Title: Small Enough
Name: John H.
Email: Not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 11
Posting Date: 11/01/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapers W- Erections 
G- Pee X- Bedwetting 
H- Poop* Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: A boy gets put in diapers becase of his age. (Sorry for poor spelling and grammar.)                  
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 0 (0%)

Hello, my name is Nicolas and I have had a few thoughts about using a 
diaper. First of all, I haven't told my mother or I would have been in 
one already. But what has kept me away from them that I want to grow 
up. Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm sensitive, and 
incredibly short. I seriously do look like a two year old. I've gone to 
the doctor and he said that nothing is wrong with me but, I have been 
growing incredibly slowly. This has a few ups (for my mom) and downs 
(for me). The downs is that I ALWAYS get teased at school for being 
small, plus the teachers, who, unluckily, are all women, think I'm 
adorable. But the ups are for my mom; they make her friends.

Once I went to the mall and we were waiting for our food order, and she 
say a nice lady coming our direction. My mom didn't know how to talk 
her so she looked at me and asked, "Honey, please come in mommy's lap�

First thing that I said was, "Mommy?" (She never called herself that 
before) But still was shocked, first I didn�t know what to do so I sat 
there with my feet dangling off the chair.


So I jumped on her lap and sat there.

"Act asleep, and feel free to suck your thumb." She whispered I looked 
at her and she hit me hard on the head, so I did it. I was really 
embarrassed. My "mommy" smiled as the sweet lady sat next to us.

�Is he two? Oh my, he's adorable!�

She nodded and they started talking. After that I can�t remember a 
thing because I really fell asleep. Since then I knew Martha.

October 16, 2009.

My mom woke me up because of her crying. She was still depressed from:.

1. Dad getting a divorce.
2. 3 triplets left to collage,.
3. Grandma died recently (grandpa has been dead).

I got ready for school, and went to comfort her but it didn't work. We 
chat a little and she explained she didn't feel needed. That�s when she 
asked me the weirdest question.

�Do you what to be a baby?�

I just sat there not knowing the answer. And we drove to school with 
two hours of silence.

It was bedtime and I was in bed when my mom came and looked at me 
sweetly with a glass of milk. I thanked her and she asked me again, �Do 
you what to be a baby?�

�Um, No" I said, and then she then stormed out the room crying loudly 
yelling "NO ONE NEEDS ME!!!�

"Okay mom fine I do I DO WANT TO BE A BABY!!�


"Um, yea, I guess.�

She gave me back the glass of milk and I finished it.

October 17, 2009.

I started waking up when I noticed something strange. I felt wet. I 
remembered last night that I drank a whole glass of milk and I was 
scared I wet the bed. When I touched the sheets, everything was dry. 
When I touched my bottom, I felt something like cotton material. I sat 
up, looked al my crotch and I was wearing diapers. I was horrified, but 
pleased of the sensation of the wet diaper. Then I looked around my 
room. There was no longer a room, but a nursery. I looked around, I 
slept in a crib, my walls were covered in teddy bears holding a rattle, 
a changing table with diapers, baby powder, wipes, and cream in case of 
a rash. I was astonished. Then my mom came in cooing.

"Oh, my cute baby!" and she picked me up I hated being called a baby 
and I started crying. She slapped a pacifier in my mouth. I spit it 


"But you said you would like to be one.�

"I change my mind!�

"If you don't be quiet I will spank you." I was about to yell but my 
mom grabbed my pulled off my diaper, and spanked me. My small butt was 
very red. Then I ran to the restroom looked in the mirror and I saw a 
crying two-year-old. My mom rushed picked me up, in and put the 
pacifier in my mouth.

"If you remove it you will be spanked." So I left it in. It really did 
calm me down for some reason. She sat in the couch with me in her arms, 
and turned on the T.V.

I looked around, the house was baby proof. There was a playpen in the 
side of the couch, a high chair beside the dining table; the cabinets 
were locked with the white things on it to keep out babies. Then what 
happened next was awful. My three collage siblings came in. (They are 
all girls [lucky me] To my surprise they didn't tease me.

�Can I hold him?" said Rachel.

"No, me!" exclaimed Lily.

"Please, mom?" begged Caroline.

"No, you guys wait; he barely woke up," mom explained.

"Why is he crying?" asked Lily.

"I spanked him.�

"Oh," all three replied at the same time.

"I have to go tell the school that I will home-school him.�

Home school? I thought since I couldn't speak through my pacifier.

"We'll babysit him!" said Rachel.

"No, I'm taking him with me.�

NOOOOO!!!! I will totally humiliate myself!.

My mom picked me up and when to my ro- um nursery. She changed me into 
a new soft cloth diaper. Then she put on some overalls with a yellow 
shirt that had Elmo on it. Then some small Elmo shoes and a red 
pacifier. She put me in the playpen and got ready a baby bottle. All my 
sisters were around me handing me toys. I sat there clueless about what 
was happening. My head started hurting from all the confusion and I 
cried loudly. Rachel picked my up and put her graceful white manicured 
hands on my forehead.

"He is a little warm�

"I'll take care of that later, I�m running late!" She put everything in 
a diaper bag, grabbed me, and ran outside. The minivan was outside and 
I noticed a baby car seat in the back. My mom opened the back door and 
buckled me into the car seat. I was a bit mad about the car seat, 
though. Then she started driving I took out my pacifier and asked "how 
did you do this in *ONE* night?�

"With the help of your sisters that arrived in the middle of the night 
as a surprise, plus you sleep at 7:30 and woke up at 11:30�

�I slept that long?! I thought my clock said 11:03?�

"I changed them.�


"Shhhh, babies don't talk!�

"How did you change the walls?�

"Oh, we still lived here when you were one, so we just pulled of your 
big boy wallpaper.�


"SHHHHH!" She turned to me and put the pacifier in my mouth.

"Spit it out and you get spanked!" I just sat there silently realizing 
I was starving.




"SHHHH! Cry if you are hungry, need a diaper change, or you just what 
something." What?! I thought, cry?! I was incredibly hungry and I 
looked at the clock it was 1:01. I was desperate. I bawled as loudly as 
I could. She took out my pacifier and in went a baby bottle. I was 
hungry for food! I thought but I continued sucking. I woke up when we 
got to the parking lot. My mom got out of the car pulled out a stroller 
from the trunk, and took me out of the car. She placed me into the 

"Hmmm, you are a little warm.�

We walked into the office and Ms. Rayne (Front office lady) didn't even 
recognize me.

�How cute!!! Is he yours?�


"How come I never seen him?�

"I don�t know, I really never bought him here.�

�He looks a lot like Nicolas!�

"Really? Hey I've come to tell you I'm going to home school Nicolas.�

"Oh." Then she shuffled through some papers and made her sign a few.

Then right when we were about to leave the hottest girl in the class 
saw me and laughed hard with her friends and waved goodbye to me. Then 
we got back into the car. I really had to take a piss, but I feel 
uncomfortable to do it here. I tried really hard, but my bladder won't 
let go. Then when we got home I ran into the restroom. In my luck I 
fell along the way. I cut my knee, and I was getting used to crying. My 
mom picked me up and my warm piss couldn't stay in any longer. I let it 
out. The piss felt soooo good while it expanded in my cloth diaper. I 
checked if it leaked but it was as dry as ever. My dick felt incredibly 
stiff. I was completely embarrassed that I peed even though no one knew 
yet. My mom put a band-aid and ointment. My sisters all came running 
"What happened?" asked Rachel.

"He got a boo-boo" my mom said with a frown.

"Oh my," said Lily. They all went back into their old rooms. My mom 
picked me up and kisses my boo-boo, um cut, and picked me up from the 
counter and carried me to the couch. She looked at me "Okay here are 
the rules:.

1. No bathroom unless for bath.
2. I will do *EVERYTHING* for you, bathe you, feed you, change you, and 
watch you.
3.You will be supervised since you might hurt your self. Like what 
happened right now" "*sniffles*�
4. You are a baby which means no big boy toys, no TV unless baby 
channel, and of course diapers on you at all times.
5. You will sleep in your nursery. No big boy room.
6. I will punish you with no talking if you disobey these rules.
7. Listen to your sisters.
8. I'm not "mom" *you* will call me mommy.�

"All of that?!�

"Yes, now, it�s nap time.�

"But I�m not sleepy.�

"You will be because of those pills in your half drunken bottle. Like 
the ones in your milk of the last big boy night.�

Fuck, I thought. I was tricked. Also really sleepy, but my skin was 
starting to get itchy from my wet diaper. It hurt so bad that I cried. 
So my mom changed me. The new diaper was clean and white it felt so 
good when my mom cleaned me. A rush, an excitement came through me that 
was inexplicable. Then my mom set me in the crib. I noticed it was so 
soft and comfortable. Then a few hours passed and I woke up because of 
a bad dream, and I peed in my diaper. I cried and Caroline came in. 
"Ohhh, baby did you have a bad dream?" She continued cooing to me. It 
was really funny though. She put me in the high chair, and took out a 
jar of baby food. Wow mom was very prepared for this huh? I thought. I 
refused to eat it and I made my sister very mad so she do some left 
over chicken, and carrot from yesterday and cut it in to tiny, tiny 
cubes. She started to feed me. To my surprise I loved getting feed. 
Then I was done and put into my playpen.

"Where�s mom?" I asked she ignored me.

"I SAID where�s mom?" and again she ignored me I said three times but 
she still ignored me. I remembered rule 8. *sigh*.

�Mommy?" It creeped me out how I sounded like a real two-year-old.

"Mommy's went to go buy more diapers�

�But I barely used any today!�

"I think she is keeping a baby much more time than you think" I looked 
at here scared. I've even peed my pampers because of this. I was stared 
at her for a long time. Then my mom came back, and I was mad.

"What�s wrong, honey?�

"He's a little grumpy because he only slept for 30 minutes," explained 

�Oh my.� I thought I slept a lot more, and I did feel a little crabby. 
My mom put her arms out and waited. I looked at her. Then I put my arms 
because that�s what she wanted. And they both awww�ed and my mom picked 
me up trying to put me to sleep. She rocked me, she sang, and she gave 
me a bottle. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. For once I needed to 
poop, I was barley getting used to using a diaper, and I already slept, 
plus its daylight! Well lucky me it was 6:00 and it was getting dark. 
My mom gave up and put me down to waddle around free.

"Mom-my It�s hot!�

"Okay, honey." The she slipped off my overalls.

�Nooo! Everyone will look at me!!" I whimpered.

�Please can I have my pants back?�

"It�s okay if you walk around in *DIAPERS* its no big deal.�


"No, and also you only have one pair overalls, I need to wash these." 
The she reach for my shirt pulled me back and pull the back of my 
diaper a little.

"Do you need to go poo-poo?�

"No" I grumbled even though I really did.

"I'll go get you some Jell-O." She returned a half an hour later.

�It took you that long to get a Jell-O?�

"Stop complaining and eat." She fed me until I finished the whole 
thing. She took me out of the high chair and put me in the crib.

�It's 7:01!�

"You�re a baby, you will have a baby bed time." and she changed me into 
a footie PJs. Then she tucked me in. I was rubbing my bottom for a 
while because it felt very good. I barely noticed my diaper was wet, 
but I decided to leave it there. Then, for some reason I missed my 
pacifier in my mouth.


"WHAT?" then I opened my mouth. She understood me and placed a pacifier 
in my small baby mouth.

"Ohhh, good night honey.�

October 18 2009

I woke up and something was strange. First is smelled really bad. I 
looked around nothing but a nursery. To my horror I felt mushiness. I 
wailed loudly. I was sensitive, but not as sensitive to cry for a 
little thing. Still I couldn't help myself. So I let out a loud 
WAAAAAA!!!!!! And mom came in.

"Baby needs a diaper change," she cooed sleepily.

�Don't talk to me like that!�

"Today is your full real day of being a baby. That means more rules 
plus I changed a few.�

She began:

1. You have to act like a baby. This means sucking your thumb, a lot of 
crying, and baby talk. Also I will begin baby talking you after the 
2. No bathroom unless for bath.
3. I will do *EVERYTHING* for you, bathe you, feed you, change you, and 
watch you.
4. You will be supervised since you might hurt yourself.
5. You are a baby, which means no big boy toys, no TV unless it's the 
baby channel, and of course diapers on you at all times.
6. You will sleep in your nursery. No big boy room 7. I will punish you 
with no talking, fed baby formula, and no walking if you disobey these 
8. Listen to your sisters.
9. I'm not �mom" *you* will call me mommy. Do you understand?�


"BABY TALK OR SPANKING" she yelled, as she made me wet my diaper.

"Wes," I said weakly. She picked me up and put me onto the baby-sized 
changing table, into which I fit perfectly. Then she took off my diaper 
and saw for the first time I pooped. Then she finished cleaning my 
bottom, and diapered my butt.

"Those laxatives worked fine yesterday." I sat there confused wondering 
what was la-latixe whatever they are.

"Wat la-tixe?" she just smiled and left me be. Then she picked me up 
and went to the kitchen and picked up the warm bottle on the counter. 
Then she walked back to my nursery and sat in the rocking chair, then 
shoved the bottle in my mouth. I sucked on it before she choked me. I 
finished the bottle and felt like sleeping. Then to my surprise she got 
up and patted me on the back. She was trying to burp me! Then when I 
was about to complain a small baby sounding burp came out. My mom 

�Ohhhh so cute!�

"How did ywou du tat?�

"Oh honey, mommy hade foo babies I'm good at dis," then tickled my 
chin. I laughed because I was a very ticklish person. Mommy just looked 
at her laughing baby and was so happy,.

�he hasn't changed a bit" she thought. She walked to my crib and set me 
down. I laid there and tried to fall asleep. Then I felt someone touch 
my hand and gently put my thumb in my mouth. I didn't fight back, it 
was comforting. My mom brushed my hair, turned on the baby radio, and 
left as quietly as she could.

When I woke up I heard a boy snickering. I looked up and to my horror I 
saw him, Darick the most popular kid at my old school. I looked up and 
began to bawl loudly with my thumb in my mouth.

"Now don't cry baby, Lily told me she saw you at school dressed as a 
baby, and I thought.

"I couldn't miss this, so I checked it you for myself." I had 
completely forgotten that the meanest bully was my neighbor. At first 
when I found this out I couldn't believe he was my neighbor, I live 2 
hours away from school what are the odds of having the worst kid at 
school be my neighbor? Anyway I was terrified.

"Don't worry you mommy told me all da rules wittle baby." and he had an 
evil smile across his face. He picked me up and walked to the kitchen. 
Then there was a note on the fridge:.


Feed Nicolas his bottle, and when you finish try to burp him (if you 
can't don't worry about it.) Bathe him and change him into a teddy bear 
shirt with fresh diapers covered with teddy bear plastic pants.(It is 
one his changing table.) Let him in that.

Put him in his play pen, and give him his baby toys. Please put his 
favorite hard rubber ducky toy (How did she know it was my favorite toy 
I thought.) or he will make a fuss.

He might be hungry after awhile so give him the Gerber in the fridge. 
When he was the age of a baby he loved mac and cheese for dinner, he 
hasn�t changed much so lets she if he still likes it. (If not cube the 
meat in the fridge.) Don't worry if he has a tantrum and breaks things, 
just spank him. (Great I thought.) If he doesn't break any thing make 
him suck his thumb or a passy.

Also check his diapers every thirty minutes I think he will have the 
runs today so be prepared to change dirty diapers.

I will return in two hours since I can't leave my baby alone for that 
long. Make sure he baby talks and wobbles around a bit from the pills 
from last the bottle I gave him. (They relax his muscles.).

Be good baby Nicolas! (He read out loud." I tried to get out of his 
grip but I was tiny and he was so strong. I peed when he squished me 

"Oh baby wet his diapi!" He talked like that because he knew it annoyed 
me so much. I was very embarrassed, and began sobbing softly.

"Shhh, baby, let me feed you." as he finally shoved the bottle in my 
mouth. I drank it because I was very hungry. Then he put me chest to 
chest against him and burped me!

"Ah! I did it!" he chuckled.

�I guess it isn't dat hard taking care of a widdle baby huh?" He seemed 
satisfied with him self and walked to my nursery.

"I forgot to compliment widdle baby's nice room!" he teased me. I was 
so humiliated. Why didn't you get a normal babysitter mommy?! So he 
took of al my clothes and filled up the tub. Then I saw a new baby seat 
that supposed to hold babies so they wouldn't fall: 


Also it seemed a little bigger than I expected it to be. He placed me 
in the seat and left me there to play. Then I played and actually 
enjoyed my self even though Darick was there. He handed me a rubber 
bath ducky that looked new. I was so excited I bit it. Then quickly, 
Darick jumped up and scolded me.

"Bad baby! Das a big No-No (he waved his finger), ywou can hurt 
yourself widdle baby." I got scared a cried a bit.

"No, baby, don't cry. Here look at the pretty water!" and he pushed the 
water back and forth. I giggled and splashed around. I was thinking how 
easily how I was acting like a baby, and such I already did look like 
one since a long time ago. He laughed at how ridiculous I looked but I 
ignored him. He got out a blue wash cloth, Johnson & Johnson Shampoo., 
�gentle for baby eyes", and Johnson & Johnson body wash. He spread some 
body wash on the wash cloth, and started cleaning me. I felt 
uncomfortable when he cleaned my small butt and �wee-wee�. He then 
spread some shampoo on his hands and then rubbed on my soft, light 
brown, straight wavy hair. Scared whether he got shampoo in my eyes or 
not, I cried and tried to push his big hands of my head.

"No, baby wait I�m not done!" Then he rinsed my head and I didn't like 
the feeling of water in my eyes and sobbed quietly.

"Shah, baby, come on lets take you out." He laughed when he got me out 
with a bear towel. The he carried me to the changing table and left me 
there naked while he looked for the baby lotion in my closet.

"In da drawar!" I pointed and the drawer under the table I was on. Then 
he grabbed the lotion and other diaper changing supplies.

"Thak ywou baby" He smiled and got a small cloth diaper. It was awkward 
seeing a bully at school taking care of you. So he go the diaper but it 
under my but at he grabbed my legs. Then he powdered my butt with baby 
powder, and pinned the diaper tightly. Afterwards he covered my body in 
baby lotion. (That smelled great) Then he sat me up and put the shirt 
on. I felt a little weak so he supported me to sit up. When he finished 
lastly he put plastic pants on me. He took out a pacifier that he saw 
on the cupboard, and stuck it in my mouth. it had a teddy bear face on 
it so I was all matched up. He set me down to see if I can walk 
properly, and burst out laughing. He set me down and I got up, I ran a 
few steps until I feel on the ground. I started crying upset that I 
couldn't even walk. I felt helpless. He took me to the bathroom where 
he put away the lotion and the other stuff. I looked in the mirror and 
I guess I looked cute.

"Humph you do look kinda cute I guess widdle baby!" the he tickled me. 
I giggled until I peed myself. Darick picked me up and headed to the 
living room and put me in the play pen. I sat there with one thing 
missing. Darick got the house phone and called his friends over to see 
how funny I looked as a two year old.

"Ducky?!" I yelled and threw a tantrum. I banged my tiny fist angrily 
and kicked my feet.

"Wait, hold on, man, he's crying!�

"Ha! He does that to?�

"He cries for everything!�

"I guess he really is a thirteen-year-old baby huh?�

"Yea. Be right back." He jumped up and gave me my ducky. I was relived 
and played there happily. He returned talking and got back up. He 
slipped his finger on my diaper and checked it.

"Widdle wet, I'll change you when you poop or get to wetty okay?" I 
just sat there a bit shocked that he touch the back of my diaper. 
Anyway I went back to playing. A few minutes after playing the door 
bell rang. I got excited thinking it was my mommy, but it was Darick's 
friends. Lucky me there all the popular group from school: Lily, Becky, 
Emma, John, Carlos, and Donny. I don't get how they got here in less 
than fifteen minutes when my house is two hours away from school. So I 
sat there thinking while I sucked my pacifier. They came in and laughed 
so hard at me. I began to cry loudly and Lily looked at me with pity 

�Aww the widdle baby is crying!" Then they laughed harder. Then Darick 
picked me up and put me in the high chair.

"I guess you�re a bit hungry since you only drank milk a while ago, 
Lily can you get me the Gerber in the fridge. It�s labeled mac and 

"Ha! he eats baby food too?!�

"No. Fiwst day baby." I grumbled softly. Lily walked to the fridge and 
grabbed a jar of baby mush.

�Great" I thought.

"Donny feed him please I hade enough of this!�


"Come on man!" and all his friends got up and threatened him.

"FINE! I'll do it" he said weakly. He grabbed the jar from Lily's hand 
and put a chair next to mine. I feel so humiliated. He unscrewed the 
cap and held a tiny spoon filled with mac and cheese. His hand got 
closer and closer to my small mouth. I quickly slapped it away.

"Is this really necessary?!" I yell maturely.

"No bad baby! For your punishment instead of milk you will get 
formula!" Yelled Darick so loudly I jumped with a yelp. His friends 
looked a little shocked how they never seen their friend so serious. My 
eyes started tearing up, since I was sensitive. He looked at me angrily 
and told Donny to continue feeding me. I refused to open my mouth.

"He won't eat!" cried Donny.

"Eat baby or early bedtime.�

�I already sleep early so how can he make me sleep earlier?" I thought 
so I remain with my mouth closed. Donny tried everything to get me eat, 
ha did the choo-choo, airplane, shoving the food next to my mouth (And 
because of that I was smeared with mush.) Darick got up angrily and 
grabbed my mouth, then I opened it and bit him.

"Damn it! He bit me!" He yelled. Then the others giggled. Lily got up 
and plugged my nose. I opened my mouth while I gasped for air. Donny 
shoved the spoon in my mouth.

"You will be put in bed at 6:30, Okay?�

"But!" I wailed.

"No!" I just stayed quiet not wanting to get in more trouble. Donny 
continued feeding me, and it was actually tasted good. So I finished 
the jar and Darick came with a bottle of what looked like formula. He 
looked at me and put me down.


"You can walk to your room. If you can." Then he checked my diaper.

"Then I will change of what looks like a very wet diaper." His friends 
laughed at that statement. I was mad. So I picked my self up and 
wobbled a bit. After a few steps I fell. My lip started to quiver.

"Just so you know I�m not picking you up." I tried walking but it was 
so hard. Especially since my diaper was soggy and very heavy. To make 
it worse I think I have diaper rash. My skin was very itchy and made it 
hard to walk. So I just hade a horridly embarrassing idea. Crawl. It 
was my only choice since they already died of laughter. I Put my baby 
like hands down and headed to my room.

"You�re so easy to manipulate," he smirked.

"Its weird how you haven't um, pooped yet. Your mom said you had the 
runs today. Are you feeling okay?�

"Wes." He picked me up and put me in the changing table. he took off my 
soaked diapers and took out a new one.

"Don't move I'm going to get the supplies in the bathroom." he 


"Okay!" they all replied and giggled. They all walked in.

"Was your room always like this?! A nursery?!" Laughed Becky.

�Maybe that�s why he�s a loner at school!" said Emma.

�He doesn't want anyone to see his diapies get changed wight widdle 
baby?" teased John. They all burst of in tears while they laughed. I 
was sobbing quietly and thought how much I hated this. This couldn't 
get any worst and Darick was taking forever to get the supplies so I 
popped my thumb in my mouth. They laughed even harder, but by this time 
I didn't care.

"Well I guess I hid them well, now lets begin changing." He got a cloth 
diaper and powered my butt. My crotch feel very still as he wiped. He 
applied cream to soothe the rash I had, and it felt much better. He 
quickly pinned my diaper tightly and remove my thumb from my mouth 
reveling a messy mouth. He got another wipe and wiped my mouth fast. he 
took off my shirt and slipped my in a par of footies. I was embarrassed 
being dress in front of them, but they didn't seem to mind.

"Hey Darick, I barely noticed you�re fast at this!�

"Awww, well I took care of twins all summer break." He proclaimed as he 
turned a shade of red.

"It was my punishment for shoplifting.�

"Oh." they all replied. So he picked me up and handed me to Lily.

"What am I supposed to do with a baby?�

"Wait while I get a bottle of *FORMULA*" he said. So he ran off. Lily 
just stared at me. She was a bit scary, but that�s when Darick came in. 
He gave the bottle to Lily.

"Feed him please, I'm pooped.�

"Need a change to a clean diaper?�

"Very funny.�

"So come on feed him!�



"Fine." she grumbled angrily. Then she shoved the nipple I�m my mouth 
and held it there. I drank it, and it tasted so unusual.

"Enjoying the formula?" asked lily. I murmured as I continued 
swallowing fast. It tasted odd not bad though. She stroked my hair a 
bit, making me sleepy. Then I finished it and was full. She patted the 
middle of my back and burp, but not only that but a bit of formula! She 
got a wash cloth and wiped it off.

"He�s basically a two year old, just older in age!�

"Yep." Darick agreed. She put me in the crib turned on the baby 
monitor, and night light. She grabbed the other radio and they all 
left. My stomach felt like it was about to blow! I had no control over 
my bowel and dropped a huge load of poop in my diapers. It was warm and 
mushy. Also it smelled terrible. I felt uncomfortable. I tried to 
sleep, but it was so hard with mud on my ass. I sat down feeling the 
poop smother to my crotch and into my crack. I cried uncontrollably. 
Darick came in a minute later.

"God! What do you want, you turd!" I cried even louder with tears 
streaming down my cheeks. He picked me up and sniffed.

"*Sigh* You shit your pants. Okay." He put me on the changing table and 
took off my footies which was covered in poop. He removed the diaper 
carefully and put it in my diaper bin. He wiped for a good long time 
and noticed I was red.

"Nice, you got a diaper rash." he got the ointment and rubbed it all 
over. Later on he grabbed a diaper, sprinkled a lot of baby powder, and 
pinned my diaper up tightly. I sobbed quietly as he took the last clean 
PJs I had. (Mom only bought two) A footies with bears al over it. He 
put it on. I hated it and tried to take it off. To my surprise he took 
out a pair of mittens.

"Now you won't scratch anybody or take of your PJs." He smiled. They 
were incredibly thick, to me. He slipped them on and carried me to the 
living room where everyone was seated.

"Why was he crying?" asked Carlos.

"He completely shit himself. I had to change his PJs to new ones!" He 
took out a pacifier from his pocket and put it into my mouth. I 
automatically started sucking. and laid down Darick�s lap.

"Give him to us Darick its awkward seeing a baby sleep in a guy's lap." 
And Becky picked me up and sat down on the girl side of the couch. I 
was for some reason tried so early and sleep on her lap.

I woke up because of a sound. I looked at my clock and it was nine. I 
heard talking in the living room. It sounded like my mommy and Darick 

"Was he good?" Mommy said.

"Yes except I had to feed him formula and put a pair of mittens on 

"Oh well, I can't punish him anymore since he can barely walk." They 
both chuckled. She walked into the room when I noticed I pooped my 

"Oh baby your awake." She stuck her finger on the tip of my diaper and 
pulled it back.

"Yuck! Your messy!' She picked me up while I rubbed my eyes and sucked 
on my pacifier. Darick walked into the room.

"Well widdle buddy I'll be here often to take care of you when your 
mommy has emergencies." I was horrified at that. My mommy laid me on 
the changing table and unzipped the footies. She took out a clean cloth 
diaper and baby powder.

"My! You got a rash!" I blushed.

"Ohhhh you�re so cute!" Mommy said. Darick smiled trying to cover his 
laugh. She pinned my diaper tightly and carried me to the crib. She put 
me down on my diaper butt and gave me a bottle to drink. Damn it, it 
was formula. So I drank it and my eyelids felt heavy. I heard my door 
open, but I didn't open my eyes because I was to tired. Then I heard a 
interesting conversation begin:.

"Okay he�s asleep, I'm soooo sorry I toke so long.�

"That�s okay he was a piece of cake to babysit�

"Well, I say those mittens work fine!�

"Yea they did, but aren't they a little big? I mean they *are* suppose 
to be for newborns?�

"Okay, lemme tell you a little secret. I went on the internet, and 
found a store to get adult size baby things like big bottles, binkies, 
diapers, cribs, and other stuff. Anyway, I found this neat thing. 
(*rustling*) The store manager said this CD would mentally hypnotize a 
adult who wasn't a baby to a baby! But it works while they are asleep. 
The thing is that this was designed for a adult brain so its one MUCH 
stronger for a child. For a grown up you put while they are in bed 
whether asleep or awake, but your body and mind must be relaxed, but 
for a child you *MUST* be asleep. I don't know why, but he made sure I 
did it during his sleep. Also that�s where I got the mittens, 
laxatives, muscle relaxation shots, and vocal weakening shots. The 
vocal shots I haven't used much, I was suppose to use a dose of it but 
I only used a small amount on him, so he could baby talk.�


"Is the hypnotizing working?�

"Yes every well TOO well," he chuckled.

"Well, that�s good.�

"Hey Ms. Jen if you stop playing the tape will the baby wear off?�

"Yes, unfortunately. Another secret is that it gets him to forget how 
it was like to be a normal 13-year-old." Now that I think about it I 
can't remember the day before yesterday. It seems like I've been a baby 
forever so far.

"Well very interesting. Can I have the money now?�

"Oh! Yes here. Thank you so much honey, bye!" (*the front door shuts*) 
My mommy walks in the room and shuts the door. I act like I'm still 
asleep, and she picks me up. I act like I barely woke up, and start to 

"Shhhh, there, there, I need to burp you." She pats my back and I let 
out a small burp with again a bit of formula. She chuckled and wiped it 
away. I got comfortable and tried to sleep in mommy's arms. She sits on 
the rocking chair, and stroked my hair. Well I guess everyone likes my 
hair, I really don't see what�s the big deal. My hair was light brown, 
soft, and I could never really get it to spike up it just sat there. I 
kinda had long hair, and I guess I had that skater's look. She 
continued rocking until finally I fell asleep. I dream about being a 
big boy again, it was so great, I ate good food not milk, formula, or 
mushy food. I know it only has been two days, but I was craving all 
ready. I woke up for no real reason but I saw a stereo that was never 
there before. It played a creepy solid female voice:


I started to cry after that. In less than a second mommy came in 
running. He turned off the stereo, and picked me up. She stuck a 
pacifier in my mouth and I automatically began to suck. I wondered how 
long I was going to be like this.

Hold on for Part2 =).

Editing level: High
Editing Notes:
  • Numerous and various errors found throughout entire body of work.
  • Personal "I" was not capitalized (188 occurences)
  • Cliched use of "I'm not a baby!" meme and list of rules.
  • Use of present tense where past tense belongs
  • Some errors may remain due to impatience and time constraints.              

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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