The James Effect

Summary: Twin boys use their little brother's accidents to fulfill 
their own diaper desires and dreams. The story follows the three little 
boys on their journey from simple bedwetting to full-time diaper 

~Chapter 11 – What a Mess!~

 Later that day, James felt a rumbling in his stomach. He knew that 
feeling – it was time to poop! He still used the toilet for this, 
wetting was all he had experienced so far. He went to all four 
bathrooms in the house, only to find that they were all occupied! He 
didn’t know what to do, but decided that the only thing to do was wait. 
James thought he could make it, but before he knew it, poop was flowing 
out of his body and into his GoodNite. After a few minutes, it was all 
out. The poop was pushing out against his GoodNite and against the soft 
skin on his bottom. GoodNites were more than able to handle the full 
force of a 6-year old’s pee, but poop was something else. This one was 
especially big, and that made what happened next all the more 
inevitable. The GoodNite could hold up against the poop while he was 
standing, but James decided to sit down in a kitchen chair to wait for 
either his mom or dad to get out of the bathroom. The load in his 
GoodNite spread out, and squished against his butt and crotch. But 
then, some started coming out the sides of the GoodNite. James panicked 
at this. Then, he heard his mom come out of the bathroom. He started 
crying, sure that he was in big trouble.

“James, what’s wrong?” she asked.

“I had an accident again.”

“Well, what else is new? That’s why you wear GoodNites during the day 
remember?” But then she smelled the poop in her son’s GoodNite and saw 
the parts that leaked out onto the floor.

“Oh my! James, what brought this on?” she exclaimed.

“I don’t know! I had to go, but somebody was in every bathroom. I tried 
to hold it, but it just came out!”

“Well, okay. I guess the only thing to do is get you and the floor 
cleaned up.” She took James into the bathroom and got a wet washcloth. 
She gently wiped the smeared poop of her son’s little butt and 
genitals. His tiny penis got hard when she touched it, and it made them 
both laugh a little. After James was all cleaned up, he went to his 
room to get a fresh GoodNite and his mom went to the kitchen to clean 
up the poop on the floor.

“Try not to do this again, okay honey?” she said after she was done. 
James said he would try, but knew that it would happen again. That 
night, as James lay in bed, he felt another one coming on. He was so 
excited, as he had never imagined he would get that great feeling of a 
messy GoodNite again. The little boy grunted and pushed for a minute, 
and the poop came rushing out. This time, it was a smaller load, so his 
GoodNite didn’t leak. James got it all over his butt and genitals, then 
curled up and went to sleep. The next morning, he got up and told his 
mom that he had pooped his GoodNite again. She helped her youngest son 
clean up and get into some fresh “protection”. About twenty minutes 
later, Kyle and Kevin went into their brother’s room to put on his used 
GoodNites again. Kyle was the unfortunate boy who opened the can.

“Oh my God!” he said while coughing.

“What is it?” Kevin asked.

“It appears that James is crapping his GoodNites now!”

“Well, should we put them on? I mean, pee was one thing, but having 
James’ poop hugging my balls is a little weird.” They eventually 
decided that James’ poopy GoodNites were better than no GoodNites at 

“Wow, this is actually better than just wet ones.” Kevin observed.

“Yeah, but it’s not going to be much fun cleaning up after this.” As is 
turned out, it wasn’t difficult at all. A few sheets of toilet paper 
each got the job done. For the next three days, every GoodNite the 
twins found in the trashcan was not only soaked with pee, but loaded 
with poop as well. James was slowly changing from a potty-trained 
little boy to a pants peeing and pooping baby.

~Chapter 12 – Pampers and Twins~

At the end of the week, the boys’ mom decided that she couldn’t have 
poop leaking everywhere. So, that afternoon when James went to get a 
fresh GoodNite, he found that the package they were in was gone. 
Instead, what he found was a package of Pampers Size 6. He looked 
around and saw that there was also a changing table in his room. James 
went to his mom to find out what was going on.

“James, I can’t have you walking around with leaking GoodNites anymore. 
So I’ve had to buy real diapers. From now on, when you need to be 
changed, tell me or your dad and we’ll put one on you.” she said.

“Well, I need one now, so can you change me?” James asked. His mom said 
yes, and they went to the changing table. He pulled down his pants, 
stripped off his wet GoodNite for the last time, and laid down on the 
table. His mom pulled out a diaper and a bottle of baby powder. She 
sprinkled the powder over her son’s privates and the pleasant smell 
filled the room. Then, she lovingly pulled the Pampers diaper over 
James’s exposed butt and genitals. He got up, put his pants on, and 
then immediately proceeded to fill the seat of the diaper with poop. 
His mom just smiled and told James that he would just have to keep it 
on until bedtime. James wasn’t the only one to experience a shake-up in 
their diaper routine that day. After dinner, Kyle and Kevin got called 
to their room by their mom. When they walked in, the twins were greeted 
by the sight of their mom holding up the two GoodNites from under their 
bed. Kyle went cold, but Kevin, who was an excellent liar, saved them 
from certain punishment.

“Oh, those. Last week James, Kyle and me were throwing those around, 
and those must’ve been left.” he said.

“I see. Well, never mind then.” She responded, and walked back 
downstairs. After she was gone, the twins started talking about this 

“What do we do?” asked Kyle, “We can’t take more GoodNites now, Mom 
would know.” They thought for a minute, but then Kevin thought up a 
bold plot.

“Well, I guess the only thing we can do is try to be put in them 
ourselves. James first got them by bedwetting. Let’s start there.”

So it was agreed – that night, the era of the dry twins would be over. 
The era of wet twins was about to begin. That night, after getting 
ready for bed (minus going to the bathroom one last time), the twins 
climbed in under the sheets. They were so excited, they were physically 
shaking. After making some final adjustments, it was finally bedwetting 
time. Kyle was first. He just laid out straight and let loose. The pee 
flowed from his tiny penis into his pajamas, and from there out onto 
the bed. Kevin was next. He decided to curl up into a little ball 
before his urine started flowing. As Kyle looked on, a small puddle of 
wetness began to form next to his crotch. After their bladders were 
empty, the twins got comfortable and fell asleep. The next morning, 
they informed their mom that they’d had an accident overnight.

“Oh geez! First James, now you two? Well, it can’t be helped I suppose. 
Don’t you worry boys, I’m not mad at you.” she responded. The rest of 
the day was uneventful. James wet one diaper and pooped in another, but 
that was all for that day. Once bedtime rolled around, the twins went 
to their room to get ready, fully expecting to have to wet their PJ’s 
again. But instead, they found two of James’ old GoodNites laid out 
next to their regular pajamas. When they confronted their mom about 
this, she said that she wasn’t taking any chances, and that they would 
have to wear them to bed until she was sure this was a one-time 
incident. Well, the twins thought, they would just have to make sure 
that the bedwetting would never stop! After pulling their GoodNites on, 
they went to show off their new “nighttime underwear” to their little 
brother. But they found he was now out of GoodNites and in Pampers! 
Little sneak was always a step ahead of them, the twins thought with a 

~Chapter 13 – Goodbye to GoodNites~

The twins crawled into bed. They were happy about getting GoodNites, 
but a little bit jealous of James and his baby diapers. They decided 
that if they wet enough, than maybe their mom would put diapers on them 

First, Kevin relaxed his bladder, and pee came pouring out into the 
GoodNite, soaking the front and spreading to the back. Kyle was next, 
but he wasn’t finished after his urine stopped flowing. Kevin watched 
his brother close his eyes and started grunting. Then the smell hit 
him. Kyle had dropped a load into his GoodNite! And by the smell, it 
was a big one. After this, Kevin too started to push hard, hoping that 
some poop would come out. After a short time, the effort paid off. 
Warm, squishy poop flowed out of his butt and into the GoodNite. The 
twins smeared the poop around their bottoms and their genitals. After 
that, the two messy little boys closed their eyes and fell asleep. The 
next morning, Kyle and Kevin gave their GoodNites an extra helping of 
pee and poop. As they had hoped, the thin GoodNites couldn’t hold up, 
and had leaked. They told their mom after removing their filthy 
GoodNites and all three of them cleaned the stained sheets up. Once 
finished, Kyle and Kevin had big wet stains on their PJ bottoms that 
weren’t there before.

“Oh boys.” their mom said, “Well, go get some fresh pants on.” After 
taking off their pee-soaked PJ’s, they went downstairs. The twins 
weren’t there for ten minutes before they wet their pants again. Two 
hours and another fresh pair of pants later, the twins’ insides churned 
once more. This time, not only did they wet their pants, but also 
squeezed out a sizable poop as well. By the next day, every single pair 
of pants, shorts, and underwear Kyle and Kevin owned was either wet, 
poopy, or both. Their mom was fed up with all the accidents and diapers 
from her three boys. She brought them into the family room for a 

“Boys, I am sick and tired of either washing your pants and bed sheets, 
or changing diapers. So here’s what’s going to happen. Kyle and Kevin, 
you will now be put into Pampers or another baby diaper all day and all 
night, just like James. Until I wash your pants, which won’t be for at 
least the rest of the week, you will just walk around in diapers. 
James, this includes you too. Also, as punishment for what I now see as 
deliberate pants wetting and messing, your Pampers will only be changed 
when you wake up in the morning, or until it leaks. If you get diaper 
rash, then that’s your problem. So, Kyle and Kevin, let’s go to your 
room and get you diapered. James, I see that you’re already very wet 
and poopy, but you’ll just have to deal with it until tomorrow morning. 
Now, let’s go” she said. The twins were shaking with excitement and joy 
as they walked with their mom to get their first Pampers in years on.

“Now, I’ll show you how to do it. But after this, you boys are to 
change each other’s. I’ll handle James, but all three of you is too 
much for me.” she said. First, Kevin laid down on the changing mat. His 
mom took the first Pampers out of a new package, and placed it over the 
10-year old’s privates, explaining how she was doing it every step of 
the way. Then, she took it off and instructed Kyle to put it back on. 
Kevin lifted his legs up, and his brother slid the diaper underneath. 
After taping it up, it was Kevin’s turn to try on Kyle. He too 
performed the diaper change without a hitch. It was if the twins were 
born to change diapers. Kyle and Kevin both went downstairs in just 
Pampers. They were happier than they had ever been in their lives. 
James suggested that they wrestle in nothing but diapers. For almost an 
hour, the three little boys rolled around on the floor with each other. 
By the end, there were many bruises, knocked over furniture, and three 
very wet and poopy Pampers.

~Chapter 14 – The Babysitter~

On Saturday, the boys’ parents informed their sons that they would be 
going out to dinner, and that a babysitter would be coming.

“But Mom, we don’t need a babysitter. Kyle and I take care of James, 
remember?” Kevin protested.

“That was before you decided to have diapers like babies. Babies can’t 
take care of themselves, much less other people. So you will have a 
babysitter, and that is that.” his mom said. An hour later, the 
doorbell rang and their babysitter came in. 12-year old Tyler had 
babysat before, but those were all babies or toddlers. He was excited 
to be with kids who he could actually play with and have fun with. 
Little did Tyler know that his toddler and baby days were far from 

“Boys, the babysitter’s here! Come downstairs!” their dad yelled. 
Kevin, Kyle, and James came bounding down the stairs to meet Tyler. The 
boy turned his short, brown haired head to meet his “charges”. He was 
taken aback by the sight of a 6-year old and two 10-year olds in 
nothing but diapers. The boys’ dad saw the shock in the babysitter’s 
bright blue eyes and laughed.

“Yeah, those are our boys all right! You see, they seem to want to be 
babies, and kept going in their pants, so we put them in diapers. Now, 
the problem for you is, we forgot to change them in the morning, so 
you’re going to have to do it. It shouldn’t be a problem, I’m told 
you’ve babysat diapered kids before.”

“Yeah, but those were babies and toddlers though! Not school age boys!” 
Tyler said.

“Tell you what, if you change them, we’ll pay you an extra ten bucks. 
How’s that?” Tyler agreed to the offer, and the parents left. The 12-
year old began to evaluate the job ahead. Kyle and Kevin were both very 
wet. James too was wet, but earlier in the day he had squeezed a load 
of poop out as well. Tyler sighed, and instructed the boys to go 
upstairs for a diaper change.

First up was James. After carefully stripping the little boy of his 
messy diaper, Tyler started to wipe the poop off his tiny butt, 
testicles and penis. Five minutes later, James stood up with a fresh 
Pamper on. Next was Kyle. As his diaper was just wet, the cleanup took 
much less time. As a fresh Pamper was being put on Kevin, Tyler began 
to get hard. Many years ago, he had gotten strong urges to wear diapers 
again. After a hard couple of weeks trying to suppress the thoughts, he 
forgot about them. Now, diapering the three little boys was bringing 
the feelings back, stronger and more tempting than ever. Kyle saw the 
erection and knew what Tyler was thinking.

“So, do you want a diaper too?” he asked. The 12-year old was about to 
deny it, but the urge to wear one was just too great.

“YES! Yes, I want a diaper! Please let me wear one!” he begged.

“Well, I would, but we had to go through a lot to get them ourselves. 
You would just be getting them with no effort at all. No, if you want 
one of our Pampers, you’re going to have to do what we did.” Kyle said.

“You mean…”

“Yes. Before I give you a diaper, you have to pee your pants.”

“But, what am I going to do about my dirty clothes?” Tyler asked. The 
boys assured him that they would wash them before their parents got 

“Well, okay. Here goes.” A wet spot began to grow on the brown-haired 
boy’s pants. After he was done, Tyler reached out for a diaper.

“What do you think Kevin, do you think he’s done enough to earn one?” 
Kyle said.

“No, one pants wetting isn’t enough. I’m going to need you to mess 
yourself too.” his brother responded.

“Come on! There’s no way I’m going to poop my pants.”

“Well, I guess you won’t get a diaper than.” Kevin said. Tyler fixed 
them an evil glare, and began to push. Soon, poop began to squeeze out 
of the little boy. A warm, squishy load filled Tyler’s previously white 
underwear. Kyle, Kevin and James curiously watched a bulge slowly form 
in his pants.

“James, do you have anything to add?” Kyle asked. James thought for a 
moment and went over to Tyler. He held the poopy underwear in his hands 
and pushed it around, making sure poop covered every inch of Tyler’s 

“I think he’s good now.” James said. The three boys put their 
babysitter on the changing table, cleaned the poop off of him, and slid 
one of the Pampers on. Tyler closed his eyes and sighed, enjoying the 
great feeling of a white, crisp diaper gently holding his genitals in. 
After putting Tyler’s wet and poopy clothes into the washing machine, 
the four little boys peed their Pampers at once and started to play.

~Chapter 15 – Off to the Movies~

After Tyler’s clothes were washed and dried, he laid them out on a 
table and went back into the family room to watch TV with Kyle, Kevin, 
and James. Soon, the four boys fell asleep in their wet (and in Kevin’s 
case, poopy) diapers. After a two-hour nap, the boys woke up to the 
sound of a car pulling into the garage. Tyler quickly pulled off his 
wet diaper and got dressed, while Kyle disposed of any evidence of what 

When the boys’ parents came in, everything was normal. They paid Tyler, 
sent him home, and put their sons to bed. The next morning, after 
getting their diapers changed, the three brothers decided to call a 
friend and go to the movies. Eventually, they decided on their 
babysitter from last night, since they’d had so much fun in Pampers. 
Their parents okayed this, and Kevin called him up. Tyler said he would 
be glad to come, adding that he had a surprise to show them.

A half-hour later, their new friend arrived. Their parents told them to 
go upstairs and play for a little while until it was time to go to the 

“All right, what’s this ‘surprise’ you have for us?” Kevin asked. Tyler 
smiled and pulled down his pants, revealing a Huggies Supreme diaper. 
James asked him how he got it.

“Well, after last night, I just couldn’t wait for diapers any longer. 
So I told my mom straight out that I wanted to wear them. Obviously, 
she refused, so I told her I would be going wherever and whenever I 
felt like it, diapers or no diapers. She didn’t believe me, so I pushed 
and emptied my bowels into my pants right in front of her. Well, let’s 
just say I was diapered pretty fast after that.” Tyler explained. Just 
then, the boys’ mom peeked her head in.

“Tyler, your mom just called and said that something at your house came 
up, and that you’re going to have to sleepover at our house tonight. 
Also, she told me about your diapers too. So, you’re going to have to 
know the rule. There is only one change per day, in the morning. Now, 
who’s ready to go to the movies?” she said. All four boys put some 
pants on to cover their diapers and followed her out to the car.

At the movie theater, she bought the boys popcorn, candy, and a mega-
Coke. They looked at each other and smiled at the thought of all that 
coming out later. Then, they went to find a seat. When the movie was 
about halfway through, Kevin, Kyle, and James had all soaked their 
Pampers. Tyler was still getting used to the idea of going wherever and 
whenever, especially out in public. He felt a strong pressure in his 
bladder and butt, however he wanted to wait until getting back to his 
friends’ house. Kyle noticed Tyler fighting off the feeling, and told 
him that it was okay to do it in his Huggies. Finally, Tyler relaxed 
and filled his diaper with warm pee and messy poop.

When the movie was over, they all walked outside to the theater lobby. 
There, Tyler saw his friend Colin. He went numb – here was his best 
friend, and he was standing there with three younger boys and wearing a 
poopy diaper! He tried to hide, but Colin saw him beforehand.

“Hey bud, what’s up?” Colin asked.

“Nothing much. This is Kyle, Kevin and James. I babysat them and we 
became friends.” he answered. James recognized Colin as his friend 
David’s older brother. He remembered hearing about David wearing 
GoodNites for bedwetting. Now was the chance to find out.

“Hey, I’ve got an idea.” James said. “Why don’t you and David sleepover 
with us too?” Their mom said it was okay with her, and after a quick 
cell phone call, Colin got permission on his end as well. While walking 
back to their car, Colin heard the crinkling of Tyler’s diaper. Since 
his brother wore GoodNites for bedwetting, he was pretty sure he knew 
what it was. A few minutes later, when David got dropped off, James 
quickly went through his friend’s backpack and found a GoodNite! It was 
going to be an interesting sleepover, to say the least.

~Chapter 16 – A Very Diapered Sleepover~

By the time the five boys were all situated, it was time for dinner. 
Their mom had ordered a pizza, and everyone sat down to eat. The poop 
in Tyler’s diaper was squished around some more. By now, James too had 
loaded his Pampers, and Kyle was getting the feeling. Sure enough, five 
minutes later, his bowels released, and the 10-year-old’s diaper 
expanded from the extra weight of the poop.

When everyone was done eating, their mom told them to get ready for bed 
before playing some more. Colin, Tyler, and the twins were in one room, 
while James and David were in another. David quickly hid a GoodNite 
under his shirt and went into the bathroom to change into his PJ’s. Ten 
minutes later, everyone had their teeth brushed and pajamas on. Not to 
mention three Pampers, one Huggies, and one GoodNite. They played video 
games in the twins’ room that were appropriate for James and David for 
about half an hour until the two younger boys went to bed. Then, they 
got out the violent ones to satisfy their true boy sides. Kevin turned 
up the volume on the TV as high as it could go. The whole house was 
shaking with the virtual gunshots, whistling artillery shells, and 

The first time a shot echoed through the house, it was so loud that 
James and David could hear it in James’ room, and it took them by 
surprise. David was so startled that he started to poop involuntarily. 
Except his bowels didn’t just release, they exploded. A huge load began 
to empty itself into his GoodNite. It was impossible for James not to 
hear or smell it. David tried to cover it up and started running for 
the bathroom, but he tripped on the way and his pants fell down, 
revealing the extremely messy GoodNite. The little boy began to cry at 
the thought of what James would say or do to him. James knew there was 
only one way to comfort his friend. He pulled his PJ bottoms down, 
revealing the diaper underneath.

“See David, it’s okay. I wear diapers too.” he said. This stopped 
David’s crying very fast.

“You do too?” he asked. “But why?”

“Well, my brothers and I pretended to be having accidents, but in 
reality we were doing it on purpose because we wanted to wear diapers. 
So now, we can wet and mess all day long wherever and whenever we feel 
like it.” James responded.

“Kyle and Kevin wear them too? Neato.”

“Yeah. Tyler does too, as of yesterday.” The two little boys discussed 
diapers long into the night after that.

At around midnight, Colin was dreaming about his suspicions that his 
friends wore diapers. In the dream, they were all still playing video 
games and they were all wearing fresh diapers. After a few minutes, he 
felt a familiar feeling coming on, and released pee and poop into it. 
Except his wetting and messing wasn’t only happening in his dream. 
Kyle, who was next to Colin, was having trouble falling asleep and was 
still awake at this point. He heard the gurgling in his new friend’s 
stomach, and then the poop flowing into Colin’s pajamas. The smell soon 
woke everybody up, including Colin. He was just half awake when he felt 
the squishy load under his butt and the wet puddle around his crotch. 
The boy jolted up, which made everybody else turn, and immediately knew 
what happened.

“All right, don’t panic Colin.” Kevin said. “We’ll take care of this, 
don’t worry.” But Colin started to get hysterical, and tears flowed 
down his cheeks. The other three boys then comforted their friend just 
as James had comforted David: by pulling their pants down and showing 
him their diapers. Just as it had worked for David, it worked for Colin 

“I knew it! I suspected you all wore diapers, but I wasn’t one hundred 
percent sure.” he said. The twins and Tyler told him the whole story 
about how they came to wear their Pampers and Huggies.

“And now, Colin, I think it’s your turn.” Tyler said. Colin lay down on 
the changing table, and Kyle stripped him of the messy PJ’s and wiped 
the smeared poop off his butt. Then, Kevin powdered him and Tyler 
pulled one of their Pampers up on him. After they all pushed some more 
poop into their respective diapers, the four boys went back to sleep.

~Chapter 17 – Morning~

The next morning, all six boys trudged downstairs for breakfast. Under 
their PJ’s, there were four Pampers, one Huggies, and one GoodNite, all 
of them very wet and very poopy.

“Well, I see we’ve picked up two more diaper boys.” their mom said.

“We sure did.” Kevin replied. “They both pooped their pants like there 
was no tomorrow.”

“Well then, we’ll have to keep you two in diapers as well.”

Once they were done with pancakes, James and Colin managed to squeeze 
out a little more poop into their already sagging diapers. The twins’ 
and James’ mom saw this and decided that she better change them before 
the diapers started leaking.

About a half-hour later, Kevin, Kyle, James, Colin, Tyler, and David 
all had on fresh Pampers. David was excited to be wearing his first 
real diapers since he was 3, and immediately soaked it with urine.

“Looks like you’ve taken to your diapers, David.” Kevin said as he 
watched the little guy’s Pamper expand.

“I sure have. It’s so much fun to just let loose no matter where you 
are or what you’re doing.” he responded. About an hour later, it was 
time to take everybody home. James and the twins had a good laugh at 
the face Colin and David’s mom made when they were dropped off in 
nothing but Pampers.

At home, the boys’ parents went into the kitchen and shut the door, 
ordering their sons not to enter unless there was an emergency. A half 
hour later, the boys were informed that they would be going to Colin 
and David’s house while some things were worked out. After being 
dropped off, James and the twins went into Colin’s bedroom, where he 
and his brother were watching TV. David was dressed in four GoodNites, 
while Colin was wearing about twenty pairs of white underwear. Both 
were still dry, but not for long.

“Hey guys.” said Kyle. “What happened to your regular diapers?” Colin 
was busy filling his underwear with poop, so David answered.

“Our mom is out getting some, so she made us wear these until she gets 
back. And judging by that bulge appearing in Colin’s pants, she better 
hurry up.” he said as he drenched his GoodNites with pee. About ten 
minutes later, Colin and David’s mom came home with three packages of 
Luvs Size 6. She pulled her sons’ temporary diapers, and taped on real 
ones. Finally, David and Colin thought, they were true diaper boys. And 
to celebrate, the 12 year old and his 6 year old brother filled their 
Luvs with warm, mushy poop.

~Chapter 18- The Plane ~

About an hour later, Kyle, Kevin and James were picked up by their 
parents, who said that there was a surprise for them at home. Once 
there, the boys went into the kitchen and sat down in their bulging 

“Now boys, since you’ve all been very good about the diaper routine, 
we’ve decided to reward you with a trip to Disney World!” their mom 
said. The boys were in shock. Ever since they could remember, they had 
wanted to go to Disney World. But their parents wouldn’t take them, 
saying they were waiting for the perfect opportunity. Now, finally, 
they were going on their dream vacation!

“When do we leave?” asked Kevin.

“In one week!” his dad responded.

The night before the boys and their parents were to leave, they packed. 
James and the twins had been given a couple new toys to entertain them 
on their long plane ride to Orlando. In each boy’s suitcase, there were 
two books, a PSP, a deck of cards, a couple of Matchbox cars, clothes, 
and, of course, lots of diapers. The next day, everyone woke up early 
in order to catch the plane. Since no meals would be provided for the 
five-hour flight (airport people suck, don’t they?), each boy ate a 
much bigger breakfast that usual. They were triple-diapered so that the 
big breakfast wouldn’t cause them to leak on the plane. It was very 
obvious that the boys were wearing diapers, but they didn’t mind one 
bit. Once the family was at the airport, they managed to get through 
security and onto the plane in about half-an-hour (a miracle). The boys 
would be sitting in coach, while their parents were up front in first-
class. Kyle and Kevin’s seats were next to another little boy. James 
was one row behind them, alone so far.

The boy next to the twins introduced himself. His name was Corey. He 
was 9-years-old (but would turn 10 in a week), and had brown eyes and 
light brown hair. They got to talking about typical boy stuff like 
sports and video games. Kyle and Kevin found out that he had just moved 
to where they lived and would be attending their school. About ten 
minutes after their conversation began, the twins smelled a faint urine 
smell in the air. Neither of them had wet their diapers yet, meaning 
that it had to be coming from their new friend Corey! But when they 
looked at his pants, there was no wet spot. Corey seemed to know what 
they were thinking.

“Yeah, my parents make me wear Pull-Ups to bed and on long trips. But 
what they don’t know is, I kinda like it,” he explained.

“That’s so cool, Corey,” Kyle said, “Because we wear diapers too.”

“You do too? Wow, I thought I was all alone.” he said.

Meanwhile, in the row behind them, two beautiful teen girls had just 
sat down in their seats on both sides of James. Katie and Jennifer had 
long, blond hair, big blue eyes, and were 16 years old. The moment they 
saw James, they fell all over themselves.

“Oh my God, you are the cutest little boy I’ve ever seen!” cooed 
Jennifer. The two girls gave James more hugs and kisses than he had 
ever gotten in his life. Eventually, he felt a pressure in his lower 
body, and his Pampers filled with messy poop. The smell hit the girls 

“James, do you wear diapers too?” asked Katie.

“Yeah. But wait, you know somebody else who does too?” he responded.

“Of course! Our little brother Corey, who’s sitting in the row ahead, 
wears Pull-Ups for bedwetting and for accidents on long trips.” 
Jennifer answered. James then told the girls all about how he and the 
twins came to be diaper boys.

“Well, it looks like wittle baby James has made a messy in his diapy-
wipies!” Katie said in a baby voice. James smiled sheepishly and soaked 
the front of his already poopy Pampers with urine.

Three hours later, the plane landed, and everybody gathered in the 
terminal. James, Kyle, and Kevin met up with their parents, while 
Corey, Jennifer, and Katie met up with theirs.

“How our little brother?” Katie asked as she checked to see if Corey 
had wet or messed in his Pull-Ups (he had done both). The four boys 
went off to an arcade in the airport to play video games, while the 
parents talked about their diapered sons. Soon, they found out that 
both families were going to Disney World. They made plans to meet up 
and travel around together. Once the boys learned of this, they all 
agreed that it would probably be the best vacation any of them had ever 

~Chapter 19 – The First Night~

Once everyone got to the hotel, it was nighttime. The two families 
learned that their hotel rooms were right next to one another. James 
and the twins invited Corey to sleep in their room that night. After 
getting the okay from his parents, he said that he’d be right over. Ten 
minutes later, the boys’ new friend arrived. He was dressed in green 
pajamas that had little snowmen all over them. Also, they were much too 
small for the almost 10-year old. The sleeves went above his elbow, and 
the pants legs reached almost to his knees. The clothes were also skin 
tight, making the Pull-Up underneath much more obvious. James and the 
twins giggled, and Corey just smiled.

“Well boys,” their mom said, “since it’s early, I thought that maybe we 
would all go up to see the fireworks show. Would you like that?” The 
four boys said they wanted to go. They were told that they had to get 
their PJ’s on first, and then they could go. James slipped his light 
blue footy pajamas on, while the twins opted to go in nothing but their 
diapers since it was so hot outside. Since it was so far away, their 
mom carried James in her left arm and their dad carried Corey in his 
right. Kyle held his mom’s free hand while Kevin held his dad’s. 
Halfway there, their mom felt poop squeezing into James’s diaper.

Ten minutes later, they arrived just in time for the fireworks show. 
People were giving the boys strange looks, but they didn’t mind one 
bit. Everyone stopped once the show started. The bright flashes of 
light reflected off the water and building. It was one of the coolest 
things the boys had ever seen. An hour later, the boys crawled into 
bed. James and Kyle were already poopy, and Kevin was wet, but Corey 
was still dry. However, James, who was in the same bed as Corey, was 
having trouble sleeping, and thus was still awake after everyone else 
had fallen asleep. He decided to put his hand on the 9-year old’s Pull-
Up and see what it felt like when he used it. James didn’t have to wait 
long. First, the 6-year old felt the front expanding from pee, and then 
the bottom filling up with mushy poop. It was a great feeling for him. 
And with this feeling, James drifted off to sleep.
~Chapter 20 – Disney World~

The boys woke up early the next morning. After breakfast and a diaper 
change, it was time to head to the rides. The two families decided to 
part ways for this part of the vacation, and agreed to meet up that 
evening for dinner.

Magic Kingdom was the first stop. The twins wanted to go on Space 
Mountain, but James wanted to go on Splash Mountain. After a short 
quarrel, the brothers decided to go on Space Mountain first and go to 
Splash Mountain second. They had the FastPass badges in order to bypass 
the massive lines that they were sure to encounter, so they were on the 
ride and ready to go in less than ten minutes. James was afraid of the 
dark, so he gripped his brothers’ hands tightly as the roller coaster 
began to move. The twins had a great time, but James was frightened out 
of his wits. By the time the ride was over, the little boy was sobbing 
uncontrollably. Kyle held his little brother close in order to comfort 
him as they made their way to Splash Mountain. By the time the boys 
arrived at the log flume, James was okay again.

He had exactly the opposite reaction on Splash Mountain than he did on 
Space Mountain. The final drop especially was a source of great fun to 
James and his brothers as well. As the day wore on, the boys noticed 
that many other young boys that they saw also had bulges in their 
pants. They saw boys that looked about 5 to those that looked about 12 
getting diapers changed.

At around 3:00 that afternoon, the boys and their parents ran into 
Corey and his family. They decided to stick together for the rest of 
that day. Kyle was the first to notice that Corey was still wearing a 
Pull-Up, even though he told them that he only needed to wear them at 
night and on long trips.

“Corey,” he said, “why are you still wearing Pull-Ups?”

“Well, my parents were reading this website that offered advice to 
families going to Disney World, and one of the tips was that young kids 
should wear diapers because of the lines and stuff.” he responded. I 
guess that explains all the other kids in diapers, Kyle thought.

By the end of the week, the boys and their parents were wiped out, so 
they decided that it was time to go home. It had been the best vacation 
that the boys had ever had. Not only did they get to go on tons of fun 
rides, but they also got to see boys of all ages wearing and using 
every kind of diaper imaginable. By the time they got home, it was 
11:00 at night, and they all fell asleep the minute their heads hit the 