Old Habits Die Hard
I would love to hear from other AB/DL's and what they think about my
story (Female AB/DL's especially welcome)- bad_lilboy@excite.com
Part 21
"Look mom, his little pee-pee is getting bigger!" Patricia said laughing as
Mary began cleaning me up, changing my dirty wet diaper.
"You know, John, your pee-pee is much smaller
than Steve and Bobby’s. You have a pee-pee like a baby!” Patricia said,
laughing through her fingers. I looked at my penis. It was standing up hard as
a rock, bobbing around as Mary cleaned around it. Sucking on my baby bottle I
asked Juanita who was preparing to change Rudy if she would make Patricia stop
laughing at me.
"Well, John, if you don’t want the other boys and
girls to watch you have your diaper changed and laugh at your little pee-pee then
you won’t mess your pants anymore!"
"Johnnnn is a babyyyyyyyy! Johnnnnnnn is a
babyyyyyyyyy!" Patricia began to chant as I lay there with my legs up and
spread apart as her mom cleaned my bottom. Juanita just sat there with Rudy
waiting to be changed. I didn’t know why.
Then there was a knock at the door, as one of Juanita’s
daughters answered it. Patricia’s brothers and one of her girlfriends (Joyce) came
in looking for Pat and her mom.
"Look, Joyce, they're making John wear diapers
because he's been messing his pants!" Joyce came and sat down by Patricia watching
Pat’s mom clean my bottom like a baby.
"EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW John. Looks like you had a
dirty diaper!" Joyce said in disgust.
"Yeah he did, and he has to wear diapers for at
least the next two weeks!" Pat said giggling. After Mary had me all
cleaned up and put a clean diaper under me she told me to put my feet down so
she could rub the baby oil on me. Juanita got up saying, "Wait a minute,
Mary, I've got to do something before you put a clean diaper on John!" As
she got up and came over to me Pat was pointing my little pee-pee out to Joyce,
still very erect as I lay there with my legs spread apart.
"Look at John’s pee-pee, Joyce! Isn’t it tiny? Joyce
and Patricia were both laughing. Then Joyce said, "Yeah, I think little
baby John needs his little pee-pee powdered and his diaper put on!"
Then the girls were just rolling, laughing. Juanita
got on her knees on the opposite side of me from Mary wrapped her arm around my
legs and lifted my butt high up off of the diaper and asked Patricia to hand
her the paddle that was next to her.
"John, I've told you that you're not going to lie
to me. I asked you earlier if you had a dirty diaper and you lied to me and
said ‘no’.”
"I DIDN’T LIE!" I started to explain. (SMACK). (SMACK). (SMACK). (SMACK) and
it went on, about ten swats as she let my bottom back down on the diaper my but
was so sore. and red. I cried uncontrollably. Now my little penis had sucked up
against the top of my scrotum. The girls were pointing at it, laughing.
"I think little baby John is ready for his diaper
now!" one said as Mary began putting baby oil on me. Juanita had gone back
to Rudy and started changing him. As she pulled his wet diaper back, Joyce said,
"Look Patricia!" Now everyone, including Mary’s attention was on Rudy.
"Good heavens!" Mary said looking at Rudy’s
penis. I looked to see what they were talking about whereas my scared little pee-pee
was pointing straight at the ceiling. Rudy had this long, dark, fat wrinkled
thing laying on his lower belly.
"What happened to it, mom?" Patricia asked.
"What do you mean, honey?"
"It doesn’t have one of those round things on the
end of it!" Patricia said.
"Sure it does!" Juanita explained. "Rudy
hasn’t been circumcised!" she went on as Juanita picked it up. It looked
pointed at the end like a cigar. Juanita explained to the girls, "Now
sometimes you'll change a boy’s diaper and his pee-pee will look like this. You
have to pull this skin back like this and clean it very carefully!" she
said as she demonstrated how to do it, exposing the head and washing it. Then
Joyce asked, "Why is Rudy’s pee-pee so big and John’s pee-pee still looks
like a baby pee-pee?"
Juanita explained, laughing, "Well, little boys’ pee-pee's
come in all different shapes and sizes, just like ears and noses. Some boys
have big ones and some boys have little bitty ones!" as I watched Juanita
clean his penis. I couldn’t help notice that just the head of it was larger
than my entire shrunken up little pee-pee. Patricia’s brothers were still
standing there looking like they were in a stupor, shocked and embarrassed I
think, that they walked in on a couple boys their age having their diapers
changed. As I lay there having my diaper changed by their mother one of them
looked at me making eye contact as she was rubbing baby oil on my little pee-pee
while everyone was talking about Rudy’s big penis.
LOOKING AT ME!" I said loudly, seemingly shocked out of his stupor. He
jumped a bit, his eyes big as quarters, and they both ran out the front door, even
though both of them knew they could kick my ass. Juanita looked at me and said,
"John, you have another outburst like that, you'll get another spanking, do
you understand me?!"
I shook my head yes. Mary seemed to forget she was
changing me as she slowly rubbed baby oil over my groin area, watching Juanita
handle and clean Rudy’s much larger penis. I choked and coughed on the baby
bottle I was drinking from. Then Mary turned her attention back to me. She put
more oil on my pee-pee and pulled up on it a few times to oil it, letting it
snap back almost like a rubber band each time. She looked me in the eyes, then
back to my little baby sized pee-pee, and back again and kind of thinking out
loud, not intentionally. She murmured, "What a shame, such a handsome boy,
too!" I was beginning to actually feel like a baby and almost looked
forward to getting my diaper on to hide my baby sized pee-pee from everyone. And
I was beginning to feel safe and secure in it, too.
Part 22
As Juanita carefully pulled back the foreskin on Rudy’s
penis and began cleaning the area Rudy started laughing and squirming around.
"Rudy, you silly thing. Be still!" Juanita
said giggling. As she cleaned it, it was getting harder and harder and much
longer. Mary, seeing this, was feeling uncomfortable about her daughter being
"Patricia, why don’t you and Joyce go on out now!"
"I'm not doing anything wrong, mom!" Patricia
answered. Then Juanita said to Mary, "Honey, don’t worry. My girls have
watched me change Rudy a thousand times. There's nothing wrong with it. Some
boys are just a lot bigger than others. It's a fact of life!"
Then Patricia said, "Well, He sure is (A LOT)
bigger than my brothers!”
"All right, Patricia!” Mary said to her daughter.
Then Mary turned back to me and said, "John, I’m sorry, you're still
laying here waiting for your diaper, aren’t you? Raise your legs, honey, so I
can oil your bottom!"
I raised my legs and Patricia’s mom started rubbing
the baby oil on my butt. I kind of jumped because I was still really sore from
the spanking Juanita gave me. Then Mary took the baby powder and sprinkled a
lot on my butt while I had my legs raised.
"Okay, John, put your feet down now so I can
powder your little pee-pee!" Patricia turned around real quick and said, "Mom,
can I put the powder on him?” "I suppose Patricia, but hurry up we gotta
get home!" Mary handed the baby powder to her daughter and then said to me,
"Spread your legs a little farther, John, so Patricia can powder your pee-pee
Then Mary took her index finger and placed it on my nutsack and pulled it up
toward my penis because it was hanging down toward my butt crack in a relaxed
"Here, Patricia, get some under here first!” Mary
said, holding my nutsack out of the way. Then she let my balls fall back toward
my butt.
"Okay, Patricia, be sure and powder all around it
now!” her mom said. Patricia would look me in the face occasionally as she
slowly sprinkled the baby powder around my genitals.
"Boy, he sure has a little one, doesn’t he, mom?”
Patricia said.
“How ‘bout you just put the baby powder on him and be
quiet!" her mom said with a grin. "That's good enough!” Patricia’s
mom said as she pulled the diaper up between my thighs and over my powdered
genitals. Juanita was already putting the last pins in Rudy’s diaper. He was
laying there playing with his fingers making his usual noise that would go from
quiet to loud and back again. like “UUUHHHHuuuuhhhhUUUUUUHHuuuuhhhuuHHHHuuuuhh.”
"Okay John, be still, baby so I don’t stick you
with these diaper pins!" Mary said as she began to pin my diaper on
"Boy, John,
that's got to be really embarrassing to have to wear a diaper and have your
diaper changed in front of everyone!” Patricia said in a gloating tone. Patricia’s
mom got up after getting my diaper pinned on and told the girls to come on, it's
getting late, and they left. I lay there a few minutes squeezing my thighs
together feeling the thick diaper between my legs, smelling the baby oil and
baby powder in the air, holding my baby bottle to my mouth and somehow feeling
like I (WAS) a baby. I still knew I didn’t like people seeing me in a diaper or
seeing me being changed, but in a weird kind of way, laying there in a diaper
just felt right— or maybe I just knew I deserved it. Or maybe on a subconscious
level I needed it. But as I lay there I caught myself raising my legs and kind
of kicking like a baby as I sucked on my baby bottle, feeling the thick diaper
under my bottom and between my legs and over my belly button, and I felt safe
and cared for. A few hours later after Rudy and the visiting toddlers and kids
were gone and after supper some of Juanita’s daughters had already had their
baths. Juanita was in the bathroom filling the tub with water. She came out and
said it was time for my bath and wanted to know if I had a wet or dirty diaper.
Part 23
I told Juanita my diaper was wet. She had me lay down
on the changing quilt, unpinned my diaper, then pulled the wet diaper from
between my legs and quickly went over my damp groin area with a wet rag.
As she cleaned me she asked
her 14-year-old daughter Michelle, if Tommy her 2-and-a-half-year-old son had a
wet or dirty diaper. Michelle said no, and that Tommy had just used the
bathroom on his potty chair a few minutes ago.
"Oh, Tommy, I’m so
proud of you for using the potty!” Juanita said as she stood up and gave Tommy
a hug. Then Juanita had me stand up and led me to the bathroom where she had me
get into the bathtub. I got in and sat down and Juanita handed me a rag and
some soap and told me to wash my face, then she left. A few minutes later
Juanita returned carrying Tommy in her arms up against her chest with one hand
on his bare bottom, the other behind his back, saying, "I'm so proud of
you, Tommy, for using your potty chair. We're going to have you out of those
old diapers pretty quick, aren’t we?" Then she told me to sit at the other
end of the tub (where the faucets were) because it saw a little deeper, so I
spun around and scooted back. Then she put her hands under Tommy’s arms and
slowly lowered him onto his feet into the shallower end of the tub. As he stood
there kind of squatting, splashing and giggling before he sat down. I couldn’t
help notice that everyone was right. This 2-and-a-half-year-old kid had a
larger pee-pee than mine. It had a fat head on it that sat on a fat wrinkled
little shaft, even completely drawn up to his pubic area. He still had three
quarters of an inch of thick little shaft. My tiny penis head overshadowed its
much skinnier, shorter almost undetectable shaft until my penis head was almost
up against my groin area when shriveled up. Juanita washed Tommy up, washed his
hair, picked him up out of the tub and began drying him off and then hollered
at Michelle to come and get him. When Michelle arrived in the bathroom Juanita
said, "Honey, take Tommy for me. Put a diaper on him and get him ready for
bed. And, oh yes, send Lisa in here, would you please?"
Then Juanita began washing
my back with the washrag when Lisa, her 6-year-old daughter came in.
"You want me, momma!?”
Lisa asked. Juanita took a towel and quickly dried her hands, but barely and
said, "Lisa, honey, it's getting late," Juanita said as she began undressing
Lisa and throwing her clothes into the hamper.
"Let’s get you cleaned
up and ready for bed," Juanita said as she had Lisa step out of her
panties and threw them into the hamper as well. I couldn’t see anything because
Juanita was between me and Lisa as she was undressing her.
"Come on, honey, get
in the tub," Juanita said as she helped Lisa in. as Lisa raised her leg
and climbed in. That was the first time I ever saw a female and knew the real
difference between boys and girls. It gave me butterflies in my stomach and a kind
of sick feeling. It looked more like an injury than anything else, a very
swollen crack that went all the way around, like she had her penis and balls
removed. I wasn’t aroused; I was only 9 years old. I think I felt more sympathetic,
how awful not to have a pee-pee, I thought. I couldn’t stop looking at it! As
she got in the tub and stood there before she sat down. I thought. (That is
just the strangest thing). Juanita washed my hair and then bathed me all over, then
had me stand up and washed my private area and bottom and went between my legs
with the rag, rubbing kind of hard as she cleaned me. It was embarrassing
standing there while Juanita washed me. Lisa just sat there and watched
giggling. My little penis and nut sack were jumping up and down as Juanita
washed between my legs and washed my butt crack. Lisa thought it was funny. Then
Juanita got me out and began drying me off and asked Michelle to come help with
"Michelle, could you
please help Lisa get cleaned up. I need to put a diaper on John and get him
ready for bed."
"Sure, mom,” Michelle
said. Then Juanita took me back to the living room where I stood naked holding
my genitals while Juanita lay out a thick clean diaper.
"Okay, John, sit down
here on your diaper," she said in a motherly voice. "You ought to
sleep good tonight, John, after having a nice bath. and a soft, clean diaper.
“Okay, baby, lay down here
now so I can get your diaper on." I lay back with my legs spread, my knees
up, and my feet on the floor, one on each side of the thick diaper that was lay
out under me.
Just as she was beginning
to put the baby oil on me there was a loud noise upstairs and some screaming
and fighting between a couple of Juanita’s daughters.
"Shit!” Juanita
whispered as she got up to run upstairs to break it up.
"Pam, could you please
put a diaper on John for me. I've got to go up there before they tear something
"Okay, mom," Pam
answered. Pam was Juanita’s oldest daughter. 16 years old. Pam came over and
knelt beside me as I heard Juanita going up the noisy staircase, yelling at her
girls all the way up. I lay there holding my privates with both hands, unsure
about Pam. I hadn’t really seen her since this nightmare began. She's always
out with her boyfriend and older friends.
"Let me show you
something," she said. Then she put the diaper up over my hands which I had
over my privates.
"Now, John, I’ve
changed a lot of little boys’ diapers. You don’t have to be embarrassed,"
she said with a sweet smile. "Come on now, move your hands so I can put
your diaper on you."
I didn’t want her to see
how little my pee-pee was. I was really beginning to get a complex about it.
"You promise you won’t
laugh at me?” I asked.
"John, I promise I won’t
laugh. I promise." She seemed sincere, and I’ve known her a long time, so
reluctantly, I took my hands out of the diaper.
"There. That’s better,
now I'm gonna pull your diaper back so I can put some baby oil and baby powder
on you. Okay?” she said in a sweet voice as she slowly took the top of the
diaper into her hands. I just shook my head yes. She pulled it back very slowly,
leaning forward a little with her eyebrows raised, anticipating getting a look
at my penis. As she uncovered it she just paused a minute, not pulling the diaper
back any farther. I saw her mouth open a little as she stared at it silently. Then
she looked me in the eyes with a smile and said, “You wanna see a little game I
like to play?” Again I shook my head yes. She then covered my penis with the
diaper a little and then exposed my pee-pee saying, “Peek-a-boo!” then covered
it again. This time longer, then exposed me again, saying, “Peek-a-boo!” She
did this several times, not letting me know when she was gonna expose my little
pee-pee between the fresh air hitting my penis and the soft fabric rubbing
against it. I began to get a rock-hard erection.
Then I heard what sounded
like a stampede coming down the stairs. Some of the girls came into the room. Some
sat down and watched Pam playing her game. Juanita sat on the couch with Tommy;
she had a towel over her shoulder and discretely began to breastfeed him.
"Peek-a-boo!” Pam said
again still playing the game. By now she and I were both laughing. The faces
she was making and the noise made me laugh. I was so proud of my erection; at
least now my pee-pee didn’t look so small as Pam pulled the diaper away
exposing me.
"Pam, I can’t believe
you still haven’t gotten John diapered up and ready for bed,” Juanita said
smiling and in a good mood.
"Yeah, John, it's getting
late, I better put a diaper on you so you can go to sleep,” Pam said laughing
after we had some fun. She then picked up the baby oil and began rubbing it on
the baby fat surrounding my erection and balls and then rubbed it up and down
my erect penis and on my tight nut sack. She didn’t have me raise my legs. She
just stuck her oily hand under my butt between my diaper and bottom and rubbed
the baby oil all over my bottom. Then she poured baby powder all over my crotch
area; then, bending my erect penis around with her index finger, trying to
cover every side of it with powder. As she pulled the thick soft diaper up over
my erect powdered pee-pee I began kind of bucking in my diaper a bit, the soft
fabric rubbing against my hard little pee-pee felt sooooooo good.
"Well, John, that wasn’t
so bad, was it?” Pam said as she began to pull the corners together tightly and
pin them with the diaper pins. Not wanting to admit I enjoyed anything at all
about being diapered. I just looked at her and smiled and said. "You’re nice,
Part 24
After Pam finished pinning the thick diaper on me she
got up, gave me a hug then gave her mom, sisters and little brother a hug and
went upstairs to bed. Juanita told the rest of her girls that they needed to
get to bed, too. All the girls slept upstairs. Juanita and Tommy had bedrooms
downstairs. With 5 girls and a son ranging from 16 to 2 and a half. There was
no guest bedroom. Juanita put some folded quilts on the floor next to a wall
with a pillow and some blankets for me to sleep on. She told me to go ahead and
lay down there and go to sleep. So I went and lay down and covered up, but felt
strange going to bed wearing a diaper. I lay on my back awhile with my knees up
and squeezing my thighs together feeling the thick diaper between my legs. My
penis was still hard as a rock. Every movement stimulated my little pee-pee as
the soft fabric rubbed against the sensitive little head. It was one of those
erections that seemed like it wasn’t gonna go away.
Then I started thinking about Naomi and the guys. What
was gonna happen if and when they found out I was wearing diapers? I could feel
my pee-pee getting smaller as I play out all the nightmarish scenarios in my
head of being discovered in my diaper by my friends. I thought, "I’m just
gonna stay close to the house for the two weeks or so that I’m here and not let
them see me!” I was snapped back to reality when I heard Tommy nursing at his
mom’s breast say, "No mommy, I don’t want no more."
"Please, Tommy, mommy needs you to drink this!”
then Tommy cried out, "No mommy, I’m tired, I wanna go to sleep!” Juanita
closed her robe, moved Tommy off her lap and to her side. She stood up and
picked Tommy up and carried him toward his room saying, okay honey, lets go to
bed," as she left the room. I heard her close Tommy’s door as she returned.
She went into the kitchen for a few minutes, then returned to the living room
and set several baby bottles on an end table by the telephone. She turned out
all the lights except the kitchen and a huge aquarium in the room and went back
to the kitchen. A few minutes later she came back to the living room and sat on
the couch next to the end table with the baby bottles on it. I could only see a
silhouette of her as she sat there fooling around with some kind of contraption.
I couldn’t see anything but I could tell she was having a lot of trouble with
it. It's only looking back that I know it was a breast pump and she was gonna
fill some bottles with her milk, but something wasn’t working. I heard her
whisper, "SHITTT!” Then she got up and went back to the kitchen and was
fooling with it there. When I heard something bounce on the floor and break. Then
I heard her louder this time say. "DAMN_ITTTT!” I could hear her pulling
scotch tape from a dispenser and trying to fix it. Then she threw it into a
cabinet and kind of slammed the door but not really hard. She then came out of
the kitchen and went back to Tommy’s room and heard I Tommy fussing loudly.
could her tell him she brought him a bottle of juice and to go ahead and go to
sleep. When Juanita returned to the couch and sat down, I could see her look in
my direction a few times, just her silhouette. But she sat there quietly for
awhile before she got up and walked toward me. I closed my eyes and tried to
pretend I was asleep. She bent over and started shaking my shoulder and
whispering my name several times until I answered.
"What?” I said as I opened my eyes.
"Honey, I need you to get up for a minute and
come with me." As I got up she grabbed my blanket and pillow and led me to
the couch. As I stood there in nothing but my diaper, she sat down at the end
of the couch and put my pillow on her lap, then a smaller couch pillow next to
her hip. Then she had me get up on the couch on my knees and lay across her lap
then she covered me with the blanket saying "John, I need you to lay down
here on my lap and drink some of my milk." I started to complain, saying. "Please
I don’t want..."
"SSSSHHHHHHUSHHH, listen, John, I’m not asking
you, I’m telling you I need you to do it and you're gonna do it!" Then she
wrestled with her robe trying to get the one side open as I was laying on it. She
said, "Raise up a little, honey, so I can get my robe open." So I
lifted myself off of her a little and she opened the one side of her robe a
just enough to get one breast out. I lay back down across her lap and with her
left arm around my shoulder she pulled me closer to her while trying to guide
her nipple into my mouth with her right. I felt the warm nipple hitting my nose
and cheek and leaving traces of milk on my face as I opened my mouth to take it.
Her breast was just oozing milk all over my face. It felt so big and wrinkled
and warm as I began sucking on it. The milk just filled my mouth flowing so
easily. Juanita put her right arm between my legs and her hand on my padded
diapered bottom and pulled me farther up onto her lap so that I wasn’t pulling
her huge left breast to the right as I nursed on it. I'd love to say I was breast
fed by a hot 20 year old. but it wouldn’t be true. Juanita was a large woman
about 6 ft tall, 215 or 220 pounds with large, pointed breasts. Her oldest
daughter, Pam, was 16 so Juanita could have been going on 35 years old. And
while she was naturally very motherly she had a temper that was as big as she
was. I lay there sucking milk from her huge tit for a long time. Juanita exhausted,
had her head back sleeping as I nursed like a baby. There was some milk that
had gotten between her big boob and my chin and it was starting to itch and
irritate me, so I let go of her nipple to wipe my chin for a second and Juanita
woke up.
"What's the matter, honey?” she asked. I told her
my chin was wet and itching. She took the blanket and wiped my chin and dried and
her breast too. By this time, my eyes had adjusted to the dark I could see her
enormous tit and huge nipple as she cleaned it and wiped my face. her nipple
was very, very dark and worn looking. It looked like it had nursed a lot of
babies. Then she lifted her breast with her right hand again and guided it into
my mouth.
“Okay, baby,” go ahead and drink some more," she
said as she lay her head back and went to sleep. I felt like such a baby as I lay
across her lap wearing a thick soft diaper nursing on her huge tit. Somehow it
was all starting to feel good. or feel right. With her sweet motherly nature
and her absolute control over me (neither of which I really had at home), I
think I was beginning to bond with Juanita. Maybe it was a kind of Stockholm syndrome,
I don’t know. This woman could spank the hell out of me, strip me in front of
everyone whenever she wanted, put a diaper on me and humiliate me in public in
my diaper, and now making me drink milk from her big nasty-looking tits. And
still, I feel like I want to be closer to her, win her approval, and her love. Well,
I don’t know how long I nursed at her huge left breast, but she woke up finally
and had me get up while she moved to the other side of the couch and sat down, placed
the pillows, had me get up there, lay across her lap and repeat the whole
process on her other breast as she slept. Much later she woke up saying. "Ooohhhh,
that feels better!” My stomach was so full as she had me get up and walked me
to my bed next to the wall. She helped me lay down and covered me up saying. "John
listen baby, I don’t want you to wet on these quilts. If you need to go pee-pee
before I get up, you come in my room and wake me up okay?”
"Okay," I answered. Very sleepy from all
that breast milk I quickly fell asleep.
Part 25
Friday morning I woke up to see Juanita sitting on
couch next to the mountain of clean unfolded cotton diapers, folding them and
getting ready for another busy day of baby sitting. I could smell coffee in the
air and she had “Good Morning America” on the tube.
"Good morning, sleepy head!" she said to me
with a smile as I got out of bed. "Good morning Juanita." I replied
rubbing my eyes still sleepy from the night of breast feeding. I did have to
pee a little but not bad. I went into the kitchen and had a bowl of cereal with
a couple of the girls who were already up. As bad as it was to have to wear
diapers at 9 years old. Juanita’s family was real good about it, I'd known them
forever and the girls were like sisters to me. While they might giggle or smirk
from time to time they didn’t deliberately try to torment me about it. Juanita
was real sweet, too, and was always crazy about me. but as far as making me go
outside or in my diaper or changing me in front of strangers, that's just what
she was supposed to do as prescribed by my mom and Frank. I was to be
humiliated into learning not to mess my pants anymore by the time my mom got
Well, I finished my breakfast and went back to the
front room to watch TV and try to wet my diaper before all that day’s parents
began showing up with their kids. I was having to pee pretty bad now but when
you're 9 years old it's hard to make yourself pee in a diaper even when you're
supposed to. Juanita brought Tommy in and sat him beside me. I could hear his
plastic pants crinkle as she sat him down and could smell that he was dirty and
wet. She pulled his night shirt off and had him lay down. then she pulled his
plastic pants off and began unpinning his diaper.
"Mommy's gonna get that dirty, wet, old diaper
off of you. Yes I am," Juanita said to Tommy with a big smile. Tommy was
smiling back and giggling a little. I tried to stay focused on the TV, still
very embarrassed a bout anything having to do with diapers I didn’t like to
"Well, someone's a (BIG) boy this morning, isn’t
that right, Tommy?” I looked and saw that as Juanita pulled Tommy’s diaper back.
He had a fat little erection at least 2 and a half inches if not three, just
bobbing there over his lower tummy as he lay there with his legs raised and
kicking. Juanita wiped around his wet pee-pee then took both of his ankles in
her huge hand and raised his bottom into the air and cleaned his butt with the
wet portion of the diaper. He looked at me smiling as he was having his butt
cleaned and his fat, hard little pee-pee was jiggling around, and I got a chill
down my spine, like he might have been thinking, "My pee-pee is a lot
bigger than yours!" My thighs involuntarily tried to slam together but
were stopped by the thick diaper between my legs. How unfair that a baby could
have a pee-pee so much fatter and longer than mine.
"John, you better go ahead and pee in your diaper
if you want me to change you before everyone gets here,” Juanita said as if
doing me a favor and trying to save me a little embarrassment. So I sat there
in my thick diaper trying to get the pee started when Rudy and his mom showed
up. The big wooden front door was open, and only the screen door was closed. When
people would show up they'd just tap the screen door a couple times and walk in,
knowing Juanita may be busy. I hardly recognized Rudy at first fully dressed in
clothes. As Rudy’s mom and Juanita talked Rudy’s mom went to the couch and sat
down, undressing Rudy down to his diaper as she stared at me sitting there in
mine. Juanita explained about me as she finished changing Tommy’s diaper. I
finally started peeing in my thick diaper, feeling such a sense of relief as I
felt the warm pee covering my genitals and bottom. Rudy’s mom hurried off to
work as Juanita as Juanita pulled Tommy’s plastic wet proof pants up and sent
him to play.
“John, are you ready for me to change your diaper
yet?" I could only nod my head yes. Juanita changed me and was just
pulling the thick clean diaper up over my powdered little pee-pee when another
mom and her two sons showed up.
"Oh, you have two of them now, huh,
Juanita?" talking about Rudy and myself (both being big boys in diapers). The
lady thought I might be retarded like Rudy, she already knew him.
"No, Mrs. Baker, there's nothing wrong with this
one,” Juanita explained as she began pinning my diaper on. "This is John. His
mom has him wearing diapers for a couple weeks because he won’t stop messing
his pants.”
"Oh, I see," Mrs. Baker said looking at her
two sons Randy-8 and Kevin -6. Randy was a chubby kid one year younger than me
and quite shorter.
"Well, Randy, maybe I should put a diaper on you
to get you to stop messing your pants!" Randy stood there silently with his
head down. Juanita called for Pam to come watch the front room so she could
take Mrs. Baker out to see my underwear still hanging on the clothesline. When
they returned. Mrs. Baker said, "Those look just like your underwear out
there, Randy. Maybe I should make you wear a diaper today!" Looking scared
to death, Randy said, "I won’t do it anymore, mom!" Mrs. Baker looked
at Juanita and asked. "What do you think Juanita, should I put a diaper on
"That's entirely up to you, Mrs. Baker,” Juanita
"Come here Randy, let me see. you probably have a
mess in your underwear right now!" Mrs. Baker said. Then she pulled Randy
toward her and pulled his trousers to his knees and checked his underwear.
"Randy, you have shit in your pants again! I
think I am going to put a diaper on you and just let go like that today!"
Beginning to throw a fit Randy cried, "NO MOM PLEASEEEEE, I'M TOO BIG FOR
Then Mrs. Baker ordered Randy to sit down on the
changing quilt where she took off his shirt, shoes and socks, and then she
pulled his trousers off.
"Please, mom, don’t make me wear a diaper! Everyone's
gonna laugh at me!" randy cried. Then she grabbed his dirty underwear and
slid them off of him as he cried, lying there completely naked. Juanita, not
crazy about the screaming, held up a pacifier to Mrs. Baker. Mrs. Baker
approved and Juanita stuck it in Randy’s mouth, saying, “Randy, stop fussing
like that you're making yourself sick! If you wanna cry, you cry with your
mouth shut!" Then Mrs. Baker made Randy raise his legs and place his hands
on the back of his thighs holding his butt up in the air and his legs apart. Mrs.
Baker began cleaning Randy’s bottom as he lay there naked crying with the pacifier
in his mouth.
"Listen Randy, you're just going to wear diapers
today. If you stop messing your pants you won’t have to wear diapers anymore, OK?”
Mrs. Baker said. Then she put a thick diaper under his raised bottom and told
him he could put his feet down now. As she began putting baby oil on him. I got
a picture of how ridiculous I must look at my age being diapered, except I hadn’t
yet seen anyone with a pee-pee as small as mine at 9 years old with all the
comments, etc. about my size. I was becoming not only curious but obsessed
about penis size. Randy had one about the same size as Tommy but a little
larger. it made me feel more like a baby and more deserving of a diaper that I
had such a baby sized pee-pee.
Randy’s little brother Kevin looked shocked standing
there watching his mom put baby powder all over his big brother’s pee-pee and
nut sack as she prepared to put a big thick diaper on him. After getting his
diaper pinned on him she stood him up and said, "Well, Randy, we're not
gonna mess our pants anymore, are we?” Standing there crying with a pacifier in
his mouth dressed only in a thick white soft diaper, Randy looked down at
himself in the diaper and crying. He shook his head, “No!”
Then Juanita told me to take Randy and his little
brother Kevin out in the backyard and find something to do. Just as I turned to
go more people were showing up. A woman with a little girl came in I could see
her diaper and plastic pants under her short little dress but I turned and went
outside. Juanita liked all the bigger kids to play in the yard. The babies and
toddlers stayed mostly in the house with the girls and mostly in Tommy’s room
where most the baby toys were. I hated going outside in a diaper. I knew all
the families in the neighborhood that had kids and they knew me, like that mean
old Patricia and her brothers next door. I worried about getting caught in my
diaper and being humiliated by other kids or grown-ups. But my mom and my
stepdad Frank left explicit directions with Juanita that I wasn’t to stay in
the house and hide anyway, so I had to spend a lot of time outside and be
exposed in my diaper even if Randy went back inside and stayed there. But for
now it felt good not to be the only big kid outside dressed in a diaper.
Randy looked just like a big baby waddling around in
the thick diaper unable to walk with his legs together because of the thickness
of the diaper between his thighs. He looked lost as he wandered around crying
with a pacifier in his mouth. Now I had a sense of how everyone saw me.
"John, I see you out there in your baby diaper!”
I heard Patricia say. Then Juanita came outside with two baby bottles in one
hand and Randy’s dirty underwear in the other. She handed me a bottle and then
gave Randy one. She then took Randy by the hand and said, "Come on
Randy!" she led him back to the clothes line at a brisk pace. He was waddling
in his thick diaper like a baby carrying his baby bottle as she dragged him
along. Then she hung his dirty underwear back there close to mine.
"Now, if anyone wants to know why you're wearing
a diaper you can show them your dirty underwear and tell them you messed your
pants like a baby!" I heard Juanita say to Randy. After Juanita went back
into the house Patricia and Joyce and Pats two brothers came to the fence chanting
again, "John’s wearing a diaper! John’s wearing a diaper! John’s wearing a
Then they climbed over the fence and came into the
yard. They hadn’t seen Randy also wearing a diaper until now. They knew him
more than they knew me because he lived in this town and went to the same
"Randy. Why are you wearing a diaper?" a
couple of them asked, surprised to see him like that.
said, bawling, his knees shaking. Then Patricia said, "I bet you shit your
pants just like John shits his pants. I could always tell you had shit in your
pants!” Patricia went on.
"No I don’t, that's a lie!” Randy said, defending
himself in front of his friends.
"Well, why don’t you two diaper babies go play
with your blocks or your rattles!". Patricia said sarcastically. Everyone
laughed at me and Randy standing there in diapers holding baby bottles. Patricia
was just about to point out my dirty underwear on the line when she noticed the
extra pair hanging a little farther down from mine that wasn’t there before.
"Look, that's Randy's dirty underwear hanging
over there! Come on, you guys!" And they all ran back to the clothesline
laughing while Randy and I stood there in our diapers. They were making the
usual noises back there like, "EEEEWWWW!" and "YYUUUKKK!"
and laughing. They came running back laughing hard, saying, "you guys
(need) to wear diapers!”
Then Patricia told Randy, "I got to put baby
powder on John’s little pee-pee yesterday while my mom changed his diaper. Maybe
today I'll put baby powder on your little pee-pee Randy!" I was so
embarrassed as everyone laughed.
Then Juanita called me into the house. Randy followed
me in, I suppose, to get away from the other kids. But also I think because I
was the more experienced big kid in diapers. When I got in the house Juanita
led me to the changing quilt and said, "John, I don’t have time to keep an
eye on you this morning with all these kids. Your mom doesn’t want you sitting
down trying to hold it when you have to make potty, and I know it's getting
close to that time. That's not healthy, so I want you to lay down here until
you have a dirty diaper.” Then she made me lie down and raise my legs and cross
my ankles. I had to lay there with my feet up like that until I filled my
diaper. "Drink your bottle, honey. When you're through making poo-poo, you
call me, okay?” Juanita asked in a motherly voice.
Part 26
I lay there on the changing quilt with my legs up and
my feet crossed wearing nothing but a big, thick, soft diaper, sucking on a
baby bottle as I watched all the commotion that must have taken place on a
regular basis in Juanita’s house on weekdays. Rudy was slowly wandering around
in his diaper, stopping to rock-in-place and mumbling. He mostly stayed in the
house because he might wander off or into the street. Sometimes one of the
girls would take him out in the yard for awhile. But he was like one of the
babies, just a lot bigger. Then there were several other kids from babies to 4
or 5 years old playing, running around, screaming about various things. One
little boy slowly walked past me staring. I know he had to be at least 4 years
old. He was also carrying a baby bottle wearing a thick diaper, rocking from
left to right as he slowly walked in the thick diaper looking like he had jelly
on his face or something. In the 60's it was very common to see kids as old as
4 years old occasionally in diapers at the store or park or somewhere. There
was no preschool, nursery school, and even kindergarten was not required yet; at
least I didn’t have to go. Many women were still staying home. Kids weren’t toilet
trained as early as they are now, nor were they as smart. You could talk to a
four-year-old who still talked like a baby.
But getting back to the story. 8-year-old Randy who
had just been put in a diaper for the first time since he was a baby, sat a few
feet from me looking like a scared cat with his big eyes full of tears, crying
silently as he sat there in only a diaper also, holding a baby bottle. I could
feel the rumbling and cramps in my lower tummy and wanted to sit up so bad. Juanita
came back into the room carrying a baby boy and sat on the couch with him. She
put him in a nursing position. She took out her breast (discretely) and began
feeding him. I asked her daughter Pam about it later that evening and she said
Juanita did that for a woman who couldn’t make milk and that it was called
(being a wet nurse).
Anyway, as Juanita sat down and began nursing the baby
she told me that when I needed to go. (poop). Just let it go and that if I
tried to hold it I was going to get a spanking. I could feel it coming on
quickly as I lay there in my diaper with my legs raised and my ankles crossed
like a baby, sucking on the baby bottle. As I felt it starting to come out I
did try to hold my butt cheeks together and keep it from coming out, both
because I just had this habit of holding it and because I didn’t wanna just lay
there and fill my diaper like a baby. But I couldn’t hold it while laying in
that position and it just burst out into my diaper. It just kept coming and
coming. Because I had just completely emptied my bladder in my last diaper just
a little earlier my body didn’t have much fluid to contribute to my bowel
movement, so it came out very solid and dry and kind of hurt, being so wide and
long as it pushed at the seat of my diaper. My ankles came apart for a minute
as the huge, hard load started filling my diaper, not intentionally, but I
quickly crossed them again and tried to keep them that way because I knew
Juanita didn’t tolerate someone disobeying her. When it stopped coming out I
felt such a sense of relief, bordering on exhaustion. Still laying there with
my legs up and my ankles crossed, I could feel the massive solid load being
held against my butt by my thick tightly pinned on diaper. I looked at Juanita.
I was supposed to tell her when I was through. She was still sitting there
breastfeeding someone else’s baby, watching me. I just looked at her and said.
"Okay!” she asked.
"Okay what?” with a smile on her face.
I said, "You told me to let you know,” she
laughed saying.
"Well, John then tell me. Say, ‘Juanita, I have a
dirty diaper!’" She wasn’t being evil. She was being playful, but still
being the boss. Hesitantly and in a quiet voice, I said. "Juanita, I have
a dirty diaper!" She had one of her loud laughs again and then said, "Okay
John, you can put your feet down now.”
I put my feet back down, my knees still up, and spread
apart by the thick diaper. I could feel the huge load settling downward in my
"John, your mom said to let you wear your dirty
diapers as long as possible. So I guess you can go out and play now,” Juanita
said. I lay there for a minute, thinking I'd rather stay in the house than be
caught outside in a dirty diaper when Juanita said, "Go on John, get up
and take Randy outside with you; I'll change your diaper later. Randy, you come
and tell me if you have a wet or dirty diaper, too. Do you understand me?”
"Yes ma’am,” Randy answered. I tried to get up
off of the floor without sitting in the mess in my diaper, but still did a
little. I couldn’t believe the size of the bulge in butt of my diaper and could
feel it pressed against my butt cheeks.
"Do you like that, John?. Do you like wearing a
dirty diaper?” Juanita asked as I stood up.
"No, I hate it!” I said shyly. Then she pointed
at a three year old named Billy and said. "Look at Billy. He's only three
and he never messes his pants, do you, Billy?".
Little Billy raised his hands and said in a baby voice,
"No, I never mess my pants!"
Juanita then added, "Billy doesn’t have to wear
diapers. He hasn’t worn diapers for a long time. You and Randy should be
ashamed of yourselves for messing your pants at your age. Now you go on out and
play in your diapers and think about how ridiculous you look wearing a diaper
like a baby.
Part 27
I could hear kids playing in the backyard as I walked
through the opened kitchen door which led to the large screened in porch. I
stopped on the porch for a minute looking out into the yard wondering where I
could go and hide from the rest of the kids. Randy was right behind me in his
thick white pinned on diaper, sniffling and scared to death. I could see that
there were kids already playing in the playhouse, the best hiding place in the
yard. I walked over to my old hiding place at the other end of the porch next
to the large galvanized sink where Juanita washed out dirty diapers and such. When
I noticed Randy was right behind me. Hiding was going to be much more difficult
with him following me around.
"Go on outside Randy, I'll be out there in a
minute,” I told him.
"I can’t go out there by myself,” he replied whining
like a baby. Juanita stuck her head out the kitchen door looking around and saw
us standing at the other end of the porch.
"What are you boys doing in here? Go outside and
play like I told you to!" I walked slowly toward her and the screen door
that was just passed her, with Randy right behind me. Juanita opened the screen
door and stepped down the steps where she stood holding the screen door opened as
I approached her. She took my arm and gently hurried me out the door and down
the steps into the backyard. With each step down I could feel my tightly pinned
on dirty diaper smearing against my butt.
"You boys aren’t gonna spend all on the porch
just because you're wearing diapers. Now, go on out there and play,” Juanita
ordered. I quickly walked passed the kids playing at the playhouse, Randy
following me when one of the kids remarked.
"Look, there goes Randy and that other boy
wearing diapers!” They were laughing and making remarks like, "I thought
only babies had to wear
diapers!" I found a spot far in the back of the yard where it would be a
little harder to be spotted by neighbors and so on because of the trees, shrubs
and other obstacles. Randy caught up with me and we both stood there for a
minute, silently, unable to look each other in the face. Having someone else
your age also wearing a diaper doesn’t make it any easier. You only think about
yourself. I was just as embarrassed to be standing in front of him in a dirty
diaper as in front of anyone else. He couldn’t raise his head and look at me,
either, as he stood there sniffling, a little shorter and a little chubby. He
looked just like a big baby in the big thick cotton diaper.
There was a sandbox there near us. I went around to
the other side of it and knelt down next to it, as if to play with the cars and
trucks that were in it, but mostly to hide my diaper and keep it out of sight. Randy
knelt down at the end of the sandbox where he already was. I could feel the
huge mess in my diaper pressed against my butt as I bellied up to the sandbox
on my knees with my legs slightly spread apart. We didn’t talk as we made roads
and tunnels for the cars and trucks. What do you say when you're out in the
middle of the yard wearing only a diaper like a baby, knowing other people are
talking about you and laughing.
But as bad as it was for me, it had to be much worse
for Randy. This was his town, his schoolmates and where he was always left when
his mom needed a babysitter. At least I wouldn’t have to go to school with
people who had seen my wearing diapers. I don’t know if Randy’s mom thought
about that, or maybe she thought it would do more good than harm just to get
him to stop messing his pants.
An hour and a half or so had passed as we play at the
sandbox. Occasionally we would see and hear some of the kids sneaking around to
get a look at the kids wearing the diapers, laughing and running off again. At
one point I noticed that Randy was sitting there frozen like a statue, not moving,
silent and with his head down. I could see him looking toward the house. After
a few minutes of this he jumped up and ran toward the house looking like a big
chubby baby as ran toward the house in his thick diaper. With him gone and me having
to pee, I thought it would be easier to pee in my diaper without him there. So I
wet myself as I knelt there at the sandbox in my dirty diaper. I could feel the
warm liquid surrounding my genitals and running down between my legs and around
my balls. I felt so relieved as I wet my diaper. I didn’t realize I had to go
so bad, but it seemed to be getting easier to let it go. I was beginning to
accept that I had to wear diapers.
Several minutes later I could hear Juanita on the back
porch as she sent Randy back out, saying in her usual load voice, "Randy, your
mother said you were to wear a diaper today. So you go on out there and play
and don’t worry about it. I'll clean you up later and put a clean diaper on you.”
I could hear the kids taunting Randy as he came back
out. "Randy’s wearing a diaper". "Randy’s wearing a diaper".
"Randy’s wearing a diaper". When Randy got back to the sandbox he
knelt back down where he was earlier, crying and coughing as he knelt there, undoubtedly
knowing what was coming. He was going to have his diaper changed like a baby. My
butt and crotch were getting so itchy and my butt was kind of burning from my
dirty, wet diaper. I wanted to scratch so bad, but couldn’t. My diaper was so
tightly pinned on; and besides, I was such a mess. Then I noticed Randy kind of
stopped crying for a minute and his chest was kind of swelling and his
shoulders raising a little. I could see a look of shock on his face even though
he had his head bowed trying to hide his face from me. When I heard him grunt I
knew he was messing in his diaper. Then the tears started all over again. He
put his elbows on the edge of the sandbox and raised himself a little, spreading
his legs a little more as he knelt there. I could see by his facial expressions
and his body convulsing that he was still going in his diaper. Then he really
started bawling, realizing that he was out in the middle of the yard wearing only
a dirty diaper, with kids all over the place. I was wiggling my butt around a
little trying to get the itch to stop but couldn’t.
Then a couple of Juanita’s daughters came back to
where Randy and I were each carrying a saucer with a sandwich and corn chips and
a half full glass of milk for lunch.
"Mom said you guys would probably rather eat back
here,” Pam said as she and Michelle sat the plates and cups down on the edge of
the sandbox next to us. The other kids were sitting at the two picnic tables up
closer to the house. Pam and Michelle went back to the house and I started
eating mine. Randy kind of picked at his, still in a state of shock over the
morning’s happenings.
About an hour or so later Juanita came back to us and
asked Randy if he had a dirty or wet diaper. He just nodded his head yes, his
nod barely detectable. Then Juanita told us both to pick up our plates and
glasses and come into the house. It was like running the gauntlet as we passed
the teasing, taunting kids playing on the swings and things closer to the house.
ashamed as we approached the house in front of everyone. My dirty, wet diaper
was itching and burning and sagging a little. All the kids were laughing as we
went into the house wearing only our diapers.
We sat our dishes on the kitchen cabinet as we passed
through the kitchen and then Juanita led us to the changing quilt on the living
room floor and had both of us lay down side by side.
"Well, Randy, you're first. Your mother called
and she's picking you up early today.” Then Juanita took a damp rag and a bar
of soap that had been soaking in small a bowl of water and washed his face and
hands before changing him.
"Good grief, Randy, you stink to high
heavens!" Juanita said as she began unpinning his dirty wet diaper. I was
lying there beside him in my diaper, itching and burning and I could feel
gravity working on the load in my diaper as it began to slide downward. Suddenly,
I heard the screen door slam at the back porch. A bunch of girls ranging in age
from 5 to 10 ran in to watch the boys have their diapers changed. Randy grabbed
his diaper just as Juanita was trying to pull it back to begin cleaning him.
"Let go of that diaper, Randy!” Juanita ordered.
"Make the girls go back outside. Pleaseeeee?” Randy begged, still hanging
on to his diaper.
”If you don’t like the other boys and girls to see you
like this then I suggest you don’t mess your pants anymore. Now you let go of
that diaper right now before I spank your bottom so hard you can’t sit down!”
Reluctantly, Randy let go of his diaper and Juanita
pulled it back exposing his little pee-pee and nut sack and dirty bottom. Randy
began screaming and kicking his feet as Juanita pulled the wet front portion of
his diaper back and from between his thighs.
"Randy, stop it! Stop that right now!"
Juanita demanded as she took a pacifier and shoved it into his mouth. "Now
you close your mouth and suck on that right now. Do you hear me? Suck it!"
Randy began sucking on the pacifier as he cried. He
arched his back and balled his hands up into fists, beside himself in
humiliation as he lay there naked having his diaper changed in front of the
"Stop it, Randy! Listen to me!" Juanita said
as she tried to calm him down and talk to him, wiping his damp little penis with
a rag as she spoke. "You know, Randy, you should be embarrassed about
messing your pants. You might think no one knows about it, but everyone does. We
all knew you were messing your pants but didn’t want to say anything to
embarrass you. That goes for you, too, John. People can tell when you've got
crap in your pants. They may not say anything, but they know!"
The girls were laughing and pointing at Randy’s pee-pee
as Juanita cleaned him. I began to gather that Randy had been somewhat of a
bully with some of the kids who were weekly regulars here and now he was
getting his just rewards.
"That's what you get for being so mean, Randy. We
get to watch Mrs. Roberts clean you like a baby!" one girl said, laughing.
"Are you going to put another diaper on him, Mrs.
Roberts?" another girl asked as Juanita had Randy raise his legs and cross
his ankles.
"We'll see,” Juanita responded, holding Randy’s
lower heel with one hand and raising his butt as she took the wet front of Randy’s
diaper and started at his nut sack and wiped down his butt crack with it trying
to get the majority of the mess the first time.
"My goodness, Randy, you stink! You should be
ashamed of yourself laying here having your bottom cleaned like a baby!"
Juanita said in disgust as she continued to clean Randy’s dirty bottom. I
looked at Randy laying there with his legs raised, his butt way up off his
diaper as Juanita wiped his butt, sucking on a pacifier and crying like a baby—
and knew I was next. The only difference is that I’m cried out. I had been
through it enough that although I still felt the complete humiliation, which I don’t
think you can ever get over. I’m just not really able to cry anymore. My
attention was then drawn to a tap on the front screen door. It was 11-year-old
Patricia (an even bigger neighborhood bully) with two of her girlfriends.
"Come on in, Patricia!" Juanita said loudly.
"HAA. HAAA. HAAA!" Patricia laughed as she
came in seeing Randy laying there completely exposed and being cleaned like a
baby. And me in my dirty wet diaper, still waiting for my turn to be changed. Then
with a laugh Patricia said to Randy, "Randy, wait until all the kids at
school find out you had to wear a diaper this summer. What a baby!”
Juanita dropped the last cleaning rag onto the dirty
wet diaper, rolled it up and removed it from under him. Then she took a clean
thick diaper and placed it under his still raised but clean bottom. Randy was
so traumatized by the whole event that he didn’t even notice the switch. He was
just laying there crying with his eyes closed sucking on the pacifier, shaking
so much his little pee-pee and balls were vibrating like a spoonful of Jell-o.
"Randy, your mom said she wanted you to be
wearing a diaper when she gets here to pick you up honey, so that's what she wants.
That's what we gotta do,” Juanita said as she lowered his clean bottom on the
fresh, clean, thick cotton flannel diaper.
"I hate you! I hate you, Mrs. Roberts!"
Randy said, the pacifier falling out of his mouth. His face was red with anger
as he slobbered all over himself yelling at Juanita.
"I hate all
of you!" he continued as tried getting up on his elbows to rise up off his
Part 28
"Randy, you stop that right now and be still so I
can get this diaper on you,” Juanita said as she wrestled with Randy, trying to
get him to be still.
"I HATE YOU, MRS. ROBERTS! I HATE YOU!!!!!” Randy cried loudly, slobbering as the words came out.
Juanita walked on her knees and put her arm around Randy’s neck as he sat up on
his clean diaper. She grabbed a bar of soap with her other hand and forced the
soap in his mouth.
"Open your mouth, Randy. I’m going to have to
wash it out!” Juanita said, holding his head against her big breast and scraping
the wet bar of soap against his teeth.
"Randy, you have a dirty, dirty mouth. We don’t
have dirty mouths at my house. Do you understand me?!" Juanita said as she
vigorously washed out his mouth with the wet bar of soap. Randy was bawling
like a baby and slobbering and dripping soap and saliva all over his chest as
he sat there naked on his clean diaper, getting his mouth washed out as I lay
there next to him waiting to have my diaper changed. I saw Patricia and her two
girlfriends sitting there giggling, whispering, laughing and pointing at Randy’s
little pee-pee as he was sitting there on his diaper. Juanita asked her
daughter Michelle to bring her a couple baby bottles from the refrigerator as
she continued to scrub Randy’s mouth.
"Now, do we have that dirty mouth clean or do I
need to wash it some more?" Juanita asked as she removed her hand from Randy’s
mouth. Randy bawling and slobbering all over himself replied.
"It's clean!" Then Juanita made Randy
apologize for his foul language and began cleaning his face, chest and tummy where
he had slobbered all over himself.
"Now, you're going to lay down here and let me
put this diaper on you before your mom gets here or you're going to get a
spanking,” Juanita said as she wiped him up. Michelle walked up with the baby
bottles and handed them to her mom. Juanita gave me one and then handed the
other to Randy, saying as she gave it to him, "Okay honey, lay down now
and be still so I can put a diaper on you before your mom gets here.”
Reluctantly, Randy lay down on the thick, clean diaper,
bawling, holding his baby bottle in one hand.
"Randy, I want you to hold that bottle with both
hands and drink it. I don’t want to hear any more fussing, okay? Now drink
Randy did as she asked and held the baby bottle with
both hands and began sucking on it as he cried.
"You're going to have to spread your legs some
more, honey!" Juanita said as she also pushed his knees apart a little
more. Then she took the bottle of baby oil and squirted it on his genitals and
pubic fat. The girls laughed as Juanita began rubbing the baby oil over Randy’s
pee-pee and nut sack, making it all shiny.
"Randy, you look just like a big baby laying
there on a diaper sucking on a baby bottle!" Patricia said as she laughed.
"Raise your legs now and cross your ankles,” Juanita
said as she continued rubbing the baby oil all over his crotch area as randy
raised his legs and crossed his ankles. Juanita rubbed the baby oil all over
his bottom and up and down his butt crack.
"Okay, don’t move,” Juanita said as she paused to
close the cap on the baby oil bottle and took a damp rag to remove some of the
oil from her hands. Randy was still laying there on his diaper with his feet
raised and crossed as Juanita picked up the large white plastic bottle of baby
"Can I put the powder on him, Mrs. Roberts?” Patricia
asked with a smile.
"All right, Patricia, but don’t play around. I
still have to change John’s diaper, and I have other kids to tend to.”
Juanita handed Patricia the bottle of baby powder and
Patricia began sprinkling it on Randy’s bottom.
"Randy, you have a fat little bottom like a baby,”
Patricia said laughingly as she applied the baby powder to his bottom. The
other girls were really laughing, too. Juanita hollered at one of her daughters
to go out and find Kevin, Randy’s little brother and tell him to come into the
house because his mom’s coming to pick them up. Juanita then put her index
finger under Randy’s nut sack and pushed it up a little, telling Patricia to
get some under there while he had his butt raised up in the air, so Patricia
was careful to get the baby powder all around his balls.
"Okay, honey, put your feet down now so we can
powder your little pee-pee and get your diaper on,” Juanita said to Randy. Randy’s
brother Kevin came running into the room panting and sweating from playing
outside all day. Then a car door could be heard just outside the front of the
house. I knew it was Randy’s mom.
"You spread your legs so Patricia can get you
powdered up!” Juanita said in a playful, patronizing tone as she pulled Randy’s
knees further apart. Then Patricia covered his pee-pee and balls with the baby
powder and the fat pubic mound surrounding them.
"See, Randy, didn’t I tell you I was gonna powder
your little pee-pee earlier today?” Patricia said in an "I told you
so" kind of way. Just as Juanita began pulling the thick clean diaper up
between Randy’s thighs and over his belly, Randy’s mom tapped on the front
screen door and entered the house and greeted Juanita and the others, then
looked at her son Randy laying there crying, sucking on a baby bottle and being
diapered like a baby and said, "Well, Randy, I stopped by the house on the
way over here to get you some clean underwear and pants. and all your underwear
were full of crap— AGAIN! So I went
to the fabric shop and bought some cotton flannel diaper material. You're just
going to wear diapers this weekend at home, and if you don’t straighten up you'll
be wearing a diapers back here again Monday.”
"Oh my goodness, I forgot to get Randy’s trousers
and dirty underwear together!" Juanita said as she finished pinning Randy’s
thick clean diaper on. Then Juanita began to holler at her daughters to find Randy’s
trousers, which one of the toddlers must have wandered off with and get Randy’s
dirty underwear off the clothesline when Randy’s mom said.
"Don’t worry about it, Juanita. I'll get them
Monday. I'm kind of in a hurry right now,” Randy’s mother said. Juanita helped
Randy to his feet. He looked just like a big chubby baby in his thick diaper as
he stood up in front of everyone. The girls laughed at him and teased him about
having to wear diapers.
"Mom, make them stop laughing at me!” Randy
begged as he stood there crying dressed only a thick diaper holding a half full
baby bottle.
"Well Randy, both of you boys should be ashamed
of yourselves messing your pants at your age, and I think you both deserve to
wear diapers. If the other kids laugh at you, you brought it on yourselves.”
Then Randy’s mom took the bottle from Randy’s hand, sat
it down and told everyone bye and that she'd see them again Monday. Then she
led her son Randy out the front door dressed only in his diaper to the car, crying
all the way with his little brother Kevin following behind.
“Well, John, I guess we'll get your diaper changed now,”
Juanita said as she knelt beside me and began removing the diaper pins from my
dirty, wet diaper. Patricia and her two girlfriends came and sat around me as
Juanita took the pins out.
"Naomi is supposed to be back tomorrow. What’s
she gonna say when she finds out your wearing diapers like a baby, John?"
Patricia asked, smiling. I didn’t answer her, but was terrified as I thought about
it. I would die if Naomi saw me in a diaper or even heard about me having to
wear them. Then Juanita pulled the heavy, wet portion of the diaper back from between
my thighs, exposing my genitals and my dirty bottom.
"Goodness gracious, John. I have yet to see
anyone fill a diaper the way you do!” Juanita said with disgust. "Raise
your legs and cross your ankles, John. You know the routine by now.”
I raised my feet and crossed my ankles as she asked. She
took the wet front portion of the diaper and went down my entire butt crack
with it, pressing hard as she wiped me.
"OOOOOOOWWWWWWWW! It burns!” I said as she cleaned
my bottom.
"Of course it does, John. You're getting a diaper
rash from wearing a dirty wet diaper all day!"
"DIAPER RASH!!! WHAT A BABY!!!" Patricia
remarked, laughing loudly. "Wait until Naomi hears her little boyfriend
has a diaper rash!"
All the girls were laughing, looking at my face, and
then back at Juanita cleaning me up.
"Awwwww, does baby John have a diaper rash?"
One of then asked sarcastically, looking me square in the eyes. I just turned
my face away from her, thinking about Naomi. I knew that sooner or later she
was gonna find out about me wearing diapers and I knew that big-mouth Patricia
would be the first to tell her. I felt sick as all the scenarios went through
my mind. But I knew that even if she heard about it. I couldn’t let her see me
like that, wearing diapers, so I had to find a way to stay away from her; that's
all I could do. And deny wearing them.
Juanita finished cleaning me up, rubbed baby oil on me
and put the baby powder on me before pinning my thick clean diaper on very
tightly, telling Patricia she didn’t have time to fool around. (meaning letting
Patricia put the baby powder on me.) The rest of the day was fairly uneventful,
or as much as it could be for a 9-year-old boy in diapers. I did find Randy’s
trousers close to my makeshift bed and stashed them away for myself. All the
kids disappeared one by one as their parents picked them up. We had supper. I
had one more diaper change that evening, before sharing bathwater with Tommy
and Lisa again. Then it was almost time to get ready for bed.
Part 29
Just before dark, my mom called to see how I was doing.
She talked to Juanita for awhile, then Juanita handed the phone to me. I was so
glad to hear from my mom. I begged her to let me stop wearing the diapers, promising
to never mess my pants again. I felt so sure that she would tell Juanita that I'd
had enough and I could have underwear and pants back for the remainder of my
stay there, but she said no. I began to cry as I realized I still had to wear
diapers until she got back. After our conversation was over I was told to give
the phone back to Juanita. They talked for awhile and hung up. Juanita had me
follow her to the kitchen where she opened the cabinet under the kitchen sink
and took out a folded paper grocery sack, opened it and handed it to me. Then
she had me follow her out into the backyard to the clothesline where my dirty
underwear were still hanging. As we walked I looked toward Naomi’s house a
couple houses down and could see that their car was there and their lights in
the house were on. They were back from their trip. I was terrified; walking out
to the clothesline with Juanita dressed only in a thick cotton diaper. I
thought "Oh please, don’t let Naomi see me wearing a diaper!" Juanita
had just put the diaper on me after my bath and it was still pinned on so tight
around my waist, and so thick and tight between my thighs that I had to walk
with my knees a mile apart. I know I must have looked like a big, stupid baby, waddling
out into the yard in my diaper. When we got to the clothesline Juanita made me
hold the sack open while she took down my dirty underwear still caked with
large, thick, brown patches of crap in them, or on them as they were turned
inside-out. And one by one they dropped them into the paper sack as I held it. She
would pause as she took down the filthiest ones with like maybe a third of a
cup of crap in them and say, "Look at this, John, this is why Frank and Melanie
have you wearing diapers!”
Then she'd point out that her daughter Lisa, who is
only 6 never, never messes her pants
and hasn’t since she was potty trained. I listened as Juanita scolded me while
taking my underwear down, but was more focused on whether Naomi might see me or
come over while I’m out there dressed in only a big diaper. Then Juanita and I
walked back to the house where Juanita opened one of the two galvanized trash
cans. While holding the lid, she had me put the paper sack containing my
underwear in there and then she put the lid back on the can. Even though she
just opened and closed it normally, the noise of the trash can and lid in the
quiet evening air sent a chill down my spine. I was terrified that any noise
(and it was kind of loud) might draw attention, especially from Naomi, to me
standing out there in a diaper. I couldn’t wait to get back into the house.
Finally, we entered the big screened-in back porch
where Juanita dropped Randy’s dirty underwear on top of the washing machine as
we entered the house. Some of the girls were watching TV with baby Tommy as we
came in. I sat on the floor to watch, also. Anyone wearing diapers wasn’t
allowed on the furniture unless asked for some reason to sit on the furniture. I
was getting pretty used to wearing diapers around Juanita’s family. I mean, you
know, I didn’t have a choice, but they didn’t ever intentionally try to
humiliate me over it. They were like family, really. I (WAS) terribly ashamed
and embarrassed about having all of them seeing me wearing diapers— being
changed and having them see me naked, etc., but not as bad as with other people
like friends, neighbors, strangers, etc. After a while Juanita came out of her
room in her robe. She had a towel over her shoulder and she walked over to Tommy
and picked him and carried him to the couch where she sat down to breastfeed
him. She opened her robe on one side, but with the towel over her shoulder you couldn’t
see anything. Tommy, lying on her lap in his diaper and plastic pants,
protested as Juanita tried to get him to take her breast.
"Nooooo mommyyyyy. I want juiceee. I want
juiceee!" she kept trying, begging Tommy to drink some milk but Tommy had
become more interested in the sweeter juices and Kool-Aid. Getting him to take
the breast was getting harder and harder. Juanita, realizing she wasn’t going
to get Tommy to breastfeed, carried him to the kitchen where she got him a
bottle of juice, then took him to his baby bed and told him goodnight. I could
hear her raise the bedrail just before she returned to the living room. After
an hour or so she sent the girls upstairs to bed. Juanita turned out all the lights
and sat on the couch watching TV for awhile as I lay on my bed of quilts next
to a wall in the darkness. I could see her looking in my direction,
occasionally lit by the light of the TV. she couldn’t see me in my dark corner.
I'll bet she was thinking, "Well, I've already done it once; once more won’t
Then she got up, turned the radio on and turned the TV
off. The only light in the room was from a huge aquarium which really didn’t
light the room. Then Juanita came and asked me to get up like the last time, picked
up my pillow and blanket and led me to the couch where she sat at the far left
end. She loosened her robe a little so that she would be able to get it opened
after I lay across her lap. Then she laid my pillow on her lap and a smaller couch
pillow next to her thigh on the couch. Then she had me get up on the couch on
my knees and lay across her lap, wearing only my thick tightly pinned-on cloth
diaper. She covered me up with the blanket and then put her right arm between
my thighs with her hand on my thickly diapered butt and pulled me up into a
comfortable breastfeeding position. Then she removed her right hand from my
butt and used it to take out her large left breast and guide it into my mouth. Her
big nipple felt so soft as it poked me in the face a couple times in the dark
before finding my mouth. Again, it left traces of milk on my face where ever it
poked me. She was making milk faster than she could get rid of it. and her swollen
breasts were hurting her.
"There we go,” she said with a sigh of relief as
she got her huge nipple into my mouth and I began sucking on it. Then she put
her right arm back between my thighs and her hand on my diapered bottom, patting
me on my diapered butt as I gently sucked her milk from her huge breast. She
looked down at me as I sucked on her huge nipple saying, "I’m going to
have to tell your mom what a sweet boy you've been, John. And I know it can’t
be easy having to wear diapers at your age but we'll just make the best of it, won’t
I just shook my head yes, looking up at her, finding
myself feeling even more like a helpless baby as I lay across her lap in a
diaper sucking on her breast. It was so comfortable. I felt so safe and dependent.
I think I began to wish she were my mom. From her sweetness to her scolding, from
her spankings to her breast feeding, she got my respect and I felt like I was
bonding with her. I think I kind of wanted to be her baby.
Then she removed her hand from my butt and put her
hand on the side of my head, stroking my hair as she laid her head back and
closed her eyes. She would occasionally pull my face closer to her breast until
my nose was pressed against it and I couldn’t breathe for a second, as I would
struggle a little to pull away. I would squeeze my thighs together and be reminded
of the thick diaper I was wearing under the blanket. I just felt like a
complete baby. Later, she had me get up and then she moved to the other side of
the couch and had me get up there, lay across her lap again, cover me up, and I'd
breast feed from the other breast.
Part 30
Saturday morning
I was awakened early by Juanita in the kitchen fixing coffee and rattling
dishes. Some of the girls were up and eating breakfast already, so I ate, too.
Juanita had some things to do in town early so she was going to leave me with
the girls for a few hours while she went to town.
After eating I
was sitting in the living room watching Saturday morning cartoons and had to
pee really badly, so I just sat there and wet my diaper. It still felt really
weird to just let it go in my diaper while sitting there watching TV but seem
to be getting a little easier. I had to pee so bad after the long breastfeeding
last night and really soaked my diaper good. I sat there in my wet diaper for a
bit and then got up to go tell Juanita I was wet. She had just picked up her
purse and said she had to go and that Pam would have to change me. Juanita left
and Pam wasn’t around just yet, so I sat down and watched TV a little longer
until Pam came downstairs. I got up and went to talk to her. She saw my saggy,
sopping wet diaper and called to her 14-year-old sister.
could you change John’s diaper for me? I have to leave for a little bit!"
Michele said she would and Pam left.
"Come on,
John, lay down so I can change your diaper," Michele said, sounding a
little pissed that the job fell to her. I lay down on the changing quilt so
Michele could change me. The wet diaper felt cold against my skin in the cool
morning air with the windows open. Michele unpinned my diaper and pulled it
back, exposing my frightened, damp, cold, little penis, and had me raise and
spread my legs and hold them up while she wiped me up with some rags.
As she talked on
the phone, first she took her index finger and middle finger and placed them to
the sides of my drawn-up penis where my penis was between them, and she began
pushing down on my pubic fat, making my penis pop out a little. Then she'd let
the pressure off and my penis would shrink back up again. Then she'd push down
again and it would pop out. Then finally like the third or fourth time she made
it pop out. She moved her fingers left and right while pushing down on my pubic
fat making my penis pop out and I started getting a hard erection. She was
still shaking it from left to right as it got hard and she was looking at it as
she talked away on the phone, seemingly oblivious to what she was doing as she
Finally, she
looked me in the eyes and saw me looking back. She had a look of surprise on
her face as we made eye contact and her face turned red. She continued rubbing
baby oil between my legs and on my butt as I lay there naked on my thick clean
diaper with a throbbing, shiny, little erection wobbling around. Then she put
baby powder all over me and pulled the diaper up between my legs and pinned it
on, saying, "John, Please don’t have a dirty diaper before mom gets home.
I hate changing dirty diapers!"
She no more than
had my diaper pinned on when I heard Naomi calling for me.
Are you here? Johnnnnnnnnn?!" She was at one of the open windows in the
dining room with her face up against the screen and her hands around her face
to block out the morning sun.
I got into the
dining room without being seen and got down on my knees and went to the window
with nothing on but a diaper. She could only see me from the shoulders up.
"Hi, John. I
heard you were staying here!" she said excitedly.
"Yeah, but I
been kinda sick," I responded. "I don’t know if I'll be able to play
for awhile," I added. Naomi was getting up on her toes and trying to peer
down into the room as we talked with her hands around her face at the screen,
but the window was too high and I was on my knees. Then Naomi said, "John,
Patricia said you have to wear diapers; are you wearing a diaper now?"
"I’m not
wearing a diaper; Patricia is a liar!" I insisted.
"Well, can
you stand up and let me see?" Naomi asked.
"I can’t
stand up. I’m in my underwear," I answered. Remembering Randy’s pants I
stashed away, I told Naomi that if she'd go home I'd be over there in a few
minutes. Naomi said “okay” and left. I was so happy to see her again but
wondered how long it would be before she found out the truth.
I would love to hear from other AB/DL's and what they think about my story
(Female AB/DL's especially welcome)- bad_lilboy@excite.com