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The Question of the Week for February 18, 2007:

How many friends do you have (or had during your boyhood)?

Number of responses received: 34

More than 101441.2%
Of these friends, how many of them know/knew that you wear diapers?

More than 10720.6%
How many of your friends have/had seen you in your diapers?

More than 10514.7%
How many of your friends have/had changed your diapers?

More than 1012.9%
Where have/had your friends seen you in your diapers?

My bedroom2470.6%
Bathroom at my house1441.2%
All around my house2264.7%
Public restroom1029.4%
Elementary school restroom514.7%
Junior high/middle school restroom411.8%
High school restroom411.8%
Elementary school locker/changing room38.8%
Junior high/middle school locker/changing room25.9%
High school locker/changing room38.8%
Swiming pool changing room823.5%
Public gym changing room38.8%
Friend's house- his bedroom2058.8%
Friend's house- bathroom1441.2%
Friend's house- all around his house1647.1%
While camping1647.1%
How many of your friends (boys only) wear diapers themselves?

More than 1012.9%
Have any of your friends busted in on you unexpectedly under the following circumstances?

Being in just my diapers (no pants)2264.7%
Being completely naked1441.2%
Being in the middle of a self-diaper change1235.3%
Being in the middle of a diaper change by someone else1544.1%
Masturbating in my diapers1029.4%
Looking at diaper pictures1029.4%
Looking at Deeker's Diaper Page1029.4%
Looking at another diaper site1132.4%
Doing other online diaper-related activity1235.3%
If you know a friend is coming to visit or shows up unexpectedly (with some warning and preparation time before he enters), what do you do if you're pantsless and in just your diapers?

Make him wait until I'm fully decent (pants and all)618.2%
Invite him in (answer the door)1133.3%
Invite him in (holler for him)412.1%
Have the person who answers the door invite him in39.1%
Let him know the door is open and may enter upon arrival412.1%
I do/did not have a choice to keep him/her from view515.2%
If you know a friend is coming to visit or shows up unexpectedly (with some warning and preparation time before he enters), what do you do if you're in the middle of a diaper change?

Make him wait until I'm fully decent (pants and all)514.7%
Make him wait until I'm at least in diapers617.6%
Invite him in (answer the door naked)25.9%
Invite him in (answer the door with a towel, robe, etc.)411.8%
Invite him in (holler for him)25.9%
Have the person who answers the door invite him in25.9%
Let him know the door is open and may enter upon arrival514.7%
I do/did not have a choice to keep him/her from view823.5%
How many friends who were girls saw you in your diapers?

More than 5316.7%
What kinds of diapers do/did your friends see you wearing?

Single disposable diapers- plain white2161.8%
Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored1132.4%
Multiple disposable diapers- plain white25.9%
Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored38.8%
Single cloth diapers- plain white720.6%
Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored25.9%
Multiple cloth diapers- plain white926.5%
Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored38.8%
Multiple underpants- plain white12.9%
Multiple underpants- patterned/colored00.0%
Describe your friends who know you wear diapers. Include ages (unless ages are not significant, i.e. adults). If you're an adult, list your childhood friends who knew you wore diapers and include ages (if significant):

alex  14I have 2 close friends who know i wear diapers. Both are my age and one wears diapers also. We are all athletic and popular.
Matt  11I have a lot of friends, but my main friends' names are Kenny (best friend) Stephen, Max, Taylor, Devin, Miles, and Mike. They're all in the 11-12 age range and yeah. My friends are cool about me wearing diapers, and they sometimes wear diapers themselves at sleep-overs.
Blind Freak  21My friend Danny knew I wore diapers when he found a wet one while hiding under the bed from my sister. He asked her about it, and she confirmed it. He was nine at the time. He asked me about it, and I told him that I like to wet them. He seemed to think it was odd but OK, and we never talked of it again. My good friend Mae knows I wear diapers and is fully supportive of it, although she is fortunately NOT involved. My FORMER girlfriend also knows I wear diapers, and even went so far as to wear and wet with me on a few occasions. My sisters friends Callie and Chrissa knew as well, and they found out when I was nine and they were ten and four respectively.
dean  49I have been a bedwetter all my life. So my friends new and expected it or not. I have and had friends who wet both day and/or nite. diapers have always been a part of life
Jesper  14All the other kids in my class and on my street know i wear diapers
billy  14tom 14 he has know i ware diapers since we were 5 and he also wares diapers
googooplazio  14ruban 14
  Freind in school that got me into liking diapers-15
alex  12my friend Brandon, age12
nick  15one of my frends aholy (girl) she discoverd i wore diapers when she walked in on me dring a diaper change now she changes me when she can. my next frend amanda (girl) she found out when one day i wasent waring a diaper and i was over at her house. i messed my pants and she clend me up and put one of her youngerbruthes diapers on me. shense she did that i cunfesed to her. emaly (girl) one day we where playing tag and she taged my but. a scuishy sound game out and she looked in my pants .she then found my diaper stash and clend me up and then put all the diapers i had on me. i hade about 35ish diapers. that leades to me forthe frend that knows conor(boy) he came over at the tome my frend emaly changed me. there were so many diapers i cudent move and the heat traqped in the diapers made me mess them agan. so he lafed for about ten minuts and finaly changed me.
Doug  14Tom my best friend age 14..who weasrs pullups still Craig age 16 and his brother jeff age 13 who dont wear them and Lynn my babsittes sister age 26 my babysitter is 21
chris  16cherie (Girl friend) rob and alex all 16.
  56Jim, my neighbor kid, age 11; Charlie, age 9; Johnny, age 44; bill age 55
Byron, Timothy, and the Houston Diaper gang (ages 12-17)  14I, we wear nothing but our diapers 24/7 and use them, so every one knows and sees us in our diapers and also on diaper changes
John  16All four of them are my closest friends, Kyle obviously, because he wears diapers too, Dan, well duh, he ussually is the one who changes are diapers at school, I decided to invite Ben and Dave over because I knew I would be in diapers for a while and I wasn't about to cut friendships over them.
Bob Barker  17I wore diapers for bedwetting/messing until I was 14. All of my friends slept over with me at some point, and thus knew about my diapers.
peter  14I am 14. All of my friends know i wear diapers at night and often when i am at home, especial in the holidays- My
  friends are about in the same age as me from 12 to 16
alexander  10trevor (age 10) hes a ginger with messy hair. has not seen me in diapers but knows i wear. he just mooved to town. london (age 10) a little chubby pale like casper. haha with long dark dark brown hair, and round glasses kinda like harry potter. he sleeps over all the time and i go to his house we have been freinds since like kindergarten. is also my brothers best freind ( my brother is my twin)
Describe your friends who DO NOT know you wear diapers. Include ages (unless ages are not significant, i.e. adults): If you're an adult, list your childhood friends who never knew you wore diapers and include ages (if significant):

alex  14i have many other friends who aren't as close and do not know that i wear diapers.
Matt  11All of my friends know.
Blind Freak  21Besides those previously mentioned, all current and former friends are completely unaware of my fetish. Even when I tried to discretely alert a few of them by wearing and sometimes wetting one in their presence they still seem to not notice. This is probably for the best, as many of them would likely not be as accepting as some I could mention. I don't list names or ages because there are a lot of current friends who are adults. The only one I haven't mentioned thus far was Casie, who was kind of a friend because our mothers were friends.
dean  49all my friends know both now and the past
billy  14no on eles knows
googooplazio  14maarcus . dom,mark,lawrence,luke,danny,jessica.
  like 5 ppl. ages 14-17
alex  12chaz, age 12
jordan, age 12
too many others
nick  15my frend logon (boy) he moved away prety much wher=n he got out of diapers whill my frend andy (boy) was the last one out of diapers we usto make funn of him saying he woud never get out of diapers whill i gess the jock is an me. but sence we where so mean to hem he dusent play with ous any more.
Doug  14al the boys in my class and girls too
John  16Oh there just not my best friends, as long as I can get by without them knowing I won't tell them
Describe your friends (boys only) who also wear diapers themselves. Include ages (unless ages are not significant, i.e. adults): If you're an adult, list your childhood friends (boys only) who also wore diapers:

alex  14My friend jack also wears diapers for bedwetting and plays hockey. We are all good in school.
Matt  11All of my friends sometimes wear diapers at sleepovers, but Kenny is the only one that also wears them at home and sometimes at school too for fun.
Blind Freak  21I'm afraid I can't give much of an answer for this one. My sister and her friends Callie and Chrissa experimented with diapers a few times when they were kids, but since they are female I guess they don't count.
dean  49frank is a childhood friend. I have known him all my life. frank stopped wetting in his early teens, but he thinks I am normal, but I wet 24/7 now. Kev is a friend who was punshed for not wiping right. I was the only sleepover house because we had diapers to change him too. everyday straight home from school to be put in diapers.
Jesper  14One of the boys on the street is a bedwetter. He is only 6.
billy  14tom 14 wares diapers and he has wore them since he was 5 and he also wets the bed.
  My freind that got me into diapers-15
alex  12i have no idea
Doug  14Tom age 14 still wears puillups at night as a bedwetter asn sometimes during the day.
chris  16rob and alex wear cloth diapers
Byron, Timothy, and the Houston Diaper gang (ages 12-17)  14All the boys of my family cousin, etc brothers, and then many friend for various reason who's parents etc have put them in diapers.
John  16Kyle is my best friend and we both got in trouble, so our parents agreed that we would both have the same punishments.
Bob Barker  17Three of my friends wore diapers for bedwetting/messing as well. One stopped when they were 8, one at age 10, and one at age 12. I was the last to stop.
peter  14I have some friends who are also bedwetters and who likes to play around in diapers. So when we are together we often diaper each other and play around all just in diapers
Describe your best friend, past or present, as far as diapers were concerned (his attitude, activities you & him did together in diapers, how your family treated him, how his family treated you, etc.). Do you still see him or have contact?

alex  14My 2 best friends are Jack, who also wears diapers, and Drew, who does not wear diapers but knows about our diaper needs. We do everything together. Our families often vacation together.
Matt  11My best friend is Kenny, we've known eachother since we were almost 2 and we will always be best friends! He's really cool with my diaper wearing and stuff.
Blind Freak  21Like I said, Danny, my best friend at the time, thought my interest in diapers to be a bit weird. However, he knew from early on that I was an oddball creature, so he just accepted it as part of my oddness. He never brought it up again, although he laughed at my sister and her friends once when they were wetting diapers in her room.
dean  49My best friend is genie my stepsister and lover. since are parnets had wed she has been supportfy of my wetting. We have lived together on and off for 20 yrs. Our latest time is 9 yrs straight and counting
Jesper  14My best friend Dennis does not care about my diapers. We play alot together on the playground on our street. His morher is very nice to me and she has changed me a couple of times. Dennis little brother who is 3 wears diapers too.
billy  14tom 14 he wares diapers and we also change eachothere diapers
  it's a secreat, no family involved. Masturbating, changeing ect...
Doug  14Tom and his family understand and they see me in my diaper all day if im staying at htere house ehile mine are out of town...and if Tom styas with us he is seen in his diapers too.he is my best friend we have changed each other and we take our baths together.
chris  16again rob and alex and my family invite them over more than i do.
  56Jim, my neighbor kid stayed over night at my house and I wore diapers. I wore them like pajamas, He put on pajamas and put on my diaper and a short t-shirt. We played around before going to be . We slept in the same bed. He would tease me once we were in bed by saying, " Bobbie's wearing diapers". We would laugh and talk most of the night. All very innocent.
Byron, Timothy, and the Houston Diaper gang (ages 12-17)  14my best friend lives with me and we see one another daily, he too wears diapers, and we share in diaper changes and every thing, we also masturbate together and diaper masturbate and hump etc.
John  16Kyle edges out Dan, we both were in diapers for a while, it was really supportive to have him there with me.
Bob Barker  17My best friend Tim was one of 3 people I knew who wore diapers himself for bedwetting. He stopped bedwetting at age 12 and got out of diapers. He is the only person outside of my family who has ever changed my diapers. I also changed his a few times. He is still my best friend, and my family likes him and his family likes me,
alexander  10London doesnt care at all. he personally doesnt like them or find them interesting but he doesnt care that me and greysen wear them. he teases us in a joking way alot.
Describe your worst friend, past or present, as far as diapers were concerned (his attitude, if and how he betrayed you, how your family treated him, how his family treated you, etc.). Do you still see him or have contact? Did you remain friends in spite of his poor behavior?

Blind Freak  21I really have no answer for this one. The best girl in the world, the one who wet diapers with me, ended up utterly abandoning and betraying me, but she never told my parents or anyone else that I know of.
Jesper  14My worst friend Klaus tease me alot because of my diapers. Once he pulled down my pants in the middle of the schoolyard.
alexander  10i met a kid who for some reason didnt know i wore diapers even though we have lived in the same neighborhood and played together all our lives. well when he found out he made flyers and put them all around our neighbor hood. london took them down and showed the to me. (i hadnt even seen them up) londen ended up getting a black eye from the kid so i fought him.
Describe the times when your friends have shown up on you unexpectedly and seen you in your diapers and/or during a diaper change? How did you react and how did he react? How did this affect your friendship?

alex  14One time, before my friends knew i wore diapers, I was changing at a sleep over. I took off my pants and my boxers and took out a goodnight. Right as i had it around my ankles my friend jack walked in. I immediatly pulled up my diaper to cover my exposed privtes. There i stood in just a diaper in front of my best friend. I started to cry but he just smiled and pulled down his pants to reveal a goodnight too. He called to my other friend, Drew, and now we are all really good friends.
Matt  11Well, one time my friend Stephen came into the boys' bathroom at school while I was trying to change. He asked me some weird question (I don't remember what he asked) then just ignored it.
Blind Freak  21This has NEVER happened, as I ALWAYS take care to avoid this. Like I said, no one has ever noticed when I'm wearing a diaper.
Jesper  14Once i was beind changed in school two of the girls in my class suddenly came in the room. I was laying on the changing table and my diaper was poopy - it was very embarrassing! The girls said nothing to me when i came back to my class but i heard they told the other girls that they saw me laying on the changing table like a baby with a poopy butt.
billy  14i was ok when he came in my room when i was changeing mu self
alex  12well, me and my friend Brandon were having a sleepover at my house. My mom wasn't going to be home for a few hours so I was watching TV in nothing but a diaper. All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. Without thinking, I yelled, "come in, it's open!" so Brandon opens the door and walks into the living room. He stopped dead in his tracks when he walked in. Wondering why he'd stopped, I looked up. Brandon's eyes were wide. I asked what was wrong then I remembered i only had a diaper on
nick  15it was right ofter emaly put 35 diapers on me conor came up stars and sall me tring to stald to my feet eith all the diapers. at this time i wasent suprized because halff my frends know. but he stud thar and stared thinking it was a jock then i said can you take thes diapers off and change me i messed them. he still thout it was a jock untill he sall the smached poo.then he lafed for about ten munuts and agead he wudent tell anyone under one cudishion. i keep the messy diaper on for 2 days. so i did and he keped his promus and some times when he comes over for a sleap over he wars a diaper for laffs.
chris  16first time over at my house they came in and i was surprised because they did were in diapers too i had no idea at first then they told me they wore diapers too
  56If I had to stand in the corner of the kitchen wearing a diaper as part of discipline and a frined *usually cousin charlie) would come over, I would not dare move. he would see me and just keep talking to my Dad and have a Coke or somethig to eat while I stood there wearing my white cloth diaper.
Byron, Timothy, and the Houston Diaper gang (ages 12-17)  14I suppose I, would have to say if a friend comes in on me during a diaper change, he stairs and watches, as I, have we have 100% of the time a hard-on, and Its, always a dancing and is or will be for my new diaper is applied masturbated by the changer, He, may get horney himself, and rub his, for he knows his time on the table will come to him...
John  16Well the funny story about Dave is that he walked in on me without calling first so he comes in suddenly and there I am in just my diaper, I quickly explain that its a punishment before he gets freaked out. He just said "that sucks" and asked a couple of quick questions, but that one moment when he opened the door might have been the scariest moment of my life.
Bob Barker  17A couple times friends have walked in when I was either getting my diaper on or off. But I didn't care, and neither
  did they. I was very open about my bedwetting/messing and my diapers.
alexander  10the only friend who has done that is london, and like i said he doesnt care. but he has made joking remarks like "wow it smells like a zoo in here" or "oh that was you i thought your dog took a poop in your house."
How open or modest are you around your friends while in your diapers? Are you comfortable being pantsless around them? Are you comfortable with peeing and pooping in your diapers in their presence? Do you masturbate in your diapers in their presence?

alex  14Ever since we discovered that me and Jack wear diapers. We wear our diapers exposed all around each other. Our non-diapered friend, Drew, doesn't care. We do not pee in our diapers in front of each other.
Matt  11I am very modest, but I don't masturbate in them.
Blind Freak  21Like I said, I occasionally do wear them around friends, but I wear parachute pants with a long and/or baggy shirt. I don't try to show off though. I have peed in them on numerous occasions, and even leaked once while talking to a friend, but she never noticed. I have only pooped once when lying with my former girlfriend, but she was asleep and I only did it because I couldn't get out. Fortunately, it didn't smell too bad.
Jesper  14I am very open about it now. I dont care to play with my friends pantsless if it is warm. I cannot control when i have to pee so it just comes. Many of my friends have seen me peeing in my diaper - its difficult to hide. If i have to poop i try to avoid doing it in the presence of my friends. Sometimes i cannot hold it and i just start to poop - i dont like that.
billy  14i am very open and modest when i am with my friends
googooplazio  14im only comfortable peeing around them but not only in a diaper
alex  12well only brandon and not masturbating
nick  15at first no but then thay liked changing me my mom liked them changing me so she dusent a=half to do it and i like tham changing me. one of my frends is now my girlfrend from them ganging me.
chris  16now yes then NOOO!!!
  56I will wear a clean diaper around the house and yard, but never soil it unless alone in my room.
Byron, Timothy, and the Houston Diaper gang (ages 12-17)  14That has been answered above, as I, we, have No say, about wearing and using our diapers, modesty can't be for me or us. Our bodies don't belong to us so to say.
John  16I try to pretend like its nothing though I'm usually really embaressed, I'm uncomfortable pissing or pooping while their arround but if I can't hold it anymore I have to. I don't masturbate at all for religious reasons.
Bob Barker  17I was very comfortable wearing and using my diapers in their presence. Those of my friends who were also in diapers were the same way.
alexander  10i dont masturbate but other than that i am completley comforatable cause he is my brother from another mother (and father)
Describe the girl friends (note separation of words) who know you wear diapers. Include ages (unless ages are not significant, i.e. adults) and if they are also your sisters' friends, etc. If you're an adult, list your childhood girl friends who knew you wore diapers and include ages (if significant):Did any of these girls ever change your diapers? If so, what was it like?

Matt  11My friends Jade (girlfriend) Lily, and Allie are the only girl friends that I really feel comfortable around. They're all in the 11 and 12 age range. They sometimes have helped me change, but I didn't like it 'cept when Jade does.
Blind Freak  21I have previously mentioned my sister's friends Callie and Chrissa. They were the only childhood girl friends who knew, and they weren't technically MY friends anyway. Mae and my former girlfriend (without the seperation) are the only adults who know.
Jesper  14All the girls in my class know i wear diapers. My babysitter has changed me - she is 19. I dont like when she changes me because she treats me like a baby.
googooplazio  14jessica 15
nick  15how i got a girl frend is i fell aslep gating changed and i woak up tied to my bed and now my girl frend was standing over me naked.(im not telling the rest becaus it somthing i want to keep privet)
chris  16yes cherie knew once she came over with rob and alex the first time and she changed all of us she has the softest hands.
Byron, Timothy, and the Houston Diaper gang (ages 12-17)  14The girls have been, always over the years various in age and know that our parents and the adults in our family support the girls being superior and dominant over us and us boys wearing and using diapers always 24/7.
Bob Barker  17I didn't get a girlfriend until I was 16, which was 2 years after I got out of diapers, so she'll never know.
How did you feel the first time a friend found out you wore diapers? How did he react? Was it he who was the first one who was revealed to be a diaper wearer? How did he and you react?

alex  14At first i was really scared but i soon relaxed when he showed me his diaper.
Matt  11My friend Kenny was the first to know because he was right there when my mom came in and said that I'd be wearing diapers, but normally I don't care who finds out.
Blind Freak  21I think I covered this already.
billy  14he said it was ok and he told me that he wares them too
googooplazio  14he was weirded out but acceped me
alex  12well when he saw me brandon grew wide-eyed and just stood there. when he finally sat down I explained everything and I even (unintentionally) convinced him to start....then i put some pants on and the rest was history
chris  16I was timid at first but finding out they(boys) wore diapers too i grew confident.
John  16I was really embarressed, but he got over the initial shock really quickly and was actually really helpful, he jabs me about every now and again, but its all in jest.
Bob Barker  17All 8 of us were at a sleepover together when we were 6 or so. My diapered friends and I revealed our secret, and from then on we were very open about our problems and diapers.
alexander  10i dont remember when london found out cause that was like 5 years ago, but trevor just kinda shrugged and was like ok and then didnt say anything more about it
Have you ever had an all-diaper sleepover or slumber party with your friends? What all happened that night? Were your sisters or any girls involved in any activities? Were all the boys in diapers and without pants? How old were you at the time? How many wet/poopy diapers were there?

alex  14We have had sleepovers with the three of us. Me and Jack always wear just diapers while drew does not wear diapers.
Matt  11Yes, I do a lot. In the night we have fun and pee (and sometimes poop) in diapers and stuff. We change eachother and it's cool. My girl cousins that live with me get envolved a lot and so does Jade, they change us sometimes and some of the boys stayed pantsless and some not all night. We do these things like every week and it's fun. In all, I can't calculate how many diapers are usually used.
Blind Freak  21Not technically. There was one occasion involving Callie and Chrissa, but I doubt you'd be interested in it. I will include it anyway, if not for you than for others who might enjoy it more. My sister and her two close friends, Callie and Chrissa, were always over in her room playing. One time they were all in her room where the TV was. I was in my room, which was right next door, playing Legos or GI Joes or something, and the three girls were in their room playing house or something. When they played, Chrissa was usually the baby, because she was only four or three and a half and quite small for her age. She'd often dress up in baby clothes to play her part. On this occasion, as I discovered from the crinkling sound, she had also dawned a real baby diaper. I have no idea why she chose to really do it that time, but for whatever reason she decided to put one on. She was apparently small enough to wear one. It had only been a year before that she'd come running over to our yard in nothing but a diaper and T-Shirt. Anyway, when I heard that plastic bag crinkle sound I immediately dropped everything and listened in rapped awe and jealousy as she walked around in the diaper. Eventually they were playing doctor. Chrissa was laying on the floor being examined when she said in a winy babyish voice "Mommy, change me!" This is when I walked into their room with a feigned uninterested demeanor. "You didn't actually do anything in that diaper, did you?" I asked incredulously but somewhat hopefully. "Yeah. I peed two times!" When I asked when she had done it, she stated that she had just peed, and then earlier in the night. I guess since she was wearing a diaper she figured why not just pee in it and keep playing. I can't say I'd do anything different. Anyway, my ears pricked up. No one wanted to change her wet diaper, and I didn't think it would be appropriate for me to offer, so she changed it herself. I don't know how it happened, but I might have mentioned how I liked to pee in diaper! s or som ething, and they wanted me to pee in one to see what it was like. Though they wanted to stay and watch me do it, I didn't want them to see my genitals, so I told them to go out for a minute and shut the door. I got out a diaper and quickly flooded it. I have always been able to pee (and belch) on command, and this ability is really useful here. I pulled my pants back up and brought out the warm, sopping diaper, which was surprisingly dry and not leaking. They were fascinated by it, and they kept commenting on how mushy, warm, and yellow it was. Anyway, shortly thereafter they were all sitting around the TV, drinking juice from bottles and taking turns watching each other pee in diapers and laughing merrily. The diapers were too small for Lauren and Callie, so they just sat down while peeing, but Chrissa kept moving around. Anyway, we all took turns doing it, even me, though I wouldn't drink from a bottle. We each used two or three. For some reason my mother (supposedly and hopefully) never found out, which is a surprise considering that there were several damp, wet and drenched diapers in the bathroom trash can the next day. Maybe she did notice, but if she had there would likely have been questions, most likely directed at me. I was the one in charge of the trash, so I made sure to keep them hidden, after closely examining each one of course. Callie was ten, I was nine or ten and Lauren was eight, so we were all young.
Jesper  14I have had a sleepover two times at my friend Dennis. His little brother wears diapers too and i was changed together with him by his mom.
billy  14yes when he slept over and we were both wet we changed eachother
alex  12yeah. that same night brandon figured out, i let brandon have a diaper out of my stash. nobody cared if they had prints on them. we wet and messed until like, half of my stash was gone and we were pantless until my mom came home
nick  15yes we did but it was not there choice. they where plaing pranks on me that day so when they fell aslep i took all ther clows and diaped tham with pins that lock (they where very had to find) so i hid they clows and when they wack up my fend conor could walk home without being to imbarst but the girls i took ther bras so thwy cudent go out in publi. so i said when they be nice to me i will give them the key so they did.
chris  16yes 3 stinky boys and one responsible girl and ther were many filthy diapers.
John  16Kyle sleeps over often but Dan is ussually there, we do normal things with Dan occasionally checking or changing our diapers, we try to ignore them most of the time.
Bob Barker  17Once when we were 10 we had a sleepover when we all put diapers on and used them that night (even the ones who
  didn't need them). It was awesome.
peter  14We are a group of boys 13 to 16 who are all bedwetters and who like to wear diapers. we did a diaper party for us (5
  boys). we changed each other, played around the whole evening just in diapers, masturbated each other when changing
  and also while playing we just touched the others genitals. it was so great. in the morning we all woke up in just
  wet diapers.
alexander  10no

Average Age of respondents to this question:21.6
Range of ages of respondents:9 -  63

Age Distribution
Under 101

Youth Age Distribution


Matt  11This QOTW was really intresting! Fun to fill out.
Blind Freak  21When deciding who to tell about my diapers, I look for those whom I believe would be the most accepting. I don't tell my very religious friends for fear they would believe I am sinning, which I emphatically do NOT. I do not tell people with loose tongues due to the risk of being betrayed. Those few I have told were usually quite open and accepting, and they were people I knew for a long time.

Question of the Week 02/11/2007
Question of the Week 02/25/2007

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