Name: Tyler A. Email: Ages: 13, 14 Current Age: 14 I woke up that morning, so not expecting what would happen. I was wet in my briefs. I wet the bed! HOW? I was a young man now; young men don't wet the bed. BABIES WET THE BED! I wasn't supposed to be doing this, not now, not at THIS age; I was too old for this. Not so lucky was I, my mom is a stay-at-home mom. So she cleans our rooms, kind of like a maid. You guessed it-- she went into my room to find my sheets off my bed and hidden under it. I was at school, hoping that she wouldn't find them. Worrying about my accident, I came home to a confused face at the table. "Hello honey." Those were her words. "I found something VERY interesting in your room today." " Oh really? what'd you find?" What a dumbass; why'd I ask? I knew. "I found your sheets in an ODD place-- under your bed-- and they were soaked with pee. Do you know how this happened?" " Look mom, don't play games with me. I wet the bed and I don't know why. It's had me stressed out all day, so if you could, please just not mess with me about it." "Babies wet the bed, not teenagers. So you can march up to that room and think about what you've done! You're grounded!" I wasn't sure why I was grounded for something I could not control. It was absolutely absurd! As she had commanded I went straight to my room and just as I was about to slam the door. I paused, searching for the words. It was. a nursery? HOW?! All in a days work-- a crib, a changing table, diapers-- the whole shebang. I was fucked. I was put in a diaper and had a pacifier put in my mouth. I was also put in an onesie. She then called my friends and invited them over. And they came. And they saw. And they laughed. I was their little baby boy. to be continued.