Old Habits Die Hard


I would love to hear from other AB/DL's and what they think about my story (Female AB/DL's especially welcome)- bad_lilboy@excite.com


Part 11


Tina and I sat in the backseat of the station wagon which faced to the rear of the car, or the people following us. Beth sat in the middle seat by herself. Between the two seats was a space where my mom put some blankets, my diaper bag (sigh!) and some other things. I was beginning to have to pee pretty bad and needed to tell my mom but I could see she and Frank we're having a pretty serious conversation up there, not arguing really, but definitely serious, but I couldn’t hear them over the radio. I always hated to announce in front of other people that I had to go to the bathroom, you know, like in school. I couldn’t raise my hand to go to the bathroom. But I didn’t want to wet my diaper, either, and get in trouble and maybe have to wear them longer, so I blurted out, "Mom, I have to pee!"


She looked back at me and said "John, you can pee in your diaper, but I don’t wanna find anything else in there. If you need to sit on the pot, you tell me (before) you make a mess in that diaper. If I find a mess in there before you tell me you had to sit on the pot, you'll be wearing a diaper again all day tomorrow."


I don’t know what I expected, what could be worse— wetting my diaper or having to get out of the car and going into a restroom somewhere? Probably the latter. The trip to the movie seemed a little long .I sat there with my shirt pulled down over the front of my diaper. Out of my peripheral vision I could see Tina studying my face, then looking down at the bulge under my shirt and back again.


"You don’t have to be, embarrassed, John,” she said in a sweet voice. "I won’t laugh at you anymore. I was being mean to you because Beth wanted me to,” she added. "I just want you to know I'm sorry and I really do like you a lot."


Still not able to look her in the eye because of my shame, I quietly responded, "Thanks, I like you, too!"


Finally, we arrived at the drive-in, got our tickets and Frank pulled the car up to a speaker in a row parallel to the concession stand, I guess maybe five rows or so from the front. Beth called to Tina, "Let’s go to the playground, Tina!"


"OK!" Tina responded, glad that Beth’s silent treatment didn’t last long. There was a playground at the front of the property in front of the giant screen with swings, slides, a merry-go-round and stuff like that.


"I want all of you to go so Melanie and I can talk,” Frank said. A chill ran down my spine as I heard that.


"Yes, John, you go with them!" my mother added. Frank came around to the back of the car and opened the tailgate. My mom came around her side and asked me to climb out onto the tailgate and sit down.


"Mom, it's still daylight, I can’t go to the playground like this. Everyone will see me in a diaper!" I cried.


"Well John, if that's what it's gonna take to get you to stop messing your pants I'm all for it,” she answered.


Starting to cry, I begged.


"Mom, m please don’t make me go to the playground; I wanna stay here!"


“Well, you're going to the playground weather you like it or not!”


As I sat on the tailgate she took my shoes and socks off explaining she didn’t want my new white tennis shoes all dirty.


"The girls are going barefoot, you can, too,” she explained.


"Tina, hand me that baby powder!" Frank asked. After my mom got my shoes and socks off, Frank said, "John sit up straight" "Now hold up your shirt!" he added. Then he pulled out the front of my diaper a little and shot a bunch of baby powder down into it. As he helped me hop down to the ground, I could feel the smooth, silky, cool powder envelop my penis and balls. She threw the bottle of baby powder on the seat as I pulled my shirt down humiliated in front of my stepsisters and stepdad.


I couldn’t believe they were gonna make me go to the playground like this. Pulling my shirt over my diaper, I looked around. There wasn’t a lot of cars yet; it was early.


"John, what did I tell you about stretching that shirt like that? You're destroying it!” she fussed. “Look at what you've done to your shirt; you've ruined it!"


"I'll fix it!" Frank said. "John, turn around here!" he ordered. “And raise your arms!"


I raised my arms as he told me to, and before I knew it my shirt was over my head and off.


I was crying louder now, "PLEASE LET ME HAVE MY SHIRT!" and jumping a couple times to retrieve it from Frank.


"MOMMMM! I CAN’T GO LIKE THIS!" I cried loudly.


"John, listen, the louder you get, the more people are gonna look. Now you are gonna go like that, and that's that!"


"Get his bottle for him, Melanie. He's supposed to have a bottle when he screams like a baby,” Frank said.


So there I was in broad daylight in nothing but a thick white diaper. There were probably six or seven cars around in different places. I can’t tell you the shame I felt standing there dressed only in a thick white cotton flannel diaper in daylight with more and more cars of people pulling in around us.


"Well, Melanie, do you wanna take him down there or do you want me to?" Frank asked my mom.


"I’ll take him, Frank,” my mom answered. I was bawling loudly now.


"Do you need your bottle John, or are you gonna quiet down?" my mom asked.


"I'll be quiet,” I responded crying my eyes out, a little quieter.


Part 12


"Okay, lets go!" my Mom said taking me by the wrist and leading me to the playground dressed only in a diaper.


"I'm going on down there!" Beth said, running ahead of us," I don’t want him walking with me," She added as my mom led me to the playground by my wrist. Tina took my other hand saying, "Don’t cry, John, it'll be okay."


A couple of the cars tooted on their horns as we made what seemed like a long journey. I remember my diaper being so thick between my legs and pinned on so tight around my waist that I had to walk a little bowlegged. If you hold your hand flat and then put four fingers between your legs up against your balls; that's about how thick it was. Of course it didn’t feel hard and rigid like four fingers. It was just thick and soft. It had a thick, wide pad of material down the middle, thicker in front than in back and then very thin where the ends came together to be pinned.


"Now, John, I hope this will teach you a lesson,” my mom went on as she walked me barefoot across the gravel in front of all the people who were watching and still arriving.


"Now, this is gonna stop before school starts this fall. If you have to wear diapers all summer it's up to you!" she added. "But if I have to put a diaper on you, don’t think you're gonna hide in it around the house,” she went on. With that, she walked me up to a swing and had me sit down.


"Now, I’m going back to the car, you kids come back when the movie starts, okay?” she asked.


"Okay,” replied Beth and Tina. I sat there on the swing with my arms folded across my lap, leaning forward a little trying to hide my diaper, crying, feeling paralyzed and glued to the swing, afraid to move. Then I heard car doors slamming and the laughter of kids as they started running toward the playground. They would get on a swing or the merry-go-round but were looking at me with curiosity, some out of the corner of their eye, so to speak, not really knowing what to say to me, but definitely looking as much as they could.


A few minutes later Beth slowly walked up behind me and tried to push me on my swing. I was trying to hold the swing still by putting my feet on the ground.


"Stop it, Beth!!” I yelled, but she kept pushing. I couldn’t really get a foot on the ground very good because I couldn’t put my legs together with the thickness of the diaper between them. She wasn’t pushing me very high but high enough that I about fell out of the swing because I had my arms crossed over the top of my diaper. As I almost lost my balance, I had to raise my hands instinctively to grab the chains.


"See, I told you he's wearing a diaper!" one of the kids yelled with a laugh.


"Beth, please leave him alone!" Tina cried in my defense. Now other kids and some parents were approaching the area.


"Mom, look! That boy's wearing a diaper!" one boy yelled.


"I see,” the woman responded as she got closer. "Somebody must have been wetting the bed or something, huh?" she said, looking at me.


"No, he messed his pants!" Beth responded with a giggle.


"Oh, I see, you had an accident in your pants?" the woman asked, still directing the conversation toward me.


"Well no, he didn’t just have an accident; he messes his pants almost every day so his mom put a diaper on him!" Beth went on.


"Ohhhh, good grieffff!" the lady responded. "You should be ashamed of yourself, a big, handsome boy your age messing your pants almost every day!" she said with disgust. "Well, you deserve to wear a diaper, I'll tell you that right now,” the lady added.


"Is this your brother?" the lady asked Tina, standing next to me.


"Yes , he's my brother,” Tina answered (that was the first either of them called me their brother.)


"Where's your mother at, honey?" the woman asked. Tina pointed out the car.


"Why, that's right next to ours,” the woman said. "I’m gonna talk to your mother!" the woman said as she walked off. I was starting to have to pee really bad now and could hardly hold it any longer, so I tried to let a little out, but it was so hard to get it started and I hoped no one would be able to tell I had a wet diaper if I wet in it. All the swings and stuff were filled up and kids were still coming. One older boy walked up to me seeing me just sitting there in the swing, not singing. I had just started peeing in my diaper and couldn’t hardly stop when the boy said, "Hey diaper boy, I want that swing, get up!" though I was scared of him because he was a couple years older.


I couldn’t get up. I couldn’t bring myself to stand up in front of everyone wearing only a diaper. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the swing. As he did I felt a strong squirt of pee involuntarily shoot into my already wet diaper. As I stood there with no place to hide some of the kids started laughing at me and making comments like, “Look at the big diaper baby!” and so on. I remember I could hardly stand, my legs shaking, my hands in front of my diaper trying to hide it, everyone looking at me and laughing. My pee just let go uncontrollably as I stood there in total humiliation, paralyzed. Even though I wet myself pretty good it didn’t leak, my diaper was pretty thick and people didn’t drink soda as much then as they do now. You were lucky to get a coke or two a week. And all I had was one bottle of milk. So even though the urge to go was strong, the amount must not have been that bad, but my diaper did have that saggy, wet look.


I never had to wear plastic pants either. I don’t know if they didn’t exist in that size or what. I saw a lot of babies with plastic (wet-proof pants) as we called them, but I never had to wear them.


"Come on, John,” I was surprised to hear my mom’s voice say, as I turned to see her standing behind me with her hand out.


"Let’s go back to the car,” she said, taking my hand.


“Hey, baby, tell your momma you want your bottle!" one of the kids yelled as we left and I could still hear some of them laughing.


“Is your diaper wet yet?" she asked.


"Yeah, ".I answered.


"Well, let’s go get you cleaned up,” she responded. "Can I have some underwear and pants?" I asked.


"I didn’t bring any underwear or pants with us. Until you can show me that you can sit on the potty without messing yourself first, you're gonna wear a diaper. So when we get to the car I’m gonna get you cleaned up and get a clean diaper on you, okay?"


"Yes, mom,” I answered.


“Maybe tomorrow if you do what you're supposed to do, you'll get your pants back."


Part 13


As we got back to the station wagon it was just getting twilight. We walked back to the already opened tailgate and my mom had me climb in and let the back seat down saying, "You and Tina aren’t gonna be able to watch the movie from this seat. You can either sit on the platform or sit with Beth up there in the middle seat. So I pushed the button on the top of the rear seat and let it down. Now the space behind the second seat was just a large flat area.


"Hand me that blanket, John,” my mom asked. So I did and she spread it over the length of the tailgate, leaving it still folded over a couple times.


"Okay, now push that diaper bag back here, honey,” she said. So I grabbed the heavy canvass diaper bag and slid it across the large flat area of the back of the car toward my mom. As I was doing all of this I could really feel the cold, wet, thick diaper up against my hairless little pee-pee and balls and between my thighs.


"Okay, John, come here so I can change your diaper!" my mom said, letting out a sigh as the words came out. As I crawled on my hands and knees toward the rear of the car, I stopped to grab the thick wet front of the diaper and rub it against my penis, which had a terrible itch.


"John, don’t do that! You're gonna get your hands all nasty!"


So I stopped but the itch was driving me crazy.


"Sit right here!" my mom said, patting the area of the blanket where she wanted me to put my butt. .So I sat there and she placed one hand on my back and the other on my chest saying, "Okay, now lay back; I can’t change you sitting up!" she said. So I lay back on the thick folded blanket, my legs shaking, but I just couldn’t cry anymore. My penis was itching so bad I was kind of writhing around a little trying to scratch it against the inside of my diaper. I wanted to stick my hand in there and scratch so bad but I knew my mom would get angry with me. As my mom was taking the baby powder and baby oil and everything from the diaper bag. Beth and Tina showed up.


"Oh, just in time to watch the baby have his diaper changed!" Beth said, laughing loudly. Then I heard a couple car doors open and close. It was the woman from the playground and her two sons. They walked up to the tailgate and stood and watched as my mom started taking out the diaper pins and laying them on the blanket next to me.


“You need a good, hard spanking, that's what you need!" said the lady.


"I've spanked him, grounded him, everything you can think of. If putting a diaper on him doesn’t work I just don’t know what else to do!" my mom replied.


“Oh, I hope I packed some rags, ".my mom said as she stopped to go through the diaper bag again. So I’m laying there with my knees up, my feet on the blanket, my legs spread and the wet diaper still covering me but with all the pins out. My penis is rock hard from the tormenting itch and I’m writhing around a little trying to scratch it against the inside of the heavy wet diaper.


"Here they are!" my mom said, taking a rolled-up face towel from the diaper bag. She sat it down and rolled it out, revealing several damp wash rags she had wrapped up in it.


"Okay, John, let’s get you cleaned up so we can get a clean diaper on you before the movie starts!" my mom said. I just lay there and closed my eyes as she began to pull the soaking wet diaper from between my legs.


"I want you to spread your knees farther apart, John,” she ordered.


"Look, Tina!" Beth said with a loud burst of laughter as my mom pulled the diaper back, exposing my rock hard little erection. I opened my eyes to see Tina and the boys standing there with their mouths open, their eyes fixed on my penis. I looked down and saw that my little pee-pee was almost standing straight up, about an inch and a half long, looking about like the two top joints of a woman’s little finger with a head on it, but maybe skinnier. My mom took the corners of the front of my diaper where the pins were and dabbed some of the moisture away from my penis and scrotum.


"For goodness sake!" the woman said as she watched my mom clean me. My little erection was wiggling from left to right and all over as my mom cleaned and wiped at the skin around it. Beth looked at the boys and said, "I bet yours looks like that, huh!".


"NOOOOO!" one of them responded.


"Beth, that's enough!" my mom said angrily. "You have just been going too far. Now I'm taking care of John and dealing with his behavior. If you continue with that smart mouth of yours, I’m gonna put a diaper on YOU!"


Beth wasn’t laughing anymore after that. My mom took a washcloth and began cleaning me with that. She then had me raise my butt and cleaned it with the washcloth as well. Then she pulled the wet diaper from under me and put a clean one under me and rubbed baby oil all over my bottom and on my privates and groin area. As she took my hard little pee-pee between her two fingers and thumb, rubbing the baby oil up and down the shaft, I would jump a little as her fingers passed over the rim of the head. Because I’m circumcised, that area was very sensitive, especially when erect. Then she wiped her hands on a washcloth and began sprinkling baby powder all over my bottom and then the whole front area.


"There we go. Let’s get your diaper on before the movie starts!" she said in a sweeter voice now. She pulled the thick soft, diaper up between my legs then tucked and rolled it around my thighs. She then pulled it up higher toward my tummy until the thick padded front of the diaper was about an inch or so above my belly button, like the diaper I had on earlier. Then she pulled the corners together on one side and put two pins in it. Then she pinned the other side.


"Okay, John, sit up here and let’s see what you look like in your diaper!" So I sat up slowly, it was hard to sit up in the thick new diaper.


"Now John, remember, you are not to make a mess in that diaper, do you understand me?!"


“Yes,” I responded.


"Now Beth, do you want me to put a diaper on you, or are gonna behave yourself?" my mom asked her. Frank, hearing this from the front of the car got out and came back to where everyone else was. "Beth doesn’t need a diaper, and I can’t believe you asked her something like that! John's wearing diapers because he messes his pants. Beth is 12 years old and doesn’t mess her pants like John does!" Frank said in defense of his daughter.


“Frank, I told Beth I was gonna put a diaper on her if she didn’t stop being so mean to John, but if you wanna get technical, I'm the one who does the laundry and I have found stains in Beth’s panties many times. Isn’t that right, Beth?"


“NOOOOO! That's not true,” Beth responded almost crying in shame.


"Look Beth, I just want you to stop being so nasty to John, do you understand?”


"Yes,” Beth answered.


"Now you can’t be giving John such a hard time when your panties aren’t exactly spotless either, okay?" my mom asked.


"Yes, mom,” Beth answered completely embarrassed. Just then the movie was beginning to come on. The lady with the two boys left. We all got into the car to watch the movie. I sat in the middle seat with Tina and Beth. The rest of the night was relatively uneventful. As bad as things had gotten to this point (meaning my diaper punishment), I couldn’t have known that things would in a few days would get a lot worse. Or maybe I should have. Old habits die hard!


Part 14


When we got home from the movies and I was getting ready for bed. My mom asked me if I needed to pee I said yes. She took me to the bathroom and had me spread my legs while still wearing my diaper and told me to pull my pee-pee out to the side and pee. I tried to do that but the stream hit the leg opening of the diaper and sprayed the wall and the seat of the commode.


"STOP! STOP! For goodness sakes, John!" she said taking some toilet paper quickly and wiping the wall and the seat. She then worked my diaper down over my hips and let it fall to my feet.


"Now go ahead and pee so you can get to bed,” she said. As I peed I asked her why Beth didn’t have to wear a diaper if she messed her pants, too.


"Beth could probably clean herself a little better after she goes to the bathroom, but she doesn’t plaster her underwear like you do, John," she said.


"I just lost my temper with Beth tonight,” mom added. As I finished peeing my mom walked me to my room telling me to let her know when I needed to sit on the pot in the morning and that if I wanted my clothes back my diaper had better be clean. I was as regular as the full moon when it came to that. I always had to get on the pot or started getting the urge around 8:00 AM, but would usually hold it as long as I could, sometimes until 10:30, by which time I might have a significant smear in my pants. Again, I'd have to go in the afternoon about 4:00 pm and might hang on until 6:30.


"Now John, I bought you a couple packs of new underwear to wear to Aunt Suzy's when Frank and I go on our trip. Your old ones have permanent stains in them that won’t bleach out but you're not getting them until I’m sure you aren’t messing your pants anymore. I guess for now your old ones will be like training pants until then, but I hope you learned your lesson tonight,” she said as she tucked me in and gave me a kiss and left.


The next morning as I felt I had to go, true to my nature, I tried to hold it a little at first. I think I actually dreaded having to go to the bathroom right away. Not feeling my underwear glued to my butt just wasn’t who I really was. It was natural and normal despite the trip to the drive-in. But I had been doing it so long it was like quitting smoking.


But I was in this diaper, and it was very humiliating. And I didn’t want anymore of it. So I went to my mom and told her I needed to get on the pot.


"Okay, come on,” she said as she took me to my bed and had me get up there and lay down. She unpinned my diaper and pulled it from between my legs, leaning forward a little with her eyebrows, raised anxious to get a glimpse of my bottom to see if I was dirty or not, laying there with my knees up and spread apart, she pulled the diaper completely down to the bed and away from my butt.


"John, you did it, I'm sooooo proud of you! Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?" she said with a huge smile on her face.


"No,” I replied. She stood up and got a pair of underwear from my drawer. And some pants from another and handed them to me. As I got off of the bed and stepped into my underwear and started to pull them up I saw the faint brown stain in the seat of them and thought that's who I really am. Even though I always lived in fear of getting caught or teased about messing my pants I was used to it, maybe trying to hang on to something familiar, I don’t know.


“You know, Suzy's planning on taking you kids to the amusement park and a lot of other things. You are really gonna have a good time with her!" my mom said in excitement. Well, needless to say, as she left the bedroom she had to announce to the family that I had a clean diaper. Then she got on the phone and called Aunt Suzy and went on and on about it. I just got dressed and went out to ride my bike with some of the kids from the neighborhood.


My parents decided their trip would start two weeks from this weekend. I was doing pretty good with keeping my pants clean, I know at the least the first three days I did good, but fell back into the habit of trying to hold it if I was having fun doing something. Then the accidents started happening again, some worse than others. I was just careful not to let my family know. A year or so earlier I snuck some of my underwear into the washer as my mom was doing sheets. When she took them out she asked, "John, did you put these in here?"


"No,” I answered.


"Well, maybe I did,” she said, looking confused. So as I would have these accidents I would change my underwear and put them into a large double paper grocery sack, roll it up and put it behind my toy box and squeeze it against the wall, waiting to sneak them into the washing machine when she washed the sheets. During the last week before their trip I had grown comfortable and confident that this plan was gonna work, Mom always did the sheets on Friday morning. We were supposed to go to Aunt Suzy’s house on Saturday morning, or that's when she was gonna pick us up.


On Thursday, the day before I was gonna sneak my dirty underwear into the washing machine, my plan fell apart. I had one of those urges that comes on faster and stronger than I had expected, I mean like full-body contractions and the distorted face, as I tried to hold it. I kept thinking, "Please stop! Please stop! I got to get to the bathroom." But it started coming out uncontrollably. I didn’t think it was gonna stop, but finally it did. Thankfully, I thought Frank was at work, my stepsisters were down the street playing with some other girls and my mom and Aunt Suzy were sitting on the front porch swing talking. I ran in the backdoor, went to my room and opened the underwear drawer to get some clean underwear. There weren’t any, so I went to the bathroom and looked into the clothes hamper for some I had worn earlier but hadn’t messed in. I found them but they were very damp and musty from the wet bath towels that were in there. So I thought I'd go gat a pair of my dirty underwear from the paper sack that weren’t so bad and the stain was dried so they would be virtually undetectable. I found a pair that wasn’t in too bad of shape and headed back to the bathroom to clean myself up and change into my cleaner dirty underwear.


As I came out of my bedroom I met my mom in the hallway. Standing between me and the bathroom, she said, "What are you doing with those?" sniffing as she spoke. She took the underwear from my hand.


"These are dirty,” she added. Then she held them to her nose and smelled them and looked at me, knowing the underwear in her hand wasn’t the source of the odor filling the hallway.


"John, turn around!" she ordered. She bent over pulling at the waistband of my pants put her nose to them and smelled.


"You filled your pants, didn’t you?” she remarked in anger, squeezing my arm very hard.


Part 15


"John, I'm getting so sick and tired of this!" she said as she yanked me into the bathroom. She took a towel from the clothes hamper again and laid it on the floor and had me stand on it and remove my pants. As I was taking them off she looked at the underwear I had in my hand a few minutes ago and asked. "What were you gonna do with these?" she asked, holding up the dirty underwear with about a tablespoon of dried crap smeared in the seat of them.


“I don’t know,” I answered, not wanting to tell her I didn’t have any more clean ones. She dropped them on the towel and had me turn around so she could remove the ones I had on.


"Oh John, you're disgusting! If Frank were here I'd let him blister your ass!" she said as she pulled them down. Then Aunt Suzy appeared at the bathroom door.


"John, I thought you weren’t doing this anymore. Your mom said you were doing so well after they took you to the movies in a diaper!" I just held my head down, not saying anything. As I stepped out of my underwear I could see that it wasn’t as much as it felt like it was coming out but a good third of a cup or so in my underwear.


"You sit your ass on that pot!" my mom ordered, dropping the underwear on the towel.


"Watch him a minute, will you, Suzy?" my mom said as she left the bathroom. I could hear her going through my bedroom, slamming drawers and so-on.


"You don’t have any clean underwear left in your drawer. You should have at least a couple pair left; where are they?" Mom demanded to know as she returned.


"Behind my toy box,” I answered. She went back to my room and I could hear her opening the rolled-up paper sack.


"WHAT!?.WHY?! JOHN!" That's about the only words my mom could find. Aunt Suzy left the bathroom to see what my mom was fussing about.


"John had shit in all these underwear and hid them behind his toybox!" my mom said.


"Melanie, honey, please call Juanita and see if she won’t keep John while you're away. Honey I just can’t deal with something like this!" Aunt Suzy begged.


"I know she'll keep him for me, Suzy, it's just that she keeps so many kids already I hate to ask. But I'll give her a call!" My mom responded, almost ready to cry. I heard her make the call and leave a message with one of Juanita’s daughters to call her back. Apparently Juanita was unable to come to the phone. My mom returned to the bathroom and walked up to me putting her knee up against mine as I sat on the pot. She pushed my legs apart to see if I did anything.


"Do you have to do anything, or are you through?" she asked.


"I don’t have to go,” I said. Then she took some toilet paper and bent me over almost knocking me off of the commode. .and started wiping me.


"Suzy, could you please get that last diaper out of the diaper bag and lay it out on the couch for me, honey? I guess I'm gonna have to put a diaper on the little baby again!" my mom said as she roughly wiped at my butt with the toilet paper.


"Okay, John, stand up here so I can finish cleaning you up!" mom said, taking my arm and yanking me to my feet. She then took a washcloth from the cabinet, wet it in the sink and wrung it out. She then had me bend over putting my hands on the bathtub and spreading my legs while standing.


"Good grief, you stink to high heavens! You should be ashamed of yourself, John! I'm ashamed of you! I don’t know anyone else who has a 9-year-old child that shits their pants— and almost every day on top of that! Well, I warned you, if you're gonna shit your pants, you're gonna wear a diaper!"


Suzy returned, saying she had everything ready. My mom told her that there were a couple baby bottles in the diaper bag and that they were clean, but to take one and rinse it out and put some milk or juice in it.


"If you're gonna shit your pants like a baby then I’m gonna treat you like a baby'” she said beside herself in anger as I stood there bent over the edge of the tub with my legs spread apart. She wiped between my legs and around my balls and inner thighs. Almost pushing me into the tub. She had never been so rough before— and her language this morning— she practically never cussed and didn’t like hearing other people cuss, either.


"Come on, John!" she said as she took me to the couch where the big thick diaper was laid out.


"Now you get up there and lay down on that diaper before I wear your ass out!" she said, still hanging onto my arm like a vise. I got up there and sat on the diaper and was leaning back about to lie down when the front door burst open. It was Beth and a couple friends of hers— a boy and a girl— both 12 or 13 years old. They had a look of shock on their faces as they entered the room and saw what was going on. But I was shocked more than they were, sitting there completely naked on a diaper.


"Go back outside, Beth!" I said, starting to cry.


"John, that's enough! You lay down here, and be quiet so I can get your diaper on!"


As I lay down I begged my mom loudly. "Please tell Beth and her friends to go back outside!"


With her left hand on my tummy my mom reached out her right hand to Aunt Suzy, saying "Hand me that baby bottle, will you, Suzy?" Then my mom handed it to me, telling me hold it with both hands and drink it. As I started to protest about it she forced it into my mouth saying,” If you don’t do exactly what I tell you to do, you're gonna be very, very sorry! Now, I’m tired of fooling with you. You hold that with both hands, drink it and shut up while I put this diaper on you, or you're gonna be in bigger trouble than you already are!" she said.


So I lay there holding the bottle with both hands, sucking on it as Beth, her two friends and my Aunt Suzy watched my mom began to diaper me. As my mom started rubbing the baby oil around my pubic area and on my genitals the phone rang. .My mom turned around and answered the phone with her dry hand. It was Juanita.


"Oh Juanita, I'm so glad you called me back!" my mom said with a cracked voice almost ready to cry. "I need to ask you a favor, but I hate to ask,” she went on. "Oh, yeah, that's John, he's crying because he doesn’t wanna wear a diaper. That's what I’m calling you about. You know Suzy was gonna keep the kids, and she's still keeping the girls. But you know how she is. She doesn’t wanna keep John because of his accidents. Would that be okay? . Are you sure? . I hate to ask because you keep so many kids over there already. Well, I was gonna bring him tomorrow. He doesn’t have any underwear; I need to wash them. Well, I’m putting a diaper on him right now. Yeah, I think that would do him some good. Well, I just wanted to make sure it was okay with you. Are you sure, Juanita? . Okay, thank you so much, honey. I love you . Yeah, maybe in an hour or so . Thank you, Juanita . Yeah, I'll see you then. Bye!"


My mom hung up the phone and continued rubbing the baby oil on my bottom. Then she sprinkled a liberal amount of baby powder all over my bottom and groin area saying, "Spread your legs some more, John. I don’t want you getting a rash around your little pee-pee!" she said sarcastically. I was choking as I cried, sucking on the baby bottle, as Beth and her friends laughed at the spectacle of me laying there naked on my diaper as my mom powdered me. Then my mom pulled the thick diaper up between my legs and over my belly button and pinned it on very tightly with two pins on each side.


“Now stand up here so everyone can see what you look like in your big baby diaper!" mom said in an angry voice as she stood up and helped pull me to my feet.


"Beth, I want you to go find your sister and tell her to come home for a minute. Suzy and I are gonna be leaving in a little bit to take John to Juanita’s house. He'll be staying there while we're gone. I need to know if you two wanna ride with us or stay here. If she's staying, she might wanna say bye.”


Part 16


As Beth and her friends left my mom quickly dragged me toward the hallway, picked up the paper sack of dirty underwear and led me to the bathroom.


"Pick up those dirty underwear off the floor and put them in the bag. Juanita is gonna wash them. Then go through the hamper and get all of your underwear out of there and put them in the bag, too,” she said in a hurried tone.


"John, if you have anymore dirty underwear anywhere stashed away anywhere. Put them in the bag!" Then she left. I sorted through the clothes, got all my underwear together, put them in the paper sack and went to my room where I found my mom laying out some pants, shirts, socks and those new packages of unopened underwear I was supposed to get when I went to Aunt Suzy’s house. She took a suitcase from under the bed and placed it on the bed and opened it and began packing the things into it. I could hear Aunt Suzy talking to the girls in the other room. Then Aunt Suzy came to the room and said the girls wanted to go. They were very close to Juanita’s daughters and wanted to see them.


"Suzy, could you please call Frank for me, honey, and let him know where we're going and tell him I'll call him when we get there?"


"Sure,” Suzy answered leaving the room. I knew my mom would let me wear a shirt to Juanita’s and wanted to ask her about some pants, but just as I tried to speak she said, "Where did you leave your baby bottle at?"


"On the cabinet in the bathroom,” I answered.


"Well, go get it and hang on to it. You are not to set it down anywhere unless I tell you to, do you understand me?"


"Yes, mom,” I answered. I went and got the bottle and returned to my room. I was relieved to see mom packing the packages of underwear in the suitcase.


"You know, John, Juanita and the kids have always been so crazy about you. Juanita always talks about what a handsome, well-mannered boy you are. What do you think everyone’s gonna say when they find out I had to put a diaper on you because you won’t stop messing your pants?"


I guess I hadn’t allowed the reality to sink in yet that I was actually going to Juanita’s in a diaper. I think I was holding out hope that my mom would let me have my clothes at some point before we got there. It was probably a 40-minute drive, another small town outside the city. Juanita lived in a large old two-story wood frame house. The other houses in the neighborhood were similar, and though it was a neighborhood, you kind of felt like you were in the country because of all the trees and nearby wooded areas. And the houses were on large lots, most of them like Juanita’s were covered with shrubs, bushes, large potted plants, huge trees in the yards and flowers. One of the first things you'd notice when entering Juanita’s house is that it looked lived-in. It wasn’t dirty but her home was her office. She took care of a lot of kids during the day, preteens and down to babies. She had a large living/dining area combined kind of, two couches, recliner and other furniture.


But the point I wanna make is that when we would come over she'd have to clear one couch off so people could sit down. Half of one couch would be covered with a mountain of unfolded clean cotton flannel diapers. Often she would be sitting there folding them as she talked, and then stacking them on the other side of her. Sometimes she would just pick up the whole pile of unfolded ones and drop them into a laundry basket where they were just overflowing and spilling over so people could sit down. There were a couple potty chairs along one wall and a curious piece of furniture along another, which I'll tell you about later. Keep in mind that as I explain all this to you, these are just quick observations that I made coming in the front door and heading out the back. I never stayed in the house much, never had a desire to wear diapers, and it never occurred to me that I might be wearing diapers in this house one day.


Well, back to my room. .My mom closed the suitcase and went into my closet an d took out the stack of material that (was) the other two diapers I had to wear. She didn’t know how to put them back together as diapers because after she washed and dried them she realized they were made up of several different sizes of material that were put together to make the diapers. She just put the stack of folded material in a clean paper sack to go back to Juanita’s.


"Mom, do you have some pants that I can wear?" I asked hesitantly.


"John, I have a hundred things to do, go sit down somewhere and be quiet until we're ready to go!" she replied. .At least that wasn’t a (no), I thought, with some optimism. As she left the room I heard her say, "Frank, what are you doing home?" to make a long story short, Frank came home cause he wanted to go along. Mom explained the whole "dirty underwear behind the toybox thing". And my latest filthy accident. As she had Beth and Aunt Suzy start carrying out my suit case, diaper bag, sack of dirty underwear, sack of diaper material, shoes and whatever else. To the car. A few minutes later my mom came back to my room, extended her hand to me, saying, "Come on, John, let’s go!"


A chill ran down my spine and I felt faint for a second, standing there in a diaper holding my bottle.


"Mom, do you have a shirt and some pants I can wear?"


"No, John, you're gonna go in just a diaper!" she said without hesitation.


"Go get in the car like your mother told you!" Frank said with a stern voice. So I walked out of the house looking around in a paranoid state, crying. I climbed into the back seat of the station wagon alone. Tina and Beth sat with their Aunt Suzy in the middle seat, and we left for Juanita’s house. I sat back there wondering how I was gonna face this nightmare of having Juanita and the others see me in a diaper. I was very close to all of them. They were like a second family to me.


Juanita had six kids of her own:


  1. Tommy (I mentioned earlier), about 2 or 2 and a half years old.
  2. Pam, 16
  3. Michelle, 14
  4. Cindy, 11
  5. Angie, 9
  6. Lisa, 6


All I could do was hope my mom would change her mind about giving me some clothes before we got there. Some time later during our drive I saw we were pulling into the parking lot of a large grocery store. I wasn’t really worried because at that time it was common for parents to go shopping and leave the kids in the car, rather than drag them along. Frank parked the car and everyone started getting out. My mom came to the back of the car and opened the door.


"Let me have that bottle,” she said. I handed her the still almost-full baby bottle and she put it in her purse. Then Aunt Suzy came around to the back, too.


"Come on,” my mom said taking my hand.


"I’ll just wait in the car!" I said, scared to death.


"No, John, you're going in with us,” mom replied. Then she and Aunt Suzy took me by both hands and helped me out of the car. I started fussing and kind of resisting as they tried to walk me. There were people all over the place.


"John, I can pull your diaper down right here in front of everyone and give you a spanking (before) we go in, or you can go without the spanking— it's up to you. But you're going!"


Seeing that it was futile to disobey, I just cried and went along with mom holding one hand and Aunt Suzy holding the other. They walked at a brisk pace. I could hardly keep up, barefoot and wearing nothing but a thick diaper. I'm almost trotting with my feet spread quite some distance apart because of the thick diaper between my thighs.


"Mom, I can’t believe you're doing this to me!" I cried as they dragged me along.


"No, John. You've done this to yourself. I’ve given you so many chances to stop messing your pants. I'm tired of your promises. If you don’t wanna wear a diaper, all you gotta do is stop messing your pants, it's that simple!"


Part 17


As we began to enter the store, Aunt Suzy let go of my hand and my mom led me inside. People were looking at us right away as my mom took a shopping cart and placed her purse into the child seat. Aunt Suzy stepped forward and placed her purse in the shopping basket alongside my mom’s and they slowly began to move through the store and down the aisles. I stayed behind them and the girls walked behind me (probably to look at my diapered butt). I tried as much as I could to use all of them as cover, but couldn’t help being discovered by people as we met them in the aisles. As we encountered one woman with a little girl of about three in the shopping basket seat the little girl remarked, "Mommy, look at the big baby!" pointing right at me. The mother answered, looking at me with her eyebrows raised, "My, he is a big baby, isn’t he!" as they slowly passed. Then an old couple approached me, studying me thoroughly. The old woman said kind of loudly, "You're a little big to be wearing a diaper, aren’t you?" My mom, hearing this, turned around, saying, "Tell her why you're wearing a diaper, John!" I couldn’t answer.


“John, tell her you're wearing a diaper because you keep messing your pants like a baby!"


"What? You mess your pants? At your age? For heavens sake, you should be ashamed of yourself! Well, you need a diaper, don’t you?" the old woman remarked. Frank told my mom and Suzy that he was gonna take the car across the street and get gas and some new windshield wipers and then he left.


As we walked farther I started to feel like I was gonna have to go to the bathroom again. I was getting strong cramps in my stomach. When I had the accident at home I wasn’t able to let it all out. Because I was holding it trying not to let it all go in my pants. I let enough of it out to get some relief before my mom caught me in the hallway after that, I think she scared the urge away. When she made me sit on the pot I didn’t have to go anymore, or was scared! Now it wanted to finish coming out and I could feel it getting stronger and stronger. I wanted to tell my mom that I had to go to the bathroom, but she had been so angry with me I was afraid she would tell me to potty in my diaper just as she had told me to pee in it before. I didn’t want to go in my diaper, so I thought I'd try to hold it until we got to Juanita’s or another bathroom before that. As we walked down the aisle the urge would get real strong. I'd try to squeeze my butt cheeks together as I walked trying to hold it. Then it would subside temporarily, but it was getting stronger and stronger. I was walking slower and slower. Even the girls were ahead of me now. But now the urge was so strong I could feel my face, my mouth muscles contracting. Three was one of those round yellow support beams right there, so I backed up to it. I tried to put my butt up against it while bending over with my hands on my knees. I was pushing up against it as hard as I could, trying to keep the potty from coming out.


But it was no use. It was slowly coming out anyway. I saw Aunt Suzy looking right me and knew she recognized the distorted look on my face. She pointed at me while tapping my moms arm with her other hand. My mom looked at me and came trotting over to me with a look of disgust on her face, saying in a loud whisper, "John, what are you doing? Stop that!" as she grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the pole. My knees about buckled. It was like a log coming out. I know it took like at least a full 4 seconds to come out and felt like it was gonna rip me open. It was very solid and wide. As it came out I couldn’t help going.




"No, John, you didn’t!" she said, holding my arm with one hand and reaching around to feel my butt with the other. I could feel her pushing the warm mass against my butt as she felt the load in my diaper.


"You just stood right there and filled your diaper! Why didn’t you tell me you had to go?"


"I don’t know!" I said with my head bowed in shame, not able to verbalize my thoughts about the whole thing, including my fear of grownups.


"You were in the bathroom not more than 40 minutes ago and told me you didn’t have to go!" she added.


"Well, I didn’t have to then,” I said quietly. I couldn’t believe the predicament I was in, standing here in the middle of a grocery store with nothing on but a dirty diaper.


"Well, that's just perfect!" my mom said with disgust as Aunt Suzy and the girls stood there looking at me.


"I put a diaper on him for messing his pants and he completely fills his diaper. I guess you know now that you are gonna have to go to Juanita’s in a dirty diaper, don’t you, John?"


I just stood there trembling and crying silently with my head down. My mom went into her purse and got the baby bottle full of milk and handed it to me.


"I want you to hold on to this!" she said.


"Mom, I don’t want to carry a baby bottle!" I cried. With the other hand she squeezed my cheeks against my teeth saying, "John, don’t make me angrier than I already am! Do you understand me?"


"Yes,” I said taking the bottle. Then she turned and went on her way down the aisle as I followed them all. I reached behind me to feel my butt to see if it felt like it would be visible that I had a dirty diaper on. I could feel a round baseball-like thing there, maybe bigger. But I could feel the huge load tugging at my diaper pins and smearing against my butt as I walked. I thought we can’t be far from Juanita’s house right now. What if Naomi or one of the kids I play with over there was to come into the store and see me dressed only in a dirty diaper and carrying a bottle? And how was I gonna face Juanita and her kids when I get there? Everyone's gonna laugh at me!


As we got to the checkout counter the woman running the register looked at me, then looked at my mom and Suzy, saying, "Uh-oh, looks like someone has to wear a diaper today!" then looking back at me with a big smile. My mom, smiling, trying to be nice and to calm herself down, said, "You wouldn’t wanna take him home with you, would you?!”


The woman looked at me saying, "Well, he sure is a handsome baby!" and then added while looking at me, "Honey, do you wanna come home with me and let me change your diapers?" I didn’t answer.


"He's wearing a dirty diaper right now if you wanna take him in the back and change him for me?" my mom said looking at me.


"Awwwwwwww, did you wanna come back there with me and let me change your dirty diaper?” the woman said asked, acting motherly.


"NOOOOOOO!" I said, thinking she meant it. Then she and my mom and Suzy laughed.


As we exited the store we could still see Frank across the street at the gas station talking to some people. We moved away from the door and waited for him to pick us up. People would walk by looking at me standing there in my diaper holding the baby bottle and sobbing. Some would make remarks, others just looked. Finally Frank came around and picked us up. Mom told him the whole story, and we went to Juanita’s house just a few blocks away. Mom told me to try not sit right in it and make a bigger mess, so I sat on one leg kind of, until we arrived at the house. As Frank parked the car and everyone started getting out. That's when the reality really hit me that Juanita and the girls were gonna see me wearing nothing but a thick white diaper that was sagging in the back. But while I dreaded having to meet them like that, I was more scared of having my guy friends see me in a diaper, and even more so Naomi. So as we got to the door and Juanita greeted us and invited us in. I was one of the first through the door. Fortunately all the girls were out playing somewhere, mostly because Rudy was there. He was a mentally retarded Hispanic boy with autism who stayed here on weekdays as his mom worked. He would stand with one foot slightly in front of the other and rock forward and back over and over making a moaning sound constantly like " uuhhhhUHHHHuhhhhUUHHHHH" It could drive you nuts. Holding his hands up in front of himself playing with his fingers. If you sat him down, he'd still rock and make the constant noise. Juanita didn’t seem to mind it, though. Rudy was my age, 9 years old, my height, but very thin and lanky. His mom would bring him over dressed, but never wore anything but his big thick white cotton flannel diapers when he stayed here because of the hassle of changing, toileting, and laundry if his shirt or pants got wet.


Anyway, as we walked in, I was relieved to see that the girls weren’t there. Tommy, their 2-and-a-half-year-old brother also still in diapers, was playing on the floor. I was shocked to see Rudy standing there dressed in only a diaper, though. I had only met him once, didn’t really pay any attention to him.


"John, I’m surprised at you!" Juanita said "And very disappointed in you, too! I thought you were gonna stop messing your pants! you should be ashamed of yourself, having your mom bring you over here in a diaper!" she said in a quiet, subdued voice.


"Juanita, he's not just wearing a diaper. He's wearing a dirty diaper. He never said he had to go or anything, he just stood there in the middle of the grocery store and filled his diaper!" my mom told her.


“Well, come on, honey, let me get you cleaned up!" Juanita said, taking my hand (I thought I was gonna be spared from the girls coming home and seeing me in this condition).


“Juanita, I think it would be better to just let him wear a dirty diaper for awhile. He seems to like having a dirty bottom. Let’s let him have a dirty bottom!" my mom decided.


Part 18


"Come here, honey, and let me fix that diaper for you before it falls off and makes a big mess!" Juanita said in a motherly voice. She took two diaper pins from a huge jar that was almost full of diaper pins. As I stepped closer to her she stuck the two pins in a cushion on the couch. Then she unpinned one side of my diaper, still holding the ends together as I stood there. She then pulled them upward and around my tummy tighter than they were and repinned it together except now I had 3 pins instead of two. Then she unpinned the other side and snuggly pulled the two ends much tighter than they were and repinned them, too. I could feel the mess being pulled up against my butt as she did this.


"Your diaper gets loose and a little stretched out after you wear it for awhile, John, I don’t want you dropping stuff all over the place. Juanita added.


"Well, he's not gonna sit in the house all day just because he's wearing a diaper!" my mom said.


Then my mom asked, "John, do you remember me telling you that if you didn’t stop messing your pants you were gonna look like Rudy?"


“Yes,” I answered.


"Well, come on!" she said, leading me through the kitchen and toward the back door which was opened. My diaper was pinned on so tight and was so thick that I must have looked like an idiot running along with my knees and feet spread so far apart. She led me out onto the huge back porch and through the screen door until I was outside.


"Now, go play so we can talk. I'll call you in later so I can get you cleaned up!" she said in a stern voice.


"Mom, I have to pee!" I said as she was going in.


"Look, John, pee in your diaper and go play. I'll clean you up later!" With that she closed the big door between the kitchen and the porch and I heard a click of the lock. Fortunately she didn’t hook the screen door between me and the porch, so I went in as quickly and quietly as I could. The porch was huge, and screened in, no windows, just screens that came down from the ceiling to a four foot wall at the back of the house. So if someone did come along they wouldn’t be able to see that I was wearing a diaper unless they came onto the porch. There was a washer and dryer and a huge galvanized rectangular sink where Juanita rinsed out diapers and stuff before she put them in the washer. Between the sink and the far wall from the door was a space where I could squat down and hide, so I did. I could hear kids playing off in the distance. Then I heard mom and Suzy and the girls getting everything out of the car and taking it into the house at the front door. Later I could hear them talking in the house, but couldn’t make out what they were saying but heard my name several times. Then the back door opened, my mom and Juanita stepped out onto the porch.


"JOHNNNNNNNNN! JOHNNNNNNNNNNNNN!" my mom called as I hid down behind the sink. As they stepped back inside I thought, maybe she wants to clean me up and give me my clothes and I wanted to get it over with before all the kids came home, so I got up and went to the kitchen door and hollered.


"Mom, did you call me?" As mom and Juanita came back I saw that my mom had the paper sack with my dirty underwear with her.


"John, come on I want you to help me do something!" She took my wrist and led me out of the house and into the backyard, Juanita right behind us.


"Where were you, John?” my mom asked.


“Just playing,” I answered, not wanting her to know I was on the porch hiding. I was so afraid some of my friends might see me, waddling along in my thick, dirty diaper like a baby, as my mom dragged me along. I could see Naomi’s tree house a couple houses down, but I didn’t see anyone anywhere. Then, as we got to the rear of the yard where the clothes line was, my mom handed me the paper sack and told me to hand her a pair of the dirty underwear that were in there. As I handed her a pair she turned it inside out and hung it on the line with clothespins, the huge brown smear facing the house, then another, then another, until all my dirty underwear were hanging there turned inside-out.


Juanita was standing there with her hands on her hips and watching. She said. "John, I’m very disappointed in you. There is no reason for a boy your age to be messing your pants like that. I can see why your mom put a diaper on you!" My mom took the bag from me saying, "Did you wet your diaper yet?"


"No,” I answered.


"Well, when you're through come on into the house and we'll get you cleaned up!" Then they headed back for the house. I slowly made my way back to the house, hiding along the way, trying not to be seen by anyone. When I got into the porch I looked into the house and slowly made my way to the bathroom. I saw Frank and Aunt Suzy and everyone in the living room.


"Mom, I'm ready!" I hollered from the bathroom. My mom came to the bathroom saying, "John, what are you doing in here? I can’t clean that mess up in here. Come on!" she said, dragging me into the living room where Aunt Suzy and Frank were sitting on one couch and Juanita was sitting on the floor Indian-style. They all watched as we approached.


"Come on, John, lay down right here!" Juanita said, sitting at the edge of a quilt she had laid out on the floor where I had seen her change babies’ diapers before.


"Can’t you clean me up in the bedroom or something?" I asked.


"Now, John, I always have a house full of kids going in and out that I have to keep an eye on. I can’t be locked up in the bathroom. Or a bedroom. This is where I change diapers and clean kids up. Now come on and lay down here like I asked you to do!"


As Juanita took my hand and guided me to where she wanted me to lay down. I noticed my mom taking a large stack of diapers and moving them out of her way so she could sit on the other side of me. She then picked up a pack of my new underwear and sat Indian-style on the floor, holding them in both hands. As I sat down I could feel the huge mess in my diaper squish against my butt.


"Okay, honey , lay down and let me get that old dirty diaper off of you and get you cleaned up!" Juanita said in a sweet voice. So I lay down with my feet on the floor but my knees up and my legs spread apart. My knees were shaking as Juanita began taking the diaper pins out and sticking them in the quilt next to me.


"I have to pee really bad!" I said.


"John, I told you to pee before you came into the house!" my Mom said in a angry voice.


"I thought you were gonna clean me up in the bathroom , so I was gonna wait until you got my diaper off and then pee!" I answered.


"It's okay!" Juanita said as she took out the last pin with my loose diaper still laying between my thighs and over my tummy. Juanita put her hand over the thick crotch of the diaper, pressing against my penis slightly, saying, "Go ahead and pee, John, so I can get you cleaned up!" As I lay there trying to pee into my unpinned diaper with Juanita’s hand holding the diaper against my pee-pee, I yelled, "You all don’t have to watch me!"


With that, my mom picked up a baby bottle of juice she had there and shoved it into my mouth saying, "Hold onto it, John, with both hands and drink it. I don’t want to hear another word out of you!” she said.


As I lay there trying to pee, sucking on the bottle, weeping, I could feel the mess in my diaper rolling down my butt, kind of tickling as it went. I wanted to scratch so badly.


"You need to hurry up and pee,” Juanita said. “I don’t wanna sit here all day and I've got other things to do!" Juanita said still holding my crotch area. So I peed, not able to hold it any longer anyway and wanting to get cleaned up before everyone came home. I could feel the warm pee covering my penis, my balls, my pubic area around my privates and running down my butt. I could just feel it spraying all over down there as Juanita pressed the unpinned diaper against my crotch.


"My goodness, you did have to pee, didn’t you. I can feel you going!" Juanita said.


"Now John, I can get you cleaned up real quick but you have to help me, okay? If you just do what I ask I'll have you all fixed up in a jiffy, okay?" Juanita added, smiling at me. Just as she took the top edge of my diaper and began to pull it away from me we all heard, "Mom, who's underwear are those out there on the clothesline?" It was Cindy, Juanita’s 11-year-old daughter and some of her friends, coming through the kitchen. I grabbed my diaper just as Juanita was trying to pull it down. I was trying to hold it up, not wanting Cindy and her friends to see me naked and see my dirty butt. Juanita laughed, saying. "Ahhhhhh, looks like John loves his diaper the way he's hanging on to it!" Then my mom said "John, you let go of that diaper right now before you get a spanking!" Angie and her friends walked up to the edge of the quilt where I was laying in my unpinned dirty diaper hanging onto it as Juanita was trying to remove it and said, "John, I can’t believe you're wearing a diaper and drinking from a baby bottle. What happened?" she asked.


"I don’t know,” I answered, crying and pulling the cold , wet, dirty diaper up between my legs.


"Okay, John, now that's enough. Let go of that diaper so I can get you cleaned up now, okay?" Juanita asked, still holding my diaper and wanting me to let go.


"Now listen, anyone that's ever had one of my spankings will tell you they didn’t want another one. Now we can do this with or without the spanking; it's up to you, John!" Juanita said, now using a much more serious voice.


"Now John, I can pull this diaper from your hand, that's no problem. But if I have to do that, that shows you aren’t obeying me, and you ARE going to obey me. Do you understand? so I want you to let go right now!" Juanita insisted. So I did. She then took a damp rag wiped my hand, handed me the bottle and told me to hold it with both hands and drink it, so I did, crying. She then began to slowly pull back the wet diaper from my tummy as everyone watched. Cindy’s friends began to giggle. Juanita had not seen me naked since I was a baby. As she pulled the diaper back slowly just exposing my privates but not my dirty butt, she leaned forward a little peeking as she pulled it back.


"John, that is sooooooooo— (then she hesitated for a moment)— cute!" But Cindy maybe not knowing better plainly said in a loud voice.


"JOHNNNNN, YOU'RE SO LITTLE!" as I looked down between my legs at my penis it looked like little more than a little penis head attached to my scrotum when it's all drawn up. I have virtually no shaft at all. Cindy and her friends laughed as they looked at my little pee-pee, not with the intention of being mean or to hurt me, but just because it was so little as I would learn as I stayed here. They didn’t really understand the significance of penis size, nor did I . But I was beginning to get a complex about it, nevertheless. Juanita pulled my diaper the rest of the way back exposing my dirty butt and the huge load in my diaper.


"My goodness, John, you're a dirty baby!" Juanita said as I lay there now totally exposed on my dirty wet diaper sucking on a bottle, crying silently. I couldn’t help noticing Frank leaning forward to watch as Juanita began to clean me up.


Part 19


"Spread your legs, honey!" Juanita said in a sweet, motherly voice. Then she took the dry top edge of the diaper that was across my tummy and used it to wipe up the moisture around my pubic area, pushing my little pee-pee and balls left and right and all around as she wiped them and around them.


"Okay, honey, I need you to help me now. Raise your legs. There you go, now cross your ankles!" she said. So I did, and as I crossed my ankles she placed her left hand on my lower heel and pushed it upward and toward me a little until my dirty butt was in the air and off my dirty diaper. Then with the same part of the dirty wet diaper she wiped my groin with, she went right down the middle of my butt, wiping hard as she started just under my balls and wiped right down my butt crack. Then she'd take a cleaner spot of the old diaper and start at the top again and wipe down again as I lay there holding the baby bottle with both hands and sucking on it. I looked around. I was the center of attention with Aunt Suzy, Frank, my mom, the three girls watching me have my butt cleaned like a baby. Rudy was standing in the distance in his diaper and a few toddlers running around oblivious to the spectacle taking place. My mom was sitting there Indian-style, still holding a package of my new underwear as Juanita was kind of on her knees sitting on her feet cleaning my bottom. There were stacks of folded diapers, baby powder, baby oil and all that kind of stuff there by Juanita. This was where she always did the diaper changes between the TV and the telephone, two of her favorite things. There was no coffee table, just a big open floor and the quilt I was laying on. Aunt Suzy and Frank had a good view of everything going on. Juanita was now cleaning around my butt cheeks and the outer edges of my dirty butt.


My mom looked up at the girls that were standing there watching all this, then looked at me and said, "John, why don’t you tell the girls why you're laying here having your diaper changed like a baby?!" Then one of the girls remarked.


"We saw those dirty underwear on the clothesline; those were his, huh?"


"Yes, those were his. John, tell the girls you have to wear a diaper because you mess your pants like a baby!" I didn’t say anything.


"Tell them, John!" my mom insisted.


"Mom, I don’t want to say that!" I whined, the nipple of the bottle still touching my lips.


"John, don’t make things worse for yourself than they already are. You do what you're told. Tell them now. You have to wear a diaper because you mess your pants like a baby!" Afraid I might not get my underwear and pants if I disobeyed, I complied, laying there holding the baby bottle to my mouth, naked, my legs raised and my ankles crossed as Juanita finished cleaning my butt. I looked up at the girls standing there over me and said, "I have to wear a diaper because I mess my pants like a baby!"


"Okay, honey, put your feet down now!" Juanita said as she folded the wet part of the diaper over the huge mess I made in it, still leaving the dry, clean portion under my butt. She had a plate that had damp folded rags on it and you could tell they were made from old diapers that were no longer usable as diapers. She told me to spread my legs farther, then took one of the rags and covered my penis and balls with it. She pulled up on them like you'd pick up three marbles, stretching upward then letting go. She did that a few times, but not hurting me. Then she wiped around them and into the crease between my privates and thighs. Then she had me raise my legs and cross my ankles, again holding my lower heel again with her left hand and pushing my feet up, raising my butt into the air. She went over my butt with the damp rags. Wiping hard as she went, pushing her finger hard through the rag as she passed over my asshole. It made me jump a little, but her actions were so quick and deliberate. I could tell she had a lot of experience at doing this. Then, still holding my crossed feet up in the air, she dropped the damp rags on the dirty wet diaper under me, rolled it up and removed it. She then looked at my mom and said, "Honey, could you hand me one of those big diapers?"


My mom took a diaper from the stack that she had moved out of her way earlier. These were Rudy’s diapers, much bigger than the diapers used for the babies and toddlers. Juanita placed the thick clean new diaper under me and let go of my foot saying, "Okay, baby, you can put your feet down now!”


I was taken by surprise and confused, as I put my feet down realizing they were gonna put another diaper on me. I tried to sit up. My mom got up onto her knees and tried to hold me in a laying position, saying, "No, John, lay down and be still so Juanita can get that diaper on you!"


Struggling to get up, I reached for the underwear in my mom’s hand, saying, "I want my underwear, mom! I learned my lesson already! I promise I won’t do it anymore!"


Then Juanita said, "Let him sit up, Melanie, so we can talk to him!" So I sat up, still holding the baby bottle in one hand.


"Mom, can I please have my underwear? I promise I won’t do it anymore!" I begged as I sat there completely naked on the thick diaper.


"John, I’ve heard these promises every time you mess your pants. Frank and I decided were just gonna let Juanita keep you in diapers until we get back. I think when you get sick and tired of having a dirty bottom you'll learn to keep your underwear clean and go to the bathroom like you're supposed to do!"


Reaching for the underwear still, I cried, "NOOOOO! MOMMMMMMMM! I want my underwear! I’m too big for diapers. I’m not gonna be able to play with my friends while I’m here!"


"Well, whether you play with your friends or not is up to you, but you're gonna wear diapers while you're here. I’m taking these underwear and your pants back with me. I’m leaving you some shirts, socks and shoes, but if you gotta go anywhere you're going in a diaper. If you behave yourself Juanita will let you have a shirt, but you're not gonna have any pants!” my mom said in a serious tone as I cried. Juanita took a clean damp rag and wiped my eyes and runny nose, saying, "SHUSHHHHHH! John, listen. I have some good news. Be quiet now so I can talk to you!" she went on. I tried to quiet down. I needed some good news.


Then Juanita said, "Now John, you don’t want to go to school this fall and have the other boys and girls laughing behind your back because you smell like you messed your pants, now do you? So here’s the good news. I promised your mom that by the time she gets back you will not be messing your pants anymore, because .you and I are gonna work on this together, okay?"


I looked at Juanita and said, "Juanita, please don’t make me wear diapers!"


"John, I know you're not happy about this but two weeks will fly by so fast and it will all be over. And we'll have some fun while you're here. Let’s just do what we have to do and make the best of it, okay? Now lay down, John, so I can get this diaper on you!" Juanita said, still talking with a motherly voice.


"I DON’T WANT TO WEAR A DIAPER!!!!!!!!” I screamed as I resisted her trying to lay me back.


"Now, John, don’t make me spank you!" she said, getting more serious now, but I still resisted being laid back.




Juanita looked at my mom. My mom looked back at her, saying, "Pretend I’m not here; he's all yours!" Juanita then got up on her knees, like standing on her knees, wrapped her arm around my lower thighs just above my knees and raised my butt into the air, forcing me onto my back. She then took her paddle which was like a ruler but much wider, thicker and a little longer and started spanking me with it. As she spanked me she moved the paddle around covering my whole butt until I was stinging all over as she was well into it. And I was writhing in pain and bawling. She said, "John, you let me know when you've had enough!"




"Now are you gonna behave and let me get this diaper on you?" Juanita asked.


"Yes!" I answered. She then let my butt back down on the diaper and let go of my legs.


"John listen to me now. While you're staying here, you're gonna do what I tell you do. You're not gonna fight with me, argue with me, talk back to me, and you are not gonna cry and scream anymore. Do you understand me?"


"Yes," I said, still crying.


"Stop the crying now. You brought all of this on yourself. I might have been on your side until I saw your underwear just caked with poop. Now you're gonna learn not to do that anymore!" she said as she began rubbing baby oil all over my little penis and balls. Then she had me raised my legs and spread them far apart and she rubbed the baby oil all over my sore red bottom, running her oily finger up and down my butt crack. Then while my butt was still raised she powdered my bottom and my diaper.


"Okay, John, put your feet down now!" she said then she put a lot of powder on my penis and balls and covered the rest of my crotch area. Then she picked up the front of the thick soft cotton diaper from the quilt and pulled it up between my thighs and up over my powdered pee-pee and over my belly button, saying ."You need to spread your legs a little more, baby, so I can get your diaper on nice and tight!".so I spread them some more. She tucked and rolled the edges around my inner thighs and then jerked the diaper up toward my tummy. It felt so thick and wide between my legs as she pulled the two ends together on the right side and pinned them with three diaper pins. Then she pulled the ends together on the left side together so tight I could feel myself slide across the floor an inch or so. Then she put three diaper pins in that side, too.


"There now, John, that wasn’t so bad, was it?" she said as she put the last pin in.


"Now lets just try to make the best of it and have a good time while you stay here, okay, John?" Juanita asked as she pulled me into a sitting position. As I sat up I could feel the diaper was a little thicker than the last. My knees were so far apart. The diaper came up a little higher than my belly button.


"John, you look just like a big baby!" my mom said teasingly.


"Doesn’t he, girls?” my mom asked, almost laughing herself.


"Yeahhh,” the girls responded, not laughing, but looking embarrassed for me and perplexed. Then my mom reached down to me and helped me to my feet.


"Stand up here John, let’s see what you look like in your diaper!" I stood up, my mom holding my hands above my head.


"Now, you're gonna behave yourself while we're gone and do what Juanita tells you to do, aren’t you?"


"Yes, mom," I answered.


“I better not hear that you been any kind of trouble to her, and I hope you learn something while you're here, too. I'd sure hate for you to have to wear diapers when you get home!” my mom added.


"Yeah, at least here he won’t be seen by anyone who goes to his school!” Aunt Suzy added.


"Well, I don’t think he ought to be allowed to just hide in the house all the time. He needs to go out and play!" Frank said. The other adults agreed.


"You might as well go out there now and get used to it!" my mom said.


"John, what if Naomi sees you in a diaper?" one of the girls asked.


"Oh yeah, little Naomi is sweet on you, isn’t she, John? What a sweet cute little girl!" Juanita added. Then Aunt Suzy said, "Well, I don’t think any little girl is gonna want a boyfriend who needs to wear diapers!"


Then my mom took my wrist and led me to the backdoor, through the porch and to the screen door.


"Remember, John, you are not to do any more crying, screaming, or fussing. You just go on out there and play!" I heard the screen door slam as I stepped into the yard wearing nothing but a thick white cloth diaper. I paused for a moment to look around.


"Go on!" my mom said, still standing on the porch watching me. Then I heard her hook the screen and go back into the house. As I looked for somewhere to hide (and there were a lot of places, really)I could hear Mrs. Martin next door washing dishes in her kitchen window. I couldn’t see her through the black screen and thought she couldn’t see me, but then I heard her call to her husband.


"Mike, come here hurry. Isn’t that John?”


“That's John. He's wearing a diaper.”


Then her daughter Patricia came running out of the house to see me. Patricia was an 11-year-old girl who was kind of mean. She had friends but not the same people I play with. They always teased her so I did too. Now, here she comes to see me in a diaper.


"Johnnnnnnnn! I can’t believe you're wearing a diaper. Steveeeeee! Bobbyyyyyyyyy! Come here! John’s wearing a diaper!"


Steve and Bobby were her 10- and 9-year-old brothers. I ran and hid in the girls’ playhouse. The boys showed up and asked Patricia where I was.


"He's hiding over there in the playhouse!" she said, laughing. Then Frank came out onto Juanita’s back porch and called for me.


"John, come here!"


"I can’t!" I yelled back.


"You come here right now! don’t you make me come after you!" he replied in an angry voice, so I had to leave the playhouse and walk back to the house. Patricia, Steve and Bobby laughed at me as I walked back. They were hysterical. When I got to the screen door Frank wouldn’t let me in, he just handed me a full bottle of juice and said, "hang on to it, don’t set it down anywhere!" As I ran back to the playhouse wearing nothing but a thick diaper and carrying a baby bottle .they yelled things like, “Look at the big baby!” “Yeah, John’s wearing a diaper just like a big baby!" Ihen I heard Patricia ask Frank, "Why is John wearing a diaper, did he wet the bed?"


"Go look on the clothesline; that's why he's wearing diapers!" Frank said.


Part 20


I could hear the kids climbing over the hurricane fence to go to the back of Juanita’s yard to see what was on the clothesline. Mrs. Martin, hearing Frank’s voice, came out to talk to him. I could hear them standing at the fence talking but really couldn’t make it out. But I could hear Patricia, Steve and Bobby back at the clothesline, going—"EEEEWWWWWWWW!!!! YYYYYYUUUUUKKKK!!!!” and laughing. Then Frank called me again.


"John, come here. Mrs. Martin wants to talk to you!" I slowly stepped out of the playhouse and walked over to the fence where Frank and Mrs. Martin were talking. She was standing there with her arms kind of folded but with one hand on her chin and her fingers over her mouth, looking as if she was trying not to laugh as I approached walking kind of bowlegged in my thick diaper, carrying my baby bottle.


"John, you look silly wearing a diaper at your age. What's the matter with you messing your pants like that at your age?"


"I don’t know, I didn’t mean to do it,” I replied.


"Well, if you're doing it for attention it looks like it worked! Maybe I ought to come over there and change your diaper later. Would you like that, John?"


"NOOO!"I answered.


"Well, I think I will. I’m gonna talk to Juanita and see if she'll let me come over there and change your diaper, I've never changed a 9-year-old boy’s diaper before!"


Then Patricia and her brothers came running up from the back yard.


"Mom, you should see all those underwear back there. They're covered with thick poop!"


"Yeah, he really messed a lot in some of them!" Steve said.


"You're stupid, John!" Patricia said as she smacked me on the head.


"PATRICIA!DON’T DO THAT!" her mom said as she tried to smack Patricia back over the fence and missed. "You kids get back over here in your own yard now!" Mrs. Martin insisted, and the kids left.


“Frank! John! Come on in and eat now!" Juanita yelled out the door. So we went in and ate hotdogs and chips that mom picked up at the store earlier. Mom and Frank and Aunt Suzy decided it was time for them to leave. Everyone hugged and said bye. Beth and Tina hugged me, too. Aunt Suzy said she'd bring the girls back to see me in a couple days and see how things were going. My mom gave me a big hug and a kiss and said she loved me and to be good and do what Juanita says. And they all left. As the other daughters began to show up at different times they were shocked and surprised to see me wearing a diaper, but were sympathetic. There were little laughs and giggles but they weren’t intentionally trying to embarrass me. Later that evening I told Juanita I needed to go to the bathroom, thinking she would be pleased that I came to her before I messed in my diaper. She wasn’t interested. She just told me to go out and play and she'd change me later. I stood there a minute wondering, did she not understand that I was saying I needed to sit on the pot?


"Now John, Go outside and play like I told you to. I'll change your dirty wet diaper later." Yeah, she understood all right. For the first time I’m expected to deliberately poop and pee in my diaper. I felt weak in the knees thinking about it as I headed for the back door in my diaper. I’m gonna be treated like a baby for two weeks in front of everyone, having my dirty wet diapers changed daily in front of everyone, too. Before I got to the screen door, Juanita handed me a bottle and said. "You need to keep this with you all the time unless I tell you different, Okay?"


"Okay," I answered as I walked out. Patricia caught me again as I stepped out of the house. She climbed over the fence and came running up to me.


"Boy, that's got to be embarrassing to have to wear a diaper. How long do you have to wear it?" I didn’t answer her. I was just trying to hold my poop from coming out and hoping she would go away. Juanita came out to see what I was doing and said, "Your mom told me that you sit down and try to hold it when you have to go .you're not to do that. Do you understand me?"


"Yes,” I answered, embarrassed that she said that in front of Patricia.


Nosey Mrs. Martin called through her kitchen window.


"Juanita! Hold on! I want to talk to you!" Then she came out to talk to Juanita at the fence. I started to walk away to find a place to sit down.


"John, you can stay right here!" she said as she grabbed me by the wrist. Juanita looked down at me as she waited for Mrs. Martin.


"John, do you need your diaper changed yet?"


"No,” I answered but barely able to hold it any longer. Then it all came out right there .I could feel the warm mass filling my diaper and smearing on my bottom.


"Well, you smell like you do, John, turn around here. Then she felt the back of my diaper and said, "John, why did you lie to me? Your diaper is a mess!" I was too embarrassed to answer. Besides, I learned that a kid can't win an argument with an adult anyway.


"Did you pee yet?" she asked feeling the front.


"NO!" I answered.


"Well, you go ahead and pee and then I'll change your diaper,” she said. Then she talked to Mrs. Martin about me and other things. I didn’t listen. Patricia was whispering a song:


"John has a dirty diaper! John has a dirty diaper! John has a dirty diaper!..." and laughing as she sang it. I was really beginning to feel like a baby, a helpless baby, vulnerable to just anyone’s whim. They tease me when they want. They change me when they want, wearing nothing but a diaper all the time, not able to hold it anymore. I peed in my diaper. It felt soooo good to let it go, but it made my dirty diaper smell worse, Juanita and Mrs. Martin had been talking on and on. Finally, Juanita could really smell my diaper.


"Well, John, you're wet now aren’t you? Let’s go in the house and get your diaper changed." Mrs. Martin stopped Juanita.


“Juanita, would you like ME to change John for you?"


"Well, sure, if you'd like to, come to the front door, I'll let you in,” Juanita said, "May I come, too?" Patricia asked.


“You sure may,” Juanita replied. Then Juanita took me into the house. We went to the living room where Juanita had me lay down on the quilt. Then the Martins knocked at the door and Juanita let them in.


"Everything you need is right there, honey!" Juanita said to Mrs. Martin. Mrs. Martin and Patricia got down on their knees next to me and Mrs. Martin (her name Mary).began unpinning my diaper.


"Goodness, I’ve never changed a big handsome 9-year-old boy’s diaper before. I was so embarrassed; I just put my arm over my eyes to try to shut it all out. Then Juanita said,” John, get your arm off of your eyes. You're not gonna hide like that!"


After Mary got all the diaper pins out she didn’t hesitate. She just pulled the front wet diaper back exposing my little pee-pee and dirty bottom. She looked at my penis for a moment then look me in the eyes, then back at my little penis again. Smiling, she took my little pee-pee between her index finger and thumb and shook it several times in a vibrating motion very quickly, saying, m "just like a baby!" as she shook it. Then she and Patricia and Juanita laughed. I don’t know what happened, but it gave me an erection that came on very quickly. Then Cindy came and told Juanita that Rudy was very wet as well. Juanita told Cindy to bring Rudy over there so she could change him, too. Cindy brought him over to the quilt and Juanita had him lay right beside me.


"Uh-oh, now we have two 9-year-old boys here who need their diapers changed!" Mary said.


Part 21


I would love to hear from other AB/DL's and what they think about my story (Female AB/DL's especially welcome)- bad_lilboy@excite.com