Title: Paul
Name: Paul from England
Email: bezman100@hotmail.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 24
Whom Story is About: Myself
Posting Date: 01/29/06, updated 04/12/09
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: This is about a time when I had accepted diapers/nappies, but was made to wear them when I really wish I didn't have to.
I realise that the readers here are predominantly American for that I 
have written a couple of translations just in case anyone isn�t aware 
of what I am talking about.

Nappy = diaper
Mum = mom

Just in case.

	My story doesn�t really have a beginning, as it is something that 
really was just ongoing through my life. I can't remember when I was 
potty trained but I think I was either three or four; it isn�t 
something I have talked about with my mother before. However there is 
something that I am not sure about but suspect, my mother went through 
depression after my parents split up, which was when I about 2 and this 
affected her greatly. From this I don�t think she continued with my 
potty training for night, I think she just left it at day and that�s 
why I was wearing them beyond a reasonable age. I don�t think I was a 
bed wetter as such, I kind of had control at night eventually but I 
can't remember when that was, as I wasn�t trained at night I just 
thought it was normal but I know by eight years old I was almost always 
wetting consciously.
	For as long as I could remember I wore nappies to bed, it was 
always the same routine, come in from playing or whatever I was doing 
then go in the bath if it was a bath night, my mum still washed me in 
the bath until I was ten years old, then I would get undressed or would 
already be naked from my bath. I would then have to lie down on the 
changing mat while mum would get all the supplies out the bag, one of 
them being my dummy. I didn�t know kids didn�t suck on dummies at night 
after they were toddlers so to me it was as normal as wearing a nappy 
to bed. While sucking on that mum would be rubbing baby lotion on me 
and then putting talcum powder on me, then she would pull out a nappy 
from the pack, I can't remember the brand but I know it wasn�t a famous 
one, it was a cheap one from a supermarket. As it was the eighties they 
were thick and bulky and very plastic, rustled when you breathe etc. I 
don�t know how I fit into them until I was eight, I wasn�t particularly 
tall for my age but I wasn�t particularly small either, but when I had 
a nappy on, I knew I had one on!
	When that was finished mum would put my pyjamas on and I would 
have one or two ours before I had to go to bed, however I knew the rule 
that if I used the nappy before then I would still have to wear it 
until morning after breakfast. For the rest of the night I would go off 
and play with my toys until bedtime or watch TV with my mum or 
whatever. When it was my bed time, 8pm school nights and 9pm other 
nights, mum would walk upstairs with me and tuck me in, read me a story 
and put the light out and that would be me set until morning.
	I sometimes woke up early in the mornings, I knew better than to 
wake my mum unless she had slept in, I could tell the time when I was 
six, and would usually go down stairs with my toys or watch TV down 
stairs, I wasn�t allowed to play with them upstairs in the morning when 
mum was asleep. Sometimes I would be wet, thought it would be from me 
wetting myself before I went to sleep or waking up and doing it, the 
same with pooping. In the morning I sometimes felt the need for a pee 
or to poop or both, I was allowed to do it, and because I had been 
doing it forever I didn�t see anything wrong with it, and while 
watching TV or something lying on the floor I would just poop myself 
right there. Being dirty meant nothing to me, by the time I was six I 
realised I liked it, it felt good on my bum and between my legs and on 
willy, it gave me an instant hard on every time I did it in my nappy.
	It was through that, that I learned how to masturbate to a 
degree, I liked to hump the bed or floor or sofa, whatever while 
wearing the nappy but it was best when it was wet and or dirty too. I 
would keep doing it until I felt really good down there and stop, I 
some how sensed that I shouldn�t do it in front of my mum so I never 
did that, but when she wasn�t around I would go ahead!
	On school mornings I would get my breakfast, usually cereal and 
then I would be taken out my nappy cleaned up and helped into my school 
uniform. Then it was just the normal hygiene thing before going to 
school. Mum would walk me there until I was seven, then I went by 
	At weekends it was different, after breakfast I was given the 
choice, depending upon the plans for that day, I could stay in my 
pyjamas until lunchtime and have my nappy changed or I could get my 
clothes on straight away and no nappy. If I stayed in my pyjamas mum 
would take my nappy off, clean me up and put a new one on until lunch 
time, sometimes though I didn�t use the new one before it was time to 
take it off, mum would then tell me use it then if I could or just 
leave it on until I used it, it would be a waste otherwise. I would 
have my clothes put on top and then have my lunch, then if I still 
hadn�t used it we would go out if that was the plan, or I would just 
play around the house, never with my friends when wearing the nappy, I 
knew I wasn�t supposed to wear it during the day. I didn�t like wearing 
the nappy when I was outside, I thought everyone could tell and see it 
and he or she probably could if they were looking, but wouldn�t notice 
unless they were looking if you know what I mean? I wouldn�t tell my 
mum if I was going to wet myself when we were out the house but if I 
needed a poop I would tell her, I didn�t like doing that out the house, 
I thought it might be smelt or just noticed and it would have to be 
changed so someone didn�t notice the smell. I didn�t like having to be 
changed out of my own house in case someone saw me. If I had just wet 
myself I knew I could only do it maximum of one more time before 
needing to be changed, I would usually ask to be changed before I wet 
myself again. Then I would be changed into a pair of underwear that mum 
would have brought with her.
	This sort of thing went on until I was eight years old, by then I 
think my mum was getting better and I think baby nappies on me were 
pushing it a bit. I was a normal boy after that, but knew I liked the 
nappies and still do now, after years of �making myself feel good� by 
humping the bed I knew what I liked. I just wish I were that small 
	There have been a few memorable moments wearing nappies but they 
will be written later, I can't be bothered now. Any questions, email 
me, make the subject �Deeker�, though, or I will consider you spam!

At 8 years old I was coming to the end of my time wearing nappies to 
bed. I didn�t really need them but was kept in them by my mam, however. 
I�m sure there were signs that I didn�t need them as well as that they 
were tight.

My account takes place when I was either nearly 8 or had just turned 8. 
My mam had dropped me off at my grandma�s house to stay for the weekend 
while mam had to go off and do something important. I cannot remember 
now where she was going but it was not practical to take me with her. I 
liked nappies at this point but still hoped I wasn�t going to have to 
wear them at gran's as I knew that my cousins could be there and I 
would get embarrassed if they saw me. However, I was unfortunate on 
both counts, my mam had put some nappies in my back pack with a few 
clothes and my cousin Jamie was there. He was the worst person that 
could have been there as he was a bit of a bully.

When I got in to gran�s mam was quick with the goodbyes and was out in 
less than 5 minutes. I was quickly ushered into the living by grandma 
to see Jamie who was playing on the Nes. He said hello without blinking 
away from the TV and carried on playing. Grandma told me to play nice 
this afternoon and that we would get a treat later. I was excited about 
that but I didn�t get a good time that afternoon. Jamie would only 
share the game with me when grandma was there if she wasn�t he wouldn�t 
let me play. I tried to beat him into submission but my fight back 
fired as he beat me up instead. He was the same age roughly, maybe a 
bit younger by a couple of months. However as I was a little smaller 
for 8, he was larger for 8 and that made it easier for him to make me 
do things his way rather than mine.

When we sat down to the evening meal I had a few more bruises to count 
and he had another victory and although I didn�t know it then, he had 
more to come. We hadn�t been sat down long to eat when the doorbell 
went and my aunt was at the door with some of my younger cousins. They 
really were babies, Sarah who was 4 and Stephen who was 3. Stephen wore 
nappies all day but Sarah only wore at night. Now there were 2 more 
places sat at the table while my aunt left. We all ate together and 
then us kids has some more play time out in the garden.

At about 7 it was bath time and we were called in. Stephen and Sarah 
were bathed first then dried. Jamie was told to go into the cupboard 
next to the bathroom to get the nappy boxes out. He entered the 
bathroom and handed two boxes to gran, one saying Stephen on it and 
containing a few nappies in his size, and another with Sarah written on 
it and nappies in her size inside. Gran got lotion and powder on them 
and then nappied for the night and dressed in their PJs. They were put 
down to sleep and then gran turned her attention to us.

It was our turn to get bathed. Gran stripped me of my clothes, in 
seconds flat I was stood naked watching Jamie remove his own clothes. 
When we got in the bath I noticed one thing that made me wonder at the 
time, why was his dick bigger than mine? It kind of made me get a bit 
of an inferiority complex as he was alright bigger and stronger than me 
but to boot he had a bigger �willy� as well! Something I found out 
later was that big dicks run in his side of the family as well as early 
puberty. Jamie was not going through puberty then though!

I remember comparing my dick later with Stephen�s and noticing that 
mine wasn�t much different. It didn�t worry me but added momentum to my 
feeling of inferiority to Jamie. Grandma handed me the wash cloth to 
wash myself with, but being used to having my mam do it, it was taking 
me a while and gran became impatient and decided to help out. I didn�t 
feel embarrassed until she bent me over and stuck the cloth up my bum 
crack to wash it while washing my dick with her hand on the other side. 
I stood up after and had a boner, Jamie looked at it but didn�t say 
anything. He was clean as he did himself and didn�t leave himself with 
a boner.

We stepped out of the bath and both got dried by gran. She then told me 
to get my PJs and to come back into the bathroom, so I left and went 
into the bedroom me and Jamie were sleeping in and looked in my back 
pack. What I saw made my heart stop! There were nappies in there. I got 
my PJs and hoped my gran had decided that I was old enough not to wear 
them and therefore wouldn�t ask me to get them. I got back into the 
bathroom and Jamie was just putting his PJ top on, gran asked him to 
get what she asked for earlier. I hadn�t heard what she asked for and 
didn�t think anything of it until I saw what he came back in the room 
with. It was my very own nappy box with my name on it. I was upset but 
didn�t let it show in front of Jamie who was sniggering behind grandma. 
Soon I was on my back with gran lotioning and powdering my bum and 
privates, with one nappy taped on she asked do I wet much at night? I 
could feel that the nappy was not quite as thick as the ones mam got me 
and I was pondering what to say to gran. Knowing that I only wet on 
purpose really and didn�t have many accidents. Gran interrupted my 
thoughts by saying something like �well we will be safe rather than 
sorry� and taped another one on top. Now it felt thicker than mams 
nappies. Then she put my PJs on, my pants bulging out because of the 
nappies, and picked me up and tucked me in bed, while Jamie jumped in 
the one across the room.

When gran had left the room Jamie started laying into me, saying I 
should go in the other room with our younger cousins, I told him to 
drop in an go to sleep. He kept going but eventually tired himself out. 
Hours later I woke up, the room was quiet and dark. I knew why I was 
awake, I desperately needed to pee and worse still I needed to poop. I 
decided to wet myself to alleviate some pressure and then went off to 
sleep again. I woke later with my pants pulled down to my knees and 
Jamie trying to put one of the babies bottles in my mouth. I smacked 
him as hard as I could but he was stronger and smacked me about a bit. 
In the end he ended up kneeling on my back, holding my head up, telling 
me to suck from the bottle like the baby I was. I got out the words 
�I�m not a baby� before I was forced to drink it down to get him off 
me. During this time I couldn�t hold out any longer and ended up pooing 
in my nappy. With my nappy filling Jamie laughed and said something 
like �see I told you, you were.� He took my pants away and the empty 
bottle. I cried myself to sleep. When I woke the next day my �willy� 
and the area round it was itchy so I started to put my hand down my 
nappy to scratch when if felt that my willy was covered in poop. I 
wiped my hand on top. I needed relief so I turned on my front and had 
to hump the bed. It did get rid of the itch but it gave me a boner and 
made sure I was really covered now. I wanted to get that tingling 
feeling in my willy but I knew I couldn�t with Jamie in the next bed.

To be continued.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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