Title: My Life Story as a Teenage Baby
Name: Chris
Email: pher713@hotmail.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 15
Whom Story is About: Myself
Posting Date: 01/10/10
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls*
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination*
K- White diapers* 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered)8- Regression
  9- Baby paraphernalia
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: This is my life story as a teenage baby. It will probably strike you as unrealistic, but hey, anything's possible isn't it?
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 15 (75%)

Note: My Mom helped me write this.

	My name is Chris, and I am 15 years old. I have a younger sister, 
Melissa, who's 12 years old. I also have a younger brother, Mike, who's 
9 years old. I am babied and diapered by my mom and my two younger 
siblings. I should probably start from the beginning so I don't confuse 

	I was born on July 13, 1994. My Mom and Dad were so proud to have 
their first child and they were so happy. I was raised as a normal 
child (a good environment, great parents, etc.) up until about the age 
of 3. At this age, my parents gave birth to my sister Melissa on 
September 17, 1997. They also started fighting a lot. They were so mad 
at each other and constantly argued with each other. Eventually, they 
got a divorce. With these two things combined, little attention was 
paid on me. Of course, this all went on through the time that I 
should've been potty trained. It was also on around when I should've 
been enrolled in preschool. Because my parents had little time for me, 
I was neither potty trained nor enrolled in preschool. This case wasn't 
settled and things didn't return to normal until I was 5, and my sister 
was 2. My mom quickly remarried, and we lived with her and my new step-
dad. My new step-dad worked almost all the time, I barely got to see 
him, however, he made enough money to leave us well off and to let my 
mom become a stay-home mom.

	Now, my mom still diapered me and kept me home like it was normal 
for a 5-year-old. Eventually, my sister began to learn to use the potty 
on her own though, and my mom was very proud. She eventually became 
fully potty-trained, and my mom bought her big girl underwear. I was 
still wearing diapers and not enrolled in school. My mom still never 
got around to potty-training me. She was about to enroll me in school 
when she realized it was time for my sister to be enrolled too. The 
Preschool said they wouldn't accept me, now 6, because I was too old. 
They did accept my sister, now 3 however.

	A few months later, my new brother, Mike was born on November 9, 
2000. This would lead to even less attention. My mom would now diaper 
and baby me and Mike, make us take naps and feed us baby food, and do 
all normal baby things. However, my sister got to sleep in a bed, drink 
out of normal cups, and eat normal food. I couldn't help but be jealous 
because I was supposed to be the older brother. At this point, I had 
been given the baby treatment so long, that I forgot how to walk (which 
I learned at 1 or 2 when I was "supposed to" grow up) and could only 

	Eventually, the story repeated itself, and Mike, now 3, learned 
to use the potty. I kept trying and trying to be like them and learn, 
but I just could not, and my mother had not bothered to teach me. He 
was later enrolled in the same preschool. My mom tried as hard as she 
could to get them to accept me, but now that I was nine, no preschool 
in the world would take me. I was now 9 years old, and still in 
diapers, sleeping in a crib, sucking on pacifiers, and basically being 
a baby, while my younger brother, only 3, and sister, 6, were being 
normal kids.

	My sister was just beginning to learn to read, and my mom did 
manage to teach me as well. She also taught me how to write and how to 
type after a long time, which is how I'm communicating with you now. 
She was not exactly a "home-schooling" mom, but she did teach me what I 
would need to get by.

	Eventually I moved onto being a 10-year-old, double digits, but 
still treated like a 1-year-old. My sister was 7, and my brother was 4. 
Eventually, my mom got sick of changing my diapers. She thought I peed 
and pooped too much. She eventually decided it was time to potty train 
me (only 6-8 years late.) We tried hard and put a lot of effort into 
it, but unfortunately, I could not learn. I only made it to the potty 
successfully maybe once, or possibly twice if I was lucky. My mom gave 
up on the potty training, thinking it was a waste of time, and the baby 
treatment and diapering resumed. Although she did teach my sister how 
to diaper me. I was pretty embarrassed, having my YOUNGER SISTER change 
MY DIAPERS. However, if I resisted, my mommy said that she could spank 
me and give me other punishments. Eventually, my sister was given full 
"mommy" powers. I was very embarrassed now, because my 7-year-old 
sister was now basically the older sister to me, a 10-year-old baby.

	Around this point, adding to my humiliation, I was a very small 
child, still fitting into small baby diapers. I was alarmingly small, 
but we did nothing about it, as it made diapers and babying easier. My 
sister was easily taller and heavier than me. This meant she was bigger 
than me in almost every aspect, except for age. I also looked like I 
was about anywhere from 2-6 years old. Me and Mike could probably be 
mistaken for each other from behind, as we were about the same size.

	Fast forward another year, I was 11, Melissa 8, and Mike 5. He 
was growing faster and bigger than Melissa had! Now, he was bigger than 
me, and he looked older! Now, if you had never seen us before, you 
would think the order from oldest to youngest was: Melissa, Mike, me. 
Now my mom taught him how to change my diapers, discipline me, put me 
down for naps, etc. He was also a smart young boy, picking up any 
concepts that were thrown at him. At this point, Mike or Melissa could 
be a replacement mommy/daddy for me when Mom isn't available.

	Then I became 12, Melissa is 9, and Mike is 6. I had grown a 
little. Mike was now distinctively bigger than me, but smaller than our 
sister. They were both pretty big/normal for their age, and I was 
extremely small for my age. I still fit into size 6 or 7 baby diapers 
rather well.

	It was at this point in my life that my mom decided she was bored 
and wanted to leave the house more often. So, she got a part time, easy 
job at the local grocery store. My younger siblings were still in 
school in the day, and she would be gone too. That would leave me home 
alone, and I couldn't take care of myself. So, what would she do? Well, 
she decided to put me in a daycare center.

	She found the perfect daycare center, supporting children from 
ages 1-12. She told the people about my "special needs" and I was 
placed in the infant/toddler (1-4 years old) section. This was because 
of my toddler-like appearance and needs. I easily blended in with all 
the other babies, the only difference was that I could talk more 
coherently, and write. I was also a little bit bigger than some of the 
babies, but that didn't matter too much. I had fun there, I had never 
socialized with anyone other than my family before, so I was a little 
nervous at first. I played with the blocks, slid on the slides and had 
a lot of fun. Every day would begin with the caretakers trying to get 
the older kids to use the potty. Kids who successfully used the potty 
were treated like big kids the whole day, while kids who couldn't or 
would pee or poop their diapers were treated like babies. I had never 
managed to successfully use the potty, so I was always treated like a 

	The big kids who did successfully use the potty got to eat big 
kid food, sit in regular chairs, and not have to drink from a bottle. 
They also did not have to take naps in cribs. The babies who couldn't 
had to eat baby food, drink baby formula, be spoonfed in a highchair, 
and take naps in cribs. The babies also could not wear pants because it 
would make changing them a lot easier. I had always wanted to try and 
be a big kid, but I could not use the potty, I always went pee-pee and 
poo-poo in my diaper.

	I would go to this daycare every day, being picked up by my mom 
after her shift was over, sometime around 3. This was just before my 
brother and sister got out of school. We would pick them up on the way 
home. They got to sit in regular seats, and I had to seat in my 
carseat. I was jealous of them.

	This daily routine continued, I turned 13, My siblings would go 
up a grade, My sister turned 10, my brother turned 7. My sister was a 
pretty big girl now, she was going into middle school, 6th grade! She 
was pretty big compared to me now, and so was Mike. He was now in 3rd 
grade, and he probably knew more than me, minus my vocabulary, which my 
mom did manage to teach me. I seemed like the baby brother, and I 
practically was.

	One day in daycare though, the big kids (those that could use the 
potty) found out how old I really was, because they asked me, so I told 
them 13. They started laughing at me, and calling me a big baby, and 
making fun of me. I cried really hard, and they made fun of me more. I 
was given a paci, put in a crib, and the kids got in trouble. When my 
mom heard about this, she was furious. She withdrew me from the Daycare 
center, and quit her part-time job. Daily life continued as normal like 
before I went to the daycare center. Everything was pretty much 
uneventful until I turned 14.

	My mother did not normally let my siblings invite friends over, 
she made my siblings go to their friends' houses. This was obviously 
for my well-being, as she did not want to embarrass me. Until one 
weekend, when one of my sister's friends, Cortney, needed a place to 
stay for the weekend because her parents were going on a vacation by 
themselves to rekindle their love life. With nowhere else to turn, 
Cortney's parents begged my mom, who gave in and said yes. Now, Cortney 
knew Melissa had a younger brother, who was 8, and an older brother who 
was 14, although she didn't hear much about the 14-year-old. She also 
did not know that the 14-year-old, me, was treated like a baby.

	Eventually, that Friday came, and Cortney came over. My mommy put 
me upstairs in my playpen and put on a barney video for me to watch. 
Melissa gave Cortney a tour of the house, and eventually they came to 
my nursery. They opened the door, and caught me asleep, with a paci and 
wet and poopy diaper. The sound of the door opening woke me up. I 
noticed Melissa and an unknown figure at the door. I crawled as far 
over as the playpen would allow and looked at her, and realized in 
horror that the figure before me was probably Cortney.

	Melissa said, "Cortney, this is my.... err... this is my 14-year-
old brother Chris."

	Cortney laughed, "Haha, this baby? Funny joke. Who is this baby? 
I thought you only had Mike and Chris as siblings."

	I was a little mad and embarrassed at her thinking I was a baby, 
but I had naturally been so used to it by now. Melissa responded, 
"Err... That is Chris, my brother."

	"Oh come on Melly, you have to be joking! There's no way this 
baby could be older than us!"

	"He really is! Watch, he can talk like a normal person, babies 
can't do that! Chris, say 'hi' to Cortney!"

	"Hi Cortney." I said, although it came out a little muffled due 
to the pacifier in my mouth.

	"No way! This doesn't make sense! Why does he look like a baby 
then?" Cortney questioned

	"My Mom couldn't potty train him or put him into school, so, he 
still wears diapers and acts like a baby."

	"Aww!!! He's so cute!! Come here little baby!!" Cortney then 
reached down and picked me up.

	"Eww... Something smells! Did baby make a poopy?!" Cortney 

	"I'm not a baby..." I whimpered

	"Yeah, I think he did poop, and he's also wet, here, I'll change 
him. Do you want to watch?" Asked Melissa.

	"Of course I do! I love babies!!!"

	So Melissa went on and changed me, and put me back in my playpen. 
I then crawled away as far as possible from the two of them, and I 
whimpered at being called a "Cute, little baby." When I was older than 
the two people calling me a baby. Cortney was very annoying the whole 
weekend. She insisted on holding me and pushing my stroller when we 
went out. She even got to change me once, which I did not enjoy at all.

	And now, I'm 15. My whole family still treats me like an infant 
though. I have barely grown, and can still fit into size 7 diapers, 
although they are pretty small by now. My mom has recently considered 
adult diapers. Now that I'm getting older though, I have begun to wore 
more than one diaper at a time, because while I may look like a 
toddler, I have the bladder of a teenager. So that was basically my 
life story. It's pretty wacky and unbelieveable, but hey, it's just my 
life story as a teenage baby.

	If you'd like me to write more, or about a different subject in 
my diapered-life, I probably can. Or if you just want to chat, IM me on 
MSN Messenger or e-mail me. My screen name/e-mail is 

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)

<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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