Name: Mike (on behalf of sons)
Ages: 5, 6
Current Age: 24
I am a single father and I have 2 kids. I have a 2 year old named 
Jordan and a 4 year old named Joshua. Me and my two sons were at the 
grocery store one day and I was getting diapers for Jordan because he 
is not potty trained yet and next thing I hear is Joshua crying, he 
well potty trained and hasn't had an accident for a year and I asked 
him, “why are you crying?” and he told me he wet his pants and he has 
never done that and so I tell him its okay. He is small for his age; he 
only weighs 40 lbs. I take him to the bathroom and get him cleaned up 
but I don't have any extra clothes or underwear so I grab another bag 
of diapers size 6, fits him well. And he asks who’s the bag of diapers 
for and I say they are for him so he starts crying and I tell him, “I 
am sorry, but we don't have any extra clothes or underwear.” He just 
starts throwing a fit and I grab my other son’s pacifier and put it in 
his mouth. He spits it out and I tie the pacifier on his shirt; that 
way he can't spit it out.

I take the cart back over to the baby aisle and grab baby wipes and 
some pacifiers and a baby bottle. We pay for them and take them out to 
the car. I smelled Jordan and he was poopy and wet so I take him in the 
front seat and change him; then I put him in his car seat. Then I take 
Joshua up to the front seat and take off his shoes and his shorts and 
his underwear. I open the bag of diapers and take one out then I go up 
to the front seat and thrust my son’s feet in the air and put the 
diaper under his butt and raise his feet back down and tape up the 
diaper. I pick up my son and put him in his car seat.

I drive to Target and my son Joshua was wondering what we are doing 
here and I tell him we have to get a few baby items for him and he 
starts crying. I put his pacifier back in his mouth and then I get the 
stroller out and put Jordan in there and Joshua and take them in. I go 
to the baby department and grab some onsies and a couple of footed 
sleepers and grab a crib and my son asked who is the crib for and I 
said for him. “I am going to have to treat you like a baby again, 
seeing is how you want to have accidents.” And then my son says, 
“Daddy, I am poopy and wet,” so I take both of them into the men’s 
bathroom and take my son Jordan out to see if he is wet and he is dry I 
pick up Joshua and put him on the changing table and untape the diaper 
and grab some baby wipes and clean him up and I throw the diaper away. 
Then I grab a diaper and put it under his bottom and tape it up. I pick 
him up and put him back in the stroller. I go back to finishing up and 
we head home.

My son Jordan was wet when we got home and I changed him. Then tell 
Jordan and Joshua to go play while I set up Joshua's crib. I finish it 
and make dinner and I tell them it’s time for their dinner. Then I put 
Jordan in a high chair and Joshua in his booster seat for tonight and 
feed them dinner. Then I tell them it’s time for their bath and I take 
them upstairs and give them their bath and put their pajamas and 
diapers on.

Then I get a phone call and it’s my friend Paul, who asks if I can 
watch his two sons, who ages are 2 and 4, the same age as my son's, 
although he is having the same problem with his 4-year-old also and I 
asked when he needed me to watch them and he says this Friday, Saturday 
and Sunday because he has to go on a business trip and he has no one to 
watch them. I tell him that is 2 days from now and he starts begging me 
and I agree to it. So after I hang up the phone I tell Joshua then 
Johnny is coming to our house this weekend to play with him while his 
dad is going out of town. He got so excited and jumping up and down. I 
tell him it’s time for bed and he asks, “Daddy, can we watch a movie?” 
and I said, “No, it’s time for bed.” He says, “Please?” and I said, “No 
and that is final.” I put my son Jordan in his crib and I take Joshua 
to his new room and put him in his crib and gave him his pacifier. He 
falls asleep.

I go downstairs and relax and watch a movie and then I hear glass 
breaking! I see someone trying to get into the rooms to where my sons 
are and I go upstairs and grab my gun. I am a police officer and I am 
very protective of my sons and go upstairs and they are already in my 
son Jordan’s room. I open the door and say “Freeze! What in the hell 
are you doing?!” They immediately tried to escape and I grabbed one of 
them and grab my extra set of handcuffs and cuff him. Then I try to 
find my radio and see it on top of changing table and grab it and radio 
up for backup and give a description of the second suspect. Then 3 cop 
cars show and grab the suspect and the guy they already grabbed and I 
go downstairs and write the report. Then the cops leave and found out 
that they guys were felons and we have been looking for them for almost 
3 months and I finally go to sleep.

To be continued.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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