Name: Robert
Ages: 6, 7, 8, 10
Current Age: 22
I was potty trained by the age of 3. When I was 5 I developed an 
allergy to dairy products that caused me to lose all feeling in my 
bowel muscles. That meant I couldn’t feel it when I needed a poo and 
the first I knew about it was when I’d done it in my pants. At the time 
the doctors couldn’t find what was causing it and told my mum there was 
no medical reason for it.

My problem got worse by the time I was 6 when I moved to a different 
school. At first I’d been pooing my pants or bed a couple of times a 
week, but now I was doing it a couple of times most days. I got teased 
a lot and called names. After a month or so of this at the new school 
the school nurse told my mum that things couldn’t carry on like this 
and suggested I see a child psychologist. I saw this woman a few times 
and remember after one session she told me to wait outside while she 
spoke to my mum. She told my mum she thought I was doing it on purpose 
to get attention and said she should put me back in nappies and only 
change me at set times to show me it was better to use the toilet. She 
gave her a letter that she could use in the chemists to get free 
nappies as she was a single mum.

On the way home we stopped and she got some Peauduce disposable nappies 
that were for 6- to 9-year olds. They were thick and bulky as they were 
designed for bedwetters and they rustled when I walked. I wore them 
until I was 8 and a half when the doctors found out what was causing 
it. After that I wasn’t allowed and dairy products and my mum warned me 
I’d be in trouble if I had any.

One Tuesday after school when I was ten and a half I got told off for 
teasing my sister and decided to be naughty by going to the kitchen and 
drinking two big glasses of milk and was eating ice cream out of the 
tub when my mum walked in. She saw what I’d done, grabbed me and put me 
under her arm and bent me over. She picked up a wooden spoon, pulled 
down my trousers and my pants and whacked my bare bum 10 times. She 
said I’d be in even more trouble if I pooed myself.

By school the next day I’d almost forgotten about it, but whilst 
sitting in class just before the end of school I felt a warm sticky 
feeling spreading across my bum and realised what I’d done. I made it 
to the end of school without anyone noticing it but as soon as I got in 
the car and sat down my mum smelt it. We stopped at the chemist and she 
came out with a pack of nappies, the same as what I used to wear. She 
said I’d be wearing them for a week to teach me a lesson and that for 
the next 5 days she would be giving me milk and other dairy products. I 
said they wouldn’t fit but they did. I was told I would be changed 
after breakfast, after school and before bed but at no other time.

The next morning I begged her not to make me wear one to school, but 
she did. I prayed no one would notice, but mid morning I pooed my nappy 
and had to sit in it. Someone must have noticed because at lunch break 
a group of boys came up to me in the playground and asked if I’d pooed 
my pants. I said I hadn’t so they grabbed me and pulled down my 
trousers and everyone saw what I was wearing. I was stood in a dirty 
nappy with my trousers round my ankles in the middle of the playground 
and started crying. After a week I got my pants back and never did that 

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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