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The Question of the Week for June 10, 2007:

Who showed you how to change diapers?

Number of responses received: 16

Boy cousin16.3%
Girl cousin212.5%
Boy babysitter00.0%
Girl babysitter212.5%
Other boy00.0%
Other girl212.5%
Other male adult00.0%
Other female adult531.3%
At what age were you first shown how to change diapers?

17 or older00.0%
At what age did you first change diapers without any help or supervision?

17 or older00.0%
At what age did you first change a BOY's diapers?

Check if this was also your FIRST diaper change420.0%
How old were the first boys whose diapers you changed?

Less than one year old318.8%
15 or older00.0%
Who were these boys?

Younger brother1381.3%
Older brother425.0%
Younger boy cousin425.0%
Older boy cousin16.3%
Friend of brother (younger than me)212.5%
Friend of brother (older than me)16.3%
My friend's brother (brother is younger than your friend)16.3%
My friend's brother (brother is older than your friend)16.3%
Younger boy I babysat531.3%
Older boy I babysat00.0%
Boy-friend (platonic)00.0%
Boyfriend (dating)00.0%
Boy I knew in school00.0%
Other boy16.3%
Was performing a diaper change on a boy the first time you got to see a boy's penis?

What problems did you have with your first diaper changes of a boy?

Dealing with the smell of pee637.5%
Dealing with the smell of poop637.5%
Getting him to hold still or cooperate850.0%
His discomfort with being seen naked by a girl531.3%
Dealing with his erection637.5%
Getting a stream of pee in my face425.0%
Farting during diaper change318.8%
Getting hit butt clean637.5%
Getting his genitals clean637.5%
Getting his dirty diapers off743.8%
Putting his clean diapers on properly743.8%
My being embarrassed about seeing him naked531.3%
How comfortable were you with seeing a boy naked while changing his diapers?

Very comfortable531.3%
Moderately comfortable425.0%
Somewhat comfortable16.3%
Somewhat uncomfortable318.8%
Moderately uncomfortable212.5%
Very uncomfortable16.3%
Which other teaching aids did you use for learning how to change diapers?

BOY dolls- not anatomically correct425.0%
BOY dolls- anatomically correct318.8%
Books- bought from store212.5%
Books- from public library212.5%
Books- from school library00.0%
Videos- bought from store16.3%
Videos- from public library212.5%
Videos- from school library00.0%
Web sites425.0%
Girl Scouts/Brownies425.0%
Other girls' youth group212.5%
Other printed material212.5%
Which kinds of diapers did you put on boys (boys only) when you first learned how to put diapers on a child?

Single disposable diapers- plain white1275.0%
Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored531.3%
Multiple disposable diapers- plain white318.8%
Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored212.5%
Single cloth diapers- plain white531.3%
Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored318.8%
Multiple cloth diapers- plain white531.3%
Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored212.5%
Multiple underpants- plain white212.5%
Multiple underpants- patterned/colored16.3%
Other makeshift diapers16.3%
What do you remember from being shown how to change diapers? If your first diaper change subject was a boy, explain how he reacted to you changing him and how you felt about changing him:

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Meredith  15Ethan  17 I watched my mom changing my older brother lots of times before I changed him when I was 7 years old. He never did want me to change him but mom always told him that he had so sayso on who changes him because he was a diaper boy and a baby.
alex  15justin  13 tape tightly he sttarted crying and i turned him over and whopped him
Patti, and Cheryl  18+Our Brothers, and Cousins= Byron, Timothy, D.J., and Kevin (ages 12-16)  14 It was my brothers, starting with the oldest Marc, then D.J. and next Kevin, then came my boy cousins Byron, Tim. etc. I, was first shown by my mom, then also by Aunt Josey. Though the boys were still babys, it was pointed our on diaper changes, that they were always erect, and when potty training came their persistance in resisting any kind of potty training, to rather stay in diapers. It was pointed out to both my younger sister Cheryl and to me, that the boys, loved wearing, and also using their diapers. As they grew older, and were left to wear and use their diapers, that they also expressed their love for diapers, the feel, and for using their diapers,verbally, as well as their continuing to show it with unashamedly showing it by always having an erect pee pee, and continual resisting wearing any thing else but diapers.
sandy  andy   helping
What problems or difficulties did you have with changing diapers (especially where boys are concerned)? How did you overcome these problems?

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Meredith  15Ethan  17 The biggest problem is keeping them still long enough to change them. Mom told me I could use anything except really hurting him yo make him behave long enough for a proper change. Usually I tell him that he will get a treat after the change is he was good. Sometimes I would tickle or rub him on his butt or tummy first to make him stay still. If all those things fail I would call mom if she was home and if not I wouldn't change him and tell him that mom would deal with him when she gets home. That usually meant a couple days of diaper discipline and he usually calmed down after that.
alex  15justin  13 crying and trying to get away i finally stuck an enma in him
Patti, and Cheryl  18+Our Brothers, and Cousins= Byron, Timothy, D.J., and Kevin (ages 12-16)  14 I, we, Cheryl and I, didn't have any problems actually, only at first learning to pin the boys, diapers, on tightly, and high and very thick, and on diaper changes to alway, stimulate their little pee pees, with good masturbation.
sandy  andy   none
How did you feel about seeing a boy's penis for the first time? How old were you at the time? Was it during a diaper change? Were you aware that boys had a penis at the time? Was the penis erect? If so, how did you feel about this? Did you ask him or someone else why a boy's penis becomes erect?

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Meredith  15Ethan  17 I was 5 when I first saw a boy's penis. I hardly remember everything cept it was a diaper change. I was sleeping at my friends house overnight and she had an older brother who showed us his penis. I thought it was weird at the time cause their's stuck out and our's didn't. A little while after that I started watching mom change my brother and then I saw his penis all the time. Ethan uually got hard right away or was already hard when mom unpinned his diapers. When Later like when I was older I watched him get hard during his change so I asked mom why that happened. She told me that Ethan likes getting his change and that makes his penis get hard. Then I kind of thought like boys must be special in a way if their penises get hard during an change and we don't have anything like that to get hard. Mom said it was okay to touch and rub his penis during a diaper change especially when powdering or putting baby oil on his bottom.
alex  15justin  13 embarresed yes 14 yes yes giggled no
Patti, and Cheryl  18+Our Brothers, and Cousins= Byron, Timothy, D.J., and Kevin (ages 12-16)  14 Yes, the first time was during the boys diaper change, and they were erect, it was a joy, and pride in my self to see their erect penis, standing throbbing, and it told me their need for diapers, and that their penis alway on every diaper change announced it.
How did you deal with boys who were uncoooperative or would not hold still for their diaper changes?

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Meredith  15Ethan  17 You have to take charge of the boy and tell him that he has to behave because he is a baby and all babies must behave during a change or they will get diaper displined. If that doesn't work and he still doesn't behave I usually put him in Time Out in soiled diapers until he behaves or naked even if the weather is warm.
alex  15justin  13 restrain them by tieing to bed or sticking a enma in them
Patti, and Cheryl  18+Our Brothers, and Cousins= Byron, Timothy, D.J., and Kevin (ages 12-16)  14 They usually always received a very firm disciplining and spanking on their bare butt.
How did you deal with boys who were inhibited about being seen naked by you, being a girl? How did you help these boys overcome these feelings?

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Meredith  15Ethan  17 I don't really understand why any boy who wears diapers are embarassed by a girl seeing them naked. It's so natural being naked anyways. It's not as if we are doing to do anything to hurt them. I think you have to make it fun to be seen naked and that takes away their inhibitions anyways. I tell them that it's cool and it only will last less than 10 minutes. A couple times when I have been babysitting and he is embarassed I have let him see me naked just to show him that being naked isn't bad or weird.
alex  15justin  13 tel them its ok
Patti, and Cheryl  18+Our Brothers, and Cousins= Byron, Timothy, D.J., and Kevin (ages 12-16)  14 We, usually a lot wore tongs, or went naked, and also, and told new boys around us that were embarrassed that they had nothing to hide, or that we hadn't seen every day of our lives with our brother, and other boys we had taken care of.
How did you deal with any discomfort or embarrassment with having to see a boy naked while changing his diapers? How did you overcome these feelings?

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Meredith  15Ethan  17 I never really had those feelings cause I have seen my brother naked since I was 6. See one of my answers above. I have no problems with being naked myself even around the house with my brother or any other boys either. The only problem with being naked and letting them see you is that boys get the wrong ideas and being naked usually isn't enough for them. You know what I!
alex  15justin  13 just got over it
Patti, and Cheryl  18+Our Brothers, and Cousins= Byron, Timothy, D.J., and Kevin (ages 12-16)  14 For us seeing boys naked on diaper changes was normal, regardless of their ages, it never was to us girls an embarrassment, as we've always known that boys belong in Diapers, to use them, and nothing else, and that us girls are so far superior to boys, that their nakedness, or diaper appearance is what should be normal...
If you were already comfortable with seeing a boy naked to change his diapers, what do you think helped you to develop these positive feelings? What would you do to help other girls overcome such embarrassment or inhibitions (including interacting with the parents)?

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Meredith  15Ethan  17 I think that it comes from being ashamed of our bodies. Like my friends who think it's gross to see a boy naked or let a boy look at them naked because they were taught this by their parents. I tell like some of my friends that changing a boy's diaper is just another job like setting the table or unloading the washing machine. It's a job you have to learn and do for when you have babies and have to change them. Moms aren't embarassed when they have to change their sons so why should we be embarssed to change another boy.
Patti, and Cheryl  18+Our Brothers, and Cousins= Byron, Timothy, D.J., and Kevin (ages 12-16)  14 Just what all I, we, mentioned above, boys should be in nothing but diapers and are so low and dirty using and wearing diapers, that they should even if need be seen naked on diaper changes in public places.
Who and/or what helped you to become more confident with changing diapers? At about what age did you feel at ease with handling this task?

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Meredith  15Ethan  17 My Mom. She let me change Ethan since I was 7 and when I was 8 or 9 I was doing it all by myself without mom seeing me. In fact when I was 9 mom told me that changing Ethan was my job. I was so proud because it let me rule my older brother and he was wearing diapers and not me!
alex  15justin  13 mom
Patti, and Cheryl  18+Our Brothers, and Cousins= Byron, Timothy, D.J., and Kevin (ages 12-16)  14 It started for us at about age 7 or 8 yr. and our parents attitude reading stuff on Deekers, etc.
Describe the teaching aids you used to learn how to change diapers, including group activities (e.g. Girl Scouts). Provide details on your experiences with these materials (include web site links if you have them):

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti, and Cheryl  18+Our Brothers, and Cousins= Byron, Timothy, D.J., and Kevin (ages 12-16)  14 Mostly and mainly our Parents, and Adult relatives, but then that of the writings on Deeker, on Girls, diapering boys, and boys need for diapers, It is all so correct, and we've printed it and given it to mother of boys, and to sisters with brothers, regardless of their brothers age.
In your experience, what do you like and dislike about putting cloth and/or disposable diapers on boys? How would you feel about putting a boy in multiple pairs of plain white boys' underwear for his diapers? How many pairs would you use and under what circumstances would you use this method?

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Meredith  15Ethan  17 Disposibles are way easier to diaper a boys that diapering him in cloth. Older boys need to be diapered using multiple cloth diapers because they can use them longer between changes. And besides it takes more skills to diaper a boy with cloth. You have to know what you are doing especially with the pinning and keeping his diaper tight and snug so he is comfortable in it. My brothers likes using multiply while undies lately too. I put maybe 8 to 12 pairs on him and usually he wears a tee shirt too around the house. He likes wearing them because he says they are lot more comfortable than thick cloth diapers. The only real problem with them is that they hold less of his pee and poop than his cloth diapers. I am cool with that because he likes doing it in his undies.
alex  15justin  13 they wiggle to much
Patti, and Cheryl  18+Our Brothers, and Cousins= Byron, Timothy, D.J., and Kevin (ages 12-16)  14 Always the Diapers should be in Multiples to assure the diapers thickness, (the thicker the better, as well as high-up on the boy.) Though cloth-multiple diapers, are so much more a real expression of a diapers, and we like and recommend cloth diapers ultimately,That a boy is in Diapers, and has to use his diapers, "Is the ALL IMPORTANT POINT" So Diapers, be they cloth or disposable Diapers, ALL boys should be diapered........

Age Distribution- Sisters

Age Distribution- Brothers


Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Meredith  15Ethan  17 The last 2 years my brother's girl friend has been "helping" me change him too. I have like taught her how to change him and she is really good at doing it. In fact sometimes her little brother who is 13 comes over and he is diapered too and we change both of them together. :-)

Question of the Week 05/27/2007
Question of the Week 06/24/2007

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