My son introduced me to this site to show me that he is not the only
boy in the world who likes to wear diapers, and I thought some people
might be interested in hearing from the mother of a �diaper boy�. Josh
is 13, and quite immature for his age in some ways (including
physically). When he was 12 I discovered that he had been secretly and
deliberately wetting his pants. At first I had the typical parent�s
reaction. I told him to stop doing it, and when I caught him again I
punished him, which I now regret. We went for counseling to a very good
psychologist, and I came to realize that while he had perfectly good
bladder control, Josh had a �need� to wet himself, and that wasn�t
going to go away. He had discovered that peeing his pants felt good,
and he wanted to repeat the feeling of pleasure as often as he could. I
saw it as a form of masturbation � in fact he often masturbates after
he�s wet himself. Yes, it�s a sexual fetish, but it�s a harmless one,
and trying to make him stop would only cause him stress and guilt. So I
decided that if he was going to continue wetting it would be better if
he wore diapers.
Josh had no problem adapting to diapers, in fact he loved them. He
experimented with different clothes so he could wear a diaper without
anyone knowing, and with different diapers until he found ones that
didn�t show and didn�t leak. He wears a diaper to school and has never
been caught.
While I accept that it�s not considered �normal� for a 13 year old boy
to be in diapers, it�s not as unusual as people think, and it does no
harm. This is just my opinion and I know other parents might feel
differently, but I just wanted people to know that not all parents are
horrified at the thought of older kids in diapers.