Name: Mitch email: Ages: 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 I have a vivid memory of when I became aware that I really loved wearing diapers. Since it is perhaps my earliest memory, the conditions surrounding why I was in plastic pants on that particular night are still unknown to me. It was a Friday night and I think I was about four years old. I really was not aware that I was wearing plastic pants until I accidentally wet my pants, while I was playing in the hall of our house, just outside the bathroom. My suspicion is that my mom had mopped the bathroom floor and it seemed like she was on the phone when it happened. I remember that "uh oh" feeling once I realized that I was peeing in my pants. As I quickly looked down something was different than expected. My pants were not getting wet and I had this incredible warm and slick feeling that felt extremely good. I don't remember getting changed or how my mom reacted once she found that I was wet. I don't remember ever being put into another diaper and or plastic pants by my mom. I do recall that after my bath shortly thereafter I asked to be diapered. My mom told me that I was too big for diapers. Maybe it was at that point that I wished I was younger where wearing diapers were acceptable. It seems like a good while passed before my next discovery. My guess has it that I was about five years old. My mom always laid out whatever I was going to wear. Some of the clothes like underwear and socks were in the dresser in my room. Maybe I was looking for a toy, but for some reason I opened up the drawers. My eyes lit up once I discovered my old plastic pants in there. I guess mom always had them just in case I got sick or they had another child. By this age I was getting used to dressing myself and I decided to put my old plastic pants on. While I was putting them on my mom walked into my room and was quite surprised to see her kindergarten aged son dressing himself in plastic pants. It seems like she laughed and probably found it cute. She commented that those things would burn me up and instructed me to take them off. They were folded away and put back into my drawer. I couldn't wait to find another opportunity to wear them. A few days later I put them on. They felt so good. I could hardly wait to get the chance to pee in them and relive that wonderful feeling that I remembered so well. My mom discovered that I was wearing them despite me wearing them under my pants. I don't know if she saw them peeking out of my pants, but I was taken into my room and firmly scolded for doing such an act. I was made well aware that I was no longer a baby. My mom then removed them from my dresser. I think about another year passed before my next experience. Pampers was getting advertised on TV and I wanted to wear one more than anything. I decided to hunt for my long lost plastic pants after seeing a commercial. I knew that I was not supposed to wear them if I found them, but I just had to see if they were somewhere in the house. One day when my mom was not around I found them in her room in her dressers and boy was I going to be in heaven once I got another chance> One Saturday morning I found my chance. To be continued.