Name: Brendan
Ages: 9
Current Age: 9
A Wonderful Summer with My Cousin

I’m 9 and my names Brendan, my brother is 8 and his name is Jake. And 
we don’t wear diapers. My mom drove us to Alex’s house. He is the same 
age as my brother and he is my cousin. We didn’t know that Alex wore 
night diapers until we settled into his room. “Hey Al” I said as I 
enter his room. Alex was lying on his bed watching T.V. “Yo, brother 
from another mother,” he said acting cool. I jump on top of him and 
trap him on the bed. He squirms around and laughs while I tickle him.

“So where do I sleep?” I said.

He said “On my... bed” he said knowing that if he answered me wrong 
heed be tortured.

“Great, I was hoping you’d say that,” I said.

Jake said, “Umm, Alex, where do I sleep?”

“On the floor!” he jumped on my brother.

After a while we calmed down and looked for the toy chest. I opened the 
closet and looked around.

“I don’t think the toys are there; they’re under my bed,” Alex said 
sounding uneasy.

“You think? I’ll just check up here anyways” I said. Then I found two 
hidden packages of underwear. One said Huggies Pull-ups Night time 
pull-up. And the other one said Pampers Cruisers. My cousin started to 

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying about some hidden package of 
underwear?” I said, not realizing they were diapers. My brother 
whispered in my ear “They are diapers.”

I decided not to hurt Alex’s feelings and continue thinking that they 
were underwear.

“I cant help it, I wet the bed!” Alex cried more and more. I closed the 
door and say “Well, these are not diapers, they are just like my 
underwear.” I take out a colored brief from the suit case and show it 
to him. “They feel different, though.”

He began to calm down. “I’ll prove to you that they are not!” I said as 
I took a pull-up out of the package and wore one. I started to feel the 
comfort and a weary, sexual feeling.

“These are awesome; If I could I would wear this all day and all 

“But that’s not the best thing, they are made to hold pee!” Alex said.

I could tell Alex felt a lot better.

“Oh, another thing; we have tons of them, and all different kinds down 
in the basement, you could wear all you want.”

I got excited. My brother looked at me with suspicion. Alex and I ran 
downstairs while my brother put one on. He showed me all the different 
brands: Pampers, Huggies, pull-ups, Goodnites and Underjams. There was 
one or two of each brand. I took out a diaper from one of the Huggies 

“If you want to wear that one I’ll have to change you,” he said. So we 
took a couple and went upstairs and locked the door.

“Okay, lie down,” Alex said. I lay down and Alex stripped me of my 
pull-ups. I kind of got embarrassed that my cousin saw my penis.

“Whoa, the same thing happens to me,” he said when he saw my erection.

“Oh, my dad said that’s natural and when I am older he’ll tell me why,” 
I said. He randomly reached towards my penis when I slapped his hand 
before he touched it.

“I just wanted to see it was hard,” he said.

“Umm yea, but don’t do that!” I said. He lifted my legs up and powered 
my balls.

“Hey, why’d you do that!?” I said.

“Just so it wont itch!” he said. Then he put the back of the diaper 
under my butt and then up above the penis then he took the tapes and 
pushed down hard to the other side of the diaper. I said “Can I pee in 
this one right now?” I said. “Of course, but I’ll have to change you 
again!” he said. I let my pee go! My diaper was warm and soggy.

Then I heard Alex’s mom climb up the stairs. I quickly ran inside 
Alex’s bathroom. I heard through the door “Hey guys... where is 

Jake said, “He is in the bathroom.”

The diaper started to reek of pee, and I started to worry if she 
smelled it.

“Hey honey, could you flush the toilet?” Alex’s mom said. I was 
panicking and I didn’t think of taking the diaper off, I didn’t speak.

“Is everything alright?” she said waiting to hear the toilet flush. 
After I didn’t answer her she opened the door and saw me hiding in the 
tub. She saw me in a diaper and said, “Hey Alex, I think you have 
something in common with your friend!” she said. “It’s alright, Alex 
wears those, too; let me change you!”

She carried me on to Alex’s bed and changed me. Once she saw my 
erection she said, “You guys must love diapers, are you in those for 
day and night?” I nodded. Alex’s mom went downstairs. I was stunned, I 
do not wear diapers and I’m not a baby.

That night Alex’s mom came upstairs to tell us to go to sleep. She said 
“Ohh, and Brendan, if you want to use some of Alex’s night timers then 
it’s up in the closet. Ohh, you know what? I’ll put them on you, 

After she put one on she said “You and Alex can sleep together on 
Alex’s bed is made for you guys, and Jake you have you own little comfy 
bed right here!”

I forget my feelings about being like a baby, and I started to wear 
them 24/7 at Alex’s house. I am addicted to diapers right now and I 
make my brother change them to me. Isn’t it fun being pampered?

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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