Name: Toddler Mike Email: Ages: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18+ Current Age: 23 The year was 1986 and I just turned 4 years old and it was a summer hot day. I was playing outside with my brother when all of a sudden I had to go to the bathroom. I went inside running and we had guests over. My mom said to come here and introduce myself. I said I had to go to the bathroom real bad. My mom said it can wait. I said no it can't. Sure enough, things got worse. I couldn't hold it anymore and I peed my pants. The most embarrassing was right in front of my mom's friends. I have never wet my pants since I was potty trained 6 months ago. So my mom was not very happy. She came over to me picked me up like a little baby and carried me over to the table laid me down and put a pacifier in my mouth at first I refused but my mom said if you spit that out again then you will get a spanking so I didn't refuse the second time. So I was laying there right on the table in front our guests and my mom took off my shoes then my shirt and then here came the worst-- part my pants and then my underwear. I was crying like crazy cause I did not know what was going on and my pacifier came out of my mouth by accident. My mom put it back in my mouth and she went upstairs and came down with a diaper, I said no mom I am a big boy not a baby, she responded, big boy's don't wet their pants. My mom came over to me and put some powder on my butt grabbed my ankles in the air and put a pampers size 5 (because I only weighed 40 pounds-- I was small) under my butt and put my feet down and taped up the sides and had me walk around in just a diaper. So it was my naptime, my mom picked me up and walked me to my room and I guess while I was outside she turned it into a nursery room with a changing table, a crib and a rocking chair. She looked behind my diaper and felt it and noticed I was poppy and wet and she put me down on my old changing table took the tapes off and grabbed some wipes and wiped my butt up grabbed the diaper and rolled it up, put some powder on me and then grabbed a diaper from underneath and unfolded it and grabbed my ankles and raised them in the air and put the diaper under my butt, put my feet down and taped up the sides. My mom then got my pacifier out and shoved it in my mouth and then picked me up and put me in my old crib. I fell asleep and woke up 2 hours later by my mom and she came in and checked my diaper which was dry and picked me up and she had a bottle in her hand and sat in the rocking chair and fed me like a little baby and put the bottle in my mouth and fed me a bottle of formula and then I finished the bottle my mom picked me up and burped me and took me downstairs and saw my old high chair and set me in there and fed me baby food and after all that I popped in my diaper and wet the diaper. My mom smelled it and checked the back of the diaper and noticed that I was poppy and said, "Are you poopy"? I said, "Yes mommy"! My mom took me upstairs and did the same process. And that is my story and I still wear diapers as of today at age 23. And my mom still treats me like a baby.