Scotty the Baby Boy

"Mum, I didn’t mean to, he hit me first."

"You, Thomas have been messing around at school, for ages now and I am 
going to do something about it".

Tom ran out of the house and wasn’t back until late, but his mum Tracy 
didn’t mind as that was a great chance, to get everything planned, and 
ready for when Tom, came home. Tom did come home at his usual late time 
of 12.30am and decided that he would camp down on the sofa, as he felt 
ill and tired, so he fell asleep, he woke up to find his mum over him 
with his hands and legs tied together, so he couldn’t move, he pulled 
off, his trousers and briefs and started to sprinkle baby powder around 
his crotch.

He started to laugh and he started to try and talk but he was only able 
to talk rubbish as his dummy was locked in his mouth. He cried and then 
as his crotch was been powdered gently, he wet himself. His mum just 
laughed and cleaned him up. She took out his dummy and started to say 
that the big baby had wet himself, so he must need nappies permanently 
and should never ever have them taken off.

Tom was a very social boy, good with the girls, but after this, he 
would be mocked forever! He said he would be good if she didn’t nappy 
him, but she did. He laughed as it tickled his penis, and genitals. She 
picked up the dummy, put it in his dummy again and picked up a Pampers 
size 6. She put it on him as he cried. It was tight so that he would 
get used to it quickly. Then she put 3 more thick layers of nappies 
over him. She then put him in some babyish clothes with Winnie the 
Pooh, and his arms were untied. He was told to crawl (the clothes were 
so tight he couldn’t walk) up to his nursery, which he did.

When he got into his nursery, he saw a cot, changing table, nappy stack 
and all the other babyish things you find in a babies nursery. He 
crawled to his clothes drawer; everything was gone. All that had 
remained in the drawer were his old baby clothes and some new sleepers 
and clothes. Then Tracy got a shaver and shaved off all of his puberty 
hair and hair. He looked a real baby now. Then Tom’s mum got some reins 
and put them on Tom and she then took off the reins and put him in a 
pram and they went to the shops. It was obvious that tom wasn’t a baby, 
and with no clothes and just a diaper, people could tell his age of 14. 
His friends were all there and all saw him. He went red and cried out, 
which made them laugh more!


Now that tom was a full baby and he wet and pooped himself without 
knowing he had an accident he needed to be a full baby and have his 
nappy checked all the time. He was changed 5 or 6 times a day at least! 
Also, as tom was a baby, he couldn’t go to school. He had to go to a 
nursery and play babyish toys with the 2 year olds. He got used to it 
very soon and people got used to the big baby.

One day Tom and his mum were going to the beach. He was looking forward 
to going out and believed his mum would let him out of nappies, but 
that was not ever gonna happen, so they set off with Tom in his nappy 
and dummy, but he still thought that when they got to the beach he 
would be out of nappies, he was very wrong, he had forgotten he had no 
control of his bowel or bladder.

When they got there his clothes were taken off and he changed into a 
Little Swimmers nappy for 2 year old babies, much to his protests. He 
and his mum set off to the beach, where he had hoped he could meet some 
people. His mum led as he was pulled along on his reins, then put in a 
pushchair, as it was too hard to pull him. People laughed and stared. 
Tom saw a girl who was very attractive and he thought he could chat her 
up, but then she looked at his diapered bottom and the pram he was in.

When he got to the beach he wasn’t allowed to take his nappy off 
because his nappy was meant to be used in the sea. He was allowed to 
take it off to crawl around the beach. He crawled down towards the sea. 
He went towards a girl to try and chat her up. He said something to 
her. She said, "Haven’t you got any public hair?” He said what had 
happened and she sat next to him, but as she was getting to like Tom, 
he had a sudden accident and pooped and pissed everywhere. A bit went 
on her. She walked off and laughed at him. His mum came over and asked 
if baby had an accident, and then she said, "Oh, that’s why you need 
nappies, because you never can keep control of your bladder or bowels, 
so you’ll always be a baby and never have a girl, only a nanny and 
babysitter," his mum whispered into his ears. Then she changed his 
nappy and spoon-fed him some baby food out of tubs and gave him some 
milk out of a bottle. “You’re a baby forever!”

He still is today and he is 31, and he still is feed from a bottle and 
wears nappies as he has lost all things most adults do. He has lost his 
speech, his bladder and bowel control and can only eat baby food and 
milk, as that is what his stomach is used to, he is the biggest baby 

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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