Name: Nicholas
Ages: 10
Current Age: 10
Poopy Week

One day I was sitting in my room when I thought what it would feel like 
to poop my pants. So I squatted and pushed and pushed and finally a big 
load came in my underwear. It felt so good. Then I thought what it 
would feel like to sit in my poopy pants. So I sat down on my computer 
chair and felt the poop be mashed in my underwear. It felt better than 
pooping my pants. Then my mind wandered and I had a brilliant idea: 
what would it feel like to poop in diapers? So when my parents went for 
dinner I went to the store and bought the biggest box of diapers they 
had in my size. When I went to the cashier to pay she asked, “Who are 
they for?” and I said, “For my brother.” I paid and went home.

When I was home I put one on and it felt great. Just then I felt the 
urge to poop in them so I squatted and a huge load came in my diapers. 
It was two times better than in my pants so I went to my computer and 
the poop went all over me. Then I thought maybe I could put a new one 
on and sleep in it. So I changed myself and put a new one on and took a 
laxative. I hopped in bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up my diapers were full of poop and pee. And thought these 
worked great. Then all of a sudden I wanted to poop more so once more I 
squatted, pushed and pushed and stopped. I thought I should put a new 
one on, wait and then poop and pee when I needed to. So I got some 
Pepsi and waited.

After a half hour I really needed to piss and poop, but I had another 
idea so I sat down and grunted a little and a GIGANTIC load came in my 
diapers, then a huge wave of piss soaked my diapers. I was in heaven 
but I didn’t change right away. Instead I squished around my ass for 
four minutes straight.

Then I had two ideas 1: what would it feel like to take a dump while 
sleeping? 2: What would it feel like to take a piss while in bed? So I 
decided that tonight I would do both in my bed, so when my parents come 
to wake me up they’ll think I had an accident and put me in diapers :). 

So I went to bed an hour later and lay down and pushed my pee and poop 
out. It was better than I imagined, the softness of my bed pushing up 
my “accident” in my butt, and ten minutes later I feel asleep in my 
warm poop and pee. My mom woke me up and said, ”Nick, you had an 
accident.” I pretended I was shocked but I was eager to find out what 
she would do. And she said the best thing a DL could hear: “We’re going 
to buy some protection.” My heart leaped. Finally I would be in 

That night my mom and dad went to their friends while I was watching 
TV. She told me after my show was over to go upstairs. But once they 
left I ran to my room, eager to see my new diapers. I got to my room 
and saw a note on my door which said:

Dear Nick,

We bought you some diapers for your accident. Please don’t be mad. We 
love you.

I went to my room and saw the biggest stack of diapers ever! I thought 
I was in heaven! Then I got so happy that I pushed a big load in my 
pants just for the heck of it. Then I put one on and went to sleep. I 
woke up at 2 in the morning needing to pee and poop and I almost got 
out of bed when I remembered I was wearing diapers, so I pushed a 
little and poop and pee came in my diapers. And the same thing happened 
for the rest of my childhood.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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