MY START It was 1961, I was five years old and in kindergarten. We were living in California and my dad was an equipment operator for a small construction company. Mom was doing laundry and I went into the laundry room to see her for a moment. She wasn't there and I looked out the window and she was all the way in the back of the yard hanging clothes on the line. I saw a wet sock she had dropped. Mom had a wringer washer and she had warned me many times not to mess with it but the temptation was too much. I flipped the lever in gear and the rollers started turning and I put the sock in but didn't let go soon enough and they caught my fingers first then my hand. I started screaming at the top of my lungs because it hurt so bad. There was a release lever on the side but I don't know if I either didn't know about it or couldn't get to it or just forgot about it in my panic. Mom came running in and hit the release and I dropped to the floor. By the time she had heard me and got in there it had pulled me all the way up against the chute below the rollers and when it couldn't take me in any farther they kept turning and tearing the bottom of my upper arm to pieces. It had lifted me almost off the floor and broke my arm just above the elbow. I vaguely remember being in the ambulance and hearing the siren but not much else. I remember absolutely nothing from that first hospital stay. My folks said I was there about a week. They had done about three hours surgery on me when I first got there. Well, to make a long story short the doctors told my parents that when the cast came off in about six weeks I would need more surgery and intensive physical therapy and would need to be in the hospital for about two weeks. Back then the only people that had medical insurance was key employees of large companies and some union members. The average working guy like my dad never got any. The first surgery and hospital stay about wiped out my folks savings and dad was going to try to take a loan on the house to pay for the next surgery. My folks were Mormons . Jack Mormons to be exact, that's church members that don't follow the faith to the letter. Both my parents drank coffee and only attended church once in a while. Somehow the bishop of our ward found out about my accident and came by one night to see if he could do anything to help. My folks thanked him but said there wasn't much he could do and told him they were going to take a loan on the house. He told them to give him a day or two to check on a couple of things and don't commit to a loan till they heard back from him. He returned the next evening and said the church owned and operated a large and prestigious children's hospital in Salt Lake City and if they could got me there for the two weeks after the cast was off the hospital would do the surgery and follow up care at no charge. Mom started crying and dad misted up a little too. They thanked him and gratefully accepted his offer. Because of the financial drain we had suffered dad was going to have to stay back home and work and mom would have to go with me alone. We had some distant relatives back there but mom didn't know any of them and didn't want to impose on them. After much prodding and pushing mom got my dad to agree to let her rent a little place for a couple of weeks and stay by herself. My dad always the worrywart was afraid mom would get back there and not be able to find a place to rent or it would be in a bad part of town .Two weeks before we were to leave he left right after work on a Friday night and drove back there and found a little studio apartment walking distance from the hospital. When he got home Sunday he looked mighty tired. He told mom the apartment had laundry facilities for the guests and there were stores nearby. The time had come to go back there and we had to meet with the doctor on Wednesday so dad took Monday and Tuesday off and drove us there. Wednesday morning we walked to the doctor's office which was in the hospital. Mom had to keep telling me to slow down because I thought I was going to get the cast off then. When I found out it wasn't until the next day I was disappointed but I could wait. He didn't do much with me except a quick examination but he talked with mom for quite a while. When they were done he called for a candy striper which was a volunteer nursing assistant to take us up to the orthopedics ward to look around and meet the nursing staff. While we were waiting for the elevator She told mom the orthopedic ward was divided into four wards by age groups. She said I was going to be in ward 2, which was four to six year olds. The head nurse's name was Nancy and she was nice. She told mom there was a form they would need to fill out. Mom sat next to her desk and I sat in a smaller chair off to the side and just looked around. Nancy began asking mom questions off the form: "Is he allergic to any medicines or foods?" "No." "Does he have any other medical problems?" "No." They went on and on like that and I wasn't paying much attention to them until Nancy hit on a category that made me sit up and take notice- sleeping problems. I was a bed wetter, not every night, but often enough that mom kept a plastic cover on my mattress and a couple of old beach towels spread out between it and the sheet. My folks never made a big deal out of it and mom would just give me a dry pair of underwear in the morning and change the bedding and that would be it. We hardly ever talked about it, not because it was a taboo subject or anything, but because, like I said, it was no big deal to them. The couple of times we did talk about it I had brought it up. I asked mom how come I still wet and she told me lots of kids my age did and I would stop when I got a little older so don't worry about it and I didn't. "Does he wake up in the middle of the night?" "No." "Does he have nightmares?" "No." "Does he sleepwalk?" "No." "Does he wet the bed?" "Yes." Oh man! I was hoping she wouldn't ask mom that. I wasn't mad at mom for telling her, because they would have found it out anyway. It was just something I didn't want it talked about. "Ok, because he has a current history of bedwetting he'll have to be in diapers while he's here." I just about fell out of the chair. Mom asked if she meant just at night. Nancy said, "no he'll wear them full time." "Why full time?" Kids his age can get rather stressed when they're here and we find the frequency of wetting usually picks up and it's very common for them to start wetting in the daytime ,even when they don't do it at home." "He's never wet himself in the daytime since he was two." "Well, like I said we find it happens a lot, so we have to take measures to deal with it, and that's going to require him to wear diapers." "I can tell you right now he's definitely not going to like that." Mom glanced over at me and she could tell I was just about to flip out. I've got my work cut out for me mom said to no one in particular. "Believe me, were used to dealing with that, and we don't have any choice I'm afraid. But don't worry I have an assistant supervisor nurse and her name is Jennifer. This is her day off, but she'll be here tomorrow. The kids absolutely adore her and we always let her get them into their diapers the first time if they're not accustomed to wearing them. We haven't figured out how she does it, but believe me, I've seen her take the most stubborn or reluctant child and even kids that are throwing complete temper tantrums over it and, in no time at all she has them diapered and happy as larks. We never have another moment's trouble with them after that. I promise you he'll be just fine." "I'll believe it when I see it," mom said. They finished the rest of the questions then Nancy told mom what was going to happen tomorrow. "We'll need you here at 7:30 and I'll have some consent forms and releases for you to sign, plus a few other things to go over with you. That should take about forty-five minutes or so, and while were doing that Jenny will take him for a little tour and let him pick out his bed. She'll get him changed out of his clothes and settled in, then you can stay with him till 9:00. Then we'll get started with the cast removal and the lab work and x-rays. You can come back during visiting hours tomorrow evening." I didn't say anything to mom about the diapers while we were walking back to the apartment, but as soon as we got inside I let her have it. "Mom I'm not going to wear a diaper and they're not going to put them on me! I don't care what there rules are. If they try and put one on me I'm going to leave and just keep the cast on forever!" "You don't have any choice, son, you're going to have to wear them, and getting mad over it isn't going to help." I ain't doing it, mom." "It's not going to hurt you to wear them for a few days, and there'll be other kids wearing them, too. Nobody is going to make fun of you or tease you about it so just take it easy." "No way, I won't do it." We went on like that for most of the day. I guess towards the evening it was starting to wear thin with mom and she lost her temper a little. "I've heard enough about this! You're going to wear them and I better not find out you gave them any trouble over I,t or I'm going to lower the boom on you. Do you understand me?" "Then you better not take me there tomorrow mom cause I ain't wearing them no matter what anyone says!" And you heard what I said so that had better be the last word I hear out of you about this!" I dropped it. As soon as I opened my eyes the next morning I started gearing up for a fight. While I was raised to be respectful and polite to my elders I was pissed off. I made up my mind that as soon as I saw this Jenny who ever she was that I was going to tell her in no uncertain terms what she could do with her diapers. We walked into the ward and Nancy said good morning and we sat down. "Jenny had to step out for a moment but she'll be right back," Nancy said, "and then we'll get started." She leaned over to me. "So, you excited about getting the cast off and your arm all fixed?" I smiled and said yes. Just about then Jenny walked in and all my anger suddenly evaporated and from that moment on I never had a chance. There are some people that have a strange sort of magnetism about them that children and animals find impossible to resist. Jenny was one of those people. From the second I saw her I liked her very much and started looking for any excuse I could think of to get near her. She had raven black hair and was in her mid twenties. She was very pretty and the only word I can think of to describe the impression I had of her was that she just looked very soft. I know that sounds dumb, but even today I can't think of a better way to say it. Nancy introduced herself to mom and then to me. She came over to me and shook my hand and said hello. I was so mesmerized by her. I think I might have mumbled something back but can't be sure. Mom said, "why don't you go and look at those books over there for a minute." I knew what that meant, get lost so she could talk to them without me hearing. I went over to the table a few feet away and picked up a book and pretended to look at it. I was still close enough to hear what was said. Mom leaned over toward them. "Listen, I need to tell something. All day long yesterday he was as upset as I've ever seen him. And it was all about having to wear diapers. I talked to him 'til I was blue in the face and got absolutely nowhere. He refuses to have anything to do with them and won't even consider it. And believe me, you're not going to change his mind, so be ready for a fight when you try putting it on him, because he's going to be trouble. Nancy just smiled and said, "no he's not." Jenny came over to me and said, "your mom and Nancy have a bunch of papers to fill out, so what do you say we go look around while they're doing that?" I nodded OK. She picked me up and put me on her hip and started walking. I glanced at mom and she had a look like she was watching a condemned prisoner being taken away. Jenny told me to watch all the beds and if I saw one without a card in the slot on the end and if I liked it I could choose that one. We stopped at the windows and looked out and Jenny told me the names of the mountains and some of the buildings that we could see. We stopped and talked to some of the kids as we went around and I was looking to see if any of them were wearing diapers but didn't see any. There was a bed right next to the window with no card and I asked Jenny if I could have that one so I could see out. "Sure you can. We'll come back a little later and put your card on it." She pointed out the play area in the middle of the ward. There didn't seem like there were many kids around and I asked her where they were and she said some were in other parts of the hospital and some were in the therapy room and I would see it in a moment. We got all the way to the other end of the ward and there was a big set of double doors. Jenny reached over and pushed a big red button on the wall. There was a hissing sound and the doors swung open. I thought that was really neat. We went in and it was full of tables with ropes and weights and slings. She told me, "that's where we stretch our muscles to get them better." I would be in here next week. That sounded like fun. I watched the kids and nurses for a few minutes and some of the kids looked like it was hurting them pretty bad. We went to the back and through another door and the room was full of little bathtub-like things and they had water moving all around in them. The kids in them looked like they were having a ball. I flipped when I saw that and asked Jenny if I could try one when I came next week. "Sure." Then she got close to my ear and sort of whispered, "I'll tell you what. If we get done with all our stuff on time today you and me just might sneak back in here and you can try one this afternoon. What do you say?" "Okay, thank you," I answered. We left the therapy room and continued around the ward. There was a small room sticking out in the corner of the ward. It had a wide opening at the end with a curtain that could be pulled across. As we were approaching it I could see a cabinet up against the left wall with a padded top on it. Kind of like a mattress from a crib, and it was covered with a sheet. I guessed it was an examination table of some kind. Just beyond it was a couple of short walls sticking out from both sides of the room and they were portioning off what looked to be a storeroom. As we went through the doorway Jenny stopped and drew the curtain closed. I could see shelves on the back wall of the storeroom and they were full of bedding and blankets on the lower shelves and hospital gowns robes slippers and kids underwear on the upper ones. We got passed the examination table and I looked in. To left behind the short wall was another set of shelves. They were completely full of diapers, baby pants, pins, powder-- you name it-- and it was there. Exam table, my foot, it was a changing table. I immediately started to push away from Jenny and she turned and stepped back away from the shelves. "Just relax and take it easy; you'll be all right." I ain't wearing diapers and nobody's going to make me." "OK, OK, don't get excited. I'm not going to put it on you right now." "Jenny, I won't wear them, so don't even try to put it on me, and I mean it." "Yes, I know you mean it. All I want you to do is let me show you a couple of things and then let's talk about it a little; will you do that for me, please?" "I don't want to talk about it cause I ain't wearing them." "Well, if you're sure you're not going to wear them, then it won't hurt anything to just talk about it, will it? Please, will you do it just for me?" As long as she knew I wasn't going to wear them I figured she was right, it wouldn't hurt to just talk about it. I liked her so much I didn't want to do anything to hurt her feelings or make her not like me. I nodded yes. She turned and started back towards the entrance and next to it on the wall was a big cork bulletin board with at least forty or fifty pictures pinned on it. I hadn't seen it when we came because it was to my back. We got closer I could see they were pictures of kids ranging in age from about four to six years old. Most were boys. Some were in the beds out in the ward. Others were in wheelchairs and a lot of them were either sitting up or lying down on the changing table behind us. Most of them though were being held by Jenny just the way she was holding me. Every single one of them was wearing diapers. All but a few had baby pants on over them over them. The baby pants were very large and a roomy looking. Some had on hospital gowns but even they couldn't hide it. Between the camera angle that was used and the hospital gowns being so short you couldn't help seeing what they were wearing under them. I just kept staring at the pictures trying to comprehend what I was looking because I was so stunned by them. Jenny asked, "you see all those kids?" I kind of nodded. "Look real close at them and tell me if you see even one of them that looks like they're mad or upset." They were all smiling and looked happy as could be. And that was what was blowing me away. Even though they were all very heavily diapered they were grinning from ear to ear and looked like they had just hit the jackpot. "No, I don't," I answered. "You want to try and guess why there all smiling and happy like that?" she asked. I was so flabbergasted by then I couldn't even begin to guess and just shook my head no. "Would you like to know why?" "Yah, I guess so." She quickly looked around as if to make sure nobody was around that could hear, then put her mouth right next to my ear and very quietly whispered, "because they know the secret." "What secret?" I whispered back. "Let me ask you something first, If I tell you what the secret is and make you a promise that it really is the truth and that I'm not fibbing even a tiny little bit, and cross my heart, will believe me?" Well, by this time she had me so firmly on the hook that I would have agreed with just about anything to hear what it was. And I knew beyond a doubt by the way she had said it that no matter how crazy it sounded it was going to be the truth. "Yah, I'll` believe you, tell me." "OK, I promise you this is the truth," and she crossed her heart with her finger. "Here's the secret. And you can't tell anybody, OK?" "I won't," I answered . "Diapers feel really, really, really good, and when you're wearing them they make you feel absolutely wonderful." My jaw dropped. She quickly put her hand up with three fingers extended and said, "scout's honor; I'm not fibbing, honest, look at the pictures again. Bet they'll make more sense to you now?" They all looked like they liked wearing diapers, and right out in the open too. There were people all over in the pictures and that's what really got me. How in the heck could they do that? I'd die if that were me. "Well, do you understand them better now?" "I don't know, they look like they're okay wearing diapers, but how come there not embarrassed and trying to hide them?" "Why should they be embarrassed?" "I know I would be and I'd never let anybody see me wearing one." You shouldn't feel that way there's nothing wrong with wearing diapers." "Diapers are for babies," I said. "Ok, if diapers are only for babies, then let me show you something." She turned and walked back to the storeroom and reached around the partition and picked up a pair of baby pants. She handed them to me and said, "open them up and take a look at them." I did and they looked very big, big enough to fit really big kids. "If you say diapers are only for babies then how come they make them that big?" I didn't answer. "It's because lots and lots of kids that are way older then you wear diapers every day. Don't believe me?" I just shrugged my shoulders. "Well, stop and think about it, why would they make them this big if older kids didn't wear them?" She took the pants and put them back on the shelf. She sat me on the edge of the changing table. "We've had hundreds of kids here your age that wore diapers and not a one of them were unhappy about it. Like I said, the pictures don't lie." She pointed back at the bulletin board. "All those kids felt just like you do right now, until they got their first diaper on. Then after that they loved them. And yes, they felt a little funny wearing them at first and didn't want anybody to see them with it on, but very soon they got used to them and liked them so much they quit worrying about it. Besides, everybody around here is so used to seeing kids in diapers they don't even pay any attention to it. Let me show you something else." Stepping around the partition again this time she got a diaper and stepped back in front of me. She closed her eyes and gently rubbed it on her cheek for a few seconds with a pleasant smile on her face. "Here, you feel it," she said. "Close your eyes." I did and felt it touch my cheek. She slowly rubbed it up and down and it was very soft and smelled good. "Nice, huh?" "Yah," I said. By this time I was starting to succumb to her manipulation and was beginning to agree with whatever she said. Before long I probably would have jumped off the building if she'd asked me to. "When I put this on you it's going to feel so warm and soft and fluffy you're not going to believe it, You'll love it, I promise." I think that was a test to see if I was going to flip out when she said it and still needed more work. Apparently I was where she wanted me. She took it away from my cheek and I opened my eyes as she set it on the end of the table. "What do you say we give it a try?" she asked. "No, I don't want to." She must have detected something in my voice that told her I was considering it. "No one can see you here, so what do you say we just try it on you for a few minutes and see how you like it. Please, will you do it for me?" she asked. Then, before I could even respond she took both her hands and cradled my head in them and gave me a little kiss on the forehead. Oh man, I really liked her. I started to say no again and she put her finger to her lips signaling me to stay quiet. "Close your eyes for me again. Good." She put her hands on my shoulders. "Now, sit here quietly for a moment with your eyes closed and just relax because I want you to really enjoy this." I started getting all tingly. After about a minute or so she asked, "how you doing? You feeling pretty good now?" I opened my eyes and nodded yes. She had two blue diaper pins stuck in the front of her nurses' uniform. I took a quick glance over at the diaper and while my eyes were closed she had gotten a pair of baby pants and some powder and set them next to it. My heart started to pound. The second I saw the pins on the front of her it triggered something in me and I wanted her to diaper me so bad right then I could taste it. I was like a mouse looking at that big old piece of cheese and knowing you better not touch it or it will spring the trap on you, but you want it so bad you reach for it anyway. She pulled me forward a little and held me in a hug for a few seconds to calm me down. "Now, you just sit back and relax and let me take care of everything and pretty soon you're going to be smiling just like those kids in the pictures. Put your arms straight up for me. She pulled down on the sleeve of my T-shirt and put her other hand up the front of it and helped me get my good arm out of it. She lifted the neck opening over my head then very carefully worked the other sleeve down over the cast so as not to hurt me. Putting one hand behind my neck and reaching under my knees with the other, she lifted my legs up and turned me sideways on the cushion and laid me down. Unfastening my pants, she said, "lift up for me" and pulled both my pants and underwear off together. Picking up the diaper and setting it down between us, she got hold of both my ankles with her right hand and lifted me up as she used her left hand to put it under me. She lowered me down and my heart really started to race. "Lets put a little powder on you so you'll smell good." Ever since she first picked me up by Nancy's desk I kept thinking I smelled some kind of perfume on her but it was so faint sometimes I wasn't sure if I was actually smelling it or not. When I did get whiffs of it I liked it but couldn't figure out what it was. As soon as she started sprinkling the powder on me it hit me. What I'd been smelling the whole time was baby powder and that cracked me up for some reason and I let out a giggle. She stopped with the powder for a second and said, "what's that all about?" "Oh, nothing." "Well I'm sure glad you're enjoying the 'Oh, nothing'," and she continued with the powder. When she pulled the diaper up between my legs and spread it out over the front of me the thickness and bulk of it caught me completely by surprise and it shocked me. It kind of snapped my out of my haze for a moment and the realization of what was happening began to sink in. I started to have serious second thoughts. The whole thing was very unfamiliar and strange to me. Suddenly I changed my mind and didn't want to do it. I was just about to tell her. She had left the diaper over the front of me and put her hands on the edge of the pad to give me time to adjust to the feeling. I think she knew I was about to back out when she said, "I know it feels a little funny now, but it's going to get a lot better real quick, just watch." Exactly like she said it would I started to notice the warmth from it and it did feel as soft and fluffy as a cloud. I started to calm down some. She drew the first side together and started pinning it and it just kept getting better and better. When she brought the other side together the bulk of the fabric caused me to go kind of bowlegged and the overall feel of the diaper became so pleasant I couldn't believe it. I had felt so awkward and embarrassed up until then. I couldn't even look at her and just stared at the ceiling. When she finished with the second pin she put her hands on the edge of the table again and just let me lay there for a while and take it all in. Whenever I moved my legs even the slightest bit it would really enhance the feeling of it and I was trying to do it without being noticed. She said, "go ahead and wiggle around and get the feel of it," she had noticed. I sheepishly took her up on her offer and raised my knees up then opened and then closed my legs as far as the thickness of the diaper would allow. I put my knees down and was becoming totally oblivious to everything around me. "So what do you think? You going to be able to put up with these for a couple of weeks?" I just nodded my head yes and stopped moving. I was focusing so much on the unbelievably wonderful feel of the diaper by then I wasn't paying attention to anything else. "Want to hear another secret?" "Yes," I said rather weakly with a quivering voice. She picked up the baby pants and held them up in front of me. "You think that diaper feels good now wait 'til I get these on you and it'll feel twice as good." That was the first thing she had said that I didn't believe because I was sure it couldn't get any better. She slipped them over my feet then ran them up my legs and with an expertise that only comes with lots of practice as she lifted me first by one ankle then the other and had them all the way on me in nothing flat. She used her fingertips to push the leg elastics up snug next the diaper. "Now try wiggling around and see what you think." I did and it she was wrong it wasn't twice as good it was ten times as good. I was beginning to feel very good. An odd and pleasant sense of contentment came over me. "You're going to do just fine," she said. How about we get a gown on you then we'll go and see if Nancy and your mom are done. "Jenny, I can't go out there, everybody will see it." "I'm going to put a robe on you too, nobodies going to see anything." "The kids are going to make fun of me." How are they going to do that if they don't know you have it on? It'll be fine, I promise." As she turned to go get a gown and robe I lifted my head up and looked down. The baby pants were blossoming out all over. They were a milky white color. Even though they were opaque and only slightly transparent I could still barely make out the diaper and blue pins through them. Suddenly I felt very much like a little baby. She sat me sit up as she put the gown on me. Pulling a comb out of her side pocket she ran it through my hair. She said, told you you'd like it, didn't I? Was I right?" "Yah, but I'm scared someone will see it." "Hey, like I told you, everybody is so used to seeing kids in diapers around here we don't even pay any attention to it anymore." After she got a robe on me she put me on her hip and we left the room. As we were going down the front of the ward I looked at the windows facing out into the hallway and could see our reflection. The robe worked and I couldn't see anything that was giving away what I was wearing. There were people in the hallway looking in at us but they didn't act as though they were paying any attention to us. All the kids in the play area watched us go by and a few had a look like "I know what you got on." I was hoping I was wrong about that. When we got up to the front mom was still sitting next to Nancy's desk with a clipboard in her lap and Nancy and her were talking. Jenny walked up alongside mom who had her back to us. "Okay, mom, we're all done," Jenny said. "Oh good, that didn't take long," mom said and started to put the clipboard on Nancy's desk. While she was doing that she took a quick glance at us then turned her head back to see where she was setting it. She hadn't noticed. Nancy said, "So Jenny, you get everything taken care of that you needed to do?" "Sure, piece of cake," Jenny said. Mom gave Nancy a quizzical look then caught on to what she meant and looked at Jenny like, "if you're trying to tell me he's got a diaper on right now I don't believe it." Jenny gave mom a wink and a smile as if to say, "hey it's no big deal I do this all the time." Jenny took me off her hip and sat me crosswise on mom's lap. Mom put a hand on my back and the other one over my lap. I could feel her kind of exploring what was under the robe with her fingers. She found the diaper pin and fingered it a bit more just to be sure. She gave Jenny a look like, "how in the world did you manage this?" Mom smiled and started shaking her head. I was so embarrassed that they were talking about me being in diapers like that as if I didn't know what was going on I wanted to die. "Why don't you show your mom the bed you picked out and I'll make you a card and bring it over so you can put it in the holder," Jenny said. "Lets go see," mom said and lifted me off her lap and stood me on the floor. She got up and took my hand and we started off. That was the first time I had walked since Jenny put it on me and it was so unbelievably fantastic I almost wet myself right there. We got over to the bed and mom asked me why I picked that one and I told her so I could look out the window. "Well, let's get you up in it and see how well you can see," and she lifted me onto it. I could see fine. Jenny came over with the card and put it in the slot. A lot of the kids were watching us and I think some of them were trying to see if they were right about what I was wearing. "Let's get that robe off you," Jenny said and she reached down and pulled the part of the robe I was sitting on out from under my rump. I started to panic and Jenny said, "I'll cover you up with a blanket." She untied the belt and slipped it off the back of me. I looked down and the baby pants were sticking out under the front of the gown. I knew if I could see them everybody else could, too. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it up over my lap and turned beet red. Mom didn't say a word and I think she felt sorry for me. I looked over to the play area and some of the kids were covering their mouths and snickering like, "yah, I knew it." Jenny saw what was going on and said, "excuse me for a moment." She went over and had a few words with them. I couldn't hear what was said but as soon as she left they started going out of their way not to look. I sat there getting more embarrassed by the minute. I knew mom was dying to ask me how Jenny managed to get the diaper me after all the ruckus I had raised the day before but she let it go. Mom stayed a little while longer then Nancy came over and said, "I'm sorry, but we have to get started now." She handed mom a large white paper sack with a picture of the hospital on it and said it was my clothes. Mom kissed me goodbye and told me to do everything they told me and she would see me that afternoon. A candy striper came and they put the robe and a pair of slippers on me. The candy striper didn't act as if she noticed the baby pants sticking out but I knew she saw them and the kids were all gawking again. We started off in a wheelchair. When we got off the elevator we went into the cast room. There was a man in it and the striper stood me up and started taking my robe off. I want to keep it on, I pleaded. "Sorry, it has to come off so he can work on the cast." She put me up on the table with my legs hanging over the edge. The baby pants were visible to everyone walking by the door. She pulled the gown down both arms in the front and let it rest on my lap. I pushed it on down to cover up better. They split the cast all the way down the inside and outside, but instead of taking it off they wrapped an elastic bandage around it and left it on. They told me it would come off tomorrow when they fixed my arm. We went to x-ray and they took many shots, then they took some blood from my arm and that wasn't much fun, but I didn't cry. The doctor came in and took the cast off and looked at my arm and then put it back on. We waited around until the x- rays came back so he could look at them then went back to the ward. Jenny was right, none of the staff even gave my diaper a second glance. Jenny got me back in my bed and said she would come back in a while and she would have a surprise for me. She came right after we finished lunch and she took me into the therapy room. We went over to what they called the jet tub and she reached down and closed a drain valve the turned the water on and kept adjusting the temperature as it filled. There was a net all the way down the inside like a hammock with a plastic headrest at the top. When it had filled she started to take my robe off and I told her I changed my mind I didn't want to try the tub. She knew what I was really worrying about and positioned herself between me and the other kids and said, "they're not going to see anything, just relax." After she got the robe off she sat me in the chair next to the tub and laid the robe across my lap to cover me up. Just like the striper had done she untied the gown in the back and pulled it down and left it on top of the robe. She had a long skinny plastic bag and slipped it up over the cast. Taking a wide, gooey- looking bandage out of a package, she wrapped it around both the top of the bag and the skin on my arm. "This has to be a little tight to keep the water out," she said. "Okay, were all set, ready?" She stood me up, and blocking the view again, she stripped the robe and gown away and pulled down one side of the baby pants and took the pin out and let it and the diaper go down my legs to the floor. "Step out," she said. She put the pin on the front of her uniform and then took the other one out and put it next to the first. As she was lowering me in she said, "it's going to feel hot at first, but you'll get used to in a minute. When I was lying all the way down she said, "let your head go back against the rest for me so I can see if it's adjusted right." I started to do it but the water was coming up to my mouth. "Okay,` hang on, let me fix that for you," and she pulled on the straps on both sides and said, "try it again." The water stopped at my chin this time. "That's perfect. OK, here we go," and she reached up to a panel over my head and flipped some switches and the water started going everywhere. "How do you like that?" "It's great, really feels good," I answered. "I'll be back in a few to see how you're doing," and she picked up the pants and diaper and walked to the back. All the kids were looking both at them and then at me. If the net hadn't been under me I would have tried to drown myself. Jenny walked around the room visiting with the other kids and staff while I was in the tub. After a while she picked up some towels from a stand and come over and took me out and dried me off. Wrapping a dry towel around me she said, "let's go get some britches on you" and reached down and picked up the robe and we went to the changing room. She diapered me and put another gown back on me and then whipped out her trusty comb again. "So, are you starting to feel a little more comfortable here?" "No, the kids keep looking and laughing at me," I said. "You don't want them to see you with the diaper on?" "No way!" "So, you're constantly looking around and trying to hide it, right?" "Yah!" "That's why they're doing it. If you ignore them and act like you don't care they'll get bored and stop." "No, they won't!" I said. "Hey they're only doing it because they know they can get you rattled. And they're going to keep it up 'til you relax and quit worrying about." "So, what am I supposed to do?" "Act like you don't have a care in the world and when they see that you're not bothered wearing them, they'll stop with the teasing." "Yah right, they'll never stop." "Yes, they will. Remember I've had many, many kids wearing diapers here and they had the same problem, and when they stopped acting like they were scared to death to be seen in a them and started acted normally, it stopped. You want to see if I'm right? We'll leave the robe off." "No!" I answered. "Not ready to try it my way yet, huh?" "No, I can't do it." "Ok I'll get you a robe, but it's not going to stop 'til you do." "I don't care, I cant do it." "Hey, they've already seen you in it, right?" "Yah." "Then why are you trying to hide it now?" "I don't know, I just can't do it." I went back to my bed and stayed covered up. Jenny came by later and said she wanted to talk to me. "I want to let you know what is going to happen tomorrow." "They're going to put me to sleep and cut my arm open and fix the stuff inside then sew it up then I have to do lots of exercises and it's going to hurt a lot." She just stood there with a stunned look and finally, when she could speak again asked, "Who told you all that?" "My dad." "Well, he sounds like a very smart man." "He is, and he always tells me I shouldn't get into something unless I know what's going to happen, so he told me everything." "You scared?" "NOPE!" "Not even a little bit?" "NOPE! Dad told me these guys are the best operators around and that's why he brought me here and he always says when you have the best you don't have to worry." "I really have to meet your dad," she said. "You'll like him, he's neat." "I already like him," she said. "What does you dad do?" "He's an operator," I said. "He's a doctor?" "No, he's an equipment operator, He drives a bulldozer." "Oh," she said. "Eat good tonight because you can't have any breakfast in the morning, but I'll give you some juice, OK?" "How come no breakfast?" "Because sometimes it makes you sick when you're asleep, so you can't have any. I'll give you a pill right after I get here in the morning and it's going to make you woozy." "That's okay," I said. "I'll try to come down there around lunch time and see how you're doing but I can't promise you because it just depends what I have going on here, but I really will try, OK?" "All right," I told her. "You know, you're my kind of kid," she said and told me goodnight and went home. The next morning they let mom come early and we were visiting when Jenny came in. She took a little white envelope out of her pocket and ripped it open and dumped the pill in the palm of her hand and put it out in front of me. I reached out and popped it in my mouth and immediately keeled over on my side like I had passed out. Jenny started cracking up and said, "get up, you turkey, they don't work that fast!" I opened my eyes and said, "Oh! And got back up. Jenny handed me some water and told me to swallow the pill and was laughing so hard she could barely talk and told mom, "This kid's nuts! You know that, don't you?" "You just figured that out?" "I could have told you that," mom said. Jenny walked away laughing her head off. She went up to Nancy's desk and I could see them talking. Then all of a sudden Nancy stood up and looked over at me and both of them were cracking up. I woke up in post- op. And felt like crap. Mom was there. She said Jenny came by a few moments before but I hadn't woke up yet and she couldn't stay. I started to barf and the nurse got a tray and put it beside me. My throat was killing me. They kept me overnight. When I got back to the ward the next morning I asked Jenny if I could go in the jet tub and she told me it wouldn't be allowed for at least two days until the stitches healed up. I had to wait until Monday; that was a bummer. I kept thinking about what Jenny had told me about the teasing. My bed was starting to feel like my own private space and I decided as long as I was in my space I would try her suggestion but only to a small degree. I started sitting up while I was reading or looking out the window and gradually push the blanket down just a little ways at first then farther with time. Some of the kids would look over and see my baby pants showing and giggle and point, but I just smiled and looked the other way. After a while most of them quit looking, but not all, There was about five of them that kept it up. It was a couple of more days before I was comfortable enough to be away from my bed in just the gown and no robe. I started leaving the covers off in bed during the day and would take naps on top of the covers. I sometimes wet during naps but was always soaked every morning. Jenny had told me the first day the diapers in the daytime were for just in case. If I needed to go potty let someone know and they would take me. If something happened and I wet the diaper during the day it was all right and not to worry about it. And if I had to sit on the potty be sure to tell someone because I was never to ever use the diaper for that. I loved the feel of the diapers and I especially loved it right after they put it on me before they stretched out and began to conform to my body shape. I always got a nurse when I had to whiz even a little bit. They would take me to the bathroom and take the diaper off me and let me do my thing. Then take me to the changing room and put a brand new fresh diaper on me and I would be in hog heaven for a while. The hardest thing to get used to was them changing me in bed. The first few times they did it I couldn't look at any of the kids for at least an hour afterwards. I eventually got used to it though and stopped dying of embarrassment. I wet a couple of times during the day just for the heck of it to see what it felt like. I really liked how it would suddenly get real warm. But then I was to embarrassed to tell a nurse and admit I had done it while I was awake so I would just stay in it till someone came by and checked me. I think they had a philosophy there that if you were going to be wearing diapers your bashfulness or modesty didn't matter. So to them there was no sense in screwing around with using a diaper on you that traded off absorbency for discreteness. Believe me, they were more than adequate for even the heaviest wetting. They were so thick and bulky you couldn't forget you were wearing it for a second. Jenny came by and picked me up and took me up front and I sometimes thought she believed my legs were damaged instead of my arm because she almost always carried me everywhere we went. When we got up front Nancy pulled out a camera. Jenny moved back a little and turned so I was slightly in front of her. Smile she said and I sort of did but I guess not enough for her. She reached down and tickled my foot and Nancy snapped the picture. It was Sunday and the second day after the surgery and I was just sitting there looking out the window and all of a sudden it started to snow. I couldn't hardly believe it. Jenny was a few beds away talking to a kid and I started calling her and pointing out the window. She said, "I'll be there in a minute just calm down." When she got there she asked, "what the heck's got you so excited?" "It's snowing," I said. "Oh, you like the snow?" she asked. "I've never seen it before," I said. "What do you mean you've never seen it be--- OH! That's right you're from California, aren't you?" Suddenly she started to get that squinty- eyed sneaky look like she had just before she told me the secret. She looked around as if to see that nobody could her. "You wait here and I'll be right back," and she took off. Making a beeline for the changing room, she ducked inside and was back out so fast I couldn't believe it. She was carrying a couple of blankets and beat feet towards the front. She was back in a flash with a wheelchair. She opened up a blanket and put it down on the seat and got me in my robe and slippers and plopped me down in it. Covering me up she took the other blanket and put it across the front of me. She knelt down and looked me right in the eyes and said, "we don't tell anyone about this because if they find out I going to be in big trouble, OK?" "I won't tell anyone, I promise," and I meant it; they couldn't have got it out of me with thumbscrews. Grabbing the handles, she spun me around and we went flying to the front. We stopped at Nancy's desk and Jenny said, "hand me one of those colored file dividers in the drawer down there, would you?" Nancy was bent over some papers and very slowly raised her head and had a look on her face like I didn't see nothin', I didn't hear nothin', I don't know nothin', and if anyone asks me I'm going to deny it. She bit the inside of her lip for a moment like she was trying to decide if giving her the divider was going to make her an accomplice. Opening the drawer, she took out a red one and handed it to her then slowly lowered her head back down like we were never there. Jenny grabbed her sweater off the hook behind us. When we got off the elevator we went down a long corridor and out a side entrance. She wheeled me out away from the building. Man, was it cold; Jenny had to be freezing in just a sweater. I maneuvered my good arm out of the blankets and reached out and grabbed a snowflake and pulled it back in to look at it. It was gone and only a wet spot remained. "Where'd it go?" I asked. "It melted," she said. "That fast?" "It's only a little piece of ice and they melt as soon as they touch anything warm," she said. "Here, try this," and she held the divider out in front of her like a serving tray and let some flakes land on it. She brought it over in front of me so I could see them. "They still melt pretty fast, but at least you can get a look at them," She said. I touched one with my fingertip and it instantly melted. I took the divider and played with it for a few minutes. There wasn't much snow, just enough to make everything start to turn white. Jenny knelt down alongside the walk and started scooping up snow from all around and finally had enough to make a snowball and handed it to me. I played with it for a while, then she said, "give it a toss, we have to get back now." I threw it away. When we passed Nancy's desk she still had that same look on her face. She plopped me back in bed and almost ran to the therapy ward doors and hit the button. When the doors swung open she pushed the chair in and turned around and started taking her sweater off like nothing had happened. She went up front to get chewed out. Like I said there were about five kids that still teased me and they had a ringleader. He was a little older than me and I honestly can't remember his name, so I'll just call him Tom. He was on crutches and had a metal brace on his foot and lower leg. He never missed an opportunity to torment me. One time he came by my bed and said, "hey, aren't you supposed to be in that ward over there?" He pointed across the hall to ward one and laughed and walked away. That was where the one to three-year-olds were. If you were in there you were diapered, period. Sometimes he would be over in the play area and would act like he was drinking out of a baby bottle or stick his thumb in his mouth. Once he put his fingertips on his hips like he was holding on to diaper pins and then wiggled his butt back and forth showing off his imaginary diaper. A couple of times I wanted to take his crutches and shove them where the sun don't shine. I was pretty sure I could whip him even with one bad arm but I knew if I did and mom got wind of it I was in deep trouble. Jenny knew everything that went on in the ward and when a couple of kids started butting heads she would intervene only if it started getting out of hand. If they kept it reasonably civil she would stay out of it and let them work it out between themselves. She stepped in on me and Tom a couple of times because she knew I was about to ring his chimes. I hated the ground that kid walked on and she knew that, too. It was the afternoon of the same day Jenny and I had sneaked out to the snow. I was sitting in bed not doing much and I saw Jenny get Tom and take him over to a couple of chairs near the back of the ward. They sat down and talked for a long time. Jenny left and Tom sat there by himself for a while then went over to his bed and lay down. Sometime later Jenny came over to me and asked. "Would you do me a great big favor if I asked you?" "Sure, you know I would." "OK, here it is, Tom, is going to have an operation on his foot in the morning. I told him what to expect tomorrow and he is very, very nervous. I've talked to him and can't get him to calm down. You've been through it already and know what it's all about. Would you talk with him and see if you can put him at ease?" I thought for a moment, let that S.O.B. sweat it 'til morning, then said yes, because there was no way I was going to say no to Jenny. "Thanks," she said and put my robe and slippers on me and we went into the therapy room to a small seating area. No one was in there. "Wait here I'll be back in a minute." The doors opened and Tom and Jenny walked in. He sat down and just looked at the floor. "Tell him what's going to happen tomorrow," she said to me. I looked at him and when she said he was nervous that didn't even come close. He looked like a chicken at a coyote convention. I actually felt sorry for him. I started with the pill and went from there. I told him I had gotten sick afterwards, but he might not, it just depends on the person. I explained the sore throat and that they give you ice water and it helps a lot and that it's fine the next morning. "What's it like?" he asked, and I told him it was just like taking a nap, you go to sleep and when you wake up it's all over. "You don't feel anything?" he asked and I told him, "no, nothing." "Were you scared?" "Are you kidding, when Jenny told me what they were going to do I was scared crazy. I'd never been more scared in my life but it was for nothing cause like I said, you don't feel a thing. Just take a nap and it's done." Jenny kind of gave me a quick sideways glance like, "you lying little turd." The more I talked to him the more sorry I felt for him and I talked like a Dutch uncle to try and help him. Finally, we broke it up and went back to our beds. Just before they put the lights out that night Tom came over to me and said, "hey, I'm sorry I teased you, I won't do it anymore." I said, "thanks." The next morning his parents were there early and Jenny gave him his pill. My mom came just as they were wheeling him out and he looked over at me and gave me the OK sign and smiled. I did the same. Jenny came by a little later and said, "thank you for doing that for me yesterday, it was very nice of you and it helped him a lot." "You're welcome," I said. She put her hand on my shoulder for a moment and said, "kid, you're number one in my book," and left. Mom asked, "what was that about?" "Oh, I just helped her with a problem she was having is all." Well, snoopy old mom couldn't stand it and she said, "I'll be back in a minute" and went over the Jenny. They talked for a few then she came back beaming from ear to ear. She obviously approved. "I'm very proud of you," she said. Mom and I were talking and Jenny stopped by. I was kind of reclining in the bed and suddenly mom said, "hey, tell me something, will you?" "What?" I asked. "Aren't you the same guy that drove me absolutely crazy that day with, 'I'm never wearing diapers, no way mom, there not putting them on me and they better not try it', and you went on and on like that the whole day. I check you in the very next morning and warn them that they're going to be in for the fight of their lives when they try to put it on you. We hadn't even been here an hour yet and you were sitting on my lap wearing a diaper and happy as a clam? So tell me, what changed your mind so quickly?" I glanced at Jenny and she simply smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "Can't tell you, mom, it's a secret." Mom stood there, looking at me for a few, like "HUH?????" Then she looked at Jenny, who immediately threw up her hands and said, "can't tell you, mom, it's a secret." Mom started shaking her head and sort of laughing to herself as if to say, "okay, I give up." Mom left and my big my day had come. I was going to start therapy this morning and maybe get a spin in the jet tub. The doctor came by and checked my arm and gave the go-ahead for the therapist to start me. It didn't go real well, my arm swelled up and hurt like crazy. They iced it and called mom and asked her to come back. After some more x-rays and meetings with the doc and therapist they said they would have to modify the schedule somewhat and start me out more gradually. Now, instead of me getting discharged on Wednesday of the following week it was going to be on the Friday. Mom said it wasn't a problem. All that mattered was getting my arm healthy. But I did get to go in the tub that afternoon. They brought Tom back that afternoon and he looked over at me as they were putting him in bed and gave me the thumbs up. His foot and ankle was all bandaged. The therapy started going much better after a couple of days and it was getting harder and longer as the days passed. One afternoon I was in the jet tub and relaxing after finishing the therapy and Jenny came in and waved. She milled around the kids and staff for a while then came over and moved the chair down to the end of the tub so she could look at me as she talked. "Something bothering you?" she asked. "No! Why?" "I've been watching you over here for a while and you look like you're thinking real hard about something. Want to tell me what it is?" I thought about it for a minute then decided I could tell her. "I've been wanting to ask mom if it would be all right with her if I wore diapers at night when we get home but can't." "Why can't you?" she asked. "I don't know, every time I start to I get feeling weird and chicken out." "There's nothing wrong with that question; I don't know why you'd chicken out." "Well, I just do, and besides even if I could ask her I know she'd talk to dad about it." "You don't think your dad would approve?" she asked. "I don't think so, he keeps calling me his big boy all the time and when I do something he likes he tells me how proud he is of me. I don't think he'd like it if he knew I wore diapers." "You think he doesn't know you're wearing them now?" "He doesn't know," I answered. "Oh, really?" she said. "You know your mom calls him every night to tell him how you're doing and how you're progressing, right?" "Yah, I know." "Well, you remember the day you gave your mom such a hard time about not wearing diapers?" "Yah, I remember." "Well, after you went to sleep that night your mom called your dad and told him how upset you were over it." I felt a cold chill go down my back with that one. "He said he was very sorry and wished there was something he could do to help, but if that were the rules you were just going to have to do it. And he also told your mom he couldn't understand why you were getting so worked up over it because there was nothing wrong with wearing them. So you see, he does know, and he doesn't have a problem with it." I was speechless because I really believed he didn't know. After I just kept silent. Jenny said, "how about I speak to your mom for you?" AHHHH! "I don't know," I said. "Hey, what's it going to hurt, all she can do is say no, right?" "Yah, I guess so." "Then it's OK for me to talk to her then?" "Yah, I suppose so, thanks." The next morning right at about the start of visiting hours Jenny started hanging around the entrance instead of checking the kids to make sure we were presentable and combing our hair like she usually did. When mom showed up she intercepted her and they went out in the hall and stepped out of sight. After a while they came back in and mom came over. I started to tense up anticipating what she might say but she never mentioned a word about it. We just had a regular normal visit. I decided that either Jenny had chickened out, too, or it wasn't the right time to ask her. The next morning as usual one of the first things Jenny did was get a fresh diaper and baby pants with some powder and come over and change me. We talked for a minute or two after that and just like mom the night before, she never brought it up. She picked up the wet diaper and went into the therapy room to put it in the diaper pail and wash her hands. When she hadn't said, "I haven't talked to your mom yet, I'm waiting for the right time" or something like that. I knew I was right she had chickened out. Mom came in at her regular time and started off her usual chipper self. "Did you sleep good?" "How was breakfast?" and stuff like that. All of a sudden she got a real perturbed look and said, "Jenny and I had a little talk last night." "Oh, gees!" I thought, "why did I ever tell her it was OK to talk to mom?" This was going to be bad, very bad. I couldn't even look at her and just lowered my head. "Please look at me and not at the blankets when I'm talking. I'm very concerned by this. Why didn't you ask me yourself instead of having someone else do it for you?" "I tried, mom, a couple of times, but I just couldn't do it!" "Why not?" "I don't know. I would go to do it and then start to feel embarrassed to be asking it and then chicken out." "I don't understand why you would feel embarrassed; you're wearing them now." "Yah, but this is the hospital, and I don't have any choice here. Mom, I'm sorry I made you mad." "Hey, you've got the wrong idea here, I'm not mad, it just really bothers me to think you could have something that important to and you didn't feel like you could talk to me about it." I want you to make me a promise. From now on if you have something you need to talk about or ask you'll come to either your dad or me with it, no matter what it is. I give you my word, we'll listen to you and do anything we can to help; will you make me that promise?" "Yes, mom, I promise." "Good, well, we got that settled. That wasn't so bad, now was it?" "No, it was fine, thanks mom." "Now, about your question. You want to wear diapers at night, to keep your bed dry. Sure you can. No problem at all. As soon as we get home and rested up from our trip a little we'll go to the store and get you some. How's that sound?" "That sounds real good mom, thanks, But what about dad?" "I talked to your dad after I left here last night and told him what you wanted to do." There went that cold chill up my back again. "He said to tell you he thought it was a great idea and he was with you all the way on this one. And he also told me to tell you he was real proud of you for deciding this all on you own." "Really, mom? He said that?" "Yes, really, that's exactly what he said, so you're all set, kiddo." Man, I was floating so high right then you couldn't have reached me with an airplane. As soon as mom left Jenny came strolling over with a smug look on her face. "You know, you look like somebody that just got some good news." I answered, "Yah! Real good news, thank you very much Jenny." "Any time, glad to help." My last full day had started. Mom came in and said, "your dad went home after work yesterday and got a few hours sleep and left late last night. He's driving here right now to take us home tomorrow. And it looks like he'll get here in time for tonight's visiting hours, How's that sound?" That was the best thing I'd heard in a long time. I was really missing him. The day couldn't go by fast enough. Finally, it was just about visiting hours and Jenny walked by and said, "wont be long now!" I thought, "Yah, she's right" and then started to feel rather apprehensive. Mom had guaranteed me that dad didn't have a problem with me and the diapers but I was feeling very funny about letting him see me in one. I made sure the gown was down as far as it would go and pulled the covers up and tucked it in all around my waist so nothing would show. They walked through the doorway and mom always the stickler for courtesy and politeness started introducing dad to Nancy and Jenny. The way dad was looking all over trying to see where I was I knew intros was the last thing he was interested in right then They saw it, too, and both of them began waving them on by. Jenny got up and ushered him right on around them and said, "We'll have time for introductions later. Go over to your boy right now he's really chomping at the bit to see his dad," and she pointed over at me. He thanked her and set a direct course for me. He didn't waste time to put the side rail down he just reached over it and snatched me up and pulled me to his chest and gave me a big bear hug. After a few he planted a great big smooch on my cheek and at the same time gave me several pats on my well padded rear, then just held his hand firmly up against it. I had just crossed the last hurdle at that moment. My dad had a certain style of doing things and him giving me those pats then resting his hand directly on the seat of the baby pants like that was his way of letting me know they were OK with him. Then he started nuzzling his old beard stubble and mustache in the side of my neck, that always made me cringe like crazy and giggle like the village idiot. Mom put her arms around both of us and we were a family again, life was good. I don't think he put me down the whole visit. Both Nancy and Jenny came over and the intros were made. "You look like you're really tired," Jenny said to dad. He said he felt like he had been drug through a knothole and explained how he had drove straight through with only a few hours sleep after work. "You're not going to go straight back through tomorrow, are you?" she asked. "No way," dad said, "we'll be getting too late a start for that and I'm not up to it anyway." Well stop in Saint George and spend the night. After a few more minutes Nancy and Jenny went home. The next morning I woke up real early and was just lying there looking out the window. I thought for a moment that I heard Jenny's voice then dismissed it. Then I thought I heard it again, it was still dark outside. I propped my self up on one elbow and looked to the front and she was talking real quite with the night staff. She had Tuesdays and Wednesdays off but on the other days right at quarter to seven she would walk in. You could set your watch by it. She would put her purse in the cabinet behind Nancy's desk hang up her sweater then start meeting with the night staff. I had never seen her this early before. She walked towards me and when she got close put her finger to her lips to tell me not to make a sound. Very quietly she lowered the bed rail and picked me up and went over to the therapy doors. Instead of pushing the button and the doors making noise she pulled on side open and we slipped in. "Glad to see you were awake," she said. "How come you're here so early?" I asked. "Well, you're going home this morning and I thought you might like one more spin in the jet tub before you go." It didn't surprise me she was doing this. She took the wet diaper off and instead of putting the pins on the front of her uniform as usual she hooked them together and dropped them in her side pocket. I knew that meant it was over. She let me stay in the tub much longer than ever before and we talked and sometimes just remained quiet and enjoyed each other's company. Finally I got out and we went to the changing room. She put a pair of underwear and a gown on me and combed my hair. As we started to leave the room she took me over in front of the bulletin board and pulled out an unused pin and handed it to me. Reaching down in her pocket she pulled out a photo, it was the one Nancy had taken a few days earlier. I had completely forgotten about it. She positioned it next to the last one and said, "push the pin in." In the picture we were by the coat rack and Jenny's arm had pulled the back of the gown all the way up above the top of the baby pants. I knew that hadn't been an accident. The first time I ever set eyes on all those pictures I said to myself there was no way they were ever going to get my picture up there with me wearing a diaper. Now pushing the pin in was kind of the crowning end of the whole experience. I had just become an official member in good standing of Jenny's diapered kids club. I had been given the release and mom started putting my clothes on me. When she finished she put the gown and hospital underwear in the sack and left it on the bed. I was having mixed emotions, I was glad to be going home but I was missing Jenny and we hadn't even left yet. We were just finishing saying goodbye and started to walk out. Jenny reached down next to Nancy's desk and picked up one of the white hospital sacks. The top was folded over several times. She handed it to me and said, "open it later." Mom opened the rear door on the station wagon and took the sack from me and reached over the back of my seat and put it and her purse in the rear with the suitcases. I just sat and looked out the windows for a couple of hours feeling so good to be moving. I remembered the sack and got up on my knees and reached over the seat back and found it. I set it down next to me and unfurled the top and reached in. I felt a paper and pulled it out. It was a much larger print of the photo I had pinned on the board earlier that morning. Across the bottom was written, "To my best little friend" and she had signed it "Jenny." A small note was paper clipped to the top. It said, "for you until you get home". Putting the sack in my lap I looked down in it. There was a diaper and baby pants a couple of blue pins and a small sample size can of powder. I thought, "YIKES!!!!" and crunched the top of the sack closed real quick and looked up. Mom was sitting kind of sideways with her arm on the back of the seat. She had been watching me the whole time. She gave me a wink and turned back around in her seat. A little info and some comments. I tried to write this as a story instead of a narrative. I thought it would be more interesting that way, hope I succeeded. First of all this is a true story, The parts about my parents financial burden after my accident and things like my dad driving to Salt Lake to find a place for mom to stay and so on I picked up listening to my folks talking about it over the years. The parts pertaining to my experiences in the hospital are from my own personal recollections. A little about myself. I am married and we have a son who is twenty-six and he has a son that just turned five. I am still a bedwetter and I still wear cloth diapers and vinyl pants to bed every night. And I still enjoy them as much now as the first time. I have found as I get older that they are a great strain reliever. I am in a line of work that studies have shown to have the highest level of stress of any civilian occupation second only to air traffic controllers. At bedtime after a hot shower a fresh thick diaper and a warm bed the tension rolls off and I sleep like excuse the pun a baby. Anticipating some of your questions: of course my wife is aware of my wetting and use of diapers to manage it. We had been dating about six months and things were getting serious so I decided I had better let know about it. She didn't have a problem with it at all. It was sometime later before I told her of my attraction to them and her response was then and still is that she thinks it's cute. My son also knows of my wetting and use of diapers to manage it and he has known since he was old enough to comprehend. He does not know of the other part. My son did not wet the bed but his boy does. I'm told it's quite common for it to skip a generation like that. My son has told me his boy is greatly bothered by his wetting. He asked me at what age did I finally accept it. I told him I didn't just wake up one morning and say OH man I'm a bed wetter now what do I do? I explained to him that my parents treated it in such an open, causal and non-judgmental manner that it never was a problem for me. It was something that was a daily part of my life that I grew up with and I never felt any shame or pressure because of the way it was dealt with by my parents. I suggested that he and his wife talk with his grand parents and they could give them some tips on how they handled it with me and maybe it could be of some help. He said he would, I don't know if he ever did. A few days after we got home mom was diapering me for bed time and she tried again to get it out of me as to just how Jenny managed to get me in diapers so fast and with out any trouble. I just kind of played her question off and never did tell her because I would have had to admit I liked them. She figured it out over time anyway but that's another story. Everybody has some kind of compulsive behavior, weird habit or pet peeve. With Jenny it was kids with messy hair. It drove her totally nuts. I swear if the building had been on fire and we were evacuating and Jenny had spotted a kid with a couple of hairs out of place she would have stopped to comb it. I don't know if she had any kids but if she did as many times as they would have had their hair combed in a day they would have been bald before they were five. She would go around whipping out that comb like a gunfighter. I still haven't figured out why we all didn't have head lice the way she was constantly using that one come on all of us. To this day I couldn't tell you what rule or regulation she broke by taking me out in the snow. But I can guarantee you by the way her and Nancy were acting it was a definite no-no. I included it for one reason; I showed what kind of person she was. Ready to go that extra mile for you even if it was at her own personal risk. The tour she took me on that first morning was in fact a very skillfully designed process that she had developed and probably had been fine tuning for months or even years before I got there. It had only one purpose and that was to get the child into diapers as quickly and painlessly as possible. Trust me she had it down to an art form. She knew exactly the right thing to say or do and when to do it to keep you heading in the direction she wanted. Like I said I never had a chance. I don't think there was any one thing that morning that caused me to accept the idea of wearing diapers. It was more a result of the step- by-step process she was taking me through. Each succeeding step got you a little bit closer until she finally got you in them. If I had to choose one thing though it would definitely have to be the photos. From the moment I walked in to the ward that morning I had one single mind set. Resist by any and all means necessary and never give in. When she took me over to that bulletin board and I got my first good look at the photos the initial shock and utter disbelief at what I was seeing was so profound I don't think I could have told you my name right then. They were so fascinating and intriguing to me I couldn't take my eyes off them. It was like watching a video tape of a car wreck or plane crash. You really don't want to watch but you can't turn away. Like I said the kids looked as if they were in seventh heaven and I kept asking myself what the heck's going on here? What do they know that I don't? Then the thoughts start flashing through you head like Gee I wonder what it's really like to wear them and I wonder if I'd ever have the nerve to wear them right out in the open in front of everybody like that. Well when you reach that point your done, the only thing left is to stick a fork in you. Jenny knew it to because she put me on the fast track to the diaper right then. I've often wondered how many other bedwetters went through that tour of hers and came out of it life long diaper junkies like me. I know my mother still has that picture of Jenny and me. She's one of those people that never throws anything like that away. She still has all my grade school report cards and she even showed me once a napkin she had saved from the first restaurant my dad took her to when they were dating. I'm going to get my hands on that and when I do I'll repost this story with the photo. It won't be any time real soon my folks live three states away and we don't get together that often anymore but it's going on my to do list. Well I can't think of much else to say right now so I will see you later. Thanks for you time. Keep them thick and get them while there fresh. Your comments are welcome