Old Habits Die Hard
I would love to hear from other AB/DL's and what they think about my
story (Female AB/DL's especially welcome)- bad_lilboy@excite.com
After Naomi left
I carefully grabbed the shorts that belonged to Randy from under my bedding and
made my way to the big screened-in back porch as the girls watched Saturday
morning TV. I took them to my hiding place by the huge galvanized sink at the
far end of the porch from the kitchen door. I dropped them there and went back to check on the
girls watching TV. Everything looked okay so I went back to where I dropped the
shorts. I pulled my pinned diaper down over my hips and let it fall to the
floor. I quickly put on the shorts, kicked the diaper into the corner and
headed out into the backyard toward the back gate. I made my way across some
yards to Naomi’s house and went to her back door. When she came out we were so
glad to see each other. She was my best friend and we had a kind of puppy-love
thing going on.
She told me all about Patricia telling her about me
wearing diapers and putting baby powder on me and everything. I just denied it
all. Everyone knew Patricia was a troublemaker and a liar most of the time.
Seeing Naomi’s beautiful smile again drove me crazy. We laughed and played for
awhile in her backyard. I had to keep pulling my shorts up as I ran around the
yard because they were kind of loose around my waist.
I know it couldn’t have even been an hour or so when
Naomi’s mom came out onto her back porch and said, "John, I need you to
come in here for a minute honey.” She held the screen door opened as I walked
in then she led me to her living room, Naomi following right behind me. I was
shocked and terrified as I came into the house to see Juanita sitting there on
the edge of Naomi’s couch with her hands in her lap and a pissed look on her
face. As I slowly approached her I could see that she had a thick, clean,
diaper laid out on the couch, powder and baby oil and a baby bottle and stuff on
the coffee table and my diaper bag on the floor behind her.
"John, I’m very, very upset with you right now. I can’t believe you'd do something
like this,” Juanita said with a really pissed look on her face. I was trembling
as I stood there listening to her and looking at the diaper and stuff she had
laid out in Naomi’s living room and was so shocked I couldn’t speak. Before I
knew it Juanita stood up and turned me around, facing Naomi and her mom. She
leaned over me from behind with her arms around me and began unbuttoning my
trousers and unzipping them and started pulling them down. I grabbed the top of
them and tried to stop her from pulling them down.
"Please don’t, Mrs. Roberts!” I cried. trying to
hold the trousers up. "Please take me home. Don’t do it here!”
"John, you get your hands back. Don’t you make
things worse than they already are!” I just cried as I let go of the trousers
and she pulled them down. I didn’t have any underwear on and I still had traces
of baby powder on me as she had me step out of the pants. Juanita picked up her
paddle and held me by my left arm saying, "John, I’m gonna have to spank
you for stealing those pants and being sneaky and defying me. Then, as I stood
there completely naked before Naomi and her mom in their living room. she
started spanking me. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
Naomi was standing there looking shocked with her
fingers over her opened mouth, her eyebrows raised as I danced around on my
toes completely naked getting my ass paddled by Juanita. SMACK! SMACK! I was still hopping around, grabbing my sore butt and
bawling like a baby when the spanking stopped. I think it was the worst
spanking I ever got in my life. Still holding my arm with one hand and the
paddle in the other, Juanita said, "STOP IT, JOHN! STOP FUSSING RIGHT NOW!
I can’t talk to you while you're making all that noise!”
I stopped crying so loudly but couldn’t stop crying.
Juanita looked at Naomi and her mom and said, "John stole those pants and
came over here in them this morning because he didn’t want you to see what he's
supposed to be wearing— isn’t that right, John?” I just stood there crying,
totally naked and totally humiliated.
"Tell Naomi and her mother what you're supposed
to be wearing, John!”
"I can’t,” I answered.
"John, you tell them what you're supposed to be
wearing or I’ll give you another spanking."
"A diaper," I said quietly with my head
"NO, John. You look at them and tell them what
you're supposed to be wearing and why— and say it louder!"
"That's right. Now get up here and lay down on
your diaper like a good baby,” Juanita said as she turned me around and guided
me toward the couch where the thick white cotton diaper was lay out waiting for
"Come on, John, get up here and sit down on your
diaper,” Juanita said in a patronizing tone. I got up on the diaper and sat on
it crying and shaking. Naomi and her mom moved closer and stood by the coffee
table to watch Juanita put a diaper on me.
"Naomi, please don’t watch. I don’t want you to
watch Mrs. Roberts put a diaper on me!” Then Juanita put her hand on my
shoulder and said. "Okay, John, don’t worry about Naomi. Lay down so I can
get your diaper on you.”
PLEASE GO OUTSIDE! I DON’T WANT YOU TO WATCH HER PUT A DIAPER ON ME!" I cried as I lay down on the diaper. Juanita smacked
my already sore butt with her bare hand saying, "John, don’t you worry
about Naomi. She isn’t doing anything wrong. You lay there and be quiet while I
put this diaper on you or you're gonna get another spanking!" Then she
handed me the baby bottle and told me to drink it and be quiet.
"Now, John, spread your legs so I can put some
baby oil on you. We don’t want that diaper rash getting any worse.” Then she
began rubbing the baby oil all over my penis, balls and pubic fat while Naomi
and her mom watched. I just lay there crying, sucking on a baby bottle looking
at them watching me.
"Raise your legs now, John, so I can get some
baby oil on your butt.” So I raised my legs and crossed my ankles as Juanita
had taught me to do when she diapers me. I winced and jerked a little as she
applied the baby oil to my red sore butt, rubbing it all over and running her oily
fingers up and down my butt crack and again around my nut sack.
"Now you see what happens when you misbehave and
disobey me?” Juanita said. I shook my head yes. Then Juanita took the baby
powder and sprinkled it all over my butt while I had my legs raised and poured
some onto my diaper under me. Then she shot some at the underside of my balls
and told me to put my feet down.
"Spread your legs some more so I can powder your
little pee-pee John,” she said. Then she covered my entire pubic area with baby
powder. the aroma was overwhelming, filling the room as a cloud of baby powder
rose from between my thighs. I was so ashamed and embarrassed to have Naomi
watching me being diapered like a baby as I lay there crying, sucking on a baby
bottle. I could see that she was weeping as I turned my head to look at her.
"There we go. Now we got you all ready for your
diaper, John,” Juanita said as she sat the bottle of baby powder down. Then,
with both hands she took the thick diaper and pulled it up between my thighs
and rolled the sides in around my thighs and tugged it up snuggly toward my
belly. She pulled the two right corners together very tightly and began pinning
them together. Then she pulled the two left corners together so hard I could
feel my body shift across the couch, and began putting the diaper pins in that
side. She looked at Naomi while pinning my diaper on and said, "Well
Naomi, would you like me to leave John here to play, or take him home with me?
You probably don’t want to play with a boy who has to wear diapers, do
"He can stay here,” Naomi said in a cracked voice
and tears in her eyes. Juanita stood up and pulled me up into a sitting
position and then to my feet.
"Stand up here, John. Let’s show Naomi and her
mother what we do with little boys who won’t stop messing their pants.” Juanita
held my wrists above my head and walked me out from behind the coffee table to
the middle of the room. My legs were shaking so bad I could barely stand, let
alone walk. The diaper was so thick and pinned on so tight I couldn’t begin to
bring my legs together. Naomi’s mom asked in a sweet, motherly, sympathetic
kind of voice, "Well, John, how long do you have to wear diapers, honey?”
In a quiet withdrawn voice I answered. "About two
more weeks, I think.”
Then Naomi’s mom replied in a sorry but encouraging
tone. "Awwwwwwwww, well, honey, it'll go fast and you won’t have to were
diapers anymore.”
I just wanted to crawl under a rock. This was just the
apex of humiliation, standing here in front of Naomi and her mom in nothing but
a big, thick diaper, and Naomi got to see the whole thing— me naked and being
diapered. I couldn’t look her in the eyes anymore.
"Well, John, you came over here to play in
Naomi’s yard. I guess you can go back out there and play now,” Juanita
"Yes, Naomi, why don’t you take John out back so
Juanita and I can have some coffee and talk?” Naomi’s mom added. So Naomi led
me to her back porch where we stood silently for awhile. Then she put her hand
on my face and said, "Don’t cry, John, it'll be okay. I would never laugh
at you, and if anyone laughs at you. I don’t like them anymore. I’m mad at your
mom and Mrs. Roberts for making you wear diapers. Won’t you talk to me,
I stood there crying quietly, unable to look at her,
not knowing what to say. She wiped a tear from my eye and said, "John,
you're still my very best friend and my favorite boy. I guess that makes you my
boyfriend. Don’t you wanna be my boyfriend?”
Quietly and shyly, I said, “yes,” still not looking at
"Come on, John. Let’s go out in the backyard and
play,” she said, taking my hand and dragging me out the door. As we ran across
the wet grass barefoot I thought, how could a cute girl like Naomi still be
crazy about me now, dragging me across her yard dressed only in a big thick
diaper like a baby? We went out and sat in the glider on the swingset, me on
one side, she on the other side, facing me. We sat there swinging in the glider
silently for a few minutes. I could see by my peripheral vision that she was
staring at me but I couldn’t look up at her. It's difficult to look people in
the eyes when you're shamefully wearing a diaper at 9 years old.
She just sat there, staring at me for awhile and then
said, "Well John, how does it feel to have your first girlfriend?” With my
head down, I answered, "Good, I guess.” She sat there quietly again for a
little bit and then said. "Well, aren’t you gonna look at me, John?” She
was just being so sweet as usual. I couldn’t resist any longer. With my head
still down, I raised my eyes to look at her. She was sitting there with the
sweetest smile, looking right at me. I couldn’t help but smile back. Throughout
most of my childhood Naomi was the sunshine in my life, brightening up even
this darkest time of my life.
"John, I always wanted you to be my boyfriend and
you don’t have to be embarrassed about the diapers around me. I like you,
"I always liked you too, Naomi, and everyone
knows it. But I hate for you to see me like this, and I have to wear them the
whole time I’m staying here,” I told her.
Then she responded, "You've never got to stay for
two whole weeks before. We could have a lot of fun.”
I said, "I can’t play army with you and the guys
like this. I don’t even want the guys to see me like this!"
Naomi just smiled and said, "Don’t worry about
them, John; we'll do other stuff while you're here this time. We don’t have to
play army.”
As we sat there and talked I began to get the urge to
sit on the pot. I told Naomi I needed to leave for awhile and went to the
backdoor to tell Juanita I wanted to go home or (to Juanita’s house). Juanita
came to the back door and said, "I know what you're trying to do, John.
You wanted to come over here and play, so you go on back out there and play.
And I better not see you trying to hold it in or you'll be in big trouble. Do
you understand me, John?”
"Yes, Mrs. Roberts,” I answered, as I turned and
walked back to Naomi wearing only my diaper.
Just then Patricia came riding up her driveway with
two of her older girlfriends, all on bicycles, and saw me walking across
Naomi’s yard in my diaper.
"Hahahaha! See, Naomi, I told you he was wearing diapers!”
Patricia yelled as she and her friends came over to Naomi’s yard.
"Do you have to leave, John?” Naomi asked.
"No, Juanita won’t let me,” I replied as the
girls approached us.
"Well, Naomi, what do you think of your little
friend John, now wearing a diaper like a baby?”
Naomi said, "Patricia, if you're gonna be rude
why don’t you just leave?”
Now I was feeling like I really had to go to the
bathroom. I was squeezing my butt cheeks together trying to hold it while
standing up, which wasn’t easy. Patricia grabbed my arm and pulled me toward
her, saying. "Come on, you big baby. Let’s see if you need your diaper changed!”
The two girls with Patricia laughed, but as she pulled
me like that I wasn’t able to hold it any longer and let it all go in my
diaper. Patricia felt the seat of my diaper and then bent over and sniffed me
and said, "GAWD, JOHN. You shit
your diaper just like a baby!” Then she told the other girls to check and see
for themselves, and they did.
"EEEEEWWWWWWWW! You should be ashamed
of yourself, wearing a dirty diaper like a baby!” one of them said.
"Get out of my yard!” Naomi yelled at Patricia
and the girls.
"Why are you defending John for, Naomi?” Patricia
"Because you're being mean to him and he's my
boyfriend!” Naomi answered.
"Your boyfriend?
You want a boyfriend that shits his pants and has to wear diapers
like a baby?” Patricia asked.
AWAYYYYYYY!!!!!” Naomi yelled. Naomi’s mom came out and asked the older girls
to leave the yard.
Patricia yelled as they left. Naomi’s mom went back inside with Juanita. Naomi
sat on one of the swings and asked, "Well, what do you wanna do, John? You
wanna go up in the treehouse or something?” I couldn’t believe it. I’m standing
there red-faced wearing a dirty, stinky, diaper, and Naomi is acting like
nothing’s wrong.
"John, I told you that you don’t have to be
embarrassed about wearing diapers around me,” Naomi said in her sweet voice
looking me in the eyes with a smile. "I don’t care about the diapers. I
like you anyway!” she added. We played for awhile in her yard when Juanita and
Naomi’s mom came out. Juanita said. "I didn’t bring any clean diapers with
me. I guess we better go, John. Naomi, if you wanna come over later and play
with John you may.”
"Okay, thank you, Mrs. Roberts,” Naomi said. Then
Juanita took my hand and we walked down the driveway toward the street. But
instead of turning right to walk to Juanita’s— which would have been only three
houses down the street— we turned left. Juanita decided she was gonna make me
walk around the block wearing only my dirty diaper. She pulled a full baby
bottle from the diaper bag she was carrying and handed it to me.
"You're gonna learn NOT to disobey me,
John! When you do you make things harder for yourself!” So we walked down the
street getting farther and farther from the house. I told her I had to pee real
bad. She said, "Well, Pee!” People stared at me as we walked by. Some
laughed, others just looked surprised. I had to pee so bad as I walked down the
street in my dirty diaper sucking on a baby bottle. Finally, I couldn’t hold it
any longer and peed in my dirty diaper as we walked. I thought the pee would
never stop. I could feel the warm fluid engulfing my privates and running down
between my legs soaking my diaper.
"You know, John, I promised your mom that by the
time she gets back you won’t be messing your pants anymore. You're gonna help
me keep that promise, aren’t you?”
"Yes,” I said, crying.
"By the time your mom gets back, you're gonna be
so sick and tired of having a dirty bottom you'll never mess your pants again.
You're gonna learn to appreciate feeling nice and clean. If you don’t you'll be
wearing diapers again, I can promise you that. But you better not let me down,”
Juanita warned me. I could hear some of my friends off in the distance playing
army. How bad I wished I could be playing with them, and I prayed they wouldn’t
discover me walking down the street with Juanita, sucking on a baby bottle,
wearing a dirty, wet, diaper.
Part 32
I couldn’t believe Juanita would do something like
this— take me for a walk down the street and around the block with nothing on
but a big thick cotton flannel diaper that was dirty and soaking wet.
I had to carry a baby bottle with me and she would
make me drink it if I threw a fit or cried too loud or too much. At other times
she would give me a bottle just to keep my hands busy, making me hold it with
both hands.
We didn’t get too far from Naomi’s house when I heard
Naomi yell, "John, wait!” She came running up from behind and said she
wanted to walk with us. I just kept my head down in shame, not able to look at
her or talk to her. My tears felt like acid burning my cheeks as they ran down
my face but I had to cry silently or Juanita would make me suck on the bottle I
was carrying.
"John, is it okay if I walk with you?” Naomi
asked sweetly. I shook my head yes, not wanting to alienate one of the few
people I felt cared about me. But I couldn’t stand for her to see me like this,
walking somewhat bowlegged like a big baby in my tightly pinned on dirty wet
stinky diaper. Cars would drive by slowly and the people would stare at me as
Juanita dragged me along by one wrist and I carried my baby bottle in my other
hand. Adults and kids in their yards would stare or make remarks as we passed.
"John, aren’t you ashamed of yourself having
Naomi and everyone see you looking like a big baby wearing a dirty wet diaper?”
"Yes, Mrs. Roberts,” I answered as we walked down
the street. I could feel my diaper rash getting worse. I was itching and
burning, especially between my butt cheeks. Every step felt like torture as my
cheeks rubbed together. The front of my diaper now just felt cold and wet and
heavy. Juanita, seeing my diaper drooping a little around my tummy, stopped
walking and put the diaper bag down, took the diaper pins out of the left side
of my diaper while holding it together, then she pulled it tighter together and
put the pins back in. Then she did the same thing to the right side, making the
diaper much tighter so that it didn’t droop. But it made me walk more bowlegged
and I could feel the wetness against my skin much more and the load in the back
of my diaper against my butt was much worse. I looked at Naomi as Juanita was
doing one side and she just looked at me with her cute smile, not saying
"Naomi, what do you think about a nine-year-old
boy who has to wear diapers like a baby?” Juanita asked, obviously for my
benefit as she pinned my diaper back together.
"Well. John can’t help it if he has accidents
sometimes. Besides, he's my boyfriend and I don’t care if he has to wear
diapers. I still like him. Looking back, I realize that no jury could have
convicted Naomi of being the brightest kid in the neighborhood, but she was the
sweetest, cutest girl in the neighborhood, although definitely a tomboy. Everyone
loved her and everyone was her friend. She was one of the boys, and one of the
girls. She would play army and softball with the boys, but was the most
sensitive and compassionate person and couldn’t say a bad word about anyone,
and I was always crazy about her during my elementary and junior high years.
I was just beside myself in grief and humiliation that
Naomi got a front row seat in my diaper punishment, even though she seemed to
take it in stride. I felt that my ego and self-confidence had suffered a
terrible blow, and that even if she didn’t admit it she would always remember
me as the stupid kid who had to wear diapers one summer.
As we got further down the block we encountered
several kids who were in a driveway playing. Two of them were Patricia’s
brothers. These kids were not of the crowd I play army with (which I could hear
playing in the distance). They were of a different group.
"There's John. Look, he's still wearing a
diaper!” one of them shouted. Then they began chanting:
"YOU GUYS LEAVE JOHN ALONE!” Naomi shouted back
as she grabbed my arm.
"Don’t pay any attention to them, John; they're
mean!” she added in an authoritative yet supportive tone.
replied as we moved on down the street. Awhile later we arrived back at
Juanita’s front yard. My butt and pubic area was itching and burning from the
dirty, wet diaper.
"Naomi, if you'd like you may come while I change
John’s dirty wet diaper. Then you two can go back out and play.”
"Okay!”. Naomi responded.
CHANGE ME!” I insisted.
"Now John, she's already watched me put a diaper
on you. What's the difference?”
"I don’t want her to see me like that anymore!” I
"Naomi, do you wanna come in while I change
John’s diaper, or would you rather wait outside?” Juanita asked.
"I want to come in,” Naomi quietly answered while
looking into my eyes as I stared at the ground. "John. I promise I won’t
laugh,” Naomi added.
"Naomi. I don’t want you to watch Mrs. Roberts
change me!” I cried.
Then Juanita decided for everyone. "Okay, that's
enough. I have a million things to do. John, come on in here so I can get your
diaper changed. Naomi, if you want to come in. you're welcome to come in.”
Then Juanita opened the screen door and had me enter
first, then Naomi, then herself. Juanita’s daughters and
"John, you stink!” Michelle said as I passed by
her. "I’m glad mom’s here so I don’t have to change you,” she added with a
sound of relief. "But I ought to spank your butt after Momma gets it
cleaned up!” Michelle threatened.
"Why are you so mad at me, Michelle?” I asked.
"Because, when you stole those pants and took
your diaper off and hid it on the back porch and went to Naomi’s house this
morning. Momma grounded me for a week for not watching you closer. That's why
I'm angry with you, John!”
Blood being thicker than "handsome and
sweet", I could see in the other girls’ faces that they weren’t happy with
me getting Michelle grounded, either. The quiet tension in the room was
"Okay, John. Lay down here so I can get that
nasty ol’ diaper off of you and get you into a nice, soft, clean diaper,”
Juanita said in a teasing tone.
Then she stood me where she wanted me and had me sit
down in my dirty, wet diaper for a minute. I could feel the mess all over my
butt and coming up around my balls a little, and my diaper rash was itching and
burning something awful.
"Well, John, tell me, how do you like having a
dirty bottom now?” Juanita asked.
"I don’t like it,” I said quietly as everyone,
including Naomi, watched and listened.
"A clean diaper feels better than a dirty diaper,
doesn’t it, honey?” Juanita continued.
"Yes Mrs. Roberts,” I answered as I sat there in
my wet, soiled diaper, totally embarrassed in front of Naomi.
"Uh-huh, and that's why little boys and girls
learn to get up and go to the bathroom instead of sitting there and messing
their pants,” Juanita said, scolding me. "And we're going to learn that
while you're staying here the next two weeks, John, okay? Now lay down so I can
change your dirty, wet diaper,” Juanita said sounding a little pissed.
Part 33
I lay down for Juanita as she told me to do so she
could change my diaper. Naomi sat at my shoulder, smiling as she looked at me
laying there in my dirty wet diaper waiting to be changed. Juanita went to the
hall closet to get a new bottle of baby powder because the one on the changing
quilt was almost empty. I whispered to Naomi while Juanita was in the hallway.
"Naomi, can you go out and wait in the back yard
for me?”
Naomi, with her usual innocent smile, said,
"John. I’m not going to laugh at you". I whispered back, begging,
"Naomi please go wait for me. I don’t want you to watch her change
me!" Then Juanita returned to the room and saw
"Michelle. Cindy. Angie. couldn’t one of you
girls have sat
The girls didn’t answer. Sometimes Juanita didn’t want
an answer. She just wanted to vent. Then Juanita brought
Michelle kneeled next to
"I’ve never changed anyone’s diaper before. I don’t
know how,” Naomi said, smiling at Juanita.
“There's nothing to it, honey. I'll show you what to
do, if you wanna do it,” Juanita said smiling at Naomi as if she were her new
Naomi said, “okay” and then traded places with
Michelle, who WAS going to change
“Okay, Naomi, take his plastic pants off slowly so you
don’t flip pee on yourself. Sometimes they’re damp,” Juanita explained as she
began removing the diaper pins from my diaper. Naomi pulled
"Okay honey. you gotta take the diaper pins out
now,” Juanita patiently explained to Naomi as Juanita continued removing the
diaper pins from my diaper.
"Be careful now. Don’t stick him with them,” she
Naomi looked so serious and focused as she carefully
followed Juanita’s instructions and tried to undo the diaper pins and take them
After Juanita and Naomi had removed the diaper pins
from me and Tommy’s diapers. Juanita warned Naomi about little boys peeing
while having their diapers changed and said that if
Naomi and the girls giggled about it as
"John, you just lay there and be quiet, and don’t
worry about Naomi. She's gonna have to watch to learn how to change a baby’s
diaper,” Juanita insisted.
I fussed loudly.
Juanita shoved a baby bottle in my mouth and told me
to hold it with both hands.
"John, one more word out of you and I’m going to
take a paddle to your butt. Now you drink your bottle and be quiet!" Then
Juanita took the top of my diaper with both of her hands and told me to spread
my legs some more.
"Okay, Naomi. We’re going to pull their diapers
back. But remember, if he starts peeing just put it back quickly,” Juanita
reminded Naomi.
Then Juanita pulled my diaper open as Naomi pulled
Tommy’s diaper open. Naomi leaned forward, looking closely at Tommy’s pee-pee
touching the tip of it with her finger, saying, "Is this where the pee
comes out?. is this his pee hole?"
"Yes that's where the pee comes out, Naomi,"
Juanita answered, trying not to laugh. "Haven’t you ever seen a boy or a
baby boy without any clothes before?” Juanita asked Naomi. Naomi explained that
she had seen her brother before but not up close.
Then Naomi leaned toward Juanita and me peeking over
my thigh saying, "I wanna see John’s pee hole, too. Ohhhhh, John, you're
so little!" Naomi said looking at my pee-pee closely, comparing me to baby
Naomi didn’t mean anything by the comment; it was just
an innocent observation made by a nine-year-old girl about a nine-year-old boy.
Then Juanita had me raise my legs and cross my ankles
so she could clean me. Naomi couldn’t get her hands around
Juanita showed Naomi how to take the wet front of the
diaper and go down the butt crack with it to get most of the mess. My butt was
very sore from the rash, especially between my butt cheeks, and my cheeks were
very sore from the paddling I got from Juanita at Naomi’s house.
IT HURTS!” I said, taking the bottle
from my mouth as Juanita went down my butt crack with the wet diaper cleaning
"I'm sorry John, but I’ve got to clean you up.
Your butt is a mess,” Juanita explained sympathetically, still wiping my sore
butt. "You're getting a pretty good diaper rash too,” Juanita added.
I could hardly hold still as Juanita cleaned me. The
pain was unbearable. I wiggled around and moaned as I lay there with my feet up
and my ankles crossed, sucking on a baby bottle as Juanita cleaned my butt.
Naomi looked at me and giggled. still cleaning
After Juanita and Naomi had me and
"That feels weird!" Naomi said as she began
slowly rubbing the baby oil all over
"All right Naomi, let’s get some baby powder on
them so we can get their diapers on,” Juanita said. Then, as Juanita picked up
the bottle of baby powder but before she sprinkled it on me. Naomi raised up on
her knees and looked over my thigh at my shiny, oily little genitals and said.”
Aaaaawwww Johnnnnn. It's soo little and cuteeeee!”
"Yep, he has a little pee-pee like a baby and he
has to wear diapers like a baby!" Michelle said, angry with me about being
grounded for a week.
"Michelle!" Juanita warned subtly.
"Well John. yours might be a lot smaller then
Tommy’s, but I think it's a lot cuter than Tommy’s, too,” Naomi said in my
defense, with her usual sweet smile.
Then Juanita began sprinkling baby powder on me as
Naomi watched closely. Naomi asked as she watched.
"It's okay to get it on his little pee hole,
"Why, of course, Naomi. Just pour it all over
like this,” Juanita explained as she poured the baby powder all over my pubic
area and between my legs, covering my scared, humiliated little penis and
balls. Then Juanita handed the baby powder to Naomi and Naomi powdered
"There we go, Naomi. That's how we change a baby
boy’s dirty, wet diaper. And you did a very good job!"
"Thank you, Mrs. Roberts,” Naomi said smiling,
proud of herself and her first diaper change.
"Well, John, I guess you and Naomi can go on out
and play. You're very lucky to have a friend like Naomi who doesn’t mind
playing with a nine-year-old boy who has to wear diapers like a baby."
Naomi responded, "Well, it's only a couple weeks.
Besides, John’s my boyfriend now and I don’t really care about him wearing
diapers. I think he looks cute in them.”
Juanita and her older daughters laughed and giggled as
Naomi and I walked toward the back door to go out and play.
Part 34
"Wait a minute!" I told Naomi as we got to
the back porch. I wanted to look around before going out into the backyard,
mostly for Patricia and her brothers, but I didn’t want anyone to see me wearing a diaper.
"Come on, John, let’s go out and play!"
Naomi said, holding my hand and opening the screen door. I didn’t see or hear
anyone so I went on out with Naomi into the backyard. As we walked, her leading
me by the hand, she would look back at me. I was always aware of the way she
would look me up and down with that innocent smile on her face. My diaper was
so thick and pinned on so tight it was difficult to walk and move. It was
pulled very tight around my thighs and waist, making me walk bowlegged and
looking like my butt was sticking out. Naomi wanted to get on the see-saw. I
said no because I didn’t wanna be hoisted up into the air in a diaper, so I sat
in the glider in the swingset because it gave me some cover. Naomi came and got
into the glider and sat across from me.
She sat there looking me up and down with her innocent
smile as I sat across from her silently, dressed in nothing but a thick diaper.
"John, I wish you wouldn’t be so quiet. I want
you to laugh and have fun like we used to,” Naomi said.
"I can’t have fun like this. Everyone is laughing
at me and thinks I'm stupid because I have to wear diapers like a baby!" I
responded, sniffling
"I don’t think you're stupid, John, and I would
NEVER laugh at you about wearing diapers. I really like you a lot and want you
to be happy like you used to,” Naomi said.
Juanita’s daughters came out into the yard to play,
bringing baby
Anyway, here came Patricia and her brothers down the
driveway and toward me and Naomi, still sitting in the glider. They sit on the
swings, acting more civilized than usual, maybe because Juanita was back at the
clothesline hanging out diapers. Juanita’s daughters and Naomi always tried to
get along with Patricia and her brothers because they were neighbors. They
tolerated them mostly, but those three were troublemakers and bullies.
Everyone talked small talk mostly and seemed to get
along until a few minutes after Juanita had gone back into the house. Then
Patricia started in on Naomi about having a boyfriend who had to wear diapers
like a baby.
"I got to put baby powder on John’s little baby
pee-pee when my mom changed his diaper, Naomi. I bet you haven’t gotten to
powder his little pee-pee, have you?” Patricia said laughing loud.
"Yeah. We saw it. He looks like a baby even
without a diaper. Ha ha ha ha ha! But that's gotta be embarrassing to have a
boyfriend who wears diapers like a baby!" Steve said laughing uncontrollably.
"Patricia, why don’t you and your brothers just
go home and leave us alone if you can’t be nice?" Naomi asked.
Then Patricia looked at me sitting there in the glider
in my diaper, saying nothing.
“What's the matter, baby John. You need Naomi to protect
you? I haven’t hardly heard you say a word ever since your mom and Mrs. Roberts
put you in diapers,” Patricia said taunting me. Naomi got up out of the glider.
and took my hand saying, "Come on John. Let’s go in the house until they
I felt paralyzed, sitting there in the glider in
nothing but a thick, white cloth diaper while everyone looked and laughed at
me. I didn’t want to get up and walk to the house in front of everyone in my
diaper even though they've all seen it before.
"COMEEE ONNN, JOHNNN! Let’s go inside until they
leave,” Naomi insisted, not being able to take the teasing she was getting
because of me any longer. So I climbed out of the glide, Naomi pulling my hand,
and stood up in my thick, tightly pinned-on diaper. Patricia and her brothers
pointed their fingers at me and laughed.
"HA HA HA HA! Look at John wearing a diaper like
a baby because he shits his pants like a baby! What a shame, nine years old and
wearing a diaper like a baby because you shit your pants, John!" Patricia said,
Naomi and I began walking toward the house when the
JOHN’S WEARING A DIAPER!!!” Then, before I knew it, Steve (10) came up behind
me and pulled my diaper down over my hips and to the ground in front of
everyone. Because I was walking I kind of tripped over the diaper but tried to
quickly get up. Then Steve yanked on the diaper, which was around my ankles and
made me fall down as he took my diaper.
"See? Look at John’s little baby pee-pee!"
Patricia said, laughing hysterically. All the kids were laughing as I tried to
get up. My penis and balls were still white with heavy traces of baby powder on
them. I covered myself with one hand and tried to get my diaper back from Steve
but he threw the still-pinned diaper to Bobby and then Bobby threw it back to
"MRS. ROBERTSSSSSS!!!!" Naomi yelled as the
Steve and Bobby play keep-away with me and my diaper.
Then I heard the screen door slam at Patricia’s house
next door. Patricia’s mom came running out yelling.
Patricia’s mom ran down her driveway and came back through Juanita’s yard
(having to go around the fence). Juanita came out of the house about the same
time that Patricia’s mom showed up.
"What do you boys think you're doing?!"
Patricia’s mom asked angrily as I stood there naked covering myself, and with
my knee bleeding and my diaper still pinned, laying on the ground with dirt and
grass clippings on it.
"We were just kidding around, mom,” Steve
explained while Bobby stood there silently grinning, and Patricia sat on the
swing with a smirk on her face.
Then six year old Lisa said, "Steve and Bobby
knocked John down and took his diaper, and wouldn’t give it back to him."
"Ohhh John, your knee is bleeding!"
Patricia’s mom said, sounding genuinely concerned.
"It'll be okay, Naomi. We'll get him all fixed
up,” Juanita told Naomi as she picked up my diaper from the ground and handed
it to me to cover myself.
"Patricia, you could have stopped this and you
just sat there!” her mom said in disgust. "Steve and Bobby, if I had some
diapers I'd put one on both of you! If you want to play with John’s diaper so
bad you should have one of your own!" she added sounding very pissed.
"Well, Mary, I have plenty of diapers,” Juanita
said giving the boys a stern look.
"Would you mind, Juanita?" Patricia’s mom
"Not at all. Be my guest!" Juanita replied,
supporting Mary’s suggestion. Then Juanita took me into the house first. Naomi
right behind me. Patricia’s mom and kids and Juanita’s kids followed.
Juanita had me sit on the changing quilt naked as she
had Michelle go get the first aid kit. Juanita took all the diaper pins out of
the diaper that Steve pulled off of me saying I couldn’t wear that one as it
was messed up.
Patricia’s mom asked for Juanita’s paddle and Juanita
handed it to her, as Michelle returned with the first aid kit for my knee.
"Okay Patricia. You're first, young lady!"
her mom said as she pulled Patricia toward her. Then Patricia’s mom sat on the
couch and reached up under Patricia’s dress and pulled Patricia’s panties down
to her ankles and had Patricia step out of them. Patricia began crying like a
baby knowing she was about to get her ass paddled.
As I sat there naked on the changing quilt, Juanita
doing first aid on my knee, Patricia’s mom told Patricia to lay across her lap.
"That's right, Patricia. You didn’t do anything.
You could have stopped your little brothers before John got hurt. But instead
you sat there and encouraged them and John got hurt,” her mom replied. "So
now you're gonna get a spanking and then you can sit here and watch your little
brothers being diapered right after Juanita gets John’s diaper back on. and
know it's partly your fault that your little brothers are going to have to wear
a diaper for the rest of the day.”
"NOOOOOOO! MOMMMMMMM!!!!!” Patricia and her
brothers began to scream as they heard what their punishment was gonna be.
"All right, Patricia. Get up here!" her mom
said as she pulled Patricia over her lap and then pulled her dress up to the
middle of her back.
went one swat on Patricia’s ass. Then SMACK!!!... SMACK!!!... Patricia’s
mom liked to keep the guilty party wondering when the next swat was coming.
Patricia was bawling like a baby already, laying across her moms lap with her
ass totally exposed. Patricia knew that from where I was I could see her whole
ass and swollen crack. She looked back at me with her eyes filled with tears,
went three more quick, sharp, swats to Patricia’s ass.
Part 35
You would think seeing Patricia lying across her moms
lap with her dress pulled up to the middle of her back and getting her bare ass
paddled in front of everyone would have been sweet revenge after the way she
had been treating me. It was good to see her being punished in such a
humiliating way, but her punishment would soon be over. I was still gonna be
wearing diapers for another two weeks.
Juanita had just finished doctoring my knee and was
laying out a big, thick, soft diaper for me as I sat there naked on the
changing quilt next to Naomi watching Patricia get her bare ass paddled by her
Everyone in the room could see Patricia’s bare and
totally exposed ass getting redder and redder as it vibrated with each smack,
but Naomi and I could see everything between Patricia’s legs as she flailed
about, her legs kicking, her feet flying around, as her mom paddled her red
ass. And she knew it, too, looking over her shoulder at us occasionally with
her eyes filled with tears screaming things like,
After Patricia’s mom had finished spanking Patricia.
Patricia tried to stand up, but because her knees were so close to her moms
legs she kind of slipped and fell back to her tummy on her mom’s lap. But she
finally got up on her feet, bending over, holding onto her mom’s thighs before
her dress was pulled down. I was amazed at how red her ass was all over. She
was bawling like a baby as she stood up and pulled her dress back down over her
naked red bottom.
"All right, John. Lay down here so I can put a
diaper on you,” Juanita said as she knelt beside me. With one hand on my
shoulder and the other on my leg, I lay down with my knees up and my feet flat
on the floor. Juanita had me raise my butt up off of the floor so she could put
the thick clean diaper under me and then lower myself on the diaper after she
placed it under me.
As Juanita began rubbing the baby oil on me,
Patricia’s mom got up off the couch and walked over to where Juanita was
kneeling and asked about the diapers she was supposed to use for Steve (10) and
Bobby (9). Juanita pointed at the stack of bigger diapers that were used for me
and Rudy as opposed to the much smaller ones used for babies.
"Just use one of those bigger diapers there,”
Juanita said pointing.
Then Patricia’s mom took one of the large diapers, and
bending over as she stood there, she laid it out next to me. Then she walked
over to Steve and took his arm and said, "Okay Steve. you seemed to have
so much fun playing with John’s diaper, I think we should give you one of your
INSTEAD?!” Steve begged, crying.
"No Steve, you're going to wear a diaper the rest
of the day. Now let’s get your pants off so I can put a diaper on you,” his mom
said as she began trying to undo his pants in front of all the girls that were
"Well, Steve, Patricia didn’t pull John’s diaper
off or run around the yard with it throwing it around,” his mom argued. Then
Steve’s mom pulled down his shorts and had him step out of them as he stood
there in his underwear crying like a baby. Then she pulled down his underwear,
leaving him completely naked in front of his sister Patricia, Juanita’s
daughters, Naomi and myself.
"All right, Steve. come over here and lay down on
your diaper!" his mom told him as she led him half way across the room
completely naked to the diaper she had laid out for him on the living room
Patricia had already stepped back into her panties and
was trying to work them back up under her dress without exposing herself, still
sobbing heavily.
"Steve, I want you to lay down now and move your
hands so I can put a diaper on you. Do you understand me?" his mom said.
Steve lay down and moved his hands as his mom had asked, his face red with
anger and embarrassment as the tears ran down his screaming face.
Juanita was just getting my diaper tightly pinned on
as Steve’s mom began pouring baby oil on his exposed genitals as he lay there
naked for the first time in front of all the giggling, laughing girls.
Naomi said, looking at Juanita, innocently,
"Steve has a big one doesn’t he Mrs. Roberts?"
"I suppose he does, Naomi,” Juanita responded,
grinning, trying not to laugh.
"Okay, John. You're all diapered and ready to
go!" Juanita said. As I sat up and moved away. Juanita laid another big
diaper out for Patricia’s and Steve’s little brother Bobby.
"Mary, do you want me go ahead and put a diaper
on Bobby, or are you gonna get him after you're through with Steve?"
Juanita asked Patricia’s mom.
"If you wanna do it, Juanita, it's fine with me.
The sooner we get them both in diapers the better,” Patricia’s mom declared.
Then Juanita called Bobby to come to her and she began
removing his shorts and underwear in front of everyone as he stood there
throwing a fit. As Juanita pulled Bobby’s underwear down it was obvious that he
had an even healthier one than his older brother Steve. but nothing like the
freakishly large one Rudy has, just longer and fatter than mine or
"Gosh, Steve and Bobby both have big pee-pees,
don’t they, Mrs. Roberts?" Naomi remarked innocently but curiously.
"I think we can all see that, Naomi.” Juanita
said giggling as some of the other girls laughed. I could feel my face turning
red with embarrassment as Naomi remarked on everyone else having a big pee-pee
but me. She looked at me sitting there in my diaper and noticed I was hurt or
embarrassed and said.
"Ohhhh Johnnnnn. you might have the smallest
pee-pee. but I think it's the cutest one.” Everyone but Patricia and her
brothers broke out laughing as Naomi said that. I could just feel my pee-pee
shrinking up in my thick diaper as she said that.
Part 36
Watching Patricia’s mom and Juanita putting diapers on
Patricia’s 10-year-old brother Steve and 9-year-old brother Bobby, I was
beginning to develop a real complex about penis size, namely the size of my penis. I couldn’t help notice that as
Steve and Bobby laid there being diapered, their penises were laying to one
side or the other with a long, thick shaft, clearly visible. On the other hand,
when I'm laying there being diapered if I have no erection I have no shaft and
my little pee-pee is aiming straight at the ceiling. As I watched Juanita
rubbing baby oil on Bobby’s comparatively large pee-pee, I thought back to when
his mom changed my dirty wet diaper and seeing my little pee-pee, took it
between her thumb and index finger and shook it real fast, saying, ”just-like-a
babyyyyyy!” Okay, enough of that. I just think it's strange that young boys and
girls place any significance on penis size, even before they are old enough to
know that the penis is used for anything other than peeing. But all the jokes
and comments and even Naomi’s innocent comments about me being smaller than all
the other boys— smaller than even two and a half-year-old Tommy— was making me very
self-conscious about my size, which would stay with me for the rest of my life.
As Steve’s mom began pulling the thick diaper up
between 10-year-old Steve’s thighs, Steve raised his head from the floor and
watched the diaper being pulled up toward his tummy and cried.
"Now Steve, that's enough! You're going to wear a
diaper for the rest of the day! You be still so I don’t stick you with these
diaper pins!” his mom told him as she began pinning the thick diaper on him.
Juanita just got through pinning Bobby’s diaper on
about the same time, while Bobby kicked and screamed about being put in a
diaper as well. Then Steve and Bobby’s mom got up and had her diapered boys
stand up in front of everyone saying, "Well, now that you two boys have
your own diapers, you won’t have to be taking someone else’s diaper will
They looked ridiculous standing there crying like
babies wearing nothing but thick cotton diapers. Then their mom asked Patricia,
"Well Patricia, what do you
think about your little brothers standing here in their big baby diapers and
knowing it's partly your fault because you didn’t stop them from doing what
they were doing?" Patricia, still sobbing and red-faced about having her
bare ass paddled in front of everyone, said. "I just wanna go home,
"Well, you kids came over here to play, I want
all three of you to go out in the back yard and play for awhile,” Patricia’s
mom said as she picked up Steve’s and Bobby’s pants and underwear.
"Come on, Steve, Bobby, let’s go out back for
awhile,” their mom said herding them toward the kitchen and out the back door
with their clothes in one hand and Juanita’s paddle in the other.
Steve and Bobby threw a fit as they stepped out of the
house and into the back yard wearing nothing but their diapers as Naomi and
Juanita’s daughters watched and giggled.
"Go play now. Go find something to do until
suppertime,” their mom said, pushing them further out into the yard.
Steve and Bobby went and sat in the glider on the
swing set, which was one of my favorite spots because it provided some cover
from peering eyes. at least hiding the diaper somewhat.
Naomi took my hand, saying, "Come on, John. Let’s
go play at the sandbox.” So we walked together hand-in-hand to the sandbox,
which was further from the house. I could always see Naomi looking me up and
down with her cute smile through my peripheral vision if not looking directly
at her. This time I looked at her as we walked.
"John, I think you look so cute wearing a
diaper!" she said with a big smile, holding my hand.
"Yeah, but you probably think I’m stupid now
because I wear diapers,” I responded quietly with my head down.
"I don’t think you're stupid, John. Anyone can
accidentally mess their pants a few times, and my mom said she didn’t think
they should have made you wear diapers. She says when a boy’s ready to stop
messing his pants he'll stop messing his pants. Besides, I like you, John, and
I don’t care if you're wearing a diaper or not!" Naomi said with a
reassuring smile.
Naomi and I played for awhile at the sandbox, then
headed back to the house for something to drink. Patricia was sitting on a
bench next to a flowerbed, still pouting, tearing a flower up as Naomi and I
passed her. She stood up and called my name, so I stopped to see what she
"John, you better forget about what you saw. If
you tell anyone I'll beat the shit
out of you!!!” she said as she pushed me back a little. Patricia was a big girl
for eleven, though she obviously hadn’t begun puberty yet.
"PATRICIAAAA!” her mom yelled from the
screened-in porch. You couldn’t see whether someone was there through the black
screens or not. Patricia’s mom and Juanita were sitting at a small table on the
porch visiting.
Patricia’s mom came out with the paddle in her hand,
Juanita with her.
"Haven’t you learned anything, Patricia?"
her mom asked in an angry tone. Not really wanting an answer, Patricia’s mom
walked Patricia a few steps to the picnic table where she laid the paddle down,
turned Patricia around facing her and held Patricia against her body. Then Mrs.
Martin pulled Patricia’s dress up to the middle of Patricia’s back and began
pulling her silky white panties down as she stood there in front of everyone.
Mrs. Martin had her left arm around Patricia and over the back of Patricia’s
dress which was pulled up and was trying to work Patricia’s panties down with
her right hand a little at a time as she pulled the left side down a little
then the right, then the left again.
"You're gonna learn to behave yourself, young
lady! If I have to spank you until you can’t sit down!” Her mom said, pulling
Patricia’s white panties down to just above her knees.
Then Patricia’s mom picked up the paddle from the
picnic table and began spanking Patricia’s red ass with it.
Patricia was writhing around, wiggling and bawling as
her mom held her there with her sore red ass exposed to everyone who was
watching. Then her mom let her go saying, "Now you pull your panties up
and go play and behave yourself unless you want another spanking. Do you hear
me?” her mom said.
Then Mrs. Martin had her sons get out of the glider on
the swingset and told them to sit on the swings, saying they weren’t gonna hide
their diapers. They cried as they climbed out of the glider and walked to the
swings in their diapers and sat down in front of all the giggling girls.
After a few hours Steve and bobby were allowed to take
their diapers off and put their underwear and shorts back on and they and
Patricia went home. The rest of the evening was fairly uneventful. Naomi went
home. We ate, took our baths and got ready for bed.
Part 37
As we got ready for bed that evening, Juanita gave me
my bath and got me out to get dried off while 6-year-old Lisa still sat in the water.
My diaper rash was getting pretty bad and itching something awful. I tried to
scratch but Juanita said not to scratch it because it could get infected and
didn’t want my fingers getting nasty, either, but the itch on my penis was
making me very erect. Juanita took me to the changing quilt and told Michele to
get me ready for bed while she got Lisa out of the tub.
My little erect penis was just bouncing around as
Juanita led me out of the bathroom and into the living room where all the girls
were and Michele waited to put a diaper on me.
"Lay down here John so I can put a diaper on
you!" Michele said sarcastically. I sat down on the diaper she had laid
out for me and laid down as Juanita went back to the bathroom to get Lisa out
of the tub. Michele began rubbing the baby oil all over my pubic area and on my
rock-hard little pee-pee and balls as her sisters watched. Then she told me to
raise my legs and spread them some more so she could put the baby oil on my
butt. I noticed Michele was watching her mom intently as Juanita left the room.
I raised my legs and spread them as Michele asked but I was watching the TV as
I lay there waiting to be diapered just to shut out the thought of all the
girls looking at me laying there naked on a diaper with an erection.
Michele began putting baby oil on my butt as I watched
the TV. Then suddenly and unexpectedly:
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Went three quick, sharp smacks to my butt.
"OOOOWWWWW Michele, why did you do that?!" I
asked, shocked and surprised.
"That's for getting me grounded!" Michele
answered in an angry tone, after spanking me with her bare but oily hand.
Just then Juanita came back into the room escorting
Lisa still naked from her bath.
"What's going on? Michele, did you spank
John?" Juanita asked in an angry curiosity.
"I just swatted him a couple times for getting me
grounded," Michele answered fearfully, knowing she was in trouble.
"No Michele. You got yourself grounded. You were
supposed to watch John and the others until I got back and you didn’t. That's
why you're grounded,” Juanita explained as she handed Lisa her panties and
Then Juanita picked up her paddle and asked Michele to
pick up a diaper pin and come to her.
JUST GROUND ME LONGER!?" Michele begged, crying as she walked toward her
mother with the diaper pin.
Juanita took the diaper pin from Michele and had
Michele turn around. Then she lifted the back of Michele's dress and pinned it
up high on Michele’s back, or to the back of the dress, exposing Michele’s
snow-white panties.
"Michele, it's not your job to spank or punish
John or anyone else. I do that. If I need your help I'll ask!" Juanita
explained as she pinned the back of Michele's dress up. Then Juanita had
Michele bend over the arm of the couch as Michele cried, knowing what was
coming. Then Juanita pulled Michele's panties down to her knees, exposing her
bare bottom.
As I lay there naked on my diaper still waiting to be
diapered watching Michele get her bare ass spanked I couldn’t help notice that
Michele had hair all over her swollen crack. I had never seen anything like
that before.
After spanking Michele, Juanita had her stand up and
then walked her to a corner with her panties still around her knees and had
Michele stand facing the corner. Then Juanita pulled the panties down to
Michele's ankles and had her stand there awhile with her dress pinned up to her
back and her red, sore ass exposed for everyone to see.
Then Juanita came over to me and knelt down to finish
putting a diaper on me as Michele stood in the corner crying and the other kids
Juanita explained to me that tomorrow we were gonna be
going to the zoo and asked if I wanted Naomi to go with us. I really didn’t
because I hated Naomi seeing me wearing a diaper but Naomi was my best friend
and never had a negative thought about me, so I said yes.
Juanita got on the phone and dialed Naomi's number and
talked to Naomi's mom with the phone on her shoulder as she put baby powder on
me and then began puling the thick clean diaper up between my thighs and over
my lower tummy. I was beginning to feel more and more like a baby every time I
was diapered or had my diaper changed. I could hardly remember wearing
underwear or messing in them, even though it had only been a few days so far.
Juanita hung up the phone and said Naomi would be over
in the morning to go to the zoo with us as she began pulling the corners of the
cotton flannel diaper tightly together and putting the diaper pins in.
Michele, still standing in the corner with the back of
her dress pinned up and her panties around her ankles, asked her mom in a
broken, sobbing voice.
"Mom, may I stay here with Pam tomorrow? I don’t
want to go to the zoo tomorrow."
"Yes Michele, you and Pam can stay home if you
like, but you better be here when I get back," Juanita warned.
So it was just gonna be me, Juanita, Cindy (11), Angie
(9), Lisa (6), and Naomi (also 9) and Tommy (2 and a half).
I sat up in my thick, tightly-pinned on diaper as
Juanita got up and told everyone they better get to bed pretty quickly. Then
Juanita walked over to Michele and pulled her panties up to her waist and took
the diaper pin out of the back of her dress and let it down.
"All right Michele, you can go now," Juanita
said letting Michele's dress down. Michele wasted no time running up the
stairs, still sobbing.
About a half hour or so later after getting Tommy to
bed and giving the girls upstairs time to settle down, Juanita hollered up the
stairs to the girls to turn the lights out and go to sleep. Then Juanita turned
out all the lamps, leaving only the kitchen light, the aquarium and the TV on.
I knew what was coming next. Juanita got my pillows and blanket and everything
ready and had me lay across her lap to be breastfed again to relieve the
pressure on her heavy milk-laden breasts. I was just shocked this time that she
left the TV on. As she opened one side of her robe and took out her big,
nasty-looking, pointed, torpedo-like breast. I could clearly see the huge,
dark, worn-looking nipple before she shoved it into my mouth. I don’t know what
size cup she wore but. it made double-D's look like baby tits, that's for sure.
She was one of those large overweight women with the huge boobs that looked
like if she had a couple drinks she might fall over. As big as they were
though, they really didn’t sag at all. When she'd walk around in her robe her
tits were just as high and huge and pointy without her bra as they were when
she was wearing a bra. With the TV on I could now see that the reason she had
me lying on a pillow that was on her lap was so I could be high enough to
breastfeed without her having to hold me up. Her huge nipples and tits just
pointed straight forward like torpedoes.
I was really beginning to feel like a baby and feel a
bond with Juanita as I lay there in the diaper she put on me and sucked milk
from her huge, soft nipples. Sometimes she would stroke my hair with her hand
or sometimes she would have her arm between my thighs and her hand on my
thickly diapered butt and be patting my butt as I fed. I would wonder what she
was thinking as she would look down at me occasionally, sucking on her breast
wearing a diaper like a baby.
Finally, after I had drank a substantial amount of
milk from each breast, she would have me get up and go lay down on my bed she
made up for me by the wall. I would be so full and so sleepy from the fat-rich
milk that it was no time before I was asleep. Just before going to sleep
though, I asked Juanita if I could have a long shirt and some pants so everyone
wouldn’t see me walking around in only a diaper. She reminded me that my mom
didn’t leave me any pants and that she was instructed not to let me have any
pants, but she said that she would try to find me a long shirt to wear. That's
the last thing I remember before falling to sleep.
Part 38
The next morning I woke up to hear Juanita in the
kitchen starting a roast that Pam and Michele were gonna finish by the time we
got back from the zoo. I got up and had breakfast as did the girls and baby
Tommy. and then went and sat in front of the TV until Juanita was through in
the kitchen
Having to pee really bad from breast feeding the night
before on Juanita’s big, nasty-looking tits, I just sat there in front of the
TV and wet my diaper. It was getting easier and easier to do after a couple
days and realizing that I had no alternative. I remember my groin and butt
burning real bad that morning as I wet myself because my rash was getting much worse.
Naomi came over not much later and sat with me in
front of the TV being her same old smiling self, looking cute in her little
shirt, coveralls and sneakers, and her long, beautiful hair hanging down her
After getting Tommy and the younger girls ready for
the trip into the city and to the zoo, Juanita came over to the changing quilt
where Naomi and I were sitting to get me ready, too.
"Okay, John, lay down now so I can change your
diaper," Juanita said in a sweet, motherly voice.
I lay down a little reluctantly, still not wanting
Naomi to watch, even though she had seen it all before. It still didn’t make it
any easier.
Naomi just sat there Indian style, watching Juanita
take out the diaper pins, then looking me in the face with her sweet innocent
smile as I lay there waiting to be stripped totally naked in front of her,
helpless to do anything about it. I know my face was red each time I was
changed in front of someone and I could feel the heat in my face as I lay there
while Juanita removed the diaper pins.
“Naomi, could you go in the other room for a little
while?" I asked quietly and shyly.
"Oh, Johnnnnnn. You don’t have to be embarrassed.
I’ve already seen your little pee-pee, and I already told you I don’t care
about you wearing diapers," she responded in her innocent, honest and
not-too- bright way.
Giggling. Juanita said, "Naomi. you are just the
sweetest girl. John is so lucky to have a friend like you!" Then Juanita,
taking out the last diaper pin (three on each side) pulled the soaking wet
diaper back, exposing my scared shrunken little pee-pee and balls and began
dabbing at the moisture around my pubic area with the dry corners of the wet
"My goodness, John. You're getting a pretty good
diaper rash aren’t you?" Juanita remarked as she wiped me. Then she took a
clean rag and wiped my privates and groin area and butt with it. Instead of
baby oil, this time, though, Juanita took some white salve or diaper cream of
some kind and painted my privates with it, then my surrounding groin area and
butt until everything was white. Then she had me cross my ankles and she pushed
up and back on my lower heel until my butt was in the air. Then she put a thick
clean diaper up under me and put baby powder on my butt while it was up off the
diaper. Then she told me to put my feet down and spread my legs and she put
baby powder all over the front of my groin area, covering my white salve
covered pee-pee and balls and groin with the baby powder.
"That smells good!" Naomi said as the cloud
of baby powder rose from between my thighs and the sweet, fresh aroma filled
the room.
"Okay, John, spread your legs some more so I can
get this diaper on you," Juanita said. “The thing about diapers, Naomi, is
that they don’t stay smelling good, isn’t that right, John?" Juanita said,
looking me in the eye and trying to be humorous. Then Juanita pulled the thick,
wide, soft diaper up between my legs and over my belly and pulled the corners
tightly together and put the diaper pins in one side and then the other, pulling
the corners very tightly together.
Then Juanita had me put one foot on her lap as she put
a sock and a sneaker on and tied it, then the other foot. Then she had me stand
up in my thick white diaper and white sneakers and socks. It felt so strange.
Then she had me raise my arms and pulled a shirt over me. It was like a
t-shirt, kinda but had a collar and horizontal stripes. As she pulled it down.
I noticed that it only came down just below my diaper pins.
"Mrs. Roberts, this shirt isn’t long enough!"
I protested in a quiet voice, not wanting to provoke her anger.
"That's the longest one you have, John; it'll
have to do!" Juanita said.
"But everyone's gonna know I’m wearing a diaper.
" I shyly rsponded.
"John. that's the longest shirt you have. You can
go with the shirt or without the shirt. It’s up to you!" Juanita responded
sounding as if she was losing her good mood. Naomi and the other girls just
stood there and grinned as I stood there in a diaper and shirt and shoes and
A little later as we walked out to the car I was aware
of how much taller I felt, even though the sneakers maybe only added a half
inch to my height. I felt a foot taller, felt like my legs were very long and
my diaper that much more noticeable, like a giraffe in a diaper.
Well anyway, a few minutes later we were on our way to
the city and to the zoo. I always wondered what was going through Naomi’s head
during our trip. She just sat there mostly silent, studying me, smiling. She
tried to initiate conversations during the time I was wearing diapers. But my
personality had totally changed. I didn’t have anything to say, and wasn’t the
fun, talkative person she had always known. I don’t know why she remained so
loyal and sweet to me.
When we got to the zoo and got out of the car, it was
almost like the first time in a diaper. I was scared to death with all the
people around and cars backed up down the street. I don’t know what could be
worse— being there in an exposed diaper or being naked.
Tommy was also in a diaper and shirt and shoes and
socks but was wearing plastic pants. Juanita put him in a stroller so he
wouldn’t have to walk so much and put the big diaper bag under the seat of the
Leaving the car and starting for the zoo entrance was
like leaving the earth and heading for some unknown world. I just wanted to get
back in the car and wait until everyone got back. People were already noticing
me and pointing me out to others, whispering.
"Come on, kids. Let's go!" Juanita said with
excitement as she began pushing Tommy in his stroller, her daughters following
close behind. Naomi reached out her hand to me and took my hand."
"Don’t worry, John, it'll be alright, you can
walk with me!" she said with a sweet smile as she tugged at me, trying to
keep up with the others.
Part 39
Juanita paused and looked back for a moment to see
Naomi and me, maybe 20 feet behind, holding hands as we slowly walked behind
Juanita and her daughters.
"John. Naomi, come on. Let’s all stay
together," Juanita said, looking back as she held onto Tommy’s stroller.
You'd think I'd be used to wearing a diaper by now,
but believe me, you never really get to wearing a diaper in public and having
people look, point, smirk, and laugh at you because you're too big to be
wearing a diaper.
I remember how hard it was to even walk when we first
got there. You feel like a statue trying to walk for the first time. I was so
humiliatingly terrified to be in such a huge, crowded public setting with an
exposed diaper that I could hardly move.
"Come on, John. I want to see the animals,"
Naomi said with a smile as she pulled at my hand trying to hurry me along. With
my free hand I tried to pull my shirt down a little to cover my thick, white
cotton diaper. As I pulled down one side of my shirt, the other would come up
and vice versa. My shirt only came down just below the diaper pins, leaving the
thickly padded diaper clearly visible. It felt different than usual as well
because Juanita put the thick white diaper cream on me instead of the baby oil
to help dry out the rash and it made the fabric cling to my skin or genitals
more than the baby oil did.
I began walking faster with Naomi, pulling at my hand
and could feel that I was walking like a baby. Babies don’t walk like babies
just because they’re babies. It's the thick diaper between their legs that
makes them seem to waddle the way they do. My diaper was so thick and pulled up
and pinned on so tight that my thighs and feet were impossible to keep close
together, making me kinda have to swing my hips from side to side as I walked.
Between walking and the slight breeze blowing, my
shirt kept creeping up over the ears of the diaper where the corners were
pinned together and then staying there, unable to slide back down leaving my
entire diaper completely visible, including the diaper pins and the ears that
stuck out. Because I was wearing sneakers and socks, I felt taller and more
visible and felt I was drawing even more attention. Feeling frustrated with
trying to cover myself with my shirt as we walked and overwhelmed by all the
gawking people looking at me in my diaper, I started crying. Naomi looked at me
and saw me crying and asked, "What's the matter John?"
"Everyone's looking at me and laughing at me
because I’m wearing a diaper," I answered as the tears ran down my cheeks.
"Don't worry about them, John. Just ignore
them," Naomi said, trying to console me as she looked me over. Then Naomi
let go of my hand and tried to pull my shirt down over my thick diaper
unsuccessfully. When she would pull one side down a little the other would come
up. My legs were shaking or trembling as I stood there allowing Naomi to try to
cover my diaper with my shirt.
"NAOMI. DONT DO THAT!" Juanita yelled as she
saw what Naomi was doing. Then Juanita walked back to Naomi and me and said,
"Naomi, honey, don’t do that, you're gonna ruin John’s shirt,"
Juanita said as she examined the shirt for damage.
"I was just trying to cover John’s diaper so
people won’t stare and laugh at him," Naomi said sounding frightened after
being scolded by Juanita."
"John knows why he's wearing a diaper and he's
just gonna have to make the best of it. Now John, if you want to cry like a
baby you go right ahead but don’t you throw a fit or you're gonna get a bottle
or a pacifier, and if I see you pulling at that shirt again you're not going to
have a shirt. Do you understand me?" Juanita said while straightening out
my shirt.
"Yes, ma’am," I answered, sobbing.
"Now, let’s all stay together, okay?"
Juanita said as she turned and walked on, pushing Tommy’s stroller and her
daughters following close behind her.
We stopped to look at the first exhibit. I don’t
remember what it was, but Naomi was excited about every one of them. She loved
animals and would just light up with a huge smile, pointing things out to me,
telling me what she thought or knew about each one. Juanita and her daughters
also were having a good time with all the "awwwwwww's" and
"oooohhhh's” and "eeewwwwww's” you normally hear at zoo. I couldn’t
get interested in the animals, though. I was constantly looking around to see
who might be looking at me, hoping I wouldn’t encounter anyone I knew and have
them see me in a diaper.
Well, it wouldn’t be long before that would happen. A
few exhibits later I heard a familiar voice not to far away.
"John?" the voice called out sounding unsure
of who I was. I turned instinctively as anyone would hearing their name called
out. To my shock, it was my third grade teacher Ms. Grady from the past year
and the school I had just moved from when my mom remarried. She had with her
several kids and friends of mine who were attending summer school and were on a
Sunday trip to the zoo.
"Johnnn?" she said again, making eye contact
with me, her eyes squinted, looking as though she couldn’t comprehend what she
was seeing.
"Hi Ms. Grady," I said bowing my head in
"John. I thought that was you! You're wearing a
diaper! What're you doing in a diaper?" she asked, still looking and
sounding puzzled.
I couldn’t answer. I couldn’t speak, period. I just
pulled my shirt down a little in front and bent forward a little trying to hide
my diaper, even though neither really did a thing to hide it.
Juanita, hearing the conversation, turned and saw Ms.
Grady and introduced herself to her, and then seeing me pulling at my shirt
again smacked my hand saying, "John. I’m not going to tell you again. If
you pull at that shirt one more time I’m going to take it off of you and you
won’t have a shirt to wear!" Juanita warned sternly.
All Ms. Grady's students or my old school mates began
walking up as Juanita raised my shirt above my diaper, fiddling with it trying
to get the stretch marks out. Then Juanita turned her attention back to Ms.
Grady as she examined my shirt.
"I'm sorry Ms. Grady. You say you were John's third
grade teacher last year?"
Juanita and Ms. Grady began talking but I didn’t hear
a thing, just mumbling to me as I watched my old classmates approaching.
Juanita standing behind me with my shirt raised to my chest, trying to flatten
out the stretch marks.
There were about 14 kids with Ms. Grady from two
third-grade classes who had to attend summer school. They all looked shocked
and surprised to see me standing there in a big, thick, white, cotton diaper.
There was no laughing or giggling at first, just a look of shock on their
faces. I was a very popular kid when I was in their class. None of these kids
were like my best friends, but we all knew each other well.
Juanita let my shirt down finally as she and Ms. Grady
talked. Then the two of them kinda moved off to the side to talk more
Part 40
I had a feeling I knew what Mrs. Grady was discussing
with Juanita. When I was a student in her class and before, she and the school
principal and nurse were aware of my having accidents in my pants. One time
that really stands out in my mind is a time when several of us (the students)
were sitting around a reading table and a girl next to me raised her hand. When
Mrs. Grady called on her the girl said in a loud disgusted tone, "Mrs.
Grady, it smells like someone messed their pants over here." Mrs. Grady
came over to the table and began sniffing the students. When she got to me and
sniffed she looked at me and we made eye contact, she knew it was me and I know
my face must have been red as a beet but she didn’t embarrass me in front of
everyone. She just stood back up and said she didn’t smell anything and told
everyone to get back to work. When recess time came and everyone was leaving
the class to go outside she stopped me at her desk. She had me stand there
until everyone was out of the room and then took me by the arm and pulled me
toward her and spun me around to smell me.
"John, you did mess your pants again, didn’t
you?" she said, sounding disappointed. "Well, let’s get you cleaned
up!" she said as she stood up and led me to the nurses office.
This was pretty routine during my first three years of
school. When I would get to the nurse’s office the nurse would remove my shoes
and then take my trousers off. If my trousers were not stained, she would
simply remove my underwear, wipe my butt clean and have me put my trousers back
on and return to class without any underwear for the rest of the day. Then at
the end of the day I would have to stop by the nurse’s office to pick up a
paper sack with my dirty underwear in it and a note to my mom before going
home. If my trousers were messed up she would just pull them back up and send
me home with a note saying I was sent home because I messed my pants and it
would be a disturbance to the rest of the class. Depending on what time it was,
my mom might clean me up and take me back to school, or let me stay home the
rest of the day. But if you remember the beginning of the story where my mom
was looking forward to "starting over" in our new home and school,
etc., this is part of what she was talking about. She was hoping I would not
still be messing my pants as I started the school year in my (new) school. But
the main point I'm trying to make is that I was never sure if the other kids
knew I was messing my pants and getting sent home for it or not. Mrs. Grady was
very discreet about it and the way she handled it.
So now, here I am standing here in a thick diaper,
short shirt, shoes and socks at the zoo with my third grade teacher talking to
Juanita and my old classmates slowly approaching and gathering around me and
Naomi to see me standing there with my thick diaper clearly visible and nowhere
to hide.
All I could do was stand there with my arms and hands
down in front of my diaper trying to hide it but it was in vain. Everyone could
see it. At first, my classmates looked at me with surprise and shock as they
approached. Then that turned to smiles.
"Johnnnn, why are you wearing a diaper?" one
girl asked.
"Yeah, we can see your diaper. You can't hide
it!" another said, giggling about my failed attempt to hide it.
Then one boy hollered out to some of the kids who
hadn’t gotten there yet.
"Hey, you guys. Come here, look! John Atkins is
wearing a big baby diaper! (the name made up of course) said one of the boys who
was often shunned by me and my popular friends.
"John, that's got to be soooo embarrassing, to have to wear a diaper. Did you wet the bed
or something?" asked Julie, a cute friendly classmate of mine.
Then Naomi being her sweet, honest to a fault self
said with a smile and trying to be helpful, "Noooo. his mom said he has to
wear diapers for awhile because he messes his pants."
"EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!" Some of the kids
responded, laughing.
Then one of the boys asked Naomi, laughing, "Does
he mess in his diaper, too?"
Naomi could now see that the kids’ intentions were
more than friendly curiosity and had developed into more of a bullying nature.
"You guys are mean. I thought you were John’s
friends!" Naomi said.
"We just never saw a nine-year-old boy in a
diaper before," one boy responded.
Then as I stood there petrified with my arms in front
of my diaper and my hands over my crotch, one boy grabbed one of my arms and
pulled it away from my diaper saying, "Why don’t you move your hands so
all the girls can see what you look like in your big baby diaper, John!"
As he pulled my arm I took a step to one side, coming
off my firmly planted feet. My shirt came up a little, giving everyone a better
glimpse of my diaper. They all laughed out loud. I instinctively grabbed my
shirt with both hands and tried to cover my diaper with it. Juanita looked in
my direction to see what the loud laughter was all about but was too late to
see the boy pull my arm and pull me off balance. She did see me pulling my
shirt down over my diaper again though, and came over to me fussing and
"John. I told you about pulling on your shirt
like that! Your mother is going to have a fit when she sees what you've done to
that shirt!" Juanita complained. Juanita then stood behind me and took the
shirt at the waist line and pulled it up to my underarms, completely exposing
my thick, white, cotton flannel diaper, as all the kids watched, including
Naomi and Juanita’s daughters.
"Raise your arms, John!" Juanita ordered as
she began trying to remove my shirt. I grabbed at the lower part of the shirt
and tried to pull it back down again.
SHIRT!" I cried.
"John, you let go of that shirt right now!"
she said, bending over, talking right onto my face so close I could smell her
I knew I couldn’t win with Juanita as bad as things
were, I knew that pissing Juanita off always made them worse. I cried as I let
go of my shirt and raised my arms to let Juanita take it off of me.
All the kids were silent for a minute as I stood there
with my arms up and Juanita pulled the shirt up over my head and hands and
removed it leaving me standing there in nothing but my thick diaper, white
socks and sneakers.
"I told you what would happen if you pulled on
your shirt again, didn’t I, John?" Juanita reminded me as she folded the
shirt and put it in the diaper bag.
I glanced up at my third grade classmates through my
tear-filled eyes to see some of them standing there silent with their mouths
and eyes wide open. Some of the girls were with their hands or fingers over
their mouths as if they couldn’t quite comprehend that I (one of their
classmates) was standing there in virtually nothing but a diaper.
"John, you look like a big baby, standing there
in your diaper!" one boy said laughing. Then some of the others began
laughing and giggling too as they all stared at me.
Juanita stood behind me again and while bending over,
she put her hands on the pinned corners of the diaper and told me to squat down
a little which I did. Then she pulled the diaper up tightly between my legs and
adjusted it in places making it fit tighter again.
"Now, John, when your mother gets back, you're
not going to mess your pants anymore, are you?" Juanita asked, her face
next to mine as she bent over behind me adjusting my diaper.
"No," I replied, crying.
“It's okay, John. You don’t have to cry," Naomi
said, trying to comfort me as she took my hand again.
"Well, it was nice to meet you, Ms. Grady,"
Juanita said.
"Nice to meet you too. Mrs. Roberts." My
third grade teacher replied as they touched hands. Then Ms. Grady and my old
classmates went one way and we went another stopping to see one animal exhibit
after another.
I couldn’t and didn’t enjoy looking at the animals at
all. Everywhere I turned I saw people looking at me, pointing and whispering,
smirking and laughing at me as I walked around in nothing but my diaper and
I began getting cramps in my stomach and knew I needed
to go to the bathroom pretty quick. As time passed and we walked on the urge
got stronger and I thought how terrible it would be if I had to walk around the
zoo in a dirty diaper. I remembered my experience in the grocery store and
cringed at the thought of having to walk around in a stinky, droopy diaper with
all these people gawking at me.
Finally, we did get to the public bathrooms and some
water fountains and Juanita told the girls that if they needed to use the
toilets to go now. Naomi and Juanita’s daughters all went into the restrooms
while I stood there with Juanita as she kept an eye on Tommy in his stroller.
I needed to go and sit on the pot really bad but was
afraid to ask Juanita if I could. I thought it couldn’t hurt to ask. Maybe
she'll even appreciate it and be proud of me for telling her that I needed to
go before going in my diaper. Maybe that's what she was waiting for.
"Mrs. Roberts I need to go and sit on the pot
really bad; may I go in and use the restroom?!" I asked her fearfully.
"John, you know
better than that. Your mother said she wants you to go in your diapers until
you're sick and tired of having a dirty bottom. Then you'll be ready to keep
your underwear clean," Juanita responded with a smile.
"Please, Mrs. Roberts, just let me go in and I
could pull my diaper down and go to the bathroom and..."
JOHN!" Juanita interrupted.
"Next week we're going to start on your toilet
training. Then I'll expect you to come to me when you have to go potty and I’ll
check to see if you have a clean diaper. If you don’t, you'll be punished or
maybe have another day added to wearing your diapers.
"But, Mrs. Roberts. I have a clean diaper now.
And I have to go to the bathroom. Can I...?"
JOHNNNN!" Juanita interrupted
again. "Whoopeee! So you finally tell someone you have to go to the
bathroom before you crap your pants, John. You're nine years old. You should
have been doing this all along. Now I’m not going to tell you again. This week
you're going to wear your dirty, wet diapers. Next week well work on your
toilet training and see if you can keep your diapers clean. Then and only then, once I’m sure you
aren’t going to mess your pants anymore, then you'll get to wear your underwear
again, okay?” Juanita responded, sounding frustrated.
"Okay," I answered in disappointment.
Then the girls returned from the restroom and Juanita
went in as the girls watched Tommy. Naomi walked up to me as she got back from
the bathroom and smiled at me and said, "John, you know what?"
"What"? I answered.
"Cindy, Angie and Lisa all said they think you're
real nice and cute too, and I do too," Naomi said, looking at me with her
beautiful smile. Then she leaned toward me and kissed me on the cheek. I looked
at the other girls to see them smiling at me, too.
"We all like you a lot John, and don’t want you
to be sad about wearing diapers. We won’t laugh at you no matter HOW long you
have to wear diapers.
Then Juanita came out of the bathroom and we continued
down the trail to see more animals. Fifteen minutes or so later I felt the urge
getting so strong I couldn’t hold it any longer, especially while walking. It
just began coming out as we walked. I felt weak in the knees as I walked and
the poop filled my diaper. I think I felt like I was being reduced to the
status of a baby. I almost wanted to lay down and put my feet in the air and
cry like a baby while filling my diaper. Then the urge to pee became very
strong afterward. I felt so relieved as I let the pee go in my dirty diaper. I
had to pee so, so bad.
Naomi and I walked holding hands from exhibit to
exhibit and I don’t think she really noticed that I had a dirty diaper until I
peed in it, which made the odor more noticeable. I could see her looking at me,
even though I wasn’t looking at her. I knew she knew I was now able to smell it
My diaper rash was driving me crazy. It itched really
bad all over, but mostly burned between my butt cheeks, a very painful burn,
like the skin between my butt cheeks were raw. Every step was painful.
Naomi was now staring at my face as we walked, smiling,
squeezing my hand intermittently.
"John, did you mess in your diaper?" she
asked me in a sweet, teasing voice.
"Naomi, I don’t like talking about things like
that!" I answered shamefully. Then I broke down and cried.
"I couldn’t help it, Naomi. I told Mrs. Roberts I
had to go to the bathroom, but she wouldn’t let me. She says I have to go to
the bathroom in my diapers for the next week."
"Wait, John. I want to show you something.”
"Okay," I said.
Then Naomi asked me if I liked her being my girlfriend.
I said yes. Then she asked me if I liked being her boyfriend. I said yes. Then
Naomi handed me a plastic ring with a fake stone in it and told me to hold a
few minutes, so I did.
"Okay, Cindy,". Naomi said.
Then Cindy told me to ask Naomi to be my girlfriend,
so I asked Naomi to be my girlfriend, and she said yes. Then Cindy told me to
put the ring on Naomi’s finger, so I did.
"John. you're my first real boyfriend. Am I your
first real girlfriend?" Naomi asked in excitement.
"Yes," I answered as I looked into her happy
glowing face.
For a moment I almost forgot I was wearing a dirty wet
diaper at the city zoo. Naomi was just a silly, happy, girl who could always
find the silver lining in any cloud and could rarely find fault in anyone.
"Now see, John, you don’t have to be sad because
you have to wear those old diapers. You can be happy because you have a real
girlfriend who likes you a lot,” Naomi said as she took my hand again. Cindy
and Angie and Lisa smiled at me and Naomi as we walked holding hands.
My butt cheeks were burning badly though as we walked.
Naomi could se it in my face.
"Are you okay, John?" Naomi asked.
"It's burning real bad," I answered reaching
back toward the back of my diaper. Naomi went to Juanita and told her.
"Mrs. Roberts. John has a dirty diaper. I think
he's ready to have his diaper changed," Naomi said.
"Thank you, Naomi, but John's gonna have to wear
his dirty wet diaper for awhile. There's no place to change him here. We'll go
to the park and change his diaper later, okay?" Juanita replied, knowing
she intended for me to suffer in the nasty diaper with my diaper rash for
It was getting close to lunch time finally, so Juanita
decided it was getting time to go. We all walked out to a wooded part of the
zoo property where there were picnic tables a lake with ducks and geese and a
lot of squirrels around. I saw my third grade teacher, Ms. Grady, and her
summer school students off in the distance having a picnic lunch but we were
going to go to Juanita’s house where Pam and Michele were going to have a roast
dinner ready.
Juanita stopped in a fairly secluded area and took a
baby blanket from the diaper bag and spread it on the ground. Then she picked
Tommy up out of the stroller and told him to lay down on the blanket so she
could change his diaper. Tommy lay down as she told him then she said to me.
"John, you lay down here, too. I got to get you
boys diapers changed before we go home," Juanita said as she began pulling
Tommy’s plastic pants off.
I sat down carefully, trying not to smush the load in
the seat of my diaper too much and lay down next to Tommy as Juanita removed
his diaper pins and pulled his diaper back, exposing his dirty bottom and wet
little genitals.
"Good grief Tommy. You made a dirty, dirty diaper
today, didn’t you?" Juanita said in a teasing motherly tone. Then she took
his ankles in her hand and raised his bottom into the air and began cleaning
his dirty butt.
A couple of the girls from my class came over to see
what was going on and saw Tommy having his diaper changed and me laying there
next to him and they asked Juanita.
"Are you going to change John’s diaper
“Yes I am," Juanita answered.
"Is it okay if we watch?" one of the girls I
knew from school asked.
"I don’t care," Juanita replied with a smile
as she looked up at my classmate while cleaning Tommy’s butt. Then one of the
girls, a pretty one named Gail, ran off to tell the others. I heard her yell,
"Hey, come on. They're gonna change John’s diaper. Let’s go watch!" I
always liked Gail and thought she was a friend of mine.
“Mrs. Roberts, please don’t let them watch me have my
diaper changed," I begged.
"Now John. We've been through all this before.
You're going to behave yourself while I change your diaper or you're going to
get a spanking, do you hear me?" Juanita warned.
"Yes ma’am,” I answered.
I turned my head toward my classmates as I lay there
next to Tommy and could see all the girls running back toward me. Mrs. Grady
was walking and some of the boys were, too, getting closer and closer as
Juanita continued changing Tommy’s diaper.
Tommy just lay there with not a care in the world as
his mom rubbed baby oil all over his genitals as everyone watched. I knew it
wasn’t gonna be so easy for me when it was my turn. I could feel my heart rate
getting faster as my classmates and teacher approached us. This was like a
nightmare, that I was going to have to lay here in front of my classmates and
have my dirty wet diaper changed.
"Alrighty John, I guess you're next,"
Juanita said as she put the last pin in Tommy’s diaper.
Then Juanita moved closer to me while on her knees and
began by removing my shoes and socks.
I looked at Ms. Grady and begged her to take my
classmates somewhere else and not watch. She made a shushhhing face with her
finger over her lips like telling me to be quiet.
ME LIKE THIS!" I cried.
"John, that's enough!" Juanita warned as she
removed my socks.
Then Ms. Grady said, "John. there's no excuse for
a boy your age to be messing your pants the way you do. You should be ashamed
of yourself. And I think you deserve to wear diapers until you learn not to
mess your pants anymore."
"Now, you see John, everyone thinks you deserve
to wear diapers, so you just be still and be a good baby let me change your
All the kids laughed when Juanita said that except her
daughters and Naomi.
LOOKING AT ME!" I cried loudly.
Then Juanita took a baby bottle of juice from the
diaper bag and told me to hold it with both hands and drink it or I was going
to get a hard spanking. Her look and tone of voice told me she meant it and I
knew what Juanita’s spankings were like so I did as I was told and began
drinking the bottle.
Then Juanita began taking out the diaper pins as I lay
there crying, sucking on the baby bottle with my classmates giggling and
laughing as they watched.
I would love to hear from other AB/DL's and what they think about my
story (Female AB/DL's especially welcome)- bad_lilboy@excite.com