Title: My Life as a Diapered Boy
Name: Mike C.
Email: Not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 13
Whom Story is About: Myself
Posting Date: 11/30/08
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: During a weekend sleepover at his friend Jake's house, Jake's mother discovers Mike's diapers and decides to punish him for not informing her about his diapers.                  
My name is Markus. I am 13 years old and live in the busy city of 
Portland, Oregon. When I was three years old a disease took over my 
legs, making it impossible for me to feel them and to walk. I was put 
into diapers by the direction of my parents and the doctors because it 
would be difficult for me to use the toilet. Most boys as I have 
learned stand when they pee and sit on the toilet when they poo. I 
would not be able to do that. This is a look at one day in the life of 
a diapered boy.

My room is quite large. It is painted white with blue carpeting. Inside 
there is my crib in which I sleep. It is larger than normal cribs with 
much higher bars. Inside it is cushioned and I have a blanket. Next to 
my crib is a cabinet that has a supply of all my cleaning products and 
diapers. Next to that is a long wide changing table. The table has a 
cushion that spreads over it that is purple. A white strap is connected 
at the top. Above the head of the table is a mobile of baby stuffed 
animals. The table has a light that hangs directly over it that is 
extremely bright. Next to that is a rocking chair and then over in the 
corner is my dresser. I have a bathroom connected to my room also. 
Inside it has a large bath, a sink, a counter, but no toilet because I 
would not need it.

I am woken up at 7 am each morning by Nancy. She takes me out of bed 
and carries me to the bathroom. She lays me on the floor and removes my 
clothes and my diaper. She then takes a cleaning wipe and wipes of 
large amount of poop off my body. She sets me in the bath that has a 
large yellow sponge bottom to it and props my head up on the little 
bath pillow so that it is not underwater. She takes a wash cloth and 
cleans my whole body with just the water. Then she lets the water 

She then rubs softly over my whole body. Lifting my legs up so she can 
soap up my butt. After I am covered in soap she takes the shower head 
and sprays me clean. If needed that day she will shave my diapered area 
and my arm pits. I do not like this part because sometimes she nicks my 
skin and it hurts. She then lifts me out and set me on a towel that is 
on the floor. Grabbing another towel, she dries me completely. (If my 
hair needed to be wash she would set my on the counter with my head 
dangling in the sinks and she would wash it there.) The towel that was 
used to dry me is then wrapped around my diapered area and I am carried 
to my wheel chair. I am then wheeled down the hall to my examining 
room. Nancy lifts me out of the chain and lays me up on the table. (The 
room looks just like a doctor�s office) She pulls a large strap over my 
chest and then one over my thighs to make sure I don�t roll off. She 
takes off the towel. Nancy then takes a "penis bag" as I call it (it�s 
a plastic see-through bag) and puts it over my penis in case I pee 
while waiting for the doctor. She then calls for Dr. Nelson to come and 
she exits.

I wait, looking around the room I have been so used to seeing. Dr. 
Nelson walks in. He is a big man with large hands. He asks how I am 
feeling today as he removes the plastic bag. I say fine. He then always 
says, "Let�s see if your body has changed over night, why don�t we?"

Dr. Nelson pulls on white plastic gloves over both hands. He turns on 
the light that lies over my stomach. He then looks and feels my legs. 
Moving up to my crotch. When he gets to my crotch he moves the over 
head light so it is facing my genitals and makes it so he can see 
everything. He grabs my balls and squeezes them, smooshing then between 
his large fingers. It hurts so badly I want to cry and sometimes do. He 
then lifts my penis and starts pulling it and smoothing out the creases 
in it checking for something. He pulls back the skin on the tip and 
squeezes the tip of my penis. The he pulls the skin back over it. He 
takes of those gloves and put a new pair on. He checks out the rest of 
my body.

He unstraps me and turns me around he feels my back and then my butt. 
He pulls apart my cheeks and run his finger in my crack. He pulls open 
my anus and peers in. Sometimes putting a large Q-Tip down it and 
feeling for something. He then turns me back over. Not saying anything 
he straps me back up and puts a "penis bag" on. He announces that he is 
finished on the phone. He takes his camera and takes a picture of my 
genitals. He walks over to his computer and loads it on. He then writes 
something on the computer about what everything looked like today and 
how it was different than yesterday.

Marie then comes and unstraps me, lifts me up and sets me in my chair 
and wheels me back to my room. She then lays me on my changing table. 
She removes my penis bag and pulls the strap over my stomach. She will 
often give me a pre-warmed milk bottle. Marie spreads my legs apart 
wide. Even though my body has been cleaned already, she takes a body 
wipe and wipes over my diapered area and says, "Doctors� fingers are 
slimy and grimy." I smile.

Marie is one of my favorite of my nurses. She pours a special body oil 
into her hand and begins rubbing my crotch, genitals, and lowers 
stomach. When she slides her smooth fingers over my balls I usually get 
an erection. She giggles and finishes moisturizing my balls. Then she 
gently folds her finger around my penis and stokes it so it falls back 
down. She then rubs it more. Marie lifts my legs and floods them over 
my body so my whole butt is showing. She rubs my butt cheeks, crack and 
around the rim of my delicate anus with her warm fingers. She carefully 
sets my legs back down. She takes "private part powder" as she calls it 
and sprinkles it over my genitals. She lifts my bottom up and slides a 
clean disposable diaper under my butt. She folds my penis into it 
neatly and pulls it up and tapes it on.

Marie then grabs her favorite lotion and pours some on my stomach. She 
undoes the strap and places on hand on my chest for support. She rubs 
in the lotion all over my body. Even sliding her fingers into the rims 
of my diaper and smoothing out that skin. When she reaches my nipples 
she delicately rubs her fingers on them. Making them go from a flat 
pink/purple circle with a little ball on it to a bloated dome pink 
shape. When she does this I get this feeling in my penis that tickles. 
I feel weird in my penis, but I love her fingers over my nipples.

She then lifts me up and put me in my chair and wheels me over to get a 
shirt. If it is cold she will also put on my grey sweat pants. Marie 
then rolls me down the hall to the kitchen where our cook places apple 
juice in a bottle and yogurt. Marie leaves and the cook is left with 
me. I don�t like yogurt but my doctor thinks it will improve my health 
and so my anus does not strain by not having to push hard poop out of 
it. I usually don�t eat it and my cook covers over and feeds it to my 
mouth. When I don�t swallow she puts some yogurt on her fingers and 
sticks her fingers in mouth and pushes the yogurt down my throat. She 
rubs my throat to get it all the way down.

After I finish eating I get to go out side with Nate. Nate pushes me 
through my garden backyard. And since Nate is my only boy nurse/maid I 
ask him questions that I wonder about my body. I ask him why I get the 
feeling I do in my penis when Marie touches my nipples. He told me it�s 
because I am happy and it feels good. I asked him why my penis became 
erected and he told me it was because when a woman touches a boy�s 
genitals the boy�s penis rises in excitement and comfort. I asked him 
why Dr. Nelson squeezed my balls so hard and what he was feeling for. 
Nate just laughed and said Dr. Nelson has his reasons.

It was Nate who answered my question on why girls nipples were so large 
and if their penises erect when the get touched. He again laughed and 
told me about how their nipples are the same size but they have breasts 
connected to them He also explained that women don�t have a penis and 
balls. He told me they have to folds of skin covering a little tiny 
penis like thing that pee comes out of. He also told me that a girl�s 
anus was the same.

After and two hours outside with Nate. He wheels me in and I get an 
hour on the computer. That is how I am writing this now. (They don�t 
know I go to this site) After an hour Nancy wheels me to the lunch 
table where I eat apple sauce and mashed potatoes. I sometimes mix the 
two together. Yum. After wards Monica takes me to my room, checks my 
diaper- I it needs to be changed she changes it- she lays me in my crib 
and gives me a pacifier.

She then puts my rub-rub on. My rub-rub is this large rectangle shaped 
pillow. Monica lays half of it over my genitals and pulls it through my 
legs up over my butt and straps it around. It�s like a diaper. Then it 
has this switch that makes it vibrate. She sets it to low and then it 
rubs against my diapered area and makes me sleep. She pulls my blanket 
up and turns off the lights so it�s completely dark except for my night 
light next to my crib. She leaves and shuts the door behind her. I am 
woken up at 3:00 pm by Marie who takes my blanket off and wakes me up 
by rubbing her hands over my cheek. She turns me over and takes my rub-
rub off and checks to see if I need to be changed. If so, she changes 

Then I am wheeled to Ann's room where she makes me read to her and 
write in a journal about how I am feeling and what my body is feeling 
like at that moment. That last for an hour. Then Katie comes and gets 
me and wheels me into the living room. She turns on the TV to Animal 
Planet. Then she lifts me up out of my chair and sits on the couch, I 
am sitting in between her legs. She holds me close and we watch. After 
like 15 minuets she pulls a plastic glove out of her shirt pocket and 
puts it on. She pulls me closer to her and I rest my head back on her 
chest. She then puts her hand with the glove into my diaper and rubs my 
penis and balls and that area. She does this for thirty minutes then 
stops, pulls the glove off, and then just holds me as we watch.

One time last week we were watching a show on lions when I noticed that 
a penis like thing was dangling from the boy lion. I asked Katie what 
it was. She told me it was a penis and that is how he goes pee. I 
looked at her confused and she told me that boy animals have penises 
too. She the called in our dog Bently. She set me down on the couch off 
her lap and grabbed the little dog. She held him so I could see his 
penis and balls. They looked different from mine but he did have some. 
She also lifted his tail and showed me his anus and said it looked kind 
of like mine. She set the dog down. I remember her then sit down next 
to and lift me on her lap. To scoot me closer to her if I am falling 
she always gently sets her hand on my crotch and pulls it carefully to 
her. After two hours of TV we usually play with the dog. Yesterday was 
the first time that Katie said she would be back and left me with the 
dog. I grabbed him and touched his balls and penis. I was curious about 
the penis and his was the only one I had seen except for mine. After 
playing with the dog it is dinner time.

Katie rolls me to the table where I have whatever the rest of my 
maids/nurses are eating except mine is always cut really small and I 
have a bottle of milk. Sometimes when I am having a hard time eating 
who ever is next to me helps feed me. Then it is time for bed. Marie 
wheels me into my room and into my bathroom. She sets me on the counter 
next to the sink. She wipes my face, hand and feet off with a wash 
cloth. Then she brushes my teeth. She takes this blue paste stuff and 
has me open my mouth. She rubs the paste all over my teeth with her 
fingers. Then I have to keep my mouth open and she takes a tooth brush 
and gets it wet and then she rubs the brush on my teeth. She pours some 
water in my mouth from a cup and uses her finger to help get some of 
the paste off. Then I spit the water out. Then she carries me and sets 
me on my changing table. She takes off my shirt and straps me on. She 
the changes my diaper. During this change she gives me a bottle that 
has a funny flavor to the milk and she calls it bed time milk. She 
changes me the same except she puts the ointment on my penis and balls 
that makes them sting for a minuet. She also puts an extra diaper on 
me. She takes my bottle and kisses me on the forehead and tells me good 
night and leaves with me still on the tale.

Then Monica comes in and she is wearing a T-shirt and her breasts are 
more floppy than usual. She unstraps me and carries me over to my 
dresser where she lays me on the floor then she gets out my nightie. He 
lays me on the floor and pulls the shirt over me. But the shirt is 
longer and it goes over my genitals and my butt and buttons in the 
crotch. Then she walks to my crib and gets my rub-rub and puts it on 
and sets the rub level to low. She then lifts me in her arms in a 
cradle like way and sits down on the rocking chair. She dims the light 
with the remote. Then she pulls her shirt up so that I can see one 
breast. She then helps my eager mouth find her nipple. I suck on her 
nipple and breast until I sleep. I know that she then puts a pacifier 
in my mouth when she takes my mouth off her nipple and breast. She lays 
me in my crib on my stomach and puts the blanket on. She also turns my 
rub-rub level to medium so it really rubs my body. Then she leaves and 
I go to sleep.

The next morning it happens all over again.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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