Ages: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Current Age: 16

Summer in Diapers
Author: M.J Bradshaw

Summary: Introduction. This story is a true story of one summer when I 
was six years old (am now 16), and I spent the holidays around at my 
friends Joshua’s house while my mom worked as a nurse at the hospital. 
Joshua has a problem with his kidneys and has been in nappies most of 
his life but that summer I got treated the same way by getting put into 
nappies as well by Julie (Josh’s mom).

My name is Luke am 6 years old, I been potty trained since I was two 
years old, but I went around to my friend Joshua’s house to play. He 
was also six but had a weak bladder and was in nappies all the time.

It was the last day of school for summer and mom was working very late 
tonight, so she organized for me to go and stay at my friend Josh’s 
house I walked to his house and saw him outside playing on the 
trampoline. As I approached he saw me and asked me, “Are you coming 
round to play, Luke?”

“Yea,” I replied. “Mom is working until half ten tonight, so I have to 
come here until then.”

“Kewl,” Josh replied. Just then Alice saw me and called me into the 
house I went in and she said that mom dropped a bag of change of 
clothes for me and I had to get changed out of my uniform.

“Okay, but while you are here am going to put a nappy on you like Josh 
has on, we don’t want to you have any accidents as you only got one set 
of clothes, But I don’t need a nappy I can use the toilet!”

“Well, I am not taking that risking it, Luke.”

She took my hand and the bag of clothes and we went to Josh’s room. 
There she told me to start taking my uniform off. As I was stripping I 
looked around to see different sizes in nappies and creams and baby 
powders; this must be for Joshua. Finally I was down to my vest and 
underwear. Josh’s mum lifted me onto Josh’s changing table and removed 
my underpants. My immediate reaction was to cover my penis with my 
hands. She smiled and moved my hands away.

“Don’t worry, Luke, you don’t got what I already seen before.” She 
smeared some cream around my penis and scrotum and on my bum. Then she 
took a size six nappy and lifted my bum up and placed the nappy under 
me and gently set me down and lifted the front of the nappy and taped 
it up. Josh’s mom lifted me down off the table and helped me dress. She 
said, “You need to wee or poop. Just do it in your nappy and I’ll 
change you.” Then I was set back outside to play with Joshua.

I felt weird trying to walk with my nappy as it was difficult. I seemed 
to waddle and every time I moved I could hear the nappy crinkling under 
me. I returned outside. Josh was still on the trampoline bouncing. I 
didn’t tell Joshua that I had a nappy on but I think he knew I did. We 
were having fun bouncing on the trampoline and I forgot that I had a 
nappy on. But soon I felt the urge to pee, so I go off.

“Where are you going, Luke?” Josh asked me.

“I’m going the toilet for a wee,” I replied.

“Didn’t mommy put a nappy on you?” Josh asked.

“Yea, I forgot I had one on.”

Josh replied, “Well, use your nappy then; I have already.” I stood 
there for a while thinking about weeing in my nappy. I relaxed and let 
my wee fill my nappy. It felt warm as it splashed around my penis and 
started to go up my bum. When I finished I started to rub the front of 
my shorts, which made the wee spread even further around my penis; it 
felt so good. Josh got off the trampoline and waked over to me and 
asked me, ”Have you weed in your nappy, Luke?”

“Yes, it feels so good. Have you weed yours?” I asked.

“Yes,” Josh replied. “I’ve weed and pooped in mine, and bouncing on the 
trampoline has mushed it all up around my bum and penis.”

As we stood talking about what we have done in our nappies Joshua’s mom 
shouted us in for our tea. As be both went in she sniffed the air and 
said, “I think two little boys need a nappy change.” She sent us up to 
Josh’s room and she followed us into the room. She said, “All right, 
Luke, you are first; come here.” She again lifted me on to Josh’s 
changing table and pulled my shorts down, revealing my soaked nappy. 
Alice ripped the tapes off and pulled down the front of the nappy. Josh 
started giggling and his mom asked, “What are you giggling at, Joshua?”

“He has only got a little penis,” replied Josh.

“Well, yours is not big,” his mom replied. With that he stopped. Alice 
removed my wet nappy and wiped my penis area and bum. She put more baby 
powder on and put another size six nappy on me and taped it up. She 
pulled my shorts back up and lifted me off the table.

“All right, it’s your turn, Josh.”

I never saw Josh’s penis before and he laughed at mine, so I waited 
around and watched his mom changing his nappy. She lifted him onto the 
changing table, and like me, she pulled down his pants. Then she ripped 
the sides of his nappy and pulled the front down. Josh tried to cover 
his penis so I could not see it but his mom moved it away. I started 
laughing upon seeing that his penis was like a button and it was 

“There you are, Josh. That will teach you to laugh at other people’s 

Josh’s mom cleaned him up and like me put cream and powder around his 
bum and his penis area and put a fresh nappy on him. After pulling his 
pants up and lifted him off the table we both were sent down stairs to 
have our tea.

Josh’s mom put a DVD on for us all. I must have fallen asleep as I 
don’t remember much of it, as the next thing I was getting shaken by 

“Come on, sleepyhead, let’s get you changed.”

I looked down at my nappy and it was still dry.

“But I’ve not weed in my nappy!”

“I know, but your mom will be here soon and we better get you back in 
your underpants before she arrives.”

We both went to Josh’s room once again and Alice lifted me on the 
table. She pulled down my shorts and untaped the nappy. As she pulled 
the front of the nappy down she started giggling and said, “I think 
some young man is excited.”

“What do you mean?” I replied, still naked from the waist down. Alice 
lifted me off the table and on to the floor then said, “Look down at 
your feet.” As I did I noticed that my penis was up straight. I had not 
noticed it do that before but Alice said, “Don’t worry about it, as all 
little boys and men have those, including Joshua when I bathe him or 
change his nappy.”

Alice gave a wash and put my blue underpants back on followed by my 

“There,” she said. “All done, and when you stay here again I’ll put a 
nappy on you again, okay?”


We both returned to the living room where Josh was still sleeping on 
the couch and continued to watch TV. About half an hour passed and a 
knock came to the door. It was mom to pick me up. She was invited in 
and Alice and mom spoke for a while in the kitchen. Eventually she came 
back and said, “Come on, son, let’s get you home.”

Part 2

The Barbecue before the holiday

Weeks passed and I was spending more time with Alice and Joshua at 
their house more than my own that summer because of mum’s nursing 
shifts at the hospital. It was three more weeks before the summer 
holiday was over and I, like other kids, have to go back to school. One 
evening while I was at Alice’s house she told me that Josh and herself 
was going to her father’s bungalow by a beach in north Wales while he 
was in the states. She also mentioned that her sister Rachel and her 
eight year old disabled daughter Gracie and two year old son Jamie will 
be joining them at the bungalow. Alice asked if I would like to join 
them for a little holiday at the Bungalow for a week’s holiday?

“Yes I would like to go but I will have to ask mom first,” I replied. 
It was getting time for mom to pick me up, Alice took me up to Josh’s 
room to change me back into my underpants from my wet nappy. While she 
was changing me she said that she will ask my mom if I will be to come 
to the Bungalow with them as a little treat for me. Ten o’clock came 
around and a knock on the door. It was mom who came to take me home, 
Alice invited her in and the both went into the kitchen to talk to 
discuss me going to the bungalow. Minutes passed and I heard mom shout 
me to come into the kitchen, once in mom asked me if I would go to the 

“Yeah,” I replied enthusiastically.

“Okay, son, you can go as long as you behave yourself,” replied mother. 
I gave out a rousing “Yippee!” and rushed to tell Josh. We all weren’t 
going to the bungalow until Saturday so my excitement of going holiday 
with Alice and Josh and Alice’s sister and her two children.

Mom didn’t have to work for the next two days, which gave her time to 
get a few things for me to take to the bungalow. We went to town 
shopping and bought the essentials, including soap stuff and clothes. 
Mom didn’t tell me about Alice’s invitation to a barbecue the following 
day until we started getting thing that mom doesn’t usually buy in her 
weekly shopping. She told me that Katie, her son Jamie and her disabled 
daughter Gracie will be there, too. She continued to say that the 
barbecue is so we can all meet and get to know each other. After mom 
paid for the shopping we piled it in the car and returned home. Later 
that evening mom discussed with me about disability that Gracie has. 
She explained that she her mom told her that Gracie can walk on 
crutches but spends most of the time in a wheelchair. His mom continued 
to mention that Gracie also has a speech impediment, which caused her 
to slur her words. After explaining all this mom asked me how I felt 
about meeting Gracie. I replied that am a bit apprehensive meeting 
Gracie but I won’t treat her any different to other person. with that 
we watched a film on television until bedtime.

The next morning I awoke early but stayed in my room and played on my 
PlayStation until ten o’clock. When I finally went downstairs where was 
mom was watching the morning television programs.

“Morning, Luke; sleep well, son”? Mother asked.

“Yeah, fine, thank you, mom,” I replied. Mom made me a bacon and egg 
sandwich, which was my favorite, and a cup of tea, and we both sat and 
watched television in our pajamas all day. Around five we both dressed 
in shorts and a tee shirt and put the food and drinks in the boot of 
the car and headed to Alice’s and Josh’s house. On our arrival we 
unloaded the car and took it in the through the house and into the 
garden where Alice had set up the barbecue.

Josh was playing in a toddler’s paddling pool in just his nappy. On 
seeing me he shouted to me to come him and play. He told me to take off 
my shorts and tee shirt so I could join him playing him the water. I 
took off my tee shirt and placed it on one of the seats on the patio.

“What about your shorts, Luke?” Josh enquired. “We can run about in 
just our nappies.”

“Shhh! I replied. “Mom doesn’t know I wear a nappy when am here. If she 
knew I wear one and use it she’d tell me off and not let me come around 
to play here, so I’ll have to stay in my underpants and shorts today 
while moms here.” Josh apologized and we started to play with the 
water. Not long later a toddler dressed in a blue tee shirt and green 
shorts waddling towards us both. This, I thought, must be Jamie. I 
looked in the direction of the patio and saw a young girl dressed in 
pink shorts and pink tee shirt and sat in a wheelchair. Alice called me 
over to introduce Gracie and Katie to me. at the time I was 
apprehensive meeting Gracie at first but as the afternoon went in to 
evening Gracie and me became good friends. She asked me to push her 
around the garden, which I did as the other boys threw buckets of water 
at us from time to time. Not long later we all were called to eat. 
Piling around the outside bench to have a very nice barbecue but I was 
getting late and it was time for little Jamie to go to bed. Katie and 
her children was staying overnight at Alice’s as they was going to the 
bungalow the following evening, and by the smell they all have either 
weed in one (Josh I suspected) or pooped in their nappies. Katie, 
picking up Gracie, frog marched the two boys upstairs for the baths. 
While mom was in the kitchen I asked Alice, “Does Gracie have a bath 
with her brothers Jamie and Josh all the time?”

“Oh yes, Luke, they have had bath together since they was babies; they 
have nothing to hide as they’d seen each other naked many times.” Just 
then mom came into the room and we stopped talking. Mom went to put the 
thing into the car. Because of the amount of coke I drank I needed to 
have a wee badly. Alice could see me holding myself and fidgeting.

“Do you need a wee, Luke?” she asked me.

“Yeah, very badly,” I replied. She told me to go and use the toilet but 
I said that the others were in the bath and it would be rude for me to 
see Gracie in the nude. Alice said they wouldn’t mind and I will wet 
myself if I didn’t go now. Very slowly, I climbed the stairs, only 
stopping to hold myself to prevent wee escaping. As I approached the 
bathroom I could hear splashing about and laughing. Getting to the 
door, still holding myself, I saw the bathroom door wide open and the 
others in the bath and Katie washing them. Katie noticed me standing at 
the door way holding myself.

“Do you need to use the toilet, Luke”? she asked me.

“Yeah,” I replied. She told me to go a head so I walked over and draped 
my penis over the top of my shorts and weed in the toilet, flushing the 
toilet afterwards. I returned to mom. After saying goodbye to Alice we 
got in the car and we drove home.

End of the Holiday

The week went too quickly and the final day was upon us, I totally 
enjoyed my stay at the bungalow. While Alice and Rachel packed our 
clothes, the children played in the garden, as we all was still in our 
nappies and the day was hotter than ever we all decided not to put our 
clothes on, Alice made shore that we was all covered in sun cream to 
prevent any of us from burning.

We ran around chasing each other including Alice as I push her around 
the garden; as I chased Josh pushing Clair so she could tag him, all of 
a sudden he stopped as Alice Tag her little cousin Joshes face went 
bright red and he slightly bent forward, 

“Are you pooing in your nappy, Joshua”? He turns away from us and we 
could see the definite bulge and the sound of little trumps as he 
pushed the poo into his nappy saying “Yea, see?”

Joshua didn’t care who knows if he weeing or pooping in his nappy, 
after he was done Josh am going to tag you Jamie and started cashing 
after him giggling taking not long to tag the little toddler, after a 
hour or two later Alice called us in for lunch, as we entered the patio 
door she said which one of you has pooed their nappy? Clair said “it’s 
Joshua has Aunty Alice, she took him to his bed room to change his 
nappy while the rest of us ate, only to return moments later.

After having lunch every Alice and Rachel said “Right, kids. Let’s go 
down to the beach for a couple of hours.” A bit of a “Hurray!” came 
from us all and we all went to out respective rooms to get towels. 
After returning to the kitchen Alice pushed Clair while Jamie, Josh and 
me ran ahead to the beach. All of us stayed on the beach all day 
splashing in the sea and making sandcastles. Even Clair was taken and 
sat on the waters edge and splashed her nappy bulging as her nappy 
soaked the sea water. Josh and Jamie brought buckets of water and threw 
it over Clair which made her gasp as the cold water hit her. After 
numerous times going into the sea to collect water to chuck at Clair 
both Josh’s and Jamie’s nappies were as bulky as Clair’s, they found 
difficult to run to and from the water as the weight of water 
collected. Alice giggled to see them both trying to more like waddle 
than run to and thro from the water’s edge, feeling a bit sorry for 
than and no one was around Alice told them both to come to her and 
removed their soggy nappies; as I only went only up to my knees my 
nappy remained dry until from behind Rachel grabbed me and flung me 
over her shoulder and took me into the sea and dunking me into the cold 
water causing me to gasp as the cold water surrounded me everyone 
laughed as I waggled out of the water, my nappy full of sea water and 
very cold around my bum and penis, as I exited out the water I weed in 
my nappy causing the cold nappy to become a bit warmer but this didn’t 
last as the coldness of the see water: Alice asked me to com to her and 
she took my nappy off, this I didn’t mind as all the children was naked 
and I been this way before.

Unfortunely the fun had to end and it was time to return to the house, 
we all gathered our stuff and put them into the bags and Clair was 
returned to her chair, on the way back we all talked about the holiday 
and us kids was asked if we enjoyed our selves we all said that we’ll 
love it and could we stay but Alice replied that they had to return 
home as they had to go back to school the following week.

As we all entered into the bungalow Rachel told us boys to go and get 
dressed, She asked me if I could help little Jamie on with his clothes 
which I replied “Yea no problems”, taking the naked little toddler to 
his room I found a nappy and his cream and powder lying on his bed with 
his clothes, after putting the cream and powered around his little 
penis and scrotum I put a nappy under his bum and lifted the front of 
his nappy between his legs and fastened it securely, after helping him 
to dress I made my way to my room to put to my clothes as I was still 
naked from the beach, as I was putting on my underpants Alice entered 
my room, “wait on darling we better put a nappy on you for the journey 
home lye on the bed for me and ill put it on for you sweet heart. Lying 
on the bed just like what I did for little Jamie, Alice powdered around 
my penis and scrotum before putting a clean dry nappy between my legs, 
she asked if I needed help dressing which I said “no am okay, thank 

Returning to the kitchen where everyone was packing their last bit and 
bobs into there bags and put them into the people carrier for the long 
journey home. After locking up the bungalow Alice got into the care and 
we made our way down the private lane on our way home, after about a 
hour in I got the urge to poo, I asked Rachel if we could stop as I 
need the toilet very badly. Alice said, “you got a nappy on, sweetheart 
so just wee in your nappy.”

“No,” I replied, “I need to go poop not wee.” It’s okay Darling just do 
it in your nappy no one will think anything less of you” trying to keep 
it in as long as I could but I started to have cramps, by this time I 
could feel the poop out and filling my nappy, as Alice said just do it 
in my nappy I gave a little push and a big log came out and then It 
just exploded as loads came out and filled my nappy, it felt 
uncomfortable but Clair told me to sit on it and move you bum about to 
squish it around it will make it more comfortable, I did this and it 
worked but the poop in my nappy stated to get cooler until it was cold 
around my bum and my penis and scrotum not long later I wee-ed in my 
nappy as well , this warmed it up a little but not too long.

Clair leaned over to me and whispered don’t worry Luke I have poo-pooed 
in my nappy as well so we are both the same, and I bet my brother has 
also pooed as he hasn’t for three days, looking over to where the 
toddler was sitting he was fast asleep as well as Josh with a big smile 
on his face. Asking how long till we reach Alice’s house, “in just a 
few more hours darling, not far to go now, it depends on the traffic, 
Looking out the window and fidgeting as the poo in my nappy became more 
and more un comfortable, moments later I recognised my surroundings as 
I knew a couple more minuets we will be at Alice’s houses.

Finally we reached the house and Alice opened the door and I ran out 
and up to the toilet to get my nappy off, after cleaning myself up, I 
put on a clean pair of under pants and shorts on then returned to the 
other to help unload the car. When I got outside Alice said do you feel 
alright now Luke, “yes thank you”, came my reply, it didn’t take long 
to get all the things into the living room and after tea we al settle 
led down and watched the early evening programming on the television. 
Round nine Rachel, Clair and little Jamie got ready to go back home, 
after they said good bye to us all they all got back into the car and 
waving to us as the drove down the road.

A hour later a knock came at the door and in came mom, “hello son did 
you enjoy you week at the bungalow”? “Yes” came my enthusiastic reply I 
love it; mom brought a big bunch of flowers for Alice and gave them to 
me to give to her. “Ahhh, thank you Luke and gave me a big kiss, mom 
stayed for a little while but I was getting sleepy so she decided it 
was time for us both to return home; I must of remained asleep as I 
don’t remember getting ready for bed.

Conclusion to the story:

After that year, both mom and I remained friends for years after that 
holiday and for nine years after I returned with Alice, Rachel, Clair 
and Josh back to the Bungalow and we remained in nappies though out the 

But this changed after Alice remarried to her second husband and after 
there wedding where both was invited, Alice and Josh moved to 
Birmingham to live, I miss them after they left and we receive a 
Christmas card and birthday card every year as well the of phone call 
from Alice but we never seen them again.

I hope you all enjoyed this story and I look forward to reading yours 
in the near future.

Luke Bradshaw

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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