Name: Joey
Age: 14
Current Age: 16

The Night I Went Crazy

	This story is 100% true. My name is Joey, and I will tell you the 
story about my Goodnites fetish that lasted nearly 2 years. This story 
covers the crazy times when I would raid some Goodnites from my 
bathroom cabinet. I will have a little bit of history to explain how 
the cabinet had Goodnites to begin with. I hope you enjoy the story.


	I was a late potty-trainer. I finally became fully potty-trained 
around 5 or 5 ½ or so. However, I still had the problem of bedwetting. 
My mother put me in Goodnites every night. Every night, I was 
accustomed to having a drink of milk, but with time, I began to wonder 
if that fueled my bedwetting problem. I quit drinking milk before going 
to bed, and that seemed to help solve the problem. I quit wearing 
Goodnites sometime when I was 8. Despite the fact that I haven't had a 
serious bedwetting problem since then, though, I wonder why my mother 
kept the Goodnites package. Actually, I never really knew what happened 
to them until my little incident nearly 2 years ago.

Chapter 1: Hormones

	It was early May, and I was celebrating my 14th birthday. My 
parents were amazed at how quickly I was growing up. I was still rather 
small in my opinion, and I looked kind of like a nerd. I had a buzz cut 
and brown hair, and I was just slightly less than 5 feet tall. I was 
almost finished with the 7th grade. This was one of my most memorable 
school years next to 5th grade and 6th grade. I had a lot of friends, 
straight A's, and I had many interests for the future. Things were 
looking good for me until the 8th grade started.
	During the first few months of being 14, I began to physically 
change. I started to get hairy legs and pubic hair. My voice started to 
get much deeper compared to the way it was a year earlier. In addition, 
I finally hit 5 feet in early August. Later in the year, I would weigh 
105 pounds. I couldn't wait to start 8th grade, although it would turn 
out to be one of my least favorite years in school.
	8th grade was one of my least favorite years of school I'd ever 
had. I had practically zero close friends at school because the friends 
I'd made were scattered all over the school in different classes. 
Things were very depressing, and I began to fall apart. Things were 
somewhat the opposite the way they were at the end of 7th grade. My 
grades fell sharply to mostly low B's, I had many citations, and I was 
not turning in homework. Not to mention the fact that I did not spend 
much time taking baths. As a result, I started to get lots and lots of 
zits on my face and back. 8th grade was a disaster for me, and it would 
only get worse in the next month.
	The date was September 26, 2003, and by that time, I'd decided 
that 8th grade was rather rotten for me. What made it even worse was 
that I developed a grudge against a student named Collin. You see, at 
the time I didn't really understand what the term beat your meat meant. 
I'd been arm-wrestling some guys at school, and someone asked me if I 
could beat my meat. I thought that meant, "Could I arm-wrestle?" I 
eagerly said yes, and everyone was laughing it up. It just so happened 
on one occasion that I wanted to arm-wrestle Collin, but he kept trying 
to avoid me. I chased him around the classroom. Several people finally 
asked me, "What are you doing?" Instantly, I felt embarrassed, and 
Collin told me that offering to beat his meat was perverted.
	But anyway, that's not really relevant to the story. That's just 
background information to show how bad things were for me in the 8th 
	Anyway, on September 26, 2003, there was a school party after we 
took a standardized test. We had pizza and drinks. I had 2 slices of 
pizza and a soft drink. I remember just walking around near the track 
since I had nothing better to do.
	When I got home, I told my mother not to fix supper because I'd 
already eaten at school. She agreed, and I spent the next few hours in 
front of the computer. I grew excited as the hours passed, because 
several days earlier, I'd planned to do something that I wouldn't dare 
do in the day. I had been curious about what it felt like to wear a 
Goodnite. I remembered wearing them when I was 7 or 8, but I forgot the 
feeling. I imagined that the Goodnite would be thick and comfortable. I 
got hard imagining that. I would soon find out what it was like.
	The time was about 11:00 PM, and by then my parents were asleep. 
I was excited inside. I was finally going to try a Goodnite on. I 
sneaked quietly upstairs to the upstairs bathroom. I remembered seeing 
the Goodnites stored in one of the cabinets. I locked the door to the 
bathroom and opened the cabinet doors. There, I saw the plastic purple 
bag for the Goodnites. I felt myself getting harder by the minute. My 
heart was throbbing. I slowly reached for the bag and set it on the 
gray carpet. I pulled one of the Goodnites out. At first, it looked 
like a white paper bag because of the way it was folded. After 
unfolding it a bit, I expected to see what I dreamt of: a silky garment 
that was just like thick underwear. However, it was not exactly as I'd 
imagined it. It was smaller, and the exterior was a delicate fabric. 
There were felt sides, and inside was some kind of liner. "It's a 
little [w]," I thought. I held it still for a long time. I was 
wondering, "Should I slip it on?" I felt guilty about doing it, as I 
wasn't sure what my mother would think. However, I finally decided just 
to try it out. I spread my legs out and slowly pulled it up. I was 
getting excited and very hard. It was feeling good already. The 
Goodnite was nice and tight around my legs, and it just felt so good. I 
continued to pull it up to my waist, where it stopped. It didn't go up 
all the way since I was too big for it. My rear end wasn't fully 
covered, and I was stretching the Goodnite way too much. My wiener 
wouldn't fit inside the way it was, so the waistband firmly held it to 
my belly. I was good and hard now. I hadn't felt like this much before. 
After a moment or two, I discovered it didn't feel quite as good as I 
expected, but it was still interesting to try out.
	I put the package of Goodnites away, and I turned off the 
bathroom lights. I opened the bathroom door and walked into the hall 
with nothing but a long blue shirt and a Goodnite. It made a 
distinctive crinkling noise, and it was tight around my legs as I 
walked so it felt kind of annoying but interesting.
	I went into the room where I usually slept and got in bed. I 
pulled a purple pillow between my legs as I had been doing for the past 
few months. Slowly, I began to rub my wiener up and down against the 
pillow. Normally, it was an interesting sensation, but it was far more 
interesting with the many delicate fabrics of the Goodnite. I soon 
[word], and then I left bed to go to the computer. I was going to play 
a game created by Trilobyte and Virgin Interactive. It was called The 
11th Hour. I'd gotten the game to work several months earlier, and it 
was fun exploring the dirty old mansion belonging to Henry Stauf. I'd 
also discovered a miniature statue of a ballerina in a pink tutu that 
got me excited. One time when I clicked it, I heard Stauf say, "Did you 
get a 'Best Baby' award?" I wondered what it was like to wear a tutu. 
Yes, indeed, I was definitely at the age of raging hormones and 
	As the night went on, I finally decided to take off the Goodnite. 
I'd had enough excitement for one night. I went back to the bathroom 
and put it back in the package. I was unaware of the fact that I would 
be back many times to get Goodnites.

Chapter Two: With Pants On

	The day after I'd put a Goodnite on for the first time in years, 
I tried it again for another night. I also wondered what it would be 
like with pants. Would the loose outer layers of fabric and the thick 
lining of the Goodnite feel even more interesting combined with the 
thick, heavy texture of pants? I had to find out.
	One night, I'm not sure of the exact date, I tried a Goodnite on 
again. With time, it was becoming an occasional activity. I headed into 
my room and put on some twills. Of course, it did not give me quite the 
sensation I was hoping for, but it still felt neat having the smooth 
outer fabric rub against my legs. I had the waistband of the Goodnite 
exposed over the waist of my pants. It didn't look quite as interesting 
as I'd hoped, but that still didn't stop me just yet from wearing more 
in the future.
	I took off the twills and headed down to the basement in just a 
blue shirt and the Goodnite. I wanted to know how it felt with jeans. I 
was certain that the loose feeling would feel interesting mixed with 
the firm, rugged jeans. The feeling would be extraordinary.
	I tried putting on some old jeans, but they were too small to put 
on no matter how much I tried to budge them. I was sad that I was 
unable to try the Goodnite with jeans. It would be less than two years 
before I discovered how Goodnites felt with jeans.
 I once tried wearing multiple layers of Goodnites. They were nice and 
thick, but they were hard to walk in and it was preventing my wiener 
from fully erecting. I found it more comfortable in the end just to 
have one or two on at a time.

Chapter Three: Wet Dreams

	Despite my fetish for Goodnites, I did have several failed 
attempts to put an end to wearing them, as my conscience told me that 
it was a sick activity. I would go for a while without wearing them, 
although there would be times when I got so excited that I just 
couldn't ignore my state of excitement.
	I'd planned to put a complete stop to wearing Goodnites in 2004. 
I made a resolution to never wear one that year. However, within the 
first month of the New Year, I found myself wearing a Goodnite. I just 
couldn't resist.
	Another thing that I found to be more and more common was 
daydreaming of fictional people (mainly [s]) in Goodnites. I did this 
while jerking off. This really fueled my fetish. I knew it was a rather 
crude activity and not very logical, and I wasn't sure if I'd ever quit 
wearing Goodnites for fun. One time, I was walking out in the upstairs 
hall when my mother came out and opened the door to her bedroom. I 
didn't have any pants on, so it might have been possible for her to see 
the Goodnite. I rushed into the room where I slept and quickly got out 
of the Goodnite. I expected her to come in and ask me what I was 
wearing. However, after several minutes, the coast was clear. She did 
not come in. She might not have noticed. I hoped one day I would 
eventually get the ability to quit wearing Goodnites.

Chapter Four: Banned Goodnites

	In March 2004, I seemed to go a whole different direction with my 
life. For the past 2 years, I'd been unsatisfied by the occurrences, 
and I wanted to live like I did in years past when I had a more 
interesting and not so secluded world. Ever since 8th grade especially, 
I'd been accustomed to living in my own private little world since I 
didn't really talk to many people.
	I did manage to meet some old friends at school, and with that, 
the rest of 8th grade was much more pleasant. Not only did I want to 
have more friends, but I also wanted to set higher standards for myself 
to have a more happy world. Of course, this included banning jerking 
off and wearing Goodnites. Wearing Goodnites was the particular ban, as 
it was much harder to stop jerking off altogether. Banning Goodnites 
was easy, but not being able to jerk off… It would be hard for a long 
time for me to get used to something such as that.
	Lucky for me, I did manage to stay off Goodnites for a few months 
until June. I got interested after seeing a TV program. At the end of 
the show, someone accidentally wet him/her self after not having access 
to the bathroom. Needless to say, I was wearing Goodnites by the time 
everyone fell asleep. I jerked off, and soon afterward put the Goodnite 
	I never wore a Goodnite after that until 9th grade started. It 
was in early September that I tried it. I had the fetish and the urge 
to do so, but I couldn't help feeling stupid about doing it. Here I 
was, a 9th grade high-school student, still putting on Goodnites (for 
pleasure, that is). I still carried on with it, and after that I only 
did it one or two more times afterward. I was desperately trying to 
stop. November was the last month of 2004 that I wore a Goodnite, and I 
hoped I would not do it any more after that.

Chapter Five: My Concluding Adventures

	My fetish drove me to wear a Goodnite yet again in March of '05. 
I had jeans this time, so I was able to see how a Goodnite felt with 
jeans. It felt all right, but nothing sensational like I'd hoped. 
Although wearing Goodnites was a fun activity in the short-term, I 
actually hated it in the long-term. This activity seemed so stupid and 
so weird. It felt like I wasn't in tune with the world, especially 
considering the fact that I did it at night when nobody was awake. I 
knew I had to stop once and for all.
	I didn't wear another Goodnite until June, and to this date, I 
have never worn another one since then. I made a vow to never wear one 
again if I don't have to. Even though I learned that it is a mature 
thing to obey weird sexual desires, I also learned that they could be 
controlled with will power and self-discipline. It's been almost a 
month since I last wore a Goodnite, and I'm very proud of my decision 
to quit.

The End!
God Bless America!

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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