Baby of Anton

Summary: Just to till you a little bit about myself: I am 10 years old 
and my name is Anton. I am really small for my size so some think I am 
a toddler. Whenever I go in the car I have a car seat I have to use.

Part 1

It was summer break and all the kids where out of school for the 
summer. Mom and dad had some vacation time to take off from work so we 
were going to see some family out of state and we were going to drive 
it there because dad was about to make it there in about 5 hours. After 
about two hours on the road I told my dad I needed to use the restroom.

"Can we stop at a restroom?"

"No, Anton!"

"But dad, I need to go!"

"Didn't you got before we left the house?"

I didn't need to go then!"

"Sorry, son, we can't stop right now."

"But dad, I need to go bad!"

"If you go in the car you will be punished like never before!"

"Can't we just stop at a restroom?"


I asked Mom to tell dad to stop the car at a restroom, but he would not 

"I can't, you know your dad, if you would have used the restroom before 
we got on the road you would not need to go now, so stop asking!"

"But mom!"

"What did I tell you? I told you to stop asking!"

After about 20 minutes into the ride, after asking dad and mom I just 
wet my pants. No one saw that I had wet but after about 10 minutes mom 
looked back at me. She called me by my full name and I knew I was going 
to get it now.



Before we just got off the freeway and there was a store just off of 
the freeway. To out luck, when we got to the store we all got out of 
the car. After dad locked the car we started going in the store. After 
we got in the store mom and dad start to talk on what to do to me.

"We can put him in diapers."

"But dadd diapers are for babies! I am not a baby!"

You must be one if you wet your pants just like one."

After we got the diaper my mom took me in to the women's rest room to 
diaper me. After she diapered me I asked, "Where are my pants?"

"You don't need them! Babies don't wear pants and they're wet, anyway!"

"But you don't need to call me a baby!"

You must be one because only babies wet their pants! We are going to 
keep you in diapers all summer long!"

We started going back to the car and some kids had seen me. I hoped 
they thought I was a toddler. After we got back into the car after we 
got back on the road. It was about 20 minutes into the ride. I was 
going to sleep in my car seat. I was sleeping when we got there, so my 
dad put me up out of my car seat. I got up for a minute to just see 
that we were there. I went back to sleep before we got in to the house.


When I got up I didn't know where I was so I just looked and had seen 
that I was in a crib. I got up and look around and I saw that I was in 
a nursery.

"Mom, can you come in here?"

"I see my baby is up from his nap. Does baby need a new diaper?"

"I am not a baby, so stop calling me one!"

"It looks like you are because you are in a crib and you're dress just 
like one. This is going to be your room for the vacation. It's part of 
your punishment."

"Why, mom? I am not, mom!"

"I am 'mommy' now. It looks like baby needs a new diaper! Daddy is 
going back how tomorrow to make your room look just like this one."

"It happened *one* time, and you guys are going to start babying me 
because of it?"

"We have seen that you have been on and have seen you on chatting to friends telling them you would like to be babied; 
here's your wish."