Name: Steve
Ages: 12
Current Age: 53
Hi all.

I have read a lot of the stories but felt a story about someone older was needed.

My story started about 5 years ago when my diabetes started getting worse. My wife and I would wake up all wet where I would wet the bed and during the day I would just be wet with no feeling of needing to go. So I went to my doctor and he said it was neuropty due to the diabetes and not much could be done about it. So on the way home I was feeling really bad. I told my wife that I felt like I did when I was 12 and had a wetting problem, only not having my dad whipping me for it. I never told her about that part of my life. After I told her about how mad my dad would get and how I woke up crying when I wet the bed she saw how upset I was just telling her about it. But then I told about going to help grandparents in their dry cleaner one summer. I wet the bed when I feel asleep during the day before my mom and dad left for home and my dad was so mad. Oh man, that whipping hurt; I think I can still feel it.

But that night my grandma called me into my room just before bed and said she had something for me. She always was surprising us with clothes she made us; she was a tailor. When I got in there she said that she could not stand to see her little boy get whipped for something that I couldn't control.

�I know you�re a big boy, but I made you some diapers to help you at night. I know, son, you don�t want them, but for grandma, try them, okay?�

Now who could argue with that? So I said, �okay.� So she helped me out of my clothes and I lay on the bed. First, she got out a diaper. It looked to be 2" thick under me. Then she put some powder all over me (I remember it felt cool and smooth) Then she pinned it on me. I felt a good kind of strange. Next, she pulled some plastic pants out of a sack and snapped them on over the diaper.

I told my wife that it was the best night sleep that I could remember. For the first time I felt safe. She ask if I wet the bed that night and I did but when grandma came in to change me the next morning I felt so good I didn't want her to take the diaper off so she just changed me into a thinner one and I wore a diaper all summer long. It was great, I told my wife.

That night I wet the bed again and was so mad at myself, even though she said not to worry about it. That night when I got home from work she called me into the bedroom were I saw a stack of folded diapers that she had made that day and some plastic pants she had gotten at the drugstore. I didn't know what to say. Then she, like my grandma, said, �just try them and see how you feel,� so again I said, �okay.�

Just as it did many years ago, it felt so good and safe. �How does it feel?� she asked.

�Just like it did when I was little-- great! Thank you so much for doing this for me.�

�I have one more think to ask you.�

�What is it, honey?�

�Well, being that you like wearing the diapers so much you have to wear them all the time, why don't we have some fun with it and you be my full-time big baby?�

Man, that hit me off guard.

�Come on, it will be fun. I will take good care of you, just like a real baby.�

�Okay, we can try it for a little while.�

That was 5 years ago and I am still her big baby. I am bathed by her, changed by her, everything a baby has a mommy for. I was even caught being changed in the back of our van drinking a bottle at the mall by two ladies, but that�s another story.

I told you all that getting caught at the mall, getting changed and drinking a bottle was another story; here it is.

It was a real nice day in the Texas panhandle so momma (wife) wanted to go to the mall shopping. I loved going to the mall because she always stopped by the fabric store and got stuff to make me something. So she changed my diaper and put a clean onesie and the overalls that she fixed with snaps down the legs so I could be changed a lot easier, and packed a diaper bag and fixed me some bottles of milk and juice. With binky in my mouth we were off.

At the mall she went to the ladies dress shop pick up some stuff she had ordered and then to the fabric store. She was looking through the baby patterns and found some nice onesies and jammies and even a romper to wear around the house this summer. She had already got me some swim diapers for the lake. While she was picking out the fabric it happened I pooped and it was bad. Momma said, �We better go to the van and get you changed, young man.� While she paid out I was standing and waiting when I heard a little girl say, �Mommie, the boy pooped his pants. I felt like two cents waiting on change. So she took my hand. We always walk hand-in-hand and went for the exits. You know it�s a squeasy feeling as you�re walking but knowing your safe with your diaper on is the greatest feeling in the world.

When we got to the van mommie opened the side door and I got in real easy so not to make it any worse than it was going to be. I asked her if I could have some milk so she got me a bottle out of the diaper bag. Laying there drinking my bottle, mommie unsnapped my overalls.She said, �I better get the wipes before I get started,� so she got them out of the bag and a changing mat so not to get poopy on the seats. She removed the stinky diaper and was cleaning me up when I heard, "Well, isn't this just the cutest you ever seen, Betty?" I almost sucked that bottle down. Mommie didn't even miss a beat; she just kept right on cleaning me and now talking with these two ladies like old friends, telling how I was her big baby now because I had to wear diapers for medical reasons. I just wanted her to get me cleaned up and a diaper on. The older lady said her husband just had surgery and was wearing diapers and wishes he wouldn't hate them so much like me. Then mommie really made me want to fade into the seat when she said, �If you would like we could come over and meet him and him and Stevie could talk.�

�Oh, that would be so nice of y�all. I will call him right now.�

I could not believe what was happening. I wet my diaper. Mommie said, �Drink your bottle so we can go with these ladies. You need to meet other people with the same problem like you. It will be fun, you will see.�

When we got to the ladies� house it was really nice and her husband name was Mark. We went to the living room and Betty started telling Mark about me and my diabetes and how I had to wear diapers. He didn't laugh like I thought he would. He acted like he understood what I was going though. Then mommie chimed in and I wanted to run at that point. She told him how she asked me while I had to wear diapers any way and they needed to be changed by someone, why not have some fun and you can be her big baby. Now I really wanted to run. Then Mark looked at me and asked, �You mean she does everything for you, just like a baby?� I didn't know what to say when mommie said, �Tell him now.� So with a sheepish grin, I said, �Yes, everything, just like a baby,� and she said, �How do you like being a baby?� That was a loaded question. I said, �I love it.�

Then Betty said how mommie was changing a dirty diaper when her and Jean, their daughter, walked up on me being changed drinking a bottle. Then Mark floored me when he said, �I don't think I could drink a bottle, but being treated like a baby might be kind of fun.� I thought Betty was going to do a jig right there.

�Mark, you mean you want to be my big baby?�

�Yes, but maybe not being changed in the car at the mall, starting out around the house here.�

So mommie and Betty went to the kitchen for some snacks and drinks. So Mark started asking me, �Does she really do all that stuff for you, just like a baby?� I told him, �Yes, she does, and other stuff like bathing me, making all my clothes just like a baby wears.� I showed him my overalls and how they snap up the legs. At that point Betty walked in with the snacks and two sippy cups from her grandkids. Then she saw that that the strip down the front of my diaper was gone so she called to mommie, �Yours is wet and I need to check my baby.� So mommie came in and told me to lay down on the floor and changed my diaper while Betty checked Mark and he was wet also, but he had to go to the bedroom for her to change him. When they went to change him, I told mommie that we need to go; I was getting hungry. When Betty and Mark came out he just had a diaper and a t-shirt it was kind of cute. We became really good friends and played together a lot. It was nice like mommie said it would be, having a baby friend.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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