Title: Mike Gets Pampered
Name: Iminpampers
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 37
Whom Story is About: Myself, my friend
Posting Date: 03/15/09
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls*
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: I was 8 I began wetting the bed in order to get put back in diapers.                  
When I was 8 I began wetting the bed, I wasn�t a bedwetter in the 
strictest of sense; I was doing it deliberately. I was over at a 
friend�s house and I watched as his mother changed his little brother�s 
diaper and as I watched a thought popped into my head�I want to wear 
diapers again. So that night with the thought of wearing diapers again 
still buzzing around in my head I went through my usual routine before 
going to bed. I brushed my teeth and made sure to drink a couple of 
glasses of water, flushed the toilet (to give my parents the impression 
that I had used it), put on my pajamas and went to bed. About 3am I 
woke up with a full bladder begging for release and out of instinct 
began to get out of bed for a trek to the washroom then I remembered my 
plan. I tried to roll over and go back to sleep but found it impossible 
to fall back asleep with a full bladder. I tried relaxing my bladder so 
I could pee but years of being toilet trained prevented me from letting 
go. I finally had to get up on my knees and picture myself standing in 
front of the toilet before anything happened. As I perched on my knees 
picturing myself about to urinate in the toilet I felt my bladder 
release a couple of drops into my PJ�s. After several seconds I was 
rewarded with a squirt, then another and another and suddenly I had a 
stream. I managed to stop the stream fearing that the pattern of urine 
I was about to produce wouldn�t look as though I wet the bed by 
accident. I lay back down and pulled up the covers, I could feel the 
wetness on the front of my pajamas and I liked it. I tried again to pee 
while lying down but to no avail. I lay there in bed and tried to 
visualize myself in front of the toilet once again. After 5 minutes of 
mental imagery I managed a couple of squirts and after a moment a few 
more. The next thing I knew streams of hot pee were splashing against 
my already wet pajamas and running down my sack and over my legs before 
pooling underneath my ass. I lay there taking in every little feeling I 
could as the puddle continued to grow beneath me. I put my hand 
underneath my covers and felt the warm wetness of my completely soaked 
pajama bottoms and the small lake I was lying in that had not yet 
soaked into the mattress. Once I was done peeing I rolled over in my 
wetness and went back to sleep. I awoke about an hour later shivering 
and feeling really uncomfortable. Because I was so uncomfortable it 
didn�t take a whole lot of effort to start genuinely crying on my way 
to my mother�s room. I hadn�t even made it the full way from the door 
to my mother�s bed before she was awake and asking me what was wrong. 
�I�I wet the bed!� I sniffed.

�Oh dear.� Mom began while climbing out of her bed, �Don�t worry baby, 
I know it was an accident. Come with me and we�ll get you cleaned up.� 
Mom took my hand and led me back to my room where she pulled back the 
covers to reveal my yellow-stained sheets with a wetness pattern that 
reached from my knees to about the center of my back, �You really did 
wet the bed, didn�t you?�

To me that sounded like an attack so I began to cry louder saying, �I 
didn�t mean to mommy, it was an accident.�

The commotion was enough to wake my sister Diana who came into the 
room, �What happened?� she asked.

�Oh Michael�s wet his bed. Go back to sleep.� Mom informed her. Mom 
managed to quiet me down and brought me into the bathroom where she 
removed my cold, soaked PJ�s and threw them in the laundry hamper 
before wiping me down with a damp washcloth and toweling me dry. Then 
she brought me back to my bedroom and put a new pair of pajamas on me. 
She stripped the soaked bedding off of my mattress and flipped it over 
before putting new bedding on it.

I sat down and asked, �What about my sleepover at Jimmy�s tomorrow? 
What happens if I wet the bed over there?�

�I don�t think you�ll wet the bed over at Jimmy�s. I think that this is 
an isolated incident, you�ll be fine. Now go back to sleep.�

I drifted off to sleep dreaming about getting put back in diapers.

The next day nothing was said about my bedwetting episode and I went 
off to school as usual. After school I headed over to Jimmy�s as had 
been arranged. We played video games and hide and seek. While playing 
hide and seek I hid in Jimmy�s little brother George�s nursery which 
gave me a good chance to see his brother�s diapers up close. I looked 
at all the disposable diapers stacked up on George�s changing table I 
even reached out and touched one of them. I ran my fingers across the 
textured plastic backing of one of the diapers; it felt so soft and 
magical. I remember thinking how lucky babies were to get to wear 
diapers all the time, never having to get up from what they are doing 
to poop or pee. I decided that I should leave the nursery because I 
didn�t want to get caught in there. As I was leaving the nursery I 
failed to notice Jimmy coming down the hall behind me. �TAG, YOU�RE 
IT!!� Jimmy shouted. I was so startled that a squirt of pee shot into 
my pants. Just as I was about to give Jimmy an earful for scaring me so 
badly Jimmy�s mom called us to dinner. We raced down to the dinner 
table and got ready to sit for dinner. Unbeknownst to me Jimmy�s mom 
saw the wet patch on my pants although she didn�t say anything.

We ate dinner and watched a movie then Jimmy�s mom said that it was 
time to get ready for bed. Jimmy headed for his room and I was about to 
follow him when his mother caught my arm, �Not so fast Mike. I need to 
talk to you.� She said. �Mike, your mom called me this afternoon and 
told me about you wetting the bed last night.� I froze and looked up at 
her with wide eyes. �And before you sat down for dinner I noticed that 
you peed your pants a little bit�� I was about to say that it was 
because Jimmy had scared me really badly while we were playing hide and 
seek but she cut me off. �I think that under the circumstances it would 
be a good idea if you slept in a diaper tonight, just in case.�

I couldn�t believe my ears, Jimmy�s mother was going to put me in 
diapers, how could my dreams come true so quickly? I tried to appear as 
though I was mulling the idea over in my head and in order to appear as 
though I didn�t want to wear a diaper I whined out, �But my mom said 
that it was probably just that one time.�

�I understand and I would�ve agreed if you hadn�t have wet your pants a 
little before dinner. Don�t you think it would be better to wear a 
diaper and not wet it rather than not wear one and have another 
accident?� Realizing that she probably wasn�t about to give up on this 
I agreed. �Ok, now go grab your pajamas and brush your teeth and when 
you�re done come to George�s room.

So I went up to Jimmy�s room and grabbed my toothbrush and pajamas, 
just as Jimmy was finishing off in the bathroom. I went inside and 
brushed my teeth, making sure to drink a couple of extra glasses of 
water, pretended to use the toilet, flushed and headed to George�s 

Once inside Jimmy�s mom picked me up and laid me down on the changing 
table and started undressing me. She took off my shoes and socks undid 
my pants and pulled them down my legs then she grabbed the waistband of 
my underwear with one hand and lifted me up by the ankles with the 
other. After removing my undies she turned them back around to show me 
the yellow patch in the middle of the white fabric, �See? That is from 
where you peed earlier.� Then she pulled a diaper from one of the 
shelves under the changing table and unfolded it and again lifted me up 
with one hand while she slid the back of the diaper underneath my butt. 
Once she lowered me onto the diaper she sprinkled my crotch lightly 
with baby powder and rubbed it in saying, �This is just in case you do 
wet, we don�t want you to get a rash.� Finally, she pulled the front of 
the diaper up between my legs and taped it on me. She let me lie there 
a second as I took in all the sensations of being diapered. She lowered 
me to my feet and handed me my pajamas and asked, �Now, that wasn�t so 
bad, was it?�

I shook my head �no� because I was afraid that if I opened my mouth I 
would�ve shouted for joy. I couldn�t remember ever feeling this good, I 
didn�t care what it took I was now more determined than ever that I was 
going to go back to wearing diapers. Even though these diapers were a 
little bit tight on me they didn�t fit that badly, and the bulk between 
my legs felt awesome. I ran my hands across the surface of the diaper 
quickly before putting on my pajamas and the feeling of the diaper�s 
padding wrapped around my crotch was heavenly. Although I didn�t have 
any trouble putting my pajama tops on I noticed that the bottoms barely 
fit over my diaper, it would be fairly obvious to anyone, especially 
Jimmy, that I was wearing diapers.

Jimmy�s mom must have sensed what I was thinking because she told me, 
�Don�t worry, I already explained to Jimmy that you�d be wearing 
diapers. So he�s not going to make fun of you. As a matter of fact, why 
don�t you take those pajama bottoms off, you�ll probably be much more 
comfortable.� I had to agree with her there, the pajama bottoms overtop 
of the diaper were very uncomfortable, so I took them off, grabbed my 
clothes and headed for Jimmy�s room.

As I walked into Jimmy�s room I saw him in bed and watched his eyes go 
wide as he saw the exposed bottom half of my diaper, �Oh my god�You�re 
really wearing diapers.� He exclaimed, �Even though mom told me it 
didn�t really sink in until I saw it.�

I got in my sleeping bag on the floor and Jimmy and I talked for a 
little while then we went to sleep, well Jimmy went to sleep, I stayed 
up until I was sure Jimmy was out. Once I was sure Jimmy was asleep I 
got up on my knees and closed my eyes picturing myself in front of the 
toilet ready to pee. I noticed that it took a little less time than it 
did last night before I began peeing. I tried to lie back down while 
still peeing but had to stop during the shuffle. I was happy to 
discover that it only took me a second of pretending to use the toilet 
while lying on my back before I resumed peeing. I spread my legs as 
wide as my sleeping bag would let me and lay there wetting my diaper. I 
stuck my thumb in my mouth to make myself feel more baby-like as I 
reveled in the feeling of pissing in my diaper. At first only the front 
of the diaper was wet but as the padding reached its absorption 
capacity I felt my urine flowing across my scrotum and trickling down 
between my ass cheeks before being absorbed by the padding underneath 
me. I stuck my other hand under the covers of my sleeping bag and felt 
the outside of my diaper, it was warm and soft. I gave it a squeeze and 
felt the displaced urine flowing through the diaper looking for a place 
to be absorbed. As I continued to squeeze and continued to pee I began 
to notice that the dislodged urine had nowhere to go but outside the 
diaper. Thankfully I stopped peeing before my diaper leaked too much 
and I just lay there sucking my thumb thinking that I was a baby who 
just peed his diaper like any other baby and drifted off to sleep.

I was woken up about two hours later by Jimmy�s mom changing my diaper. 
She must have come to check my diaper before going to bed and 
discovered me soaked. She had gone into George�s room and brought all 
the changing essentials with her. I opened my eyes as she popped the 
tapes of my soggy diaper to discover the lights on and Jimmy watching 
his mom change my diaper with a big grin on his face. Jimmy�s mom 
changed me with the speed and efficiency of a woman who has changed a 
fair number of diapers in her time and in no time I was cleaned, 
powdered and taped in a fresh diaper. Jimmy�s mom whispered to me, 
�Good thing we diapered you for bed eh?� I nodded. She gave me a kiss 
on the forehead and said, �Go back to sleep and I�ll see you in the 
morning.� She tucked Jimmy back in, turned off the light and left the 

Jimmy and I were woken up the next morning by Jimmy�s mother at the 
door saying breakfast was ready. We were out of bed and on the stairs 
before I realized that I was still wearing a diaper, it took another 
moment for me to figure out that it was still dry and I needed to pee. 
We sat down at the table and began eating the chocolate-chip pancakes 
that Jimmy�s mom made. We were finished breakfast and we went into the 
living room to watch cartoons. After about 20 minutes we were both 
lying on the floor in front of the TV when I felt another urge to pee 
and without thinking I just let go and wet my diaper. Shortly after 
that Jimmy got up and went to the washroom, while he was gone his mom 
came into the living room and noticed my wet diaper. �Mike, will you 
come with me, please?� Jimmy�s mom said in a tone of voice that made it 
clear that it wasn�t a request. I followed her right into George�s room 
where she picked me up and strapping me down on the changing table. �So 
you think that since you wet your diaper while you were sleeping that 
it�s ok to deliberately wet your diaper while you�re awake? I saw your 
diaper when you came down for breakfast and it was dry and is it dry 
now?� she asked, staring down at me.

�No.� I replied meekly.

�Right. So you deliberately wet yourself while watching cartoons. I 
guess that means that you should be wearing diapers during the day 
too.� She stated as she began changing my diaper, �If you weren�t 
wearing a diaper you would�ve wet your pants and if you go around 
wetting your pants that means that you should be wearing diapers. So 
until it�s time for you to go home you�re going to be wearing diapers.� 
She wiped me up and slid a fresh diaper underneath me before powdering 
me and taping it snuggly on me. Then she took me to Jimmy�s room where 
she put my shirt and socks and shoes on but kept my pants saying, �You 
don�t need to wear pants. Babies don�t need anything over their 
diapers, besides this way I�ll be able to tell when you need to have 
your diaper changed.�

She sent me back down to the living room. When I walked in I saw that 
Jimmy was already dressed, he turned and saw that I was wearing my day 
clothes aside from my pants and my quite obvious diaper. Jimmy�s mom 
came walking in behind me and announced, �Well Jimmy, it looks like 
your friend Mike is a baby, while the two of you were watching cartoons 
instead of getting up and going to the toilet like an 8-year-old boy, 
Mike just lay there and peed in the diaper he was wearing. So if he�s 
going to go around wetting himself like a little baby he�s going to be 
wearing diapers like one. Actually, Mike come into the kitchen with me 
while Jimmy watches cartoons.�

I knew I was in for it now but I followed Jimmy�s mom into the kitchen 
where she lifted me into George�s highchair, strapped me securely into 
it and then locked the tray into place. She went over to the fridge and 
returned with a baby bottle of juice. She held the bottle up and 
brought the teat to my mouth. �C�mon baby, drink the baba like a good 
baby.� I hesitated for several seconds then she added, �If you don�t 
drink the baba I�m going to turn you over my knee and spank you till 
you�re black and blue.� That was all the encouragement I needed, I took 
the nipple in my mouth and started sucking. Jimmy�s mom had to give me 
a lesson on how to nurse from a bottle but after a little bit I got the 
hang of it and soon had it drained. She went to the fridge and 
retrieved another one and forced me to drink it down too. Once I had 
finished both bottles she stuck a pacifier in my mouth and told me I�d 
be spanked severely if I spit it out, then she released me from the 
highchair and carried me into the living room where she set me in 
George�s playpen. Then she went and found her camera while she waited 
for the 2 bottles of prune juice I drank to do their work.

After about 20 minutes I felt my bowels churning and felt a steadily 
increasing pressure in my bladder. I tried shifting positions to make 
myself more comfortable to no avail. I felt my bowels churn again and 
realized that I was going to have to poop very soon. I went to remove 
the pacifier from my mouth only to discover that she had tied it in 
place. I knew she wasn�t about to let me leave the playpen to use the 
washroom. Another churn of my bowels and the pressure became intense I 
got up on my hands and knees and spread my legs as wide as they would 
go as another wave of pressure took control of my anal sphincter away 
from me and I began shitting my pants, or more accurately, started 
filling the seat of my diaper. Actually I didn�t find it that 
unpleasant, no I was enjoying it. I felt my ass cheeks part as the firm 
mass started sliding out of my hole. It wasn�t long before it 
encountered the padding of my diaper and began to push against it. I 
felt the seat of my diaper bulge outward until it could stretch no more 
and having nowhere else to go the poop started to slide downwards 
between my cheeks and past my scrotum. Another wave of cramps pushed 
more poop deep into my diaper followed by a flashflood of pee as I 
emptied my bladder. I didn�t realize it but I was madly sucking on my 
pacifier the entire time I was filling my diaper and as the last chunk 
of poop and trickle of pee entered my diaper I collapsed on my ass 
against the wall of the play pen squishing the mess in the seat of my 
diaper everywhere it could go and grinning like the Cheshire cat. 
Suddenly I was brought back to reality by a bright flash of light 
followed by another as Jimmy�s mom took Polaroid�s of me sitting in a 
play pen in my wet and messy diaper. Jimmy�s mother came over to the 
side of the play pen and looked at me for a second, �You enjoyed that 
didn�t you?� Not waiting for a reply she added, �You did. You enjoyed 
messing and wetting your diaper like a little baby.�

She lifted me out of the play pen and said, �Now crawl on your hands 
and knees like a little baby and follow me.� She led me upstairs to 
George�s room and put me on the changing table. �So you like wearing 
diapers like a baby, do you?� I nodded �Well, I have some news for you 
then.� She said as I saw another figure appear holding a package of 
Pampers that was a larger size than the ones Jimmy�s mom had been using 
on me.

Then I saw that the person with the package of Pampers was my mother 
who said, �You�re going to be wearing diapers 24/7 for a long, long, 
time. Mom took over my diaper change and cleaned me up slid a fresh 
diaper under me, gave me a coating of diaper rash ointment, powdered me 
and taped my next diaper snuggly in place. This diaper fit me way 
better than George�s diapers had, and I noticed that the padding was 
twice as thick and it forced my legs further apart giving me a 
noticeable waddle. �While you were over here I went shopping and re-
designed your room. I threw out all your underwear, replaced your 
dresser with a changing table and replaced your bed with a crib. I 
bought a highchair for you to eat in, a play pen for you to watch TV 
in, diapers for you to wear at home, diapers for you to wear at school, 
diapers to wear at your friend�s houses and diapers for you to go out 
in public in. From now on you will not use the toilet at all. If you 
need to pee or poop you�ll use your diapers. Now c�mon out to the car 
we�re going home.�

(to be continued)

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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