My True Story With My Daddy Part 11

Things continued to get worse he would keep a back pack on the golf 
cart with diapers, bottles, powder, extra pants that way he would have 
everything I may need. What I didn't know at the time is he was 
starting to tell others like our paint vendor, other people at the 
apartments. I found this out one day while in a unit checking on the 
painter and he asked me if I wore diapers and if Dustin was my daddy. I 
was shocked and didn't know what to say and was about to say he is 
crazy when in walked Dustin and the painter asked again and still I 
refused to reply. Dustin then walked out the door and a few minutes 
later walked back in with a bottle and a diaper in hand and told me to 
lay down as it is time to change the babies diaper. I told him no and 
started to walk out when in a flash he had grabbed me and pinned me in 
a position that I couldn't get loose and started spanking the living 
hell out of me right in front of the painter. After what seem to be 10 
minutes he stopped and undid my pants and had me lay down. He then put 
the bottle in my mouth and told me I better not remove it or else. I 
didn't think he would really change my diaper in front of the painter 
and thought he was just going to make me drink the bottle with my 
diaper showing and then he started untaping the diaper. I just wanted 
the floor to swallow me whole. It was about this time I also noticed he 
had not shut the door to the apartment. I told him to please shut the 
door and he said there is no need he is just changing his baby. Once he 
was done he pulled my pants up and told me to tell the painter I was 
sorry for being a bad boy. I did what I was told and we left the 
apartment and Dustin told me that my punishment was not over. I was 
scared all day long not knowing what was going to happen nor when it 
may happen. The rest of the work day was fine and nothing happen so I 
figured he had forgotten. How wrong I was as after we got home and at 
dinner or he ate dinner and I had my baby food he gave me a bath and 
started to put me in my thick cloth diapers. I told him it was kind of 
early to be going into my night diapers as it was only 6:30. He then 
asked who the daddy was and I said he was, he then asked who is the 
baby and I said I guess I am. Wrong thing to say. LOL he said we will 
see if I still want to be a smart ass when he was done with me. It was 
getting close to 9:00 and he went and got me a pair of small pull on 
shorts and a small tee shirt and dressed me in them and said come on 
lets go for a walk. As we where walking out the door I realized that my 
pacifier was on the outside of my shirt and put it inside and we 
continued to walk to the maintenance shop. Once inside he told me to 
get on the golf cart and I did. We then went riding around the property 
and when we where near the back we noticed the young guy who was about 
20 hanging out by the pond. Dustin drove up near the guy and started 
talking to him. I was scared to death the guy would notice my thick 
diapers under my small shorts. He kept looking at me funny but didn't 
say anything. We soon left and drove to the far end of the pond and I 
told Dustin I was scared he was going to humiliate me in front of that 
guy. Dustin said maybe he still will, then when we where on the far end 
he stopped the cart and got off and walked between these trees and told 
me to come with him. Once inside the trees he started to pull down my 
shorts and I thought he was just checking to see if I was wet when he 
told me to step out of them. I did what I was told and he told me to 
face the pond and count to 50 slowly and when I get to 50 he would give 
me my shorts back. I started counting and I got to 10 and he said I was 
counting too fast and to start over. Again I started counting and got 
to about 30 and he said it was too fast and to start over again. I was 
getting scared that someone may walk down the side walk and see me but 
started counting again and when I got to 10 he took off on the golf 
cart and I freaked out. I was waiting in the trees for him to come back 
and about 5 minutes later I realized he was not coming back and really 
go scared knowing I was going to have to walk home in a very thick 
cloth diaper and blue nursery print plastic pants. I tried to pull my 
shirt down but it was way too short. I figured I would just have to run 
like hell and hope I could hide in dark places and get home without 
anyone seeing me. I was just about home when I seen a resident and hid 
in the bushes waiting for him to get around the corner. Once he went 
around the corner I took off running again with my heart pounding so 
hard I thought it would jump out of my chest. I had one corner to turn 
and cross the parking lot and I would be home free. I was watching 
every corner, every angle making sure nobody was on there porch or out 
in the parking lot or sitting in there car. Just as I turn the corner 
to get to my front door and ran inside the house. Dustin was laughing 
so hard I thought he was going to pass out. I was just about in tears 
and mad as hell and started cussing at him. That is not a good thing to 
do to a daddy. He grabbed me and took me to the chair and put me over 
his lap and started spanking me hard. Good thing I had the thick diaper 
on or I would have been crying like the baby I am. Once he was done he 
told me it was time for my formula as he was horny as hell. He pulled 
his cock out and it was hard as a rock. He grabbed my head and pulled 
it to his cock. Soon his hard cock was slipping into my mouth and he 
was fucking me in the mouth. About 10 minutes later I felt him shooting 
his load down my throat and he continued to fuck my mouth until he was 
completely done. He then took me by the hand and put me in my footed 
sleeper and put me to bed.

My True Story With My Daddy Part 12

He woke me up about 5:30 and told me my breakfast was ready and after I 
eat he would give me a bath and change my very wet diaper. He had made 
me mixed baby cereal, he place my bib on me and started feeding me. I 
noticed it didn't taste right and I told him it had a funny taste to it 
and he said he was sorry he got the one with Iron in it by mistake but 
said I need to eat it and he would get the right one later. I figured 
it was okay, just didn't know that cereal with iron would be so nasty. 
After he was done feeding me all my cereal he fixed me a bottle of milk 
and told me since it was still too early to go to work to lay down on 
the floor and watch cartoons while he went and took a shower. Before 
long my tummy was cramping bad and I knew if he didn't hurry up I was 
going to be messing my diaper bad. I knew not to go say anything as 
I've been told never to ask for a toilet that if he decides to let me 
then he will put me on the toilet and watch me. I was rolling around on 
the floor hurting so bad waiting for him to hurry up and maybe when he 
took off my diaper I could just tell him I was about to poop and he 
would have to let me use the toilet. I was just starting to get up off 
the floor when he yelled what do you think you are doing and it scared 
me and the next thing I knew I was filling my diaper up good, he could 
hear it and started laughing saying what is wrong baby go poopy in his 
diapers. Thatïŋ―s when I knew he put something in my cereal. It seemed 
like forever before it stopped coming out. Once I was done he told me 
to come sit on daddy's knee so he can give me a horsy ride. I was about 
to protest when he said either horsy ride or go to work in the messy 
diaper. Needless to say horsy ride it was and it felt so nasty that 
poop smearing all over the place. A few minutes later he said come on 
its time to clean up the stinky baby and get ready for day care. He 
took me into the bathroom and removed my diaper, cleaned it in the 
toilet then put it in the diaper pail. He then had me stand in the 
shower while he cleaned the poop off me. Then he filled the tub with 
warm water and put bubbles in the water. He told me to play with my 
toys for a minute and daddy will be back to clean me. He came back in a 
few minutes later and cleaned me washed my hair and started drying me 
off. He told me that I better never try and hide that I'm his baby 
again or it will be a lot worse then it is now. I said you mean it will 
be a lot worse then what it was right. He said no I said now its not 
over son. He then took me into the room and I noticed he had another 
cloth diaper out and nursery print plastic pants. I started to talk 
when he stopped me and said it wouldn't be a good idea to protest. I 
shut my mouth and laid down so he could put my diaper on. He put my 
pacifier in my mouth and stared tickling me and playing with me while 
he put the diaper on. He then dressed me for work and my pants barely 
fit over the thick diaper. I told him that people will notice and he 
said he didn't care anymore I was his baby and he was my daddy and 
people will have to deal with it. We left for work and he kept laughing 
at the way I was walking saying I looked like a toddler. Once at the 
maintenance shop he undid my pants and asked if I was wet. I told him 
no he just changed me and he then undid his pants and pulled his cock 
out so I started to get on my knees when he stopped me and stood me 
back up and told me to close my eyes. I felt him pull my plastic pants 
open and soon felt his warm piss filling my diaper. When he was done he 
closed my pants back up and said since I lied about being wet and since 
I was so willing to get on my knees I can go ahead and take my formula. 
I looked at my watch and told him that the rest of the staff should be 
there soon and he told me that I better hurry then. I went to my knees 
and started sucking on his big baba and soon had my formula shooting 
down my throat again. Daddy told me that if I'm a good boy my 
punishment will be over after work. Needless to say I was a very good 
boy all day and even ate my baby food for lunch and took my nap. After 
work he asked if I liked being his baby and I said I didn't like it at 
first but now I feel more like a baby then adult and feel safe when I'm 
around him like a child would feel around there daddy. He got this big 
smile on his face and said he is starting to really enjoy having me as 
a baby and that from now on I'm his baby and he is my daddy and people 
will have to learn to deal with it. He gave me a bath and dressed me in 
another thick cloth diaper, onesie and shortalls and he then got a 
shower and dressed. He then packed a diaper bag with more diapers and 
bottles and a jar of fruits just in case I get hungry while we are out. 
He got me in the truck and put my seatbelt on and we drove away. He 
reached into the diaper bag and gave me my bottle and I started 
drinking it. Soon we where at old town watching the car show and riding 
a ride called sky coasterïŋ―. Good thing I was in a diaper because if not 
my pants would have been soaked. That scared the pee right out of me, 
for those who don't know what that is. It is a thing that you get 
strapped into and it takes you 300 feet in the air. Then you hear 321 
and daddy pulls the cord and you drop and swing over the little bit of 
water down below. Well daddy didn't pull the cord and I started to 
panic thinking something was wrong. I started to lean forward to see 
what was wrong and when I did that he pulled the cord and head first we 
went. Needless to say I pissed myself just like a baby; I thought daddy 
was never going to stop laughing. We stayed until about 10:30 and he 
took me into the restroom at the burger king and changed my diaper in 
the handicap stall. We then left for home and he gave me another bottle 
on the way home. Once home he put me in my sleeper and I drifted off to 
sleep to have a bad dream about that ride.

My True Story With My Daddy Part 13

In the morning I woke up before daddy and went in and made my coffee 
and was reading the newspaper when daddy woke up and came into the 
living room. Daddy sat down and told me that we need to have a 
father/son talk. I said okay and he then asked me again if I liked the 
way things are going. I told him that yes I did that I was happy and no 
longer had the stress in my life that I had before. He then told me 
that we where going to take it a lot further and that I had one chance 
to except his offer or decline it. If I except it then there is no 
turning back but if I decline it he would back off and we would just go 
back to being friends and co-workers. He then told me that he wants to 
be a baby full time and he be the daddy full time. He said I could work 
if I wanted to but if I didn't want to then that was okay as he is the 
daddy. If I choose to work he would take my paycheck and pay the bills 
and do as he wished with the rest. I would have to forget all my adult 
rights and allow him to make all choices about everything. Which would 
include what I eat, what I wear, what I can do and not do, when I would 
go to bed. I said another words I would be a 2 year old. He said he is 
not sure if it would be a 18 month old or a 2 yr old but yes that is 
the picture. I would not be able to hide the fact that I am the baby to 
anyone including friends and family. He as a daddy would do everything 
for me just like a real father would do for his child. He said if he 
feel like going out he may find someone to babysit me or he would come 
up with another plan. I would be required to be polite to any and 
everyone who is not in diapers no matter what there age is. He went on 
about how our life will be different that we will no longer be equals 
he will be daddy and me the baby from this day on. He then told me to 
think about it until noon and then give him my answer. He told me to 
think it thru carefully as once I make the choice it is all or nothing 
and no turning back. I told him I would take my time and get with him 
at noon. He then went into his room and got on the computer and I went 
out on the patio to think about everything. I wanted to do it but at 
the same time I was scared to do it. Noon popped up faster then I 
expected and he sat me down and asked me if I was his baby boy or if I 
was just his friend. I told him that I had thought about it a lot and 
if that is what he wanted then I'm ready to be his baby boy. I was then 
told to give him my wallet and checkbook and told me that we will need 
to go to the bank on Monday to add him to the account. He then took me 
by the hand and led me to my bed and told me to lay down and close my 
eyes he wanted to read me a story. I laid down and he started reading 
and I noticed it was not really a story but he was hypnotizing me. He 
was using hypnosis to make me lose bladder control and be more like a 
baby. I must of drifted off to sleep while he was doing it because next 
thing I knew he was waking me up and telling me its time to eat lunch. 
He then put my bib on me and fed me my lunch. After lunch he changed my 
diaper and told me I needed a nap and he was going to be on the 
computer doing some shopping. Over the next week or so I noticed we 
kept getting packages in and he would take them to his room. Then one 
day I went into my room and opened my drawer and it was filled with 
onesies, shortalls, overalls, cloth diapers, plastic pants, and thick 
disposable diapers called Molicare. I was told that I will be wearing 
cloth 24/7 and disposables when we may be going out for the day as 
disposables are easy to change. One day I got up early and went for a 
walk by myself just to think about my life now. When I walked in the 
door he was standing there and asked where the hell I had been. I told 
him that I just went out for a walk. He was so pissed and asked me if a 
18 month old goes out walking without a parent. I said no sir and he 
then asked me again what the hell I thought I was doing. I knew then I 
was in trouble and it was not just little trouble but big trouble. He 
grabbed me by the hand took me to my room removed my diaper and put me 
over his knee and spanked me so hard and for so long that I started 
whimpering and soon was crying real tears. It hurt but I think it was 
also because I had upset daddy. He laid me face down on the bed and 
told me not to move or else. I laid there thinking he was getting 
something else to spank me with. He soon came back into the room and I 
felt him putting something around my butt hole. I thought he was about 
to give me a enema when I felt him getting on my back and I knew he was 
about to fuck me. I felt his head trying to get in and the pain was out 
of control. He continued until he was all the way in and fucked me for 
25 minutes. Once done he put a cloth diaper on me and made me lay there 
and shut my eyes. Again he did hypnosis and again I drifted off to a 
relaxed state.

My True Story With My Daddy Part 14

I didn't think the hypnosis would work so I was not worried about him 
doing it to me. He would hypnotize me 3-6 times a day and it was a few 
weeks later I woke in the morning and my diaper was soaked so much that 
it leaked onto my bed and my footed sleeper was even soaked. I couldn't 
believe I had wet in my sleep and didn't even wake up. I also noticed 
that during the day I would feel the urge to pee and then it would just 
come out. Every morning he would give me my bath and dress me for the 
day. If it was a work day I could wear my work clothes but if not I 
would be dressed in just a onesie unless we where going bye-bye. If we 
were going bye-bye he would put my onesie on and a pair of shorts or 
shortalls if it was warm or overalls if it was cooler. He would feed me 
baby food most meals but at times I could eat big boy foods. If we 
where out and stopped to eat somewhere he would order my food and most 
times it would be a happy meal or kids meal. During work I was scared 
people would notice my thick diapers but daddy didn't care he said if 
anyone has a problem they can talk with him. One evening I had to work 
late to complete some reports and do some other paper work so daddy 
told me that I better call him when I'm done so he can come walk me 
home. He told me that it better not be later then 8:00 as it will be 
getting close to my bedtime. Around 7:00 I called him and told him it 
would be about another hour but was hungry and asked if he could bring 
me something to eat. He said he would be up there soon with my food. It 
was about 10 minutes later he came in and had my diaper bag with him. 
He opened it up and pulled out my bib and then removed 3 jars of baby 
food and started feeding me, It was nasty as it was not warmed just 
cold out of the jar. I asked if he could heat it up and he said babies 
eat it like that so enjoy. I was able to get two jars down but couldn't 
eat no more. He then removed my bib and cleaned my face. I finished my 
work while he played on the computer. Once I was done he took me into 
the bathroom in the office and changed my diaper and then pulled out my 
sleeper. I started to plead with him that I can't wear that home and he 
said okay then I can just walk home in my diaper. Needless to say I let 
him put my sleeper on and we went home. He put some toys on the floor 
and told me to play for a little bit while he did some things on the 
computer. It was about 45 minutes later he came and got me telling me 
it was bedtime. Once in bed he leaned over and kissed my head and said 
he loves his baby boy. He then told me that every morning I will have 
to get my formula from daddy so I can become big and strong like daddy. 
He then started reading a hypnosis script he and a lady name Susan 
made. Susan is a lady we both knew thru her two boys. What I didn't 
know then was that Her and daddy where a couple. I drifted off to sleep 
as daddy read the script. When I woke up in the morning I again had wet 
my diaper in my sleep without knowing. I went into daddyïŋ―s room and 
pulled his cock out of his boxers and put my mouth on it and started 
sucking his cock. I had sucked daddies cock for a long time and was 
just about to pull my mouth off his cock when I felt his hands grab the 
back of my head and shove my face deep in his crotch and then I felt 
his load hitting the back of my throat. Once he was done he let me pull 
my mouth off and he said good morning baby boy. He told me to give him 
a few minutes and he would get up and get me changed and dressed. I 
went into my room and was playing with my trucks when daddy came in. He 
removed my diaper and gave me a bath. He then put my diaper on me and 
dressed me for the day. He then made my breakfast and fed me. When he 
was done he told me to go play while he talks to mommy on the computer. 
I must have looked shocked as he started laughing and said yes I have a 
mommy and it was Susan. I knew better then to say anything as I would 
just get in trouble. I was freaking out that he had told her that I was 
his baby. I had been playing for awhile and he came in and asked if I 
was wet or messy and I said no. he then reached into my plastic pants 
and said I was soaked. I didn't even notice that I had wet while 
playing with my toys. Daddy told me that he would change me after I 
have my lunch and before I go down for my nap. He then pulled his cock 
out and told me that he thinks the baby needs more formula before 
lunch. I opened my mouth and took his cock and sucked like the good 
baby I was. I soon was filled with his formula again and he told me 
what a good boy I was and left to go fix my lunch. After lunch he 
changed my diaper and put me down for my nap. I had been sleeping about 
an hour when he came in and woke me up. He changed my diaper again and 
got me dressed in my onesie and shortalls and we went to the store. I 
was kind of getting use to being dressed like a child and the funny 
thing is most people wouldn't even notice or atleast they would act 
like they noticed anything. Daddy had bought me some clothes but they 
where from the boys department not the mens department. He bought me 
some shoes and some more baby supplies like diaper rash ointment, 
powder wipes and more food. On the way home he told me that he had a 
babysitter coming over tonight as he had some important things to do. I 
asked who it was and he told me its nothing for a baby to worry about. 
Once home I was sent to my room to play while daddy put stuff away. It 
was about 5 when daddy came in to get me to eat. He had my baby food 
all ready and I noticed he had made him a steak. I was angry and asked 
why I couldn't have a steak. He asked me if I was a baby or adult? I 
told him a baby but I still would like a steak. He said maybe when I 
get bigger I can have one but he doesn't want the baby to choke. He 
must have been doing something as he was horny again and told me that I 
needed my formula again. I again took his hard cock as he pulled it out 
of his boxers and began sucking it like it was my bottle. Soon daddy 
was shooting his load of formula down my throat. Once done he gave me a 
bath and put me in a fresh diaper and my new short outfit. I looked 
like a oversized toddler and he went and got ready for what ever he had 
to do. It was about an hour later I was in the living room watching tv 
when he said he would be right back and not to come outside. I guess it 
was about 10 minutes later there was a knock at the door and I thougt 
daddy was gonna try and scare me when I opened the door so I was being 
careful as I opened the door. Once it was opened my heart stopped as 
there stood Susan and her 18 year old son. They came in and said that 
daddy just left and he would be home later and I was going to go bye-
bye with them. She found my diaper bag that daddy had all set for her 
and we left the house.

My True Story With My Daddy Part 15

We went to a Wal-Mart on 50 on the way there she made me drink my 
bottle and told me if it was not gone by the time we get to the store I 
would be drinking it in the store. That would not have been a hard task 
except that it will filled with baby formula and let me tell you I 
don't know how kids can drink that nasty stuff. I was lucky however as 
I just finished it just as we pulled into the parking lot. She got me 
out of her escalade and she took one hand and her son took the other 
and when we got to the curb she said jump for mommy and I had to jump 
on the curb while they held my hand. Once in the store she bought me 
more clothes and some baby toys to play with. She bought more bottles 
and bibs and baby soap. Then we went back home where she gave me a bath 
and put me in my sleeper fixed me a bottle and I had to play with my 
new toys while her and her son watched TV. About 8:45 she said it was 
bedtime and she took me to my bed and started reading the hypnosis 
script. I drifted off to sleep and again woke up in a wet diaper and 
needing to poop bad. I didn't want to poop my diaper so I went in 
daddies room and pulled his cock out of his boxers and started sucking 
his baba. He woke up and told me that I'm such a good boy and he was 
very proud of me for being good for mommy and my big brother. After I 
took my formula down my throat I asked him if I could use the potty to 
poop and he didn't answer me so I figured he must not have heard me 
asking so I asked again. This time he told me he heard me the first 
time and that I was wearing my toilet and that daddy will change me 
when I'm done. I went into my room to play as he told me too and pooped 
my diaper. When I was done I went and told him he could change me. He 
had me sit down and told me a new rule. If I ask to use the toilet I 
stay in a poopy diaper for 45 minutes. If I tell him I need changed 
then I stay in my messy diaper 45 minutes. He then told me that I 
earned a hour and a half in my poopy diaper before he will change me. 
He fed me my mixed cereal and told me to go play in my room. My butt 
was hurting from sitting in my poop for so long but I was not about to 
say anything about it as I didn't want a longer stay. He came into my 
room and called me his stinky boy and removed my nasty diaper. He gave 
me my bath and dressed me for the day. He put me into one of my new 
short sets and fixed my diaper bag and we left. Once on the highway he 
pulled out my bottle and put it to my lips and I started drinking it. I 
must have dosed off as he was waking me up telling me we where here. I 
looked and realized that we where at the beach. We went out on the sand 
and he removed my shirt and I noticed that my diaper was sticking out 
the top of the shorts so I tried to pull my shorts up more but being 
boys shorts they just wouldn't go up any further. He asked what was 
wrong and I told him my diaper was showing and he said he could fix 
that for me by removing my shorts all together. I decided it is best 
just to act like nothing is wrong and maybe nobody would notice or 
atleast not say anything. We where out there for about an hour and 
daddy got up and took my hand and led me to the water. I figured and 
hoped that he would just take me knee deep and I didn't want my diaper 
filling up with water. I was wrong he took me all the way out there and 
was acting like he was trying to teach me how to swim. I was kicking my 
feet like he told me to and moving my hands and I guess people thought 
I was slow or something as this older couple came by and said I was 
doing such a great job. I was so humiliated but daddy just said thank 
you and kept on as if nothing was wrong. After playing in the water he 
took me to the edge of the water and had me sit down and he got my 
bucket and shovel and came sat beside me and let me play in the sand. 
We had been out there for a few hours and asked if I was hungry and I 
told him that I was getting that way. He took my hand and brought me 
back to our blanket and placed my bib on me and started feeding me baby 
food and giving me another bottle. The funny thing is nobody even 
bothered to watch us. If they looked they just acted as if it was 
normal. After him feeding me lunch he said I was getting too hot and we 
better get going before I get burned. We went to his truck and he put 
the back tail gate down and told me to lay down in the bed of the 
truck. I did as I was told and the next thing I new my shorts where 
gone. He proceeded to remove my diaper and put a fresh one on me and he 
pulled a onesie out of the diaper bag and put that one me. Once that 
was on he led me to the cab of the truck and buckled me in. Again I 
must have dosed off as he was waking me up agaihn telling me we where 
home. I thought he would put shorts on over my onesie but I was wrong 
as he led me to the apartment just as I was. Once inside he started 
fixing dinner and was making bar B Q chicken and green beans, corn. I 
asked if I could please eat some real food and he said yes. I thought 
wow that was easy. I was in my room playing as I was told to do while 
he was getting everything ready. He came into the room and said dinner 
was ready. I went to the table and sat down as he was placing my bib on 
me I noticed that I didn't have the same food he had and I told him he 
said I could have normal food. He told me it is normal food that it was 
everything he had on his plate but mine was all blended together so I 
wonïŋ―t choke on it. He fed me my food and it is nasty when all your food 
is blended together. He then took me to the living room and told me to 
lie on my belly that he wanted to see something. I was getting 
concerned that he was about to fuck me or something when he started 
rubbing my back and patting my butt. He said he seen a mother doing 
this to her fussy child at the beach and the child went to sleep. It 
was not even 10 minutes later I was out cold.

My True Story With My Daddy Part 16

He let me sleep for a little bit while he ran my bath. He woke me up 
and gave me my bath. Then he took me to the room and had me lay on my 
belly as he said he needed to check my temp to make sure I was not 
getting sick. I felt him stick the thermometer in my butt and then he 
pulled it out and said the baby has a small temp. he then climbed on 
top and I felt his hard cock sliding in and it hurt so bad again. He 
told me daddy just giving me my medicine so the baby will get better. 
Once he shot his load he pulled out and said he would be right back and 
not to move. He came back and I felt him sliding something up my butt 
again and I thought he was checking my temp again. He then rolled me 
over and started putting my diaper on me. He gave me a bottle and told 
me to drink it all up as it will help the baby sleep better tonight. I 
feel asleep before I finished the bottle as I was very sleepy. When I 
woke up in the morning something just didn't feel right. I felt very 
relaxed but something just was not right and my room smelled bad I 
figured that I must have had gas real bad or something. Then when I 
started to sit up on the bed is when I realized what it was. I had 
pooped my diaper in my sleep, it felt strange in so many ways. I went 
into daddyïŋ―s room and pulled his bottle out of his boxers and started 
sucking like the good boy I am. He woke up and stopped me saying daddy 
had to change my stinky butt before I can have my bottle. He took me 
into my room and removed my diaper and cleaned my nasty butt up with 
baby wipes. He then put a disposable diaper on me saying I may have 
more poopy before morning is over and a disposable will be better then 
cloth for now. He then put a onesie on me and told me to come back to 
his room. Once in the room he laid back on his bed and I started 
sucking on his bottle again. Soon he was shooting my formula down my 
throat again. He told me that there was something he wanted to tell me. 
I said okay what is it. He said he went to Wal-Mart last night after I 
was sleeping and he had met this cool guy who he thinks would be 
awesome to get involved with being my uncle and or babysitter. He said 
he thinks he would be cool with things and that he thought he would get 
into the humiliation/domination part of this scene. He told me that he 
will take me to Wal-Mart and show me this guy sometime. I said okay and 
was getting scared that he will soon have someone else to humiliate me 
in front of. I asked him how old this person was and he said he looked 
to be about 18-19 so he is legal and besides he works in the 
electronics and knows about computers. I thought what does that have to 
do with the price of tea in china? LOL He then got up and told me to go 
play with my toys while he gets a shower and then fixes us breakfast. I 
did what I was told and soon we where eating breakfast he had fried 
eggs and I had mush eggs and bacon from the blender. After breakfast I 
played with toys while he did work on his computer. About lunch time I 
didn't feel so good and he fed me lunch and had me lay down on my belly 
in bed and he started rubbing my back and patting my bottom and again I 
went right to sleep. Daddy came and woke me up about an hour and a half 
later and changed my diaper put my onesie on me and my shortalls and 
said we had to do some shopping. We went to the mall and when he came 
to get me out of the truck I noticed he had my diaper bag. I asked why 
he had the diaper bag and he said all parents carry diaper bags for 
there babies. We where walking around the mall and in and out of all 
kinds of stores. We had been there for a few hours and he asked if I 
was hungry and I said I was. We went to this pizza place inside the 
mall and the server asked if there was anyone else coming to eat with 
us and daddy said no why? He said he noticed the diaper bag and thought 
the wife and baby will be coming also. Daddy told him that the baby is 
sitting right there and pointed to me. The server looked at me funny 
and said okay and left to get our drinks. Daddy told me if I'm good he 
will not put my drink in my bottle but if I act up he will. He also 
said he had forgot my baby food so I will have to eat pizza. I was so 
happy that I was going to be able to eat like an adult for the first 
time in a long time. Once our drink got to the table daddy pulled mine 
away and had it by him. I told him I was thirsty and he put the straw 
in it and held it while I got a drink. Soon the pizza was there and it 
looked so good and I was waiting for daddy to get me a piece. He picked 
a piece of pizza and placed it on the plate and started cutting it up 
into small pieces. Once done he slid the plate to me and told me to eat 
up. I asked him for a fork and he said use my fingers and daddy will 
clean me up when I'm done. We did get people looking at us but nobody 
said a word. Once I was done eating I was a mess, I had pizza stuff all 
over my hands and face. Daddy got a wet wipe from my diaper bag and 
cleaned my hands and face then we left. On the way home I told daddy 
that My balls where hurting and I needed to jack off or something to 
make it feel better. Daddy got angry saying a little baby should not be 
thinking of such things and said he will take care of it when we get 
home. A few minutes later he reached over and felt my pee-pee and said 
he knows how to take care of it and stopped at a store. He told me to 
sit right there he would be back. He came back with a drink or what I 
thought was a drink. I soon realized it was just ice. He pulled 
unsnapped my crotch of my shortalls and pulled the front of my diaper 
open and poured the ice down the front of the diaper. Needless to say 
that will cause major shrinkage. I would wiggle around and he would say 
sit still. I would kind of get use to it then he would reach over and 
rub it to make the ice go to a different area and I would wiggle again 
and he would again tell me to sit still or I will be punished when we 
get home. No matter how hard I tried I could not sit still and he told 
me I would be punished when we get home. Once home he took me to the 
room and tied me to the bed. He removed my diaper and started playing 
with my small frozen pee-pee. Soon it came back to life and he 
continued to play with it and I guess he knew I was about to shoot my 
load when he put my bottle over the head of my pee-pee and I shot my 
load in my bottle, he then put the nipple on it and placed it in my 
mouth and told me to suck my own formula down like a good boy or I 
would be taken to Wal-Mart to meet his friend in just a diaper. I did 
get it all down but not as fast as he wanted it done so he said I will 
be punished again later.

My True Story With My Daddy Part 17

Later that evening he dressed me in very thick cloth diapers and a 
small shorts and shirt and said we where going to Wal-Mart so I can see 
his new friend. I was worried because a blind person could tell I had a 
diaper on but it didn't matter to daddy and as everyone knows Daddy 
knows best. Once in the store we where walking around and he pointed 
the guy out to me and I think they said hello to each other but that 
was about it. Once we left I told daddy that I didn't think J would be 
into it that he looked too sheltered and if he found out he would most 
likely freak out. Daddy said he thinks he would be awesome and would 
really get into it. So daddy said he would work on him and see how he 
reacts to different things he tells the guy and see if he would be good 
or not. Over the next several weeks nothing really different happen 
except just work or should I say daddy working and me just being with 
him since he would not let me do anything. One evening he asked if I 
would like to go to the swimming pool at the property and I said sure 
it would be fun. I thought he would just put my swim trunks on and not 
the diaper but I was wrong again as he put a disposable on me and my 
swim trunks and we started out the door when he went back to the house 
and came back out with the diaper bag. I said people at the pool may 
notice the diaper bag and he said so what they will notice you getting 
a new diaper on if they are out there when we get done. We were out 
there about an hour and some people where there with us but then left. 
About 10 minutes later two guys who lived at the property came to the 
pool so I wanted to stay in the pool as we all know that once a diaper 
gets wet like that it sags and everyone would see my diaper state. I 
think this is what daddy wanted because he was talking with them while 
I was in the shallow side of the pool and daddy said it was time to get 
out so we could get home and get me ready for bed. I said just a few 
more minutesïŋ― we all know that kids never want out of the pool besides 
I was in a soggy diaper and two young guys where talking to daddy. 
Daddy didn't say anything when I said a few more minutes he just walked 
over to the diaper bag and pulled out a diaper and said get out now so 
daddy can change your diaper. The two guys started laughing and asked 
daddy who really uses those things it is big. Daddy said in just a 
minute I will show you and as soon as I got out of the pool the guys 
busted out laughing and daddy asked if they would like to come into the 
pool bathroom and watch the big baby get his diaper changed and they 
said no that's was okay. We went into the bathroom and I told daddy I 
can't believe you did that to me they may tell our manager and we could 
get fired. He said who cares that we could get better jobs. He then had 
me lay on the floor and started changing my diaper and wouldn't you 
know it just as he finished putting the new diaper on they walked in 
and laughed again saying they thought he was joking. They asked if he 
could wait so they could go get there camera and daddy said not this 
time but it would be a good idea for them to bring it next time. Daddy 
then put a pair of shorts on me and we went home. When we got home 
daddy said that made him horny as hell and pulled his cock out and told 
me to suck his bottle dry. I was sucking his bottle when all of a 
sudden I felt a strong flow hitting the back of my throat and realized 
he was pissing in my mouth, I pulled my head away and started gagging 
and he continued to piss in my face. Once done he told me to start 
sucking his bottle again and do a good job or daddy would get angry. I 
must have done a good job as it didn't take daddy that long to shoot 
his load of formula down my throat. He then took me in and gave me a 
bath. He dressed me in my diaper and sleeper and put me to bed. The 
next morning I woke up and went to suck daddy's bottle and when I 
opened his door he was awake and told me that daddy was waiting for me. 
I went to the edge of his bed and he stood up undid my sleeper and open 
the front of my diaper and started pissing inside my diaper. Once done 
he said I could take my formula. After breakfast we got ready for work 
and left. He was out doing work orders while I was in the office and 
the manager had a resident in his office complaining about something 
wrong in his apartment. The manager called me in there and told me to 
go with the resident and fix the problem. I did but on my way out the 
door I noticed daddy sitting on his golf cart right beside where mine 
was parked. He asked me what I was doing and I told him that I was 
asked to come fix the problem for the resident and daddy said why 
didn't you call me to go do it? I said I don't know I just did it that 
its no big deal. Daddy said oh but it is a big deal, how does a 2 year 
old know how to fix anything? I said I'm sorry daddy it wonïŋ―t happen 
again. He said you are so right it wonïŋ―t happen again and reached into 
this cubby hole of the golf cart and pulled out a diaper and said 
fallow him. I followed him to a vacant apart where he pulled my pants 
down and removed my diaper. He sat on the floor and pulled me over his 
lap and spanked me several times. He then put my diaper on me and told 
me to go stand in the corner and he would be back. I heard the door 
close and looked around and didn't see my pants. I freaked out that 
anyone could walk in and I would be in just a diaper. Or worse he could 
be going to get someone to humiliate me. A few minutes later he came 
walking back in with my bottle in hand. It was filled with real baby 
formula and I was told I have 2 minutes to drink it all or I would suck 
on it while going to my cart. He said if I get sick he will fill it up 
again and I will drink a full bottle while driving my cart. I did get 
it down and didn't get sick. I came close several times but did get it 
down. I handed him my bottle and he said keep it in the cup holder of 
my cart and if anyone ask who belongs to the bottle I better say its 
mine or else. He then said I may have someone come ask so you better do 
as you are told.

My True Story With My Daddy Part 18

It was a little later in the day when an older teen came up to me and 
started talking with me and soon was asking about the bottle. I told 
him that I found it on the ground and just not had the time to put it 
in the trash. It was a few minutes later when Dustin pulled up and he 
asked the kid if he asked me and he started laughing and said yes and 
he said he found it. I knew I was in trouble then and Dustin said tell 
him the truth now. I said its mine and kind of laughed. The kid 
continued to laugh and Dustin told him to come by our apartment later 
because he had something he wanted to tell him. The kid said okay and 
left, I told Dustin that I was sorry and he said not half as sorry as 
you will be when I tell him that you also wear diapers. I pleaded with 
him not to tell him and said I don't think he is 18 and it is not safe 
to do that. Dustin told me that the manger wanted me and drove off. I 
figured I was safe about Dustin telling that kid anything since I used 
my favorite safe card. LOL well after work Dustin said he had to go to 
Wal-Mart to talk with J and see if he would like to go shoot pool or go 
do something and if he does then he will bring him over to see his 
baby. Before he left he put me in a cloth diaper and plastic pants with 
a pair of loose pull on shorts and a small tee shirt that barely 
covered my waist. He had been gone about 10 minutes and there was a 
knock at the door. I opened the door and there was the kid from 
earlier. He asked where Dustin was and I said he would be back in a few 
minutes he had to go to Wal-Mart. He said okay and started talking with 
me about different things. He then looked behind me and said what is 
that and when I turned around to see what he was talking about he pants 
me and there I was in a nice thick diaper with plastic pants. I thought 
the poor kid was going to piss his own pants as hard as he was 
laughing. I tried so hard to hurry and get my pants back up but he kept 
grabbing at my shorts until he finely had enough to laugh at. He then 
said Dustin had set him up to do it and had told him that I was a baby 
that wears diapers but he didn't believe him but now he does. He stuck 
around until Dustin came home and as soon as he seen Dustin he ran to 
his truck and was giving him high fives and crap. Dustin told me to go 
inside and play with my toys so the adults could talk. Needless to say 
I was more then willing to get in the house. About 45 minutes later 
Dustin came in and he told me keep acting like adult and he will 
continue to humiliate me to prove I'm not. He then told me that J 
couldn't meet with him tonight so we would be going bowling. We ate 
dinner and then about 7:45 he took me into my room and removed my wet 
diaper and got a thick disposable and lifted my legs and as he was 
cleaning my crotch with a wipe I felt him stick something up my butt. 
It felt like his finger but he didn't keep it in long and then I felt 
it again. After the second time he put the diaper under my butt and put 
Desitin and powder on me and pulled the diaper up and taped it shut. He 
then put a onesie on me and a pair of shorts. He packed my diaper bag 
and we left to go bowling, I love to bowl but Daddy gets angry because 
I beat him when we would go bowl so some times he will make me bowl bad 
so he beats me because he said babies shouldn't bowl and if they did 
they can't beat daddy. Once at the bowling ally I realized that daddy 
forgot my ball and shoes at home and I told him. Daddy said he didn't 
forget anything that babies can't bowl and I would be watching daddy 
bowl. We where there about 15 minutes and my tummy started cramping bad 
and I knew I would have to poop real soon if it didn't stop. Daddy 
noticed I was moving around a lot and asked what is the matter and had 
a smile on his face and I knew then he put something up my butt to make 
me poop. I said I think I need to go use a toilet fast and daddy got 
mad and told me that I need to learn that my toilet is wrapped around 
my ass and under no condition am I to ever even think about pissing or 
shit in a real toilet again as long as he is my daddy my toilet will be 
my diaper. I asked daddy if I could at least go out side to poop my 
pants and he said no that bad people might hurt his baby and besides 
babies don't go hide to poop they just poop where ever they may be. It 
was not but a minute or so later I was filling my diaper just like the 
baby I am.

My True Story With My Daddy Part 19

Daddy made me stay in my poopy diaper until he was done bowling so now 
I know why he put diaper rash ointment on me. Daddy did change my 
diaper out in his truck before we went home. When we got home daddy 
fixed me a bottle and set a program on my computer which was a hypnosis 
file that would repeat all night long. I drifted off to sleep listening 
to it tell me that I have no bladder or bowel control that I will wet 
and mess my pants bed and or diaper just like a baby. Over the next 
month or so daddy continued to work on getting j involved but he would 
never get together with daddy. Daddy finally broke down and said I was 
right that J would not be into it and that I was right in thinking that 
J was a submissive not a dominant. It had been a few months and I told 
daddy I had a bad dream about him. He asked what the dream was and I 
told him that I had a dream that he was in the army and was sent to 
Iraq and was killed. When I said that daddy kind of got white. Daddy 
then told me to come sit by him he wanted to talk with me. Daddy sat me 
next to him and told me that he had just joined the army and that he 
was leaving for boot camp in about a month in half. I told daddy that 
this is not a funny joke that we where going to go move in with mommy 
and be a happy family. He said baby itïŋ―s not a joke its real I joined 
the army and daddy will be leaving soon. I started to cry one because 
the dream I had and two my daddy was leaving and I felt alone, lost 
what am I going to do how will I be able to take care of myself daddy 
has been taking care of me for 3 years. I begged daddy not to go please 
just stay home with me but daddy said he had signed everything and he 
had to go and besides he has wanted to join the service since he was 6 
years old. I told him thru tears I will respect his wishes but I don't 
have to like them. Daddy told me that after he gets out of boot camp 
that I can move in with him and everything will be back to normal. He 
told me that I shouldn't worry about my dream as he is not going to 
Iraq and if he does have to go it will be okay. He hugged me and wiped 
the tears from my eyes and told me that this is the hardest thing he 
has ever had to do. He told me that he will stay with me for a month 
but then he will have to go back to Texas to see his family before he 
leaves. We then spent the whole day together just having fun, I think 
he was just trying to keep my mind busy because every time I was think 
about it I would get tears in my eyes.

My True Story With My Daddy Part 20 final part

The last month was fun as well as being sad time, please don't get me 
wrong I was never so happy for him and so proud of him but at the same 
time I was sad and scared. Deep down I didn't think he would make it in 
boot camp because of his dominant nature and I thought he would be back 
home within 3-4 weeks. That didn't happen he made it in boot camp and 
was now in tech school learning his trade. I figured okay he will not 
make it there because he has a learning disability. Wrong again and I 
was so proud of him to make it so far and now I'm just waiting to see 
where he will be stationed so I can move. Then I get a phone call that 
his first duty is in Germany for 2 years. I was again happy but sad 
again as I will not have my daddy for 2 more years. Daddy would call me 
every day and we would talk and I felt better and I would be so excited 
every day waiting to hear his voice. After his two years there he 
called me saying that he will be going to Kansas for 3 years. I was 
once again happy as I will be moving in now, but then he said they will 
not let him live off post that he will have to live on base. Again I 
was sad but okay since I figured I will go see him or he will come see 
me. He did come see me but I ended up getting hurt and have not been 
able to go see him but I will soon. Then not long ago I got the bomb 
shell that he would be going to Iraq. The first thing that popped in my 
head was the dream I had 3 years back. He is now set to leave for Iraq 
in September and I'm so scared that something will happen to him. He 
has told me to find a new daddy; well he told me that when he left for 
Germany but I didn't, well I kind of looked but not truly. Susan and 
daddy did break things off as it was too hard for a long-distance 
relationship. With J I did find out that he does have a dominant side 
to him and if he where to get into it he would be more dangerous then 
Dustin was. J humiliated me once while I was in Wal-Mart shopping with 
some friends and he called out on the PA Dean your diapers that you 
where looking for will be at self check out stand. I hope one day to 
find another daddy but if I don't I was blessed with a daddy for 3 
years. I hope everyone enjoyed our life story and I ask that everyone 
say a prayer for Dustin and all of our troops that are over seas 
fighting for our country. With all the emotions I had I forgot one 
part, As Dustin was about to leave he rolled down his window of his 
truck and handed me something in a envelope. I went inside and opened 
it and it was a savings account book that he had put a portion of my 
paycheck in each pay period and a note saying he hopes this will help 
me out and he loves his baby. All that did was make me cry harder and 
respect him even more.

God bless you all.

Baby Deano

P.S. Please let me know what you think of this story. either at my email P.S.S. Brianbak........from I'm no fake thank you.