Deeker's Diaper Page

Deeker's Diaper Surveys 4.0- Babysitters of Diapered Boys


Section #1: You, The Babysitter

Your Name:  

Your Location:  

Your Age:   

Are you a girl or a boy?

Describe your overall appearance (hair, body build, hair color/style, complexion, glasses, clothes you usually wear while babysitting, etc.)    

Section #2: The Family

How old were you when you first babysat for this family?

When did you babysit for this family? (Date or range of dates, etc.)    

At what times did you babysit for this family?
While parents were at work on weekdays
While parents were at work on weeknights
While parents were at work on weekend days
While parents were at work on weekend nights
While parents were out for the day
While parents were out for the evening
While parents were away overnight
While parents were away over a weekend
While parents were away for several days

For how long have you had to babysit for this family (per visit)?

How frequently have/had you babysit for this family?

How many times have/had you babysat for this family?

At what times of the day have/had you babysat for this family?
Early morning (6AM-9AM)
Mid/late-morning (9AM-noon)
Early afternoon (noon-3PM)
Late afternoon (3PM-6PM)
Early evening (6PM-9PM)
Late evening (9PM-midnight)
Overnight (midnight-6AM)

Do you currently babysit for this family?

Do you expect to babysit for this family again?

Why or why not do you expect to babysit for this family again?    

Are/were you paid for babysitting for this family?

How did this family learn of your availability for babysitting?    

What do you like about babysitting for this family?    

What do you dislike about babysitting for this family?    

Describe what this family is/was like. What were the parents like? What kinds of work did they do and what kinds of activities did they do (where your babysitting services were needed)? What was their house like? What kind of environment did they live in (suburban, rural, inner-city, etc.)? How would you describe their socioeconomic status? Was this status reflected in how you were paid?

Section #3: The Boys (and Their Diapers)

How many boys did you babysit for in this family?

How old were these boys at the time you first babysat for this family?
Over 14

Are any of these boys twins, triplets, etc.?

Describe what the boys look like. Include ages, body size and build, hair color, and how they are usually dressed when you are present. What are their personalities like? What interests do they have? What are their favorite activities? What behavioral problems do you have to deal with from them the most? How do you deal with them?

How many of the boys AGES 4 AND OLDER regularly wear diapers?

Do any of the boys wear plain white briefs (tighty whities) for underwear?

What kinds of WHITE diapers and/or white briefs do the boys wear?
Single white disposable diaper
Multiple white disposable diapers
Single white cloth diaper
Multiple white cloth diapers
Single white brief
Multiple white briefs

How many white diapers or pairs of white underwear do the boys wear at a time?
Disposable diapers
Cloth diapers
White boys' briefs

Indicate if the boys wear diapers (including multiple underpants) for any of these specific reasons given:
Not toilet trained
Little or no bladder control
Little or no bowel control
Diaper fetish
Because the other boys wear diapers
Because their friends wear diapers
Boys wear diapers on principle in this family

For which reasons do the boys wear multiple diapers?
More capacity/absorbency
Fewer diaper changes necessary
Makes diaper changes last longer
Keeps the boys from wearing any pants
To force their legs wider apart so their crotches will show
The boys can't remove their diapers as easily
Makes the boys' diapers more conspicious
Reduces chances for the boys' diapers to leak
Prevents me/others from seeing the boys' pee/poop stains
To make the boys' diapers as thick as possible
Control the boys' diaper odors
To punish the boys
The boys' sexual gratification
Because the boys are to wear thick diapers
Makes the boys' butts look bigger/cuter

For which reasons do the boys wear plain white diapers?
It's all that is available
It's all the boys have to wear
It's all the parents get for the boys
The parents prefer having the boys wear plain white diapers
The boys' sisters prefer to see them in plain white diapers
The boys prefer to see each other in plain white diapers
It's part of the boys' diaper punishment
Plain white diapers cost less
Plain white diapers easier to wash
The boys' diapers aren't meant for fashion
They look more diaper-y by being plain white
They look like thick tighty whities on the boys
They just look more appropriate on the boys
Easier to tell when the boys pee/poop in their diapers

How often are the boys pantsless and in diapers/underwear by their own choosing to dress this way?

How often are the boys pantsless and in diapers/underwear against their will?

For which of the following specific reasons do the boys not wear any pants over their diapers or underwear while at home?
They have no pants of their own to wear
They are punished by not being allowed to wear pants
Diaper boys are forced to go pantsless
Their diapers are too thick for pants
So their diapers can remain fully exposed
To make their diapers easier to check and change
Because everybody already knows they wear diapers
Because they like to let their diapers show
Because they do not like to wear pants
Because I make them go around without any pants on
Because their parents make them go around without any pants on
Because their sisters make them go around without any pants on
Because their other brothers make them go around without any pants on

How often do the diaper-wearing brothers pee in their diapers versus pee in the toilet?

How often do the diaper-wearing brothers poop in their diapers versus poop in the toilet?

How often do the diaper-wearing boys wear a shirt when they do not have any pants on over their diapers?

What kinds and colors of shirts do the boys wear with their diapers? How much of their diapers do their shirts allow to show?    

What do the diaper-wearing boys wear to bed (including those who wear multiple briefs for their diapers)?
Just their diapers (no shirt)
Diapers and a short shirt
Diapers and a long shirt
Diapers and pajama top
Full pajamas

What do the tighty-whities-wearing boys wear to bed (not including those who wear multiple briefs as diapers)?
Just their underpants (no shirt)
Underpants and a short shirt
Underpants and a long shirt
Underpants and pajama top
Full pajamas

How long before bedtime are the boys diapered?

For the boys who wear just their diapers to bed (including those who wear multiple underpants for diapers), how long before bed do they have their pants off?

On mornings or days when the diapered boys do not need to leave the house, for how long do they remain in just their diapers (including multiple underpants)?

How often are the boys in just their diapers/underwear upon your arrival?

How often do you change the boys' diapers (over age 4 only?)

Who else changes the boys' diapers when you are present?
The boys change their own diapers
The boys change each other's diapers
The girls change the boys' diapers

Did you know that there were boys in this family past the age of four who wear diapers before you agreed to babysit?

How did you find out that these boys wear diapers? How did you feel after finding this out?    

What bathroom problems have you observed from the boys (including those who do not always wear diapers)?
Peeing on the floor/toilet seat
Failing to flush
Poor wiping skills
Not wiping at all
Having soiled underwear (skidmarks)/pants
Hiding soiled underwear
Forgetting to put the lid back down
Using too much toilet paper
Not replacing empty toilet paper roll
Leaving too large of stools (turds)
Leaving excess poop on the toilet
Stinking up the bathroom
Pee accidents
Poop accidents
Deliberately peeing in pants
Deliberately pooping in pants
Wetting the bed
Failing to meet toilet training expectations
Lying when asked if need to go potty

Describe how the diapers look on the boys. Include details such as thickness, number of layers, rise on their bodies (how high up their diapers go), how wide the crotch is, how the boys walk, what their bare legs look like in contrast to their diapers, etc.  

Why do the boys past the age of four in this family wear diapers?    

Do the boys have to be diapered in a particular way or fashion? Who decided or determined how the boys are to be diapered?    

What were your first impressions towards these boys and the fact that they wear diapers? What thoughts, questions, concerns, etc. went through your mind?  

How do you feel about dealing with pee and poop-filled diapers worn by boys of such an age? How do you deal with the smell and texture of their bodily wastes?    

What were your first impressions towards the way these boys wear their diapers and use them? How did you feel about the magnitude (thickness, height/rise of their diapers), not wearing pants, and how the boys behave towards their wearing diapers?  

How do the boys feel about wearing diapers? How do they feel about not wearing pants over their diapers? How do they feel about their sisters seeing them in their diapers and perhaps also changing their diapers?  

What did you anticipate dealing with upon learning that the boys in this family wear diapers? What expectations did you have? Were there any expectations that did not come to be or were exceeded? What things did you not expect to deal with or consider? What other surprises did you deal with?

Section #4: The Girls

How many girls did you babysit for in this family?

How old were these girls at the time you first babysat for this family?
Over 14

Are any of these girls twins, triplets, etc.?

Describe what the girls look like. Include ages, body size and build, hair color, and how they are usually dressed when you are present. What are their personalities like? What interests do they have? What are their favorite activities? What behavioral problems do you have to deal with from them the most? How do you deal with them?

What types of clothes do the girls ages 4 and over wear around the house in the presence of the diapered and pantless boys?
Other long pants
Modest shorts
Short shorts
Short dresses
Long dresses
Swimwear (one-piece)
Swimwear (two-piece)
Underwear only

What types of underwear do the girls ages 4 and over wear?
Regular panties
Bikini-rise panties

What do the girls ages 4 and over wear to bed?
Full pajamas
T-shirt and underwear
Other shirt and underwear
Nightshirt (long shirt)
Other sleepwear

How long before bedtime are the girls ages 4 and over dressed for bedtime?

How often do the girls ages 4 and over voluntarily wear their underwear around the house?

How often are the boys in their diapers/underwear at home versus the girls being in their underwear?

How often do the girls wear pajamas or something other than just their underwear to bed?

How often do the girls see the boys in their diapers or their multiple underpants?

How often do the girls laugh at the boys for being in their diapers or their multiple underpants?

How often do the girls tease the boys for being in their diapers or their multiple underpants?

How do the girls call attention to seeing the boys in their diapers or their multiple underpants? What features and parts of their underwear/diapers do the girls point out?  

How do the girls feel about the themselves wearing pants when they see the boys only in their diapers or their multiple underpants?    

How do the girls feel about their underwear and how it compares to the boys' diapers/underwear? In which ways do the girls compare their underwear to the boys' diapers/underwear (color/whiteness, thickness, height, multiplicity, etc.)?  

List and describe all the ways the girls like to tease the boys for wearing diapers or lots of underwear and how the girls only wear one pair of thin panties. How do the girls like to call attention to seeing and smelling the boys' bigger, thicker, whiter diapers/underwear?  

How do the girls feel about getting to use the toilet when the boys pee and poop in their diapers/underwear?    

Why do you think the girls pay so much attention to the boys' diapers or underwear? Do the boys pay as much attention to the girls' underwear? If not, why?  

Why do the girls tease the boys about their diapers/underwear? Is it because boys' underwear looks different from girls' underwear and that they wear it so thick and/or in multiples?  

What kinds of words do the girls use when they talk about the boys' diapers/underwear? Do the girls call it underwear, undies, diapers, briefs, etc.? What do the girls call the boys' private parts (genitals, butt, etc.) What do the girls call the boys' bodily eliminations? How do the parents feel about the girls' choice of words or how they present their feelings and observations of the boys with such language?

What observations and feelings do the girls make and have when they see the boys' padded-up white butts? Do the girls like to be behind the boys to see their butts, follow them up stairs, etc.?  

In which ways do the girls touch the boys' diapers or their multiple underpants? How do the boys react? For what reasons do the girls do it?    

Why do you think the girls never let the boys see them in their underwear but yet the girls see the boys in their diapers/underwear? How do the boys feel about this double standard? Have you noticed this in other families, including your own? What are your thoughts on this?  

Section #5: Activities

What activities did the boys enjoy doing that the parents would approve of or not object to?    

What activities did the boys enjoy doing that the parents would NOT approve of or object to?    

What activities did the girls enjoy doing that the parents would approve of or not object to?    

What activities did the girls enjoy doing that the parents would NOT approve of or object to?    

What kind of rapport do you have with the boys in this family? What do they like about you? Is there anything you know of that they do not like about you?  

What kind of rapport do you have with the girls in this family? What do they like about you? Is there anything you know of that they do not like about you?  

How well do the boys get along with one another? How well do the girls get along with one another? How well do the boys and girls get along with each another? Is there anything you know of that they do not like about you?  

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Thank you for your participation in:

Deeker's Diaper Surveys 4.0- Babysitters of Diapered Boys.

New responses will be posted each week.


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