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The Question of the Week for March 4, 2007:

Does having a brother who wears diapers affect you having guests visiting during the day?

Number of responses received: 9

Yes, very much so111.1%
Yes, to a moderate degree111.1%
Yes, somewhat222.2%
Not really222.2%
Not at all333.3%
Does having a brother who wears diapers affect you having guests visiting overnight (sleepovers)?

Yes, very much so00.0%
Yes, to a moderate degree222.2%
Yes, somewhat111.1%
Not really222.2%
Not at all444.4%
What are the good things about having guests visiting your house?

They like to see my brother in his diapers888.9%
They like to change his diapers777.8%
They like to sexually please him while he's in his diapers222.2%
They like to tease him about wearing diapers666.7%
What are the bad things about having guests visiting your house?

They complain about the smells of my brother's diapers444.4%
They're embarrassed that I have a diaper-wearing brother00.0%
I am embarrassed that I have a diaper-wearing brother222.2%
They tease my brother when I wish they wouldn't111.1%
My brother's behavior in his diapers embarrasses me444.4%
His diaper changes cut into spending time with my guests555.6%
What embarrassing things does your brother do when you have guests visiting?

Asks me for diaper changes at inopportune times444.4%
Shows off his diapers to my guests333.3%
Makes sure we all smell his diapers/farts222.2%
Openly masturbates or plays with himself through his diapers111.1%
Puts up a fuss when he is seen in his diapers555.6%
Puts up a fuss when he has to get his diapers changed666.7%
What other annoying things does your brother do when you have guests visiting?

Butts in on our activities444.4%
Listens in on us through the door00.0%
Tries to spy on us being or getting undressed111.1%
Tries to play practical jokes on us111.1%
What is the highest number of guests you have had see your brother in his diapers at once?

More than ten222.2%
How often is your brother in just diapers (no pants) while in the presence of your daytime guests (except during cold weather)?

Always (his choice to be pantsless)00.0%
Always (not his choice to be pantsless)333.3%
Usually (his choice to be pantsless)222.2%
Usually (not his choice to be pantsless)222.2%
Sometimes (his choice to be pantsless)111.1%
Sometimes (not his choice to be pantsless)111.1%
Occasionally (his choice to be pantsless)00.0%
Occasionally (not his choice to be pantsless)00.0%
Never (his choice to wear pants)00.0%
Never (not his choice to wear pants)00.0%
How often is your brother in just diapers (no pants) while in the presence of your overnight/sleepover guests (except during cold weather)?

Always (his choice to be pantsless)111.1%
Always (not his choice to be pantsless)444.4%
Usually (his choice to be pantsless)222.2%
Usually (not his choice to be pantsless)222.2%
Sometimes (his choice to be pantsless)00.0%
Sometimes (not his choice to be pantsless)00.0%
Occasionally (his choice to be pantsless)00.0%
Occasionally (not his choice to be pantsless)00.0%
Never (his choice to wear pants)00.0%
Never (not his choice to wear pants)00.0%
Which kinds of diapers do your guests see your brother wearing?

Single disposable diapers- plain white555.6%
Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored444.4%
Multiple disposable diapers- plain white555.6%
Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored333.3%
Single cloth diapers- plain white333.3%
Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored111.1%
Multiple cloth diapers- plain white222.2%
Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored111.1%
Multiple underpants- plain white00.0%
Multiple underpants- patterned/colored00.0%
Other makeshift diapers111.1%
Which activities does your brother join in on with your guests when he's in just his diapers?

Watching movies/TV114.3%
Playing video games00.0%
Playing board games00.0%
Playing outside in back yard (daytime)228.6%
Playing outside in back yard (nightttime)00.0%
Describe how your diaper-wearing brother affects your feelings about having guests visiting during the daytime. How do they feel about seeing or knowing that your brother wears diapers?

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti and Cheryl  18+Cousins-Byron, Timothy, Brothers, D.J., Kevin, & Marc (ages 12-17)  14 They delight in the boys wearing diapers and having no choice or say in the matter and join in on the baby diaper changes, bathing, feeding and other activities.
annie  10james  16 He my step brother and I feel he got what he ask for. three years ago he made my mom life hell along with my three sisters and one brother. He was town bully and pick on every one but not now. He has wear diaper and told what do. my guest love coming over to tease him asking him now who the baby and do you need your diaper change little one. most of my friends are 9 to 11 and 90% are girls.
Amy  18+David  13 Having an older baby still in diapers has no effect on having guests. All of my friends love David the way he is. He gets lots of attention from my friends - probably more than he would if he was of normal intelligence.
Describe how your diaper-wearing brother affects your feelings about having guests visiting overnight (sleepovers). How do they feel about seeing or knowing that your brother wears diapers?

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti and Cheryl  18+Cousins-Byron, Timothy, Brothers, D.J., Kevin, & Marc (ages 12-17)  14 they my guest enjoy the boys in diapers because the boys have no say in the matter,
annie  10james  16 He does not affect my feeling. They love it
Amy  18+David  13 The same. If I'm the one babysitting and I have friends over, they'll watch me get David ready for bed - including changing his diaper for the night and laying him in his crib. I think they're used to it. They sometimes still get a kick out of watching him masturbate himself to sleep. I get a kick out of that too someties.
Provide details on the good things about having guests visiting in the presence of your diaper-wearing brother:

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti and Cheryl  18+Cousins-Byron, Timothy, Brothers, D.J., Kevin, & Marc (ages 12-17)  14 they enjoy changing the boys and putting them in their places, and also masturbating the boys.
annie  10james  16 they tease him, he 16 and must obey a group of 9 to 11 year old that are fully dress and he not and at times he is totaly naked in front of them.
Amy  18+David  13 I think David likes it because he gets "spoiled" by my friends. It really IS just like having a little baby in the house! I like it because it's nice having an intelligent conversation with somebody while I'm babysitting. It's also nice having help - like after feeding him dinner, having to clean up his highchair while one of my friends clean him up or change his diaper or whatever.
Provide details on the bad things about having guests visiting in the presence of your diaper-wearing brother:

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
annie  10james  16 he still think he older and try boss us around but it does work every well with him in a diaper and t shirt and we are dress in regural clothing.
Amy  18+David  13 If I'm the one babysitting him, just having the need to keep an eye on him while I'm trying to have fun with my friends.
Provide details on the embarrassing things your brother does when you have guests (things related to his diapers) whether intentional or not (indicate if such acts are intentional). Does he have accomplices, such as other brothers or friends of his own? Are such accomplices also diapered?

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti and Cheryl  18+Cousins-Byron, Timothy, Brothers, D.J., Kevin, & Marc (ages 12-17)  14 N/A For the boys know they'll be punished if they are bad.
annie  10james  16 he try to peek in on us dress and undressing for him it embrassing when he poop and peed his diaper becuase got ask me or my friend to change him and i am 10 a 5th grader and he 16 a 10th grader. there also big laugh when i change his diaper because he is bare in pubic area and we are begining get hair down there
Amy  18+David  13 I'm pretty much used to anything David does - probably the most embarrassing thing would have to be his habit of masturbating in his crib right after we lay him down. When I lay him down, I usually just change his diaper as he's laying in the crib; and if I have friends over, they are usually in teh same room talking to me. As soon as I give David the ritualistic double love pat on his butt to signal that I'm through with him, he rolls right over on his stomach and starts pumping himself into the mattress...It's soooo obvious that he's masturbating - he doesn't even know what he's doing!
Provide details on the other embarrassing/annoying things your brother does when you have guests present. If you have caught him spying or listening in on you, did his diapers or smells give away his presence? Does he have accomplices, such as other brothers or friends of his own? Are such accomplices also diapered?

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
List your friends who are regular guests (day or night) and how they react to seeing or at least knowing that your brother wears diapers:

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti and Cheryl  18+Cousins-Byron, Timothy, Brothers, D.J., Kevin, & Marc (ages 12-17)  14 There are many girls that have enjoyed coming over and seeing and participating in diaper changes and feeding the boys etc.
annie  10james  16 terry she cousin she 8 and kim she 10 and besty she 11 and kelly she 10 and lori she 9 and toby she 10 and shannon she 10 they giggle tease and point out they are all bigger than he is now so get use to it boy
Amy  18+David  13 Some of my friends that regularly come over actually are friends that I've known for a long time...ever since grade school or junior high. Other friends are from work. Many of these friends also help out by babysitting David one time or another. They all know that David's still in diapers. I even have pictures in my cube at work of David in nothing but a diaper.
Provide details regarding the times when you have had several guests visiting in the presence of your diapered brother:

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti and Cheryl  18+Cousins-Byron, Timothy, Brothers, D.J., Kevin, & Marc (ages 12-17)  14 They join in and help take care of the diaper boys.
annie  10james  16 his most humiliating night came when i had sleep over with 8 friend and three of my friend had thier younger sisters over to stay also. they were heather 7 jo 5 and len 5 and they saw him in diaper and laughed and tease him and he cried as i change him in front of them they put pacier in his mouth
Amy  18+David  13 We all have friends in and out of the house pretty much everyday, and especially on weekends. My sister, Autumn, would have her cheerleading friend over to practice at the house
How do your parents feel about your guests seeing your brother in his diapers? Do they let him or make him cover up, or let him or force him to be seen in his diapers? How do they feel about your guests watching or participating in your brother's diaper changes?

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti and Cheryl  18+Cousins-Byron, Timothy, Brothers, D.J., Kevin, & Marc (ages 12-17)  14 Our parents, fully support the boys wearing and using their diapers, they punish the boys if they disobey.
annie  10james  16 mom ok with it beacuse he not longer teasing us or getting into trouble
Amy  18+David  13 Oh they don't try to hide his diapers - there's just no reason to. I guess since David doesn't get a choice, we sort of passively force him to be seen in his diapers. But we just keep him in diapers mainly for convenience sake.
What do you and your guests usually wear around your diapered brother during the daytime? What do you and your guests usually wear around your diapered brother at night or during sleepovers?

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti and Cheryl  18+Cousins-Byron, Timothy, Brothers, D.J., Kevin, & Marc (ages 12-17)  14 Jeans during the day to short scant nighties, thongs, to going naked
annie  10james  16 regural girls clothing and we stoped peeking by reducing him to a baby role by placing him in playpen in same room and we act like he not there or he just a baby and ok for babies she us change
Amy  18+David  13 daytime - jeans. nighttime - long t-shirts. daytime varies based on occasion too. Sometimes I have a skirt on.

Age Distribution- Sisters

Age Distribution- Brothers


Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer

Question of the Week 02/25/2007
Question of the Week 03/18/2007

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