Title: Mike 117-The True Story
Name: Mikey
Email: BabyMikey117@hotmail.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 15
Whom Story is About: Myself
Posting Date: 01/17/10
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- White diapers*2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered)8- Regression 
  9- Baby paraphernalia
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: My name is Mike, 117. my friends all call me that due too my love of halo. My real friends, the ones who know about the "real" me, call me Mikey. This is my recalling of my life that involved diapers, and being a TB. Please enjoy!                
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 7 (35%)
Mike 117-The True Story

"Lucas, move to A.J's location and provide cover fire near the rockets, 
Resto, you�re with me controlling center. Mark, watch the enemies as we 
lure them in and take them out with your sniper, understood?"

"I got'cha, partner!"

"All right Mike, you�re the boss! Boom head-shot!"

"okay 117, understood. Were gonna win here again, eh Resto?"

"Oh hell, yeah."

Hello. I'm Mike, and this is my squad, PHK. I am part of an elite 
online gaming team hell-bent on winning all that we can in EVERY SINGLE 
game we play. Now, interestingly enough, the Mike giving orders is me, 
a frail little kid with a LOT of issues, and a big temper. Online you 
can meet many, many people, and some of the people you meet online can 
be really good friends. A.J, Lucas, and Mark know about me and I know 
about them. We all met over time and really connected, but that's 
probably because me, Mark, and Lucas are Tb's. A.J knows, and is 
accepting, while Resto is just clueless!!! Now, before I get into that, 
let me take you back to when I was 6, in the year 2001.

I have two younger brothers, named Joe (Joey) and little Wayne (no 
relation to the music artist). when I was 7 (just out of training 
pants, and yes, I was hard to potty train!), Joey was 3, and Wayne was 
1. One day in November, (I remember because it was just before 
thanksgiving) for no reason at all I decided to take one of my brothers 
(Joey's) and put it on to use it. There was no real reason behind it, 
and I think I was more curious than anything. I walked into his room 
while he was with my mom eating a snack, and I took one of his diapers. 
I walked into the bathroom just across the hall and locked the door 
behind me. I didn't know how in the world to put the damn thing on, so 
I just opened it up, held it to my body, and sat down on the floor. As 
I did so, I simply let my pee flow out of my body and into the diaper. 
I took the now wet diaper and put it in the bathroom garbage, pulled up 
my pants, and walked out like nothing happened.

Lets jump ahead 3 years later, just months after my 9th birthday, in 
the year 2004.(my gotten birthday is in February) My mom had recently 
gotten in contact with her best friend from high school, Jenn. 
Surprisingly enough, Jenn had married my step-dad's best friend from 
all of his school years, Dave. Dave and Jenn had two kids. Kimberly, 
(age 5 at the time) and baby David, only a few months old at the time. 
On our first visit to they're house, all went fine. Eventually by 
October of that year, we went over they're house every-other day, and 
vice versa. by the time it was October, David was getting big. Jenn and 
Dave had gotten an indoor hot tub, and had bought swim diapers (little 
swimmers) for baby David. One day, we all decided to go for a swim, and 
we all got changed. I saw David in his swim diapers, and wanted to wear 
them so badly. While all the adults were concentrated on the little 
ones and in the hot tub room, I got the brilliant idea to go and steal 
a swim diaper, put it on, and come right back. I hoped out of the hot 
tub and said I needed to use the bathroom. Jenn was playing with David 
in the hot tub, so I made my trip fast. I went into his room and 
grabbed one of his swim diapers. As I put it on, I felt safe, secure, 
and comfy!

I went into the bathroom (just in case someone came looking for me) and 
waited 5 minutes. I came out, and hopped into the hot tub again. We 
were all about to get out, and I realized that I had to both poop, and 
pee. I went underwater and held my breath, and then messed and wet the 
diaper. I came back up and told my brother "you can never hold your 
breath as long as that!" in an attempt to make it seem like I was just 
being an older brother. He took my challenge, lost, and then we hoped 
out. I went into the bathroom to change first. I removed my wet and 
messy swim diaper, and put it at the bottom of the bathroom trash can, 
to make sure no one would notice. I did this many times over the next 
two years, but I will get to that later.

Lets now go to a cold, rainy day in ,March, with me now 10 years old, 
in the year 2005. I was home alone one day, a new privilege for me, and 
I was in the middle of looking up Pokemon pictures (I LOOOOOOOVE 
POKEMON!!!!!). on one of my Google searches, I found a picture of 
Pokemon and Digimon in diapers. I wondered if this was real, and if I 
was dreaming, but behold, there was an ENTIRE WEBSITE for Pokemon and 
Digimon in diapers with pics, links, stories, and information about the 
creator of the site. I followed the links section to Deeker.com and saw 
that there were other boys like me who loved diapers!!!! I was amazed, 
and overjoyed. I visited this site all most every week for an entire 

Now, it was 2006 at age 11 I had really found myself. I knew I was a 
Tb, and a Dl. I was learning about boys and girls (birds and the bees) 
in school, and I was wearing home-made "towel diapers" in my room at 
night so my parents wouldn't find out. now, during the November of that 
year, my father (who had divorced my mother when I was 3) had decided 
to get married to some chick named Bonnie. She was an underground 
alchoholic. She freaked out one day and got drunk right in front of me 
and my brother Joey. (Wayne is our half brother by our step-dad, and 
Joe is my full brother) My dad got us out of there, and dropped us off 
at my mom's house. I never saw him again. That same school year (06-07) 
my grades began to slip,(due to stress I think) and I started getting 
bullied worse. I was all ways picked on, but this was worse. Every 
single week I was coming home with a bloody nose, and a really sad 
story. I did stand up for myself once, but in middle school if you kick 
one kids ass, the bigger kids will come to try and take you on. In 
order to release my stress, I started doing more babyish things. 
(sucking my thumb, making a onesie, etc) this went on until one day 
that December (2006) I decided to tell my mom I was a Tb, and TRY to 
get her to buy me diapers, and maybe get me some baby stuff. It didn't 
go like I wanted it too. She didn't understand it, and flipped out like 
a normal mom would..... or maybe not normal, I don�t know, everyone's 
mom is different I suppose! Well, after MONTHS of arguing, a little bit 
after my birthday (we are now in 2007 February, and I am 12) she got me 
a package of Depend adult diapers. We made an agreement. She would buy 
them for me so long as I didn't use them for they're "intended 
purposes". I agreed to these terms, and broke them that night. that 
morning my mom found out and got really mad about it! she took away the 
package of diapers, and left me in my room to cry the rest of the day.

Now, that 2007 I had gotten my Xbox-360 and Halo 3, and was getting 
very good at it! I didn't have online yet, (Xbox-live) but I was able 
to breeze through the campaign (story mode) on legendary (Highest 
difficulty). After my mom had put the whole diaper thing behind her and 
got me Xbox live that month. Now, let�s skip ahead to 2008, my best 
year in gaming. My skill by my next birthday (me now 13) was unmatched 
by anyone. until one day, in a random game, I met A.J. He was a nice 
enough guy, and we played a few custom games after we tied, each having 
22 kills and very few deaths in that random online game of matchmaking. 
A.J invited me into his "Clan" (a clan in halo is a group of people who 
play and have common interests but are a larger group than 5 people) 
P.H.K. I accepted his offer, and that same day met Resto, and Lucas.

Lucas and I instantly connected ], and then next day we played a lot of 
Team Doubles (2v2 playlist on halo 3 matchmaking) and we became known 
as "Tag Team Echo" by our friends. now, at that point they were calling 
me by my Gamer-Tag (username on Xbox Live) while they were all calling 
each-other by name. they all asked me my name, and I told them Mike. 
now, it was A.J who gave me the nickname 117, and that was due to my 
playing style. (run in, kill, get out, and repeat with style and power) 
now, that august I was leaving to go and move to Arizona, and in case 
anything happened, I wanted to tell Lucas and A.J I was a Tb. I did it 
to let them know that in case anything happened to me, they should know 
the "Real Me". A.J said it makes no difference to him, and it was cool 
with him. Lucas turned out to be a Tb too, but only slightly.

Now, after my move in the summer of 2008, and then my move back to NY 
in the end of fall of 2008, I had come back to my home town and moved 
into the apartment above my grandmother's (they are together) and I was 
enrolled in a different school then I was all ready enrolled in so I 
might not be bullied at all. On my first day, I met Mark. Mark was a 
bit of an asshole, but after a few months, we somehow became friends! 
He had Xbox live and we played together a lot.

Now let us skip too 2009, just last year. I was 14 at the time and I 
was home watching my younger brother Joey while he had his friend lee 
over. (lil' Wayne was at the doctors with my parents I think) There was 
a knock at the door and I answered it. it was a delivery man and he had 
3 cases of XL First Quality adult diapers for my grandmother. I signed 
the package and brought them downstairs to my grandmother's house. she 
turned out to be asleep, and I had NO IDEA before that she wore 
diapers! (she is in a wheelchair due to her leg amputation {diabetes} 
and is VERY over weight) I made my move. since no one else was home and 
she was sound asleep in the kitchen, I looked around for any diapers 
lying around. I found an open package in her room and stole 3. (put 
them in my pants and just walked out!!!!) I went into my room and told 
my brother not to bother me for a while because I was gonna take a nap 
(I often do) and he said okay. I hid 2 in a box under my bed and I put 
one on. I opened it, and heard the loud crinkle. it was like music to 
my ears. I pulled it over my crotch and slid it under my but, and 
strapped it up nice and tight. (I had my door locked this whole time) I 
put on my home made onesie and passed out on my bed. I woke up an hour 
later to a wet diaper. I want to make this clear, I AM NOT A BED 
WETTER! (all though I would like to be) This was an odd experience, but 
a pleasant one. I often steal diapers from her now and I sneak them out 
to the garbage like a true "Teen Baby Ninja"!!!!!

Now it is Friday, January 15'th, 2010. I still steal diapers from 
downstairs, and I even found a way to buy and a pacifier! (lol, Tb 
ninja!) I still use my onesie as often as I can, and I still fight with 
my mom about me being a tb. that's just life I guess. oh well! life 
goes on, and I am writing to you all now. If ANYONE wants to chat with 
me, or play with me on Xbox, My email is BabyMikey117@hotmail.com / and 
my Gamer-Tag is DarkDigitalPHK.

My true story, written by Baby Mikey, 117

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)

<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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