Name: Travis Email: Ages: 8 Current Age: 13 My story is of how I started to wear diapers. when I was eight years old I was a punk {like every boy is}. The one day I started to beat on my cousin and he told on me as always. My mother came out and said, "if you're going to act like a baby, I'm going to treat you like one." She took me to the store and picked up the largest size of PICK diapers. Then she went and got plastic pants that she made sure would be nice and fit. After that she went to the checkout line she hinted to the checkout lady that they were for me. when she got home she was really mad because I was bugged her the whole way home that I would be better. She put the diaper on me and sent me outside. The first thing that I did when I got outside was take it off and throw it in the garbage. I played for a while the went back inside. To my surprise the worst thing that could ever happen to me happened. In my room Me mother and father put up my old crib, changing, table, and garbage can which had DIAPER painted on it. I turned around and my mom was behind me. she said to me that I was going to be grounded like this for a week. Then she felt my butt to see if the diaper was still on. After that she said, "A month. Every time you take the diaper or the plastic pants off and I don't do it or tell you that you can do it the time that you have left doubles." I was stubborn like all eight-year-olds and took the diaper off for a week, hoping that she would not catch it but she always did and by the time it was done I was grounded for five years and four months. I had to wear the diapers to school and at home. After the first week my dad built an extension on to the crib and changing table. I still wear diapers today because I can't get the hang of going to the bathroom on the toilet.