Title: Seventh Grade
Name: Jimmy
Email: Not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: >60
Whom Story is About: Myself
Posting Date: 01/04/09
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls*
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapers W- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered)8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Jimmy has trouble adjusting to junior high.                  
It was the end of his twelfth summer. Jimmy was preparing for the new 
school year. For six years he had attended a one-room country school, 
this fall he would transfer to Junior High in the near by town of 
Candle. This would be a big transition. His day at school would begin 
at 6:20 AM as he was the first kid picked up by the bus. In country 
school there were three kids in his grade, in Junior High nearly there 
were nearly on hundred fifty other kids in his grade. In country school 
one teacher handled six grades, and in Junior High there was a new 
teacher for each hour of the day. Life in Junior High was hectic 
compared to what he was accustomed. Jimmy�s biggest worry was being 
late to class or missing the bus. After all he had been warned; if he 
screwed up and his parents had to make a special trip to town to pick 
him up there would be consequences. Being late for class meant after-
school detention. Detention meant missing the bus, and this meant 
parents making a special trip into town. This would mean consequences; 
angry parents and punishment.

The first days in Junior High were not too bad. Bells rang to mark the 
beginning and end of each class period. Between classes the halls were 
a zoo. Kids ran every which way to find their lockers and to get to the 
next class. We were on the two weeks of grace when teacher would excuse 
you if you were a minute late. Soon, however, that grace period ended, 
and not long after that the worst day in Jimmy�s life would change 
things for years to come.

On that dreadful day the bus came in late and there were seconds to 
spare to get from the buss and to class before the tardy bell rang. By 
mid morning Jimmy felt the need to pee. He knew he would have to hold 
it until noon however, because he did not want to risk being late for 
his forth hour class because he stopped too long at the restroom. In 
fifteen minutes Jimmy began to fidget. He could not sit still. Several 
times he raised his hand hoping to gain perdition to go to the 
restroom. Each time his teacher�s eyes refused to look his way and 
Jimmy would cramp and fidget holding his breath and doing everything in 
his power to hold back his urine. At half past the hour a large spirit 
of urine escaped into his jockeys. Jimmy watched the second hand as it 
slowly made each revolution on the face of the clock. He felt a wave of 
heat rising up the back on his neck and into his face as he knew his 
face was getting redder and redder. Soon another spirit of pee escaped. 
Jimmy felt a cold streak go down his spine as he froze in his seat. As 
inconspicuously as possible he allowed his hand to slide down and feel 
his damp crotch. Fifteen minutes to go, and another blast of urine 
charged forth. Jimmy felt it run down his pant leg. This was 
unbelievable; here he was a seventh grader who had wet his pants. 
Enough urine had escaped to allow him to sit still again. Finally the 
bell rang and it was time for lunch. For several minutes Jimmy just sat 
in his seat as classmates rushed out the door. As the last boy was 
approaching the door Jimmy stood up only to have the kid look back and 
ask, �What�s that puddle doing under your chair?�

Carefully, Jimmy found his way into a stall in the restroom. He pulled 
down his jeans as the smell of warm urine filled his nostrils. He used 
toilet paper to absorb as much moisture as he could from his underwear. 
Jimmy decided to skip the lunchroom. He did not feel like eating, and 
he certainly did not want to be seen. Now that the halls were quiet and 
everyone was assembled in the lunch room Jimmy quietly stepped outside. 
He walked a few blocks and slipped into the cemetery were he found a 
warm spot in the autumn sun were he could lie back with his legs spread 
wide hoping his crotch would dry enough that he could get through the 
afternoon without his wet pants being noticed.

Jimmy waited as long as he dared before sneaking back to the school. By 
the start of the afternoon classes the dark blue of his new jeans still 
had a damp feel but the wetness did not show. He thought he had made it 
through the day without his accident being exposed.

As the final bell rang and marked the end of the school day Jimmy felt 
exhausted. He got to the bus only to discover that most of the seats 
were already taken and he had to wade past row after row to the back 
seat of the bus before he could find a seat. He feared the smell of 
stale urine would betray him each time he squeezed past another 
student. Worst of all he realized he would be sitting with the biggest 
bullies on the bus. That is if they even allowed him to sit down once 
he made his way deep into the rough area of the back of the bus.

�Sit down and make yourself homey!� laughed Kenneth as he combed his 
blonde duck tails back and puffed up his broad chest.

�What�s your name, kid?� asked another one of the tough guys.

The bus groaned as it pulled out from the curb and waddled its way down 
the street toward the road out of town. That is when it happened. 
Kenneth grabbed my arms and put me in a �Full Nelson�. Somebody else 
grabbed my legs and I heard the words �Back Seat Initiation�. Before I 
knew what was happening I felt my belt being unbuckled, my jeans being 
unsnapped and my zipper being pulled down. They pulled my jeans down 
over my shoes. Everyone was laughing. Again the smell of my pee filled 
the air. The front of my white jockeys was a weird combination of 
yellow, green, and blue from the urine and the blue die which faded 
from my new jeans into my briefs.

�My God!� someone screamed, �the baby pissed his pants!�

The one advantage to being the first kid on the bus meant Jimmy was 
also the first kid off. The seven miles from the school to his parents 
farm seemed pretty short that day as Jimmy struggled to get his feet 
out of his pant legs from were the bullies had pulled them down over 
his shoes so that both pant legs were inside out.

Jimmy got off the bus, hustled up the drive, and went straight to his 
room where he changed into his old barn jeans. He ate his lunch and 
headed out to do his farm chores happy to be alone, happy it was 
Friday, and happy to have the embarrassment behind him.

No such luck. In 1950 rural Minnesota still had the �party line�. A 
party line is a group of neighbors who are on the same telephone line. 
It was like all the neighbors had an extension from their phone in 
their house to the phone in their neighbor�s house and vise versa. If 
you picked up the phone for any reason and your neighbor was on the 
phone you could listen in. Well you guessed it. Jimmy�s Mother picked 
up the phone for some reason and heard the neighbor ladies talking 
about how Jimmy wet his pants in school. She checked in his room and 
found the stained jockey shorts and the smelly wet jeans. She was 
embarrassed to know the neighbors were gossiping about this. So, the 
night when the family gathered for their evening meal she was ready to 
confront her son. Right there at the dinner table in front of younger 
brothers and sisters, and in front of his dad she looks Jimmy right in 
the eye and asks �Did you wet your pants in school today?�

The color faded from his face and Jimmy was unable to speak. �Don�t try 
to lie�, she said holding up his pee stained undies. �Do I need to 
start putting you plastic training pants?�

As the year went on Jimmy frequently came home with pee stains in his 
underwear, but never had an accident of this magnitude at school again. 
Things were generally going OK even though his Mother took the liberty 
regularly checking him for wet pants when he came home from school. One 
day the next spring Jimmy came home from school only to learn that he 
needed to do his chores and get all the cows milked in record time 
because his Mother wanted him to watch his younger brother and sister 
so she and his older sister could go to the �Mother Daughter Banquet� 
at church that night.

Jimmy wolfed down his lunch and went straight to work. Most nights 
after school, Jimmy took a small break between feeding the pigs and 
steers before he started to milk the cows. It was a time he normally 
was able to relax and relieve his bowels. Tonight however the pressure 
seemed too great and he move right into the milking. Before the milking 
was finished he realized that he was beginning to feel cramps in his 

He was sure he could wait because he had only a few cows left. 
Something went wrong when he bent down to remove the milking machine 
from Black Lightings udder. The cow was named Black Lighting because 
she had a history of being very touchy when she was being milked. Well 
tonight would be not exception. Black Lighting jumped then slammed her 
body against Jimmy squeezing him between her and the cow next to her. 
That was the fatal moment and when she let up it was too late. Jimmy 
had pooed his pants. Soon Jimmy was able to finish the milking, and he 
turned the cows out into the pasture for the evening. He thought he 
would sneak out behind the barn and try to clean himself up but his 
Mother was calling that she needed him to come up and watch the kids 
because it was almost time for them to leave.

Jimmy came into the house and went directly down to the basement sink 
were he washed the barn off his hands. His Mother was dishing up plates 
for Jimmy and his two younger siblings as he took his place at the 
kitchen table. As he sat down Jimmy could feel the poo spread out 
against his buttocks. Jimmy expected that in a minute his Mother and 
older sister would head out the door and that he would have ample time 
while they were away to clean up his mess. But just when his Mother was 
ready to leave she stopped. Her nose twitched, and she turned to 
address the three kids at the table.

�Which one of you dirtied their pants?� she said in a stern voice, but 
no one answered. Jimmy�s Mother then lifted his little sister up by 
grabbing under her arms and causing her to stand up on her chair. His 
Mother then pulled the elastic back on Betty Jo�s pants a looked down 
the crack in her behind. �Its not you!� She announced as she proceeded 
to the next youngest sibling.

�Thomas!� she demanded,� on your feet�. She again pulled back his 
trousers and underpants together and peered down his bare bottom.

Now glaring directly at her oldest son she blared out,� James 

Instinctively Jimmy jumped to his feet and he stood beside his chair, 
his eye directed straight forward. He felt his mother�s hand as it 
drove under the elastic of his underwear and she again pulled back.

�This is the last straw�, she shouted. �It was bad enough you could not 
keep your pants dry at school! Now this is just a little bit more than 
I can tolerate. Get yourself undressed right here and now. Put your 
dirty underwear in the scrub bucket, and get yourself into the shower 
and clean yourself up.�

While Jimmy was in the shower his Mother took a number of white dish 
towels and folded them into a make shift diaper. Next she ordered him 
back to the kitchen and told him to lie down with his but on the 
diaper. She dusted him with powder and pinned it in place.

�Now!� she said, �you�re not to take that off until I tell you to. Do 
you think I can trust you to watch over your little brother and sister 
or do you want me to get the neighbor girl to come and watch the three 
of you?�

�I can do it�, Jimmy said. As his Mother and sister left for the 
banquet, Jimmy began to clear the table. He did all the dishes, put the 
younger ones to bed on time , then put himself to bed still wearing the 
diaper he was afraid to remove it. He lay basking in the feel of being 
diapered. While he never got caught by his Mother again, there was 
something special about this night. Periodically the urge would come to 
potty in his pants, and to this day Jimmy still finds opportunities to 
send himself to bed in diapers.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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