Title: The Support I Give
Name: Brianna
Email: Not given
Gender: Female
Current Age: 16
Whom Story is About: My brother
Posting Date: 07/26/09
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls*
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination*
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: This is a story about all the support my mother used to give me for how I would treat my baby brother little Tommy.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 14 (70%)
My name is Brianna and when I was sixteen years old my mother used to 
always ground me for not being supportive of my brother�s problems. My 
brother Tommy constantly wet the bed at night when he was eight years 
old. Each time he wet the bed, he was placed in just a t-shirt and a 
diaper. If he was to wet the diaper my mother would tell him he would 
wear those diapers for a month and he would get a spanking. He was 
allowed to get changed out of his diaper if he had to go to the 
bathroom. However, this never happened because Tommy used to just never 
eat or drink anything because he didn�t want to take the chance he 
would use his diaper. Each time he placed in diapers I would make fun 
of him and get grounded. My mother told me I needed to encourage him to 
use the bathroom but, making fun of him was too easy. My mother always 
yelled at me for not supporting my brother. So after I became tired of 
being grounded I hatched a plan. This story takes you through my plan.

The doctor checked Tommy each week and he told my mother this week that 
he was finally maturing and if his diagnosis was correct this should be 
the last week, Tommy ever wet the bed. First off I had to get him back 
for always telling on me and whining that I made fun of him. So this is 
how it happened. I knew I would get my chance so I went to the 
neighborhood store and bought some laxatives. Towards the end of the 
week it seemed that Tommy wasn�t going to wet the bed anymore. So that 
night I cooked him all of his favorites. When my mother came home she 
was so proud of me for being supportive of my brother. I kept telling 
her how I wanted to celebrate that Tommy would no longer wet 

My mother had Tommy come down and she announced that a week ago from 
yesterday was the last day Tommy could have wet the bed with the 
problem he had. My brother looked shocked. He was babbling and he was 
going on about how he thought the doctor said that yesterday was the 
last day of his disease. My mother explained that she had the doctor 
say that so just incase Tommy still wet the bed he didn�t lose his 
confidence. My mother then also told my brother that this week we were 
celebrating that he would no longer have a disease of low bladder 
control. My mother went on to say that for now on starting today if 
Tommy ever wet the bed or himself he would be severely punished. 
Something told me that if I dropped laxatives in my brother�s food 
tonight it just wouldn�t be the right thing to do because it would look 
obvious. So I waited.

It was exactly one month since I last cooked and I knew today was the 
day to act. I cooked dinner again and I got brownie points from my 
mother as I knew she was proud of me. I said I wanted to celebrate my 
brother and how it was clear to everyone that he would never wet again. 
That night I dropped about 4 or 5 laxatives in his food knowing he 
would need to go potty eventually plus 2 or 3 sleep pills my mother 
used when she got headaches. I made sure that I finished early. I then 
went to the bathroom. I peed and pooped in the toilet and then I didn�t 
leave a toilet paper trail. My brother still didn�t use toilet paper a 
lot and he never flushed. I then came downstairs and told my brother 
that I was going on a power walk for a little while and if he wanted to 
come I would buy him ice cream. He said yes but, he had to go to the 
bathroom first. I told him to get the stroller first. My mother called 
Tommy. So I went upstairs. My mom said that someone forgot to flush and 
use toilet paper. I then told my mother that Tommy just went to the 
bathroom. I told my mom that I told him to go because I was going on a 
power walk. He said he wanted to come so I am taking the stroller. I 
told my mother that if I am pushing weight I lose more weight. She said 
alright. She then told me too be home in two hours so Tommy can use the 
bathroom again. I told her that I would run for an hour and then buy 
him ice cream. My mother said that was great. I then asked my mother 
where my iPod was. She gave it to me and I asked her if she wanted any 
ice cream. She said she was good.

As soon as I got outside I quickly grabbed my brother as he told me had 
to go potty and then I strapped him in his stroller. My brother said he 
had to go which I knew but, I strapped him in anyway. It worked out too 
because my mother added a strap to the stroller Tommy couldn�t reach, 
because Tommy when he was smaller used to always undo his straps and 
get out. So my mother added that strap. So he was started whining that 
he had to go but, I just ran to the park which was 10 blocks away. When 
I entered the park I started to slow down. I found a nice park bench. 
When I sat down, my brother was sleeping just as I planned. With the 
sleep pills he was given and the soothing stroller ride I was right on 
the money. So I started screaming to see if he in a dead sleep like he 
should have been. I started screaming and as I thought he was going to 
be asleep like to box said for another hour. Next I undid the stroller 
straps and picked him up out of the stroller. I then put him on my lap 
and I unbuttoned his shorts. I pulled his shorts down and his underwear 
was brown in the back and yellow in the front. His shorts also had a 
wet spot. I then put my brother back in the stroller, fixed his 
clothes, and returned home.

When I reached my house I knew my brother wouldn�t be able to wake up 
for another ten to fifteen minutes. So I waited 5 minutes and then went 
inside leaving him in the stroller. I went inside and my mother came 
back saying that I was home an hour earlier. She asked if I strained a 
muscles and I told her I didn�t but I had a problem. She asked me what 
my problem was so I told her that I ran for an hour and then I opened 
the stroller to ask Tommy where he wanted his ice cream from and he was 
asleep. Then I smelled something bad and there was a wet spot on his 
shorts. I told my mother I wasn�t sure but, I thought Tommy went in his 
pants. My mother said this was impossible. She asked where he was and I 
said he was still sleeping outside in the stroller. She asked me what I 
thought should be done. She said that she wanted to give him a break 
but, then he might let this childish stage continue. I told my mother 
she would have to carry through with her threats otherwise he would 
never learn. Then my mother said fine and that I was right. Then I 
thought she was going to nail me but she said she was going to run 
outside and check if he really did go in his pants and if he did that I 
was going to have to help her baby him.

She said, �Look Brianna, I really can�t believe he would continue these 
childish stunts so this is what I am going to do. First I am first 
going to check to see if we went in his pants and, also if he did I am 
going to spank him and put him in diapers for a month. I want you 
though to do what you usually do.� I said, �What would that be?� She 
replied, �Look I want you to make fun of him a little because then 
maybe he will learn that he can�t pull these stunts. Also Brianna I 
have to go out tomorrow night so if I pay you twenty dollars will you 
baby-sit him for me.� I was excited that I would finally get my brother 
back. My mother told me that I would need to learn her rules though for 
him. She said she was going outside to see if he was awake. She then 
rolled the stroller inside and he was still sleeping. She said that she 
was going to need my help to carefully un-strap him because if he 
didn�t go in his pants she didn�t want to blow his confidence. So we 
carefully unstrapped him and my mother was getting nervous as she said 
how awful the smell was but, that might only be a fart. Then my mother 
undid his pants and she saw his underwear was filled. My mother was 
annoyed where she put my brother back in the stroller and she pulled me 
into the kitchen.

My mother started by telling me that she wanted me to write down all of 
her new rules for Tommy. I said ok as I grabbed a pen and paper. She 
also added that she wanted to hear all my ideas on how to annoy Tommy 
because she wanted him to have a horrible month so that he will never 
do this again. My mother said the rules I am thinking of now will be 
definite so write them all down.

1.	Tommy will wear diapers 24/7 for at least a month and will use 
his diaper for both pee and poop.
2.	When Tommy has to go to the bathroom he will tell someone in the 
house and then they will make him use their diaper in front of them.

I didn�t understand that that rule meant so my mother gave me an 
example. She said �Look Brianna, this is wear I want you to embarrass 
him and emphasize the fact that big boys and girls can go to the 
bathroom themselves. When Tommy decides that he needs to go to the 
bathroom. You will pull him next to you and make him go. He won�t be 
allowed to go to the bathroom but, if I put him diapers without this 
rule he will never learn. So say tomorrow night he tells you he has to 
go. You would ask him if he has to pee or poop. Let�s say he says pee. 
Then you will make him pee his diaper in front of you. That way he 
learns to control his bladder.� I told my mother that was smart and she 
said continue writing.

3.	If Tommy goes in his diaper without telling anyone he will 
receive a spanking and another week added to his diaper punishment
4.	Tommy will eat all of his meals with the family in addition he 
will drink a glass of water every hour to ensure that he goes to the 
bathroom. If he doesn�t drink his water he will be fed his water in a 
baby bottle.
5.	Each time Tommy breaks a rule he receives a spanking and another 
week of diaper punishment. In addition to that each time he gets 
another week of diaper punishment he loses a privilege for that week.

I didn�t really understand that either so my mother clarified. She 
said, �Brianna this is where I really want your help and your creative 
mind. Each time Tommy does something bad he will be fed that week with 
a bottle or he will lose his Xbox. Or maybe at dinner he will have to 
eat from a highchair. Brianna, basically he gets one step closer to 
being a baby. I was loving these rules because it gave me so much room 
to get my brother back. My mom then asked me if there was anything that 
needed to be added. I asked my mother what he would wear each day.

6.	Tommy will wear a small t-shirt and a disposable diaper each day. 
I want you to move all his pants and shorts to the attic and he will 
get them back when he behaves. This way he has to see his plain white 
diaper everyday and it makes changing him easier.

After that I agreed with my mother that this needed to be done and I 
kept reassuring her that she was doing the right thing. We then went in 
the living room as my brother was waking up. My mom told me to play 
along with her. She pulled the stroller next to the couch and sat down 
so I sat on the opposite end. My brother woke up and my mom asked how 
she was feeling? She said she was fine and then she immediately hoisted 
him out of the stroller and signaled me over. I knew what she meant as 
I yanked his shorts down. My mother said she wanted an answer for this! 
Tommy looked down and saw that he went and then he said he had an 
accident. He said he didn�t go to the bathroom before he left with me. 
My mom then said he would get an extra two weeks of punishment for 
lying. She said that I would get to pick what two privileges he lost. I 
was honored. He kept babbling that he didn�t get to go but, my mom 
thought he was lying. I was so happy to get revenge. My mother then 
signaled me to come with her. She put him in the back room on the 
changing table. My mom told me he better not dare to move. She strapped 
down his arms and then my brother started whining that I was watching. 
My mother just changed him into a diaper as she told my brother that I 
would be changing him from now on with her. My brother started crying 
as now he was in a diaper.

My mom told me to go get her a drink. I left the room but first, I 
stood at the door for a minute because I didn�t want to miss his 
spanking however, my mother was reading him the new rules and telling 
him the consequences. So I went in the kitchen and got my mom and ice 
tea. As I came out my mother was carrying Tommy. She placed him on the 
couch and told him not to move. He was just crying.

My mother came in the kitchen and started drinking her Ice Tea. She 
then told me she going to give Tommy a spanking and she wanted me to 
watch. I was puzzled but, then she explained. She said, �Brianna I want 
you to watch, this way if I am not home and he acts up you can just 
give him a spanking and then this way it will save me the trouble.� So 
my mother took her ice tea and went in the living room. I walked in and 
sat down and my mother started explaining to Tommy how he was now being 
punished. My mother flipped him over her knee and started spanking him. 
She hit one cheek and then the other. She must have given him 50 spanks 
and then as he was bawling she placed him on the couch and stood up. 
She undid her jeans and took the belt off. She threw him over her knee 
and started spanking him again but, now with a belt. She gave another 
25 slaps and then she took him upstairs. I followed and then she told 
me to stay downstairs. My mother came back down stairs about two hours 

My mother explained to me how she made Tommy read all the rules. She 
then explained how she made him understand every part of his punishment 
and how he must come to one of us when he has to go potty and how you 
have the right to do anything I do regarding him. My mother then asked 
me what two privileges he was losing. She said that for the first two 
weeks of punishment he would be doing these two things. So I said let 
me think. I told my mother first that I want him to have to drink out 
of a baby bottle. She said though that then one of us has to feed him 
each hour. I thought about but, said that I thought it would be worth 
it because it would really help teach him a lesson. My mother said 
alright and then asked me what his other punishment would be. Once 
again I thought as my mother fed me ideas. She was stressing that he 
should lose his Xbox but, I told her then he would just mope around all 
day. I asked her if he could eat in highchair and be fed all of his 
food. My mother said that was a good one. She then told me to help her 
tomorrow morning so that I and my brother could learn the routine. She 
also said she was leaving tomorrow at like 6 o�clock and that she 
wouldn�t be back until the following morning. I said that was fine and 
that I could handle it. So we both went to bed to await tomorrow.

My mother woke me up at 7 o�clock and said I had to shower so that I 
could help wake the baby up at 8. So I showered and at 8 o�clock my 
mother and I woke up my brother. He was surprised. My mother then 
checked his diaper and he was dry so he didn�t get a morning change. My 
mother said if he would have gone in his diaper he would have received 
a spanking. I didn�t know that it counted for overnight so I learned 
something new, too.

My mother then told him it was time for breakfast so we all walked to 
the kitchen and as we entered I watched his jaw drop as my mother 
picked him up and locked in his tray. My brother started complaining 
and my mother said this is what happens when you lie. My mom then sat 
down and cut up some pancakes. She told my brother too open his mouth 
and he said no. She asked if he wanted a spanking and then he opened 
his mouth. He was fed for an hour. Then my mother said he would get his 
hourly glass of water except for lying he had to have it in a bottle. 
Then my mother fed him his water. At first he resisted but, then my mom 
flipped him over and spanked him about 5 times as a warning. He then 
drank his bottle. My mother said it was time for his bath and she went 
to the bathroom and bathed him. After that my mom fed him another 
bottle and then she let him play Xbox. He came back downstairs and said 
he had to go potty. My mother then asked him what he had to do. My 
brother said he had to pee. My mother then picked him up and started 
the timer. My mom said he had three minutes to go potty. She explained 
to me otherwise he could sit all day and he wouldn�t train himself. My 
brother went in his diaper in front of my mother and then she went and 
put him on the changing table. My mom said it was time for me to change 
him. So I did as I was told and changed him for like the third time 
ever. My brother started crying and my mom told him that if he didn�t 
go in the time limit he could have got a spanking. I changed my brother 
and then he ran to his room crying as my mother said it was time for 
her to leave. My mom went to my brother�s room and I heard him whining 
that he shouldn�t have to get changed by his sister and how that wasn�t 
fair. My mother told him that he shouldn�t wet himself and this 
wouldn�t happen. My mother then came out and I ran inside so she didn�t 
think I was eavesdropping. My mom came in the living room and she told 
me she had to go and that I should make sure that I watched Tommy 
carefully. I said good-bye and my mom was gone.

As soon as my mother left I walked over toward the window and saw the 
car pull out. Once she was gone, I went straight to my brother�s room. 
He was playing Xbox as usual. I told him he had to come downstairs for 
his bottle. He said he wanted to finish the round. Then I thought how 
many parties I missed for getting grounded because he told on me. I 
told him he had to come now or I would take away his Xbox. He decided 
to tell me that I couldn�t do that. So I turned off his Xbox and as he 
screamed I took him downstairs.

When we made it downstairs I told him to listen to me. I said, �Listen 
up you little brat you have two choices. Either you let me give you 
your bottle, change your diaper, and let you play Xbox or I spank you, 
add another week to diaper punishment, take away another privilege, 
give you your bottle, change your diaper, and ban your from Xbox.� By 
now he was quiet. I asked him which one he was picking and he opted for 
his bottle. I told him to sit there and not move while I got it ready. 
I then went inside and poured some water into a bottle. I then found 
the laxatives I hid from yesterday and put 2 of them into his bottle. 
This way I would be changing his diaper and possibly spanking him. I 
then went inside and he crawled onto my lap as I put the bottle in his 
mouth and turned on the TV. I started watching MTV and I felt in 
demand. The power was overwhelming and it felt great. I made sure he 
got every last drop of his bottle and then he asked me to play Xbox. I 
told him to go ahead.

After that I started thinking, I have never given anyone a spanking 
before and I kind of wanted to try it. Plus this might be my only 
chance to add time to his diaper punishment. So I sat and thought for 
awhile and then I hatched another plan. I grabbed more water and poured 
it in a bottle and crushed another 2 laxatives inside. I then grabbed 
one more bottle and filled it with water but, I only put one laxative 
in this one because I wanted them to last. Then I placed the two 
bottles on the living room table and I waited for my brother to come 
out and tell me he had to go to the bathroom. In about 15 minutes my 
brother came out of his room and walked over to me. As soon as he came 
over he said, �I have to go�� However as soon as he started his phrase 
I picked him up and put the bottle in his mouth. He kept resisting so I 
pulled the bottle out and yelled at him, �What is the problem!? Look 
babies like you that wet themselves have to get fed every hour with a 
bottle. Since I am the only one home to feed you, you have to be fed by 
me. Mom said every hour you can get one.� He then said that he had to 
go to the� but, I didn�t let him get the last word out. Instead I told 
him when he finished his bottle we could talk. I made sure that it took 
longer for him to drink this bottle as I stopped every 5 minutes to 
wipe his chin and insult him. When there was a fourth of the bottle 
left I looked down to see him clutching his legs to make sure he didn�t 
go to the bathroom. I then let him finish the bottle to get his hopes 
up. He finished the bottle and went to speak however, I took so long 
that it was time for his next bottle as the clock had changed. He 
seemed upset as I put the next bottle in his mouth.

About halfway through this bottle, since I had a hand on his underside 
I felt him poop his diaper. It felt pretty weird as my hand was pressed 
down into my leg. I decided to make fun of him since my mother asked me 
too. I told him how the baby pooped his diaper and how he was a baby 
for doing those things. I reminded him that I had to go pee but, since 
I was a big girl I would use the bathroom. He started crying without 
even thinking that this was only the beginning.

I made him finish his bottle as he started to poop his diaper again. I 
picked him up and put the two bottles in the sink. Then I sat back down 
on the couch. I flipped him over so that he was across my lap and I 
told him it was time for his diaper check. I knew he went but, I wanted 
him to be more embarrassed. I grabbed his crotch and said that the baby 
wet his diaper too. Then I pulled back the waist band of the diaper and 
I saw the poop so I knew he went poops too. I told him he had to get 
changed. He started to cry again and by now I was getting a headache so 
I went to the attic and found a pacifier. I placed him on the changing 
table and because he was still crying I put the pacifier in his mouth 
and told him he lost another privilege. He was crying so hard that 
pacifier came out of his mouth. I told him now he would get another 
punishment. So I changed his diaper and I made sure I made jokes the 
whole time. He was bawling as tears came down his face. I then put a 
new diaper on him and got ready to give a spanking.

I carried him to the living room and I put him over my lap. I started 
rubbing his butt so he knew what was happening. I then slapped his left 
cheek and then I hit his right. I felt a stinging in my hand as I 
continued but, the power I felt was amazing. I knew has I was doing 
this that once my brother was back to wearing pants I would need to 
baby-sit a boy to enjoy this again. I gave him 70 smacks and then some 
with my belt. I told him to keep his pacifier in his mouth and go 
upstairs. My mother called 20 minutes later. So I filled her in and she 
said she was annoyed but, I assured her that I handled it. She said she 
would be home tomorrow night as she had to help her friend with 
something else. I hung up with my mother and I got dinner ready. I put 
dinner in the oven and I went upstairs to see my brother.

I saw that he was playing his favorite game, however I didn�t really 
know the name of it. I just knew it was a shooting game. He then told 
me how he was waiting for one map to come up, because it was his 
favorite and he hadn�t got it all day. I then went downstairs and set 
the table and turned the oven to low so it kept the food hot. I then 
went upstairs and I told my brother I wanted to watch him play. He 
continued and after two more rounds he got the map he wanted. I then 
told him that it was time for him to come downstairs for dinner. Then 
the hysterics started coming. He told me he would just finish this 
round. I told him too bad dinner was ready. He then continued playing. 
I then just knew another one of my plans was complete as I picked up my 
brother off his game chair. Then I sat on his bed with him across my 
lap. Once again he got another spanking. This one he deserved for 
telling me no. I pelted him with my bare hand ten times before grabbing 
his hairbrush on his dresser and hitting him with that another 50 
times. Then as he was crying the pacifier I made him keeping his mouth 
fell out but, I interpreted it as being spit out. I yelled at him and 
gave another 50 spanks. I then picked up his pacifier and put it in is 
mouth. I picked him up and carried him downstairs. I then grabbed a 
bottle from the kitchen. I took his pacifier out and gave him his 
bottle. Of course, the bottle had a laxative in it. He drank the bottle 
and then I fed him dinner with more laxatives. During dinner he said he 
had to go to the bathroom but, I made him finish eating. When he was 
done eating, I said as soon as I was done eating. I ate slowly until I 
knew that he had wet or pooped himself. I looked over at him and he was 
beat red. I then said that I had finished eating.

I took him inside to the living room and said it was time for a diaper 
check. So I grabbed his crotch and laughed as he had wet his diaper. 
Then I picked him up and realized he also pooped his diaper from the 
awful smell so I went inside and strapped him on the changing table. 
Then the phone rang so I went to go get it and it was my mother. As it 
turned out my mother was changing her plans again and she said she was 
on her way home. I told her what happened and how he needed three more 
spankings and my mom said she would take care of him when she got home. 
She told me to change his diaper and then get him ready for bed. So I 
did as I was told, I changed his diaper. What I then did was I took 
some of my lemonade and I pulled the waist band of his diaper towards 
me. Then I poured some of it inside. He started screaming at me until I 
told him he wasn�t allowed to speak so he couldn�t say anything. I told 
him if he said one word I would spank him so hard that he would feel 
the pain for a year. He knew I would do it too. I told my brother not 
to test me and that the next time our mother went out I would 
continuously spank him until she arrived back home. I then put his 
pajamas on and gave him a bottle. As I was feeding him another bottle 
with another laxative my mother walked in the door.

She called for me. I told my mother to let me finish feeding little 
Baby Tommy his bottle and then I would help her with what she needed. I 
finished feeding him his bottle. Then I told him that if this pacifier 
came out of his mouth for any reason, I would spank him as soon as my 
mother left the house. I told him that I would get him in more trouble 
than ever. He was so afraid of me he did as he was told. This way if he 
had to go to the bathroom from his laxative he wouldn�t dare tell my 
mother. My mother then yelled at my brother for another hour and told 
him that he better get his act together. She said it was time for bed. 
My mother asked Tommy if he had to go poops or pee so he shook his head 
no. I was a little surprised. My mother then told Tommy that he should 
at least try to go potty. She then yanked his pants down and she saw 
that front of his diaper was all wet. She then picked him up and saw 
that he also pooped his diaper. I started laughing to myself. Then I 
asked my mother if I could see her in the kitchen but, instead she said 
this was necessary instead of changing Tommy my mother just started 
spanking him. Then when she was done she put him to bed and yelled at 
him the whole way. My mother then told me that Tommy told her that I 
made fun of him a lot. My mother then hugged me and thanked me for 
supporting her. She said, �Look Brianna, thank-you for supporting me. I 
think a lot of people would have thought I went crazy but, this was 
necessary. Since your brother just keeps wetting himself and pooping 
himself, I am just going to keep him in diapers. I can�t be bothered 
with this nonsense. However, I am not going to let all his fantasies 
come true. For now on he will be our little baby. He will have no 
privileges. He won�t have a bed but, a crib. He will have no Xbox, no 
adult food, naps, and babysitters. Then next year I might try potty 
training him again. I also threw out his pajamas. For now on he will 
just wear a t-shirt and a diaper that way we can change him easier. I 
also am going to hire a home school teacher that will also baby-sit 
him. Brianna thanks for the support. I knew that all along I did the 
same thing which was making fun of my brother's little issues.

This is the Thanks, I was given for all my support. My mother also gave 
me two hundred dollars for baby-sitting and she told me she was sorry 
for grounding me as she realized that my brother was not a boy but, a 

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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