Title: Poverty and Domination
Name: Clarissa K.
Email: Not given
Gender: Female
Current Age: 15
Whom Story is About: Another boy I know or knew
Posting Date: 08/23/09
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapers W- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination*
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered)7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: I found your site accidentally and after some time decided to write about the two boys I am in charge of for more than three years now. I live in a very poor and tough neighborhood in DC and admit to becoming very abusive to the boys I watch. My parents are mixed race and mostly because of drugs I moved in with my mother�s friend Karen when I was 14. I think my father is either on the west coast now or in jail and my mother lives in Philadelphia now with my aunt. I haven't seen either of them for almost three years. Karen and her sons are white and live off of welfare. Karen is gone most of the time and besides her addiction to drugs I suspect she is also a prostitute. We have plenty to eat and at times she gives me large sums of money and goes away again. Some of the money I save for myself but most of it is usually gone by the time she gets back. I am the main one taking care of everything and even pay her bills most of the time when she gives me the money. My grades were good enough to go to college but I can't afford it now but hope to some day.

The boys are Adam and Mark, both are very light complected and when they are at the store with me people look at us thinking I am their mother. I'm not real dark complected but the differences are obvious. Adam is almost 13 now and Mark is 10 and I know both of them are intimidated by me. I am almost 6 ft tall and suppose I look much older than I am. I do have a nice figure and dress as nice as possible. What troubles me is how my attitude has changed with the boys and how I have degraded and humiliated them.

Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 8 (40%)
Karen diapered Mark when I first moved in with her. He was only 7 at 
the time but wet the bed most nights and often during the day. I didn't 
think of it as discipline at the time but have since changed my mind 
about it since his bedwetting continued. Karen�s boyfriend is a black 
man who also is involved with drugs and the two of them are at times 
away for weeks at a time. Right from the start Karen gave me permission 
to punish the boys when needed and she even gave me permission to spank 
them as she had many times. In the beginning I was quite hesitant to 
spank either of them and it got to where they started treating me badly 
and talking back to me constantly. They routinely called me the "N" 
word and even called me "blackie" at times. I was still fourteen at the 
time but bigger and stronger than both of them.

After a few months I was so angry at them I finally did spank both of 
them. I made both of them take their pants off and spanked them bare 
bottom. They were both in tears when I finished and I think that was 
the first time I realized my dominance over them. I had bathed Mark but 
it was the first time I was able to see Adam's penis and rear. He was 
more humiliated than Mark was and I think it made me more aware of my 
power over them.

Mark continued to wet the bed and his pants during the day and I 
changed him all the time and do admit I liked seeing him naked. Adam 
would constantly tease Mark about it and at the time Mark would cry 
over the teasing. One day I grabbed Adam and put a diaper on him, he 
was still ten at that point and cried during the whole time I changed 
him. I did it because of him teasing Mark all the time. He was so 
embarrassed by me undressing him he wined and begged me not to do it to 
him. That day I made him pee in the diapers like Mark and changed him 
three times. He cried each time and he kept telling me how sorry he was 
for teasing Mark and I knew the fact was that I was not only seeing him 
naked but washing his privates was the most humiliating thing for him. 
That�s when I told him he would be punished that way in the future.

Mistakenly I thought I invented diaper discipline, until I went online 
and found out it has probably been going on for many, many years. I had 
no idea how many people were punished that way and find it�s mostly 
done to boys although some girls are punished that way, also. I do take 
good care of the boys but I suppose my ego and dominance over them 
increased as time went on. I spank them any time they do something I 
don't like and have diaper punished Adam more times than I can now 

He told Karen about what I do but she didn't seem to care. I've never 
done it to him when she is here but have spanked both of them right in 
front of her. They knew then that I was in charge and I know now the 
two of them fear me. Adam will be thirteen in December but is like a 
baby when I punish him either buy spanking or putting him in diapers or 
both. I think he is more afraid of me than Mark who still wets the bed 
often and at times still wets his pants. I make him wear diapers often 
and always now at bed time and change him often also and he doesn't 
mind me seeing him naked like Adam does. Adam doesn't tease him anymore 
knowing he would also be diapered if he did. Last year when either of 
them misbehaved or back talked to me I started to spank them naked. 
Mark doesn't mind undressing in front of me and only fears the spanking 
he gets. When I do spank them I use my hand and by the time I'm 
finished their cheeks are bright red. Adam, on the other hand, is 
totally humiliated when I order him to undress and even more so when I 
begin spanking him.

A couple years ago it began to arouse me just seeing them naked and I 
still do masturbate after seeing them and especially spanking or 
washing them. I at times make them lay in exposing positions when I 
spank them and change their diapers. Mark gets erections at times but 
when Adam gets them I think it embarrasses even more. I'm not sure if 
Mark has started to masturbate yet, but I know Adam does frequently. I 
have actually watched him a few times when he was unaware I was looking 
in his room. A few times I walked in on him but never said anything 
about it to him. He is still, even today, embarrassed every time I see 
him naked and I do realize how degrading it must be for him. He has 
pubic hair now but when I spank or diaper him, acts like a small child 
and usually cries when I make him undress. When he does get an erection 
it is usually when I wash him.

For the longest time I have made both he and Mark spread their legs 
apart and wash their penis scrotum and anus with soap and water. Mark 
just lets me do it to him and I feel he likes me doing it. Adam blushes 
each time and I always see the tears coming but as soon I touch his 
scrotum or penis he still gets an erection even though he is crying 
most of the time.

I don't think Adam will ever develop a fetish for diapers but think 
Mark might in the future since he never complains when I change him. 
He's not eleven yet but does get erections often. It doesn't embarrass 
Mark but I know Adam is embarrassed every time. I do ask them why they 
get an erection sometimes but neither knows what to say to me. Both 
have seen me in my underwear frequently and at times I let them see me 
naked, but not too often. I can tell Adam stares at my body often, 
especially when I'm in my bra and panties or night shirt but so far 
Mark seems uninterested and only pays attention if I'm naked. I won't 
let either of them lock the bathroom door and often go in just to see 
them shower. Again, Mark doesn't seem to mind but Adam still covers his 
penis when I walk in on him. Neither one has a very large penis but the 
only other I've seen aside from pictures is my old boyfriend and once a 

Some of the things I do to the boys I know I should feel bad about but 
I just like seeing them naked. In Adams case I love to humiliate him, 
which I know is wrong. Their mother went away again last Friday and I 
never know when she will return. She is worse with the drugs now more 
than ever and aside from her prostituting herself I know her boyfriend 
beats her up sometimes. She gave me eleven hundred dollars last week 
and two hundred I save for myself. She goes to Richmond most of the 
time now and doesn't seem to care about the boys. They never tell her 
how I punish them and I think they are more afraid of me then their own 
mother. I am strict with them at times but do feed them well and 
otherwise take care of them. I even help them with their homework and 
make sure they get to school on time. I do punish them sometimes for 
dumb reasons only to see them naked, especially with Adam. Since he is 
always embarrassed and cries when I make him take his clothes off it 
seems to arouse me more. Even though Mark is younger he never cries 
about being naked and only does when I spank him. Adam is almost 3 
years older than Mark but is more like a baby when I spank him or put 
him in diapers.

For the last few months I seem to be letting them see me naked more 
often. Last week Mark came home from the playground and I purposely 
laid naked in my bed pretending to sleep. He came into the room and 
stood looking at me for a long time and walked around the bed a few 
times. Awhile later Adam came home and I assume Mark told him I was 
naked. The two of them came in my room and I didn't open my eyes but 
could hear the two of them whispering to each other. I don't know what 
they said to each other but they were in my room for at least 15 
minutes or more. It actually aroused me knowing they were looking at me 
like that and after they left I masturbated.

A little later I went into the kitchen and asked both of them if they 
were in my room as I slept but they both denied it. I didn't want them 
to know I did it intentionally. They don't know or realize that I 
punish them at times for my own arousal and amusement. They obey me 
fully now and never use the "N" word in front of me or call me 
"blackie" anymore. As much as I like punishing them and seeing them 
naked the power I have over them is amazing to me. They both are pretty 
well behaved and do well in school. Sometimes I make up reasons to 
punish them which I know I shouldn't but do just to amuse and arouse 
myself which I know is selfish. I have acquired a talent for acting mad 
when I'm really not, just so I can spank them or diaper them often.

At times now I spank or diaper both of them when my girlfriend Alysha 
is here. This even humiliates Mark and he even cries as soon as I make 
him undress but settles down after a few minutes unless I'm spanking 
him. If it is only a diaper change he is more calm about it even though 
Alysha is present. Adam, of course, is even worse and is pathetic the 
way he cries and whimpers when he is naked in front of her.

To make matters worse I ask him if he wants to use the "N" word to her. 
Most of the time he can't even speak while crying. Alysha is 
intimidating just to look at as she is shorter but much heavier than 
me. Recently I let her wash and change Adam's diaper and he never got 
an erection as he usually does and sobbed the entire time. Alysha is 16 
and thinks I am cruel sometimes but has yet to refuse to watch me 
either spank or diaper them. She does understand how I feel about the 
dominance over them and admitted she also likes seeing them naked. She 
admitted also she liked washing Adam and diapering him.

I don't understand how a boy would like to be in diapers but can tell 
that Mark is comfortable with it and doesn't seem bothered by his 
nudity as much as Adam is. Mark doesn't mind at all to wet his diaper 
but Adam hates it almost as much as when I change him. I never did it 
to Mark but two times over the last three months I forced Adam to poop 
in the diaper. I was really mad at him those two times and wanted to 
humiliate him as much as possible and it did. I don't like changing him 
when he poops so I doubt if I will force him to do that anymore. When I 
first moved in with Karen and the boys I think I was rather timid. Now 
that I have been here so long I am more forceful and dominant and not 
only ask their respect but demand it. They both do as they are told and 
they know the consequences if they don't.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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