Name: Nathen
Ages: 15, 16, 17, 18+
Current Age: 24
	I was playing football, I didn't see the ball coming and it hit 
me on the back of my head. Right after the ball hit me, one of the 
players smashed me into the ground. It was lights out after that. I 
woke up in the hospital, still in my clothes (which had blood on them). 
There stood a doctor and three nurses. They saw that I had awoken and 
were walking over to me. Then the doctor said:
	"Your parents went home a few minutes ago, they'll be back 
tomorrow, you got hit pretty hard there, son, how ya feeling?"
	"Fine, my head hurts though..." I said. Then he asked me a bunch 
of hospital questions. Then he motioned for the nurses to come near and 
asked me if I could move. I said "hardly" then he said, "Okay girls, 
strip him."
	"WHAT?!" I shouted
	"I'm sorry, I hope you don't mind but we have to get you out of 
those clothes. See, your legs and your brain was injured in the 
accident and you don't have all you motor skills back, that including 
bowel and bladder control. I'm sorry, but you are temporarily 
incontinent. You're gonna have to wear diapers for a little while."
	Wouldn't you know? I protested. So the doc and a nurse held me 
down while the other two nurses strapped my wrists and ankles to the 
hospital bed. I could only move my arms and legs away from the bed 
about eight to seven inches, just out of reach of doing anything.
	Then the doc and the nurses began to take my clothes off me, I 
was hysterical. They told me if I didn't calm down they�d have to give 
me a shot, so I cooled it while they took my clothes off me. Then the 
doc said, "Nurse, get the stuff."
	One of the nurses brought over a tray on it was some lotion, 
powder, wipes, (some other stuff), and a big stack of disposable 
diapers. The hottest nurse removed my boxers and started applying the 
lotion, as soon as I felt the cold stuff being smeared against my butt 
I began to thrash and scream again, half crying this time.
	Once again, the doc held down my torso, while two nurses held leg 
legs up, steady and ready for diapering. Then the hot nurse took one of 
the diapers from the stack and began to unfold it. They all helped in 
lifting me up to put it under me. She straightened it out and began to 
gently bring it up between my legs. When I felt the diaper in-between 
my legs I tried to put my legs together so she couldn't put it on me.
	But of course, that didn't work, she began to fasten it onto me, 
there were six tapes to fasten. It wasn't tight, but it was snug. When 
they were finished they stood back to look at me. I was insane by this 
time, my wrists and ankles were still buckled to the sides of the bed 
so there was nothing I could do.
	Then the doc said, "Just calm down, you'll get used to it, now 
nurses go get this boy a gown." so they left to go get me a hospital 
gown. Now this diaper was the thickest diaper EVER! It bulged a lot at 
my crotch, and my butt was so padded that it elevated me. Ever time I 
moved it crinkled.
	I looked at him and asked him, "How long are you guys gonna keep 
me tied up?"
	He began to laugh as he said, "Do you promise not to take the 
diaper off?" I said no, and then he said, �that should answer your 
question, now listen to me. When you feel the urge to use the bathroom, 
you'll have gone before you have time to stand up. Trust me on this 
one, I'm a doctor."
	Then he just left. I was exhausted and sleepy from my struggle so 
I closed my eyes. The clock read 9:00 PM When I woke up, I could smell 
a strong smell of poop.
	I went to move my arms but still couldn't. So I lay there and 
resituated myself, wondering what that acrid smell was. But when I went 
to move I felt the smoosh my crap in my diaper, it was smearing all 
over my butt. So I stopped moving and called for a nurse. One in the 
hallway peeked in and told me she'd go find my nurse. So I waited. 
Suddenly I felt the urge to urinate, and the doc was right; before I 
knew what I was doing, I began to pee in my diaper.
	I could feel the diaper expanding from the steady stream flowing 
into it. It was then I noticed that it was 3:00 AM and I was wearing 
the hospital gown. Not before I was done peeing my diaper two nurses 
came walking in. They brought over the tray and began to change me. I 
warned them I wasn't done peeing so they waited. When I finished they 
began to change me. As awkward and weird as it was, the two nurses 
changing me felt really good. The room now smelt of baby powder and 
lotion. Then they asked me if I was going to remove the diaper. I said 
�maybe,� so they turned. Both told me, "good night," and left the room.
	Then I resituated. The new diaper crinkled a lot. Then I began to 
wonder weather I should have promised to keep it on, even though I 
hated it. So I closed my eyes and began to sleep.
	When I woke up the clock said 8:08, and in walked the hot nurse 
and one of the nurses from the night-change. They checked my diaper, 
which was wet, and changed me. I started to become fond of the whole 
changing thing anyway. They also brought breakfast, so I ate. This time 
I promised to not take it off, so they let me free. Then they left, and 
I was again alone. I couldn't put my legs completely together because 
the diaper was so thick. I tried standing. Then walking which was more 
like waddling with that huge diaper.
	I waddled over to a mirror to look at myself, I was I little 
bruised on my forehead, but besides that, nothing bad. Then I noticed 
how terribly much my diaper bulged. It was painfully obvious that I was 
wearing a diaper. So I went back, lay down and watched TV for while. 
About two and a half hours past, when I suddenly felt the urge to poop, 
I began to stand up to go to the bathroom.
	"I'll prove them wrong" I thought as I headed for the bathroom. I 
got about halfway there when I could hold it no longer; it hit me like 
a ton of bricks!
	I had to grab a chair to steady myself, it came out and began to 
fill my diaper. It was just like any other poo, except standing up. I 
thought I was done and began walking back toward the bed to wait for 
the nurse and about halfway back I began to carp again. It felt so odd 
to crap and walk at the same time. so I stopped and waited to finish 
this time, when I did, I went back and sat down. I felt the poop mash 
around in my diaper as I sat. I had not sat there for about five 
minutes than did hot-nurse come back.
	She said, "I smell somebody needs a change," with a singing tone. 
I agreed and lay down to let her change me. This was becoming routine 
for me.
	As she was about to fasten the tapes the Doc came back and said, 
"Marsha, when you're done with him he needs to take a walk. Make sure 
he does so."
	Then he left. I told her there was no way I was going out there 
in a diaper. She told me I had no choice. So when she finished she made 
me get up and follow her out of the room.
	Then she told me, "Now, there's a courtyard through those doors. 
You can stay as long as you like. This is your room so when you're 
ready to come back you know where to go."
	Then she left me and I went to the courtyard. As I walked my 
diapers crinkled horribly. When I got in there I saw a few old people 
talking (patients) and leaning on a little low fence a few yards off 
wearing a hospital gown was this super cute girl! I mean she was red 
hot, and looked about, if not, my age! So I went over to her and began 
to talk to her, her name was Deanne, and she was my age. She wouldn't 
tell me why she was in the hospital.
	We stood and talked for about an hour. Then I started to notice 
the smell of poo. I knew it wasn't me and the other people had left, 
and Deanne Stared fidgeting and then told me why she was in the 
hospital. Apparently cliff jumping with some of her friends and right 
before she jumped she slipped and fell, she sorta landed on her 
butt/lower back, and was knocked out. The next thing she knew, she was 
laying in a hospital bed wearing big thick disposable diapers. She 
lifted up her gown for only a second to show me her diaper, it looked 
just like mine only a little smaller. She was temporarily incontinent 
like me!
	Then I told her my whole story, she said she was gonna be in the 
hospital for another week or so, to be kept under observation, come to 
find out that was the same predicament as me! I walked her back to her 
room, we crinkled as we walked, we said our good byes. I spent the rest 
of the day with family who came to visit me, I made to keep myself 
under the covers so no one (except my parents) knew I was wearing 
diapers. The rest of that week Deanne and I hung out every day as much 
as possible, we even ate a few meals together. I was in heaven, but day 
by day I notices that I was regaining my control, except at night.
	It finally got to were I was only incontinent at night, that same 
went for Deanne. But there were days when we were feeling lazy and just 
wore diapers all day. During my last day at the hospital the doc gave 
some diapers to my folk and gave them instructions, before we left I 
went to go see Deanne one last time, it was then that I asked her to be 
my girl friend, SHE SAID YES!!! Well, I left with her number, and we 
see each other all the time, even to this day, I still wet and rarely 
(but still occasionally do) crap the bed...and rumor has it...I'm gonna 
ask Deanne to marry me.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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