it, and this would just add to the evidence that 
he was a big baby. He felt himself in downward spiral with no way 
	Matthew just stood there for nearly 30 seconds and did not 
say or do anything.
	"I don't think he's going to put them on," his sister said. 
And then she clicked on the Publish button and a dialog box popped 
up. She moved the dialog box away from the clock so that Matthew 
could see how much time he had left to change his mind. She then 
typed in the URL of the first web site along with Matthew's secret 
username and password. "All I have to do now is click on the OK 
button and the whole world will know your secret." When Matthew 
didn't budge, she continued on: "You know that I will have to tell 
all of my friends about your web site and for them to go check it 
out for themselves and for them to tell everybody they know about 
what they find there."
	With that Matthew began to squirm and tears again began 
welling up in his eyes again. He knew it wouldn't take very long 
for word to spread about his wearing a diaper. His life would be 
	When Jenny saw that she had gotten a reaction out of Matthew 
she began to tease him. "Just one click of the mouse, and your 
life as you know it, will be over." She then began moving the 
mouse around the OK button. "Oops" she said as she clicked the 
mouse near the OK button. "I just got a muscle spasm in my 
finger." she mocked. "Oops there it is again. Oops ... Oops ... 
Oops" she continued each time she clicked the mouse. "Oooh, that 
one was close."
	"Cut it out," Matthew cried, getting more upset as the 
seconds ticked away.
	When the clock got down to 10 seconds, Jenny said to her mom: 
"He's not going to have enough time to get undressed and put on 
his pajamas. Do you want me to go ahead and click on the OK 
Button?" She asked her mother.
	Sandra told her to just wait a few more seconds.
	When the clock got down to around 5 seconds to go, Matthew 
began crying: "OK, OK I'll put on the stupid pajamas." And then 
began undressing.
	When the clock hit 60 seconds Jenny asked her mom if she 
could click on the OK Button. Her mother told her to just wait to 
see if Matthew will put on the pajamas, but she did tell her to 
keep the dialog box open so that if Matthew changes his mind that 
she can quickly upload his web page to the Internet.
	Matthew slowly got undressed. He was embarrassed as he stood 
in front of his Mom and his sister wearing only his underwear and 
a T-Shirt. He picked up the blanket sleeper and held it in front 
of him. "How do you put this stupid thing on?" He asked.
	His mother replied: "Just put your feet into the legs one 
foot at a time."
	Jenny watched her younger brother's discomfort with great 
	He took one foot and put it into the leg of the pajamas. As 
his foot went down into the pajama, he felt himself sliding down a 
long dark shaft of despair with no way out. He was amazed how 
easily his foot slipped into the footed part of the sleeper. He 
then took the other foot and put it in the other leg of the 
pajamas and then pulled the sleeper up to his waist. He turned 
beet red when Jenny began laughing at the sight of her 12-year-old 
brother standing in front of her with his feet and legs covered 
with red fleece.
	Matthew slowly put his hands through each of the arms of the 
sleeper and pulled the sleeper up over his shoulders. That's as 
far as he could go, and just stood there crying.
	His mother moved near to him and gently zipped the garment 
up. "Now that wasn't so bad," she told him. "If you'll just give 
these pajamas a chance, I think that you will really like them. I 
had a pair when I was your age and I loved them. They were the 
most comfortable pajamas I ever owned and they kept me nice and 
toasty warm all night long."
	Jenny began laughing hysterically. She then began teasing her 
brother: "Not everybody can pull off that whole 'baby' look. But 
it looks good on you."
	"Shut ups" Matthew responded. "Now delete that stupid s**t 
off of that computer" He demanded of his sister.
	Jenny went ahead and closed down the dialog box that was open 
and closed down the program she was in but told Matthew that she 
was not going to delete anything off of the computer, that this 
was their "insurance policy" to make sure that Matthew would 
behave himself properly and that he would grow up to be a well 
behaved young man.
	Jenny continued on: "And don't you even think about deleting 
anything off of this computer. It won't do you a bit of good 
because I have already taken all of the photographs and videos 
from your web site and have e-mailed them to myself at my Internet 
email address. I can go to any computer in the world and your 
pictures are just waiting for me there in my inbox. I even set up 
a couple of extra email addresses and e-mailed everything to those 
as well to make sure nothing happens to any of your pictures or 
videos. In less then an hour I could re-create your entire web 
	Matthew felt completely trapped and helpless standing there 
in his footed pajamas.
	Sandra quickly gathered up Matthew's clothes just in case he 
should have a change of heart. She then told Jenny and Matthew: 
"Let's go out to the living room and watch some TV before we go to 
	As he entered the living room, Paul began laughing at the 
sight of his older brother wearing his footed sleeper.
	"Shut up!" Matthew screamed at Paul.
	"Matthew!, you watch your mouth!" his mother scolded him.
	After about an hour, Matthew finally settled down and his 
mother went into the kitchen and brought out some chocolate chip 
brownies she had made earlier. She had made a special batch just 
for Matthew that she spiked with a couple of sleeping pills. She 
wanted to make sure that he slept very soundly that night. She 
brought the brownies to the children one at a time. Even though 
Matthew didn't have much of an appetite that evening, chocolate 
chip brownies were his favorite so he ate them up.
	Shortly after their snack, Sandra announced that it was 
bedtime. As she was telling Matthew good night, she gave him a 
warning: "I don't want anything 'happening' to your new sleeper 
such as it 'accidentally' getting ripped or torn or the zipper 
breaking. Remember I can easily get another pair from Lands End. 
They even had a very lovely pink pair (not really, but he didn't 
know that) that I think would suit you perfectly. So if I was you, 
I would make sure that nothing bad happens to those pajamas." 
Sandra concluded by telling Paul that Matthew is to sleep the 
entire night in his new sleeper and that if he tries to takes it 
off, that Paul is to come wake her up immediately and tell her.
	Again Matthew felt completely helpless and more and more like 
a little baby. Now even his younger brother was "baby sitting" him 
and keeping an eye on him.
	Matthew had a difficult time getting comfortable that night. 
He was not use to sleeping in a blanket sleeper. He wanted to 
sleep under the covers so that Paul would not be able to see him 
in his footed sleeper, but this quickly got too hot for him. He 
tossed and turned several times trying to get comfortable, but the 
one-piece sleeper would rub against his diaper each time 
amplifying the crackling and rustling sounds of his diaper. He 
finally kicked all of the covers off of himself and slept on top 
of the sheet with no covers on him at all.
	The sleeping pills (along with the sedatives) quickly took 
effect and Matthew was fast asleep.

A DIFFICULT 11 YEAR OLD - CHAPTER 10 - The Morning After

	With both the sedatives and sleeping pills in his system 
Matthew slept until well after 10 o'clock the next day. When he 
awoke he was alone in his room. His younger brother Paul had woke 
up a couple of hours earlier and had already gone outside to play. 
As he yawned and stretched, his new blanket sleeper pressed up 
against his toes and reminded him of the events from the night 
before. He still could not believe that his mother would buy him 
such a childish pair of pajamas and then force him to wear them. 
All he wanted to do was to get out of these hideous pajamas with 
	Matthew went over to his dresser to first of all get some 
clean underwear to replace his soaked diaper. As he opened his 
underwear drawer he was completely surprised to only find his 
diapers in the drawer. What had happened to his underwear as well 
as his T-Shirts and socks? He quickly opened the other drawers in 
his dresser to find all of them completely empty. He was 
dumbfounded as to what was going on. He was still pretty groggy 
from having just woken up, also the sedatives and sleeping pills 
from the night before were still effecting his ability to grasp 
what was going on. He went over to his closet and again all of his 
clothes were gone. The only clothes in the closet were Paul's. 
After a couple of minutes trying to figure out what had happened 
he began calling out for his mother.
	As Sandra entered his room, Matthew asked her what had 
happened to all of his clothes. She began by explaining that last 
night after he had gone to sleep she had come into his room and 
gathered up all of his clothes and boxed them up. And then earlier 
that morning she had taken them to Grandpa's mini-storage and 
locked them up down there.
	"WHAT???" Matthew asked.
	She replied: "It's because you pitched such a fit last night 
over wearing your new pajamas. I worked very hard trying to find 
those pajamas for you and I spent more on your pajamas than I 
spent for Jenny's and Paul's put together. It was a very 
ungrateful attitude."
	Matthew sat there in complete silence. He couldn't believe 
what he was hearing.
	His mother continued: "Those are really very comfortable 
pajamas. If you will just give them a chance I am sure that you 
will find them to be the most comfortable pajamas you have ever 
owned. That is why I have arranged for you to spend the entire day 
and possibly the entire weekend in your new pajamas so that you 
can get used to wearing them. I bet you that in time you will 
actually look forward to wearing them, and that you won't be able 
to wait until you can put them on. The time will come when you 
will put them on hours before you go to bed, and you will lounge 
around in them all day long during the weekend, just like I use to 
	He could NEVER imagine himself wanting to wear such a 
grotesque pair of pajamas. He did however ask his mother: "Why are 
doing this to me?"
	"Because you have gotten such a defiant and rebellious 
attitude lately. Things are going to change around here, young 
man. From now on when you disobey me, there will be hell to pay. 
You must learn that for every action there is going to be a 
reaction," Sandra explained, and then she continued: "Just like 
last night. If you had just done what you were told to do, and had 
put on your new sleeper without such a fuss, this whole matter 
would have been over and done with. But because of YOUR 
disobedience you will now have to spend an entire day running 
around the house in a pair of footed pajamas. And if you don't 
learn your lesson, then we will repeat this same process 
	It had taken several months, but Sandra had finally gotten 
the upper hand in dealing with her difficult and rebellious son.
	Matthew, too realized that his mother was now in complete 
control and that there was nothing he could do about it. He began 
to cry as the utter helplessness of his situation settled in on 
	"What about my underwear?" Matthew sobbed.
	Sandra then explained to her son: "I did leave out a pair of 
your underwear. Now if you are willing to take your punishment 
like a man, then you can wear your regular underwear. However, if 
you are going cry and pout like a little baby, then you can just 
wear a diaper all day long. It doesn't matter to me." She then 
asked Matthew: "So what's it going be? Are you going to accept 
your discipline like a man?"
	Matthew weakly nodded Yes through his tears.
	Sandra continued on, making sure he understood what she 
meant: "If you would have obeyed me last night and put on your new 
sleeper when I had first given it to, then you wouldn't be in the 
predicament that you are in now. You do realize that it is because 
of YOUR actions that you are being punished."
	Matthew again sobbed: "Yes".
	"Now quit crying like a baby and I will go get you your 
	Matthew fought hard to hold back his tears. After a couple of 
minutes he was able to stop sobbing. Sandra then left the room and 
went and got a pair of his underwear out of her own room. She 
returned with the underwear, which Matthew gladly accepted. As she 
left his room, Sandra gave instructions to Matthew for him to come 
downstairs for breakfast after he had changed out of his diaper.
	Matthew quickly removed his soaked diaper and put on his 
regular underwear. As he threw his diaper in the trashcan, he 
wondered to himself how he was going to be able to throw it away 
outside like he was supposed to do. He grabbed the trashcan and 
very hesitantly went down stairs.
	As soon as Jenny saw him she began teasing him: "Good 
morning, sleepyhead. I was beginning to wonder if you were ever 
going to wake up. I can't remember you ever sleeping this late." 
Then she asked: "Is it your new jammies? Do day make you sweep 
like a wittle itty bitty baby?"
	Matthew turned beet red and his anger blazed inside of him. 
He very much wanted to cuss her out, but he knew that he would be 
in more trouble if he did. No telling how long he would have to 
wear the stupid footed sleeper for cussing. Besides that, he just 
couldn't be tough standing there in a pair of footed pajamas. So 
he just took his punishment "like a man" (or should it be "like a 
baby"). He did manage a weak "Cut it out" in response to his 
sisters' teasing. Jenny just laughed at him and walked away.
	Matthew then approached his mother and quietly asked: "Ah 
mom, could you please take out my diaper and throw it away for 
	Sandra couldn't believe her ears, her once proud and arrogant 
son humbly asking her to something with the word PLEASE. "I should 
make you do it yourself as part of your punishment," She replied.
	Matthew went flush and got weak in the knees at the very 
thought of going outside and being caught wearing a blanket 
sleeper WITH FEET.
	Sandra could see the trauma that this was causing her son, so 
she said to him: "All right, I'll do it for you this time. But 
next time you're going to have to do it yourself. That'll teach 
you to disobey me."
	After his mother returned from her trash run, Matthew took 
his trashcan back upstairs to his room and came back down to eat 
breakfast. Sandra explained that she had already cooked breakfast 
for everybody else much earlier and then instructed Matthew to fix 
himself a bowl of cereal to hold him over until lunch, since lunch 
was only an hour or so away. After eating the cereal, Matthew went 
into the living room and watched TV until lunch was ready.
	At lunchtime, Sandra sent Jenny out to find Paul and to bring 
him in for lunch. When Paul came into the dining room he was 
surprised to see his older brother still wearing his new footed 
pajamas. He smiled and asked: "Hey Matt, why are you still wearing 
your pajamas?"
	Matthew again turned red and quietly answered: "Mom's 
punishing me."
	Paul then asked: "For what?"
	Matthew explained that it was because he didn't obey her when 
she had told him to put on his new pajamas last night. So now he 
had to spend all day in them.
	Paul responded with a "Bummer dude."
	The rest of the day Matthew spent watching TV or playing 
video games. Sandra couldn't help but notice how well mannered he 
was while he was wearing a pair of pajamas with feet in them. She 
realized that she had found the perfect punishment for him.
	During the day, Matthew started to get use to his new 
pajamas. He did notice that they were very comfortable. He still 
couldn't see himself willingly wearing them all day long like his 
mother used to do, but if nobody else was around, he thought about 
how he just might put them in on and wear them around the house, 
especially if it was a really cold day.
	That evening as he was going to bed, Matthew asked his mother 
if he would get back his "regular" clothes the next day. Sandra 
told him that she was very proud of him, that he had indeed taken 
his punishment "like a man", and that she would go first thing in 
the morning to Grandpa's mini-storage and retrieve his clothes.
	The next morning when Matthew awoke he eagerly looked around 
his room for his regular clothes. He was very disappointed when he 
did not find them. He heard his mother downstairs in the kitchen 
getting breakfast ready so he went down to ask her about his 
	His mother responded that she had already been up for over an 
hour and had been to Grandpa's mini-storage and had gotten his 
clothes for him and that they were in the car. Matthew ran over to 
the window and looked outside and could see several boxes inside 
the car.
	"Why didn't you bring them in?" he asked.
	She answered: "There's one last phase to your punishment 
before you get your clothes back. I want to take some pictures of 
you in your new pajamas. You look so cute and adorable, I want to 
save this moment in time."
	"WHAT?!?!" he asked.
	Sandra just laughed a little and then explained further: 
"Besides that having some pictures around of you in a pair of 
footed pajamas will help keep you in line. The next time you start 
acting belligerent and all tough all I'll have to do is show you a 
picture of you in your cute little blanket sleeper to remind you 
of what a big baby you really are deep down inside." She then went 
on: "Now if you aren't willing to accept ALL of your punishment, 
then I can very easily take your clothes back to Grandpa's mini-
storage and you can spend another day in your footed pajamas 
thinking about your lousy attitude." She then concluded with: "So 
what's it going to be? Are you going to accept ALL of your 
punishment and let me take some pictures of you in your new 
pajamas? Or, do you want to spend another day in your cute little 
	The last thing Matthew wanted was to spend another day in his 
blanket sleeper. Besides that he figured that his mom and Jenny 
had probably already used their "hidden" camera to take pictures 
of him anyway. (They had!) So he reluctantly agreed to let his 
mother take some pictures.
	"Excellent," she responded. "As soon as breakfast is finished 
we'll take a few pictures and then you will get your clothes back. 
Now breakfast is almost ready, so go and call Jenny and Paul down 
for breakfast."
	When Jenny came downstairs for breakfast she began laughing 
at her brother for still being in his pajamas. "Are you STILL 
wearing you new pajamas. You must really like them!!" she teased 
	"Shut up," Matthew fired back.
	Their mother interrupted the two of them and explained to 
Jenny how she wanted to take some picture of Matthew in his new 
pajamas before she gave him back his regular clothes. She then 
asked Jenny to help her with the photographs.
	Jenny readily responded, and again began teasing her 
humiliated brother. "Are you going to Moodelll your new pajamas 
for everyone to see?" she asked as she pretended she was walking 
down a catwalk striking poses for everyone to see and photograph.
	After breakfast Sandra, Matthew and Jenny all went into 
Sandra's room where she had set up Jenny's web cam for Matthew's 
photo shoot. What he thought was only going to take a couple of 
minutes lasted for more then a half an hour. His mother and Jenny 
got pictures of him standing, sitting, laying down, legs crossed, 
legs straight out in front of him etc. etc. etc. And of course in 
every picture Matthew had to smile as if he was having the time of 
his life. When they were finally finished, Sandra had well over 50 
	"OK, that should be enough," His mother finally said. And 
then Sandra asked Jenny to give her hand bringing Matthew's 
clothes into the house.
	Matthew was very glad to get back into his "regular" clothes. 
But something strange happened. After having spent well over 24 
hours in a blanket sleeper, his regular clothes suddenly felt very 
uncomfortable. Every time he moved it seemed as if his jeans would 
bind up and pinch him. But in any case, he was very happy to be 
able to go out in public again.
	Later that afternoon Sandra took the two boys to the theatre 
to watch a movie. When she got back home she showed Jenny her 
handiwork with the cassette player and showed her the various 
tapes that she had bought off of the Internet as well as the tapes 
she had made up herself.
	Sandra then said to her daughter: "I think we need to make up 
a new tape extolling the virtues of wearing a footed blanket 
sleeper." Jenny giggled and then Sandra asked her if she would 
like to do the honors. Jenny readily agreed and the two of them 
together worked on the script which went something like: "I 
loooove wearing pajamas with feet....... I wish I could wear my 
blanket sleeper all day long ...... I feel safe and secure in my 
footed pajamas ........ My sleeper is soooo warm and cozy ...... I 
don't care what other people think, I like my footed sleeper." It 
took several tries for Jenny to make it through an entire 
recording session without busting out with laughter.
	When they had finished the tape, Sandra began talking to 
Jenny about her signing up for a sewing class when the new 
semester began in a few weeks. Jenny had always been a typical 
tomboy; more interested in athletics then the traditional feminine 
things. Therefore, she had no interest at all in learning how to 
sew. However, Sandra explained how she had several ideas in mind 
of outfits for "baby" Matthew. Jenny giggled with delight at her 
mothers' ideas and agreed to sign up for the sewing class.
	For the next week Sandra played the blanket sleeper tape 
every night for Matthew. After only a week, she could tell a 
difference. Matthew was no longer fussing and complaining about 
wearing the sleeper, it even seemed like he was starting to enjoy 
it. Sandra and Jenny again set up their "hidden" camera in 
Matthews' room, and got a full-length video of Matthew diapering 
himself and then getting his sleeper out of the dresser and 
putting it on himself without anyone helping him or forcing him. 
This was Grade-A blackmail material.
	Sandra gave Matthew a couple of weeks to get use to wearing 
footed pajamas before she moved on to the next phase of her plan.