Name: MattEmail:
Ages: 6, 12, 15 Age 6: My first diaper experience had to be when I was around 6 or so and my youngest brother was still in diapers. My mom and brother were outside and I was bored so I began to rummage around my brother's room. I spotted his diapers (Pampers, this was around the early 80s). I picked one up and studied it. Something must have clicked in my mind because I got the feeling that I must try it on, and so I did. I stripped down to nothing and laid out the diaper on the floor. I lay myself down on it and taped up on side but I couldn't get the other side to meet. So I stood up holding the one side together and walked to my parents' room where there is a large mirror and looked at myself all over. There, looking back at me was a 6 year old in Pampers. I wished so hard they would fit or I could get back into them but I still couldn't get the one side done up. Then I heard my mom come inside. I quickly undid the diaper, refolded it the best I could, stashed it back into the diaper pack. grabbed my clothes and bolted for the bathroom. She never did find out what I was doing. Age 12: For a long time off and on I used to have sleepovers at my grandparents' which I really enjoyed. One day my grandmother asked me to get something from the closet in the hallway. When getting to the closet and opening it I noticed off to the side was a disposable diaper. I looked at it closely and poked it to hear it crinkle. I grabbed what my grandmother wanted and returned to her. I asked her who the diaper was for. She said it was in case one of my younger cousins visited who was still in diapers. That night when she tucked me in for some reason I blurted out that I wanted to try that diaper on and sleep in it. She seemed kind of hesitant but she left and came back with the diaper. She slipped it under me and tried to tape it up. It was too small to fully tape it. So she just slid my PJs on so it would stay on me for the night. The next morning she took it off me and put it back in the closet. I never really sure if she ever told me mom about it but sometimes I wonder. Age 15: There was a grocery store near my school and I walked past every day. I'd always look at the diaper area in the store on the way by. One day on the way home I got the nerve and walked into the store to the diaper section. I was really nervous hoping no one I knew would see me. I looked over the many selections of diapers, picking up the bags, looking at sizes. I noticed there were sample packs for sale so I bought a sample of Pampers size 6. I got some weird looks checking out but I did it. I bought them and hid them in my school bag and made it home. No one was home and there was a note saying they wouldn't be home for at least another two hours so this was my chance. I ran upstairs to my room and quickly undressed. I took a diaper out, laid it down, sprinkled some powder on it and me. I then lay myself on it and tried to tape it on. Once again it was just a bit too small so the tapes didn't reach. I grabbed a nearby roll of wide, clear tape and used that to hold the diaper in place. It worked wonderfully. I stood up and looked at myself. I was in heaven and made my way to my parents' room where the mirror still was. I looked myself over, feeling the diaper, bending over and looking at my butt. Then the feeling came. I needed to pee. To be safe I stood in the bathtub and let it loose. I filled that diaper right up but it didn't leak, I was impressed. I did this every day until the diapers were gone. I stopped doing at one point for some reason. not sure exactly what, might have been because I really didn't get a lot of alone time. Age 23: Fast forward a few years. I finally moved out and way from my parents' and everyone I knew to a new town to live with a friend. I had all but forgotten my love for diapers until one day surfing around the net I found a diaper site. Something in me woke up and told me to get back into diapers. I drove to a drugstore on the other side of town and shopped around in the adult diaper section. I picked up a bag of large attends with the three tapes and waistband. I nervously again bought them and headed home, hoping my roomie was still gone. When getting home I still had the place to myself so I packed all the diapers in my one dresser drawer, but left one out for me. I quickly undressed and laid it out. I lay down on the diaper and taped it up. finally! one that fit. I was so happy. Now the real test: would it fit under my jeans? Believe it or not it did with no problem at all. You couldn't see it unless I bent over and the top of it popped out a bit. I wore it all day wetting myself a few times. I loved it. Over the few next months I found other people who loved diapers and wore them a lot. We hung out together to watch movies, etc. in just our diapers and really enjoyed it. I now get a case of Attends every month to wear. Certain friends know about my diapers and they are cool with them but it's not their thing to do, and so that's my story as I sit here in a very wet diaper. I need a change.