The week went too quickly and the final day was upon us, I totally enjoyed my stay at the bungalow. While Alice and Rachel packed our clothes, the children played in the garden, as we all was still in our nappies and the day was hotter than ever we all decided not to put our clothes on, Alice made shore that we was all covered in sun cream to prevent any of us from burning. We ran around chasing each other including Alice as I push her around the garden; as I chased Josh pushing Clair so she could tag him, all of a sudden he stopped as Alice Tag her little cousin Joshes face went bright red and he slightly bent forward, “Are you pooing in your nappy, Joshua”? He turns away from us and we could see the definite bulge and the sound of little trumps as he pushed the poo into his nappy saying “Yea, see?” Joshua didn’t care who knows if he weeing or pooping in his nappy, after he was done Josh am going to tag you Jamie and started cashing after him giggling taking not long to tag the little toddler, after a hour or two later Alice called us in for lunch, as we entered the patio door she said which one of you has pooed their nappy? Clair said “it’s Joshua has Aunty Alice, she took him to his bed room to change his nappy while the rest of us ate, only to return moments later. After having lunch every Alice and Rachel said “Right, kids. Let’s go down to the beach for a couple of hours.” A bit of a “Hurray!” came from us all and we all went to out respective rooms to get towels. After returning to the kitchen Alice pushed Clair while Jamie, Josh and me ran ahead to the beach. All of us stayed on the beach all day splashing in the sea and making sandcastles. Even Clair was taken and sat on the waters edge and splashed her nappy bulging as her nappy soaked the sea water. Josh and Jamie brought buckets of water and threw it over Clair which made her gasp as the cold water hit her. After numerous times going into the sea to collect water to chuck at Clair both Josh’s and Jamie’s nappies were as bulky as Clair’s, they found difficult to run to and from the water as the weight of water collected. Alice giggled to see them both trying to more like waddle than run to and thro from the water’s edge, feeling a bit sorry for than and no one was around Alice told them both to come to her and removed their soggy nappies; as I only went only up to my knees my nappy remained dry until from behind Rachel grabbed me and flung me over her shoulder and took me into the sea and dunking me into the cold water causing me to gasp as the cold water surrounded me everyone laughed as I waggled out of the water, my nappy full of sea water and very cold around my bum and penis, as I exited out the water I weed in my nappy causing the cold nappy to become a bit warmer but this didn’t last as the coldness of the see water: Alice asked me to com to her and she took my nappy off, this I didn’t mind as all the children was naked and I been this way before. Unfortunely the fun had to end and it was time to return to the house, we all gathered our stuff and put them into the bags and Clair was returned to her chair, on the way back we all talked about the holiday and us kids was asked if we enjoyed our selves we all said that we’ll love it and could we stay but Alice replied that they had to return home as they had to go back to school the following week. As we all entered into the bungalow Rachel told us boys to go and get dressed, She asked me if I could help little Jamie on with his clothes which I replied “Yea no problems”, taking the naked little toddler to his room I found a nappy and his cream and powder lying on his bed with his clothes, after putting the cream and powered around his little penis and scrotum I put a nappy under his bum and lifted the front of his nappy between his legs and fastened it securely, after helping him to dress I made my way to my room to put to my clothes as I was still naked from the beach, as I was putting on my underpants Alice entered my room, “wait on darling we better put a nappy on you for the journey home lye on the bed for me and ill put it on for you sweet heart. Lying on the bed just like what I did for little Jamie, Alice powdered around my penis and scrotum before putting a clean dry nappy between my legs, she asked if I needed help dressing which I said “no am okay, thank you.” Returning to the kitchen where everyone was packing their last bit and bobs into there bags and put them into the people carrier for the long journey home. After locking up the bungalow Alice got into the care and we made our way down the private lane on our way home, after about a hour in I got the urge to poo, I asked Rachel if we could stop as I need the toilet very badly. Alice said, “you got a nappy on, sweetheart so just wee in your nappy.” “No,” I replied, “I need to go poop not wee.” It’s okay Darling just do it in your nappy no one will think anything less of you” trying to keep it in as long as I could but I started to have cramps, by this time I could feel the poop out and filling my nappy, as Alice said just do it in my nappy I gave a little push and a big log came out and then It just exploded as loads came out and filled my nappy, it felt uncomfortable but Clair told me to sit on it and move you bum about to squish it around it will make it more comfortable, I did this and it worked but the poop in my nappy stated to get cooler until it was cold around my bum and my penis and scrotum not long later I wee-ed in my nappy as well , this warmed it up a little but not too long. Clair leaned over to me and whispered don’t worry Luke I have poo-pooed in my nappy as well so we are both the same, and I bet my brother has also pooed as he hasn’t for three days, looking over to where the toddler was sitting he was fast asleep as well as Josh with a big smile on his face. Asking how long till we reach Alice’s house, “in just a few more hours darling, not far to go now, it depends on the traffic, Looking out the window and fidgeting as the poo in my nappy became more and more un comfortable, moments later I recognised my surroundings as I knew a couple more minuets we will be at Alice’s houses. Finally we reached the house and Alice opened the door and I ran out and up to the toilet to get my nappy off, after cleaning myself up, I put on a clean pair of under pants and shorts on then returned to the other to help unload the car. When I got outside Alice said do you feel alright now Luke, “yes thank you”, came my reply, it didn’t take long to get all the things into the living room and after tea we al settle led down and watched the early evening programming on the television. Round nine Rachel, Clair and little Jamie got ready to go back home, after they said good bye to us all they all got back into the car and waving to us as the drove down the road. A hour later a knock came at the door and in came mom, “hello son did you enjoy you week at the bungalow”? “Yes” came my enthusiastic reply I love it; mom brought a big bunch of flowers for Alice and gave them to me to give to her. “Ahhh, thank you Luke and gave me a big kiss, mom stayed for a little while but I was getting sleepy so she decided it was time for us both to return home; I must of remained asleep as I don’t remember getting ready for bed. Conclusion to the story: After that year, both mom and I remained friends for years after that holiday and for nine years after I returned with Alice, Rachel, Clair and Josh back to the Bungalow and we remained in nappies though out the holiday. But this changed after Alice remarried to her second husband and after there wedding where both was invited, Alice and Josh moved to Birmingham to live, I miss them after they left and we receive a Christmas card and birthday card every year as well the of phone call from Alice but we never seen them again. I hope you all enjoyed this story and I look forward to reading yours in the near future. Luke Bradshaw