Name: Vinnie R.
Ages: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Current Age: 28

My Early Attraction To Diapers
We Find Another Kid
We Do Another Sleepover
The Martins
The Job With Eastern Diaper Service


I have the best job in the world. I drive a delivery van for a diaper 
service in New Jersey and you just won't believe all the stuff I get to 
see--and then get paid to do! For someone with a diaper fetish, it's 
almost heaven on earth. It's not the best paying job, but the "fringe 
benefits" are great. Most of the customers are babies along with some 
elderly people from nursing homes, but there are also numerous others--
mostly larger kids who still wet their pants and beds--and that's where 
the real fun is.

The job is mostly picking up pails of wet underwear and dropping off 
clean diapers. I'm also responsible for getting payment from the home 
customers. Disposables have cut heavily into our business, but thanks 
to tree-hugging environmentalists, cloth is starting to make a big 
comeback. Lately though, we've had some personnel cuts and I've had to 
do sorting. The diapers get washed and dried separately from the 
waterproof pants and I sometimes have to open the dirty diaper pails 
and remove the rubber pants myself before turning the items over to the 
laundry crew. It's always fun imagining what's gone on. The laundry 
crew gets all the dirty work and I'm glad I'm not part of it anymore. I 
had to do it myself when I first hired on. I was unemployed 3 months 
and it was the only work I could find. They have to make sure there's 
no pins left in the diapers, flush out any crap remaining in them and 
then toss them into the large washing machines along with detergent. 
Everyone on the laundry crew wears rubber gloves and protective 
clothing and it usually stinks pretty bad down there. But the boss 
thought I was doing a good job and after 4 months, he offered me a 
delivery route along with a raise and I quickly took it. You've got to 
be pretty hard up for work to stay on the laundry crew. There's this 
German woman, Helga Kohler who's been there 15 years. She's not the 
most attractive thing I've ever laid eyes on (200 lbs) and can be a 
real bitch at times. She's got the personality of a tuna fish and is 
not too bright to boot. I think she is where she belongs--washing out 
shitty pants for just about minimum wage. There's another washer woman 
there too, Harriet who's also a total dunce. I don't think she could 
find another job if her life depended on it. These positions don't 
really attract quality people and Harriet is living proof. She's as 
dumb as a brick with an extremely short temper. Several timea I've seen 
her get pissed off at someone and then hurl a wet laundry item (dirty 
or clean) at them. She's been there 6 years and I'm surprised she 
hasn't been fired before now. Needless to say, people usually don't 
stay long and the turnover is high. And their boss, Larry the laundry 
supervisor is a complete asshole anyhow. I was really glad to get away 
from there. Most of the rest of the laundry crew had the career choice 
of either doing this or becoming "professional burger flippers". A 
couple of people have also been fired there as the job attracts diaper 
fetishists of all sorts, some of whom can't control themselves. There 
was this one guy, Dill who was caught jerking off into a diaper one day 
and was fired right on the spot. And I've also heard several other 
stories like that coming from there. I've done it too, but at least I 
have the privacy of the delivery van to relieve myself.

Luckily, Danny the delivery supervisor and I get along fairly well. I 
think he knows that some of his delivery men are also deviates, (he may 
even be 1 himself, who knows?) but it's almost impossible catching them 
at it because they're out on the road all day and as long as the work 
is getting done and no one's complaining, they don't care. One morning, 
I was doing an early delivery. The 8-9 AM drop-offs (along with 
Saturdays) are the best as you're more likely to see kids who have just 
gotten up for the day and a lot of them don't wear pajamas to bed and 
you get to see more. I didn't know anything about this family as they 
usually weren't home when I came around. The mother answered the door 
and let me in and as I was giving her the diapers, her 2 boys walked 
into the living room. The first was around 12 and his brother 10 and 
they both had nothing on except for a diaper and a pair of plastic 
pants. The plastic pants we use are almost transparent and I could see 
through them and the boy's diapers were soaked. They were both 
bedwetters and had just gotten up for the day and after seeing this, I 
had all I could do to stay under control. She paid me and I took the 
pail with their wet underwear back to the truck and then drove away. I 
was about 3 blocks from their house and turned into a park, stopped the 
engine and locked the doors on the van. There was a divider door 
between the cab and the back of the truck and I quickly closed it. I 
grabbed a diaper that was laying loose back there and started jerking 
off into it and lifted the cover of the pail I had just picked up and 
after a minute, shot off into it. I then tossed it into the pail. Later 
back at the laundry, I handed the pail to Helga and remember thinking I 
was glad she got stuck with cleaning those kid's wet pants, but then 
wondered what she might think if she knew what I had done. Now she had 
to clean up after me too! Screw her!

Some of the pickups and deliveries are really interesting. We have this 
one customer, Shirley Thomas with 5 kids, none of whom are yet fully 
toilet trained. They range in age from 1� to 9 years and it's 
incredible how much laundry they generate every week. Thank God, 
they're keeping me employed! I stopped by there for a recent delivery 
one Saturday morning around 8:30 and the 9 year old answered the door. 
He apparently had just gotten up and was wearing just a T-shirt, a 
diaper and a pair of waterproof pants. He saw me standing there and 
yelled inside to his mother "Hey Mom, it's the diapers man" and while 
Shirley was coming to the door, I could see the other 4 kids sitting on 
the living room floor watching TV. There was another boy who looked 
around 7, two girls about 5 and 3, and an 18 month old baby boy 
toddling around the room. All of them were in diapers and pants. I 
couldn't believe it, 5 bedwetters in one family! Shirley had just 
gotten up (she was still in her robe) and had not yet changed any of 
them for the day. I was able to get a good look at the 5 year old girl 
and the 7 year boy and could see that their diapers were drenched. I 
bet the others were too! When she got to the door, I handed her 2 big 
bundles of clean cloth diapers along with 3 packages of waterproof 
pants and she gave me 2 pails filled with all of their wet (and in the 
case of the 18 month old, dirty) underwear. She then paid me and I told 
her I would be back again next week.

At another place, the Urlich family, there's only 1 kid, David. He's 11 
and according to our records, we've been delivering diapers there since 
the day he was born. I don't know how many thousands he's used across 
time, but he still pees his pants every night as the pail usually has 
7-10 wet diapers in it every week. We also supply them with rubber 
sheets. Bless his little heart!

The Leary family has 3 kids, 2 boys and 1 girl. I've been delivering 
diapers there for a long time, although the amount fell off sharply 5 
years ago. Some kids are easier to train than others. The oldest is one 
of the boys, around 10 and the diapers I deliver are too big for either 
of the other 2. He's a bedwetter for sure. He only uses 10 a week, but 
I bet he's still several years away from having dry sheets at night.

We also just sell some of them too. Usually, when we're asked for 
larger size diapers, the users are kids that still wet the bed. It's a 
good money maker for the company because you can't get buy diapers that 
size in the stores. A lot of the time, the parents prefer to wash the 
diapers themselves because our services get expensive after a while and 
disposables are even worse. Many times, we've done sales and a year or 
2 later, we're back selling them more to replace worn out items. Some 
kids are really hard to get dry at night.

The company used to have 7 daycare centers as customers, but most of 
them have switched to disposable diapers and the like. However, 
"Happytime Daycare Center" and 1 other have stayed with cloth, which is 
good for me (in numerous ways!) and they are on my delivery route, so 3 
times a week, I stop in there. Once, I dropped in right at changing 
time (10 AM) and got treated to a show of 12 kids of all ages getting 
their wet (and sometimes dirty) underwear changed. Fortunately, since I 
am "The Diaper Man", no one really cared that I was present and 
watching the situation. Although we can supply items in all sizes, some 
of the kids seemed like they were awful big to still be in diapers. One 
of them was probably 13 years old and the daycare attendants made him 
lie down on the floor to be changed. He was too large to fit on their 
table. I don't know why he wasn't in school. There were several others 
around the ages of 6 to 9 (I think 1 of them was retarded), but all had 
wet pants on. They did 1 right after the next, taking down their rubber 
pants, removing their wet diaper and then replacing it with a dry one. 
I pretended to be busy putting the items on the shelves, but was eyeing 
things very closely. The supervisor, a middle aged woman named Gert 
asked if I could wait just a few more minutes until they finished 
changing all the kids and it was my pleasure to comply! I really got my 
jollies watching the show. When I finally left, I had 4 full pails of 
wet diapers to carry out to the truck.

There is also the County Children's Home, which is our biggest 
customer, although they switched over to mostly disposables several 
years ago to cut costs. However, we sell several lines of those too and 
still supply them with some cloth and plastic items "of non-standard 
size" along with a very large number of rubber sheets. Judging by the 
amount of business we do with them, I think every bed in the place must 
have a rubber sheet on it, which is probably not a bad idea! There's 
around 40 kids of all ages who have been sent there for 1 reason or 
another. Some got in trouble with the law and others have been 
abandoned or abused and taken away from the parents. Apparently quite a 
few still wet their pants and/or beds, so much so, they get a volume 
discount from the company. I deliver 10 packages of GoodNites pants 
there every week. The company's also got several nursing homes along 
with a hospital as customers, but they aren't on my route. We have 4 
delivery guys who take care of all that and I'm sure they have lots of 
stories to tell too.

The pails we use are plastic and have locking covers and most of the 
time work pretty well keeping the smell under control, but once I had 
to do a pickup I thought was going to kill me. The family went on 
vacation and didn't tell us to come and get their stuff first. They had 
2 kids and the pail was full of wet pants and sat in their house for 2 
weeks when they finally called. There was a strong odor coming from the 
pail even with the cover on it and back in the truck, I briefly opened 
it. 2 seconds later, I slammed the lid back down. The smell was enough 
to curl your eyebrows. Back at the laundry, I was happy to hand it off 
to Harriet and thought "Here you bitch, you deserve this. Now it's your 
My Early Attraction To Diapers

As a kid, I had always been difficult and late with toilet training, 
but found out early I was not the only one. When I was 5� years old and 
just a few months away from starting school, I remember waking up one 
morning after having wet my bed one more time and I guess my mom wasn't 
very happy with me that day. As she pulled back my blankets to get me 
up, she suddenly saw my wet mess and said this was the 4th time this 
month I had wet the bed and since I had peed my pants the day before 
when we were out at the mall, she was going to make me wear diapers for 
the next few days as punishment. Although I wasn't diapered all the 
time during the day, I would frequently wet myself, many times when we 
were out in public, to the point that she would always bring along 
extra underwear, pull-ups and dry pants when we would go out. She 
didn't trust me at all. I really couldn't control my night wetting, but 
many times during the day, thought my bladder was bigger than what it 
was and when I really needed to go, didn't tell her until the last 
minute. Many times, it was too late. The day before at the mall, we had 
just finished a quick lunch when I told her I needed to go to the 
bathroom, but before we could get there, I just couldn't hold it any 
longer and drenched my pants as she stood there staring at me with an 
unhappy look on her face. I was then taken into the ladies room while 
she lifted me up onto the diaper changer and took off my wet pants. She 
said sternly "How many times have I told you to let me know first when 
you have to go to the bathroom?" as she rummaged through the diaper bag 
for dry underwear and pants. I just lay there whimpering with an 
embarrassed look on my face. At night, she was trying to get me out of 
diapers and I was made to wear regular underwear or training pants much 
of the time, even though I really wasn't ready for it. I would often 
have bedwetting accidents.

Today, I pleaded for her not to put me back in diapers, but she was 
insistent as I just stood along side of my wet bed and whimpered. She 
removed my drenched pajamas and underwear and I was made to stand there 
with nothing on while she took the soaked sheets off my bed. I had 
really let loose and sopped one of the blankets along with my pajamas 
and sheets. Fortunately, it was a youth bed and the entire mattress was 
covered with protective plastic and the wetness didn't go any further. 
After replacing the wet bedding, she told me to hop up on the bed while 
I begged her not to diaper me, but today, it was all in vain. She said 
"Honey, you're wetting your pants and bed almost every day. What's the 
matter?". When I didn't give her an answer, she told me to lay down and 
when I did, I got lifted up by my ankles while she slipped a cloth 
diaper under me, pulled it up between my legs and pinned it into place 
while I just laid there and carried on. She told me to be quiet and 
then went over to the chest of drawers and took out a pair of nursery 
print plastic pants. After shaking them out, she pulled them up over my 
feet and legs and then over my diaper and said "There, if you're going 
to wet your pants and act like a baby, you can just wear diapers for 
the next several days too!". I was so ashamed, but then I think she 
suddenly felt just a bit sorry for me. "Here" she said and then got a 
pair of long pants from the closet and put them on me over my diapered 
bottom and said "There, you've got your long pants on. Now nobody can 
see you're in diapers". She took out a T-shirt from another drawer and 
put it on me. The long pants had shoulder straps and she fastened them 
before we went into the kitchen for breakfast.

Afterwards, she told me I could go outside and play, but as I opened 
the front door, I was secretly hoping no one else would find out that I 
was being made to wear diapers--and why. I was playing in my sandbox in 
the back yard when Bobby Martin, the kid across the street saw me and 
came over. Bobby was my age and we were friends and played together all 
the time. He started talking to me, but I wasn't in a very good mood at 
that moment. He looked at me and asked "What's the matter?" and I 
suddenly realized I wasn't doing a very good job of covering up and 
decided to just tell him what happened. "I wet my bed last night and my 
mom got mad at me". He just said "Wow" and I added "Now I have to wear 
diapers", hoping that he wouldn't think I was a total misfit or blab it 
to any of the other kids in the neighborhood. I told him "Look" and 
pulled down the top of my pants to show him. He peeked in and said 
"Wow, you got rubber pants on too". I said mom was making me wear them 
for the next few days as punishment and was almost ready to cry when he 
said. "Hey Vinnie don't feel bad. I wet at night all the time and my 
brother Roger does too". I just couldn't believe I was hearing this! I 
was amazed to learn I wasn't the only kid who did it. He said "My mom 
makes me wear pull-ups to bed and Roger has to wear Pampers and we 
gotta have rubber pants on too and rubber sheets on our beds". Since he 
was being so sympathetic, I decided to reveal everything and told him 
"We were at the store yesterday and I had to go to the bathroom real 
bad and didn't make it and wet my pants in front of everyone. And last 
night I wet my bed again and my mom got mad and says whenever we go 
out, I have to be in diapers". Just then, Roger came outside from their 
house, saw the 2 of us in my back yard and ran over to where we were. 
He was around 4� and was a real cute kid, but had weak eyes and had to 
wear glasses at his tender age. When he got there, Bobby said to him 
"Hey Roger, guess what? Vinnie's got diapers on". Roger froze almost 
dead in his tracks and then turned beet red. You could tell by his 
reaction that he had considerable recent experience with this. Bobby 
said "Vinnie wet his bed last night and his mom's making him wear 
diapers today". I said "Yeah, look" and pulled my pants open again to 
show him. As he looked in and saw my rubber pants, his eyes got huge 
and said "Gosh". Bobby then said "I told him you and me wet at night 
too so don't feel bad" and then he added "Roger pees his pants 
sometimes in the day too". Roger just stood there with a silly sheepish 
grin on his red face and said "Yeah me too" and then pulled his pants 
open. Both Bobby and I looked in them and sure enough, he was also in 
diapers. Suddenly, I didn't feel so bad.

Later, I had to go to the bathroom, but decided I was going to get back 
at mom for having me go through this. I thought if she's making me wear 
diapers, she can change them too. So instead of going inside, I just 
peed in them on purpose and continued playing. About an hour later, I 
did it again. Soon, she called me in for lunch and when I went inside, 
she said, "Well, you've been outdoors all morning and seeing as you've 
been wetting so much, I guess I need to check you." She unfastened the 
shoulder straps and then ran her hand down inside my waterproof pants 
and said, "Well, I'm glad you're in diapers, your pants are drenched 
again", not thinking that I might have done it intentionally. I was 
taken by the hand into my room and told to hop up on the bed. I was 
really hoping she would relent and let me go back to my regular 
underwear, but as I was getting up onto the bed, I saw a dry diaper and 
a pair of plastic pants laying there, so it wasn't going to happen--not 
today. She took my long pants off and then slipped a changing pad under 
me before pulling down my plastic pants. She unpinned my wet diaper and 
told me to lift up and when I did, removed it and replaced it with the 
dry one. I then got the dry plastic pants put on me and we went inside 
for lunch. She had apparently been watching us while I was talking with 
Bobby and Roger and asked what I was doing when I pulled my pants open 
in front of them before. I said I was showing them my diapers and added 
that Bobby told me he and Roger wet at night too and their mom makes 
them wear pull-ups and rubber pants to bed. Mom replied, "Well I don't 
know why all you little boys have so much trouble keeping your pants 

After lunch, mom put my long pants back on me and I went outside again 
to play. I saw Bobby and Roger in their front yard and went over to 
join them. After a while, the 3 of us decided to go into their house 
and their mother Ellen was there doing laundry. We were watching TV 
when she said "So Vinnie, I hear you wet your bed last night". I got a 
bit embarrassed because Bobby and Roger had blabbed on me, but turned 
to her and shook my head yes. I said "My mom got mad at me doing that 
and I wet my pants when we were at the store yesterday too". She said 
"Well, that's a common thing around here, Bobby and Roger do it all the 
time. What did your mom do about it?". I stood up and pulled my pants 
down again to show her my diapers and she said "That's also what I do 
for those 2".

Later we were playing in their bedroom when Ellen came in with a load 
of clean laundry. The beds weren't made up, but she had the items with 
her. She reached into the laundry pile and took out 2 rubber sheets and 
placed them on the boy's beds before putting on the linens. Bobby and 
Roger were standing there watching, but didn't really seemed 
embarrassed at all. The 3 of us were in the same boat. She opened up 
the bottom dresser drawer and I could see it was filled with Huggies XL 
size pull-ups, Pampers 6 diapers and around 20 pairs of larger 
waterproof baby pants. She then proclaimed "We keep the beds dry around 
here--don't we boys?".

A week later, Bobby and I were playing at his house when he got the 
idea it would be neat if we had a sleepover and he asked his mom if it 
was OK. She said it was and I said I would ask my mom who also 
approved. Ellen told me they had a sleeping bag I could use if I didn't 
mind camping out on the floor. I really didn't mind. When I arrived, I 
had a bag with my nightclothes (it was actually my diaper bag) and 
handed it to Ellen. We watched TV for a while and at bedtime, all went 
into their bedroom and us boys started undressing. Roger was able to 
take his pants off, but Bobby had to help him with his polo shirt. 
Ellen told Roger to get up on his bed and he quickly obeyed. He was 
wearing just a T-shirt and pair of underpants (along with his glasses). 
She opened the bottom dresser drawer and took out a pair of the Huggies 
pull-ups, handed them to Bobby and said "Here, you're a big boy, you 
know how to put them on". Bobby then removed his underpants and stepped 
into the Huggies and pulled them up into place. She told Roger to lay 
down as Bobby and I watched. She reached back into the dresser drawer, 
took out one of the Pampers diapers and opened it up. She told Roger to 
lift up and when he did, removed his underpants and slipped the Pampers 
under him, pulled it up between his legs and taped it into place. She 
then went back to the drawer, took out 2 pairs of the waterproof baby 
pants and handed one to Bobby. He quickly stepped into them and pulled 
them up over his Huggies, patting his backside a few times afterwards. 
She took the remaining pair, slipped them over Roger's ankles and feet 
and pulled them up into place over his Pampers and said "There, that'll 
keep your beds dry tonight". Then she said to me "Vinnie, I spoke to 
your mother before and she told me that you wet your bed a lot". I was 
a bit embarrassed at first hearing her say this because now everyone 
knew I was a bedwetter, but after seeing Bobby and Roger being diapered 
in front of me, realized it wasn't so bad because all of us did it. She 
added "I think it would be a good idea if you were to wear something 
tonight too so that you don't have any accidents". She asked which 
diaper I wanted to wear. Seeing that Bobby liked his Huggies, I said I 
would take them. She reached back into the drawer, took out another 
pair and handed it to me. I was a little embarrassed because everyone 
was looking at me, but I obediently removed my underpants, stepped into 
the Huggies and pulled them up. Then she said "Maybe you should wear 
baby pants too" as she got another pair of the waterproof pants from 
the drawer and handed them to me. I put them on as they all watched. 
When we were done, she looked at the 3 of us and said "Good. There will 
be no bedwetting here tonight". All 3 of us put our PJs on and then 
Bobby and Roger got into their beds and as we did, I distinctly 
remember the crinkling noise coming from all of our nighttime 
underwear. We were 3 little bedwetting boys in diapers. Ellen unrolled 
the sleeping bag and then went back to the dresser and opened the 
middle drawer. She took out another rubber sheet and as I watched, 
unfolded it and placed it into the sleeping bag. She said "I think it 
would be a good idea if we do this, just in case your pants leak". 
Actually, I thought it was a good idea too. The rubber sheet was cold 
at first, but quickly warmed up as I laid on it. When I climbed in, she 
turned out the light and we went to sleep.

The next morning, Ellen came in and announced it was time to get up. I 
didn't have that cold, uncomfortable feeling that was all too familiar 
and knew right away that even if I had wet, the Huggies at least did 
their job. Bobby woke up and quickly jumped out of bed. Ellen lightly 
shook Roger and when he awoke, she pulled his blanket back and began 
removing his pajamas. Bobby took off his PJ bottoms and placed them on 
the bed and then went over to the closet and opened the door. Right in 
front was a diaper pail and he removed the lid. Then he took off his 
plastic pants and said "Hey mom, I'm wet" and she replied "Well, you 
know what to do". I think this was a frequent and familiar daily 
routine for this family. As he took down his Huggies, I could see from 
the big spot on the front that they were soaked. When he got them off, 
he deposited them into the diaper pail. Ellen then asked "Are your 
rubber pants wet too?" and he just handed them to her. She looked them 
over, but apparently they were dry and she put them back into the 
drawer. She returned to Roger and took down his rubber pants, but we 
could see that he had really drenched himself during the night and not 
only were the pants wet, his diaper was completely soaked too, front 
and back. She quickly slipped a changing pad under him and opened the 
tapes on the diaper. "Boy" she said to him, "you really made a lot last 
night" and then removed his wet undies. She put Roger's wet Pampers 
into the pail and then took his wet rubber pants into the bathroom and 
deposited them in the sink. I started getting undressed as Ellen 
returned with a towel and wiped off Bobby and Roger. As I began taking 
off my plastic pants, I could tell that my Huggies were also drenched. 
Bobby pointed to the front of them and said "Hey Vinnie, you peed 
too!". It was then that I was glad I had spent the night in diapers. 
Ellen asked if my plastic pants were wet and I gave them to her. She 
said "Well, I'm glad that you 3 were properly diapered last night 
because all of you are really soaked this morning". I had apparently 
spilled over too as Ellen also put my wet rubber pants into the sink. I 
removed my Huggies and placed them into the pail. When Ellen returned, 
she put the cover back on. She came in with another towel and dried me 
off with it. All of us boys then were standing there with nary a stitch 
on our bottoms. It was funny to see, all of those penises. She opened 
another dresser drawer, took out a pair of regular underpants, gave 
them to Bobby and he put them on. She got my diaper bag and took out my 
daytime underwear and I put it on. She then got a pair of thick cotton 
training pants and put them on Roger and took a clean pair of the 
waterproof baby pants and slipped them on over his trainers and said to 
me "Roger still has some daytime wetting problems" as he again got a 
silly, red look on his face. He was not yet a "Big Boy", like me and 
Bobby. Ellen returned to the bathroom and rinsed out Roger's and my 
plastic pants and then dried them off with a towel before returning 
them to the dresser drawer. We then finished dressing. Before I went 
home, Bobby said "This was neat. Lets do it again".
We Find Another Kid

A couple weeks later, Bobby, Roger and I were playing in my back yard. 
That morning, none of us were wearing any protective underwear. Mom had 
finally taken me out of my day diapers one more time when my punishment 
was over, but warned me that if I didn't stop my wetting, I would be 
put back in them again. There was another neighbor boy our age who 
lived 3 doors down and his name was Eric Simon. He was fairly small, 
but was another real cute kid with a round face and light hair. When he 
saw us, he came over to join us and we spent a half hour playing tag 
and frolicking in my sandbox. I think Roger got a little too wrapped up 
with play and needed to go to the bathroom, but as usual, his timing 
was off again. He suddenly jumped up and Bobby, Eric and I could see 
that he had just wet his pants as the area around his fly and right leg 
was soaked with urine--and the spot was quickly growing. He got that 
same guilty, sheepish grin on his face as Bobby looked at him and said 
"Wow Roger, I think you did it again. You better go home". Roger 
quickly turned red and ran back towards their house with tears 
streaming down his face. While he was running, we could see that he 
apparently couldn't stop peeing as the backside of his pants were also 
soaked. When Bobby and I looked over at Eric, his face was crimson red 
too. Bobby told him "Roger does that a lot. My mom usually makes him 
wear diapers". Eric's face then turned even redder as Bobby and I were 
beginning to see this was a very sensitive issue with him. It was then 
that I noticed a bulge around Eric's backside. After seeing his brother 
embarrass himself in front of everyone, Bobby decided to open up and 
tell him about us. He said "Hey Eric, you want to know a secret"? By 
then, Eric was almost trembling, but shook his head yes I think more 
out of fear than anything. Bobby added "You promise not to tell 
anyone?" and Eric shook his head again. Bobby said "Me and Vinnie wet 
our beds and gotta wear diapers at night". Eric's eyes got so big, I 
thought they were going to pop out of his head and I became 
embarrassed--at least for a minute--that Bobby would spill the beans to 
a stranger. I guess since Bobby had just told everything, Eric finally 
opened up and replied in a barely audible voice "Me too". I just said 
"Wow" and Bobby added "Gosh really?" Eric was wearing a pair of long 
dark pants with an elastic waistband, but he pulled them open briefly 
to show us as Bobby and I peeked down them and then saw what I had 
suspected--he was also a 5-year-old daytime wetter and was wearing 
cloth diapers and plastic pants. Bobby added "Me and Roger have diapers 
at night and Vinnie does too and we do sleepovers sometimes". I added 
"Yeah they're cool". Eric, who just a minute before seemed on the edge 
of being totally stressed out, suddenly relaxed. He said "My mom makes 
we wear them sometimes in the day 'cause I still pee my pants and I 
have to wear them at night for bedwetting". I said "Me too" and added 
"I just got punished for wetting my pants in the store and mom made me 
wear diapers for a whole week". Bobby said "Roger wets his pants all 
the time".

I went over to the Martin's house later that afternoon and Roger was 
sitting on the front stoop crying. He was wearing just a diaper, a pair 
of rubber pants, shoes, socks and a polo shirt. His mom was making him 
sit outside for all the kids in the neighborhood to see as punishment 
for soaking his drawers that morning. When I came to the front door, 
Bobby let both of us in. Ellen then grabbed Roger by the hand and 
admonished him as he stood there bawling. "Roger, I wish you would 
learn to go to the toilet and stop wetting your pants all the time. 
You're just a big baby! Do you want to be in diapers forever?". Roger 
turned his characteristic red-in-the-face one more time and ran into 
his room screaming. Ellen said to me "Do you know what he did this 
morning?" and Bobby said "Yeah, Vinnie was there" and I added "Yeah, we 
were playing in my sandbox and Roger peed in his pants".
We Do Another Sleepover

A week later, Eric and I were in my back yard playing again when Bobby 
and Roger came over. Bobby said "Hey Vinnie I asked my mom if we can 
have another sleepover and she said it's OK. You guys wanna do it?". I 
said OK too and we all looked at Eric. He got a puzzled expression on 
his face and stated "I have to ask mom first". The next day, I was over 
playing at the Martin's when Eric came by. He told us his mom said it 
was alright for the sleepover, but she wanted to talk with Ellen Martin 
first (about Eric's diapers I suspect). That Friday night, mom had 
already put me in my diapers, but packed up my bag with a dry change if 
I needed it along with my PJs and watched as I scooted across the 
street. Eric and his mother, Gloria were already there and were in the 
kitchen chatting, but we could hear what was going on. Gloria said 
"Eric usually goes to bed around 9 PM" and Ellen replied "That's when 
they all do". Gloria stated that he usually sleeps through the night 
and Ellen replied "I wish they would wake up during the night so they 
wouldn't wet their pants all the time". Gloria said that was a big 
problem with Eric too. Ellen said that all of us have wet pants, so it 
really wasn't any more bother with another kid there.

We were watching TV when Bobby said to Eric "You wanna see my bedroom?" 
and Eric answered OK, so all of us went in there. Bobby and Roger had a 
bunch of toys and we were looking at them when Ellen and Gloria came 
into the room. Gloria was carrying Eric's diaper bag and said to him 
"Honey, I'm going to leave in a few minutes and you can stay over, but 
you need to get your night clothes on now". She asked Ellen if it was 
OK to use Bobby's bed to get Eric ready and Ellen said it was actually 
a good time for all of us to get ready, so I went back to the living 
room and returned with my bag. When I walked in, Gloria was sitting on 
Bobby's bed removing Eric's shoes, shirt and pants. She opened the bag 
and took out a cloth diaper, a pair of waterproof pants, 2 pins and his 
PJs. She said, "I'm actually glad to find other kids like Eric. Now, he 
isn't so embarrassed because of the diapers". Ellen added, "All 4 of 
them wear diapers!" After removing his underpants, she placed the 
diaper on the bed and folded it into his size, but while she was doing 
that, Eric spotted one of Bobby's toys and dashed over to look at it. 
Gloria called to him "Eric, come here now! Hop up on the bed and lay 
down on the diaper". He finally came back and obeyed his mother as we 
looked on. He laid back as Gloria pulled the diaper up between his legs 
and snugly fastened it in place around his waist with the pins. She put 
the waterproof pants on him and pulled them up over his diaper, making 
sure it was tucked in properly and put his PJs on him. Then she reached 
back in the bag and took out a pacifier and asked if wanted his Binky. 
He quickly grabbed it and stuffed it in his mouth. I remember he looked 
so cute like that.

Bobby was in the middle of undressing himself and helping Roger take 
off his clothes. When they finished, Ellen told Roger to lay down on 
his bed and when she took off his underpants, all of us were looking at 
him and could see that his little penis was very red and sticking 
straight up. This little 4� year old boy had a big boner. Bobby went 
over to him and in front of everyone said "Wow Roger how come your pee 
pee is doing that?". Ellen became uncomfortable with the situation 
along with Bobby's taunting questions and told him "Bobby, go put your 
Huggies on--now!". She quickly put Roger's Pampers on him and that 
ended the show. Roger was also a pacifier kid and asked Ellen if he 
could have his too. She opened another drawer, took one out and gave it 
to him. He also had a stuffed animal doll he slept with. It was then a 
replay of the first sleepover as she finished diapering her boys for 
the night. They were both put into waterproof pants and then pajamas. I 
was next. I told Ellen that mom put my diapers on me before I came over 
and she said she wanted to check them first before I got my PJs on. I 
undressed as Gloria and Ellen watched. Gloria said "Oh, I see he's 
wearing cloth too". Ellen said she used them with Bobby and Roger for a 
while, but thought disposables were better for toilet training and 
bedwetting--and she would know! Bobby and Roger were slow with toilet 
training and both wet their beds. Gloria added that Eric was slow too 
and she was hoping to have him dry when school started, but added he 
was nowhere near being dry at night. When I got all my clothes off, 
Ellen came over and ran her hand down the front of my diaper. She said 
I was dry and could put my PJs on. Ellen said to me "Vinnie, tell 
Gloria what you did last month" and I got red faced with embarrassment. 
As Ellen was helping me put my PJs on, I said "Me and mom were at the 
mall and I wet my pants and that night I wet my bed too and mom got mad 
at me and made me have day diapers for a whole week". Gloria said "Oh, 
my. That sounds like something Eric would do". Then she told us "2 
weeks ago, we were coming back from shopping and he was in his car seat 
and yelling that he had to go to the bathroom. We were just 5 minutes 
from home and I told him to hold it, but then he started crying. When 
we got home, the car seat was drenched along with his pants". Now I 
know why he was wearing diapers that day.

Eric crawled into his sleeping bag and I also got into mine as Bobby 
and Roger climbed in their beds. Once again as we were walking around, 
there was that unmistakable rustling sound coming from all of our night 
time underwear which easily identified us as bedwetters. Gloria kissed 
Eric goodnight and left as Ellen turned out the light and told us to go 
to sleep. We were laying there in the dark and were supposed to be 
sleeping, but Bobby started talking. He said "Hey Vinnie, you like 
diapers?". I replied "Yeah they're cool" and Eric added "Yeah me too. 
They're better than peeing your bed all the time" and Bobby laughed as 
we could hear Roger chewing on his pacifier. He said "You ever pee in 
your pants on purpose?" and I said I did it a couple of weeks ago when 
mom was punishing me by making me wear day diapers. He said "Sometimes 
I wake up and don't feel like going to the bathroom and just pee in 
them. Mom doesn't know I did it! She thinks I just wet when I was 
sleeping". Eric added that he had done that a number of times too and I 
also admitted it was easier just wetting them than getting up and have 
mom take the diapers down. I then said, "That's why I like rubber pants 
a lot". Bobby asked "Hey Vinnie, you ever go to bed with just regular 
underwear on?" and I said "Mom wants me to stop wearing diapers at 
night and makes me do that, but I still wet my bed a lot and hate it 
when I wake up and my sheets and PJs are soaked. I would rather have 
diapers on". Eric said his mom made him do it for 2 weeks, but he wet 
his bed every night and finally asked for his diapers back. Bobby said 
"I want to have night diapers and rubber sheets forever. If I pee in 
them every night, mom will make me keep wearing them". Then he said 
"You ever poop in them?". I replied "Mom gets real mad if I do that". 
Bobby said "Roger still does it". Roger then got angry and yelled 
"BOBBY, YOU BETTER SHUT UP!" I had wondered why Bobby wore Huggies 
pull-ups, but Roger had Pampers. The 2 boys were almost the same size, 
but now I knew. For kids who aren't bowel trained, the Pampers are a 
lot easier to change and Roger was still dirty at night. Just then, 
Ellen heard us, came in the room and told us all to go sleep.
 Around 3 AM, Ellen got up to check on us. There was a dim night light 
in the room, but I could still see as she came in and ran her hand down 
Eric's diaper to check him. He apparently was still dry right at that 
moment and actually slept through the whole thing. She checked me next 
and I had not yet wet. Bobby was also dry and then she went over to 
Roger, but muttered as she ran her hand down his pants that he had 
drenched himself. By then, he woke up and I watched as she pulled down 
his rubber pants and changed his wet diaper. The next morning as all of 
us were getting up, she came in again. She asked Eric to open his PJ 
bottoms and we could see that he had peed his diaper. When I did the 
same, she told us that our mothers would change us when we got home. 
Eric and I watched as Bobby changed out of his wet Huggies and Ellen 
took care of Roger. She said, "Roger, you wet your pants twice last 
night. I changed you at 3 o'clock and now you're wet again" as she once 
again removed his soaked Pampers, replacing them with daytime trainers 
and a pair of plastic baby pants. You could tell that this kid was not 
going to be toilet trained for quite some time.
The Martins

We lived across the street from the Martins for a number of years and 
did several more sleepovers. Most of the time, it was at their place, 
but we did a few at my house and Eric's. Roger finally stopped his day 
wetting when he began kindergarten, but all of us still wet the bed for 
a while afterwards. Eric was the first out of night diapers when his 
mother switched him over to disposable pull-ups and then took him out 
of them completely when he was 9, but he told us he was still made to 
have a plastic sheet over his mattress. My mom did the same when I was 
almost 11, but she always made me take along a diaper of some sort for 
sleepovers. I wore night diapers on and off until I was 12 and had 
rubber sheets on my bed until I was 16. Bobby regularly wore a diaper 
at bedtime. I don't know exactly when Roger stopped, but I think he was 
probably a teenage bedwetter too. Bobby usually wore his Huggies pull-
ups to the sleepovers and when Roger was around 5, he also began 
wearing them at night. Eric had another friend, Steven Harris who was 
also our age and went to our school and we invited him to several of 
the sleepovers.

We were all around 7 or 8 when we did the first sleepover with Steven 
at Eric's place. At bedtime, we went into Eric's room and started 
getting ready for bed. Eric's mother had already told Steven that the 
rest of us wore bedwetter pants at night. Steven said he stopped 
bedwetting when he was almost 4 and didn't wear diapers now. However, 
he was totally fascinated watching all of us putting on our nighttime 
underwear. While he was looking at Eric getting into his pull-ups, he 
asked him "What are those like?" and Eric answered "They're cool. 
They're real soft and comfy" and handed him an extra pair. Steven 
examined them closely. Eric then said "You want to try them?" and 
Steven's face really lit up. Bobby and I were also stepping into our 
night panties when Bobby said "Yeah I like mine a lot", so Steven took 
off his underpants, put on the Huggies and pulled them up into place. 
He had a completely enthralled look on his face and I don't think he 
felt ashamed at all because all of us were wearing them. Eric said "You 
can wear them tonight if you want". I don't think Steven was expecting 
to hear that, but quickly said OK. Bobby had brought along 2 pairs of 
the waterproof pants for he and Roger and Steven asked him what they 
were like. He handed one to Steven who seemed absolutely delighted to 
hold them and said "Wow, these are neat" as I think we had just 
awakened his own diapering experiences. Bobby said "My mom makes me and 
Roger wear them in case our Huggies leak". Bobby and Roger then put on 
the plastic pants and we all got into our pajamas. Eric jumped into his 
bed and the rest of us climbed into our sleeping bags amid the rustling 
sounds coming from all of our bedwetter pants along with Eric's plastic 
sheets. Eric's mom came in to check us before turning off the light, 
not knowing that Steven was wearing one of the Huggies.

After she left and we were laying there in the dark, Eric said "Hey 
Steven, you like Huggies?" and he replied "Yeah they're neat". Then we 
started talking about the sleepovers and some of our own diaper and 
bedwetting experiences. Bobby said that he and Roger had to wear 
diapers every night and added he had also helped Roger with his toilet 
training. Eric said his mother still made him wear pull-ups because of 
his bedwetting. I said that I still wet my bed sometimes and my mom 
usually makes me wear something at night, especially if she sees me 
drinking pop or water after dinner. I also said I was made to have 
rubber sheets on my bed. Steven had a younger brother, Freddie who just 
turned 4 and he told us Freddie wet his bed too. Steven said although 
he stopped night wetting when he was almost 4, he always liked watching 
Freddie being changed or taken to the bathroom. Numerous times, he 
helped Freddie take down his diapers or training pants and sit him on 
the toilet. Once, he sneaked off with one of Freddie's pull-ups and 
tried them on, but his mother caught him and he got in trouble. Now he 
wasn't allowed in Freddie's room anymore or to go near his diapers.

The next morning when we awoke, Eric's mom, Gloria came in to wake us 
up. As we started getting undressed, she noticed that not only was 
Steven wearing one of Eric's pull-ups, he had wet it during the night. 
"Well, I didn't know you wet your bed too, Steven" she said to him and 
he turned beet red. "You told me last night you didn't wear diapers 
anymore". Steven didn't know what to say as the rest of us began 
removing our PJs. Eric said he had given the diaper to Steven and he 
wanted to wear it to bed. Gloria said "Eric, will you stop playing 
games with your diapers? Steven, I'm going to have to tell your mother 
about this". She went into the kitchen and returned a minute later with 
a big plastic bag. All 5 of us had drenched our drawers during the 
night and she told us to place our wet underwear into the plastic bag. 
Later, when Steven's mom came over to get him, Gloria told her what 
happened the night before. Steven's mother said "I don't know what's 
gotten into him lately. He's obsessed with underwear. He stole a pair 
of his brother's pull-ups a few weeks ago and was trying to put them on 
when I caught him and he was punished. And he's always in there 
watching when Freddie gets changed or goes to the bathroom. If he 
doesn't stop it, I'm going to take him to a doctor to see if there's 
something wrong with him".

A few weeks later, we did another sleepover. Steven's mom brought him 
over while we were getting ready for bed and she was watching us as we 
put on our night pants. She told Gloria that she had taken Steven to a 
child psychologist about his attraction to his brother's underwear, but 
he told the doctor he just liked wearing them. The doctor told Steven's 
mother such a thing really wasn't abnormal, especially with younger 
siblings. Kids that age are just curious and at his age, there was 
nothing wrong with him wanting to wear a diaper, especially if his 
friends were doing it. Later, Gloria asked Steven, if he was already 
toilet trained, why were his pants wet the next morning? He said he 
didn't wet them on purpose, but just enjoyed wearing them because they 
were so comfortable. I think when he went to sleep, he subconsciously 
knew he had them on and soaked them.

We finished getting ready for bed as Gloria looked on, but Eric didn't 
offer Steven the Huggies this time as he didn't know how his mother was 
going to react. But once she turned out the light and left the room, 
Eric asked Steven if he wanted to wear one of his panties and Steven 
quickly said yes. There was a small night-light in the room and we 
could see a little bit. Eric hopped out of bed and went over to the 
dresser where his mom kept his underwear and opened the diaper drawer 
as Steven got out of his sleeping bag. He handed Steven a pair of 
Huggies as Steven took off his PJ bottoms. He removed his underpants 
and hid them in his sleeping bag. The room was dimly lit, but I was 
watching and could see that Steven's penis was sticking up as he took 
the Huggies panty from Eric and quickly put it on. Then he put his PJ 
bottoms on, got back into his sleeping bag and we went to sleep. The 
next morning, we all woke up before Eric's mother came in. As we 
started to get undressed, Steven removed his PJ bottom, but his diaper 
was dry. He took it off, handed it back to Eric and donned his regular 
underpants. He didn't wet it, but said it was real fun to wear anyhow. 
Eric told him he could keep it and Steven said "Wow cool, thanks". Eric 
then went back to the diaper drawer, took out 3 more pairs of the 
Huggies and gave them to him. Steven had a big grin on his face as he 
hid them in his sleeping bag and took them home with him. He was 
another diaper boy for sure!

The last time we did a sleepover together, we were all around age 12. 
Eric had stopped bedwetting and was out of diapers by then, but while 
we were putting our Pjs on, I recall sitting on his bed and hearing the 
crinkling sound coming from his plastic sheets. It was a familiar 
sound. Both Bobby and Roger still had pull-ups. My night wetting had 
fallen to just once every few months, but mom made me bring along one 
of my rubber sheets. Steven watched intently as Bobbie and Roger put on 
their night pants and I unfolded my rubber sheet and placed it into the 
sleeping bag.

The last teenage diaper experience with any of them was on our high 
school class trip. We went to Washington, DC for 4 days and were 
staying in a hotel. I was rooming with Bobby and we were both 16 at the 
time. The first night as we were getting ready for bed, he asked me 
"Hey Vinnie, you remember when we were kids and wore diapers to bed at 
sleepovers?". I said "Yeah" and he said "Look". As I glanced over at 
him, he reached into his travel bag and pulled out a disposable diaper. 
I think it was a small Depends panty. He said "Mom made me bring it 
along. Sometimes I still pee my pants at night. I'm glad I'm rooming 
with you, at least you understand". I admitted to him that I also had 
occasional bedwetting accidents and although I didn't wear diapers at 
night anymore, my mom still made me have rubber sheets on my bed. He 
put on the panty along with his pajamas and we went to sleep. The next 
morning while we were getting up, I looked over as he took off his PJ 
bottom and could see a big spot on the front of the panty and knew 
right away he had soaked them during the night as he quickly dashed 
into the bathroom to change. We were there 3 nights and he made sure to 
put his night pants on before going to bed. Although he was a good 
friend, it was a bit hard to believe that a kid his age still 
frequently wet his bed and needed diapers at night.

After high school, we went our separate ways. My parents had split up 
when I was 10 and my dad virtually disappeared afterward. Mom moved to 
Florida where her sister lived. Not really knowing what I wanted to do, 
I was on my own and worked at several jobs in the local area while I 
was going to school part time. Bobby and Roger eventually moved away. 
The last I heard from Bobby was when he went off to college in Ohio. 
Roger joined the army when he was 19. Eric attended a local university 
for a while, but then got married and moved to Pennsylvania. I heard he 
has a kid, so now it's his turn to change diapers, haha! Steven got his 
own apartment after high school and we would hang around together. I 
always wondered if any of them still like diapers too. I know I do.
The Job With Eastern Diaper Service

When I was 22, I had a big problem finding a job. One night, I was over 
Steven's place and we were smoking pot. We weren't making noise or 
disturbing anyone, just getting high, but I guess the smoke must have 
gone all over the building. After an hour, there was a knock at the 
door and when Steven answered it, 3 cops suddenly pushed their way in. 
One of the deputies was a police woman with a huge set of boobs and 
when she announced "All right, this is a BUST!", she wasn't kidding! I 
got 90 days in jail as a result. Steven got 13 months (which eventually 
was reduced to 6), it was his second time. Jeez, I didn't know he was 
selling the stuff too.

I had been working in a grocery store at the time and when they found 
out, I was fired. After I got out of jail, I couldn't find any work. 
Things were tough enough anyhow, and now I had this to deal with. I was 
staying with some friends while I got back on my feet and one day was 
looking through the Sunday paper when I saw an employment ad for 
Eastern Laundry Service. They said they were looking for people to work 
in the laundry room and I hoped maybe they wouldn't care about the pot 
conviction, so the next day, I went over and filled out an application. 
I guess that they picked me up right away should have been a clue this 
was a job nobody else wanted. When I went over to talk with them, I 
found out they also ran a diaper service and that's what they really 
wanted people for, but weren't advertising it. If they did, I don't 
think they would have gotten any applicants at all as washing kid's 
crappy and wet underwear isn't really one of the more attractive lines 
of work. I decided to be honest and told them about my pot problem, but 
they weren't concerned whatsoever and asked when I could start. It was 
just a minimum wage job, but they said if I kept out of trouble with 
the law and stayed at least 90 days, I would get a raise and health 
insurance. It was the only offer I had, so I took it.

The job with the laundry crew was hard and I had to work the second 
shift (3 PM to midnight). Much of the time, despite ventilation fans, 
the place stunk really bad and was hot in the summer. The pre-sorting 
was usually the worst part. We would get pails filled with dirty 
underwear, mostly from the home customers and had to wear rubber 
gloves, boots and full-length aprons to keep from getting shit all over 
us. The customers were supposed to separate the diapers from the 
waterproof pants, but a lot of the time, they didn't and we got stuck 
doing it. They were also supposed to rinse out the diapers first, but 
many times, didn't do a very good job (or didn't do it at all) and you 
might find anything left in them. Sometimes, it was really gross. Lots 
of times, they would leave pins in and we would have to remove them too 
and then flush out the diapers before putting them into the washing 
machines. Then we had to wash out the pails. The diapers were washed in 
a separate area away from where the rest of the laundry was done. They 
had a number of large commercial washing machines which would hold 
almost 50 lbs. of laundry at one time and I would have to load them up, 
add detergent, bleach and fabric softeners, and then start them. The 
company had 25 machines and with 2 shifts, they could do several 
thousand diapers a day. When the washing was done, we had to put the 
laundry items into the dryers, but at this point, the stuff at least 
was clean. The plastic pants were done in another machine and then put 
into a special temperature controlled dryer to keep from melting them. 
When the process was complete, we had to sort the items back out, wrap 
and label them and then turn them over to the delivery crew. Although 
it was hard, dirty work, the job still produced a mild euphoria for me 
as seeing diapers and kid's underwear all day long was a big turn-on.

Most of the other people employed there are total losers. They took the 
job because they were incapable of doing anything else. I think I 
already mentioned Helga Kohler and Harriet Baines. Larry Kirby was the 
laundry supervisor and was a complete jerk. He fired people left and 
right and threw his weight around like he owned the place. He didn't 
give a damn about anyone except himself, but he had his little circle 
of friends who could do just about anything they wanted and get away 
with it because he let them. Brett Rowland was one of them. I was told 
Brett had done some serious prison time and couldn't get a job anywhere 
else. Everyone hated him. He was in his late 50s and would often come 
to work reeking of alcohol and I was afraid just to be around him for 
fear he was going to accidentally kill himself or someone else. He's 
probably going to be there until the day he dies--if he doesn't get 
fired first.

I worked on the laundry crew for 4 months but then actually wanted to 
move on. One day, one of the drivers quit and I was asked if I wanted 
to take over his delivery route. I don't think Brett was even 
considered for the job. I don't even know if he had a driver's license 
and the company certainly didn't want a drunk like him behind the wheel 
of one of their delivery vans. They didn't have to ask me twice, so I 
began doing it. I got another raise and they gave me my own truck with 
no one to bother me and the only real schedule was to just get the 
day's items delivered. Sometimes, I would have all my pick-ups and 
deliveries done by noon and just took off the rest of the day. No one 
ever knew or complained. And one of the "fringies" was there was an 
endless supply of any kind of diaper items I might ever want. I could 
get them just by going back to the supply room. The company had them in 
every imaginable size and there were thousands in stock. I easily found 
some which fit me, told them they were for another customer and then 
took them home. They fit great! Nobody ever knew. I also wondered if 
any of the other people working there were fetishists too. If so, they 
were in heaven.

I just take care of my own delivery route most of the time, but 
sometimes, I have to fill in if one of the other drivers is off that 
day. The company has several institutional customers. We supply 1 
hospital and 3 or 4 nursing homes along with some daycare centers. The 
hospital churns out tons of laundry and I'm glad it's usually not on my 
route as just 2 or 3 days worth is enough to completely fill the truck. 
The company began carrying disposable pull-ups several years ago and 
it's helped bring in lots of new customers. They sell like crazy! Most 
of the daycare places have switched over to them as they're easier than 
cloth, although they cost more. And judging by the way that Goodnites 
pants sell, there's THOUSANDS of big kids out there who still drench 
their drawers. I don't know how many packages I've delivered to those 
places. Some of the centers buy them from us by the case and then 
resell them to the parents of the kids they look out after, usually for 
less than what they would pay at Wal-Mart. We don't care, we'll sell 
them all they want!

Lots of times, when I go into one of the centers for a delivery, there 
will be 10 or 15 kids running around, some of them wearing just a 
diaper, shoes and a shirt. I guess it's easier that way to see when 
they've filled their pants and need to be changed. They're all ages and 
I've seen kids 6, 7 and 8 wearing goodnites pants or diaper pull-ups 
during the day when you would think they would be out of them by then. 
A few places are open on weekends and sometimes I have to do Saturday 
deliveries. It's not uncommon to see kids running around in their 
pajamas with a bulging backside. The parents just diaper them, put them 
in pajamas and then drop them off for the day. It makes you wonder if 
they're even trying to toilet train them!

More to come�

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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