The Hooligan

by austin


From the author of “The Dance”


            A big thanks to Brad for his consistent and insightful comments and, of course, to Deeker, who continues to shine in his commitment to provide the ab/tb/dl community with a quality story site. Some questions came up after Part 3 regarding the size of Paul and his fitting into a car seat. I did some generalized research before writing that part, and here is my justification. Paul, being in first grade and six years of age, probably weighs around 55-60 lbs and is 4¼ to 4½ ft tall. Most car seats now hold children up to 65 lbs and 4½ ft, and some even go up to 80 lbs. So, while Paul would nearly be too large, he’d still safely be restrained in a car seat of these specifications. Anyways, doesn’t really matter, I just found the facts interesting. This chapter is completely different from the proceeding (and probably the following) chapters. Its almost entirely tb/dl based. So if you’ve been looking for that in this story, here you go. I initially wrote it much more ambitiously but have scaled it down so that the diaper parts don’t detract from the overarching message of the story. As always, I desire your comments (austin(dot)db(at)gmail(dot)com). Have a great week!


Part 4


I showed Mia into the kitchen and had her sit down at the table. “Sorry it’s so messy,” I said, gesturing around the room. It wasn’t bad, actually. Small piles of junk mail, a couple dirty dishes, but on the whole, I lived rather neatly for a bachelor. “Can I offer you some tea? I’ve got a ton of it right now.”

            Mia nodded. “Tea would be nice, thank you.” I filled a cup and set it front of her, then took a seat across the table. “You’re not out tonight,” Mia commented.

            “Yeah, luck is running low, so I decided to give it a night off.”


            “No, women,” I said with a smile.

            “Well, I’m glad you are here. I’ve got a favor to ask, David,” Mia said.

            “As you know, I’m here to help in any way.”

            Mia stayed silent for a moment, sipping the tea. I let her take her time. Finally Mia spoke. “There is a little bit more to the story than we’re telling people,” Mia said slowly.

            I nodded. “John hinted at that a couple of weeks ago.”

            “Did he? Well, it’s true. Simon died for a reason. It wasn’t just suicide. I mean, it was, he killed himself, but… We found a note… Anyways, John has convinced me to take legal action. I just found out there is a time limit on these things. Apparently we have thirty three days after the incident, or so I understand. We’re flying to Seattle tonight to meet with a lawyer. I need you to watch the boys, get them to school tomorrow. I’ll be home hopefully by tomorrow afternoon, but it could be two nights depending on how things work out.”

            I sat still, trying to process all that Mia had said. Was someone to blame for Simon’s suicide? How could you possibly press charges? I was confused, I had to admit, but I realized that didn’t really matter. I didn’t need to understand what was going on. “Of course, Mia.”

            Mia smiled. “I knew I could count on you. I called family, but no one else could do it on such short notice. I appreciate it.” Mia looked at her watch. “Our flight leaves in two hours, so we need to get going.”

            “Do you need a ride to the airport?”

            “No, John called a taxi. He’s kind of running all of this. I’m so…” Mia waved her hands around in frustration, “I don’t know really what is going on.”

            “Do you trust him?”

            “Who, John?” Mia asked.


            “More than anyone in the world, except for Simon, of course.”

            I nodded, “Ok then, you’ll be fine.”

            “It’s just that it all is happening so fast. I mean, John just called like an hour ago, saying we had to go tonight, I just told the boys, they are gathering their things right now, and I…I’m so tired,” Mia was crying. I reached out and put my hand softly on hers’. She looked away, but smiled.

            “The boys will be fine. You’ll be fine,” I said slowly and quietly. “Here, let’s go help the boys get ready.”

            Mia waved me off and stood up. “No, you stay here. I’m sure you have things you need to do. And honestly, one more body over there isn’t going to help. It’s hectic as it is.”

            I just nodded and walked Mia to the door. “Ok, see you in a couple of minutes then?” Mia waved and jogged back to her house.

            I took a deep breath, standing on the porch feeling bewildered.

I didn’t have much time to think about the whole thing. Less than ten minutes after Mia left, I heard a loud commotion on my front porch. I’d had barely enough time to clear out my two guest rooms of most of their junk and was rather out of breath when I opened up the door. Mia and John stood there with the three boys. All of them at their arms full of bags, half open with clothes and other items hanging out haphazardly. I held the door, directing them to put the bags in the living room. Once everyone had dropped their bags, Mia asked for a few minutes alone with the boys, leaving John and I standing out on the porch. John looked calm and was staring out into the street. He didn’t seem like he was planning on talking, which appeared to be his usual course of action the short time I had known him.

“So, Seattle, huh?” I broke the silence. He nodded. “Seems kind of sudden.”

“Not really. We’ve been talking about this for a month. It’s just that once Mia made the decision, we had to act fast. Neither of us was aware of the time limit.”

“So what exactly is going on?” My curiosity was getting the best of me.

John looked over at me. Again, his eyes looked soft and trusting. “I can’t really tell you. If Mia wants to, she can when we get back. But right now, I can’t. Sorry.”

I shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. Just curious is all.”


“So how do you know the family again?” I asked.

“Oh, Simon and I went way back. Childhood friends. I’ve watched these kids grow. It’s kind of my second family.”

“I know what you mean,” I said, “Not quite the same, but I’m getting the same feeling about the Argrows.”

“Well, believe me, we appreciate you looking after the boys. This is something Mia needs to do, and she couldn’t without you. So thank you.”

“No problem.”

Mia came outside. “Ok, they’ll be good. If you have any issues, here’s my cell phone number,” Mia said, handing me a scrap of paper. “I don’t know why it took me so long to give that to you,” she mused absent mindedly, “but there it is.”

I took it. “You’ll need mine too,” I said. I told Mia my number as she entered it into her cell phone. When she was done, she pocketed her phone and took a deep breath.

“I’m sure everything will be fine. You two have a safe trip and good luck, I guess,” I said.

Mia gave me a quick hug. “Thank you so much, David. I’ll call when we get there.”

I nodded and returned her hug then shook John’s hand. They walked down the stairs and I went to the doorway. “Well, good bye then,” I said, waving. They both waved, then walked back to Mia’s house. Shaking my head in an attempt to clear my thoughts, I went back into the house. I found the three Argrow boys sitting in the living room silently, their bags scattered around.

“Hi,” I said.

The boys were quiet, understandably, and I gave them a quick tour of the house, showing them their rooms. I had Paul and Peter sleep in the same room and gave Nate his own. Both of the rooms were upstairs next to mine and I told them they could get me at anytime if they needed anything. After the tour was over and their bags were put away, we found ourselves in the living room again. It was only nine.

“Well, what time is bed time?” I asked.

Nate spoke for the group. “Peter and Paul usually have to go to bed at nine, but I don’t have a bedtime.”

“That’s not true,” whined Peter. “You have to be in bed by ten.”

Nate shrugged, “Not on weekends.”

“Well, we don’t have a bedtime on weekends either,” Peter continued, his voice rising.

“Ok, ok, enough,” I butted in before it got bad. “How about tonight, because it’s a…special night, everyone goes to bed at ten, including me.” Nate sighed loudly and crossed his arms in frustration. I flipped on the TV and threw the remote to Nate. “Watch something appropriate while I get the rooms ready, ok?” Nate flipped on ESPN. I nodded approval and left the boys to themselves.

Before I knew it, ten crept up on me. I had the rooms looking good with enough towels and cups for everyone. I was secretly proud of myself. I would be a good host. There wasn’t much food in the fridge, but I figured I could run to the store early in the morning to get breakfast and have it cooked before they needed to go to school.

“Ok, boys, get ready for bed,” I said. All of them looked very awake, even Paul. Must be the excitement of a new house, I thought. Peter started to ask if they could have a couple more minutes, but Nate told him to shut it and got his brothers up. I winked at him as they came past. “Thanks,” I whispered. He nodded in recognition and herded his brothers to their room. In less than ten minutes, he had them in their pajamas and ready for bed. To my surprise, they both had full bodied, footed, fleece sleepers on. Paul was in a plain red one, while Peter’s was a tie-die bluish white pattern. They looked cute in the sleepers, but I didn’t mention it. “Great, guys. Thanks for being good. Let me see your teeth,” I said. Each grinned wide exposing good, clean teeth. It was a ritual when I was growing up. My dad always used to check our teeth. I always hated it, but found myself doing the same thing now. “Clean,” I said, “Ok go ahead and get in bed.”

“Wait, are we sleeping in the same bed?” Peter asked. There was only one bed in the room, so I had just expected them to share. “Yes,” I said, “You’ll survive, Peter.” Peter grumbled loudly but climbed in next to Paul who was already snuggly under the covers. I walked to the doorway. I flipped out the light. “Ok, I’ll wake you up tomorrow. You’ve got an early day, so go to sleep quick.”

“Do you have a nightlight?” I heard Paul say softly. No, I don’t, I thought. While quickly trying to think of a substitute, I heard Peter tell Paul to grow up. Not thinking of an alternative, I decided Paul would have to manage. “I don’t, buddy. But you’ve got your brother there to protect you, and I’m just in the next room, ok?” I said softly. I didn’t hear a reply, so I quietly shut the door.

That left Nate and I standing in the hallway. “Thanks for your help,” I said, “couldn’t have done that by myself.”

Nate shrugged. “I guess I’ll get ready for bed then.”

He started to walk into the bathroom when I suddenly realized what might be an issue. “Does Paul usually wear…protection to bed, you know?”

Nate shrugged. “You mean diapers?” I nodded. “Sometimes, yeah. It depends if he’s wet the night before.”

“No wonder Peter didn’t want to sleep with him. Did he wet last night?”

Nate shrugged again. “No idea. I don’t really pay attention.”

“Did your mom have him pack any?”

“I didn’t see any.”

“Hmmm,” I mumbled thoughtfully. I decided a wet bed wasn’t the end of the world and let Paul have the benefit of the doubt. I looked at Nate. I didn’t want to embarrass him, but considering my recent purchase, I was now wondering the same about him. “What about you?”

Nate looked down at the floor. “I’ll be fine. Haven’t had the problem in a while.”

“Ok,” I replied deciding not to press it. “Are you tired?”

“Not really.”

“Well, after you get ready, if you want to come watch some TV you can.” Nate nodded then shut the door to the bathroom. After fixing myself some more tea, I went and sat in the living room, leaving on the ESPN. A few minutes later, Nate walked into the living room. I saw that he was also dressed in a footed sleeper. His was a solid, light baby blue color. “You all wear those?” I asked.

Nate nodded and curled up on the couch. “Yeah, my mom makes us. They’re actually pretty nice. Comfortable,” Nate said quietly, turning his attention to the screen, apparently not phased by my curiosity. Thinking his pajamas made him look a lot younger, I tried to focus on the TV. The “Top 10” was on, which was the top ten plays from the previous Sunday’s football. I had to admit, it was captivating and pretty interesting. After a bit, I heard my cell ring. I quickly answered. Mia sounded tired but let me know they had made it to their hotel. I told her the two younger boys were in bed and that Nate was up watching some TV.

“Great. Thanks again David,” she said. “Hey, while I was on the plane, I thought of a couple things I forgot.”


“I didn’t pack any diapers for Paul, did I?”

“No, we didn’t find any.”

“Does Nathan have his key to they house?”

I looked over at Nate. “Do you have your key?” He groaned, looking frustrated. “Shoot. No, I forgot it.” I relayed the message to Mia.

“Well, there is a chance Paul wont wet the bed, but if you want to be sure, you might want to go get some for him. And, I realized we didn’t grab Nathan’s plastic sheet.”

“Oh,” I said slowly, eyeing Nate, who was looking at me quizzically. “He said he wasn’t having trouble with that anymore.”

“That’s not true,” Mia said tiredly. She took a deep breath and I could tell she just wanted to go to bed. “David, I don’t know. It’s up to you. You do what you think is best.”

“We’ll figure something out, ok? Don’t worry.”

“Let me talk to Nathan, please,” Mia asked.

I handed the phone to Nate and turned my attention to the TV. He mumbled a few “yeses” and “I know, moms” and I saw him roll his eyes several times. He finally ended with an “I love you” and he handed the phone back to me.

“Ok, well, I told him he was responsible for whatever happened,” Mia said. “I need to sleep.”

“Yes. We’ll be fine, Mia. Goodnight, ok?”

She said good night and hung up. I put the phone down. Feeling exhausted, I decided I wasn’t going to do a thing about the wet bed threat. I’d take my chances that the boys’ bladders could keep control through the night. I stood up. “I’m going to cash out, Nate. The doors are all locked. Just turn out the lights and TV when you go to bed, ok?” I decided I wasn’t going to be an authority for him. He’d go to bed when he needed to.  He nodded and said good night. “It’s good to have you here,” I said. Nate glanced away from the TV for a second and smiled. “Thanks for having us.”

I had no trouble falling asleep. But a full night’s rest was not in my cards. In what felt like just minutes after I had lain down, I heard a knock at my door. I groggily flipped on my light and glanced at the clock. It showed 5:14 in a clear red glow. Not bad, actually, I thought. About six hours of sleep.

“Yes,” I said.

The door opened and Peter peaked his head in. “What’s up, buddy?” He walked in, his hair all disheveled from sleep, and I could see that the side of his sleeper was wet. “Paul wet the bed,” Peter whimpered, tears in his eyes, “just like I knew he would, and he got me all wet!”

I got out of bed and knelt down in front of Peter. I pulled him into a hug. “Hey, buddy, don’t cry. It isn’t a big deal. So you’re a little wet.”

“With my brother’s pee!” he cried.

“Do you want a shower?” I felt him nod. “Ok, well, go shower quick. There are towels in there. I’ll go take care of your brother.”

He quickly went into the bathroom, already unzipping his sleeper as he shut the door. I heard the shower turn on as I quickly went to check in the living room. I was relieved to find the TV and lights off and no Nate on the couch. Quietly opening the door to Peter and Paul’s guest room, I walked in. Paul was still fast asleep. From the light in the doorway, I could see a large wet spot on the bed where Peter had pulled back the covers. I immediately regretting my decision to just go to bed and not get Paul in diapers. I turned on the side lamp, which filled the room with a soft glow. Paul rolled over, then slowly opened his eyes. He saw me and was about to say something when he must have felt the wetness which surrounded him. He immediately started crying, repeating “sorry” over and over. Sitting down next to Paul, I put my arm around him. “Don’t worry, buddy. Just a wet bed, nothin’ to cry about.” But that didn’t help. Paul went right on sobbing.

I lifted Paul out of the bed and stood him on the ground. His sleeper was soaked and he stood there sobbing and shivering. Wondering what I was going to do with him while we waited for Peter to finish his shower, I was glad to hear the water shut off. “We’ll just get you in the shower and you’ll be back asleep in no time.”

“I only take baths,” Paul said through crying heaves.

“Well, you might have to take a shower tonight,” I said, feeling frustration creep up. I started to strip off the wet sheets, leaving them in a pile on the floor. Paul stood and watched. After a couple of minutes, Peter came back into the room wrapped in a towel, glaring at Paul. He started to dig around in his bag, then commented, “We only had one pair of pajamas.”

“Do you have another pair of underwear?” I asked. He nodded. “I’ll go get you a shirt, and you can just wear that.” I gently pushed Paul in front of me and into the bathroom. “Get ready for a shower, and I’ll be back in a minute to help you, ok?” He nodded. I rummaged around in my closet and found two long shirts. Leaving one on my bed, I brought the other to Peter, who was now just standing in fresh briefs. He slipped it on and it fell to his knees. “Perfect,” I said. “It’s not that cold, so you should survive.” He nodded. “You can sleep in my bed, ok?”

“What about you?” He asked.

“Oh, I’m up for good, I think. I can take a nap while you,” I pushed Peter towards my room, “are in school. And you need your sleep.” He jumped into my already pulled back covers and I pulled them up to his chin. “Try to get back to sleep.” Peter nodded and curled up under the covers. “It’s warm,” he said softly. I brushed his hair off his forehead. “G’night, buddy.” I turned out the light.

I briefly peaked in on Nate and was glad to find him fast asleep. In the bathroom, Paul was standing in his wet briefs. “Alright, Paul, let’s get you all cleaned up.” After turning on the water, I helped him out of his wet underwear and lifted him into the tub. “Have you ever taken a shower before?” Paul shook his head, “Only baths,” he said, the water cascading down his body. “Ok, well, showers aren’t much different, except you can’t be all lazy and lay down. Well,” I caught myself, “I suppose you can, but not tonight. Get your hair all wet,” I directed. Once he was fully under the spraying water, I went and grabbed a wash cloth. Putting an ample amount of my body wash on it, I sudsed it up under the water. “You’re going to smell like Old Spice at school tomorrow,” I told Paul. “The girls will love you.” He made a face, “Disgusting! I don’t want that stuff then.” I laughed. “I’m afraid you don’t have a choice,” I said, smiling, “this is all I’ve got.” I had Paul step out of the water proceeding to scrub him thoroughly from head to foot. I was surprised at his lack of embarrassment. He didn’t seem a bit worried to be standing naked in front of me or having me clean him. That wont last long, I thought, though it’s pretty cute now. Once I was finished and had Paul all rinsed, I shut off the water and dried him with a large towel. After wrapping him tightly in the towel, I carried him back to the room. “See, showers aren’t so hard, huh?” He nodded, but I noticed his eyes were half closed, well on his way back to sleep. I helped him into fresh underpants and slipped my extra shirt over his head. It dropped down to well beyond his knees. “Perfect,” I said. Paul was swaying on his feet and probably already asleep. I picked him up and carried him into my room, laying him next to Peter, who luckily wasn’t awake to complain.

Once everything was back into some semblance of sleeping order, I decided to run to the store and get breakfast for the boys. After sneaking back into my room and getting some clothes, I drove to the store which, thankfully, was open twenty-four hours. I wandered about gathering breakfast fixings: eggs, bacon, juice, muffins. That’d do. As I shuffled past the baby isle, I decided it’d be smart to stock up on some diapers for Paul just in case. I grabbed the biggest size they had, not sure what the differences in brand meant, and proceeded to the check out lane.

Back at home, after putting the food in the fridge, I went back into my room. I didn’t want to wake up Paul if I could help it, but I’d rather he didn’t wet two beds in one night so I decided to put one of the diapers on him. Once in my room, I gently pulled back the covers and removed his still dry underpants. I quickly diapered him and was out of the room without either of the boys ever noticing. Glancing at my watch, I realized I had about twenty minutes before Nate would have to be up. I passed the time by sipping coffee and reading the paper.

When the clock turned 6:45, I got up to wake Nate from his slumber. Jeeze, I thought, they have to get up early for high school. I hoped Nate had gone to bed a reasonable hour. Pausing outside the door, I realized I was not having good luck with Argrow bed wetters so far and wondered how Nate was faring. The soft light let in from me opening the door revealed Nate sleeping very peacefully, and I immediately felt bad for having to wake him. His arm was over the covers exposing the top bit of his light blue sleeper, his head halfway off the pillow. I still couldn’t get over the fact that he looked so young.

Flipping on the bedside lamp had no effect on Nate. He was still fast asleep. After being in the room for a moment, I began to notice a slightly sharp smell in the air. Out of curiosity, I carefully pulled back the covers from the sleeping boy. Nate was soaked, the light blue color of the top part and feet of his sleeper contrasted heavily with his now very wet middle. I stood and stared for a second, slightly mesmerized by the sight. Snapping out of my temporary trance, I gently replaced the covers and shook Nate on the shoulder. He slowly came to life, mumbling a few nonsensical sentences, then finally opening his eyes.

“Good morning, bud, time for school,” I said softly. Nate groaned and started to sit up, but he froze and quickly laid back down. “Um, not yet,” he said, “I’ll be out in a second.”

“Its ok, Nate,” I said, sitting on the side of the bed, “I know.” For the second time that morning, I had a crying Argrow boy in my house. What were the chances, I thought. Nate lay there with silent tears dripping down his face. “I don’t know why it happens,” he cried. “I’m so sorry, David. I’ll-I’ll do the wash. I’m sorry.”

“Nate, don’t worry about it,” I said softly, patting him on the shoulder. “But you got to get up and get ready. Bus leaves in a half hour.” I pulled back the covers and he swung his legs slowly to the side so that he was sitting next to me, his chest rising and falling as he tried to control the heavy sobs. I felt a knot form in my own throat. I put my arm around Nate and pulled him close. He nuzzled his head against my chest and let loose.

“It’s alright,” I kept repeating, rubbing him softly on the back.

“I miss him,” Nate cried.

“I know you do, Nate. You are being so good too, really. You acted so grown up last night, Nate, I thought you were an adult. You are awesome. A great big brother, a big help to your mom. I admire you,” I said softly, hugging him tighter.

Eventually, his sobs slowed and finally subsided. He sat up strait. “Thanks David,” he said, sniffling loudly.

“I mean it, Nate, I really do admire you. I’m really proud of you,” I said softly. “And you can cry around me any time you want, ok?” He nodded. I glanced down at his soaked pajamas. “You want a shower?”

“Yeah, I think that would be a good idea,” he sniffled.

“Let me have those, then,” I said, pointing to his pajamas. “I’ll put them in the laundry. Breakfast will be ready when you get out.”

Nate stood up and shakily unzipped the sleeper, stepping out of it. It fell to the ground and he stood there in his soaked briefs, his small boyish body shivering in the morning cold. Without any clothes to cover him up, I could really see how skinny he was. I’ll cook him a big breakfast, I thought. “Ok, go, before you catch a cold,” I said, waving him towards the shower. He hastily disappeared into the bathroom. I stripped the bed and gathered Nate’s wet pajamas and added them to Paul’s pile in the laundry room, then quickly cooked breakfast.

Nate looked a lot better after a shower. He reminded me to keep the wash until he got home from school. I told him I would. After making sure he ate heartily, I got Nate to the bus stop just in time. One down, I thought, two to go. Having kids around was sure a tough job.

Back at home, I woke up Peter and had him take another quick shower. Paul ate breakfast while Peter was showering to make the process go faster. He sat at the table, eating, wearing just a diaper and t-shirt and didn’t seem to mind, nor did he ask how the diaper had appeared on him. Paul happily swung his legs back and forth in the chair as he ate the eggs. “This is good, David,” he said. “Thank you.”

After Peter was done, I got him started eating, then took Paul to get dressed. I helped him take the shirt off then undid the tapes on the diaper, removing it. “Good,” I commented, ruffling his hair, “dry for the second half of the night. And, you still smell like Old Spice!” Paul smiled up at me. Quickly I got him into some clothes and, after having them brush their teeth, herded both boys out of the door with five minutes to spare. When they were gone and the house was silent I laid down on the couch and immediately fell asleep.




            The summer sun shone through the cabin windows filling the dusty room with a yellow glow. A beam of light slowly made its way directly onto Simon’s face, bringing him out of his slumber. He opened his eyes and breathed deep, enjoying the forest air. The cabins (except for John’s and the administration) had no doors, and the air was clean, filled with the soft buzzing of insects.

            Simon didn’t have long to enjoy the relative silence as a few minutes later, the wake up bell sounded, ringing shrilly through the trees. An audible collective groan of hundreds of boys filled the air, combined with the shouts of counselors to get movin’ and get to breakfast. Alex was a chronic wake-up-bell-ignorer, and in typical fashion, made no move to get up. Usually, Simon waited for him, enjoying the ensuing battle with the counselor that always ended with Alex getting dumped out of his sleeping bag. However, this morning, Simon quickly got dressed and went to wait for John outside of his cabin.

            Simon had to wait for John as many boys came out of the cabin door before his friend. Must be a long line this morning, Simon thought. Though he felt bad about it, Simon took special notice of the boys who preceded John out of the door, knowing the reason they bunked in the special cabin. There was nothing unique or noticeable about the boys, coming in all shapes and sizes. Finally, John stepped out and Simon waved him over.

            “Good mornin’!” Simon said.

            John blocked the shinning sun with his hand, his forehead length light brown hair still messy, and squinted at Simon. “Cabin-side service, huh?”

            “You hungry?” Simon asked.

            “Oh yeah, definitely,” John answered, and they set out towards the mess hall. On the way, Simon filled John in on his new plan to include Alex in the dare. At first, John was apprehensive. But Simon convinced John that Alex could not ignore a dare, no matter what, and that the new inductee would keep his mouth shut.

            Despite his detour, Simon still beat Alex to breakfast, and they were nearly done with the food by the time Alex, whose mosquito bites had barely faded, finally sat down. Alex immediately began bugging Simon and John about the dare.

            “Ok, here is the deal, you have to agree to do it before John will tell you what it is,” Simon said slyly.

            “What? What kind of dare is that?”

            “Well, it’s the same with me. John says its part of the deal. I actually don’t even know what we are going to do yet, but I’ve already agreed to do whatever John dares me. C’mon, it will be fun. A blind dare!” Simon was making it up as he went.

            Alex ate a few bites of breakfast, considering the deal. “So you’re already in, and you don’t know what the dare is?” Simon and John nodded. “Will it hurt?” Alex asked John, who promptly shook his head. “When?”

            “Right after breakfast,” John replied, enjoying power he rarely held.

            “Ok, if you’re in,” Alex said after a moment’s contemplation, nodding at Simon, “then I’m in.”

            “Well then, eat up!” John commanded. “Oh, and drink lots of juice.”


            “You’ll see,” he replied ominously. Simon hid a smile and gulped down his glass. “Here, I’ll fill yours up again,” Simon said, taking Alex’s cup.

            After breakfast, the trio left the mess hall and started towards John’s cabin. They only made it a couple of steps, though, before someone called out Alex’s name. They all turned around saw Father O’Malley approaching. All three waved back, surprised as they hadn’t seen the Father barely at all since they arrived.

            “Alex, can I borrow you for a bit?” Father O’Malley said as he neared the boys. He was dressed in cowboy boots, jeans, a big belt buckle, and the only thing religious looking about him was his clerical collar at the neck of a flannel shirt. Simon felt a sinking feeling in his stomach, hoping that it had nothing to do with yesterday’s events.

            “Uh, sure, Father. For what?” Alex replied, glancing quickly at Simon and John.

“We’re going to need you for a service project this morning. It will only be a couple of hours.”

“Why me? Why not Simon and John,” Alex whined.

“Their turn will come,” Father O’Malley said. “We’re splitting you up into groups. They might be this afternoon or tomorrow.”

Alex grumbled something then started walking after Father O’Malley, who had started back towards the admin building.

            “Should we wait for him?” John asked. Simon shook his head. “No, let’s go now.”

            That was all the encouragement John needed. He peaked into his cabin, then waved Simon in when he saw that it was empty. John grabbed his backpack and the two boys went into the bathroom. Opening the cupboard door, John grabbed two cloth diapers from a pile labeled small. He looked over at Simon, who was standing behind him, nervously fidgeting about. “Let’s see, you might be a medium. I’ll grab one of both and we can see.” After putting two more diapers in his bag, he added two pairs of plastic pants, a handful of fastening pins, a towel, a bottle of oil, and container labeled “powder.” He quickly zipped the bag up and, putting it on, motioned Simon out of the room. Simon could feel his heart beat quicken.

            “Were should we go?” John asked once they were outside.

            “Too risky around here. Let’s hike into the woods for a bit,” Simon answered.

            They hiked in silence until they were well outside of the camp boundaries. No one would be venturing out here. The two boys happened upon a small clearing a little ways off the trail. It was partially covered with bushes around its perimeter, offering some privacy. “Perfect,” John said, heading into the clearing. Simon nervously followed. He was having second guesses about this little escapade, but he knew he couldn’t back out now.

            The sun was shining in the clearing, and the temperature was comfortable. John opened up the bag and laid out the towel. He stood and smiled at Simon. “Ok, whose first?”

            “You’re going to do it too?” Simon asked.

            “Sure. Why else did I pack two of everything?”

            Simon shrugged, but felt relieved that he would not be alone.

            “How about I diaper you first,” John said, “then you can see how I do it and can diaper me correctly.”

            “We have to diaper each other?!” Simon exclaimed.

            “Well, how else are you going to get this on?” John asked, waving a cloth diaper in the air. “You’ve obviously never tried to do it by yourself. It’s near to impossible. So come on, lay down.” John motioned toward the waiting towel.

            Simon slowly walked over and laid down on the towel. He felt his heart beating forcefully in his chest. “Just relax,” John said softly, patting Simon on his leg. Simon took a few deep breaths and nodded. John reached forward and undid the button on Simon’s jeans. After unzipping them, he pulled them down to Simon’s feet. “Oh, we gotta get your shoes off,” John commented. Simon started to sit up, but John pushed him gently back down. “I got it.” So Simon lay still, his pants around his ankles, while John wrestled with the knots on the shoes. Simon started to relax and just stared up at the towering trees and blue sky which lay beyond. He felt his shoes come off, and then his pants. He looked towards John who was going about his work with a slight smile on his face. “Now your shirt,” John said, helping Simon pull it off. After laying back down Simon felt a finger under his white briefs and then took a deep breath as the fresh air hit his exposed genitals. There was no movement for a moment, and Simon, lying there in the sun completely naked, looked up to see what was the problem. John was staring down at Simon’s middle. “All right?” Simon asked. “Yeah,” breathed John. “It’s just that I’ve never seen anyone else’s before.”

            “Well, what do you think?” Simon asked.

            “It’s kinda big,” John said. “And you have hair down there.”

            “Well, I don’t know if I’d call that hair. It’s more of a fuzz,” Simon said. John nodded. He broke from his trance and lifted Simon’s feet up, placing one of the diapers under his bottom. “We’ll try the small one first.” He pulled out the oil and poured an ample amount on his hand and started to rub it into Simon’s groin. Simon felt a rush travel from his middle all the way up his back and nervously felt his boyhood start to harden. It had been occurring lately and he recognized the feeling.

            “Sorry,” he mumbled.

            “Don’t worry, man. It happens to me sometimes. It’s a lot worse in front of your mom, believe me,” John said. Simon had to laugh. John went about the business of diapering his friend. Pulling up the cloth diaper snuggly against Simon’s boyhood, he realized that the smaller size would work, but not for a double layer. He pulled out the medium sized one and securely fastened it around Simon’s middle. The cloth rose all the up to Simon’s belly button. Next came the plastic pants and in no time, Simon was lying in the sun diapered and content. He sat up slowly and stared at his diapered middle. “Wow,” he said. “Those are big. I can’t even put my legs together.”

            John grinned at the sight. “Cool,” was all he said. Simon stood up and waddled around a little bit. “Kinda hard to walk,” he commented. He looked back at John, who was still kneeling on the towel. “Your turn,” Simon said with a grin.

            The nervous edge had been taken off since Simon had gone first, but John still felt a little knot in his stomach as the reality that he was about to be seen naked by someone other than his parents or counselors hit him. The smaller boy laid down carefully on the towel and looked timidly at Simon, who now knelt down beside him. Tightly closing his eyes, John’s body tensed up as a wave of nervous excitement washed over his body. He soon felt Simon’s careful touch and slowly but surely each piece of his clothing was removed. Before long, he was laying naked on the towel. “You ready?” Simon asked. John nodded. Simon pulled out the two remaining diapers and placed one under John. Simon pulled up the diaper, secured it with the diaper pins, then repeated the process, doubling John up in the absorbent cloth. He slipped on the plastic pants and leaned back, admiring his handy work. John opened his eyes finally and sat up.

            “Well, we’re diapered,” He said softly

            Simon laughed. “Yep. It looks that way.”

            The two boys sat there and grinned goofily at each other. “Well, that was part one,” John said, “now, we have to wet them.”

            “I kind of have to go right now, I guess,” Simon said. John shook his head. “Let’s see how long we can hold it,” he said.

            Simon and John sat and talked about nothing in particular. Eventually, after about a half hour, all the juice they drank at breakfast started to build up pressure in their bladders. John started to fidget about first. “Man, I really gotta go now,” he said. “Yeah, I do to,” Simon replied. John’s hand slipped to the front of his diaper and he pressed firmly. He crossed his legs and started rocking back and forth. His battled lasted about a minute, the whole while, Simon’s fidgeting increased. John suddenly starting to stand up, apparently to relieve the pressure, but he froze halfway as he felt his bladder release. Simon watched as the cloth of John’s diaper slowly became soaked. “There, done,” John said after a minute.

            “Well, they work,” Simon commented. John nodded, staring down at his soaked diaper. “Man, I really had to go. Good thing you put two on me,” John said. “What about you?” He asked, looking at Simon, who had crossed his legs tightly.

            “I don’t know if I can in front of you.”

            “Oh, you will,” John said. “Stand up.” Simon obediently stood. ‘Ok, spread your legs.” Simon obeyed, standing in the sunshine, his bare smooth skin almost glowing in the sun and a diaper securely about his middle. “Whew, I gotta go,” Simon breathed, starting to shift from foot to foot. “Hold still,” John commanded. Simon’s hand snuck down and he gripped his penis through the diapers. John reached up and slapped it away. “None of that.”

            “I’m not sure how much longer…” Simon said, feeling the pressure build to an unbearable crescendo. He felt a little dribble escape. Without being able to cross his legs or use his hands, there was no way to stop the flow, and finally giving up, Simon wet his diaper, feeling the urine rush out into the waiting cloth. He felt the warmth spread down and soak his bottom. John, sitting on the towel, was staring up, watching silently with his mouth open. Simon, the flow subsided, finally moved and sat back down, feeling the squish of the diaper around his genitals. The plastic pants were clinging to the wet cloth.

            “So,” John asked quietly, “How does it feel?”

            Simon looked at John with a smile. “Good.”

            John laughed gleefully. “See, I told you. Say I’m not weird, say I’m not weird.”

            Simon shook his head. “No, it’s just that we are both weird. Or so I’ve just found out.”

            “Fine, I’ll take that,” John said.

            The two boys sat there in their soaked diapers for a couple more minutes before they decided to clean up and head back to camp. They stripped off their wet diapers and put them in John’s backpack along with all the supplies so John could dump it all off back at his cabin. “We’ll have to take showers back at camp before we end up smelling gross,” John commented. Simon nodded as he put back on his clothes. Once they were both dressed, the two adventurers trekked back to camp. “Thank you, I guess,” Simon said. John laughed. “Thank you too.” Simon put his arm around the smaller boy’s shoulders and pulled him in close as they walked.




            I slept well into the afternoon, not waking up until the ring of my cell phone broke the calm that had fallen on my house. I saw that it was Mia and had a pretty good idea what she was going to say.

            “Hello?” I said groggily.

            “David, did I wake you?”

            I laughed, still half asleep. “Yeah, don’t worry about it. How’s Seattle?”

            “Beautiful actually. The weather is perfect. I’m not sure why people say it always rains here. How are the boys?”

            “Well, I got them to school.”

            “That’s good. But you sleeping in the afternoon can’t be a good sign. They keep you up?”

            “We had an interesting night,” I said slowly.

            “A couple wet beds, I’m guessing?”

            “Yeah, you’ve got it.”

            “I’m sorry, David.”

            “No, no, don’t worry. It’s my fault for not going to the store last night. Doesn’t pay to be lazy, you know?”

            “Well, I hope you’re well rested now because I have some news,” Mia said.

            “Another night?”
