Name: Baby Madkat
Age: 15
My Start.
Baby Madkat
Most dl/tb/ab's all start from different paths, and end up being the same type of people, Helpless people who are regressed to such an early level that it will take years for them to go back to be fully functioning people. They forget how to feed themselves, talk, walk and they even get un-potty trained. I am a huge fan of the DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) games, but I doubt that anyone has ever tried to jump 300 times in a row in a wet diaper; that’s probably the one thing, if I became a full baby, (forgetting how to use the bathroom and stuff) I know I would have to live without. Its bad enough playing with baggy shorts on, you’re trying to jump and dance, while holding your pants up, not the easiest thing in the world.
I myself, had probably started wanting to be a baby, after my first nephew Tyler was born. No, I'm not Michael Jackson, I don't molest little boys, ok! But, When Tyler was born, he looked so happy, just sitting there, in a diaper and sucking on his paci, it made me well... melt inside. This was a time when I was skinny (something I dearly miss) but, oh well life goes on. But when I was skinny, I was able to fit into Pampers (today, well they cant even get above my sack, shows how much I've grown doesn't it.)but, I stole one bottle from them, This was after Tori, and Collin were born, Tyler is now 8, Tori is 3, and Collin is 2. They’re my nephew's and niece, Tori was a princess, and never wanted to be potty trained, but hell I don't blame her. But they’re potty trained, so I don't get any more fun, I'm stuck going out, and down the baby aisle to go buy my own stuff. Started out simply, I started reading diaper stories, I figured nothing will ever come out like this, and I enjoy reading these, so why not just keep reading other things. Some stories are just.... weird. But, I like a lot of them, they are just such a turn on. I get horny every time I read one, thinking, when I grow up, I'll be in a nice comfy diaper, sucking on a pacifier.
Now I am 15, and I'm sick of reading stories. I'm going to tell my parents I want to be a baby again. I honestly don't want to know their reaction, but hopefully they will let me be a baby, and treat me like one. But, I'm not expecting this to come out like that. I just hope I still have a home afterwards. I want to be just like Tyler again, well not like he is now, he’s WAY too smart for his age, he even out wits me sometimes, and I'm 15 lol, hes doing 2nd grade math, 3rd grade English, baseball, soccer, and swimming. Talk about an athletic squirt. I did baseball, and 6th grade basketball; I sucked at both, so now I don't do sports anymore. I'm just your average couch potato, sitting at the computer all day, blasting aliens to pieces with shotguns, and enjoying every minute of it. I am a nerd, I admit it, I'm 100% Pure geek. I thought that guys were only the nerds/geeks. But of course, I was wrong, yet again. I was in a Daily Diaper Chat room one night, when I met dusk. We started talking in private and I learned that he had an 18 yr old Diaper slave I guess you would call it. Well, She is shy, but, we got to know each other, she is a diaper wearing, ass kicking, geek. That is something I would NEVER hear out in one sentence. But, You put her in a game, and you start chatting, and she opens up, We were playing World of Warcraft for a few hours Saturday, and we got even closer, not that I'm thinking of a relationship with her, sorry I don't date older girls, sorry to break your heart, not.
It's the middle of July, in the 107 degree weather in Chicago, the hottest day since 1938 I believe, I go out biking after Drivers ed, Going through traffic, to my final destination, Mejier to go buy a pacifier and a bottle. I have to admit, I bike like a person with a bad case of road rage, you NEVER want to be in front of me when I try to cross the street, I will dart in front of you, I don't really care if you hit me. But, I make it there in one piece, Plus to my disadvantage, its pouring rain, and hailing! It hurts when your going 20 on a bike with no helmet, so I go even faster, but I make it, I looked like I pissed my pants, well, I don't know if it was the rain, or if I really did, but if I did, least it didn't stain my pants. But, I walk into Mejier, its a HUGE store by me, they sell everything. But, leave a puddle, and start walking towards the baby aisle, there, of course is a bunch of chicks in the aisle, so I grab a pacifier, and a bottle, and I run out, through the thongs and bras, stopping to look at a nice pair, and thought, damn, id like to see a chick in those!" But, I go to the U Scan express, scan the stuff, guy looks at me weird and says "have a nice day, while he stares at me" Yeah, you too psycho, and I grab my bike, and ride off. I get home (I threw the packaging out on my way home, parents might get suspicious about why I have those, but I open the box for my bottle, and all this.. stuff comes out of it, and I'm like Crap its one of the bottles you have to put together?! Well, its not rocket science at least, but I managed it. The inserts look like condoms, not for humans, for elephants! These suckers are huge! But, my parents return home, so I just shove the stuff in a drawer, and act like nothing happened, good as new.
It's Friday, time for my weekly Gaming party. I pack my bottle and pacifier, and I'm out, I brought my computer this time, just show off, but, I had problems, but I did manage to get 40 new games out of it, so it wasn’t all bad. But, I return home, and I just crash, with my pacifier in my mouth, and I feel something scratching the top of my head, its how my mom wakes me up, dunno why, but it works. But I wake up, and she has her hand out, and points at my pacifier, so I give it to her, and she says "gross". Thanks mom, I love you too. Bottle was taken as well. Sometimes, I really hate being 15, and living with my parents. But, I'm going to tell them, and hope that they will treat me like a baby, like the inner me wants. I will hopefully write again, if things turn out good.
Until Next time,
Baby Madkat