Summary: A hard-to-potty-train child has an accident on the first day 
of school. He is put back into diapers with some interesting twists to 
just wearing and using them.


I had a very bad time potty training at the start. My mother would get 
so frustrated at my lack of ability to comprehend how to use a toilet 
and how to hold my bowels and bladder. This was okay at first, but as I 
got to be 4 years or so, I had school looming ahead of me. I knew this 
because I had 3 older brothers already there. I knew it was 
inappropriate to wear diapers to school, so I worked hard with my potty 
training. It was very pleasing to both me and my mother to see me 
making progress so fast. I finally came to the day when I sat on the 
potty and went. My mom was so proud that she gave me underwear with 
Batman on them-my favorite character. However, the worst was yet to 

I woke up on the first day of school so excited about school. I 
couldn't even eat, I was so pumped. My mom was glad, and she said she 
would stand with me at the bus stop. She told me we had to be there at 
a certain time or else we would miss the bus.

I went out to the bus about 10 minutes early with mom. We waited and I 
realized that I had to go potty. However, with the apprehension of the 
bus missing me over my head, I tried to hold it. Now, remembering that 
I had just finished potty trainings months before, I was not very good 
at this yet. So, about 2 minutes later, I let loose all my urine.

My mother was furious. She took me into the house and told me to get 
new clothes on. During that time, I missed the bus. Where I didn't 
think my mother could get angrier, she did. She had gone beyond the 
point of understanding. She was crazy, insanely mad.


My mother drove me to school, hinting at a punishment that was yet to 
come. We went to the office and signed me in as late. I trudged off to 
my class, dejected.

I had a nice teacher. We learned about the classroom and played games 
that day. I forgot about my mother being so mad with me. However, my 
mother still was there, planning my punishment.

I got home very happy. I went to my room to drop off my backpack. I 
froze at the unexpected sight. My room was a nursery. There was a crib, 
and the wallpaper had Barney and Friends on it. I looked in my dresser, 
fearing the worst. I sighed when I saw clothes in there. They were new, 
but they were still regular clothes.

I went down to say hello to my mother, and to apologize and explain. I 
found her smiling oddly. I said I was sorry. "Oh, no," she replied, "It 
is way too late for that."

She led me to my room and closed the door. That in itself isn't 
surprising, though when she locked it I was slightly worried. She then 
opened the closet and I saw my worst nightmare: stacks upon stacks of 
my diapers, all ready to be used. There was also baby powder, baby oil, 
and other necessities. There were onesies, footed sleepers, and what I 
would soon find out were laxatives and other bowel/bladder stimulating 
formulas, as well as sleeping pills.

"Now," she said maliciously, "aren't you a lucky boy?" She then grabbed 
me and gave me three of the formulas. "If you don't drink them, I will 
make you stand outside in those diapers only every morning for a 
month," she threatened.

So, obviously, with the threat of that hanging over me, I drank all 
three. They tasted okay, but nothing I would choose to drink. I started 
to feel sleepy. She laid me down on the floor, and that was the last 
thing I remember.


I woke up in my crib. I felt strange to wake up there and not in a bed. 
I sat up and heard a crinkling. I was horrified to see a diaper on me. 
I heard the doorknob turn and quickly pretended to be asleep. My mother 
came in and shook me. I woke up, so to speak. She said, �What a nice 
little baby boy we have here.� She then called in my brothers.

They were all surprised to see me in such a state. One of them, the 
oldest, even dared to ask, �Mom, don�t you think you�re overreacting?� 
She didn�t answer.

I suddenly felt the urge to pee and poop. I tried to hold it in, since 
I couldn�t get out of the crib and I didn�t think mom would like it. 
Nevertheless, because I wasn�t good at holding it in anyways, and since 
the formulas had a lot of power behind them, I just went. It was a 
horrifying experience, made worse waiting for mom�s reaction.

After I was finished, she smiled, something so unexpected I knocked my 
head against the crib. �Good job!� she cried. �You have just started 
the first part of your punishment.�

She then got me up and changed me. She then invited us down to 
breakfast. After that, all my days followed the same schedule. In the 
morning, get up, get changed, and get dressed. My new clothes were 
tight so that my diapers would show clearly. On weekends, I didn�t get 
dressed. I then went to school, where I did normal school stuff, even 
having the most understanding (and jealous) friends, except for the 
fact I was changed twice a day because of the formulas mom put in my 
food. Weekends and holidays I wore nothing but my diaper, and while I 
was allowed to have friends over, I had to be changed and they had to 
wear diapers, which was either embarrassing for them or uncomfortable 
when they got home. So it went this way for about 3 years.


My brothers, as you should know, disliked the fact I was being punished 
for an accident. They thought I could do better, and after I explained 
what happened, they thought I was downright innocent. So, when mom was 
at the grocery store, we all met up.

�We don�t like the way mom has been treating you,� the oldest one said.

�We have a plan to do something about it, too,� said another.

They talked while I listened, every so often filling my diaper a little 
bit more. I liked my diapers, though I would have liked to see how it 
was out of them for a while longer, and mom making me wear them was 
bad. They finally finished, and they asked me how I liked the plan. I 
said it was good, so over summer break, as they planned, they put it 
into action.

All of them woke up in wet beds. They all came to the breakfast table 
soaking wet. My mom noticed but didn�t say anything yet; she waited for 
it to play out more. They all sat down and wet some more (on wooden 
chairs; they wouldn�t do it on the sofa unless mom didn�t respond). 
They ate breakfast and started to leave when mom got up and said, �All 
of you go and clean yourselves up, and your beds if need be, and I will 
be back in an hour or so.�

She left, and when she did, they started laughing. �Let�s see how she 
likes taking care of 4 uncooperative babies,� one of them said.

Mom came back with as many diapers and as much baby stuff as she could 
fit into her car, as well as tons more of the formulas. She then 
proceeded to diaper every one of my brothers; she knew their waist 
sizes, since she shopped for their pants. She then gave them the 
formulas to them; they were soon sleeping, wetting their diapers every 
so often. I watched with interest.

She made another trip to the store and brought back stuff to make their 
rooms just like mine. It was amazing how fast she set everything up. 
They slept for another hour or so and then woke up. They then 
unfastened their diapers on the floor (tile; again, only carpet if mom 
was unresponsive) and sat back down.

Mom came back and was shocked at what happened. Each of them got 
spankings. They held up so stoically that I was amazed. She then 
diapered them again and gave them all the formulas again.

Over the next few weeks, the same things happened: food thrown, peeing 
everywhere, scaring houseguests, and things of that nature. Mom was 
slowly getting more haggard and punishing them in every way possible. 
Nothing worked.


One night, I woke up at around three in the morning. I probably hadn�t 
gotten enough of the sleeping stuff. Or that was what I thought. I 
suddenly heard mom crying in her room. Now big enough to get out of the 
crib, I waddled over there.

Mom was sobbing on her bed, elbows on knees and face in hands. I knew 
she was frustrated with my brothers, but I still believed she deserved 
it. Suddenly, she did something nobody could have expected.

She reached under her nightgown and pulled down a diaper. She then 
threw it away and got a new one on. I felt compelled to speak to her 

�Mom?� I asked as I enter the room. She stiffened.

�You�re supposed to be in bed.�

�Why are you putting on a diaper?�

She sighed and ran her hands through her hair. �I�ll tell you. But you 
have to stop your brothers, because it is the reason I put you in 
diapers, not because of your accident.

�Your father liked to wear diapers. That is why I wear them, because he 
asked me to; not commanded, asked. As you know, he went into the army 
and was killed, but not before I had all of you. You look so much like 
him, and act that way too: not potty training easily, you know. So, I 
so very much wanted to replace him, but I couldn�t remarry; it was too 
much. So, when you had your accident, I felt I could make you into him, 
and you would grow to like your diapers. Have you?�


�Good. Would you do this for me, be like him?�

�Sure, mom.�

�And will you try to make the other boys do the same?�


�Thank you.�

I then went to bed. I woke up the next day and told my brothers 
everything. They were guilty that they did this to mom, but they 
decided to wear diapers because of this. When they declared this to 
mom, she broke out in tears, she was so grateful. So now, a new 
generation of diaper lovers was made. All of us, me and my brothers, 
will now teach our children to love diapers, telling the same story 
that mom told to me to them so that they will do the same thing for 
their families, and so on. We will wear diapers until we die, and 
hopefully, heaven has diapers.


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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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