Name: Donny
Ages: 9
Current Age: 54

In 1963 I was 9 years old and in 1963 when they had no disposable 
diapers, cloth diapers and plastic pants were the rule for kids not 
potty trained. Kids being potty trained wore very thick cloth training 
pants that were six layers of terrycloth, sometimes with a pair of 
plastic pants sewn to them. Beginner trainees wore the plastic covered 
training pants after the trainee showed he could use the potty most of 
the time he got to were just the thick trainers. When he had a lot of 
success he was allowed to wear thinner trainer pants with regular 
summer shorts then he graduated to big-boy underpants. Accidents were 
allowed only once a day but the kid would be regressed one step back 
for wetting and two steps back for messing.

They had three classes at the day camp-- toddlers 18 month to 4-year- 
old class, big kids 5-year-old to 9-year-old then pre-teens 10-year-old 
to 12-year-olds. Kids wearing training pants or diapers were not 
allowed out of the toddler class.

The second week of going to day camp we were out in the field playing 
kickball there were 3 girls and 6 other boys. I felt the need to poop 
but it was my turn up so I held it in, I made it to second base where I 
waited still holding my poop. Then my friend kicked the winning kick 
letting me run to home base. I got so excited I pooped my pants on my 
run for home.

I sneaked to my locker to get a change of clothes but one of the 
caretakers from the toddler room caught me asking me what I was after. 
Sniffing the air, she told me to turn around pulling the back of my 
pants to check if she was right. She asked me why I pooped my pants. I 
said it was an accident and asked what could I do. The caretaker led me 
to the toddler room, lifted me on to the changing table where she put 
the strap around my chest removed my shoes, socks, pants leaving me 
wearing messy underwear and a T-shirt. She removed my messy underpants 
and started to wash my behind. When she was done she dried and powdered 
me making me smell like a baby then she slipped the thickest pair of 
underpants I have ever felt. She removed my T-shirt and washed my back 
where a small amount poop got.

I look down to see that the thick pants had a plastic cover. I began to 
cry that I was not a baby. I wanted my pants back. The caretaker told 
me to look at my clothes in the brown paper bag as I looked in I saw 
poop on everything. I asked, �But can�t I have thinner pants like that 
kid over there?� She told me the rules in the toddler room say if you 
poop your pants you need to wear these until you can prove you are a 
big boy. I asked.

�How long does that take?�

She said three days of using the potty without and accident to get 
thick training pants without plastic, three days with no accidents to 
get thin training pants and three days no accidents to be a big boy 
again three days to get back to your regular class. I said, �That�s a 
long time; can�t I skip anything because I am a big boy?� She said no, 
I was just a toddler now.

It was an hour before lunch and I was hungry so I went to play with the 
other kids in the toddler class. There were five kids only one in 
diapers and one wearing thin training pants. The kids not wearing 
diapers did not want to play with me so I had to play with the one 
wearing diapers. His name was Larry. Larry said he is going to be a big 
boy like Jessy pointing to the one wearing training pants. I said, �I 
am a big kid.� He said, �Not until you get big-boy pants.�

We played until lunch. I was starting to have fun without even thinking 
of what I was doing. The caretaker brought six highchairs. She grabbed 
the first kid closest to her me. She had me strapped in and the tray in 
place in seconds. I waited while the other five kids were placed into 
their chairs. Then our lunch was placed in front of us after a bib was 
tied around our neck. Lunch was soup and peanut butter and jelly 
sandwiches. I told the caretaker I needed to pee. She told me I had to 
wait until I finished my lunch. Larry said, �me need to pee too!� The 
caretaker said he needed to wait, too.

I was just about finished when pee started to come out little by little 
then all the sudden a flood and I was soaked. Lunch was over. Everyone 
was cleaned up and released from their chairs. She checked my pants, 
telling me to go wait by the changing table. I knew I was in trouble 
now. She led Larry over to the changing table where I thought he was 
going to get his diaper changed. She put him on the table removed his 
clean dry diaper and put him on the potty.

The caretaker lifted me on to the table where I thought she would just 
change my wet training pants for dry ones. She removed my wet pants 
cleaned me and powdered me raised my bottom and put a thick diaper 
under me and pinned it in place; in seconds I was diapered. I started 
to pull it off when she gave my hand a smack. She had plastic pants 
covering my thick diaper telling not to touch my diapers or I would be 
very sorry. I was scared of what would happen so when she put me on the 
floor. I just walked over to the play area and started to play, 
followed by Larry wearing his new thick training pants. He said he is 
going to be a big boy not a baby.

I asked the caretaker when I can get pants like Larry�s she said if I 
can hold my pee and poop until she can take me to the potty when I ask 
her to take me for the next three days I get to graduate to training 
pants like Larry�s. I went from being a big kid to a toddler in less 
than a few hours.

Now it is naptime, and me being a bedwetter, I was in trouble. I will 
never get out of toddler class. After three days in toddler class I was 
happy to stay just to hide from the older kids. I only pooped three or 
four more times that summer but I wet so many I could not count keeping 
me in diapers. Since at home I wore diapers to bed before my accident 
that got me put back in diapers. Now mom just changes three of my 
diapers on week days and 6 diapers on weekends.

That was how I spent the summer in 1963 and got hooked on diapers. When 
I started school that year I had to go wearing training pants with 
plastic pants no one found out and I was happy about that.

It was the summer 1964 and I had just turned ten years old my baby 
brother is two years and two months old. He was too young last year to 
be in summer day camp. You have to be over 18 months old because of the 
day camp license was for 18-month- to 12-year-old kids.

The class arrangements have changed a little from last year if you are 
potty trained and wearing regular underpants. Ages 2 to 5 you are in 
preschool-kindergarten class; ages 6 to 9, new adventure class; ages 10 
to 12, great adventure class. If you still need training pants or 
diapers no matter your age you stay in the 18-month to two-year-old 
room it is call the two-year-old room.

I was all ready to go to the great adventure class but when they 
learned I still wet my pants they told mom their license would allow me 
to be in the two-year-old room only, even if I could change my own wet 

I have been in charge of changing my own wet paants I was in third 
grade without my friends knowing I was not fully potty trained. I would 
change my wet training pants at every recess break. Mom did not tell me 
that I was going to have to go to the baby class until we arrived at 
day camp the first day walking in the building.

My brother had been fully potty independent for the last three months 
going to the preschool class he was a big boy, not a baby. I was so 
busy with my own play. Even playing together every day I did not 
realize he was potty trained. I never saw him using the potty but I 
never saw mom change his diaper, either. I thought he was still a 
diaper baby because there were still diapers and baby things in his 

When we walked in the summer day camp building mom told me that I had 
to go to the same class I was in last year. I cried that class is for 
babies I am a big boy I can change my wet pants if I wet.

�Can�t I be in the big-boy class?�

Mrs. Walker said, �If you are wear training pants or diapers you belong 
in this baby class.�

I cried and pulled back on her hand as she led me crying to the baby 
class. I saw my brother go the other way into the preschool 
kindergarten class, smiling at me.

As soon as walked in the baby room Mrs. Johnson grabbed me and checked 
my training pants. I had wet sometime between home and day camp but I 
can�t remember when. Mrs. Johnson picked me up placing me on the 
changing table, strapping me down like a baby. I started to kick, 
saying, �I can change my own wet pants.� Mrs. Johnson said not while in 
the baby room babies are not allowed to touch their underwear diapers 
or training pants.

My wet pants and training pants were removed and placed into a bag to 
be taken home. My wet training pants were replaced by a thick cloth 
diaper and plastic pants just like last year I was back to baby status.

There were only three other kids in this class one diapered just like 
me two wearing training pants one had plastic training pants one had 
thin training pants ready for big boy pants. It was breakfast time so 
we were all put into our highchairs I was fed breakfast because I 
refused to eat baby food in a highchair. I had to eat what they fed me 
to get out of the highchair so I could go play.

I asked for my pants to cover my diaper. Mrs. Johnson said, �no pants 
are allowed in this class if you are wearing diapers. First, you have 
to earn training pants by staying clean and dry like a big boy to get 
pants to cover your underwear.� I asked, �How am I going to use the 
potty?� Mrs. Johnson said that she would be taking me to the potty 
every two hours. If I can stay dry for the two hours every potty time 
all day I earn thick plastic training pants the next day, until then I 
must stay diapered. If I can keep my thick plastic training pants dry 
for three more days I get thick training pants with no plastic. If keep 
my thick just cloth training pants clean and dry for three more days 
dry I get thin training pants. Keep my thin training pants dry for 
three more days I will get big-boy underpants. Keep my big boy pants 
dry for three more days I will get to go to kindergarten class for a 
week. Stay clean and dry in kindergarten class I get to go to my 
regular class.

If I mess myself once I will go all the way back to diapers for three 
weeks before I can start potty training all over again.

I played for two hours with the other babies having fun until potty 
time Mrs. Johnson lined us up checking every one before they were sat 
on the potty. The first boy had thin training pants after he used the 
potty he got his reward big boy under pants boy was he happy. The 
second boy graduated from thick training pants to thin training pants. 
The diapered boy got his thick plastic covered training pants. I had my 
diaper changed.

We played more until lunch where I was again fed more baby food. After 
lunch I had to take my nap in a crib just like last year every one else 
had a map to sleep on, diapered kids had to sleep in a crib all others 
had a mat.

When I got home found out I would have to start sleeping in the crib at 
home too. My brother would get my big boy bed. I would have to start 
using all the baby things at home that my brother no longer needed the 
highchair, playpen and toys while my brother got my big boy things.

I was in trouble I could not even hold my pee for one hour how could I 
get my plastic training pants back. In 1964 there were very few people 
using disposable diapers. Cloth diapers were always very thick covered 
with plastic pants. I had forgotten what thick diapers felt like I had 
not worn them in almost a year. When Mrs. Johnson put me on the floor 
dressed in my diapers, plastic pants and short T-shirt. There was a 
large open door between my brothers class and mine guarded by a four 
foot high toddler gate. The kids could see each other but could not go 
from room to room.

I could not hide every one in big kid class could see what a big baby I 
looked like. My brother giggled when he saw me get my diaper changed 
one hour later. He knew it would be a long time before I would be potty 
trained like him.

Three days later one half hour after I was fed my breakfast in my 
highchair I felt the need to poop and asked Mrs. Johnson for the potty 
she said I have to wait for potty time. I tried to hold it for another 
few minutes when poop started to come out into my diaper I could not 
stop my poop. Eating baby food for three days made me start pooping 
like a baby, too.

I tried to hide so no one would find out I was such a baby. Then Mrs. 
Johnson smelled it and called out, �Who has poopy?� as she walked 
around the room checking everyone�s pants. I was the last one and she 
knew it was me that was the poopy baby, meaning no more potty time for 
me for three weeks. I was just a little baby from now until they let me 
back in potty training class again. By that time the only kid left in 
diapers or training was me. No one in baby class still wore diapers 
except me so they combined my brother�s class and baby class me.

I could not hide my diapers. All the little kids treated me like I was 
a baby. Even though I was a little bigger they were by two or three 
inches except the four-year-old kids they were the same size as me but 
they weighed more because I was so skinny. They were my boss I had to 
do what they told me to do play the way they wanted me to play for the 
rest of the summer I was just a diaper baby using my diapers with no 
potty training in sight for me.

At the end of summer I had to start fourth grade wearing diapers, 
letting the nurse change my diaper until I would not mess at school. 
Then I was again in charge of my own wet clothes.

No one found out I was not potty trained well enough to wear regular 
underwear. I was good at keeping it my secret.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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