Name: Marcus
Ages: 5, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18+
Current Age: 28
My Diapered Life

	To start, my name is Marcus. I have been wearing diapers on and 
off since I was probably about 15. I have very few memories about my 
childhood. One of the few things that might actually explain why I wear 
diapers is that I remember one instance of being put back into diapers 
after potty training. I was probably about 4 and at this point I was 
already potty trained and having no bedtime accidents that I remember 
and very few daytime accidents .My little brother was a year and half 
old and obviously still in diapers. I remember the extra attention that 
he got from my parents because of the diaper changes and feedings and 
all that other stuff that babies get. One day I had a wetting accident 
and my mom threatened to put me back into diapers. As a little kid, I 
was horrified about being put back into diapers but the next day I had 
another accident. My mom put one of my brother�s diapers on me and made 
me wear diapers for a week. During this time I was not allowed to use 
the restroom at all and I had to wear a diaper all day long and I could 
not wear any pants. I remember my mom taking us to the park and to the 
grocery store. I remember being embarrassed about the situation and 
after that point I know I had a few more accidents but I was not put 
back into diapers for them.

	The thought about diapers had not entered my mind again for many 
years. My parents had another child and she was about 2 years old and 
wearing diapers and I was about 10 years old. At this point I remember 
thinking about the diaper punishment that I received so many years ago 
and how good it felt being in diapers. I decided that I was going to 
take one of my sister�s diapers and wear it. When I got the diaper I 
found that it did not fit. I thought for a while and went and got 
another one and taped the two together. I waited for my parents to go 
out for the night and went up to my room and put the make shift diaper 
on. I sat in my room and watched some TV. The next thing I knew my mom 
was waking me up, screaming at me for having the diaper on. She told me 
that if I wanted to wear diapers like a baby she would make that 
happen. She went to Wal-Mart and bought some diapers that fit me. When 
she got home she told me that I was going to wear diapers 24/7 until 
the package she bought was empty and she might buy another package 
after that, depending on how she felt when that one was gone. I 
remember thinking, �thank goodness it is summer vacation.� I did not 
want my friends to know I was wearing diapers at this age. I was 
embarrassed that I was wearing diapers at this age but I was also happy 
about it, too. My mom allowed me to wear pants with my diapers and I 
was allowed to do whatever I wanted as long as I was wearing my diaper. 
My mom put the first diaper on me and showed me how to care for myself 
while wearing diapers and told me that she did not have time to change 
my diapers and that I would have to do it for myself. For the first 
couple of days I wore all the normal clothes, and surprisingly my 
little brother didn�t find out I was wearing them.

	One day my brother walked into my room while I was changing my 
diaper and got a really confused look on his face as to what I was 
doing. He asked me if mom knew that I was wearing diapers and I told 
him that she was the one who bought them for me. He went to our mom and 
whined that it wasn�t fair that I got to wear diapers and he didn�t. 
She told him that if he really wanted to wear diapers that he would 
have to have the same rules as I did and she explained to him what it 
entailed. She made one exceptions thou and that was as part of my 
punishment that I would have to help change his diapers. She yelled up 
the stairs to me to put a diaper on my brother. When my brother came 
upstairs I did as I was told and diapered my brother. This kind of made 
me mad because that would mean that the package of diapers that mom had 
bought for me would be gone faster and I was really enjoying wearing 
	Since my brother and I were both using the diapers my mom had 
bought 2 more packages and told me that when we both had used them up 
that we could stop wearing them. Now I did not see any point of wearing 
pants around the house and in the back yard. I was not keeping a secret 
anymore. I would put on pants if we had to go to the store or if we 
were going to a relative�s house. Even though I liked wearing the 
diapers I still did not want my cousins that are about the same age as 
me to find out that I was wearing diapers. The day came that both 
packages of diapers were gone and my mom asked me and my brother if we 
were done wearing diapers. There were still a couple of weeks of 
vacation left before school started again so I asked my mom to let me 
keep wearing diapers for a little bit longer. She took me up to my room 
and she asked me why I wanted to wear diapers so much. I thought for a 
few minutes and all I could come up with was that I didn�t know I just 
like the way they feel. She told me that big boys my age should not be 
wearing diapers but if I really wanted to that I could wear diapers 
till right before school started back up.

	A couple of weeks before school started back up my mom brought 
home some training pants for me. I asked her what those were for and 
she told me that I had been in diapers so long that she wanted to make 
sure that I was still potty trained and that I could make it to the 
restroom in time still. I protested that I did not want to wear 
training pants but ultimately lost the argument. My mom put me and my 
brother into training pants and it was a good thing she did. I had more 
accidents day and night then I did when I first got potty trained. I 
was so used to being able to just go in my diaper that I had almost 
completely lost all my potty training.

	The first day of school came along and I hadn�t had a daytime 
accident in a couple of days so my mom decided that I did not need to 
wear my training pants to school. Instead she packed a change of 
clothes and a couple of training pants in my book bag and sent me to 
school with a note to the teacher explaining that I had been having 
some accidents during the summer and that if I needed to please allow 
me to go to the restroom and change my clothes. During one of the 
classes I asked the teacher if I could go use the restroom and I took 
my book bag with me to the restroom. I put on my training pants. I just 
felt more comfortable being in them. When I got back the teacher asked 
me if I was all right. I just nodded and took my seat. After school was 
out I went to the restroom and put my underwear back on so that my mom 
did not realize that I had worn my training pants at school. It took a 
month or so before I was completely potty trained again and as weird as 
it sounds by the end of the school year I had forgotten about the whole 

Thanks for reading my story about my diapered life

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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