Name: Marshall
Ages: 6, 7, 8, 9
Current Age: 9
It all started when I was six. I was in the living room watching TV. I 
wasn’t doing anything at all. Then my cousin came over (she was staying 
with us for a while) and so we watched TV tougher. She is a bit of a 
trouble maker. We were watching TV/movies and my mom left for work so 
my babysitter was there and my cousin started to cry. I asked what was 
wrong and she screamed out loud and the babysitter (Amy) came in and 
ask what was wrong she told Amy that I hit here in the head and was 
making fun of her. Then I said, “I was not, you’re a liar!” Of course 
no one beleived me and she gave me a spanking and made me go to my 
room, so I was there most of the day until mom came home. Amy told my 
mom what happened that day. My mom was mad, I mean MAD! She said, 
“Okay, I will deal with it.” Amy left, mom fixed dinner and my cousin 
helped. Then she came in and told me to sit on the bed. She then pulled 
my pants down and gave me the spanking of my life, and then she said if 
I keep this up I will have the worst punishment ever. I tried to tell 
her my half of the story. I went to eat. I said I was sorry for 
nothing. My mom looked at me and said, “keep it up and it will happen!” 
(I had no clue what she was talking about) but I finish saying I was 
sorry and ate then went to bed. The next day my cousin did the same 
thing, to my surprise, and I got another spanking and then went to my 
room. Mom came home and got wind of what DIDENT HAPPEN and came in and 
FREAKED and said, “What did I say? Now you will get it!” She took all 
my clothes and took the clothes that I had on then she left.

2 hours later...

I am still in my bedroom nude and don’t know what is going to happen 
and I really had to pee and poo. My stomach was hurting really bad then 
I heard footsteps and my mom and older sister came in (sister is 24 
now) My mom and sister both had a bag with them. My sister said, “here 
baby, here are your new clothes for three months.” They were all baby 
clothes! She said she has something else, also. She brought in a big 
box and opened it. It was a big crib (now I am really confused and 
don’t know what is going on) and my mom still hasn’t shown me what she 
has but they set up the crib and put my new clothes away.

5 minutes later...

Now my mom said, “Here is the best part. Your sister and I have decided 
for a punishment you are going to be a baby.” She open her bag and had 
a bunch of DIAPERS. She said, “your sister is going to be staying with 
us and helping me to deal with you when I am at work, so now you will 
become a baby for three months.”

I said “No!” She got mad and spanked me. I cried a lot. Of course it 
really hurt. Now she said, “lie on your bed, you’re going to be 
diapered,” so I did. She slid the diapers under me, powdered me and 
taped the diaper on me. Then she put me in a t-shirt and socks (well, 
at least I am not naked and cold.) She said the bathroom was off limits 
from now on and I must use my diapers. I said, “No!” She said, “Well, 
you will have to.” Later that day my mom left so it was me and my 
sister. She said, “Got to go to the bathroom yet?” I said no. She said, 
“you will.” I asked if I could eat something. She said “sure”, so I 
made a pizza and she said, “no, baby can’t eat that.” She took it away, 
put me in a high chair and I said, “I’m hungry.” She opened the fridge 
and there was baby food. She said, “Baby food is what you will eat,” so 
I was forced to eat baby food. Now I have really bad cramps in both my 
pee and poo. My sister was in the living room. so I snuck in to the 
bathroom. It wasn’t locked. I thought, “YES!” but as soon as I untaped 
the diaper who else walked in but my mom and my sister. They said, 
“little baby can’t use the toilet; they use diapers!” and pulled me 
away and locked the door and put me in the living room. They said, “you 
will have to go sometime.” I couldn’t hold it any more. I had to go. I 
started to cry and leaned over and farted and it all came out. I pooped 
and peed in the diaper. They said, “there, the baby knows hoe to go 
now.” They said because I tried to use the bathroom I had to sit in my 
poop and pee for awhile. I said, “no, please, I will be good from now 
on! let me change! PLEASE!” They said, “no, this is how it is.” Then my 
sister made me sit in my poop. It squished all over my bum. It was 
nasty but warm. Then after an hour of sitting they changed me.

2 weeks later...

I am still in diapers and now I am used to it. I suck on a binkey now. 
Now when I go to the bathroom (in my diapers) I don’t even know I did 
go. I can’t feel it anymore. It just happens that how I spent three 
month in a diaper, but I must say the cold winter night gets warm as 
soon as you go pee and poop.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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