Name: Tony Email: Ages: 5-14 As a little boy, from the time I was potty trained I always wet the bed, and I always would blame my brother and sister for it. My mom put on a diaper so I wouldn't wet the bed at night or in the daytime when my mom put us to bed at any time, even though I was too old for my Mom to put diapers on me anyway. I did it anyway so I wouldn't wet the bed at all. I think my Mom knew I was wearing cloth diapers and vinyl pants anyway, but didn't say anything about it to me. One day my mom caught me putting cloth diapers and vinyl pants on, so then on she always put a diaper on me until I was about 7 or 8 years old. I had to sneak around my Dad about being in cloth diapers and vinyl pants, even when I was a little kid. My Dad caught me in a cloth diaper and vinyl pants, and said I'm not a baby anymore that didn't need to wear them at all, so he pulled them down and gave me a whipping that I never forgot. Every time he saw me in cloth diapers and vinyl pants I got in big trouble for it. I was doing this just to get his attention from him. One day I was about 5 years old, the first time he left us, my family lived in St. Louis, Missouri, and then Chicago, Illinois, came home from school and my Mom told me he had left us for good again. It took time to find him again. This time he was in Phoenix, Arizona, then all over California, Imperial Beach, California, down to New Mexico. My Mom always found out were he was, so my Mom packed us all up and away we went were he was. This went on until I was about to have my 11th birthday. Then we moved to Arkansas in 1974. I did this until I was about 11 or 14 years old, and some of my friends asked me why I was still in diapers, and I said I was still wetting the bed, They would make fun of me a lot and that hurt me a lot back then. It's hard just to tell you this much now. I saw my Dad again when I was in junior high School, for 5 minutes, then he left me again. But I'm not mad at him. I just wanted to know why left me and was it me or what I did as a child being in diapers a lot, don't know why. I started looking for my Dad when I was 18 years old and haven't found him yet, and I'm 39 years old. I have tried a few things. It started back again at the age 18 years old. I don't know why, but I'm 39 years old now and I'm back in diapers again, I have one girlfriend who found out by chance. One day I forgot to lock the door that day. I was on my way to take a shower and then she walked in on me that day. The next day she asked me if what she saw was true and I said yes to her. My friend does know, but he's never said anything about it to me. He doesn't come around much anymore at all. I just got to live with it, and it's hard not having any one to talk to about this at all. Maybe I'll have a man to talk about this with. Someone out there will be with me, and take care of me because they won't to do this for me, not just doing to be nice to me or take pitty on me for this. I wear diapers because of medical reasons. My kidneys don't work that well, and during the day without the diaper I pee a lot, every 5 to 15, or 30 minutes. I tried not to drink water or pop in the night time but that doesn't work at all. when I'm asleep I don't wake up to go to the bathroom. I don't know I've wet the bed at all. And my bed is always wet when I wake up in the morning, or when I take a nap in the daytime. Thank You Tony ---