Hi, my name is Baby Kenny I have been a diaper boy all my life.
At the age of 7 I knew that I wanted to be back in diapers. Funny thing
about this is that I should have been put back in diapers. I have had a
bladder condition all my life.
I have been told that I was mostly potty trained by the age of 3. I say
mostly because I have always had wetting accidents. I am now back in
diapers 24/7. I really like being back in diapers full time. I use my
diapers for both peeing and pooping.
I'm getting ahead of myself here, so let me start at the beginning. At
the age of 7 I started to wet my pants again. Not on purpose, I just
couldn't help it. I couldn't hold it for any amount of time. If I was
some where were I couldn't get to a bathroom I would wet. I would get
in trouble for doing it because my mom thought I was doing it on
purpose. I also had pooping accidents.
I don't know why I was never checked for something that might be wrong.
I wouldn't find out until I was in my 30s. I found out that my bladder
quit growing at the age of 6. So my body was growing but my bladder
never grew any more.
When I was between the ages of 10 and 11 I met a boy who was in diapers
full time because he was mentally challenged. We were the same age in
years but he was only 3 years old mentally.
One day when I was at his house I wet my pants and became upset because
I knew I would get in trouble for it. His mother seen I was upset and
told me not to worry about my wet pants that she would wash them for
me. Seeing my friend didn't have underwear she put one of his diapers
on me. It felt like I had found something that had been missing from my
life. I felt complete like I was suppose to be in diapers. I know now
that I should have been.
I still had wetting accidents so any time that I was at his house his
mother would diaper me. I would use the diapers every time.
This is the beginning of my life in diapers. I will be posting more so
keep an eye out for more updates (for those who are 18 and older you
can find me at diaper space under user name ark99)