My Special Nurse's Aide

It was the summer of 1973 and the bus had arrived at my school to let the kids 
off, and we headed for the playground. Before long the bell rang and it was time 
to line up to go in to class. It seemed like a normal school day except for the 
little tummy ache I had when I got up this morning. I didn't tell my mom because 
it wasn't a big deal. After entering the classroom the kids all sat at their 
desks. As I sat there I noticed that my tummy ache began to get began to get 
even more uncomfortable. I started to fidget about in my desk and my teacher 
began to notice. She came over to me and asked if everything was all right. I 
told her that I had a little bit of a tummy ache. She asked if I felt sick and I 
told her I didn't. She said she was going to send me up to see the school nurse. 
I told her I didn't need the nurse but she insisted anyway. She called the 
nurse's office and then told me the nurse will come get me shortly.

I was dreading that. I didn't like doctors or nurses. Every time I see one of 
them I end up with a needle in my arm or butt. Before I knew it, the nurse was 
entering the doorway of my class. I wasn't surprised by her appearance, for I 
heard that unmistakable sound of "click, click" that only those nurses' shoes 
made, as she lumbered down the hallway. My heart was pounding and I began to 
break out in a sweat. She walked towards the front of the class where my 
teacher's desk was. The nurse bent slightly down to talk to my teacher as all 
eyes of the students were looking at the nurse. I'm sure they were wondering, 
who she came there for. They knew she came for somebody.

Just as briskly the nurse entered the classroom she turned her head slightly and 
trained her eyes on me. It became apparent to all who the nurse came for as she 
quickly approached my desk. She asked if I was ready to go with her. At this 
time all eyes were trained on me. I never felt so uncomfortable in my life. I 
had almost forgotten all about my tummy ache. She told me to take her hand as 
she guided me up from my chair and started for the doorway of the classroom.

"What is your name?" she asked as we headed for the nurse's office.

"Jimmy," I nervously replied.

"Do you have a little tummy ache?" she again asked.

"A little one," I responded.

"My name is Nurse Donna, and I'm going to take good care of you," she said in a 
reassuring tone. Soon we were entering the nurse's office and I was being led to 
the exam room, by her hand. There was another kid in the waiting room as we 
passed by, walking to the exam room. Upon entering the exam room my eyes began 
to move about in a rapid manner. The room was bright white and had stainless 
steel cabinets with glass on the doors, revealing the contents such as cotton 
swabs, bandages, thermometers, and other things of a medical nature. One thing I 
really remember was the distinct odor of rubbing alcohol. I will never forget 
that smell. In the center of the room was the examining table.

The nurse told me to step on the little step and hop up on the table. I did as I 
was told as she retrieved some items from the cabinet. She had a stethoscope in 
one hand and a blood pressure monitor in the other. Just then, another woman 
entered the room. She didn't look like a nurse, but was wearing a white uniform, 
with light blue stripes.

"This is Nurse Aide Amber, Jimmy," the nurse delightfully said. Nurse Donna wore 
a plain white uniform with one of those white nurse's hats with two black 
stripes going from side to side. After all, this was the early 70's and that's 
how they dressed back then. As Nurse Donna checked me with the stethoscope, 
Nurse Aide Amber checked my blood pressure. Next, the nurse had me lie back on 
the exam table and proceeded to pull up my shirt. She began to knead my tummy 
gently with her soft, but firm fingers. I was then asked when was the last time 
I had a bowel movement. I did remember it had been a day or so, and I told her. 
She said she needed to call my mom. With that said, the nurse left the room and 
soon returned after a few minutes.

The nurse then told me she talked to my mom and said she was going to help me 
with my problem. I wondered what that meant. I was soon to find out as the nurse 
retrieved, a red colored-type object. The closer she came towards me with the 
object, the more apparent it became. Yes. You guessed it. An enema bottle. I had 
gotten an enema from my mom before. The nurse began to explain what she was 
going to do. I told her I had one before and didn't like it.

"Don't worry, honey, everything is going to be just fine," she said in her 
maternal and nurturing way. Before I knew it, she was grasping at the waistband 
of my pants and undoing them. Next, she started pulling them down. At this point 
the nurse's aide had left the room and was now coming back in.

"What's going on, Nurse?" the nurse's aide asked.

"We are going to help Jimmy go poopies," the nurse said in a matter-of-fact 
response. Nurse Donna asked her aide if she would prepare the enema while she 
got me situated.

"Sure," Nurse Aide Amber happily exclaimed. I was laying on my side with my 
pants pulled down to my ankles when I felt a weird, clammy sensation. The nurse 
was putting Vaseline on my butt crack and was not very comfortable. Next, she 
said she was putting the tube in my bottom and told me to lie still. She told me 
when she puts the warm water in my bottom to hold it and not let go until she 
tells me. The first administer of the warm solution was not successful. Nor was 
the second one. The third time was certainly not a charm. I just couldn't hold 
it in long enough for the enema to work. The nurse, now at her wit's end, said 
this wasn't going to work. She told me that since the enema didn't work right 
away I was going to have to go back to class wearing a diaper. It might end up 
working later and I would have an accident in my pants.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I protested and she said it would be okay 
because the diaper will be under my clothes and that nobody would know. Nurse 
Donna then told her aide to get some diapers from the school nursery. We had a 
pre-school there as well. Nurse Aide Amber soon returned with a bag of items. As 
she pulled them out I could see the fluffy white cloth diapers, baby powder, 
diaper pins, and of course, plastic baby pants, as she pulled them from the bag 
and laid them at my side on the exam table. I saw the picture of the baby, on 
the tag of the plastic pants. I was so embarrassed. At this point I was lying on 
my back on the exam table taking this all in. The nurse then took the two cloth 
diapers and folded them and had me lift my bottom up as she assisted me, by 
grasping my ankles like a baby and helping guide my bottom up from the table. 
Now with the diapers under me she proceeded to powder me heavily, with me 
asking, why I needed baby powder. She said with the hot weather I might get 
diaper rash. Also, that the plastic pants will heat up the diaper.

"Why do I need plastic pants, Nurse Donna?" I asked.

"Because sometimes pee-pee comes out accidentally when you poopie your pants. We 
don't want you soaking your pants for everyone to see, do we?" she said in an 
experienced tone.

"I won't pee - pee or poopie my pants," I reassuringly told her. She said we 
couldn't take that chance. After powdering me she drew the cloth diaper up 
between my legs and I remember the quick, cooling sensation the baby powder had 
on me. It was comforting. Now she began to pin each side of the diaper with 
babyish-looking ducky pins. The diaper was so snug. She was certainly an expert 
at diapering. She now took the plastic pants and shook them out. Nurse Donna 
expertly slipped the plastic pants up my legs, grasped my ankles once again, 
lifting me off the table, and brought the plastic pants under and around my 
backside, finishing up by pulling them up and over the front of my diaper. She 
then grabbed my pants that were still pulled down to my ankles and pulled them 
up. It was a little difficult as now the mass of cloth consumed more room in my 

Finally, she was able to situate the pants to fit over the diaper. I was then 
helped to sit up, feeling the pants constrict, as I was in a seated position. I 
looked down at my now bulging crotch. I told the nurse that I could see my 
diaper under my pants. She said it wasn't that bad. Nurse Aide Amber, who was 
instructed by Nurse Donna to take me back to class, helped me down off the exam 
table. Now standing, I could see the front of my pants bulge out. I was 
terrified. As Nurse Aide Amber took my hand to walk me to class the first couple 
of steps I took gave me a slight, but obvious waddle. I told the nurse's aide 
that it was hard to walk. She chuckled a little, and said, "your britches will 
loosen up, as you walk around, sweetie-pie," she said in her sweet and 
hospitable southern accent. She said they would stretch from the diaper.

We make it to my class and the kids look back to see who is coming in. I saw a 
lot of eyes drift south as if to acknowledge the bulge in the front of my pants. 
I was fooling nobody. I heard whispers and chuckling going on. They knew all 
right. I sat down quietly at my desk. The teacher told everyone to settle down 
and walked over to me. She leaned over and whispered that the nurse forgot to 
tell me that if I needed to go to the bathroom to tell her and she would call 
the nurse to come get me. I said okay.

As I sat at my desk I could feel the soft bulk of the diaper soften the blow of 
those hard wooden chairs. It was kind of a welcome comfort having the diaper at 
this point. Before I knew it the bell rang for recess. "Uh oh!" I thought to 
myself. I was thinking of how I was going to pull this off. I'm wearing a 
noticeable diaper under my pants, which was obvious by the giggles I received, 
and now I had to go to the playground. What was I to do? I asked the teacher if 
I could stay in class with her but she responded by saying that little boys need 
their exercise. I think the teacher wanted to torment me.

You would think that everyone would be waiting to tease me. As I peeked my head 
out the door I was pleasantly surprised to see nobody waiting for me. The coast 
was clear. I slowly made my way toward the sandbox which was around the side of 
my classroom. There were a few kids playing there but only two were from my 
class. I went over as fast as I could so to sit down in the sandbox without 
anybody noticing me. I plopped down in the sandbox and began to play. One of my 
friends from another class came over to sit by me. He asked if I wanted to play 
with the Tonka trucks with him. I cautiously said yes. As we began to play I 
became more engrossed in our activities and was forgetting all about the diaper 
I was wearing.

While pushing the Tonka's around I heard my friend Matthew ask if I was wearing 
a diaper. I didn't realize he was behind me. I didn't know what to say and just 
said that I was and that the nurse made me wear one. I told him I had a problem. 
He said sometimes he has a problem and I told him that it was okay. I reached 
back and felt that my shirt had become untucked and was revealing the top part 
of my diaper. My pants must have slightly pulled down while being bent over in 
the sandbox.

"Hey diaper boy!" a kid shouted as I turned around. It was Frankie, a second 
grader. His little brother is in my class and he must have told him.

"Do you need your diaper changed, little baby?" Frankie mocked. I told him to 
leave me alone or I'll tell the teacher.

"Go ahead, diaper boy!" he responded.

"Stop calling me that" I pleaded. All of Frankie's friends were with him. Each 
one of them started calling me names. They all gathered around me as they 
continued to call me names which were names like poopie-pants, diaper face, pee-
pee boy, and a lot of other ones. I felt the urge to pee come over me as it came 
out of nowhere. When I called Frankie a doody face he reached down to grab me 
and I screamed like a little girl. A teacher nearby heard the commotion and 
headed in our direction. Right then and there I lost control of my bladder out 
of sheer fear. Still sitting on my knees I felt the warm flow of pee start to 
empty into the diaper. When the teacher got closer the other kids took off 
running. As she approached she asked if I was all right. I told her that they 
were picking on me and she said not to worry and that they were gone now. Nobody 
knew I wet my pants because of the diaper and plastic pants. I certainly did not 
tell the teacher I had. I didn't want to go back to the nurse's office.

The bell rang and it was time to go back in class. After lining up we went 
inside and made my way to my desk. My teacher walked up to me and asked if I 
needed to go potty. I told her I didn't, but little did she know I already did. 
I then started working on my coloring project. About 45 minutes had passed and 
it was now naptime. There was a joined room to our class that had the cots we 
napped on. We all filed in to the nap room and lay down on our cots. Naptime was 
30 minutes. I dozed off and about 20 minutes later I awoke with the urge to pee 
again. We were not supposed to get off our cots during naptime. I lay there and 
pondered about what I was going to do. I remembered peeing in the diaper earlier 
and nothing happened. Having remembered that, I just let go and felt the warm 
pee flow through the diaper once again. The diaper had quickly accepted another 
deposit. Soon naptime was over and it was back to our desks. Walking to the desk 
I noticed a slight warm dampness. It was nothing major, though. The teacher 
asked me again if I needed to potty. I told her no once again. I thought I was 
getting away with it. "This wasn't so bad," I thought.

Now it was noon and time for lunch. We all started for the cafeteria. I brought 
lunch to school. We get to sit on the picnic tables outside. I sat with some 
friends who could care less about me wearing a diaper. Maybe they were 
bedwetters and had to wear a diaper, too. As I was eating and talking to friends 
I noticed a familiar feeling deep down. I wasn't too concerned because it didn't 
feel like much of anything. When we were done with lunch we would usually go to 
the playground before it was time to go back to class. Heading for the 
playground, we were stopped by some second-grade girls. They knew about my 
diaper as one of them said that she heard I was a diaper boy. The word must have 
been really getting out at this point.

"Do you pee and poop your diaper like a little baby?" one of the girls asked in 
a teasing tone.

"Shut up, stupid face!" I responded. At this point the girls were laughing from 
their friend's comment to me. After I said that to her she pushed me down. I 
landed flat on my heavily diapered bottom. I didn't feel a thing. They teased me 
as I sat there, and my friends couldn't do anything about it because the girls 
were much bigger than us.

"Look at little baby's big diaper!" as one of the girls pointed down to my now 
very pronounced bulging crotch. It was very obvious when I sat. I felt shameful 
in front of the girls as well as my friends. I also felt the urge to pee again 
and let go right there in front of everybody as I sat on the ground. Nobody knew 
of course except my diaper and me. I then stood up feeling more warmth and 
wetness in my diaper, and became angry and began to yell at the girls. I began 
to call them really bad names angrily and began peeing the diaper out of fury. I 
could really feel the wet diaper now. I must have soaked it. It felt a little 
heavy as I walked away. The bell rang and I started back to class. Heading back 
to class, I felt a little spasm in my tummy. Those girls must have agitated me.

Soon I was back in class and began working when another spasm hit and I felt a 
rumbling in my tummy. I became uncomfortable and started to fidget about in my 
chair. The crotch of my diaper began to get warm and started to bother me. 
Another spasm hit and I doubled over. I think the enema the nurse gave me was 
starting to work with a vengeance, I might add. It became so unbearable I 
started to relax and the bowel movement was soon on its way to the patiently 
awaiting diaper. It started to come out and the smell must have been immediate 
because the girl sitting next to me shouted to the teacher that I smelled like I 
pooped my pants. The teacher got to the phone to dial the nurse as if the 
country was going to Defcon 5.

After the teacher hung the phone up she hurried over to me and said to hold it 
until the nurse can get me to the office. I told her I went a little already. 
She said it was fine, but hold the rest until I got to the nurse's office. At 
this point I was trying everything from embarrassing myself in front of 
everyone. All of the students' eyes were fixed on me as they watched me labor by 
expelling breaths mixed with grunts to hold it back. I stood up as the teacher 
stood next to me and I told her I had to go really bad. I walked over to the 
side of the room and began to squat down, fighting the fury in my tummy. The 
teacher was next to me and bent down to say it was alright if I wanted to go in 
the diaper. She could see by the anguish on my face that I shouldn't suffer 
anymore. With her saying that, I got up from the squatting position but was 
still slightly bent over and relaxed my bowels. I began to load my pants right 
there with everyone watching.

My teacher began to rub my back telling me everything was going to be all right. 
Bent over and grunting, the load kept pushing into my diaper. The more she told 
me to relax the more the spasms grew. It was like my tummy was listening to her. 
The teacher must have figured the pants were restricting my bowel movement so 
she proceeded to unbutton them and pull them down just past the seat of my 
diaper. She was right in her observation because almost immediately I began 
loading the diaper again. At this point I had been facing away from the students 
looking at the wall by the doorway of the nap room. Just then Nurse Aide Amber 
came in and the girl who sits next to me said to her, "too late, he pooped his 

"Did you poop your britches, hun?" Nurse Aide Amber said in a regretful but 
comforting tone as she gently patted and rubbed the seat of my loaded diaper. 
She then reached around the front of my diaper, and with a gentle squeeze of my 
crotch area discovered it was very wet, too.

"It's a good thing we put these rubber britches on you." That's what she called 
my plastic pants.

"Your diaper is very wet," Nurse Aide Amber said with a comforting southern tone 
only she could possess. She then asked if I had finished going poopies as she 
continued to pat the seat of my very loaded diaper.

"Let's get you up to the nurse's office and get these dirty britches changed" 
she said as she began to pull my pants back up over the diaper. This time the 
pants were really tight fitting over the diaper. The load in my diaper resisted 
the tightness of the pants for it was large and solid from me being so 
constipated. Nurse Aide Amber took me by the hand and started for the nurse's 
office. I took a couple of steps and my knees buckled as it was too difficult to 
walk with the diaper so full. I couldn't keep my balance. She asked the teacher 
to keep an eye on me so she can call Nurse Donna to come help her. "Fine," said 
my teacher as she took me by the hand and escorted me into the nap room. She 
wanted to get me out of sight of the other children. I began to sob and the 
teacher began to comfort me. Some of the kids got up from their desks to see 
what was happening looking over the low-sitting windows of the napping room. The 
teacher observed them and told them to get back to their desks.

Nurse Aide Amber returned from using the teacher's phone and told her the nurse 
was coming with the gurney. I was taken over to one of the cots so the nurse's 
aide could sit me down. Before sitting me down she said I would be more 
comfortable with my pants pulled down as not to constrict me. The teacher told 
Nurse Aide Amber that she had some plastic to lie over the cot to protect it. 
"That's a good idea. I'll lay him on his tummy also to make him more comfortable 
and it won't make such a mess. He really pooped a lot so I think it would be 
better for him."

The nurse's aide proceeded to pull down my pants past the diaper as my teacher 
put the plastic over the cot. Nurse Aide Amber then guided me to the cot and 
gently helped me onto it laying me on my tummy. I could really feel the load as 
I lay there and the diaper pressed downward under it's heavy contents. I was so 
ashamed as the nurse's aide knelt beside the cot and proceeded to pat the seat 
of my diaper talking softly to me as I sobbed.

Suddenly I momentarily stopped sobbing to hear a sound outside in the distance. 
It appeared to get closer. Someone was coming down the hall. I had heard that 
sound before. It became all too familiar as the sound got closer. It was those 
shoes only a nurse would wear. I became panic-stricken. I began to sob once 
again and in the process began to pee-pee my diaper out of nervousness and fear. 
Nobody could see, for I was on my tummy. I then heard a sound at the outside 
opened doorway of the napping room. I turned to see what the sound was and there 
was Nurse Donna pushing something with wheels. It looked like a bed, but 
smaller. It was covered with a white sheet with seat belt-like straps and a 
pillow on it. That must be what Nurse Aide Amber told the teacher the nurse was 
bringing. Nurse Donna pushed the gurney into the room.

"It smells like little Jimmy made a big poopie in his diaper," said Nurse Donna 
as she sniffed the air, crinkled her nose with a slight friendly but 
embarrassing smirk on her face.

"He sure did," Nurse Aide Amber said with an acknowledging pat on the seat of my 
loaded diaper as to attract the attention of the nurse who now noticed the 
bulging seat of my diaper.

"My, my. We really used every bit of this diaper didn't we?" Nurse Donna 
remarked in a mocking and babying tone as she now was knelt down next to the cot 
and patting the seat of my loaded diaper, causing me extreme embarrassment.

"I understand, sweetie. It's not your fault that you couldn't make it to the 
potty. I don't think anybody can hold that much poopies," the nurse said with an 
experienced tone of voice. "Let's get you on the gurney so we can get you to my 
office so we can get you changed," Nurse Donna reassuringly said as Nurse Aide 
Amber unbuckled the straps and positioned the gurney, locking the wheels. I was 
then helped off the cot. The nurse lowered the gurney and she and Nurse Aide 
Amber guided me down onto it. As I was sat on the gurney I could really 
appreciate the massive load in the diaper as it didn't give much for it was so 
firm and the mattress on the gurney was very plush.

My legs were then picked up and moved aside and up onto the gurney. I was then 
made to lie down by Nurse Aide Amber while Nurse Donna preceded to strap me 
down. As she buckled the straps one by one she pulled the strap that was over my 
belly a little too taut. I told her it was a little too tight. She told me 
that's how they're supposed to be so I don't fall off.

"Phew! You are a stinky little boy, aren't you?" she exclaimed as she must have 
got a good whiff of my dirty diaper.

"He's Mr. Poopie Britches," Nurse Aide Amber chimed in, in her cute southern 

"He sure is," responded Nurse Donna.

"It looks like you wet your diaper something good as well!" Nurse Donna once 
again remarked as she noticed the plastic pants clinging against the mass of 
sopping wet cloth as that my pants were still pulled down past the diaper, 
giving my pee-soaked crotch am acknowledging gentle squeeze and a couple of 
pats. Now that I was strapped down on the gurney the nurse asked if I was ready 
to go as I look up to see her and Nurse Aide Amber staring down at me with their 
heads slightly tuned to the side.

Nurse Donna thanked the teacher and she and Nurse Aide Amber each grabbed an end 
of the gurney and soon we were on our way. We started out the doorway and we 
were now headed for the nurse's office. Along the way I had my head turned 
sideways as we traveled down the halls noticing the kids look at me sitting in 
their desks as we past by the opened classroom doors. As we neared the end of 
one of the corridors the nurse's stopped briefly. They ran in to one of the 
ladies that work's in the pre-school classes.

"How is your patient?" the lady asked in a professional tone.

"We have a very poopie and wet diaper on," replied Nurse Donna.

"I can see that," remarked the pre-school teacher. She was wearing a light blue 
uniform trimmed in white on the sleeves and pockets of her shirt with those 
white wedged nursing shoes. Almost immediately after her remark I looked down 
towards my feet to discover that they hadn't covered me with anything. I thought 
it felt a little drafty. Now I was really embarrassed that all those kids saw me 
as we past their classes. Nurse Donna proceeded to tell the pre-school teacher 
how much I had pooped my pants and that the diaper was at full capacity.

"Oh my," she remarked. "I hope you feel better, sweetie," she said in a 
maternal-like tone as she lightly patted my strapped tummy. I was really 
embarrassed now. The women said goodbye to each other and we were off again. 
Heading down the hall to the nurse's office, I occasionally got a whiff of my 
diaper as that we were headed with my feet in the direction we were going. It 
was smelly and embarrassing. A moment later I got another feeling deep in my 
tummy. I thought, "not again!"

Soon the nurse's office was in sight. The strap across my chest wasn't as tight 
so I could lift slightly to see where we were going. My tummy started to 
grumble. I then expelled a rather muffled but audible sound from my bottom. I 
looked to see if Nurse Donna and Nurse Aide Amber heard it. They must have as to 
Nurse Aide Amber saying, "Uh oh do you have to go again? Were almost there. Just 
poop your britches again if you need to," Nurse Aide Amber reassuringly said in 
her southern comforting way.

Finally we get to the nurse's office. As they wheeled me in we passed kids in 
the waiting room to seek the services of the nurse. They stared at me intently 
as we passed them. Some began to giggle while one commented by saying, "Phew. 
That kid made poopie in his pants!" I felt so humiliated. Nurse Aide Amber 
opened the door to the exam room as she was at the foot of the gurney going her 
direction. As I was wheeled to the center of the room Nurse Donna instructed 
Nurse Aide Amber to fetch some baby wipes from the nursery as she promptly did, 
leaving the room in a hurried fashion. Nurse Donna went over to the cabinets and 
took some washcloths out and began to run them under the warm water. As I lay 
there by myself I once again erupted from my bottom with a very audible sound, 
the nurse acknowledging as she looked back at me from the sink. Almost 
immediately after expelling some gas a big spasm hit deep in my tummy. I began 
to hold back and fight it while grunting and expelling out irregular breathes, 
catching the attention of the nurse warming the washcloths, and her telling me 
not to fight it.

Soon after, Nurse Aide Amber was back with the baby wipes. Now that Nurse Donna 
was done warming the water proceeded towards me and instructed Nurse Aide Amber 
to help her transfer me from the gurney to the exam table. The nurse locked the 
wheels of the gurney after positioning it side by side to the exam table. They 
then started undoing the straps that secured me to the gurney. It felt so good 
when they removed the strap that was across my tummy. I think it was making me 
poop because it was a little tight. Once it came off I momentarily was relieved. 
As one of them grabbed my legs and other my shoulders I was soon being lifted on 
to the exam table, which was now covered with a white vinyl mattress cover 
placed on there by Nurse Aide Amber.

"Let it all out, sweetie," Nurse Donna said as she comforted me as I lay on the 
table with both the nurse and her aide looking down at me.

"I think I don't have to go anymore," I said as now my tummy felt relieved from 
the tight strap that secured me to the gurney. All of a sudden the loudest fart 
through a load-muffled diaper exploded from my bottom.

"I think you still have to go," said Nurse Donna in a matter-of-fact and 
insisting tone. I lay there for another minute or two both of them still looking 
down at me, talking to me softly to relax me as if they were coaxing me to poop. 
It worked. Another spasm hit my bowels and I drew up my legs to my chest. At 
this point I was sweating profusely. Nurse Aide Amber decided to remove my shirt 
while Nurse Donna removed my shoes and completely pulled my pants off having to 
straighten my legs I had drawn up to assist in my fight of my impending bowel 
movement which were still perched partially above my knees, all the while trying 
to calm me down as I continued to fight my churning tummy.

Soon I was lying there on the table with nothing but a diaper and rubber pants. 
I was red-faced from my battle as I fought spasm after spasm.

"Make a nice big poopie in your britches for Nurse Aide Amber, sweetie-pie," she 
said in a most soothing southern accent as she patted my plastic panted sopping-
wet crotch as they both momentarily looked away from me to look at each other 
and smile, and looked back down at me still smiling. I couldn't fight anymore. I 
expelled one final breath and fully relaxed and I started pooping.

"That's a good little boy! Poop those britches really good for me, sweet-
cheeks," Nurse Aide Amber said only in a way she could. The poop was loading my 
already loaded diaper but amazingly there was room for more. Feeling the urge to 
pee again, I relaxed my bladder and released more pee into an already pee-soaked 
diaper. The pee was coming really good now as my bowels pressed against my 
bladder, forcing it out with fury. I was peeing so hard that it soaked through 
to the plastic pants and made a notable hissing sound that caught the attention 
of my caretakers as they looked on to watch a massive wet spot form under the 
semi-transparent Gerber baby plastic pants. I then bent my knees placing my feet 
flat on the exam table and my hands at my side palms down slightly lifted my 
butt to make room for more poop.

"Look at the seat of his diaper," Nurse Donna remarked to her aide as they both 
watched in amazement as now the plastic pants were stretching and the diaper 
bulging with my legs in a spreading bent position seeing the massive load push 
into the diaper.

"Goodness gracious, that is some loaded britches!" responded Nurse Aide Amber to 
Nurse Donna as they momentarily looked away from me to look at each other and 
share a chuckle and then proceeded to look back down at me finishing with a 
slight giggle. Continuing to grunt I finally finished with one long sighing 

"All finished, hun?" Nurse Aide Amber softly and soothingly said in that 
hypnotizing and comforting southern accent as she lowered my legs back down to 
the table and gently patted my now saturated plastic pant covered diapered 
crotch. I began to sob as I thought that they were making fun of me when I saw 
them giggling.

"Ok... ok... there... there... now, it's all right, Jimmy," Nurse Donna said as 
she stroked my hair and my face making me sob even more from the sheer 
humiliation of it all. Nurse Donna wasn't as comforting as Nurse Aide Amber was.

"Let's get your poopie pants changed so we can get you back to class," said 
Nurse Donna in a hollow and not so personable tone.

"I want Nurse Aide Amber to change me," I unexpectedly blurted out, stopping 
Nurse Donna in her tracks now bending over as she grasped the waistband of my 
plastic pants. I was shocked I said that.

"Okay, sweet-cheeks," she graciously and acceptingly responded looking down at 
me with her head slightly cricked to the side as she was now standing closer to 
my head beside the exam table.

"Is it okay?" asked Nurse Aide Amber to Nurse Donna who was now releasing the 
waistband of my plastic pants and straightening up from her bending position 
over me to acknowledge her request.

"Certainly," Nurse Donna said in a disappointing tone as she takes her job a 
little too seriously. Nurse Donna frightened me a little. She was bigger than 
Nurse Aide Amber. She had black hair pulled back in one of those tight buns and 
her starched white uniform hugged her large breast, shrinking at the waist then 
continuing down gripping the side of her just as large hips with a pronounced 
slightly large bottom. She looked so intimidating as I have heard stories of 
kids wetting their pants just being in her presence even if they are there to 
just get a boo-boo taken care of. Go in with a boo-boo and get sent home now 
with wet pants and a boo-boo. It was simple as that. That's why the kids don't 
like going to the nurse's office. Looking at her, who could blame them. She 
wasn't ugly or anything like that. Her big brown eyes were piercing as well as 
friendly. She was just authoritative looking as if to command attention and 
attention was what she got. That must be the nurse look because that is what my 
doctor's nurse kind of look's like.

What can I say about Nurse Aide Amber? Well, she was more petite than Nurse 
Donna. That is for certain. She had beautiful strawberry-blonde hair which was 
long and neatly pinned up at the sides while the rest of her locks gracefully 
fell generously down and around her back and shoulders as the end of her hair 
rested atop her neatly starched and pressed uniform covered ample-sized breasts. 
As you go further down her anatomy you can see her taut uniform top narrow at 
her petite waist and her hips and perfectly rounded bottom was securely 
supported by her not too tight, not too loose, but perfectly fitting neatly 
pressed nursing pants as they flow down just atop her 3 inch wedged brilliantly 
bright white nursing shoes. Those shoes gave her a walk that perfectly 
pronounced her protruding sculpted bottom with a sway that was all her own. Her 
shoes didn't make that torturous sounding "click-clack" like Nurse Donna's did. 
She was certainly a southern sweetie.

Now it was time for my diaper change as now Nurse Aide Amber moved from the head 
of the exam table and was now by my side.

"Phew!" she said, drawing out the expression as if to put emphasis on her remark 
standing with one hand on her hip thumb facing forward the other fingers resting 
behind her shapely figure her elbow out all the while pinching her nose with the 
other hand with her thumb and forefinger and the other fingers daintily whisked 
out to the side.

"You are Mr. Stinky Britches!" she jokingly remarked in her nurturing southern 
tone. "Let's see if we can do something about that," she reassuringly said as 
she coddled and playfully tickled me under the chin and arms as somebody would 
with a little toddler. I was starting to feel like a toddler for as her coddling 
and tickling caused me to lose control of my bladder again and the pee started 
to rush into the completely pee-soaked front of my diaper. It was soon apparent 
of my loss of bladder control when Nurse Aide Amber noticed an instant fast-
growing dark spot in the front of my diaper just underneath the surface of my 
hard-working semi-transparent Gerber plastic pants. The pee just retreated and 
fell back to the seat of my diaper where there was some refuge for the very warm 
liquid causing the dark spot in the front of my diaper to quickly recede. I 
began to fidget about on the exam table as the pee-warmed seat of my diaper 
became more uncomfortable as if the massive load of poop pressing firmly against 
my butt wasn't bad enough.

"Lay still, hun," she firmly said in a now more serious tone gently grabbing 
both sides of my waist with her soft, inviting hands, as she attempted to calm 
me down while asking me if I had finished wetting and waiting for a confirmation 
from me.

"My tickling you made you wet your diaper more didn't it? Yes, it did! Yes, it 
did!" she said playfully, taunting me, dabbing her index finger atop my chin 
like you would a baby.

Just then Nurse Donna came back in the exam room from her office to see how 
everything was going.

"How come our little patient isn't changed yet?" Nurse Donna asked in a stern 
but somewhat friendly tone.

"I wanted to make sure he was comfortable and relaxed so I thought it would be 
good for him to be a little playful, but I tickled him a little too much and he 
wet his britches again," Nurse Aide Amber replied in an apologetic and regretful 
manner as Nurse Donna beamed down at me, hearing a light smacking sound as her 
attention was drawn down to my pee-soaked bulging seat thickly diapered crotch 
being lightly patted by Nurse Aide Amber.

"My, we are a little pee-pot, aren't we?" Nurse Donna said in a mockingly 
taunting voice as she now began to pat the front of my diaper examining the now 
thoroughly soaked condition of my diaper by kneading it softly and giving my 
crotch a notable but gentle squeeze and remarking that I could have used a 
couple of more diapers. She had a way of thoroughly humiliating me as for 
certain I now was as I turned my head to the side so not to look at her. I was 
so embarrassed. She then told Nurse Aide Amber to hurry up and get me changed so 
I could get back to class. Having said that, the nurse retreated back to her 
office. After watching the nurse go back to her office Nurse Aide Amber 
proceeded to turn back around and look down at me to see my red-faced blushing 
cheeks the nurse had caused by her stiff-lipped remarks.

"Let's get these rubber britches off of you and have a looksy at your diaper," 
Nurse Aide Amber said in her sort of serious southern tone. She then proceeded 
to grasp the front area of the waistband of my plastic pants and slipped her 
fingers inside her thumbs turn out guiding her hands to each side of my waist. 
She then proceeded to work the plastic pants over and down the top of the diaper 
as she instructed me to lift my bottom her actually doing most of the lifting 
because I was so light reaching under and bringing down the backside of the 
plastic pants over my massive bulging load. She then slid her fingers which were 
still positioned just inside the waistband gradually from the back to the sides 
working her way to the front and pulling the plastic pants down off the front of 
my sopping wet diaper which was visually apparent now for the plastic pants had 
concealed it. The smell must have hit her like a ton of bricks for she briskly 
turned her head away while working the plastic pants down and off my legs.

"Pheeew!" she said in a much louder than her usual tone. I just lay there and 
looked up at her as I saw her discomfort of my smelly diaper watching her 
scrunch her nose up in disgust. "Sit tight, sweetie," she said with a don't move 
at all tone to her voice as she gave me an assuring pat on my thigh. I couldn't 
see where she went for she walked behind me. I heard some cabinet doors open and 
close. "What is she doing?" I nervously thought to myself. She was back within a 
minute now wearing a black rubber apron walking to my side and tying a white 
cloth surgical mask over her face hiding her voluptuous crimson-colored lips.

She then proceeded to pull on some latex surgical gloves as her eyes smiled atop 
her half covered face and looking down at me and with that notable snap knew 
they were in place. I believe the mask was for my smelly loaded diaper. I 
watched as she reached down to grasp one of the diaper pins. She then proceeded 
to the other side of my diaper and undoes that diaper pin as well. I then heard 
an audible clanking noise as I saw her place the pins on the stainless steel 
trolley cart she now had positioned by the exam table.

"Oh my," she said surprisingly as she brought the front of the diaper down. 
"That is one heavily loaded diaper," she remarked with a look of surprise on her 
face. "I have never seen a more loaded diaper," she continued on to say with her 
smiling eyes. All I could see were her eyes for the surgical mask covered half 
of her face. As long as I got to see those inviting green eyes nothing else had 
mattered. With her latex-covered hands she took hold of the front part of the 
diaper and proceeded to fold it forward towards my crotch area then with a brisk 
tug holding both sides of the diaper pulled the massively loaded diaper out from 
under me as I slightly lift my bottom from the table. Holding the diaper she 
then took the front and backside of the diaper and folded it over as to conceal 
its contents as she set it on the cart she had next to her. Looking with my head 
to the side where Nurse Aide Amber was standing I couldn't help but marvel at 
the massively loaded diaper as it sat atop the stainless steel cart. The color 
of the diaper had a grayish-yellow tint to the cloth; due to its pee-saturated 
condition. She then fetched one of the washcloths that had been warming in the 
wash pan on the cart and proceeded to wash my bottom gently wiping back and 
forth each time reaching to the cart to fetch another clean washcloth one after 
the other so not to contaminate the soothing warm mild soapy water. After she 
went through four washcloths she finished me up with the baby-fresh smelling 
baby wipes.

 "Wow!" I bet you feel better," she said with a sigh as I think she felt better 
now that the smell was out of her face. "Do these look familiar?" she said with 
a grin as she held up my fresh white tighty-whities stretching the waistband in 
and out playfully. "Ok mister. It's time to put on your big-boy undies," Nurse 
Aide Amber said as she began to slip them over my feet and up my legs as I lay 
on the table. After she had worked my Fruit-of-the-Looms under and over atop my 
bottom she gave the waistband a friendly snap as she brought her hands around 
the front positioning them in place. As she continued dressing me she hummed 
melodically to the music playing in the background on an old transistor radio 
and before I knew it I was being helped down off of the table. I was back in my 
own clothes which she commented that my britches (pants) still had a slight 
poopie smell but would go away in a while for they needed to air out.

"You are my special patient, Jimmy," she said as she bent forward and down to me 
touching my nose playfully with the tip of her index finger and told me I was 
all set to go. "I have something for my special patient," she remarked as she 
turned and walked towards one of the cabinet drawers. I instinctively followed 
behind her with my head slightly looking down because I was a little shy.

"Which one do you want?" she said as I picked my head up. Clutched in her hands 
was a bounty of different flavored suckers that any kid would be enticed with. 
"Normally I only give one sucker but since you are my special patient you can 
choose two of them," she said with those beautiful crimson-colored lips now 
grinning ear to ear. Amazingly I chose the two flavors that she said here her 
favorites, too. There must be some kind of a connection going on here. I was 
blushing; as now I felt my face get warm.

"I would give you a balloon but I haven't got any. So I will give you the next 
best thing," she said as she opened another drawer and pulled out a latex glove. 
She proceeded to scrunch the open end of the glove with her thumb and forefinger 
placed it to her crimson-colored lips and began blowing in to it. The glove 
became bigger and bigger. I was surprised how big it got as she stopped blowing 
and proceeded to tie a knot in it. It was as big as a balloon if not bigger. She 
then took a black marking pen and proceeded to write on it. When she was 
finished she cheerfully handed it to me. I happily accepted it.

"To Jimmy, my special patient for being good, from Nurse Aide Amber," it said as 
she read it aloud. She also had drawn a happy face on it with a little heart at 
each end of the mouth for the dimples.

"Are you ready to go back to class now?" she said as I marveled at her handy 
artwork on the makeshift balloon her hand resting atop my shoulder.

"Yes," I reluctantly replied for as now I have made a wonderful friend even 
amongst my embarrassment and humiliation. Hesitantly, I left hand in hand with 
her as we headed back to my classroom as we've had a wonderful time despite 
everything that had happened to me.

"Here we are," she said as we stopped at the opened door of my classroom. My 
teacher saw us at the doorway and proceeded to get up from he desk and walk to 
the back of the classroom towards us.

"Hi, Miss Miller," Nurse Aide Amber politely greeted her.

"Well, hello! Is he all better and ready for class again?" she asked in a 
gracious manner.

"And what do we have here?" she continued to say as she noticed the gifts in my 
hand. I showed them to my teacher and with great excitement I might add.

"Wow!" she exclaimed as she read the remarks on my glove balloon.

"Nurse Aide Amber made that for me," I braggingly told her.

"She did?" responded my teacher in an exclamatory tone.

"I'm her special patient and she is My Special Nurse Aide," I said looking up at 
her and now grinning ear to ear.

"I am? That is so sweet," she said with a look of surprise and gratitude.

"I think somebody has a girlfriend," Miss Miller teasingly said as she looked at 
Nurse Aide Amber giving a slight wink. My face felt like it was on fire for I 
was really blushing now.

"Before you say good-bye, what do we say for the gifts?" my teacher said in a 
remindful tone.

"Thank You!" I said in my shy little way. "You are very welcome Hun" she 
graciously replied in her intoxicating southern hospitable accent as she now was 
bent down and gave me a big hug all the while rubbing my back occasionally 
sweeping her hand down and cupping my bottom in her hand giving it some little 
love pats. It gave me such a warm feeling.


"What did you do?" she asked with a deep sighing breath with a look of surprise 
on her face after she stood up from hugging me. Both my teacher and her had 
their eyes drawn downward and I instinctively looked down to see a massive wet 
spot on the front of my pants with it still growing as it must of just happened.

"I can't believe you wet your britches again. What are we going to do about 
this?" she asked in an inquisitive manner. My teacher put her hand on her 
forehead in disbelief and shook her head as Nurse Aide Amber stood their with 
both her hands on her hips staring down at me.

"I think somebody is going to be back in diapers for a while," Nurse Aide Amber 
said with certainty and a slight smirk on her beautiful milky-skinned face. I 
guess I really didn't want to see her go. Maybe my body subconsciously needed 
her. "Huh, back in diapers again," I thought to myself. It couldn't be all that 
bad, could it?

To be continued?

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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